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OMB No. 1121-0094: Approval Expires 6/30/2016
U.S. Census Bureau
Governments Division
Washington, DC 20233-6800
Number and street or P.O. box/Route number
Area code
State ZIP Code
Area Code
(Please correct any error in name, mailing address, and ZIP Code)
• If you have any questions, call the U.S. Census Bureau at 1–800–253–2078, or e-mail
• Please complete the questionnaire before July 31, 2013 using the web-reporting option (see the web flyer for details), by
mailing the completed form to the U.S. Census Bureau in the enclosed envelope, or by FAXing all pages to
• Please retain a copy of the completed form for your records.
What types of facilities are included in this survey?
Confinement facilities in jurisdictions included with certainty in the Annual Survey of Jails. Confinement facilities are usually
administered by a local law enforcement agency, intended for adults but sometimes holding juveniles.
Confinement facilities
• INCLUDE jails and city/county correctional centers.
• INCLUDE special jail facilities (e.g., medical/treatment/release centers, halfway houses, and work farms).
• INCLUDE temporary holding or lockup facilities if they are part of your combined function.
• EXCLUDE temporary holding or lockup facilities that are not part of your combined function from which inmates are
usually transferred within 72 hours and not held beyond arraignment. If your only function is a temporary holding or
lockup facility, DO NOT complete this form – contact Heather West at 1–800–253–2078.
Certainty jurisdictions
• INCLUDE facilities in jail jurisdictions that held juvenile inmates at the time of the 2005 Census of Jail Inmates and had an
average daily population of 500 or more inmates during the 12 months ending June 30, 2005.
• INCLUDE facilities in jail jurisdictions that held only adult inmates and had an average daily population of 750 or more at the
time of the 2005 Census of Jail Inmates.
Burden statement
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, we cannot ask you to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The burden of this collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering necessary data, and completing and reviewing this form.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this survey, including suggestions for reducing this burden,
to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. Do not send your completed
form to this address.
FORM CJ-5D (10-15-2012)
• If the answer to a question is "not available" or "unknown," write "DK" in the space provided.
• If the answer to a question is "not applicable," write "NA" in the space provided.
• If the answer to a question is "none" or "zero," write "0" in the space provided.
• When exact numeric answers are not available, provide estimates and mark (X) in the
box beside each figure that is estimated. For example 1,234 X
I.2. Of all persons under your jail supervision
reported in item I.1c, how many were not U.S.
I.1. On June 28, 2013, how many persons under the
supervision of your jail jurisdiction were —
Non-US citizens
a. CONFINED in your jail facilities?
I.3. On the weekend prior to June 28, 2013, did your
jail jurisdiction have a weekend program?
• INCLUDE persons on transfer to treatment
facilities but who remain under your
• Weekend programs allow offenders to serve their
sentences of confinement only on weekends (e.g.,
• INCLUDE persons held for other jurisdictions.
• INCLUDE persons in community-based programs
(e.g., work release, day release, drug/alcohol
treatment) who return to jail at night.
Yes – How many inmates
• EXCLUDE any persons housed in facilities
operated by two or more jurisdictions or those
housed in privately operated jails.
• EXCLUDE inmates on AWOL, escape, or
long-term transfer to other jurisdictions.
• EXCLUDE inmates being boarded out to another
county or held in another facility not operated by
your jail jurisdiction.
II.1. On June 28, 2013, how many persons CONFINED
in your jail facilities were —
a. Adult males (age 18 or
older) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
b. Adult females (age 18 or
older) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
b. Under jail supervision but NOT CONFINED?
• INCLUDE all persons in community-based programs
run by your jails (e.g., electronic monitoring, house
arrest, community service, day reporting, and work
c. Males under age 18 . . . . . .
d. Females under age 18 . . . .
• EXCLUDE persons on pretrial release who are not in
a community based program run by your jails.
• EXCLUDE persons under supervision of probation,
parole or other agencies.
• EXCLUDE inmates on weekend programs.
Weekend programs allow offenders to serve
their sentences of confinement only on weekends
(e.g., Friday–Sunday).
e. TOTAL (Sum of items II.1a to
II.1d should equal item I.1a) . . .
II.2. Of all persons under the age of 18 CONFINED in
your jail facilities on June 28, 2013 (items II.1c
and II.1d), how many were tried, or awaiting
trial, in adult court?
Number of persons under
age 18 held as adults . . . . . . . .
• EXCLUDE inmates participating in work release
programs who return to the jail at night.
c. Total (Sum of items
I.1a and I.1b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 2
FORM CJ-5D (10-15-2012)
II.3. Of all persons CONFINED in your jail facilities
on June 28, 2013, how many were —
II.5. On June 28, 2013, how many persons
CONFINED in your jail facilities were held for —
• For persons with a multiple hold, count them only
once with priority being Federal, State, and local.
• For persons with more than one status, report the
status with the most serious offense.
• For convicted inmates include probation and parole
violators with no new sentence.
a. Federal authorities
1. U.S. Marshals Service . . .
a. Convicted . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Federal Bureau of Prisons
How many were —
1. Unsentenced inmates
or awaiting sentencing . . .
3. U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement
(I.C.E.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Sentenced inmates . . . . .
4. Bureau of Indian Affairs .
5. Other – Specify
b. Unconvicted . . . . . . . . . . .
How many were —
b. State prison authorities
1. Awaiting trial/
arraignment . . . . . . . . . .
1. For your state . . . . . . . . .
2. Awaiting transfer/hold
for other authorities . . . . .
2. For other states . . . . . . .
c. Other local jail jurisdictions
3. Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• EXCLUDE inmates being housed for your own
jurisdiction (i.e., your own county/city inmates).
c. TOTAL (Sum of items II.3a
and II.3b should equal item I.1a)
1. Within your state . . . . . .
II.4. On June 28, 2013, how many persons
CONFINED in your jail facilities were —
2. Outside your state . . . . .
d. TOTAL (Sum of items II.5a
to II.5c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. White, not of Hispanic
origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
b. Black or African American,
not of Hispanic origin . . . . . . .
c. Hispanic or Latino . . . . . .
II.6. a. During the 30-DAY period from June 1 to
June 30, 2013, on what day did your facility
hold the greatest number of inmates?
• Peak population should be equal to or greater than
the confined inmate population reported in item I.1a.
d. American Indian/Alaska
Native, not of Hispanic origin
e. Asian, not of Hispanic origin .
, 2013
b. How many persons were CONFINED on
that day?
f. Native Hawaiian or Other
Pacific Islander, not of
Hispanic origin . . . . . . . . . . .
Number that day
g. Two or more races, not
of Hispanic origin . . . . . . . . .
h. Additional categories in your
information system — Specify
i. Not known . . . . . . . . . . . .
j. TOTAL (Sum of items II.4a
to II.4i should equal item I.1a) .
Page 3
FORM CJ-5D (10-15-2012)
II.7. Between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013,
what was the average daily population of all
jail confinement facilities operated by your
II.10. During the WEEK of June 24 to June 30, 2013,
how many persons discharged from your jail
jurisdiction were confined —
• Report time served, not sentence length, for
discharged person.
• Include inmates who participated in weekend
programs that allow offenders to serve their
sentences of confinement only on weekends
(e.g., Friday-Sunday).
Convicted Unconvicted
a. Less than 1 day . .
• To calculate the average daily population, add the
number of persons for each day during the period
July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013, and divide
the result by 365.
b. 1 to 2 days . . . . . .
c. 3 to 7 days . . . . . .
Average daily population
d. 8 to 30 days . . . . .
II.8. On June 28, 2013, what was the total jail
capacity of your jail facilities?
e. 31 to 180 days . . .
a. Rated capacity
(The maximum number of beds
or inmates assigned by a rating
official to a facility, excluding
separate temporary holding
areas.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f. More than 180 days
g. TOTAL (Sum of items
II.10a to II.10f should
equal item II.9b) . . . .
b. Operational capacity
(The number of inmates that can
be accommodated based on
staff, existing programs and
services in institutions within your
jurisdiction. Also known as
“budget” capacity.) . . . . . . .
If item I.1b equals 0 (zero), SKIP to item IV.1
c. Design capacity
(The number of inmate’s
planners or architects intended
for all jail facilities in your
jurisdiction.) . . . . . . . . . . . .
III.1. On June 28, 2013, how many persons under
your jail supervision who were NOT CONFINED,
participated in —
• EXCLUDE inmates on weekend programs.
a. Electronic monitoring . .
II.9. During the WEEK of June 24 to June 30, 2013,
how many persons were —
b. Home detention without
electronic monitoring . . .
a. New admissions to your jail facilities?
• INCLUDE persons officially booked into and housed
in your facility by formal legal document and by the
authority of the courts or some other official agency.
• INCLUDE those persons serving a weekend
sentence coming into the facility for the first time.
• EXCLUDE returns from escape, work release,
medical appointments/treatment facilities, bail and
court appearances.
New admissions
c. Community service . . . .
d. Day reporting . . . . . . . . .
e. Other pretrial supervision
f. Other alternative work
programs . . . . . . . . . . . .
• EXCLUDE inmates participating in work release
programs who return to the jail at night.
b. Final discharges from your jail facilities?
• INCLUDE all persons released after a period of
confinement (e.g., sentence completion, bail/bond
releases, other pretrial releases, transfers to other
jurisdictions, and deaths).
• INCLUDE those persons completing their weekend
sentence leaving the facility for the last time.
• EXCLUDE temporary discharges (e.g., work
releases, medical appointments/treatment, to courts,
furloughs, day reporters, and transfers to other
facilities within your jurisdiction).
g. Alcohol/drug treatment
programs . . . . . . . . . . . .
• EXCLUDE inmates participating in alcohol/drug
treatment programs who are confined in the jail.
h. Other programs outside
of jail facilities – Specify
i. TOTAL (Sum of items III.1a to
III.1h should equal item I.1b) .
Final discharges
Page 4
FORM CJ-5D (10-15-2012)
III.2. On June 28, 2013, how many persons under
your jail supervision who were NOT
a. Adult males (age 18 or
older) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IV.2. During the 365-DAY period from July 1, 2012 to
June 30, 2013, were there any inmate-inflicted
physical or sexual assaults on facility staff in
your jail jurisdiction?
• Report any assaults that involved a weapon or
serious injury requiring immediate medical attention
more extensive than first aid.
b. Adult females (age 18 or
older) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yes –
Number of assaults on –
c. Males under age 18 . . . . .
a. Correctional Officers . . .
d. Females under age 18 . . .
b. All other staff . . . . . . . .
e. TOTAL (Sum of items III.2a to
III.2d should equal item I.1b) . .
III.3. Of all persons under your jail supervision who
were NOT CONFINED on June 28, 2013, how
many were —
No assaults
IV.3. During the 365-DAY period from July 1, 2012 to
June 30, 2013, were there any staff deaths as a
result of assaults by inmates?
a. Convicted . . . . . . . . . . . . .
b. Unconvicted . . . . . . . . . . .
Yes –
Number of deaths –
c. TOTAL (Sum of items III.3a and
III.3b should equal item I.1b) . .
a. Correctional Officer deaths
inflicted by inmates . . . .
b. All other staff deaths
inflicted by inmates . . . .
IV.1. On June 28, 2013, how many staff employed
by your jail jurisdiction were —
• Count each employee only once. Classify
employees with multiple functions by the function
performed most frequently.
No deaths
IV.4. During the 365-DAY period from July 1, 2012 to
June 30, 2013, how many persons CONFINED in
your jail jurisdiction were written up or found
guilty of —
a. Physical assault on
another inmate . . . . . . . .
• INCLUDE only payroll and nonpayroll staff.
b. A drug violation, such
as use, possession,
or dealing drugs . . . . . . . .
• EXCLUDE staff paid through contractual
agreements and community volunteers.
a. Correctional Officers
(Deputies, monitors, and other
custody staff who spend more
than 50% of their time with the
incarcerated population.) . . . .
c. An alcohol violation,
including unauthorized
possession, use, or sale .
d. Possession of a weapon .
b. All other staff
(Administrators, clerical and
maintenance staff, educational
staff, professional and technical
staff, and other staff
unspecified.) . . . . . . . . . . . .
e. Possession of stolen
property . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f. Escape or attempted
escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
g. Any other major
violation, including work
slowdowns, food strikes,
setting fire, rioting, etc. .
c. Total (sum of items
IV.1a and IV.1b) . . . . . . . . . .
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | untitled |
File Modified | 2013-02-11 |
File Created | 2012-10-15 |