Document Type |
Form No. |
Form Name |
Instrument File |
Available Electronically? |
Can Be Submitted Electronically? |
Electronic Capability |
Other-First Mailing -- Multilingual Brochure |
Attachment A - ACS-9(2013)(6-2012) - ACS Multilingual Brochure.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-First Mailing -- Prenotice Letter |
Attachment A - ACS-12(L)S 2013 (6-2012) - ACS Prenotice letter.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-First Mailing -- Prenotice Letter Envelope |
Attachment A - ACS-40(2012) (6-2011) - ACS Prenotice Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU FAQ Brochure |
Attachment B - ACS-10SM(2013) (July-2012) - ACS FAQ Brochure.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Introductory Letter |
Attachment B - ACS-13(L)SM (2013) (6-12) - ACS Intro Letter.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Instruction Card |
Attachment B - ACS-34(2013)IM (6-27-12) - ACS Into Card.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Outgoing Envelope |
Attachment B - ACS-46(2012) (5-2011) - ACS Outgoing Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide |
ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide
Attachment C - ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Stateside Reminder Card |
Attachment D - ACS-20S(2013) (5-2012) ACS Reminder Postcard.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Reply Envelope |
Attachment E - 5385-47 (9-2010) Business Reply Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
ACS-1 |
Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - ACS Form
Attachment E - ACS-1(2014) (02-21-2013)KFI - ACS Stateside Eng.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - FAQ Brochure |
Attachment E - ACS-10SM(2013) (July-2012) - ACS FAQ Brochure.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - ACS Replacement Letter |
Attachment E - ACS-14(L)SM (2013) (6-2012) ACS Follow Up Letter.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Instruction Guide |
Attachment E - ACS-30(2014)(2-2013)-ACS HU Instruction Guide.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Replacement Instruction Card |
Attachment E - ACS-34(2013)RM (10-17-12) ACS Instruc Card.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Outgoing Envelope |
Attachment E - ACS-46(2012) (5-2011) - ACS Outgoing Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-ACS HU New Reminder Postcard |
Attachment F - ACS-23(2013) (5-2012) - Reminder Postcard.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Additional Mailing Postcard, Stateside, English |
Attachment G - ACS-29(2013) (5-2012) - 2nd Reminder Postcard.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Reply Envelope |
Attachment H - 5385-47 (9-2010) Business Reply Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
ACS-1(SP) |
American Community Survey HU Questionnaire (Spanish)
Attachment H - ACS-1(2014)(SP)KFI (02-28-2013) Stateside SP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- FAQ Brochure |
Attachment H - ACS-10SM(2013)(SP) (7-2012) - FAQ-StSide Spanish.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Outgoing Envelope |
Attachment H - ACS-46(2012)SP (6_2011) - StSide SP Outgoing Enve.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Introductory Letter |
Attachment H - ACS-13(L)SP (2013) (8-2012) - ACS Intro Letter SP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Instruction Card |
Attachment H - ACS-34(2013)RM (10-17-12) ACS Instru Card.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Instruction Guide Booklet |
Attachment H - ACS-30(2014)SP (2-2013) Instru Guide-StSide SP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Pre-notice letter |
Attachment I - ACS-12(L)PR (2013) (6-2012) PRCS Prenotice Letter.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Pre-notice Envelope |
Attachment I - ACS-40(2012)PR (6-2011) Prenotice Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Outgoing Envelope |
Attachment I - ACS-46(2012)PR (6-2011) PRCS Outgoing Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
Puerto Rico Community Survey Questionnaire (Spanish)
Attachment I - ACS-1(2014)PR(SP)KFI (02-28-2013)-PRCS Quest SP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Introductory Letter |
Attachment I - ACS-13(L)PR PRCS (6-14-12) Intoductory Letter.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- FAQ Brochure |
Attachment I - ACS-10SMPR(2013) (7-2012) PRCS FAQ Brochure.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Instruction Guide Booklet in Spanish |
Attachment I - ACS-30(2014)PR(SP) (2-2013) PRCS Instr Gudie SP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Return Envelope |
Attachment I - 5385-47 (9-2010) Business Reply Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Reminder/Thank You Postcard |
Attachment I -- ACS-1(2013)SP Stateside Spanish Questionnaire.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Follow up Letter |
Attachment I - ACS-14(L)PR (2013)(11-2012) PRCS Follow-up.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Reminder Postcard |
Attachment I - ACS-23PR(2013) (6-2012) PRCS Reminder Postcard.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Language Assistance Guide -- Simplified Chinese |
Attachment J - ACS-1(INFO)(2012)(SIMPLIFIED CHINESE) - LAG.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Language Assistance Guide -- Korean |
Attachment K - ACS-1(INFO)(2012)(KOREAN) - LAG.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Questions for HU CATI Failed Edit Follow Up |
Attachment M - HU Failed Edit Follow Up Qts.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Questions for Vacant Units |
Attachment N - ACS 2014 Vacant Units Questions.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Questions for Quality Control -- Household Reinterview |
Attachment O - ACS 2014 HU Reinterview Questions.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS-50 Language Brochures |
Attachment P - ACS-50(HU) January 2013, Informational Brochure.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials; ACS-16(L) ACS language introductory letters |
Attachment P - ACS-16(L) (01-2013) ACS Introduction Letters.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS-51(HU) ACS language questions and answers |
Attachment P - ACS-51(HU) January 2013, Q&A Brochure.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS language reluctant respondent letters |
Attachment P - ACS-613R(L)June 2008&ACS-15(L)(6-2011)Rel Resp.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS language thank you letters |
Attachment P - ACS-26(L)(01-2013) Thank You-Multiple Lang.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
GQ Facilities Questionnaire |
GQ Facilities Questionnaire
Attachment R - GQFQ facilities questionnaire for OMB 2014.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Group Quarters -- Listing Sheet |
Attachment R - ACS-290(GQ) (7-14-2011) ACS GQ Listing Sheet.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Group Quarters -- Control List |
Attachment R - ACS-290B(GQ) (8-1-2011) ACS GQ Control Sheet.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Group Quarters -- PRCS GQ Listing Sheet |
Attachment R - ACS-290(GQ)(PR)(SP)(7-14-2011) PRCS GQ List Sheet.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Reply Envelope |
attachment S - 5385-46(GQ) (7-2012) ACS GQ Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
American Community Survey Group Quarters Questionnaire
Attachment S - ACS-1(GQ)(2014)(2-21-2013)Facilities Quest EN SP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Introductory Letter |
Attachment S - ACS-17(L)(GQ)(2013)(8-2012)GQ Resident Letter.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Introductory Letter (Spanish) |
Attachment S - ACS-17(L)(GQ)(S)(2013)(8-2012) GQ Resident SP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Confidentiality Notice |
Attachment S - ACS-21GQ (7-2011), GQ Confidentiality Notice.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Instruction Guide |
Attachment S - ACS-30(GQ)(2014) (2-2013) GQ Instruction Guide.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- FAQ Brochure |
Attachment S - ACS-50(GQ) (January 2012) GQ Resident FAQ.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- GQ Remote Alaska FAQ Brochure |
Attachment S - ACS-51(GQ)RA(January 2012) GQ Remote Alaska FAQ.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Thank You Letter |
Attachment S - ACS-26(L)(GQ)(R)(2013)(8-2012)GQ Resid Thank You.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Reply Envelope |
Attachment T - 5385-46(GQ)(PR) (8-2011) PRCS GQ Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Introductory Letter (English/Spanish) |
Attachment T - ACS-17(L)(GQ)(PR)(2013)(8-2012) PRCS GQ Resident.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
Puerto Rico Community Survey - GQ Resident Questionnaire
Attachment T - ACS-1(GQ)(PR)(2014)(2-21-2013) PRCS GQ Fac Quest.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Confidentiality Notice |
Attachment T - ACS-21(GQ)(PR)(7-2011) PRCS Confid Notice.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Thank You Letter |
Attachment T - ACS-26(L)(GQ)(PR)(R)(8-2012) PRCS Resi Thank You.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Instruction Guide |
Attachment T - ACS-30(GQ)(PR)(2014)(3-2013) PRCS GQ Instr Guide.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Questions for Quality Control -- Group Quarters Facility Reinterview |
Attachment U - GQ Reinterview Questions .pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Affordable Care Act - American Community Survey Insurance Exchange Testing Final Report |
Attachment V - ACA-ACS Insurance Exchange Testing Final Report.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-ACS Housing Questions Justification |
Attachment W - Why We Ask - Housing 2014.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-ACS Person Questions Justification |
Attachment W - Why We Ask - Person 2014.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Mailing Package (English) -- Introductory Letter |
Attachment L - ACS-13(L)PR PRCS (6-14-12) Intoductory Letter.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Mailing Package (English) -- FAQ Brochure |
Attachment L - ACS-10SMPR(2013) (7-2012) PRCS FAQ Brochure.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Mailing Package (English) -- Return Envelope |
Attachment L - 5385-47 (9-2010) Business Reply Envelope.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
ACS-1(PR) |
Puerto Rico Community Survey Questionnaire (English)
Attachment L - ACS-1(2014)PR KFI (02-28-2013)-PRCS Quest EN.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Mailing Package (English) -- Instruction Guide Booklet in English |
Attachment L - ACS-30(2014)PR (2-2013) PRCS Quest Instr Guide EN.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Qroup Quarters Facility Data Collection Package -- ACS GQ Student Housing Introductory Letter |
Attachment Q - ACS-18(L)(C)(RO)(2013)(7-2012) GQ Stud Intro.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Qroup Quarters Facility Data Collection Package -- ACS GQ Health Care Introductory Letter |
Attachment Q - ACS-18(L)(H)(RO)(2013)(7-2012)GQ Health Intro.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Qroup Quarters Facility Data Collection Package -- PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (English) |
Attachment Q - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(2013)(8-2012) PRCS GQ Intro.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Qroup Quarters Facility Data Collection Package -- PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (Spanish) |
Attachment Q - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(S)(2013)(8-2012) PRCS IntroSP.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Qroup Quarters Facility Data Collection Package -- ACS GQ Facility FAQ |
Attachment Q - ACS-51(GQ)(F) (January 2012) ACS GQ Facility FAQ.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Qroup Quarters Facility Data Collection Package -- ACS Facility Thank You Letter (English/Spanish) |
Attachment Q - ACS-26(L)(GQ)(F)(2013)(8-2012)GQ Fac Thank You.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-American Community Survey Qroup Quarters Facility Data Collection Package -- PRCS Facility Thank You Letter (English/Spanish) |
Attachment Q - ACS-26(L)(GQ)(PR)(F)(8-2012) PRCS Fac Thank You.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |