Attachment A
Data Groups for the Electronic Application System for Indian Education (EASIE)
The following appendices delineate the data items that will be collected for the Office of Indian Education’s Formula Grant Electronic Application System for Indian Education (EASIE). Formula Grant EASIE has eliminated the need for paper forms; the application process has been conducted electronically for the past 6 cycles. EASIE employs a two-phase collection—basic eligibility data are collected through Part I, allowing the Department to calculate the exact allocation for each applicant. Then, in Part II, applicants provide program and budget data for their project, tailored to their exact allocation. This Supporting Statement covers both Parts I and II of EASIE. EASIE is conducted in close collaboration with EDFacts, the Department of Education’s primary collection of data about elementary and secondary education. As a result, in this Supporting Statement, the application data items are presented in the standard EDFacts data group format, rather than by means of a paper-based table layout.
Please note that no applicant has to answer all data groups. The software is responsive to user answers so that items that don’t apply to a particular applicant are never presented. For example, if a user identifies itself as an LEA, then questions for BIE applicants are not presented; if a user identifies itself as a regular application type, then questions for schoolwide types are not presented, etc.
If an applicant has no access to the Internet or limited Web access, then a paper-based submission will be permitted upon request. However, in the six years of implementation of EASIE, no applicant has requested this and applications have been at an all-time high.
The following is a word version of the screen shots for the data group format.
Public Burden Statement:
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 6 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection required to obtain or retain benefit (section 7114(a) of the ESEA, 20 USC 7424(a)). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20210-4537 or email and reference the OMB Control Number 1810-0021. Note: Please do not return the completed EASIE application to this address.
The data tables and category tables include:
Data Table Header: The table heading specifies that all of the Professional Development data including in this table involves data for the grant application year.
Area: The Area column indicates the topic within the header, Professional Development. In this example, Professional Development is repeated in the Header and Area sections because there is only one element. Other tables have multiple areas.
Data Item: This column highlights the key information being collected for this area, including a definition.
Category: The Category column identifies information to be included with the data item. In this example, applicants must identify which professional development opportunities will be offered to different types of staff. These are also shown in the Formula Grant EASIE mockup screen shot (Example 1). More information about these categories can be found in the subsequent tables in Example 2 and in the explanation of Category Tables below.
Format: The format column indicates the required format for applicants to provide this information. In this example, applicants will select from pre-determined drop down menus (shown as downward pointing arrows in Example 1). Other data elements use numeric dollar values, percentages, and string fields.
Comments: This column is generally used to offer guidance or to note when Formula Grant EASIE will automatically calculate totals or percentages for applicants. In this example, there are no comments.
Category Tables: Data tables are followed by category tables, which detail the definition and code sets (when applicable) of categories. Category tables appear in alphabetical order following the data table. In this example, there are two category tables: Professional Development Opportunity and Staff Types.
Code Sets: Code sets are the permitted values for that category. As can be seen in both Example 1 and the Staff Type category table in Example 2, the permitted values from which applicants can select Staff Type are: Project Staff, Teachers and Other School Professionals, and/or All LEA Staff.
The Appendices below graphically show the various sections of the EASIE online application as it is presented to the applicant during the online process. Part I is detailed by Appendix A and B. Part II is covered by Appendix C through H. Appendix I summarizes the technical changes.
Appendix A: Eligibility Data p. 5
Appendix B: Background Data p. 7
Appendix C: Program Data p. 8
Appendix D: Budget Data p. 14
Appendix E: Use of Assessment Data p. 16
Appendix F: Integration of Services p. 17
Appendix G: Waiver of Administrative Cost Limit p. 18
Appendix H: Parent Committee Form p. 19
Appendix I: Proposed Technical Changes since 2010 p. 21
APPENDIX A: This Appendix describes the Eligibility Data collected in Part I of the Electronic Application System for Indian Education under OMB No. 1810-0021. These data groups were approved under I.C. 1875-0240 in the fall of 2006 and transferred to I.C. 1875-0021 in March 2007. There are no changes to the Eligibility Data section of the EASIE Application for 2012.
Area |
Data Items |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Eligibility Data |
(1) Applicant Type – The type of entity that is applying. |
Applicant Type |
Menu Options |
(2) Indian Students—Total number of Indian students with Form 506* on file with the applicant entity |
Indian category
Whole number |
Calculated total |
(3) All students—Total number of all students in district(s) for whom the applicant is applying |
Whole number |
*Form 506 is a paper form completed by students or their parents. See next page.
Category |
Applicant Type |
Definition |
The type of entity that is submitting the application |
Code Set |
LEA (Not part of a consortium) LEA (Consortium leader) Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) Operated School Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) Contract or Grant School (Not part of a consortium) Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) Contract or Grant School (Consortium leader) Tribe Applying in Lieu of a Single LEA Tribe Applying in Lieu of Multiple LEAs |
Category |
Indian Category |
Definition |
Code Set |
Federally Recognized, Including Alaska Native State Recognized Terminated Tribes Organized Indian Group Meeting the Definition of “Indian” |
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title VII, Part A, Subpart 1
Parents: Please return this completed form to your child's school. In order to apply for a formula grant under the Indian Education Program, your child's school must determine the number of Indian children enrolled. Any child who meets the following definition may be counted for this purpose. You are not required to complete or submit this form to the school. However, if you choose not to submit a form, the school cannot count your child for funding under the program. This form will become part of your child's school record and will not need to be completed every year. This form will be maintained at the school and information on the form will not be released without your written approval.
Definition: Indian means any individual who is (1) a member (as defined by the Indian tribe or band) of an Indian tribe or band, including those Indian tribe or bands terminated since 1940, and those recognized by the State in which the tribe or band reside; or (2) a descendent in the first or second degree (parent or grandparent) as described in (1); or (3) considered by the Secretary of the Interior to be an Indian for any purpose; or (4) an Eskimo or Aleut or other Alaska Native; or (5) a member of an organized Indian group that received a grant under the Indian Education Act of 1988 as it was in effect October 19, 1994. |
NAME OF CHILD ___________________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________(As shown on school enrollment records)
School Name ___________________________________________________ Grade _____________
NAME OF TRIBE, BAND OR GROUP _____________________________________________________
Tribe, Band or Group is: (check one) Organized Indian Group Federally Recognized, State Meeting #5 of the _____ Including Alaska Native _____ Recognized _____ Terminated _____ Definition Above
Name of individual with tribal membership: _____________________________________________
Individual named is (check one): _____ Child _____ Child's Parent _____ Child's Grandparent
Proof of membership, as defined by tribe, band, or group is:
Name and address of organization maintaining membership data for the tribe, band or group:
I verify that the information provided above is accurate:
PARENT'S SIGNATURE _______________________________________ DATE ____________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________ Telephone _________________
Notice: Public Reporting Burden Notice on Reverse Side |
APPENDIX B: This Appendix describes the Background data to be collected for the Indian Education Formula Grant Program under OMB No. 1810-0021. This and succeeding groups were previously approved under I.C. 1810-0021 in March 2007. There are no changes to the Background Data section of the EASIE Application for 2012.
Area |
Data Items |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Background Data |
(1) Application Type – The type of application the LEA(s) is submitting. |
Application Type |
Menu Options |
(2) Grades Offered – The grade levels served by the LEA(s) |
Grades Offered |
Menu Options |
(3) Grant Award Start Date – The date on which the LEA(s) wishes to have the grant award begin; the date must be between July 1 and September 30 of the current year, inclusive. |
Grant Award Start Date |
Date Field |
Automatically calculated end date. |
Category |
Application Type |
Definition |
The type of application the LEA(s) is submitting. |
Code Set |
Regular Formula Grant Integration of Services under Section 7116 Formula Grant Consolidated with a Title I Schoolwide Program |
Category |
Grades Offered |
Definition |
Code Set |
PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
Category |
Grant Award Start Date |
Definition |
The date on which the applicant wishes to have the grant award begin; the date must be between July 1 and September 30 of the current year, inclusive. |
APPENDIX C: This Appendix describes the Program data to be collected (Performance Data from the Previous Grant Year, Project Objectives, and Professional Development) for the Indian Education Formula Grant Program under OMB No. 1810-0021. There are no changes to the Program Data section of the EASIE Application for 2012.
PERFORMANCE DATA FROM THE PREVIOUS GRANT YEAR(Note: A grant application for School Year (SY) 2012-13 funds, for example, uses SY 2010-11 performance data.)
Areas |
Data Items |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Student Performance on State Assessment |
(1) Total number of all students assessed (2) Number of all students proficient or above (3) Total number of American Indian/Alaska Native students assessed (4) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native students proficient or above |
Content Area of State Assessment Grade Level |
Number |
Calculated Percentages |
Student Performance on Other Assessment |
(1) Total number of all students assessed (2) Number of all students proficient or above (3) Total number of American Indian/Alaska Native students assessed (4) Number of American Indian/Alaska Native students proficient or above |
Content Area of Other Assessment Data Source Grade Level |
Number |
Calculated Percentages |
Student Attendance Rate |
(1) Average Daily Attendance – The average number of students in daily attendance computed according to state law or regulation, or if no state definition exists, the aggregate number of days of attendance by students divided by the number of days of enrollment of students during the reporting period. (2) (Optional) Average Daily Attendance of Indian Students – The average number of Indian students in daily attendance computed according to state law or regulation, or if no state definition exists, the aggregate number of days of attendance by students divided by the number of days of enrollment of students during the reporting period. |
Number |
Student Graduation Rate |
(1) Graduation Rate for All Students – The percentage of students who graduated from high schools with a regular diploma. The calculation of the percentage rate is defined in the state’s accountability plan in accordance with Title I, Section 200.19. (2) Graduation Rate for Indian Students – The percentage of Indian students who graduated from high schools with a regular diploma. The calculation of the percentage rate is defined in the state’s accountability plan in accordance with Title I, Section 200.19. |
Percentage to one decimal point |
PROJECT OBJECTIVES(Project Objectives are the areas that the applicant plans to target for student performance improvements during the grant year.)
Area |
Data Item |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Project Objectives |
(1) Target for Achievement – The grade level(s) and content area(s) targeted for student performance improvement during the grant year through the Indian Education project. |
Objective Grade Level Service Frequency Location Activities |
Menu Options |
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(Professional Development includes the activities that the applicant will provide to staff to improve their capacity to effectively educate Indian students)
Area |
Data Item |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Professional Development |
(1) The professional development opportunities planned using grant funds. |
Staff Type Professional Development Opportunity |
Menu Options |
Category |
Activities |
Definition |
Activities that will be included in this service. |
Code Set |
Category |
Content Area of Other Assessment |
Definition |
Content area the data pertains to. |
Code Set |
Dropout History Mathematics Other Reading (Language Arts/English) Science Social Studies Substance Abuse Technology Writing |
Category |
Content Area of State Assessment |
Definition |
Content area the data pertains to. |
Code Set |
Mathematics Reading (Language Arts/English) Science Writing |
Category |
Data Source |
Definition |
Type of assessment. |
Code Set |
Category |
Frequency |
Definition |
Frequency that the service will occur. |
Code Set |
Category |
Grade Level |
Definition |
Grade level the data pertains to. |
Code Set |
PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
Category |
Location |
Definition |
Location where the service will occur. |
Code Set |
Camps Chapter House Community Centers
Category |
Objective |
Definition |
Objective that the data pertains to. |
Code Set |
Attendance Dropout Graduation History Mathematics Reading (Language Arts/English) Science Social Studies Substance Abuse Technology Writing Other (String Field) |
Category |
Professional Development Opportunity |
Definition |
The types of professional development activities offered using funds from the grant. |
Code Set |
Orientation on working with Indian students Multi-cultural education and sensitivity LEA required training Subject-specific and related training Standards-based related training Assessments and related training Program Objective-specific and related training State sponsored sessions or conferences Regional educational conferences OIE sponsored workshops/sessions National educational conferences Other conferences related to Indian education Other (String Field) |
Category |
Service |
Definition |
Services the LEA will use to address their objective. |
Code Set |
Category |
Staff Type |
Definition |
Specify which staff type will be included in the professional development opportunity. |
Code Set |
Project Staff Teachers and Other School Professionals All LEA Staff Other (String Field) |
APPENDIX D: This Appendix describes the Budget Data to be collected for the Indian Education Formula Grant Program under OMB No. 1810-0021. There are no changes to the Budget Data section of the EASIE Application for 2012.
Areas |
Data Items |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
(1) Personnel – Head count The number of personnel paid for by the grant for each personnel type. |
Personnel Type Certification Status |
Number |
Calculated Total |
(2) Personnel – Percentage The percentage of time paid for by the grant for each personnel type. |
Personnel Type Certification Status |
Percentage |
(3) Personnel – Cost The costs for each personnel type. |
Personnel Type Certification Status Administrative Cost Program Cost Fringe Cost |
Numeric Dollar Value |
Calculated Totals |
Travel |
(1) Type of Travel: -In-district -Out-of-district -Professional Development |
Administrative Cost Program Cost |
Numeric Dollar Value |
Calculated Total |
Equipment |
(1) Text description and Purpose of Equipment Item: -Instructional Service Delivery -Program Management |
Administrative Cost Program Cost |
Numeric Dollar Value |
Calculated Total |
Supplies |
(1) Purpose of Supply: -Direct Instructional Delivery -Student Consumables -Program Management |
Administrative Cost Program Cost |
Numeric Dollar Value |
Calculated Total |
Contractual |
(1) Contractual Purpose: -Direct Instructional Delivery -Student Evaluations -Program Management -Other (String Field) |
Administrative Cost Program Cost |
Numeric Dollar Value |
Calculated Total |
Other |
(1) Purpose of Other Budget Items: -Direct Instructional Delivery -Student Activities Related to Services -Student Consumables -Program Management -Professional Development -Other (String Field) |
Administrative Cost Program Cost |
Numeric Dollar Value |
Calculated Total |
Indirect |
(1) Indirect Cost Rate – Rate of indirect costs. |
Percentage |
(2) Indirect Cost Total – Total indirect costs. |
Numeric Dollar Value |
Category |
Administrative Cost |
Definition |
The dollar amount that is administrative for Program Management; do not include administrative costs in Direct Instructional Delivery, Student Consumables, Student Evaluations, or Student Activities Related to Services budget items. |
Category |
Certification Status |
Definition |
Certification status of personnel. |
Code Set |
Certified Non-certified |
Category |
Fringe Cost |
Definition |
The dollar amount that is fringe benefits. |
Category |
Personnel Type |
Definition |
Types of personnel who will be involved in the program funded through this grant. |
Code Set |
Project Director Project Coordinator
Category |
Program Cost |
Definition |
The dollar amount that is programmatic. |
APPENDIX E: This Appendix describes the additional information an LEA will submit with their application for the Indian Education Formula Grant under OMB No. 1810-0021. There are no changes to the Additional Information an LEA will submit section of the EASIE Application for 2012.
USE OF ASSESSMENT DATA(This details how the state previous school year’s assessment data is used within the LEA E.g. SY 2010-11 grant applications use 2008-09 assessment data.) |
Area |
Data Item |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Use of Assessment Data |
(1) Use of Assessment Data – LEA response taken upon last assessment results. |
Method of Dissemination LEA Response |
Menu Options |
Category |
LEA Response |
Definition |
Way(s) that the LEA is responding to the findings of previous assessment(s). |
Code Set |
No Changes in Services/Programs Modifications to Services/Programs at LEA Level Modification to Services/Programs within Project |
Category |
Method of Dissemination |
Definition |
Method(s) of dissemination to the Indian Community and Parent Committee |
Code Set |
Public Hearing for Application Parent Committee Meeting Other Open Meeting |
APPENDIX F: This Appendix includes the information that LEAs must supply in OMB No. 1810-0021 if they apply for Indian Education grant funds under Section 7116 of Elementary and Secondary Education Act. There are no changes to the Integration of Services section of the EASIE Application for 2012.
Areas |
Data Items |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Integration of Services Consolidated |
(1) Programs to be Consolidated – Programs whose funds are to be consolidated into a demonstration project that integrates the program services involved into a single, coordinated, comprehensive program and reduces administrative costs by consolidating administrative functions. (String Field) |
Funding Agency Estimated Amount |
String Field & Numeric Dollar Value |
Integration of Services Entities |
(1) Entity Providing Service – The State, tribal, or local agency or agencies to be involved in the delivery of services integrated under the plan. |
Service to be Provided Timeframe for Service Delivery |
String Field |
Category |
Estimated Amount |
Definition |
List the estimated amount of this program. |
Category |
Funding Agency |
Definition |
List the funding agencies of the programs being consolidated. |
Category |
Service to be Provided |
Definition |
List the service(s) to be provided. |
Category |
Timeframe for Service Delivery |
Definition |
List the timeframe for service delivery. |
APPENDIX G: This Appendix describes the additional information an LEA may submit, under specified criteria, with their application for the Indian Education Formula Grant OMB No. 1810-0021. There are no changes to the Waiver section of the EASIE Application for 2012.
Areas |
Data Items |
Categories |
Format |
Comment |
Waiver Request |
(1) Waiver Request – A request to waive (under Section 9401 waiver authority) the Section 7115(d) statutory requirement of a 5% administrative cap on grant funds under the Indian Education Formula Grant Program to LEAs. |
Quality of Instruction Explanation, Proposed Academic Achievement Explanation, Proposed Date of Request
String Field & Date Field |
Only applicants applying for the waiver with the current grant application should supply this information. |
Waiver Use Report |
(1) Waiver Use Report – If granted a waiver for the previous grant year, the LEA must provide additional statements about how the additional administrative funds were used to increase the quality of instruction and improve student achievement |
Administrative Percentage Quality of Instruction Explanation, Prior Year Academic Achievement Explanation, Prior Year Date of Request |
Percentage, String Field, & Date Field |
Only applicants with an approved waiver request from the previous grant year should supply this information. |
Category |
Academic Achievement Explanation, Prior Year |
Definition |
Describe how, under the waiver, the grantee improved the academic achievement of students. |
Category |
Academic Achievement Explanation, Proposed |
Definition |
Explanation of how waiving the requirement will improve the academic achievement of students. |
Category |
Administrative Percentage |
Definition |
The percentage of funds under the previous grant year used for administrative purposes. |
Category |
Date of Request |
Definition |
Provide the date the waiver was requested. |
Category |
Quality of Instruction Explanation, Prior Year |
Definition |
Describe how, under the waiver, the grantee used these funds for administrative purposes to increase the quality of instruction to students. |
Category |
Quality of Instruction Explanation, Proposed |
Definition |
Explanation of how waiving the requirement will increase the quality of instruction for students. |
APPENDIX H: This Appendix (next page) includes the Parent Committee Form to certify that the Parent Committee has participated in the development of the application and approves the proposed project. As a component of EASIE Part II, this form will be collected locally by applicants and submitted to the Office of Indian Education under OMB No. 1810-0021 by mail, email, or fax.
Not applicable to elementary and secondary schools funded by the
Bureau of Indian Education or tribes that apply in lieu of an LEA)
LEA Name:
City/State: Zip:
This certifies that the Parent Committee for the above LEA has participated in the development of the application herein submitted and approves the proposed project.
(Note: The LEA and Parent Committee (PC) are to locally determine the number of PC members that are required for PC approval of the application.)
_____________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Check the type of application submitted. Check only one box:
The application submitted is for a regular formula grant project.
The application submitted will include project funds in a Title I school-wide program. The Parent Committee also certifies it had an opportunity to review the program in a timely fashion and determines that the school wide program is consistent with the purpose of the formula grant program and does not diminish the availability of culturally-relevant activities.
The application submitted will consolidate Federal programs funded for the purpose of providing education and related services to Indian students. The Federal funds identified within the budget to be consolidated are those that are allocated under a statutory or administrative formula for the purposes of providing education and related services that would be used to Indian students (see Integration of Services under Section 7116).
Appendix I: Technical Changes Since 2007
Data Group |
Category |
Change |
Comment |
Various |
Multiple Pages |
Removed “As Needed” from all code sets where Frequency was a selection. P. 10 (in bold) |
Allows grantee to provide a more defined service schedule. |
There are no substantive changes since the 2010 clearance. The changes identified above improve clarity and reduce confusion for the applicant.
File Type | application/msword |
File Modified | 2013-05-08 |
File Created | 2013-05-08 |