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pdfOMB No. 2577-0267
Expires 05/31/2013
Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System
User Access Authorization Form and
Rules of Behavior and User Agreement
Paperwork Reduction Notice: The information collection requirements contained in this notice have
been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3520) and assigned OMB control number(s) 2577-0267. In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless the collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hour for initial
responses and 0.25 hours for modified responses. This includes the time for collecting, reviewing,
and reporting the data. The Federal Privacy Act (5 USC 552a) requires that HUD account for all
individuals who will have access to a system containing personally identifiable information.The information
is being collected to ensure only authorized users have access to HUD's EIV system and that those
users are aware of their responsibility to safeguard sensitive data.
Purpose of this form: To request, modify, or terminate access to the PIH EIV system. To review and
acknowledge Rules of Behavior and signify compliance with User Agreement.
Send completed forms: To the designated HUD EIV Coordinator at the local HUD office as listed in the
instructions. Note: Individuals who will not access the EIV system, but will view and/or handle printed or
electronic EIV information, are not required to send this completed form to the HUD EIV Coordinator.
Check here if you will not have access to the EIV system and will only view or handle printed or
electronic EIV information
A. Authorized User Details
1. PHA Code:
(e.g. DC451)
2. HUD Office,PHA, or Management
Agent Name:
3. Address:
4. Name (first name, middle initial, last name):
5. WASS User ID (C/H/M-ID):
6. Position Title:
7. Phone Number:
8. Email
9. Fax Number:
10. Type of work which involves use of the EIV system or printed and/or electronic EIV information:
1 – Initial eligibility only
2 – Annual/interim reexams
3 – Security Administrator
4 – Request EIV access
5 – Certify EIV users
6 – Modify/terminate EIV access roles
7 – HUD Administrator
8 – Auditor
9 – Investigator/Program Compliance
10 – Enter/update/delete debts owed to PHAs & adverse termination information of former tenants
11 – Clerical/Administrative Support (Viewer or handler of EIV reports) – Do not complete sections BE.
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Form HUD-52676
OMB No. 2577-0267
Expires 05/31/2013
B. Type of Action Requested (See instructions)
1 – Add Access (Initial access request for new users)
2 – Reinstatement (Due to automatic system or other termination)
3 – Modify Access (Add/remove access roles for existing users)
4 – Terminate Access
C. PHA User Access Roles – External Users (See instructions)
1 – PHA Occupancy – Public Housing
5 – Program Administrator – Voucher (Section 8)
2 – PHA Occupancy – Voucher (Section 8)
6 – PHA User Administrator
3 – PHA Occupancy – Applications Processor
7 – PHA Security Administrator
4 – Program Administrator – Public Housing
8 – Other Prescribed by HUD
D. Public Housing Portfolio
Specify the Public Housing project numbers to which access will be limited.
Check here to grant access to all public housing projects
Project Number
Project Number
Project Number
E. HUD User Access Roles – Internal Users (See instructions)
Select Region (Check only one region)
1 – Occupancy Specialist
2 – Security Administrator
6 – HQ System Administrator
3 – User Administrator
7 – HQ PIH Help Desk/TAC
8 – Other Prescribed by HUD
F. Authorization
As the Authorizing Official, I authorize the above-named person to have access to the EIV system
or view printed or electronic EIV information, as indicated by my signature below. I further
understand this form for each user must be maintained on-site by the PHA and may be subject to
audit at any time.
Authorizing Official’s Name
(Print Full Name )
Authorizing Official’s Signature
Check here for ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE (Original signed document must be on file and is
subject to inspection)
G. For HUD Use Only (Maintain a copy of this completed form in your files)
Date Application Received:
Date Application Processed:
HUD EIV Coordinator’s Name:
Action taken:
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Form HUD-52676
OMB No. 2577-0267
Expires 05/31/2013
A. Introduction
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) actively implements policies
and procedures to keep its systems secure from unauthorized access and inappropriate use.
In compliance with Federal laws and regulations, HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
created these Rules of Behavior for the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system to ensure that
EIV system users (including those individuals who only view or handle printed or electronic EIV
information) comply with HUD's security policies. In addition, this document ensures
that system accounts are used in the appropriate manner.
Information contained in the EIV system is for official use only. HUD may grant limited system access
to the following classes of individuals: HUD employees, HUD contractors, Public Housing Authority
employees, and Public Housing Authorityhired management agents. As a condition of receiving access,
all users are required to understand and abide by the HUD's system security policies and procedures.
All users must adhere to the Rules of Behavior outlined in this document. These rules delineate the
responsibilties of and expectations for all individuals accessing EIV information. Failure to comply
with these rules will result in sanctions. Sancitons may include temporary suspension of system access
or permanent termination of all access rights. Additional civil or criminal penalties may result from a
misuse of EIV information. (See Part III of this document for more information.)
B. Responsibilities
HUDPIH, as the System Owner of EIV, is responsibile for ensuring that appropriate technicial, operational,
and managerial security controls are implemented in the EIV system.
Users are responsible for the protection of passwords, information, equipment, systems, networks,
and communication pathways to which they have access. All HUD computer resources, including
hardware, software, programs, files, paper reports, and data are the sole property of HUD.
C. Other Policies and Procedures
The Rules of Behavior do not replace existing HUD security policies or procedures. These rules are
intended to enhance and clarify the specific rules each user must follow while accessing the EIV system.
These rules are consistent with the policies and procedures described in the following HUD document:
HUD Information Technology Security Policy. HUD Handbook 2400.25 Rev.2, CHG2, dated
August 22, 2011, or as amended, establishes responsibilities, practices, and conditions that directly or
indirectly promote security in the development, operation, maintenance, and support of all HUD
information technology (IT) resources.
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OMB No. 2577-0267
Expires 05/31/2013
This handbook is available online at: The HUD
information security policies are based on recent federal laws, regulations, and guidance on
information security (from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)). In areas
where federal guidelines are lacking or still evolving, the policy reflects established best
security practices within the security community.
D. Application Rules
The Web Access Security System (WASS) user identification (user ID) and password issued to
you is to be used solely in connection with the performance of your responsibilities in support of
HUD’s mission and administration of HUD rental assistance program, and may not be used for
personal or private gain. You agree to be responsible for the confidentiality of the assigned
information and accountable for all activity with your user ID. Furthermore, you agree that you
will not provide this confidential user ID and password to another user during employment nor
upon leaving the employment of the agency. Additional rules of the EIV system are as follows:
Required Training – EIV system users are required to participate in annual Security
Awareness Training and HUD-sponsored initial and updated PIH-EIV System training.
Individuals who will not access the EIV system, but will view and/or handle printed or
electronic EIV information are required to participate in only the annual Security Awareness
training. Free HUD-sponsored Security Awareness and EIV training is available online at PIH-sponsored EIV training materials are
located at Users are not
permitted to access the EIV system or view printed or electronic EIV information if they
have not completed the required training.
System Access (on-site only): Users are required to use only approved HUD software,
software settings, and comply with vendor software license agreements. Users are allowed to
access the system only using the mechanisms specified by HUD.
Unofficial use of government information: Users must be aware that personal use of information
resources is prohibited. EIV data is personal information covered by the Federal Privacy Act (5
USC 552a), as amended, and penalties apply to the misuse of that data. State and local laws
may also prohibit misuse of personal information and impose penalties for misuse of the data.
Information protection: Users must avoid leaving system output records or reports unattended
or unsecured. Users should lock the computer or log out of the system when leaving work areas
unattended. Users shall not violate the Federal Privacy Act (5 USC 552a), as amended, which
requires confidentiality of personal data contained in government and contractor data files.
Users should securely store EIV data in accordance with HUD policy.
Use of passwords: User passwords and user IDs are for your individual use only and are
confidential HUD information. Users are required to change passwords every 30 days. Users
are encouraged to avoid creating passwords that can be easily associated with you or your
user ID.
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OMB No. 2577-0267
Expires 05/31/2013
System privileges: Users are given access to the system and EIV data based on a need to
perform specific work related only to the administration of the following PIH programs: Public
Housing, Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Project-Based Voucher, Project-Based Certificate,
and Disaster Housing Assistance programs. Users shall only access the information for which
they are authorized.
Individual accountability: Users shall be held accountable for their actions while accessing
the system or viewing printed or electronic EIV data. Be aware that all computer resources
are monitored and audited.
Monitoring of EIV System Use: All users and agencies are subject to monitoring of their EIV
system use and compliance with security requirements by HUD, HUD contractors or a third
party. If it is determined that an agency or any of its users are not in compliance with security
requirements or any provision of this document, HUD will immediately terminate one or all of
an agency’s users’ EIV access. HUD will reinstate access upon the successful
implementation of corrective action(s) to cure the deficiency.
Automatic EIV System Terminations: A user's EIV system access is automatically terminated
if the user does not access HUD’s Web Access Security Subsystem at least once every 90
days; or if the user is not certified by the respective EIV User Administrator.
Incident Response: Users should immediately contact their supervisor and the HUD
Headquarters Security Officer at PIH.RHIIP.TA@HUD.GOV, with a copy to local HUD office,
regarding any suspected violation or breach of system security.
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OMB No. 2577-0267
Expires 05/31/2013
I have read the above policy regarding system security awareness and practices when
accessing HUD’s information technology resources. I understand the policies and procedures
as set forth above, and I agree to comply with these requirements as a condition of being
granted limited access to the EIV system and/or its data.
As an authorized user of the EIV system or viewer and/or handler of EIV data, I understand the
information obtained may only be used for official HUD business. I understand that authorized
users may access, disclose, inspect and use these data only within the scope of their official
duties of administering a HUD rental assistance program. HUD employees are held to the
highest level of responsibility and accountability for the protection of HUD data. HUD contractor
firms will be expected to apply similar standards to their employees. Anyone who abuses EIV
access privileges may be stripped of those and other access rights to HUD's secure systems.
Employees of an agency may be subject to personnel discipline consistent with applicable
personnel rules. Contractor firms that do not assure that the Rules of Behavior are observed
may be subject to remedies under the terms of their contract.
I also understand that unauthorized disclosure or inspection of EIV data may result in civil and
criminal penalties. The penalties are as follows:
Unauthorized disclosure may result in me being found guilty of a misdemeanor and
fined not more than $5,000 and/or imprisoned up to five (5) years.
Unauthorized inspection of EIV data may result in me being found guilty of a
misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000 and/or imprisoned up to five (5) years.
I understand that my user ID and password are to be used only by me. Under no circumstances
will I reveal or allow use of my user ID or password by another person. Nor will I use another
person’s password and user ID. I will protect EIV data within my control, whether online,
printed, or stored in media, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
I understand and agree to follow all HUD standards, policies, and procedures.
I certify that I have: 1. participated in the initial PIH EIV system training, and 2. within the past
twelve (12) months the security awareness training, and 3. I agree to participate in annual security
awareness training and 4. periodic PIH-EIV system training as required by HUD.
Failure to provide this certification or participate in training will result in denial or discontinuation
of EIV Access.
User’s Name
(Print Full Name)
User’s Signature
Check here for ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE (Original signed document must be on file and is
subject to inspection)
Note: All EIV system users are required to complete initial EIV system training provided by
HUD prior to accessing the system. All individuals who will view and/or handle printed or
electronic EIV information are required to complete annual Security Awareness training.
Security Awareness training provided by third parties is acceptable when HUD has not
offered such training.
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Form HUD-52676
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2013-03-13 |
File Created | 2011-02-06 |