January 16, 2013
Revised: April 10, 2013
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09),
2013 Update and Transcript Main Study
Supporting Statement
Part B & C
for OMB Review
OMB# 1850-0852 v.11
Submitted by
National Center for Education Statistics
U.S. Department of Education
Part B Section Page
B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods 3
B.1 Target Universe and Sampling Frames 3
B.2 Statistical Procedures for Collecting Information 3
B.2.d Imputation of Missing Data 5
B.3 Methods for Maximizing Response Rates 6
B.4 Test of procedures and methods 10
B.4.a.4BPS:12/14 Field Test 15
Part C: 2013 Update Questionnaire – Justifications…………………………………….........23
Number Page
Exhibit B-1. Summary of Field Test and Full-Scale Responsive Designs, by Study 17
Exhibit B-2. Proposed variables to include in model to identify target cases 20
This section describes the target universe for this study and the sampling and statistical methodologies proposed for the HSLS:09 2013 Update and transcript main study collection. Part B also addresses suggested methods for maximizing response rates, for testing procedures and methods, and introduces the technical staff responsible for design and administration of the study.
The base-year target populations for HSLS:09 consisted of (1) public and private schools within the U.S. providing instruction to 9th- and 11th-grade students, and (2) the 9th graders attending these schools in the fall semester of 2009. As with the first follow-up study, the target population for the HSLS:09 2013 Update and transcript study is the same as specified in the base year.
A total of 2,761 schools will be contacted for transcript collection in the fall of 2013. This includes all of the 939 base-year participating high schools (this number differs from the 944 originally collected in the base year because of school closures and merges with other schools since 2009), and 1,822 other schools attended by students during the HSLS:09 first follow-up. Any additional schools identified during the 2013 Update main study will also be included in the transcript collection effort.
Students who withdrew from the study, were deceased, were determined study ineligible, were identified as questionnaire-incapable (QI) during the first follow-up study after being a nonrespondent or QI in the base year, or participated in neither the base-year data collection nor first follow-up data collections (n=2,890) will be excluded from both the 2013 Update and transcript data collections. Therefore, of the 26,305 cohort members initially selected for the HSLS:09 study, the 2013 Update will field a sample of 23,415 cohort members (89 percent of the original base year sample). All 23,415 participants will be contacted for the 2013 Update study. Either the student or the parent can complete the questionnaire. The associated high school record for each member will be collected, keyed, and coded as part of the HSLS:09 transcript study.
Analysis weights along with survey data are used to produce population estimates. The weights reflect the inclusion probabilities for the sampled units (i.e., base weights generated in the base year study) and adjustments to lower (1) unit nonresponse bias, (2) undercoverage bias, and (3) the variability of the resulting weights. Analysis weights will be produced for the HSLS:09 2013 Update and transcript main studies.
The HSLS:09 longitudinal, multistage design introduces significant complexity to the task of weighting. Two sets of longitudinal weights are anticipated for the analysis of the cumulative HSLS:09 data: one set to reflect response to either the base-year or first follow-up rounds and the 2013 Update; and one set to reflect response to either the base-year or first follow-up rounds and receipt of high school transcript information.
The HSLS:09 weighting process includes four major steps. Using the base weights created during the HSLS:09 base-year study, an adjustment will be applied for nonresponse to the base-year and first follow-up main studies to account for those excluded from the 2013 Update and transcript studies. In the second step, base weights will be adjusted for nonresponse in the 2013 Update study. The third step will include a calibration adjustment to the sum of the base-year analysis weights to ensure coverage of the 9th-grade target population. Finally, weights constructed after each adjustment will go through an extensive series of quality control (QC) checks to prevent any computational or procedural errors, and to detect extreme outliers that can decrease the precision in the population estimates. These include review of program logs, verification of weight sums before and after adjustments are applied to the weights, and verification of the final weight sums against weight sums from the HSLS:09 first follow-up. Design effects for a set of important survey estimates will be calculated and reviewed for extreme values, thus creating an iterative process until the final set of efficient weights is produced.
In addition to analyzing design effects, unit bias analyses will be conducted to determine whether additional variables not already included in the nonresponse models should be investigated. Statistical tests will be conducted on a variety of questionnaire items. If non-negligible levels of bias remain, the nonresponse and calibration adjustments will be revisited with the goal of lowering the bias. To estimate bias for a generic population parameter θ, we will calculate the following quantity for a set of variables known for both respondents and nonrespondents:
is the estimated parameter using only the respondent data, and
the estimated parameter using both the respondent (
and nonrespondent (
data and the weighted nonresponse rate
Candidate variables known for all sample cases include those from
the original sampling frame as well as survey data collected in a
previous rounds of HSLS:09.
All HSLS:09 weight adjustments—including nonresponse and calibration—will be calculated with a design-based model using the WTADJUST procedure in SUDAAN®, statistical software with built-in controls on extreme values. Model variables will be identified as being associated with a set of key analysis variables as well as the differential pattern of unit nonresponse. Classification procedures such as regression tree analysis will be used to identify these variables from a candidate list that includes stratification variables and data collected from previous rounds of HSLS:09.
Imputation of missing values in the 2013 Update main study will be performed for items commonly used to define analysis domains, items that are frequently used in cross-tabulations, and items needed for weighting. Categorical HSLS:09 items that are subject to imputation will be imputed using logical imputation1 where applicable, followed by a weighted sequential hot deck procedure.2 By incorporating the sampling weights, this method of imputation takes into account the unequal probabilities of selection in the original sample while controlling the expected number of times a particular respondent’s answer will be used as a donor. Variables that are statistically associated with either the item being imputed, or the specific pattern of item nonresponse for the item being imputed will be used to form the imputation classes. Statistical tests such as logistic regression and regression tree analysis will be used to determine significant associations. Candidate variables for the imputation classes will be drawn from the current survey as well as information collected in the previous rounds of HSLS:09. Consistency of the imputed values will be verified within and across the rounds of HSLS:09.
Sets of 200 balanced repeated replication (BRR) weights will be created for the 2013 Update and transcript samples to produce variance estimates. This number is consistent with the number of replicates used for the HSLS:09 base year. The BRR weighting process will replicate the procedures used to generate the full sample weight (section B.2.c) and will follow the steps successfully implemented on a number of studies, including ELS:2002 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/els2002/), the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF, http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/nsopf/), and previous rounds of HSLS:09 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/hsls09). In addition, analysis strata and primary sampling units (PSUs) created from the sampling PSUs will be included on the electronic code book for analysts wanting to use Taylor series variance estimation rather than BRR weights.
Procedures for maximizing response rates are based on successful experiences with prior rounds of HSLS:09 and with other education studies. In this section, methods for maximizing response rates for the 2013 Update interview and the high school transcript collection are discussed.
The objective of the HSLS:09 2013 Update is to gather information about students’ plans following high school. The data collection period begins on June 1, 2013, when most students have recently graduated or are about to graduate from high school, and continues through October as they embark on their post high school endeavors. Because the study will occur during a time of high student mobility, the questionnaire has been designed to allow for completion by either a student or a parent. A number of methods will be implemented to locate sample members and gain cooperation to maximize response in the HSLS:09 2013 Update.
Locating sample members. A multi-stage locating approach will be implemented to find and collect current contact information for the HSLS:09 sample. The stages of the proposed locating approach are:
A Panel Maintenance Update prior to the 2013 Update collection is proposed to inform sample members that the next update will begin in June 2013. The mailing will include information for the sample member to log into the study website and update contact information. A hardcopy form will be provided along with a business reply envelope to provide sample members with the option of providing updated contact information in hardcopy form. The panel maintenance mailing will be sent directly to the student if he/she is aged 18 or older, and to the parents if the student is under age 18. This mailing will be sent immediately upon receipt of OMB approval for the 2013 Update and Transcript collection.
Advance Tracing includes batch database searches, contact information updates, and advance intensive tracing conducted as necessary.
Telephone Locating and Interviewing includes calling all available telephone numbers and following up on leads provided by parents and other contacts.
Pre-Intensive Batch Tracing consists of the Premium Phone searches that will be conducted between the telephone locating and interviewing stage and the intensive tracing stage.
Intensive Tracing consists of tracers checking all telephone numbers and conducting credit bureau database searches after all current telephone numbers have been exhausted.
Tracing steps will include gathering information for locating both the parent and student, and will be conducted in the listed order. Since the most cost effective steps are first, this plan will result in locating the maximum number of sample members with the least expense.
Gaining Cooperation. Though the information collected for the 2013 Update specifically relates to the student sample member, the 2013 Update questionnaire can be completed by either the student or the parent. Allowing the parent or the student to provide information will result in a higher response rate than would otherwise be achieved with a student-only response restriction. Students and parents will have the option to complete the interview online or on the telephone.
To mitigate challenges experienced in the field test with achieving high response in the early data collection phase, we proposed to begin data collection two weeks earlier to maximize early response rate before students disperse for the summer. Materials will be mailed to both students and parents. Since the vast majority of students will be at least 18 years of age at the time of the 2013 Update data collection, separate materials will be sent directly to students and to parents. For students who are not yet 18 years old, parent permission must be received before contacting the student or allowing the student to participate. As was the protocol for the First Follow-up data collection, the parent mailing will include a sealed student letter when parent permission is required. Parents will also be allowed to provide their permission online or during an outbound computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) call. Once parent permission is obtained, subsequent reminder mailings will be sent directly to the student.
Students and parents will receive a description of the study, a note stating the importance of the 2013 Update, and log-in credentials. Each letter will supply a telephone number to complete a CATI interview or get assistance with the self-administered web questionnaire. Parent letters will also request that they encourage their young adult to participate in the 2013 Update, though both letters will mention that either the student or a parent can complete the questionnaire. Regardless of student’s age, the student letters will provide the same information as the parent letters, albeit with different log-in credentials.
Telephone interviewers will be trained using best practices for gaining cooperation from sample members and interviewing sample members. Training will also focus on the background and purpose of HSLS:09 and the questionnaire. A training manual will be provided and referenced throughout training and data collection. Training exercises, mock interviews, and other training aids will be used during the training session.
The incentive plans for the HSLS:09 2013 Update to be described in detail in section A.9 (Explanation of Payment or Gift to Respondents), on which we are working in consultation with OMB and will submit at a later date, will complement the approaches described in this section to maximize participation of sample members.
Transcript data will be requested for students who participated (or were questionnaire-incapable) in either of the in-school rounds of HSLS:09 from all schools attended since the 2009-10 academic year. A complete transcript from the school will be requested as well as complete transcripts from transfer schools that the students attended, as applicable. Since the success of the transcript collection is closely tied to the active participation of selected schools, the consent and cooperation of the school’s coordinator is essential and helps to encourage the timely completion of the transcript collection. If the HSLS:09 coordinators have been involved with the in-school collection, they will be familiar with HSLS:09 and recognize the study’s importance. Procedures for working with schools will build upon the rapport developed with schools in the HSLS:09 base year and first follow-up and will be based on successful past procedures. Institutional contactors will use the HSLS:09 Institutional Contacting System (ICS) which will contain information from ongoing communications since the base-year recruitment.
The descriptive materials sent to schools will be clear, concise, and informative about the purpose of the study and the nature of subsequent requests and will include letters from RTI and NCES and instructions for how to log on to the study’s secure website and access information and tools for providing transcripts. Follow-up calls will be made to ensure receipt of the request packet and answer any questions about the study. It is likely that telephone prompting will be required to obtain the desired number of transcripts in addition to e-mail prompts, letters, and postcard prompts.
A seasoned team of Institutional Contactors (ICs) will be assigned responsibility for a set of schools throughout the transcript collection process, which enable Institutional Contactors to build and maintain rapport with school staff and to provide a reliable point of contact at RTI. Institutional Contactors will be thoroughly trained in transcript collection and in the purposes and requirements of the study, which helps them establish credibility with the school staff.
Different options for collecting transcripts for sampled students are offered. Data security procedures for each method of transcript collection are addressed in the HSLS:09 Data Security Plan. The school coordinator is invited to select the method of greatest convenience to the school. School staff will have the option to provide transcript data by: 1) uploading electronic transcripts for sampled students to the secure study website; 2) sending electronic transcripts for sampled students by secure File Transfer Protocol; 3) sending electronic transcripts as encrypted attachments via email; 4) for schools that already use this method, RTI requesting/collecting electronic transcripts via a dedicated server at the University of Texas at Austin; 5) transmitting transcripts via a secure electronic fax at RTI, after sending a confirmed test page; and as a last resort 6) sending transcripts via an express delivery service after redacting personally identifying information. The majority of schools will likely fax the data, followed closely by those schools that will use FedEx. The numbers will be small for the other modes, but the plan is to set up multiple means to accept the data if the school is willing and able to use the more sophisticated electronic modes. More options promote the likelihood of more timely response. For reference, the recent B&B/BPS Postsecondary Education Transcript Study (PETS) found 66% of the data arrived via fax from colleges. The percentage could be even higher with high school transcripts.
Consent Procedures. Privacy and consent concerns may arise in the collection of high school transcripts. ICs requesting transcripts will be familiar with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which permits schools to release student data to the U.S. Department of Education and its authorized agents without consent, and will be prepared to respond to concerns raised by high school staff. If the school requires student consent to release the transcripts, RTI will prepare and mail consent forms to the students (or parents if the student is known to be under age 18). RTI will request that the school provide a letter of support that will be sent along with the consent form to help legitimize the request. Sample text will be provided to the school to facilitate the collection of this letter prior to mailing consent forms to the young adult. Consent forms should be returned directly to RTI, where the consent forms will be packaged and sent to the school with a second request for transcripts. Telephone prompting will be conducted as needed to remind students and parents to send consent forms to RTI. During the field test, the prevalence of schools requiring implied or explicit consent and the rate of return will be evaluated so that procedures may be refined for the main study. During the ELS:2002 high school transcript collection, 5 percent of the schools required explicit consent (i.e., signed consent form) to release transcripts.
In compliance with FERPA, a notation will be made in the student record that the transcript has been collected for use in HSLS:09.
B.3.c Panel Maintenance Prior to Second Follow-up
A panel maintenance mailing is proposed to collect updated contact information prior to the second follow-up collection scheduled to take place in early 2016. Three years will transpire between the most recent update and the second follow-up (2012 to 2015 for the field test and 2013 to 2016 for the main study). Sample members and their parents will receive the panel maintenance mailings. The panel maintenance update would take place at the mid-point between the two collections, occurring in late 2013 for the field test and late 2014 for the main study.
Our proposal for the panel maintenance activities prior to the second follow-up are being worked on in consultation with OMB and will be submitted at a later date.
The 2013 Update responsive design plans are being worked on in consultation with OMB and will be submitted at a later date.
Elise Christopher and Jeff Owings are the primary contacts for the HSLS:09 study at NCES. The RTI contractor-affiliated consultants on statistical aspects of HSLS:09 are: James Chromy, Steven J. Ingels, Jill A. Dever, Daniel J. Pratt, John Riccobono, and David Wilson.
Part C: 2013 Update Questionnaire - Justifications
Item |
Source |
Status |
Old Wording (if revised) |
New Item Wording |
Justification |
2012 Update Question 1 |
[Have/Has] [you/teenager] earned a regular high school diploma, GED, or other high school credential?
1=Yes, a high school diploma 2=Yes, a GED or other high school credential 3=No
[Have/Has] [you/your teenager] earned a high school diploma, GED or equivalency, or a certificate of attendance? 1=Yes 0=No
What type of high school credential [have/has] [you/he/she] earned? 1=High school diploma 2=GED or equivalency 3=Certificate of attendance |
Split questions because first question is phrased as a yes/no question.
Removed “regular” qualifier on “high school diploma” to avoid confusion for the majority of respondents.
Added certificate of attendance as an explicit response option for comprehensiveness.
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 3 |
Revised |
In what month and year did [you/he/she] receive [your/his/her] [high school diploma/GED or other high school credential]? |
In what month and year did [you/he/she] receive [your/his/her] [high school diploma/GED or equivalency/certificate of attendance]? |
Added wording for those with a certificate of attendance. |
ELS:2002 F2A09 |
Added |
Not Asked |
[Do/Does] [you/he/she] plan to get a GED, high school diploma, or certificate of attendance? 1=Yes 0=No |
Added to fill a gap in content. |
Added |
Not Asked |
What type of high school credential [do/does] [you/he/she] plan to earn? 1=High school diploma 2=GED or equivalency 3=Certificate of attendance |
Added to fill a gap in content.
ELS:2002 F2A10 |
Added |
Not Asked |
About what month and year [do/does] [you/he/she] expect to [receive a high school diploma/ receive a certificate of attendance/take the examination for the GED or other high school equivalency exam/receive a high school diploma or certificate of attendance or to take the examination for the GED or other high school equivalency exam]? |
Added to fill a gap in content. |
2012 Update Question 5 |
Revised |
What is the full name, city, and state of the high school [from which [you/he/she] received a diploma]/ [you/he/she] last attended]? (Do not enter abbreviations.) |
What is the full name, city, and state of the high school [from which [you/he/she] received a diploma]/ [you/he/she] last attended/ [you/he/she] is currently attending]? (Do not enter abbreviations.) |
Added wording for those who are enrolled in high school at the time of survey administration. |
2012 Update Question 6 |
Revised |
[So far we know that [you/teenager] [have/has] attended these high schools since [you/he/she] [were/was] a 9th-grader in the fall of 2008: [LAST HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED NAMED IN CULASTHSNAME] [FIRST FOLLOW-UP HIGH SCHOOL] [BASE YEAR HIGH SCHOOL]
[Have/Has] [you/teenager] attended any other high school besides [BASE YEAR HIGH SCHOOL]/these]? |
[So far we know that [you/your teenager] [have/has] attended these high schools since [you/he/she] [were/was] a 9th-grader in the fall of 2009: [LAST HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED NAMED IN CULASTHSNAME] [FIRST FOLLOW-UP HIGH SCHOOL] [BASE YEAR HIGH SCHOOL]
[Have/Has] [you/your teenager] attended any other high school besides [[BASE YEAR HIGH SCHOOL]/these] since [you/he/she] [were/was] a 9th-grader in the fall of 2009? 1=Yes 0=No |
Added “since [you/he/she] [were/was] a 9th-grader in the fall of 2009” for clarity. |
2012 Update Question 6 |
Revised |
[So far we know that [you/teenager] [have/has] attended these high schools since [you/he/she] [were/was] a 9th-grader in the fall of 2008: [OTHER HIGH SCHOOLS NAMED IN CUOTHHSNAME] [LAST HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED NAMED IN CULASTHSNAME] [FIRST FOLLOW-UP HIGH SCHOOL] [BASE YEAR HIGH SCHOOL]
[Have/Has] [you/your teenager] attended any other high school besides these?
1=Yes 0=No |
[So far we know that [you/your teenager] [have/has] attended these high schools since [you/he/she] [were/was]a 9th-grader in the fall of 2009: [OTHER HIGH SCHOOLS NAMED IN CUOTHHSNAME] [LAST HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED NAMED IN CULASTHSNAME] [FIRST FOLLOW-UP HIGH SCHOOL] [BASE YEAR HIGH SCHOOL]
[Have/Has] [you/your teenager] attended any other high school besides these since [you/he/she] [were/was]a 9th-grader in the fall of 2009? 1=Yes 0=No |
Added “since [you/he/she] [were/was] a 9th-grader in the fall of 2009” for clarity. |
Based on 2012 Update Question 7 |
Added |
Not Asked |
[Did/[Have/Has]] [you/your teenager] [take/taken] any high school courses for college credit [when [you/he/she] [were/was] in high school] including AP courses, IB courses, and other courses for college credit? [Include any courses that [you/he/she] [is/are] taking now.] 1=Yes 0=No |
On advice from TRP, expanded this series of questions about courses for college credit to include AP and IB courses. Previously, only dual enrollment courses were captured. |
NPSAS draft question N12AP1 |
Added |
Not Asked |
Which of the following types of courses for college credit [did/have/has] [you/your teenager] [take/taken] [when [you/he/she] [were/was] in high school]?
Advanced Placement (AP) courses International Baccalaureate (IB) courses Any other course for college credit such as dual or concurrent enrollment courses 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Expanded to include AP and IB based on TRP recommendation. |
Based on 2012 Update question 7 |
Added |
Not Asked |
In which of the following subjects [did/have/has] [you/your teenager] [take/taken] AP courses? Math Science Another subject 1=Yes 0=No |
Expanded to include AP and IB based on TRP recommendation. |
Based on 2012 Update question 7 |
Added |
Not Asked |
In which of the following subjects [did/have/has] [you/your teenager] [take/taken] IB courses? Math Science Another subject 1=Yes 0=No |
Expanded to include AP and IB based on TRP recommendation. |
2012 Update Question 7 |
Revised |
Not including AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalaureate) courses, [did/ [have/has] [you/teenager] [take/taken] any high school courses for college credit [when [you/he/she] [were/was] in high school]? [Include any courses for college credit that [you/he/she] [are/is] taking now.] Math course Science course Another course 1=Yes 0=No |
In which of the following subjects [did/have/has] [you/your teenager] [take/taken] courses for college credit other than AP and IB? Math Science Another subject 1=Yes 0=No |
Question rephrased given that it is already known that the dual enrollment courses have been taken.
2012 Update Question 43 |
Revised |
How well have [your/your teenager's] high school counselors prepared [you/him/her] for each of the following? To gain admission to a college or university To apply for financial aid To find a job 1=Extremely well 2=Somewhat well 3=Not well 4=Not at all 5=Don't know |
Did [you/your teenager] meet one-on-one with a high school counselor in the 2012 – 2013 school year about… gaining admission to a college or university applying for financial aid finding a job 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t know
Based on TRP recommendation, revised to collect more factual information that parents could answer more accurately. |
HSLS First Follow-up S2CLGINFLU |
Added |
Not Asked |
Who has had the most influence on [your/your teenager’s] thinking about education after high school, if anyone? 1=A high school counselor 2=A counselor hired by your family to help [you/your teenager] prepare for college admission 3=A teacher 4=[Your/His/Her] parents 5=Another family member 6=[Your/His/Her] friends 7=[Your/His/Her] employer 8=A military recruiter 9=A coach or scout 10=[Yourself/Himself/Herself] 11=No one in particular 12=Don’t know |
Added to fill gap in content. |
Based on HSLS First Follow-up S2CLGINFLU and S2CAREERINFLU |
Added |
Not Asked |
Who has had the most influence on [your/your teenager’s] thinking about financial aid, if anyone? 1=A high school counselor 2=A counselor hired by your family to help [you/your teenager] prepare for college admission 3=A teacher 4=[Your/His/Her] parents 5=Another family member 6=[Your/His/Her] friends 7=[Your/His/Her] employer 8=A military recruiter 9=A coach or scout 10=[Yourself/Himself/Herself] 11=No one in particular 12=Don’t know |
Added to fill gap in content. Recommended by TRP. |
HSLS First Follow-up S2CAREERINFLU |
Added |
Not Asked |
Who has had the most influence on [your/your teenager’s] thinking about careers, if anyone? 1=A high school counselor 3=A teacher 4=[Your/His/Her] parents 5=Another family member 6=[Your/His/Her] friends 7=[Your/His/Her] employer 8=A military recruiter 9=A coach or scout 10=[Yourself/Himself/Herself] 11=No one in particular 12=Don’t know |
Added to fill gap in content. |
CUFALL2013 |
2012 Update Question 8 |
Revised |
Which of the following activities [are/is] [you/teenager] doing this fall?
Taking classes at a college or university
Taking classes at a school that provides occupational training (e.g., cosmetology school or a school of culinary arts)
Studying for an industry certification or license (e.g., Microsoft Systems Engineer or real estate license)
Participating in an apprenticeship program
Another form of training (please specify)
Serving in the military
Starting a family or taking care of [your/his/her] children
Attending high school
Attending a GED completion course 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Which of the following activities will [you/your teenager] be doing on or around November 1st?
Taking classes from a college, university, community college, trade school or other occupational school (such as a cosmetology school or school of culinary arts)
Participating in an apprenticeship program
Working for pay
Serving in the military including ROTC
Starting a family or taking care of [your/his/her]children
Attending high school
Attending a GED completion course 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Based on TRP recommendation, revised wording to refer to “on or around November 1st”. This allows all question wording to be in the future tense. Combined the first two options into one and added “community college” and “trade school” for comprehensiveness.
Eliminated the “studying for an industry certification or license” option due to concerns about misinterpretation and false positives.
Eliminated “another form or training” based on review of other specifies.
Added “for pay” to the working item for clarity.
Added “including ROTC” to the military item for clarity.
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 9 |
Revised |
What [will be/is] [your/his/her] main focus this fall? 1=Taking classes at a college or university 2=Taking classes at a school that provides occupational training (e.g., cosmetology school or a school of culinary arts) 3=Studying for an industry certification or license (e.g., Microsoft Systems Engineer or real estate license) 4=Enrolling in an apprenticeship program 5=Another form of training 6=Working 7=Serving in the military 8=Starting a family or taking care of [your/his/her] children 9=Attending high school 10=Attending a GED completion course |
What will be [your/his/her] main focus?
1= Taking classes from a college, university, community college, trade school or other occupational school (such as a cosmetology school or school of culinary arts)? 2=Participating in an apprenticeship program 3=Working for pay 4=Attending high school 5=Attending a GED completion course 6=[You/He/She] will be equally focused on both |
Question has been limited to those who will be pursuing some form of education (postsecondary or high school) and working (working for pay or apprenticeship.
Response options now allow for equal emphasis.
Added help text
2012 Update Question 11 |
Revised |
[Will [you/teenager] enroll/[Are/Is] [you/teenager] enrolled] full-time or part-time this fall? 1=Full-time 2=Part-time 3=Don't know |
Will [you/your teenager] be enrolled full-time or part-time as of November 1st? 1=Full-time 2=Part-time 3=Don't know |
Revised to refer to November 1st.
Added help text
2012 Update Question 14 |
Revised |
[Are/Is] [you/teenager] working full-time or part-time this fall? 1=Full-time 2=Part-time 3=Don't know |
Will [you/your teenager] be working full-time, that is 35 hours or more per week, as of November 1st? 1=Full-time 2=Part-time 3=Don't know |
Revised to refer to November 1st. Definition of full-time employment provided in question wording for clarity. |
2012 Update Question 15 |
Revised |
[Are/Is] [you/teenager] on active military duty this fall? 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
In which branch of the military will [you/he/she] be serving as of November 1st? 1=Army 2=Navy 3=Air Force 4=Marine Corps 5=Coast Guard |
Based on TRP recommendation, changed focus of the question from active duty to branch of the military. |
2012 Update Question 12 |
What is the name, city and state of the school or college [you/teenager] [are/is] attending this fall? |
What is the name, city and state of the school or college [you/your teenager] will be attending as of November 1st? |
Revised to refer to November 1st. |
2012 Update Question 10 |
What type of program [will [you/teenager] enroll/ [are/is] [you/teenager] enrolled] in this fall?
Bachelor’s degree program (usually a 4-year degree)
Associate’s degree program (usually a 2-year degree) with plans to transfer to a Bachelor’s degree program
Associate’s degree program (usually a 2-year degree) with no plans to transfer to a Bachelor’s degree program
Certificate or diploma program from a school that provides occupational training (usually takes 2 years or less to complete, often leading to a license, such as cosmetology)
No specific program, but [you/he/she] [are/is] taking courses (please specify)
You don't know 1=Yes 0=No |
What type of program will [you/your teenager] be enrolled in?
1=Bachelor’s degree program (usually a 4-year degree) 2=Associate’s degree program (usually a 2-year degree) 3=Certificate or diploma program from a school that provides occupational training (usually takes 2 years or less to complete, often leading to a license, such as cosmetology) 4=No specific program, but [you/he/she] will be taking courses 5=Other 6=You don't know |
Change to future tense.
Changed from multiple response format to single response format given low prevalence of multiple responses in field test.
Combined Associate’s degree options to simplify question.
Added help text
Based on response option in N12ASSOC |
Added |
Not Asked |
Will you complete an Associate’s degree program before transferring to a Bachelor’s degree program? 1=Yes 0=No |
Based on response patterns and anecdotal respondent confusion, added clarifying question to verify that the respondent is entering a Bachelor’s program directly. |
From 2012 Update CULEVEL, based response option in N12ASSOC |
Added |
Not Asked |
Is this an Associate’s degree program designed for transfer to a Bachelor’s degree program? 1=Yes 0=No |
Split from CULEVEL. |
2012 Update Question 13 |
What major or program [are/is] [you/he/she] considering? |
What field of study or program will [you/he/she] be considering? |
Future tense. |
2012 Update Question 31 |
Where [will [you/teenager] live/[are/is] [you/teenager] living] while attending school this fall? 1=On campus or in college-owned housing (for example, a dorm or residence hall) 2=With parent(s), relative(s), or guardian(s) 3=Off campus (not college-owned housing) |
Where [will [you/your teenager] be living on or around November 1st? 1=On campus or in college-owned housing (for example, a dorm or residence hall) 2=With parent(s), relative(s), or guardian(s) 3=Off campus (not college-owned housing) |
Revised to refer to November 1st.
Added help text
2012 Update Question 16 |
Dropped |
[Besides [fall 2012 college], [have/has] [you/teenager]/[Have/Has] [you/teenager]] applied to any [other] schools that provide occupational training, 2-year colleges, or 4-year colleges? Include schools that register or admit all students who apply, or that don't require an application separate from registration. 1=Yes 0=No |
Dropped |
Eliminated based on TRP recommendation. |
2012 Update Question 17 |
Revised |
To how many [others] did [you/he/she] apply? |
[Including [Nov 1 school], how /How] many colleges or schools [have/has][you/your teenager] applied to or registered at, if any? |
Revised to include the school or college the teenager will be attending. Wording revised to include schools that do not require an application. |
2012 Update Question 18 |
Revised |
[Now, among these [CUCLGAPPNUM] [other] schools where [you/he/she] applied, think about the two schools that [you/he/she] most seriously considered attending.]
What is the name, city and state of [the other school [you/he/she] applied to/the school [you/he/she] applied to/one of the other schools [you/he/she] applied to/one of these schools]? |
[Not including [Nov 1 school], think/Think] about the two schools [you/he/she] most seriously considered.]]
What is the name, city and state of [the school [you/he/she] applied to or registered at?/the other school [you/he/she] applied to or registered at?/one of the schools [you/he/she] applied to or registered at?/one of these schools?] |
Given that CUCLGAPPNUM now represents the total number of schools applied to including the one that the student will attend, the wording needed to be revised.
Wording revised to include schools that do not require an application.
Wording changed to “most seriously considered” from “most seriously considered attending.” |
2012 Update Question 18 |
Revised |
What is the name, city and state of the other school [you/he/she] [applied to/ most seriously considered attending]? |
What is the name, city and state of the other school [you/he/she] [applied to or registered at/ most seriously considered]? |
Wording revised to include schools that do not require an application.
Wording changed to “most seriously considered” from “most seriously considered attending.” |
2012 Update Question 20 |
Revised |
[Were/Was] [you/he/she] accepted, wait-listed or rejected at [FIRST SCHOOL APPLIED TO]? (For schools that admit anyone who registers, answer “accepted.”)/ For each of the following schools, indicate if [you/he/she] [were/was] accepted, waitlisted or rejected. (For schools that admit anyone who registers, answer “accepted.”)/ [Were/Was] [you/he/she] accepted, waitlisted or rejected at [SECOND SCHOOL APPLIED TO]? (For schools that admit anyone who registers, answer “accepted.”) [FIRST SCHOOL APPLIED TO] [SECOND SCHOOL APPLIED TO] 1=Accepted 2=Waitlisted 3=Rejected |
[Were/Was] [you/he/she] accepted, wait-listed or rejected at [FIRST SCHOOL APPLIED TO]? For schools that admit anyone who registers, answer “accepted.” / For each of the following schools, indicate if [you/he/she] [were/was] accepted, waitlisted or rejected. For schools that admit anyone who registers, answer “accepted.” / [Were/Was] [you/he/she] accepted, waitlisted or rejected at [SECOND SCHOOL APPLIED TO]? For schools that admit anyone who registers, answer “accepted.” [FIRST SCHOOL APPLIED TO] [SECOND SCHOOL APPLIED TO] 1=Accepted 2=Waitlisted 3=Rejected |
Added help text
2012 Update Question 30 |
How important to [you/teenager] [were/was] each of the following characteristics when choosing to attend [fall school]? Academic quality or reputation Cost of attendance Close to home Far from home A good record of placing graduates in jobs A good record of placing graduates in graduate or professional schools A good record of placing graduates in 4-year Bachelor’s degree programs Opportunity to play sports Recommended by family or friends or a family member went there Offers a particular program of study Good social life, sports team, or school spirit 1=Very important 2=Somewhat important 3=Not at all important 4=Don't know |
How important to [you/your teenager] [were/was] each of the following characteristics when choosing to attend [Nov 1 school]? Academic quality or reputation Cost of attendance Distance from home A good reputation of placing students in jobs A good reputation of placing students in graduate or professional schools A good reputation of placing students in 4-year Bachelor’s degree programs Opportunity to play sports Recommended by family or friends or a family member went there Offers a particular program of study Good social life, sports team or school spirit Offers online courses Students there are like [you/him/her] 1=Very important 2=Somewhat important 3=Not at all important 4=Don't know |
Item wording revised based on feedback from TRP.
Two new items added based on TRP recommendation: Offers online courses, Students there are like [you/him/her] |
2012 Update Question 22 |
Revised |
Did [you/teenager] or another family member complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for [your/his/her] education? 1=Yes 2=No 3=You don't know what a FAFSA is 4=You don't know if [you/teenager] or another family member completed a FAFSA |
Did [you/your teenager] or another family member complete a FAFSA, that is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, for [your/his/her] education? 1=Yes 2=No 3=You don't know what a FAFSA is 4=You don't know if [you/your teenager] or another family member completed a FAFSA |
“Free Application for Federal Student Aid” removed from parentheses so it is read to and by all respondents.
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 23 |
Revised |
What are the reasons [you/he/she] did not complete a FAFSA?
You or your family do not want to take on debt
You or your family can afford school or college without financial aid
You or your family thought [you/teenager] may be ineligible or may not qualify
You or your family did not have enough information about how to complete a FAFSA
You or your family thought the FAFSA forms were too much work or too time-consuming
You or your family did not know you could complete a FAFSA
[You/teenager] [do/does] not plan to continue [your/his/her] education after high school 1=Yes 0=No |
What are the reasons [you/he/she] did not complete a FAFSA? Would you say [you/her/she] did not complete a FAFSA…
because you or your family do not want to take on debt
because you or your family can afford school or college without financial aid
because you or your family thought [you/your teenager] may be ineligible or may not qualify
because you or your family did not have enough information about how to complete a FAFSA
because you or your family thought the FAFSA forms were too much work or too time-consuming
because you or your family did not know you could complete a FAFSA
because [you/your teenager] [do/does] not plan to continue [your/his/her]education after high school 1=Yes 0=No |
“Because” added to each item to emphasize that the question is asking if these are reasons, not simply asking if these stand alone statements are true or false
Added help text
2012 Update Question 24 |
Revised |
Why did you think [you/teenager] would not qualify for FAFSA financial aid? Was it because… another family member did not qualify? you have concerns about a credit score? your family's income is too high? [your/teenager's] grades or test scores are too low? [you/teenager] [[are/is] attending/would have attended] school or college part-time? other reason? (please specify) 1=Yes 0=No |
Why did you think [you/your teenager] would not qualify for FAFSA financial aid? Was it … because another family member did not qualify? because you have concerns about a credit score? because your family's income is too high? because [your/your teenager’s] grades or test scores are too low? because [you/your teenager] [[is/are] attending/would have attended] school or college part-time? 1=Yes 0=No |
“Because” added to each item to emphasize that the question is asking if these are reasons, not simply asking if these stand alone statements are true or false
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 25 |
Dropped |
Did [you/teenager] or another family member complete any other financial aid applications besides the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?
1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Dropped |
Question is unclear. |
2012 Update Question 28 |
Revised |
About how much is the total cost of [fall school] for the 2012-2013 school year? Include tuition and mandatory fees, room and board, and miscellaneous expenses. |
About how much is the total cost of[ part-time] enrollment at [Nov 1 school] for the 2013 - 2014 school year before financial aid? Include tuition and mandatory fees[, room and board/, off campus housing expenses], and miscellaneous expenses. |
Question customized to the student’s enrollment intensity and housing situation.
Question clarified to refer to sticker price before financial aid.
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 29 |
Revised |
Now, to pay for the 2012-2013 school year at [fall school], about how much are you and [your family/teenager] borrowing and about how much [are/is] [you/teenager] receiving in scholarships and grants that do not have to be repaid?
Borrow in the 2012-2013 year Scholarships and grants in the 2012-2013 year
Now, to pay for the 2013 - 2014 school year at [Nov 1 school], about how much are you and [your family/your teenager] borrowing?
For the 2013 - 2014 school year at [Nov 1 school], about how much are you and [your family/your teenager] receiving in scholarships and grants that do not have to be repaid? |
Questions split into two for ease of administration and response.
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 26 |
What kind of financial aid did [fall school] offer [you/him/her] for the first academic year, if any? Stafford loan Any other type of loan including private loans Work-study job Pell grant Any other type of scholarship or grant Other financial aid (please specify) [fall school] did not offer [you/teenager] financial aid 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
[Were/Was] [you/he/she] offered any of the following types of financial aid to attend [Nov 1 school] for the first academic year? Stafford loan or any other type of loan, including private loans Work-study job Pell grant or any other grant or scholarship Other financial aid 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Question broadened beyond aid that the college offered.
Question wording revised so it does not assume financial aid was offered.
Loan items combined into one for simplicity and accuracy of response in case respondents do not know what a Stafford loan is
Scholarship/grant items combined into one for simplicity and accuracy of response in case respondents do not know what a Pell grant is
Last item removed because it can be inferred from other responses and was extremely confusing to respondents
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 28 |
Revised |
About how much is the total cost of [FIRST CHOICE AMONG ACCEPTED SCHOOLS] for the 2012-2013 school year? Include tuition and mandatory fees, room and board, and miscellaneous expenses. |
About how much is the total cost of[ part-time] enrollment at [FIRST CHOICE AMONG ACCEPTED SCHOOLS] for the 2013 - 2014 school year before financial aid? Include tuition and mandatory fees, room and board or housing expenses as applicable, and miscellaneous expenses. |
Question customized to the student’s enrollment intensity.
Question clarified to refer to sticker price before financial aid.
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 29 |
Dropped |
Now, to pay for the 2012-2013 school year at [FIRST CHOICE AMONG ACCEPTED SCHOOLS], about how much would you and [your family/teenager] have borrowed and about how much would [you/teenager] have received in scholarships and grants that do not have to be repaid? Borrow in the 2012-2013 year Scholarships and grants in the 2012-2013 year |
Dropped |
Deemed to be too hypothetical to be answered with accuracy. |
2012 Update Question 26 |
What kind of financial aid did [FIRST CHOICE AMONG ACCEPTED SCHOOLS] offer [you/him/her] for the first academic year, if any? Stafford loan Any other type of loan including private loans Work-study job Pell grant Any other type of scholarship or grant Other financial aid (please specify) [first choice among accepted college] did not offer [you/teenager] financial aid 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
[Were/Was] [you/he/she] offered any of the following kinds of financial aid to attend [FIRST CHOICE AMONG ACCEPTED SCHOOLS] for the first academic year? Stafford loan or any other type of loan, including private loans Work-study job Pell grant or any other grant or scholarship Other financial aid 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Question broadened beyond aid that the college offered.
Question wording revised so it does not assume financial aid was offered.
Loan items combined into one for simplicity and accuracy of response in case respondents do not know what a Stafford loan is
Scholarship/grant items combined into one for simplicity and accuracy of response in case respondents do not know what a Pell grant is
Last item removed because it can be inferred from other responses and was extremely confusing to respondents
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 27 |
Dropped |
[Apart from any aid offers from this school [were/was],/Apart from any aid offers from these schools, [were/was]/ [Were/Was] [you/teenager] offered any [other] forms of financial aid? Examples would be scholarships to attend a college within your state, a ROTC scholarship, or a grant that [you/he/she] received from [your/his/her] high school, a community group, or place of worship to attend the school of [your/his/her] choice. 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Dropped |
TRP recommended eliminating this item because it will be accounted for in CUAIDFALLCLG and CUAIDCHOICE |
2012 Update Question 32 |
Revised |
Which of the following are reasons why [you/teenager] [are/is] not attending school this fall? Would you say [you/he/she] [are/is] not attending school… because [you/he/she] [do/does] not like school? because [you/he/she] didn’t do well enough in high school to get into or do well in college? because [you/he/she] can't afford to go on to school? because [you/he/she] [need/needs] to or would rather work? because [you/he/she] [were/was] not accepted at the school(s) where [you/he/she] wanted to go? because [you/he/she] [do/does] not want to attend the school(s) that accepted [you/him/her]? because [you/he/she] [are/is] deferring enrollment? because [you/he/she] didn’t receive enough financial aid? for other reasons? (please specify) 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Which of the following are reasons why [you/your teenager] will not be attending school as of November 1st? Would you say [you/he/she] will not be attending school…
because [you/he/she] [do/does] not want to go to school? because [you/he/she] did not get in? because [you/he/she] cannot afford to go to school? for other reasons? 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Based on TRP recommendation, the set of items has been greatly reduced and simplified. |
Added |
Not Asked |
Which of these is the main reason? Would you say… 1= because [you/he/she] [do/does] not want to go to school? 2= because [you/he/she] did not get in? 3= because [you/he/she] cannot afford to go to school? 4= because of another reason (please specify)? |
Based on TRP recommendation, this follow-up collects the main reason and allows those who have an “other” main reason to report it here. |
2012 Update Question 33 |
Revised |
[Are/Is] [you/teenager] currently working for pay, not counting work around the house? Include apprenticeships. 1=Yes 0=No |
[Are/Is] [you/your teenager] currently working for pay, not counting work around the house? Include apprenticeships. 1=Yes 0=No |
Added help text |
2012 Update Question 40 |
Revised |
How much [do/does] [you/teenager] earn before taxes are taken out? 1=hour 2=day 3=week 4=month 5=year |
On this job, how much [do/does] [you/your teenager] currently earn before taxes are taken out? 1=hour 2=week |
“On this job” added to clarify that we are referring to the job at which the teenager works the most hours.
Added currently to clarify time point.
Reduced set of unit options to the two chosen by the vast majority of respondents in the field test. |
HSLS First Follow-up S2HSJOBHR |
Added |
Not Asked |
On this job, how many hours [do/does] [you/her/she] usually work per week? |
Added to fill gap. Information is essential for those interested in work and career trajectories. Also, needed to standardize earnings reported in previous question. |
Based on 2012 Update Question 14 |
Added |
Not Asked |
[Do/Does] [you/her/she] work full-time (35 hours or more per week) or part-time on this job (less than 35 hours per week)? 1=Full-time 2=Part-time 3=Don’t know |
Back up question for parents who do not know the precise number of hours. |
2012 Update Question 36 |
Revised |
Is this a formal apprenticeship in which [you/he/she] [are/is] mastering occupational skills while working on the job? 1=Yes 0=No |
Is this a formal apprenticeship in which [you/he/she] [receive/receives] both instruction and on-the-job training and [are/is] paid a training salary? 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t know |
Revisions from NATES questionnaire. |
2012 Update Question 37 |
Dropped |
On this job, [are/is] [you/he/she] accumulating hours needed for licensure in [your/his/her] occupational field? 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don't know |
Dropped |
Too infrequent to collect meaningful data at this time point. Also, panelists were concerned about the wording and misinterpretation. |
2012 Update Question 38 |
Revised |
Is this a job [you/he/she] started when [you/he/she] [were/was] in high school? 1=Yes 0=No |
What month and year did [you/he/she] start this job? |
Researchers interested in work and career trajectories want to know the duration of the employment. |
2012 Update Question 39 |
Revised |
Did [you/he/she] get this job through... a high school-arranged program, such as an internship or co-op program? other assistance from [your/his/her] high school such as from a teacher or counselor? 1=Yes 0=No |
Did [you/he/she] get this job with assistance from a school staff member or from a school-arranged program, such as an internship or co-op program? 1=Yes 0=No |
Prevalence of these is low so they were combined. “Teacher or counselor” broadened to “school staff member.”
Added help text |
Based on 2012 Update Question 33 |
Added |
Not asked |
[Are/Is] [you/your teenager] currently working any other jobs for pay, not counting work around the house? Include apprenticeships. 1=Yes 0=No |
Panelists requested complete information on job earnings and hours for those who hold more than one job.
Added help text |
Based on 2012 Update question 40 |
Added |
Not asked |
About how much [do/does] [you/he/she] earn per week on all other jobs besides [CURRENT JOB]? |
Panelists requested complete information on job earnings and hours for those who hold more than one job. |
HSLS First Follow-up S2HSJOBHR |
Added |
Not asked |
How many hours [do/does] [you/he/she] usually work per week on all other jobs? |
Panelists requested complete information on job earnings and hours for those who hold more than one job. |
Based on 2012 Update Question 14 |
Added |
Not asked |
[Do/Does] [you/her/she] work 35 hours or more per week on all other jobs? 1=Yes 0=No |
Panelists requested complete information on job earnings and hours for those who hold more than one job. |
2012 Update Question 41 |
Revised |
[Do/Does] [you/teenager] plan to be working at this job on November 1st? 1=Yes 0=No |
[Do/Does] [you/your teenager] plan to be working at this job as a [CURRENT JOB] on or around November 1st? 1=Yes 0=No |
Inserted job title collected in CUCURRENTJOB to clarify. |
HSLS First Follow-up Parent |
Added |
Not asked |
Next we ask you to provide [your/your teenager’s] social security number. [Your/His/Her] SSN will be used to help us find [you/him/her] for future follow-up.
(The National Center for Education Statistics is required to follow strict procedures to protect the confidentiality of persons in the collection, reporting, and publication of data. All individually identifiable information supplied by individuals or institutions to a federal agency may be used for statistical purposes only and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). However, giving us your Social Security number is completely voluntary and there is no penalty for not disclosing it.)
What is [your/your teenager’s] SSN? |
Needed for future locating efforts. Will only be asked of teenager respondents if a valid SSN has not been collected previously. |
HSLS First Follow-up Parent |
Added |
Not Asked |
Next we ask you to provide your social security number. Your SSN will be used to help us find your teenager for future follow-up.
(The National Center for Education Statistics is required to follow strict procedures to protect the confidentiality of persons in the collection, reporting, and publication of data. All individually identifiable information supplied by individuals or institutions to a federal agency may be used for statistical purposes only and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (Public Law 107-279, Section 183). However, giving us your Social Security number is completely voluntary and there is no penalty for not disclosing it.)
What is your SSN? |
Needed for future locating efforts. Will only be asked if a valid SSN has not been collected previously. |
1 One commonly used example of logical imputation is assigning gender based on name.
2 Iannacchione, V.G. (1982). “Weighted Sequential Hot Deck Imputation Macros.” In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual SAS User’s Group International Conference (pp.759–763). Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Chapter 2 |
Author | spowell |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-29 |