June 12, 2013
Revised June 19, 2013
OMB approval requested by June 21, 2013
As described in the currently-approved Information Collection Request (0920-0923), this data collection will be launched after the conclusion of the Phase 2 campaign, which is currently on air nationwide. CDC plans to launch the follow-up survey on or around June 21, 2013 following the conclusion of the campaign. CDC requests OMB approval for revisions and enhancements to our survey instruments that reflect more recent information about the Phase 2 campaign implementation. These revisions will enhance our ability to analyze the impact of the Phase 2 campaign on smokers’ quit attempts and other key outcomes. The nature of our proposed revisions can be summarized as follows:
Revised item wording to reflect the finalized Phase 2 campaign launch and subsequent timeline. Several previously-approved items have been updated to reference the specific March 4, 2013 launch date of the campaign.
Removal of previously approved items that are no longer relevant to the finalized Phase 2 campaign.
Refined survey screener that includes information on household smoking behavior.
Removal of previously approved items that were shown in past data collection to have high ceilings in their response data and limited utility in analysis.
Enhancements to items about the Phase 2 campaign, to include more accurate details about the campaign that have been learned since the original ICR was approved. This includes information on a health care provider component of the Phase 2 campaign as well as assessment of awareness of a new campaign-specific Website that the Phase 2 advertisements are now promoting.
Improved items to better measure methods and motivations that smokers used to quit smoking (among those who indicated having made a quit attempt). These measures will help us better understand the Phase 2 campaign’s impact on smokers’ methods and reasons for attempting to quit.
Refined items to better measure nonsmokers’ recent cessation behavior, if any. Given our lack of a pre-Phase 2 survey, these enhancements enable us to calculate recent quit attempts that may have been made by nonsmokers.
Minor revisions and updates to previously-approved demographic questions. These revisions are aimed at making our demographic measures more comparable to U.S. Census as well as existing KnowledgePanel profile variables.
The specific instrument revisions are outlined in Tables 1, 2, and 3 below and include details on currently-approved wording, revised item wording, and justification for each specific change. In order to launch our survey in a timely fashion, CDC respectfully requests approval of these revisions by June 21, 2013. To contain program costs, CDC plans to submit screenshots of the modified instruments upon receipt of OMB approval for changes in content.
Justification for Change
Since the approval of this information collection, CDC and its media partners have finalized the strategy for the Phase 2 campaign, including the development of a new campaign-specific website, new advertisements targeted toward health care providers and patients who they see, and other elements of advertising via mobile technologies (e.g., smartphones). In addition, the timeframe of the overall campaign has been lengthened to 16 weeks, requiring that some questionnaire items include updated references to the campaign timeframe. Hence, many of the survey revisions noted in Tables 1, 2, and 3 below involve necessary enhancements or revisions to more accurately reflect the Phase 2 campaign’s implementation.
In addition to revisions based on more recent information about the Phase 2 campaign implementation, we have also improved the questionnaires to more accurately measure emerging behavioral trends among smokers and nonsmokers. This includes information on uses of electronic cigarettes, use of cigars, and methods that smokers may have used to quit smoking. These items will provide a more accurate context (and potentially important control variables) in analysis of the Phase 2 campaign’s impact on quit attempts and other key outcomes.
The proposed changes to the approved questionnaires do not alter the original purposes and functions of the surveys. Our changes are intended to enhance the accuracy of the surveys by more closely reflecting the recently-finalized advertising plans of the campaign and improving the analytic value of variables that will be used in our analysis of the effects of the Phase 2 campaign on key outcomes of interest.
Effect of Proposed Change on Burden Estimate
None. The proposed changes result in a net increase of 8 items to the study screener, a decrease of 12 items in the smoker survey and a net decrease of 13 items in the nonsmoker survey. Given these minor changes to survey length, we believe there will be no measurable impact on the current burden estimate.
Effect of Proposed Changes on Currently Approved Instruments and Attachments
The following files will be replaced as described below:
Replace “Att E-1. Screener Screenshots Rev Dec28 v2.pdf” with “Att E-1. Revised Screener 6-11-13.docx”
Replace “Att C-2a. Smoker wave 3 survey 1 8 13.docx” with “Att C-2a. Revised Smoker wave 3 survey 6-11-13.docx”
Replace “Att D-2a. Nonsmoker Follow-up Survey_1 9-13.docx” with “Att D-2a. Revised Nonsmoker Follow-up Survey_6-11-13.docx”
Table 1. Changes to Screening and Consent Process (Phase 2Survey)
Item |
Currently Approved |
Change Type |
Revised |
Justification |
S1a |
N/A |
Addition |
S1. Welcome to the CDC Health Survey! Your opinion counts! Please try to answer all questions to the best of your ability. Your answers will be kept private. We have a few qualifying questions about you and other members of your household. If you or another member of your household is selected and does our one-time 25-minute interview, the respondent will be sent [$ AMOUNT] as our way of saying “thank you.”
First, are you 18 years old or older?
Provides information on household smoking, for purposes of accurate sample weighting. |
G12 |
N/A |
Addition |
G12. In what state do you live? |
Provides geographic information on non-responding households. This information will be used for purposes of survey weighting |
G13 |
N/A |
Addition |
G13. What county do you live in? |
Provides geographic information on non-responding households. This information will be used for purposes of survey weighting |
G14 |
N/A |
Addition |
G14. What is the zip code where you live
You told us you live in zip code [FILL ZIP]. Is this correct? |
Provides geographic information on non-responding households. This information will be used for purposes of survey weighting |
S1 |
N/A |
Addition |
S1. Including yourself, how many adults 18 or older are currently living in your household?
Provides information on household smoking, for purposes of accurate sample weighting. |
A1 |
A1. What is your age? |
Revision |
A1. How old are you (in years)? |
Updated wording to reflect current KP panel profile variable. |
S2_2 |
N/A |
Addition |
S2_2. Are you….?
Previously approved gender question has been moved to screener to provide gender information on survey nonresponders |
S2 |
N/A |
Addition |
S2. Next, we’d like some brief information about [ADULT] in household. What is the age and gender of the adult and has the adult smoked at least 100 cigarettes in his or her entire lifetime?
Provides information on household smoking, for purposes of accurate sample weighting. |
S3 |
N/A |
Addition |
S3. For each person who smoked 100 or more cigarettes in his/her lifetime, does [he/she] smoke every day, some days, or not at all?
[DISPLAY IF NOT SELECTED]: Thank you for your participation today. Your answers to this short survey were very valuable to us. As of this time, all the longer surveys you could participate in have been completed for us so you and your household have not been selected for our study. Thanks again for your contribution this important research. |
Provides information on household smoking, for purposes of accurate sample weighting. |
S6 |
N/A |
Addition |
S6. Good news! The [AGE] year old [man/woman] in your household has been selected for our study, which takes about 25 minutes to complete for a [$ AMOUNT] reward. Are you that person?
Provides information on household smoking, for purposes of sample weighting. |
S6b |
N/A |
Addition |
S6b. Welcome to the CDC Health Survey! Thank you for making sure your opinion counts! Please try to answer all questions to the best of your ability. Your answers will be kept private. Based on some information provided earlier about your household, the [AGE] year old [man/woman] in your household has been selected for our study. Are you that person?
Great! Please note that the survey takes about 25 minutes to complete and you will be sent [$ AMOUNT] once the survey is completed as our way of saying “thank you.” |
Provides information on household smoking, for purposes of accurate sample weighting. |
A4 |
A4. Have you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?
Deletion |
N/A |
No longer needed for screening process |
A5 |
A5. During the past 30 days, that is, since January 15, 2012, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
_________ # Days I did not smoke in the past 30 days |
Deletion |
N/A |
No longer needed for screening process |
Intro & Consent |
Intro & Consent. According to previous responses, you qualify to participate in a survey that will take about 25 minutes to complete. You will be asked various questions about yoru experiences with tobacco and television ads about smoking as well as a few questions about your background. The goal of this survey, which will include approximately 5,000 individuals nationwide, is to provide more in-depth analysis of mass media efforts and smoker’s reactions to television ads.
Your responses will be maintained in a secure manner and no personal identification information will be passed on to the sponsors of this study. In addition, your name or other personal information will never be associated with your responses. The data collected for this research study will be combined with that of all participants before it is analyzed.
If you choose to participate in this survey, you will be contacted to participate in a follow-up survey in approximately 3-4 months. The additional survey will take about the same amount of time to complete.
There are no physical risks involved in participating in this study; however, it is possible that you could find some of the questions to be sensitive. If you find a question during the survey to be too personal, you may choose not to answer the question. Your participation is strictly voluntary and you may terminate your participation at any time. The benefit of participating in this study is to assist the sponsor in determining a nationwide estimate of awareness of an important media campaign. You will be awarded 15,000 KN points for completing this study.
This survey is being conducted on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www.cdc.gov) and RTI International (www.rti.org), a non-profit research organization that conducts studies on many types of health and social issues. If you have any questions about this study, you can contact Knowledge Networks Panel Relations at 1-800-782-6899 and you will be directed to the appropriate researchers. If you have any questions about your rights as a study participant, you can contact RTI’s Human Research Protections Office by email at orpe@rti.org, or by phone at 1-866-214-2043 (a toll-free number). Please print or save a copy of this document for your records.
I have read and understand the information provided above and the study purpose and procedures are clear to me.
Revision |
Intro & Consent. According to your previous responses, you qualify to participate in a survey that will take about 25 minutes to complete. You will be asked various questions about your experiences with tobacco and television ads about smoking as well as a few questions about your background. The goal of this survey, which will include approximately 5,000 individuals nationwide, is to provide more in-depth analysis of mass media efforts and smoker’s reactions to television ads.
Your responses will be maintained in a secure manner and no personal identification information will be passed on to the sponsors of this study. In addition, your name or other personal information will never be associated with your responses. The data collected for this research study will be combined with that of all participants before it is analyzed.
There are no physical risks involved in participating in this study; however, it is possible that you could find some of the questions to be sensitive. If you find a question during the survey to be too personal, you may choose not to answer the question. Your participation is strictly voluntary and you may terminate your participation at any time. The benefit of participating in this study is to assist the sponsor in determining a nationwide estimate of awareness of an important media campaign. You will be awarded 15,000 bonus points credited to your KnowledgePanel account for completing this study.
This survey is being conducted on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www.cdc.gov) and RTI International (www.rti.org), a non-profit research organization that conducts studies on many types of health and social issues. If you have any questions about this study, you can contact GfK Panel Relations at 1-800-782-6899 and you will be directed to the appropriate researchers. If you have any questions about your rights as a study participant, you can contact RTI’s Human Research Protections Office by email at orpe@rti.org, or by phone at 1-866-214-2043 (a toll-free number). Please print or save a copy of this document for your records.
I have read and understand the information provided above and the study purpose and procedures are clear to me.
Consent screen has been revised to reflect that this is a one-wave (as opposed to 2-wave) survey. We have also updated the data collection contractor’s name (from Knowledge Networks to GfK) as the previous contractor (KN) has since been acquired by GfK and now operates under the GfK name. |
Table 2. Changes to 2013 Smoker Follow-up Questionnaire (Phase 2)
Item |
Currently Approved |
Change Type |
Revised |
Justification |
A3 |
A3. Do you now smoke every day, some days or not at all?
Deletion |
N/A |
Item is deleted from main survey as it will be reassessed during screening process. |
A5 |
N/A |
Addition |
A5. During the past 30 days, that is, since [DATE FILL], on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
__________ # Days |
Question was previously included in original Wave 1 survey. Included here for comparison purposes. |
C1a |
N/A |
Addition |
C1a. During the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], that is since March 4, 2013, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking cigarettes for good?
This item corresponds to similar items on quit attempts but includes a specific time reference that anchors the respondent’s recall to the exact time period of the Tips campaign. |
C2 |
C2. Since [DATE FILL OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how many times have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking cigarettes for good?
_________# Times |
Revision |
C2. Thinking about your more recent past, during the past 3 months, how many times have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking cigarettes for good?
____________ # Times |
This item has been updated to include the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past” at the beginning of the question. This was necessary to clarify the time reference given the addition of C1a above. The 3-month variable is being kept to enable comparisons to previous survey waves. |
C3 |
N/A |
Addition |
C3. How long has it been since you last smoked a cigarette?
Provides additional information on how long ago smokers may have quit. This enables better analysis of Tips campaign impact on successful and/or sustained quits |
C4a1 |
C4a1. During the past 12 months (365 days), what is the longest period of time you stopped smoking cigarettes because you were trying to quit smoking for good?
______ # Days
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis. |
C4a2 |
C4a2. Since [DATE FILL OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], what is the longest period of time you stopped smoking cigarettes because you were trying to quit smoking for good?
_______ # Days |
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis |
C4a3 |
C4a3. During the past 12 months (365 days), how many days did you NOT smoke (not even a puff)?
______ # Days |
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis. |
C4b |
C4b. Since [DATE FILL OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how many days did you NOT smoke (not even a puff)?
_______ # Days |
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis. |
C4a |
N/A |
Addition |
C4a. When you last tried to quit smoking, did you do any of the following?
This item is included to provide additional context on smokers’ methods of quitting and will give insights on whether the Tips campaign motivated smokers to utilize specific methods over others. |
C4b |
N/A |
Addition |
C4b. When you last tried to quit smoking, did any of the following motivate you to try to quit?
This item provides additional information on smokers’ motivations for attempting to quit. This will enable us to more accurately assess whether the Tips campaign (i.e., TV commercials) were a specific motivation for quitting |
C4c |
N/A |
Addition |
C4c. During the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013] months, that is since March 4, 2013, did any doctor, nurse or health professional ask if you smoke?
CDC has recently added new taglines to the Tips campaign ads. These taglines read “Talk With Your Doctor” and are aimed at encouraging patient-doctor conversations about quitting. New items C6 and C7 are included to evaluate this new campaign component. |
C4c1 |
N/A |
Addition |
C4c1. During the past 6 months, that is since March 4, 2013, have you talked with your doctor or health care professional about quitting smoking?
CDC has recently added new taglines to the Tips campaign ads. These taglines read “Talk With Your Doctor” and are aimed at encouraging patient-doctor conversations about quitting. New items C6 and C7 are included to evaluate this new campaign component. |
C4d |
N/A |
Addition |
C4d. During the [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], that is since March 4, 2013, has a doctor, nurse or other health professional advised you to quit smoking?
CDC has recently added new taglines to the Tips campaign ads. These taglines read “Talk With Your Doctor” and are aimed at encouraging patient-doctor conversations about quitting. New items C6 and C7 are included to evaluate this new campaign component. |
C5 |
C5. Have you stopped smoking for one day or longer since January 1, 2013 because of a New Year’s resolution to stop smoking?
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for anlysis. |
C8 |
C8. Do you have a time frame in mind for quitting?
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis. |
C13 |
C13. How do you think most people who are important to you would feel about you quitting tobacco use during the next 12 months? Would they…
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves indicated a high proportion of respondents answered “Approve or Strongly Approve” to this question. Item is not useful, given high ceilings present in survey responses. |
C16 |
C16. How many of your family members have quit smoking or are currently quitting smoking?
Deletion |
N/A |
Item is no longer useful for analysis |
C17 |
C17. How many of your friends have quit smoking or are currently quitting smoking?
Deletion |
N/A |
Item is no longer useful for analysis |
C19 |
C19. If you decided to quit smoking in the future, would you gather information or support for quitting from….
Deletion |
N/A |
Item is redundant with new question C4 noted above. Hence C19 will be deleted. |
C20a |
C20a. Have you called 1-800-QUIT-NOW or any other telephone quit line in the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], since March 4, 2013?
Addition |
N/A |
This item is included to specifically anchor the respondent’s recall about quitline use to the exact timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
C22 |
C22. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you called 1-800-QUIT-NOW or any other telephone quit line in the past 3 months?
Revision |
C22. Thinking about your more recent past, have you called 1-800-QUIT-NOW or any other telephone quit line in the past 3 months?
This item has been updated to include the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past”. This is necessary to clarify the time reference given the addition of C20a above. |
C23 |
C23. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you talked with your doctor or health care professional about quitting smoking?
N/A |
This item has been replaced by C4c1, noted above, which includes more accurate wording related to the “Talk with your Doctor” component of the Tips campaign. |
E8b |
N/A |
Addition |
E8b. How likely do you think it is that smoking by diabetics will make their medical complications from diabetes such as blindness, renal failure, or amputations from diabetes worse?
Several of the new Phase 2 campaign ads now feature messages that focus on the health effects of smoking on diabetics. This item is intended to capture effects of those ads on these constructs. |
D21_a |
D21_a. Do you believe cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars smoking is:
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is no longer needed for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions. |
D21_b |
D22_a. Do you believe smoking brown cigarettes is:
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is no longer needed for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions. |
D21_c |
D21_c. How likely do you think it is that smoking worsens medical complications of diabetes such as blindness, renal failure, or amputations?
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable has been moved to a later section of the survey (see item E8b) |
D22 |
D22. Thinking about all the health problems in your community, how important is addressing the problem of tobacco use? Would you say it is…
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves indicated high ceilings in responses to this question. This variable is thus less useful in analysis and is being deleted. |
D23 |
D23. In general, how do the adults you spend time with feel about cigarette smoking by adults? Do they feel it is…
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves indicated high ceilings in responses to this question. This variable is thus less useful in analysis and is being deleted. |
D24 |
D24. How do the adults you spend time with feel about someone smoking if children are present? Do they feel it is…
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves indicated high ceilings in responses to this question. This variable is thus less useful in analysis and is being deleted. |
E3. Not counting decks, porches, or garages, during the past 7 days, that is, since last [TODAY’s DAY OF WEEK], on how many days did someone other than you smoke tobacco inside your home while you were at home?
________ # Days |
Deletion |
N/A |
Current Phase 2 campaign messages do not focus on adopting home rules against secondhand smoke. Hence, this variable is not a key outcome and is being dropped. |
E4. |
E4. Not counting decks, porches, or garages, inside your home, is smoking….
Deletion |
N/A |
Current Phase 2 campaign messages do not focus on adopting home rules against secondhand smoke. Hence, this variable is not a key outcome and is being dropped. |
E5 |
E5. Not Counting motorcycles, in the vehicles that you and your family members who live with you own or lease, is smoking…
Deletion |
N/A |
Current Phase 2 campaign messages do not focus on adopting rules against secondhand smoke in vehicles. Hence, this variable is not a key outcome and is being dropped. |
E6_1. |
E6_1. Please tell us if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.
Cigarette smoking has no serious effects on non-smokers |
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals disagreed with E6_1. Given ceiling effects on this item is less useful for analysis and is being deleted. |
E6_2 |
E6_2. Parents who live with their children should not be allowed to smoke in their homes |
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals agreed with E6_2. Given ceiling effects on this item is less useful for analysis and is being deleted. |
E6_3 |
E6_3. Adults should not smoke around other people in their home |
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals agreed with E6_3. Given ceiling effects on this item is less useful for analysis and is being deleted. |
E6_4 |
E6_4. I protect all other household members from any harm related to smoking |
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals agreed with E6_4. Given ceiling effects on this item is less useful for analysis and is being deleted. |
F1 |
N/A |
Addition |
F1. On an average day, how much television do you watch?
This is a previously-approved item that was asked in our original baseline survey. It is being reintroduced in the current survey in order to provide a control variable for media use habits in the current analysis of Phase 2 campaign effects on quit attempts |
F2 |
N/A |
Addition |
F2. On an average day, how many hours do you listen to the radio?
This is a previously-approved item that was asked in our original baseline survey. It is being reintroduced in the current survey in order to provide a control variable for media use habits in the current analysis of Phase 2 campaign effects on quit attempts |
F3 |
N/A |
Addition |
F3. On an average day, how many hours do you use the Internet for personal reasons?
This is a previously-approved item that was asked in our original baseline survey. It is being reintroduced in the current survey in order to provide a control variable for media use habits in the current analysis of Phase 2 campaign effects on quit attempts |
F3a |
F3a. Overall, when you use the Internet, are you mostly using your cell phone or mostly using some other device like a desktop, laptop, tablet or other mobile device?
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer required for analysis. |
F4 |
N/A |
Addition |
F4. What type of Internet connection do you have for your home computer or other primary computer?
This is a previously-approved item that was asked in our original baseline survey. It is being reintroduced in the current survey in order to provide a control variable for media use habits in the current analysis of Phase 2 campaign effects on quit attempts |
F5 |
F5. In the past 3 months, about how often have you seen ads against smoking on television?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
F6 |
F6. In the past 3 months, how often have you heard ads against smoking on the radio?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
F7 |
F7. In the past 3 months, how often have you seen ads against smoking in newspapers or magazines?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
F8 |
F8. In the past 3 months, how often have you seen ads against smoking in videos, or websites online?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
F10 |
N/A |
Addition |
F10. Have you visited any quit smoking websites online in the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], since March 4, 2013?
This item includes a specific reference to the exact timeframe of the Phase 2 campaign to increase accuracy of respondent’s recall. |
F10a |
F10a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you visited any quit smoking websites online?
Revision |
F10a. Thinking about your more recent past, have you visited any quit smoking websites online in the past 3 months?
We have added the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past” to the beginning of this question to clarify the time reference, given addition of F10a above. The 3-month variable is being kept to enable comparisons to previous survey waves. |
F11 |
F11. Have you heard of the Website [insert final url]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Deletion |
N/A |
Tips campaign final website has been determined. This item is being replaced with a new question that refers specifically to the new campaign website (see item F13a) |
F12A |
F12A. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you visited [insert final url]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Deletion |
N/A |
Tips campaign final website has been determined. This item is being replaced with a new question that refers specifically to the new campaign website (see item F13b) |
F13a |
N/A |
Addition |
F13a. Have you heard of the Website www.cdc.gov/Tips?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items F13a-F13c assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
F13b |
N/A |
Addition |
F13b. Have you visited www.cdc.gov/Tips in the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], since March 4, 2013?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items F13a-F13c assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
F13c |
N/A |
Addition |
F13c. Thinking about your more recent past, have you visited www.cdc.gov/Tips in the past 3 months?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items F13a-F13c assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
F13 |
F13. In the past 3 months, have you seen or heard advertisements for products to help people quit smoking, such as nicotine patches or gums?
Deletion |
N/A |
Deleted to accommodate other additions in the survey |
F14 |
F14. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], when you were using the Internet or your smartphone, how many times did you see information about…
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
F14a |
F14a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you ever seen information about any of these topics when using the following platforms?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
F14b |
F14b. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], when you were using the Internet or your smartphone, how many times did you search for information about….?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
F15 |
F15. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you ever searched for information about any of these topics when using the following platforms?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
F16 |
F16. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how many times have you shared information with other people, or posted information on your social network (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, or another social network) about each of the following?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
F16b |
F16b. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you ever shared information about any of these topics when using the following platforms?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
F17 |
F17. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen or heard of any ads on television or radio with the following themes or slogans?
Revision |
F17. In the [FILL MONTHS], that is since March 4, 2013, have you seen or heard of any ads on television or radio with the following themes or slogans?
This item has been updated to reference the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. This revision will increase accuracy of respondents’ recall |
F18a |
F18a. Have you heard of the Website www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips?
Deletion |
N/A |
The Phase 2 campaign now promotes a different website. Questions F18a and F18b are no longer needed. |
F18b |
F18b. Have you visited www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips in the past 3 months?
Deletion |
N/A |
The Phase 2 campaign now promotes a different website. Questions F18a and F18b are no longer needed. |
F24 |
F24. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen this ad on television?
Revision |
F24. Have you seen this ad on television in the past [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
F24A |
F24A. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how frequently have you seen this ad on television?
Revision |
F24A. In the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE March 4, 2013], how frequently have you seen this ad on television?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
F24A1 |
F24A1. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen this ad on the internet?
Revision |
F24b. Have you seen this ad online in the past [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013?
This item is being revised to more accurately measure awareness of TV ads via online video. |
F24B |
F24B. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how frequently have you seen this ad on the internet?
Revision |
F24c. In the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE March 4, 2013], how frequently have you seen this ad online?
This item is being revised to more accurately measure awareness of TV ads via online video. |
F24c |
F24c. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen this ad on a mobile device?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is no longer needed for analysis. |
F24d |
F24d. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how frequently have you seen this ad on a mobile device?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is no longer needed for analysis. |
F28a |
F28a. Do you think these ads would be relevant for people who smoke cigars, cigarillos or very small cigars that look like cigarettes?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is no longer needed for analysis. |
F28b |
F28b. Do you think these ads would be relevant for people who smoke brown cigarettes?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is no longer needed for analysis. |
F28c |
N/A |
Addition |
F28c. In the [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013, have these ads stopped you from having a cigarette when you were about to smoke one? Would you say….
This item has been added to provide more information on the effects of campaign ads, particularly effects on smokers’ choices in forgoing cigarettes as a result of seeing the ads |
F33 |
N/A |
Addition |
F33. As you listened to this ad, how was it in terms of sound quality?
This is a previously approved item that has been added to assess sound quality of radio ads played during the survey. This will enable us to control for the audio quality when analyzing respondents’ awareness of radio ads. |
F35 |
F35. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you heard this ad on the radio?
Revision |
F35. Have you heard this ad on the radio in the past [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
F35A |
F35A. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how frequently have you heard this ad on the radio?
Revision |
F35A. In the [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], how frequently have you heard this ad on the radio?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
F36 |
F36. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen any of these ads in magazines, on Websites, or in public places outside your home?
Revision |
F36. In the [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013, have you seen any of these ads in magazines, on Websites, or in public places outside your home?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
G14 |
G14. In what zip code do you live? |
Deletion |
N/A |
This item has been replaced with a similar item that contains wording that matches the KP panel profile variable. |
G2 |
G2. What is your sex?
Revision |
G2. What is your gender?
This item is updated to match wording of KP panel profile question. |
G3 |
G3. Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or of Spanish origin?
Revision |
G3. This question is about Hispanic ethnicity. Are you of Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino descent?
Updated to include additional Hispanic origin categories for increased accuracy and to match existing KP panel profile categories |
G4 |
G4. What is your race?
Revision |
G4. Please indicate what you consider your racial background to be. We greatly appreciate your effort to describe your background using the standard categories provided. These race categories may not fully describe you, but they do match those used by the Census Bureau. It helps us compare our survey respondents to the U.S. population.
Please check one or more categories below that indicate what race(s) you consider yourself to be.
Updated to match Census Bureau categories and categories utilized in KP panel profile variables. |
G5 |
G5. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
Revision |
G5. What is the highest level of school you have completed?
Updated to simplify the response categories and match KP panel profile variables |
G6 |
G6. Thinking about members of your family living in this household, what is your combined annual income, meaning the total pre-tax income from all sources earned in the past year?
Revision |
G6. Was your total HOUSEHOLD income in the past 12 months…
Updated to match KP panel profile categories and increase accuracy of self-reported income. |
G6a |
N/A |
Addition |
G6a. We would like to get a better estimate of your total HOUSEHOLD income in the past 12 months before taxes. Was it…
This item is asked of respondents who answer “below $35,000” to G6. This new item increases accuracy of self-reported income. |
G6b |
N/A |
Addition |
G6b. We would like to get a better estimate of your total HOUSEHOLD income in the past 12 months before taxes. Was it…
This item is asked of respondents who answer “$35,000 or more” to G6. This new item increases accuracy of self-reported income. |
G7 |
G7. Are you now…
Revision |
G7. Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, never married, or living with a partner?
Question text and response categories updated to match KP panel profile variable. |
G8 |
G8. Which statement best describes your current employment status?
Revision |
G8. Which statement best describes your current employment status?
Response categories 1 and 2 updated slightly to match KP panel profile variable. |
G9 |
N/A |
Addition |
G9. How many smoking or tobacco related web surveys like this have you completed during the past year?
This item is being reintroduced to again assess the extent of recent participation in smoking-related surveys. This item will be used as a control variable in later analyses. |
G10 |
N/A |
Addition |
G10. Did you view or listen to any videos or other advertisements about quitting smoking in any of these surveys?
This item is being added to assess extent of exposure to antismoking ads within previous surveys the participant has taken. This will be used as a control variable in later analyses. |
G11 |
N/A |
Addition |
G11. Do you currently participate in any other online web panels besides Knowledge Networks?
This item assesses whether respondent participates in multiple web panels. This item will be used to examine demographic differences between single and multiple participation and will be a potentially important control variable in later analyses. |
G15 |
N/A |
Addition |
G15. Have you been diagnosed by a physician or other qualified medical professional with any of the following medical conditions?
This item was previously approved in the original ICR as part of the baseline survey. We are reintroducing it in the current survey to reassess presence of chronic conditions. This is used as a control variable in analysis of the effects of the Tips campaign on smoking-related outcomes. |
Table 3. Changes to 2013 Non-Smoker Follow-up Questionnaire (Phase 2)
Item |
Currently Approved |
Change Type |
Revised |
Justification |
B4_1 |
B4_1. Do you think you will try a cigarette soon?
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis |
B4_2 |
B4_2. If you started smoking cigarettes regularly, do you think you could stop smoking anytime you wanted?
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis |
B4_3 |
B4_3. Do you think you will smoke a cigarette anytime during the next year?
Deletion |
N/A |
This variable is no longer needed for analysis |
A4 |
N/A |
Addition |
A4. Have you smoked cigarettes at all, even one puff, in the past 12 months?
This item is being asked of nonsmokers to assess whether they have smoked at any point in the past 12 months. Nonsmokers who answer “yes” will also be asked new item A5 (see below) |
A5 |
N/A |
Addition |
A5. Have you quit smoking cigarettes completely in the past [FILL # MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], that is since March 4, 2013?
This item determines whether any current nonsmokers have recently quit and, specifically, whether they have recently quit since the launch of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. Recent quitters will be asked additional questions about their recent quit attempts (see below) |
B1 |
N/A |
Addition |
B1. During the past 12 months, that is, since [DATE FILL], how many times have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking cigarettes for good?
___________ # Times |
This item is asked of nonsmokers who are previously identified as having smoked at any point during the past 12 months. |
B1a |
N/A |
Addition |
B1a. During the [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], that is since March 4, 2013, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking cigarettes for good?
Enables us to assess quit attempts since the launch of the campaign, among nonsmokers who indicate having recently quit. The inclusion of this item prevents recent quitters from being excluded from quit attempt calculations |
B2 |
N/A |
Addition |
B2. Thinking about your more recent past, during the past 3 months, how many times have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking cigarettes for good.
_____________ # Times |
Enables us to assess more recent quit attempts (past 3 months) since the launch of the campaign, among nonsmokers who indicate having recently quit. The inclusion of this item prevents recent quitters from being excluded from quit attempt calculations |
B3 |
N/A |
Addition |
B3. How long has it been since you last smoked a cigarette?
__________ Enter #
This item allows us to calculate, for recent quitters, the length of time they have been abstinent from smoking. This is important for estimating population impact of the campaign on sustained quits. |
B4a |
N/A |
Addition |
B4a. When you last tried to quit smoking, did you do any of the following?
This item is included to provide additional context on recent quitters’ methods of quitting and will give insights on whether the Tips campaign motivated recent quitters to utilize specific methods over others. |
B5 |
N/A |
Addition |
B5. When you last tried to quit smoking, did any of the following motivate you to try to quit?
This item provides additional information on recent quitters’ motivations for attempting to quit. This will enable us to more accurately assess whether the Tips campaign (i.e., TV commercials) were a specific motivation for quitting |
B6 |
N/A |
Addition |
B6. During the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013]months, that is since March 4, 2013, did any doctor, nurse or health professional ask if you smoke?
CDC has recently added new taglines to the Tips campaign ads. These taglines read “Talk With Your Doctor” and are aimed at encouraging patient-doctor conversations about quitting. New items C6 and C7 are included to evaluate this new campaign component. |
B6a |
N/A |
Addition |
B6a. During the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013] months, that is since March 4, 2013, have you talked with your doctor or health care professional about quitting smoking?
CDC has recently added new taglines to the Tips campaign ads. These taglines read “Talk With Your Doctor” and are aimed at encouraging patient-doctor conversations about quitting. New items C6 and C7 are included to evaluate this new campaign component. |
B7 |
N/A |
Addition |
B7. During the past 6 months, that is since March 4, 2013, has a doctor, nurse or other health professional advised you to quit smoking?
CDC has recently added new taglines to the Tips campaign ads. These taglines read “Talk With Your Doctor” and are aimed at encouraging patient-doctor conversations about quitting. New items C6 and C7 are included to evaluate this new campaign component. |
C1a |
C1a. Do you believe cigar, cigarillo, or little cigar smoking is related to: Rationale: Beliefs about cigar smoking and harmful to health. Source: Adapted from NHIS (changed from cigarette to cigar question).
Deletion |
N/A |
Deleted to accommodate other additions noted above. |
C1b. |
C1b. Do you believe cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars smoking is:
Deletion |
N/A |
Deleted to accommodate other additions noted above. |
C5 |
C5. How likely would you be to ask a stranger not to smoke around you if you couldn’t move away from their smoke?
Deletion |
N/A |
Previous waves of survey data indicate most nonsmokers answered “Extremely likely” or “Very likely” to this question. Given ceiling effects, this variable is less useful to the analysis and is being deleted. |
C6_1. |
C6_1. Cigarette smoking has no serious effects on non-smokers
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals disagreed with C6_1. Given ceiling effects on these items, they are less useful for analysis and are being deleted. |
C6_2 |
C6_2. Parents who live with their children should not be allowed to smoke in their homes
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals agreed with C6_2. Given ceiling effects on these items, they are less useful for analysis and are being deleted. |
C6_3 |
C6_3. Adults should not smoke around other people in their home.
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals agreed with C6_3. Given ceiling effects on these items, they are less useful for analysis and are being deleted. |
C6_4 |
C6_4. I protect all other household members from any harm related to smoking
Deletion |
N/A |
Data from previous survey waves show that high proportions of individuals agreed with C6_4. Given ceiling effects on these items, they are less useful for analysis and are being deleted. |
D2. Not counting decks, porches, or garages, during the past 7 days, that is, since last [TODAY’s DAY OF WEEK], on how many days did someone other than you smoke tobacco inside your home while you were at home?
________ # Days |
Deletion |
N/A |
Current Phase 2 campaign messages do not focus on adopting home rules against secondhand smoke. Hence, this variable is not a key outcome and is being dropped. |
D3. |
D3. Not counting decks, porches, or garages, inside your home, is smoking….
Deletion |
N/A |
Current Phase 2 campaign messages do not focus on adopting home rules against secondhand smoke. Hence, this variable is not a key outcome and is being dropped. |
D4 |
D4. Not Counting motorcycles, in the vehicles that you and your family members who live with you own or lease, is smoking…
Deletion |
N/A |
Current Phase 2 campaign messages do not focus on adopting rules against secondhand smoke in vehicles. Hence, this variable is not a key outcome and is being dropped. |
D4a |
N/A |
Addition |
D4a. During the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013] months, that is since March 4, 2013, have you talked to any family members or friends about the dangers of smoking?
This item is similar to previously approved item on family/friend communication but has been updated to include specific timeframe for the Phase 2 Tips campaign |
D5 |
D5. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you talked to any family members or friends about the dangers of smoking?
Revision |
D5. Thinking about your more recent past, during the past 3 months, have you talked to any family members or friends about the dangers of smoking?
This item has been updated to include the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past” at the beginning of the question. This was necessary to clarify the time reference given the addition of D4a above. The 3-month variable is being kept to enable comparisons to previous survey waves. |
D5aa |
N/A |
Addition |
D5aa. During the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013] months, that is since March 4, 2013, did you encourage a friend or family member to quit smoking?
This item is similar to previously approved item on family/friend recommendations to quit but has been updated to include specific timeframe for the Phase 2 Tips campaign |
D5a |
D5a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], did you encourage a friend or family member to quit smoking? |
Revision |
D5a. Thinking about your more recent past, during the past 3 months, did you encourage a friend or family member to quit smoking?
This item has been updated to include the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past” at the beginning of the question. This was necessary to clarify the time reference given the addition of D5aa above. The 3-month variable is being kept to enable comparisons to previous survey waves. |
D8 |
D8. How many of your family members have quit smoking or are currently quitting smoking?
Deletion |
N/A |
Item is no longer useful for analysis |
D9 |
D9. How many of your friends have quit smoking or are currently quitting smoking?
Deletion |
N/A |
Item is no longer useful for analysis |
E3a |
E3a. Overall, when you use the Internet, are you mostly using your cell phone or mostly using some other device like a desktop, laptop, tablet or other mobile device?
Deletion |
N/A |
Item is no longer useful for analysis |
E4a |
E4a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], when you were using the Internet or your smartphone, how many times did you see information about…
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
E4b |
E4b. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you ever seen information about any of these topics when using the following platforms?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
E4c |
E4c. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], when you were using the Internet or your smartphone, how many times did you search for information about….?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
E4d |
E4d. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you ever searched for information about any of these topics when using the following platforms?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
E4e |
E4e. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how many times have you shared information with other people, or posted information on your social network (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, or another social network) about each of the following?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
E4f |
E4f. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you ever shared information about any of these topics when using the following platforms?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a similar item with more accurate categories on use of mobile devices. |
E5 |
E5. In the past 3 months, about how often have you seen ads against smoking on television?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
E6 |
E6. In the past 3 months, how often have you heard ads against smoking on the radio?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
E7 |
E7. In the past 3 months, how often have you seen ads against smoking in newspapers or magazines?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
E8 |
E8. In the past 3 months, how often have you seen ads against smoking in videos, or websites online?
Deletion |
N/A |
Variable is not required for analysis and is being deleted to accommodate other additions to the survey. |
E9aa |
N/A |
Addition |
E9aa. In the past [MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013] months, that is since March 4, 2013, have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to call a telephone quitline?
This question is similar to previously approved items on nonsmoker recommendations to family/friends call a quitline. This new version includes a reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E9a |
E9a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to call a telephone quitline?
Revision |
E9a. Thinking about your more recent past, in the past 3 months, have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to call a telephone quitline?
This item has been updated to include the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past” at the beginning of the question. This was necessary to clarify the time reference given the addition of E9aa above. The 3-month variable is being kept to enable comparisons to previous survey waves. |
E10aa |
N/A |
Addition |
E10aa. In the past [MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], that is since March 4, 2013, have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to call 1-800-QUIT-NOW?
This question is similar to previously approved items on nonsmoker recommendations to family/friends call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. This new version includes a reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E10a |
E10a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to call 1-800-QUIT-NOW?
Revision |
E10a. Thinking about your more recent past, in the past 3 months, have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to call 1-800-QUIT-NOW?
This item has been updated to include the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past” at the beginning of the question. This was necessary to clarify the time reference given the addition of E10aa above. The 3-month variable is being kept to enable comparisons to previous survey waves. |
E10b |
E10b. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to talk with their doctor or health care professional about quitting smoking?
Revision |
E10b. In the past [FILL MONTHS], that is since March 4, 2013, have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to talk with their doctor or health care professional about quitting smoking?
This item has been revised to include a more specific time reference for the Phase 2 campaign schedule |
E12. |
N/A |
Addition |
E12. Have you visited any quit smoking websites online in the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], since March 4, 2013?
This question is similar to previously approved items on nonsmoker use of quit smoking websites. This new version includes a reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E13 |
E13. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you visited any quit smoking websites online in the past 3 months?
Revision |
E13. Thinking about your more recent past, have you visited any quit smoking websites online in the past 3 months?
This item has been updated to include the phrase “Thinking about your more recent past” at the beginning of the question. This was necessary to clarify the time reference given the addition of E12 above. The 3-month variable is being kept to enable comparisons to previous survey waves. |
E14 |
E14. Have you ever heard of the Website [insert final campaign url]
1. Yes 2. No |
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a new item with final Tips campaign website information (see item E16c). |
E16 |
E16. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you visited [insert final campaign url]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a new item with final Tips campaign website information (see item E16d). |
E16a |
E16a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to [insert final campaign url]?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a new item with final Tips campaign website information (see item E164). |
E16c |
N/A |
Addition |
E16c. Have you heard of the Website www.cdc.gov/Tips?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items E16c-E16g assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
E16d |
N/A |
Addition |
E16d. Have you visited www.cdc.gov/Tips in the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013] months, since March 4, 2013?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items E16c-E16g assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
E16e |
N/A |
Addition |
E16e. Thinking about your more recent past, have you visited www.cdc.gov/Tips in the past 3 months?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items E16c-E16g assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
E16f |
N/A |
Addition |
E16f. In the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013] months, that is since March 4, 2013, have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to visit www.cdc.gov/Tips?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items E16c-E16g assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
E16g |
N/A |
Addition |
E16g. Thinking about your more recent past, in the past 3 months, have you recommended any family members or friends that smoke to visit www.cdc.gov/Tips?
The Phase 2 campaign promotes a new campaign-specific website www.cdc.gov/Tips. Items E16c-E16g assesses awareness of and use of the new campaign website. |
E17 |
E17. In the past 3 months, have you seen or heard advertisements for products to help people quit smoking, such as nicotine patches or gums?
Deletion |
N/A |
Deleted to accommodate other additions |
E18 |
F18. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen or heard of any ads on television or radio with the following themes or slogans?
Revision |
E18. In the past [FILL MONTHS], that is since March 4, 2013, have you seen or heard of any ads on television or radio with the following themes or slogans?
This item has been updated to reference the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. This revision will increase accuracy of respondents’ recall |
E19a |
E19a. Have you heard of the Website [insert final campaign url]?
Deletion |
N/A |
The Phase 2 campaign now promotes a different website. Questions E19a and E19b are no longer needed. |
E19b |
E19b. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH] have you visited [insert final campaign url]?
Deletion |
N/A |
The Phase 2 campaign now promotes a different website. Questions E19a and E19b are no longer needed. |
E25 |
E25. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen this ad on television in the past 3 months?
Revision |
E25. Have you seen this ad on television in the past [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E26 |
E26. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH] , how frequently have you seen this ad on television?
Revision |
E26. In the past [FILL MONTHS], how frequently have you seen this ad on television?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E26a |
E26a. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen this ad online?
Revision |
E26a. Have you seen this ad online in the past [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E26b |
E26b. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how frequently have you seen this ad online?
Revision |
E26b. In the past [FILL MONTHS], how frequently have you seen this ad online?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E29a |
E29a. Do you think these ads would be relevant for people who smoke cigars, cigarillos or very small cigars that look like cigarettes?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being deleted to accommodate other additions. |
E29b |
E29b. Do you think these ads would be relevant for people who smoke brown cigarettes?
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being deleted to accommodate other additions. |
E36 |
E36. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you heard this ad on the radio in the past 3 months?
Revision |
E36. Have you heard this ad on the radio in the past [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E37 |
E37. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], how frequently have you heard this ad on the radio?
Revision |
E37. In the past [FILL MONTHS SINCE MARCH 4, 2013], how frequently have you heard this ad on the radio?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
E38 |
E38. Since [FILL DATE OF CAMPAIGN LAUNCH], have you seen any of these ads in magazines, on Websites, or in public places outside your home?
Revision |
E38. In the past [FILL MONTHS], since March 4, 2013, have you seen any of these ads in magazines, on Websites, or in public places outside your home?
This item has been updated to include reference to the specific timeframe of the Phase 2 Tips campaign. |
G |
G. In what zip code do you live? |
Deletion |
N/A |
This item is being replaced by a new item that matches KP panel profile item wording. |
G15 |
N/A |
Addition |
G15. Have you been diagnosed by a physician or other qualified medical professional with any of the following medical conditions?
This item was previously approved in the original ICR as part of the baseline survey. We are reintroducing it in the current survey to reassess presence of chronic conditions. This is used as a control variable in analysis of the effects of the Tips campaign on smoking-related outcomes. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | We are requesting a nonsubstantive change to the previously approved data collection entitled Survey of Primary Care Physicians’ |
Author | ingrid hall |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-29 |