B4 Data Categories

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Education Data for EDFacts


Annual Mandatory Collection for Elementary and Secondary Education for EDFacts

OMB: 1875-0240

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Paperwork Reduction Act Submission Supporting Statement

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary

Education Data through EDFacts

January 2013

Attachment B-4

Revised based on 30-day public comments.

EDFacts Data Categories

for School Years 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16


This attachment contains the information on the data categories. For each data category, there is a table that provides the definitions, permitted values, and a list of the data groups that use that category.

To make this document easier to use, the first section contains data categories that are used throughout the data set. The later sections are organized into the same topics used in Attachment B-3. Within each section, the data categories are listed in alphabetical order.

The following is an index of the data categories in this attachment.

Categories used throughout the data set



Age, Age/Grade Level, and Grade Level Revised


Academic Subject (Assessment)


Academic Subject (Assessment – no science)


Assessment Administered (moved from IDEA section)


Certification Status


Disability Status (IDEA)


Disability Status (Only)


Economically Disadvantaged Status


Homeless Enrolled Status


LEP Status (Both)


LEP Status (Only)


Major Racial and Ethnic Groups


Migrant Status


Participation Status


Participation Status (MS)


Participation Status (RLA)


Performance Level


Proficiency Status


Qualification Status (Teachers)


Racial Ethnic


Sex (Membership)


Categories used for the Race to the Top Fund



Postsecondary Credit


Postsecondary Enrollment Action (also used for SIG)


Categories used for the Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data





Lunch Program Status


Staff Category (CCD)


Categories used for the General Education Provisions Act



Federal Program Code


Funding Allocation Type


Categories used for Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA



Assessed First Time


Language (Native) Revised


Monitored Former LEP


Program Participation (Immigrant)


Title III Accountability


Categories used for the Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA



Full Academic Year Status


Cohort Status


Corrective Action


Disability Status (Accountability)


LEP Status (Accountability)


LEP Status (RLA)


Improvement Program


Restructuring Action


Categories used for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Program



Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence


Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status


Categories used for the Neglected or Delinquent Program



Academic / Vocational Outcomes


N or D Long-Term Status


N or D Program (Subpart 1)


N or D Program (Subpart 2)


Progress Level


Categories used for the Migrant Education Program



Continuation (Only)


MEP Services Revised


MEP Session Type


Migrant Priority for Services (Only)


Mobility Status (12 months) Revised


Mobility Status (Regular School Year) Revised


Referral Status New


Staff Category (MEP) Revised


Categories used for the School Improvement Grants Program



Achievement Percentile


Faculty/Admin Performance Level


Categories used for Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions)



Homeless Status (Only)


Staff Category (Title I)


Title I Instructional Services


Title I Program Type


Title I Support Services


Categories used for Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools



Discipline Method (Firearms – IDEA)


Discipline Method (Firearms – Not IDEA)


Discipline Reason (Safe and Drug-Free) (also used for SIG)




Categories used for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act



Assessment Achievement Standard


Basis of Exit


Disability Category (IDEA)


Discipline Method (Suspension/Expulsion)


Educational Environment (IDEA) EC


Educational Environment (IDEA) SA


Educational Services


Interim Removal (IDEA)


Interim Removal Reason (IDEA)


Qualification Status (Paraprofessionals)


Reason for Not Participating in Assessment


Removal Length (IDEA)


Removal Length (Suspensions/Expulsions)


Staff Category (Special Education Related Services)


Categories used for Career and Technical Education



Diploma/Credential (expanded)


Disability Status (ADA)


Displaced Homemaker


Inclusion Type


LEP Status (Perkins)


Non-traditional Enrollees


Placement Status


Placement Type


Representation Status


Single Parent Status


Tech Prep


Test Result


Categories Used

Throughout the Data Set

Age, Age/Grade Level, and Grade Level Categories

Some data are aggregated by the age or grade level of the students. The tables below provide the ranges of ages or grade levels for these categories.

Age – Some data are aggregated by the age of the students. The table below provides the ranges of ages included for these categories. Below the information on the range of ages is a list of the data groups (including file numbers) using that category.

Age (All)


(Early Childhood)


(School Age)

Age (Exiting)

Age Group


Age 3




3 to 5 years

Age 4





Age 5



3 through 5





Age 6


Age 6


6 through 21

Age 7


Age 7



Age 8


Age 8



Age 9


Age 9



Age 10


Age 10



Age 11


Age 11



Age 12


Age 12



Age 13


Age 13



Age 14


Age 14

Age 14


Age 15


Age 15

Age 15


Age 16


Age 16

Age 16


Age 17


Age 17

Age 17


Age 18


Age 18

Age 18


Age 19


Age 19

Age 19


Age 20


Age 20

Age 20


Age 21


Age 21

Age 21


DG656/FS119 N or D participation table – State Agency

DG613/FS089 Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table

DG74/FS002 Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table

DG85/FS009 Children with disabilities exiting table

DG486/FS070 Special education teacher (FTE) table

DG657/FS127 N or D participation table - LEA




DG647/FS112 Special education paraprofessional (FTE table)

Grade Level – Some data are aggregated by the grade level of the students. The tables below provide the ranges of grade levels included for these categories with one exception. The grade level category for assessments is in a separate table. Below the information on the range of grade levels is a list of the data groups (including file numbers) using that category.

The grade level is defined as “the primary instructional level of students.”

Grade Level (Membership)


Grade Level (Basic)

Grade Level (Basic w/13)


Grade Level (Dropout)


Pre Kindergarten












Grade 1

Grade 1

Grade 1


Grade 2

Grade 2

Grade 2


Grade 3

Grade 3

Grade 3


Grade 4

Grade 4

Grade 4


Grade 5

Grade 5

Grade 5


Grade 6

Grade 6

Grade 6

Below grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 9

Grade 9

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 11

Grade 11

Grade 11

Grade 12

Grade 12

Grade 12

Grade 12

Grade 13

Grade 13

Grade 13





Adult Education




DG39/FS052 Membership table

Not currently used

DG596/FS086 Student involved with firearms table

DG326/FS032 Dropouts table



DG678/FS141 LEP enrolled table




DG648/FS116 Title III LEP students served table


Grade level assessment is defined as the grade (3 through 12) assigned to the student by the school system in which the student is enrolled.

Grade Level (Assessment)

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

High School

DG583/FS175 Academic achievement in mathematics table

DG 584/FS178 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

DG 585/FS179 Academic achievement in science table

DG588/FS185 Assessment participation in mathematics table

DG589/FS188 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

DG590/FS189 Assessment participation in science table

DG730/FS159 Average scale score table

DG751/FS159 Achievement percentile table

DG689 /FS146 Children with disabilities (IDEA) alternate assessment caps table

DG491/FS004 Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table

Age/Grade Level – Some data are aggregated by a combination of ages and grade level of the students. The table below provides the ranges of ages and grade levels included for these categories. Below the information on the range of ages and grade levels is a list of the data groups (including file numbers) using that category. Some data groups use more than one age/grade level category (e.g. category set A uses age/grade (w/o13) while category set B uses age/grade w/o12 and BT3). In the chart below, BT means “Birth to” and OOS means “Out of School.”

Age/Grade (All)


Age/Grade (w/o 13)


Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT3)


Age/Grade (w/o 13 and OOS)


Age/Grade (Basic)


Birth (0) to 3

Birth (0) to 3


Birth (0) to 3


3 years through 5 (not K)

3 years through 5 (not K)

3 years through 5 (not K)

3 years through 5 (not K)

3 years through 5 (not K)






Grade 1

Grade 1

Grade 1

Grade 1

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 2

Grade 2

Grade 2

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 3

Grade 3

Grade 3

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 4

Grade 4

Grade 4

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 5

Grade 5

Grade 5

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 6

Grade 6

Grade 6

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 9

Grade 9

Grade 9

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 11

Grade 11

Grade 11

Grade 11

Grade 12

Grade 12

Grade 12

Grade 12

Grade 12

Grade 13




Grade 13






Out of School

Out of school

Out of school



DG560/FS043 Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table

DG102/FS054 MEP students served 12 month table

DG102/FS054 MEP students served 12 month table

DG670/FS134 Title I participation table

DG655/FS118 Homeless students enrolled table


DG634 / FS121 Migrant students eligible 12 month table

DG634/FS121 Migrant students eligible 12 month table




DG684/FS145 MEP services table

DG635/FS122 Migrant eligible and served summer/intersession table





DGTBD/FSTBD MEP students priority for services table



Category Name: Academic Subject (Assessment)

Steward: EDFacts



The description of the content or subject area of an assessment.

Permitted Values

  • Mathematics

  • Reading/Language Arts Science

EDEN Data Groups

  • 628 N or D academic achievement table - State Agency

  • 629 N or D academic achievement table - LEA

  • 668 Title III former LEP students table

  • 730 Average scale score table

  • 751 Achievement percentile table

Note: This category was previously a ‘subcategory’ of Academic Subject.

Category Name: Academic Subject (Assessment – no science)

Steward: EDFacts


This category does not include science as an academic subject for assessments.


The description of the content or subject area of an assessment.

Permitted Values

  • Mathematics

  • Reading /Language Arts

EDEN Data Groups

  • 491 Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 689 Children with disabilities (IDEA) alternate assessment caps table

Category Name: Assessment Administered

Steward: EDFacts



The types of assessments administered

Permitted Values

  • Alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards

  • Alternate assessments based on grade-level achievement standards

  • Alternate assessments based on modified achievement standards

  • Regular assessments based on grade-level achievement standards with accommodations

  • Regular assessments based on grade-level achievement standards without accommodations

  • English language assessment in lieu of a reading/language arts assessment (used only when the academic subject is reading/language arts and the state has a policy to allow this assessment in lieu of the content assessment for recently arrived LEP students)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 760 Academic achievement in mathematics table - Flex

  • 761 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table - Flex

  • 762 Academic achievement in science table - Flex

Category Name: Certification Status




An indication number of whether educators hold the certification or licensure required by their assignment.

Permitted Values

  • Fully certified or licensed

  • Not fully certified or licensed

EDEN Data Groups

  • 422 Title III teachers table

  • 609 Special education related services personnel (FTE) table

Category Name: Disability Status (IDEA)



This status is used when both students with and without disabilities need to be included. Attachment B-1 includes the definition of children with disabilities (IDEA).


An indication of whether children (students) are children with disabilities (IDEA).

Permitted Values

  • Children with one or more disabilities (IDEA)

  • Children without disabilities

EDEN Data Groups

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 326 Dropouts table

  • 683 Educational services during expulsion table

Category Name: Disability Status (Only)



This status is used when only children with disabilities need to be included. Attachment B-1 includes the definition of children with disabilities (IDEA).


An indication that children (students) are children with disabilities (IDEA).

Permitted Values

  • Children with one or more disabilities (IDEA)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 123 LEP students in LEP program table

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 548 Title I SWP/TAS participation table

  • 553 Reading/language arts participation status table

  • 555 Mathematics participation status table

  • 557 High school graduation rate indicator status table

  • 560 Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table

  • 563 Graduation rate table

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

  • 634 Migrant students eligible 12-month table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 695 Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 696 Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 697 Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 698 Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 730 Average scale score table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

  • 755 Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 756 Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

Category Name: Economically Disadvantaged Status

Steward: EDFacts



An indication that students meet the state criteria for classification as economically disadvantaged.

Permitted Values

  • Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Students

EDEN Data Groups

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 326 Dropouts table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 552 AMO reading/language arts status table

  • 553 Reading/language arts participation status table

  • 554 AMO mathematics status table

  • 555 Mathematics participation status table

  • 557 High school graduation rate indicator status table

  • 563 Graduation rate table

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 695 Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 696 Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 697 Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 698 Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 730 Average scale score table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

  • 755 Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 756 Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

Category Name: Homeless Enrolled Status

Steward: OESE/Homeless



An indication that a student was identified as homeless

Permitted Values

  • Homeless enrolled

EDEN Data Groups

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 326 Dropouts table

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

Category Name: LEP Status (Both)

Steward: OESE/Title III


This status is used when both students with LEP status and students without LEP status need to be included. Attachment B-1 includes the definition of limited English proficient students.


An indication of whether students met the definition of limited English proficient students.

Permitted Values

  • Limited English proficient (LEP) student

  • Non-limited English proficient (non-LEP) student

EDEN Data Groups

  • 74 Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table

  • 85 Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table

  • 475 Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table

  • 476 Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table

  • 512 Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table

  • 519 Immigrant table

  • 598 Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table

  • 613 Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table

  • 682 Children with disabilities (IDEA) total disciplinary removals table

Category Name: LEP Status (Only)

Steward: OESE/Title III


This status is used when students with LEP status need to be included. Attachment B-1 includes the definition of limited English proficient students.


An indication that students met the definition of limited English proficient students.

Permitted Values

  • Limited English proficient (LEP) student

EDEN Data Groups

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 326 Dropouts table

  • 548 Title I SWP/TAS participation table

  • 553 Reading/language arts participation status table

  • 555 Mathematics participation status table

  • 556 Elementary/middle additional indicator status table

  • 557 High school graduation rate indicator status table

  • 560 Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table

  • 563 Graduation rate table

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

  • 634 Migrant students eligible 12-month table

  • 695 Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 696 Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 697 Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 698 Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 730 Average scale score table

  • 755 Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 756 Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

Category Name: Major Racial and Ethnic Groups

Steward: EDFacts


Under Title I of the ESEA, as amended, states determine through their Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook (also referred to as the State Accountability Plan) their major racial and ethnic groups for determining adequate yearly progress. States must obtain approval from the U.S. Department of Education before changing the major racial and ethnic groups used for reporting Title I accountability and assessment data by amending their State Accountability Plan.


The major racial and ethnic groups states use for accountability and assessment data.

Permitted Values

  • American Indian / Alaska Native or Native American

  • Asian

  • Asian / Pacific Islander

  • Black (not Hispanic) or African American

  • Filipino

  • Hispanic (not Puerto Rican)

  • Hispanic / Latino

  • Multicultural or Multiethnic or Multiracial

  • Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander or Pacific Islander

  • Puerto Rican

  • White (not Hispanic) or Caucasian

EDEN Data Groups

  • 552 AMO reading/language arts status table

  • 553 Reading/language arts participation status table

  • 554 AMO mathematics status table

  • 555 Mathematics participation status table

  • 557 High school graduation rate indicator status table

  • 563 Graduation rate table

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

  • 695 Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 696 Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 697 Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 698 Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 730 Average scale score table

  • 755 Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 756 Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

Category Name: Migrant Status

Steward: OESE/OME


Attachment B-1 includes the standard definition of eligible migrant children.


An indication that students are eligible migrant children.

Permitted Values

  • Migrant students

EDEN Data Groups

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 326 Dropouts table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 548 Title I SWP/TAS participation table

  • 560 Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table

  • 563 Graduation rate table

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 730 Average scale score table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Participation Status

Steward: EDFacts



An indication of whether students participated in assessments.

Permitted Values

  • Participated

  • Did not participate

  • Medical exemption

EDEN Data Groups

  • 674 LEP English language proficiency test table

  • 675 Title III LEP English language proficiency test table

Category Name: Participation Status (MS)

Steward: EDFacts



An indication of whether students participated in mathematics or science assessments.

Permitted Values

  • Participated – alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards

  • Participated – alternate assessment based on grade-level achievement standards

  • Participated – alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards

  • Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards with accommodations

  • Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards without accommodations

  • Did not participate

  • Medical exemption

EDEN Data Groups

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

  • 763 Assessment participation in mathematics table – Flex

  • 765 Assessment participation in science table - Flex

Category Name: Participation Status (RLA)

Steward: EDFacts



An indication of whether students participated in assessments.

Permitted Values

  • Participated – alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards

  • Participated – alternate assessment based on grade-level achievement standards

  • Participated – alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards

  • Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards with accommodations

  • Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards without accommodations

  • Participated – English language proficiency assessment

  • Did not participate

  • Medical exemption

EDEN Data Groups

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 764 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table - Flex

Category Name: Performance Level

Steward: EDFacts



The level of performance of students on the state assessment according to state definition.

Permitted Values

  • Level 1 (lowest level)

  • Level 2

  • Level 3

  • Level 4

  • Level 5

  • Level 6

EDEN Data Groups

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 760 Academic achievement in mathematics table - Flex

  • 761 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table - Flex

  • 762 Academic achievement in science table - Flex

Category Name: Proficiency Status

Steward: EDFacts



An indication of whether a student’s scores were proficient.

Permitted Values

  • Not proficient

  • Proficient

EDEN Data Groups

  • 668 Title III former LEP students table

  • 676 LEP English language proficiency results table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

Category Name: Qualification Status (Teachers)

Steward: OESE/AITQ



An indication of whether teachers are classified as highly qualified for their assignment according to state definition.

Permitted Values

  • Highly qualified

  • Not highly qualified

EDEN Data Groups

  • 381 Teacher quality in elementary classes table

  • 383 Teacher quality in core secondary classes table

  • 486 Special education teachers (FTE) table

Category Name: Racial Ethnic

Steward: EDFacts



The general racial ethnic categories that most clearly reflect individuals’ recognition of their community or with which the individuals most identify.

Permitted Values

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Black or African American

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • Two or more races

  • White

EDEN Data Groups

  • 39 Membership table

  • 74 Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table

  • 85 Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table

  • 123 LEP students in LEP program table

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 326 Dropouts table

  • 475 Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table

  • 476 Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table

  • 512 Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 548 Title I SWP/TAS participation table

  • 598 Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table

  • 613 Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table

  • 634 Migrant students eligible 12-month table

  • 656 N or D participation table – State Agency

  • 657 N or D participation table - LEA

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 682 Children with disabilities (IDEA) total disciplinary removals table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Sex (Membership)

Steward: EDFacts



The concept describing the biological traits that distinguish the males and females of a species.

Permitted Values

  • Female

  • Male

EDEN Data Groups

  • 39 Membership table

  • 74 Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table

  • 85 Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table

  • 123 LEP students in LEP program table

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 326 Dropouts table

  • 475 Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table

  • 476 Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table

  • 512 Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 563 Graduation rate table

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 Assessment participation in science table

  • 598 Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table

  • 613 Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table

  • 656 N or D participation table – State Agency

  • 657 N or D participation table - LEA

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 682 Children with disabilities (IDEA) total disciplinary removals table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 730 Average scale score table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Race to the Top Fund

Category Name: Postsecondary Credit

Steward: ISU


Institution of higher education (IHE) is defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA).


Postsecondary credits earned after enrolling in an IHE.

Permitted Values

  • No information on credits earned since enrolling

  • Completed at least one year’s worth of credit (applicable to a degree) after enrolling in the IHE

  • Did not complete at least one year’s worth of credit (applicable to a degree) after enrolling in the IHE

EDEN Data Groups

  • 740 HS graduates postsecondary credit earned table

Category Name: Postsecondary Enrollment Action

Steward: ISU


Institution of higher education (IHE) is defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)


The action taken with respect to postsecondary enrollment by students who graduated from the school, LEA or state.

Permitted Values

  • No information on postsecondary actions

  • Enrolled in an IHE after receiving a regular high school diploma

  • Did not enroll in an IHE after receiving a regular high school diploma

EDEN Data Groups

  • 739 HS graduates postsecondary enrollment table

Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data

Category Name: Diploma/Credential

Steward: NCES



The type of high school credential received by high school completers.

Permitted Values

  • Other High School Credential

  • Regular High School Diploma

EDEN Data Groups

  • 306 Graduates/completers table

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

Category Name: Lunch Program Status

Steward: NCES



An indication of students’ qualification for free or reduced-price lunch.

Permitted Values

  • Free lunch qualified

  • Reduced-price lunch qualified

EDEN Data Groups

  • 565 Free and reduced price lunch table

Category Name: Staff Category (CCD)

Steward: NCES



Titles of employment, official status, or rank.

Permitted Values

  • All other support staff

  • Elementary school counselors

  • Elementary teachers

  • Instructional coordinators and supervisors to the staff

  • Kindergarten teachers

  • LEA administrative support staff

  • LEA administrators

  • Librarians/media specialists

  • Library/media support staff

  • Paraprofessionals/instructional aides

  • Pre-kindergarten teachers

  • School administrative support staff

  • School administrators

  • School counselors (This code is used only when a state does not distinguish between elementary and secondary counselors.)

  • Secondary school counselors

  • Secondary teachers

  • Student support services staff

  • Ungraded teachers

EDEN Data Groups

  • 528 Staff FTE table

General education provisions Act

Category Name: Federal Program Code

Steward: OCFO



The unique five-digit number assigned to each federal program as listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education beginning with 84.

Permitted Values

  • Any code set in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) beginning with 84.

EDEN Data Groups

  • 547 Federal programs funding allocation table

Category Name: Funding Allocation Type

Steward: OCFO


This category is valid only at the SEA level. This category allows states to identify the amount retained for program administration, the amount of federal funds unallocated, and the amounts distributed to other state agencies or to non-LEAs.


The type of allocation or distribution made.

Permitted Values

  • Distributed to entities other than LEAs

  • Retained by SEA for program administration, etc.

  • Transferred to another state-level agency

  • Unallocated or returned funds

EDEN Data Groups

  • 547 Federal programs funding allocation table

Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA

Category Name: Assessed First Time

Steward: OESE/Title III



An indicator of students taking the English language proficiency assessment for the first time.

Permitted Values

  • Students took assessment for the first time

EDEN Data Groups

  • 674 LEP English language proficiency test table

  • 675 Title III LEP English language proficiency test table


Category Name: Language (Native)


Steward: OESE/Title III



EDFacts previously collected students’ home language under the “Language (Home)” category. SEAs do not need to change their data definitions for this category. SEAs may continue to report the same home language data for this category under option B in the category definition. The definition below was derived from the statutory definition of native language: “The term native language, when used with reference to an individual of limited English proficiency, means (A) the language normally used by such individual; or (B) in the case of a child or youth, the language normally used by the parents of the child or youth.”



The term native language means (A) the language normally used by such individual; or (B) the language normally used by the parents of the child or youth.

Permitted Values

  • Any language in the ISO 639-2 language codes

EDEN Data Groups

  • 519 Immigrant table

  • 678 LEP enrolled table

Category Name: Monitored Former LEP

Steward: OESE/Title III



The year of monitoring of former LEP students (MFLEP).

Permitted Values

  • First year of monitoring

  • Second year of monitoring

EDEN Data Groups

  • 668 Title III former LEP students table

Category Name: Program Participation (Immigrant)

Steward: OESE/Title III



An indication that immigrant students participated in programs for immigrant children and youth funded under ESEA Title III Section 3114(d)(1) using funds reserved for immigrant education programs/activities.

Permitted Values

  • Participated in programs

EDEN Data Groups

  • 519 Immigrant table

Category Name: Title III Accountability

Steward: OESE/Title III



An indication of the progress made by students toward English proficiency.

Permitted Values

  • Attained proficiency

  • Did not make progress

  • Making progress

EDEN Data Groups

  • 151 Title III LEP English language proficiency results table

Accountability and reporting

provisions of ESEA

Category Name: Full Academic Year Status

Steward: OESE/SASA


This is to identify students who are tracked separately for assessment accountability purposes.


An indication of whether students were in membership in the education unit for a full academic year, according to state definition.

Permitted Values

  • Not present for full academic year

  • Present for full academic year

EDEN Data Groups

  • 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

Category Name: Cohort Status

Steward: OESE/SASA



Whether or not students in a cohort graduated with a regular high school diploma within the allowable time.

Permitted Values

  • Did not graduate with a regular high school diploma within the allowable time

  • Graduated with a regular high school diploma within the allowable time

EDEN Data Groups

  • 696 Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted- cohort graduation rate table

  • 698 Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • 756 Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

Category Name: Corrective Action

Steward: OESE/SASA



The types of corrective actions under ESEA as amended.

Permitted Values

  • Appointment of an outside expert to advise the school

  • Extension of the school year or school day

  • Replacement of staff members relevant to the school’s low performance

  • Replacement of the principal

  • Required implementation of a new research-based curriculum or instructional program

  • Restructuring of the internal organization of the school

  • Significant decrease in management authority at the school level

EDEN Data Groups

  • 686 Corrective actions table

Category Name: Disability Status (Accountability)

Steward: OESE/SASA



An indication that children (students) are part of the subgroup for accountability purposes of children with disabilities (IDEA).

Permitted Values

  • Disability status for accountability

EDEN Data Groups

  • 552 AMO reading/language arts status table

  • 554 AMO mathematics status table

Category Name: LEP Status (Accountability)

Steward: OESE/SASA



An indication that children (students) are part of the subgroup for accountability purposes of LEP students.

Permitted Values

  • LEP Status for accountability

EDEN Data Groups

  • 552 AMO reading/language arts status table

  • 554 AMO mathematics status table

Category Name: LEP Status (RLA)

Steward: OESE/SASA



An indication that students met the definition of LEP students and are not excluded because they have attended schools in the U.S. fewer than 12 months.

Permitted Values

  • LEP Status

EDEN Data Groups

  • 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts

Category Name: Improvement Program

Steward: OESE/SASA



The improvement program providing funds to a school.

Permitted Values

  • Section 1003(a)

  • Section 1003(g)

EDEN Data Groups

Category Name: Restructuring Action

Steward: OESE/SASA



The types of restructuring actions under ESEA as amended.

Permitted Values

  • Entering into a contract with a private entity to operate the school

  • Other major restructuring of the school governance

  • Reopening the school as a public charter school

  • Replacement of all or most of the school staff (which may include the principal)

  • Take over the school by the state

EDEN Data Groups

  • 687 Restructuring action table

MCKinney-Vento Homeless Program

Category Name: Homeless Primary Nighttime


Steward: OESE/Homeless



The primary nighttime residence of the students at the time the students are identified as homeless.

Permitted Values

  • Doubled-up (i.e., living with another family)

  • Hotels/motels

  • Shelters transitional housing, awaiting foster care

  • Unsheltered (e.g., cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailer or abandoned buildings)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 655 Homeless students enrolled table

Category Name: Homeless Unaccompanied Youth


Steward: OESE/Homeless



An indication that homeless youths were unaccompanied by parents or legal guardians.

Permitted Values

  • Unaccompanied youth

EDEN Data Groups

  • 560 Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table

  • 655 Homeless students enrolled table

Neglected or delinquent Program

Category Name: Academic / Vocational Outcomes

Steward: OESE/N or D



The type of academic or vocational outcome attained.

Permitted Values

  • Enrolled in local district school

  • Earned high school course credits

  • Enrolled in a GED program

  • Earned a GED

  • Obtained high school diploma

  • Were accepted and/or enrolled into post-secondary education

  • Enrolled in job training courses/programs

  • Obtained employment

EDEN Data Groups

  • N or D academic and vocational outcomes in program – State Agency

  • N or D academic and vocational outcomes exited programs – State Agency

  • N or D academic and vocational outcomes in program – LEA

  • N or D academic and vocational outcomes exited programs – LEA


Category Name: N or D Long Term Status

Steward: OESE/N or D



An indication that students were served for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period by Title I, Part D of ESEA as amended.

Permitted Values

  • Long-Term N or D Students

EDEN Data Groups

  • 656 N or D Participation Table – State Agency

  • 657 N or D Participation Table - LEA

Category Name: N or D Program (Subpart 1)

Steward: OESE/N or D



The type of program under ESEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (state programs).

Permitted Values

  • Adult correction

  • Juvenile correction

  • Juvenile detention

  • Neglected programs

  • Other

EDEN Data Groups

  • 628 N or D academic achievement table - State Agency

  • 656 N or D participation table - SEA

  • 785 N or D academic and vocational outcomes exited programs – State Agency

  • 783 N or D academic and vocational outcomes in programs – State Agency

  • 787 N or D transition services table – State Agency

Category Name: N or D Program (Subpart 2)

Steward: OESE/N or D



The type of program under ESEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (LEA programs).

Permitted Values

  • At-Risk Programs

  • Juvenile Correction

  • Juvenile Detention

  • Neglected Programs

  • Other

EDEN Data Groups

  • 629 N or D academic achievement table - LEA

  • 657 N or D participation table - LEA

  • 784 N or D academic and vocational outcomes exited programs – LEA

  • 782 N or D academic and vocational outcomes in programs – LEA

  • 786 N or D transition services table – LEA

Category Name: Progress Level

Steward: OESE/N or D



The amount of progress shown in academic subjects.

Permitted Values

  • The students showed a negative grade level change from the pre- to post-test

  • The students showed improvement of up to one full grade level from the pre- to post-test

  • The students showed improvement of more than one full grade

  • The students showed no change from the pre- to post-test

EDEN Data Groups

  • 628 N or D academic achievement table - State Agency

  • 629 N or D academic achievement table – LEA

Migrant Education Program

Category Name: Continuation (Only)

Steward: OESE/OME


Children served under ESEA Title I, Part C Section 1304(e)(1); that is, children served whose eligibility expired during the school term, are NOT included.


An indication that migrant children are receiving instructional or support services under the continuation of services authority ESEA Title I, Part C Section 1304(e)(2)-(3).

Permitted Values

  • Continued

EDEN Data Groups

  • 102 MEP students served 12-month table


Category Name: MEP Services

Steward: OESE/OME



The type of services received by participating migrant students in the migrant education program (MEP).

Permitted Values


  • Counseling services

  • High school accrual

  • Instructional services

  • Mathematics instruction

  • Reading instruction

  • Support services

EDEN Data Groups

  • 684 MEP services table

Category Name: MEP Session Type

Steward: OESE/OME



The time of year that a MEP program operates.

Permitted Values

  • Regular school year

  • Summer/intersession

EDEN Data Groups

  • 515 MEP personnel (FTE) table

  • 625 MEP personnel (headcount) table

  • TBD MEP students priority for services table

Category Name: Migrant Priority for Services (Only)

Steward: OESE/OME



An indication that migratory children: 1) are failing to meet, or most at risk of failing to meet, the state’s challenging academic content standards and student academic achievement standards; and 2) have experienced interruptions in their education during the regular school year.

Permitted Values

  • Students classified as having “Priority for Services”

EDEN Data Groups

  • 634 Migrant students eligible 12-month table

  • 102 MEP students served 12-month table

Category Name: Mobility Status (12 months)

Steward: OESE/OME




An indication that the qualifying arrival date (QAD) occurred within 12 months from the last day of the performance period.

Permitted Values


  • Within 12 months

EDEN Data Groups

  • 634 Migrant students eligible 12-month table


Category Name: Mobility Status (Regular School Year)

Steward: OESE/OME




An indication of whether the qualifying arrival date (QAD) occurred during the performance period’s regular school year.

Permitted Values


  • Within a regular school year

EDEN Data Groups

  • 634 Migrant students eligible 12-month table


Category Name: Referral Status

Steward: OESE/OME



An indication that an educational or educationally-related service was received.

Permitted Values

  • Received service from referral

EDEN Data Groups

  • 634 Migrant students eligible 12-month table


Category Name: Staff Category (MEP)

Steward: OESE/OME



Titles of employment, official status, or rank of staff working in the Migrant Education Program (MEP).

Permitted Values


  • Counselors

  • Paraprofessionals – Qualified

  • Paraprofessionals – Not qualified

  • Records transfer staff

  • Recruiters

  • Administrators

  • Teachers

EDEN Data Groups

  • 515 MEP personnel (FTE) table

  • 625 MEP personnel (headcount) table

School improvement grants program

Category Name: Achievement Percentile

Steward: OESE/OST



Scale scores at three specific achievement percentiles.

Permitted Values

  • Scale score at the 25th percentile

  • Scale score at the 50th percentile (median)

  • Scale score at the 75th percentile

EDEN Data Groups

  • 751 Achievement percentile table

Category Name: Faculty/Admin Performance Level

Steward: OESE/OST


Not all levels need to be used. Data should only be reported for levels used within the state or local educational agency. Metadata on levels will be collected.


The levels used in district evaluation systems for assigning teacher or principal performance ratings.

Permitted Values

  • Not Rated

  • Level 1 (Lowest)

  • Level 2

  • Level 3

  • Level 4

  • Level 5

  • Level 6

  • Level 7

  • Level 8 (Highest)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 737 Teacher evaluations table

  • 738 Principal evaluations table

  • 747 Teacher performance level names table

  • 748 Principal performance level names table

Title I program

(non-Accountability Provisions)

Category Name: Homeless Status (Only)

Steward: OESE/Homeless


Homeless children and youth have been granted special educational rights through the McKinney-Vento Act. The Act requires every LEA, whether or not it receives a McKinney-Vento subgrant, to implement the Act, including designating a local liaison for homeless children and youth, who must ensure that homeless children and youth are identified and receive the educational services for which they are eligible.


Identification of students as homeless regardless of whether the students are receiving services under McKinney-Vento.

Permitted Values

  • Homeless

EDEN Data Groups

  • 548 Title I SWP/TAS participation table

Category Name: Staff Category (Title I)

Steward: OESE/Title I



Titles of employment, official status, or rank for staff working in a Title I program.

Permitted Values

  • Title I Administrators (non-clerical)

  • Title I Clerical Support Staff

  • Title I Other Paraprofessionals (Consistent with ESEA, Title I, Section 1119(e))(e.g., Translators, Parental Involvement, Computer Assistance)

  • Title I Paraprofessionals (Consistent with ESEA, Title I, Section 1119(g)(2)

  • Title I Teachers

EDEN Data Groups

  • 550 Title I TAS staff funded (FTE) table

Category Name: Title I Instructional Services

Steward: OESE/Title I



The type of instructional services provided to students in ESEA Title I programs.

Permitted Values

  • Mathematics

  • Other

  • Reading/language arts

  • Science

  • Social sciences

  • Vocational/career

EDEN Data Groups

  • 549 Title I TAS services table

Category Name: Title I Program Type

Steward: OESE/Title I



The type of Title I program offered in the school or district.

Permitted Values

  • Local Neglected Program

  • Private School Students Participating

  • Public School-wide Program

  • Public Targeted Assistance Program

EDEN Data Groups

  • 670 Title I participation table

Category Name: Title I Support Services

Steward: OESE/Title I



The type of support services provided to students in Title I programs.

Permitted Values

  • Health, dental, and eye care

  • Other

  • Supporting guidance/advocacy

EDEN Data Groups

  • 549 Title I TAS services table

Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools

Category Name: Discipline Method (Firearms-IDEA)

Steward: OESE/OSHS



The methods used to discipline students who are children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.

Permitted Values

  • Another type of disciplinary action

  • Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services under IDEA

  • No disciplinary action

  • One year expulsion with educational services under IDEA

  • Other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration

EDEN Data Groups

  • 596 Students involved with firearms table

Category Name: Discipline Method (Firearms-Not IDEA)

Steward: OESE/OSHS



The method used to discipline students, who are not children with disabilities (IDEA), involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.

Permitted Values

  • Another type of disciplinary action

  • Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services

  • Expulsion modified to less than one year without educational services

  • No disciplinary action taken

  • One year expulsion and educational services

  • One year expulsion and no educational services

  • Other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration

EDEN Data Groups

  • 596 Students involved with firearms table

Category Name: Discipline Reason (Safe and Drug-Free)

Steward: OESE/OSHS


Each state defines what constitutes each of the permitted values.


The reason why students were disciplined.

Permitted Values

  • Alcohol related

  • Illicit drug related

  • Other reasons for out of school suspensions related to drug use and violence

  • Violent incident (with physical injury)

  • Violent incident (without physical injury)

  • Weapons possession

EDEN Data Groups

  • 523 Discipline incidents table

  • 673 Students disciplined table

Category Name: Weapon

Steward: OESE/OSHS



The type of weapon.

Permitted Values

  • Handguns

  • Multiple

  • Other

  • Rifles/shotguns

EDEN Data Groups

  • 596 Students involved with firearms table

  • 601 Firearm incidents table

Individuals with disabilities

education Act

Category Name: Assessment Achievement Standard




The type of achievement standards to which the cap applies.

Permitted Values

  • Alternate (1% cap)

  • Modified (2% cap)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 689 Children with disabilities (IDEA) alternate assessment caps table

Category Name: Basis of Exit




The reason children who were in special education at the start of the reporting period, but were not in special education at the end of the reporting period.

Permitted Values

  • Died

  • Dropped out

  • Graduated with regular high school diploma

  • Moved, known to be continuing

  • Reached maximum age

  • Received a certificate

  • Transferred to regular education

EDEN Data Groups

  • 85 Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table

Category Name: Disability Category (IDEA)




The primary disability identified in a student’s IEP. The disability code set is based on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Permitted Values

  • Autism

  • Deaf-blindness

  • Developmental delay (valid only for children ages 3-9 when defined by state)

  • Emotional disturbance

  • Hearing impairment

  • Intellectual disability

  • Multiple disabilities

  • Orthopedic impairment

  • Other health impairment

  • Specific learning disability

  • Speech or language impairment

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Visual impairment

EDEN Data Groups

  • 74 Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table

  • 85 Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table

  • 475 Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table

  • 476 Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table

  • 512 Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table

  • 598 Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table

  • 613 Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table

  • 682 Children with disabilities (IDEA) total disciplinary removals table

Category Name: Discipline Method (Suspension/Expulsion)




The type of suspension or expulsion used for the discipline of children with disabilities.

Permitted Values

  • In School Suspensions--temporary removal from regular classroom(s) for disciplinary purposes but still under supervision of school personnel

  • Out-of-School Suspensions/Expulsions--removal from regular school for disciplinary purposes temporarily, for the remainder of the school year, or longer according to LEA policy

EDEN Data Groups

  • 475 Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table

Category Name: Educational Environment (IDEA) EC



This category is used only for children with disabilities (IDEA) ages 3 through 5. A different category is used for children with disabilities (IDEA) ages 6 through 21.


The program in which children ages 3 through 5 attend and the setting in which these children receive special education and related services.

Permitted Values

Permitted values for children who are not in regular early childhood programs:

  • Separate special education class

  • Separate school

  • Residential facility

  • Home

  • Service provider or other location not in any other category

Permitted values for children who are in regular early childhood programs used by states to report the setting where the child receives the majority of hours of special education and related services:

  • Services regular early childhood program (at least10 hours)

  • Other location regular early childhood program (at least 10 hours)

  • Services regular early childhood program (less than 10 hours)

  • Other location regular early childhood program (less than 10 hours)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 613 Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table

Category Name: Educational Environment (IDEA) SA



This category is used only for children with disabilities (IDEA) ages 6 through 21. A different category is used for children with disabilities (IDEA) ages 3 through 5.


The setting in which children ages 6 through 21 receive special education and related services.

Permitted Values

  • Correctional facilities

  • Homebound/hospital

  • Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the day

  • Inside regular class 80% or more of the day

  • Inside regular class less than 40% of the day

  • Parentally placed in private schools

  • Residential facility

  • Separate school

EDEN Data Groups

  • 74 Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table

Category Name: Educational Services




An indication of whether children (students) received educational services when removed from the regular school for disciplinary reasons.

Permitted Values

  • Did not receive educational services

  • Received educational services

EDEN Data Groups

  • 683 Educational services during expulsion table

Category Name: Interim Removal (IDEA)




The type of interim removal from current educational setting experienced by children with disabilities (IDEA).

Permitted Values

  • Removed to an interim alternative educational setting based on a Hearing Officer finding that there is substantial likelihood of injury to the child or others

  • Unilaterally removed to an interim alternative educational setting by School Personnel (NOT the IEP team) for drugs, weapons, or serious bodily injury

EDEN Data Groups

  • 512 Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table

Category Name: Interim Removal Reason (IDEA)




The reasons why children with disabilities (IDEA) were unilaterally removed from their current educational placement to an interim alternative educational setting.

Permitted Values

  • Drugs

  • Serious bodily injury

  • Weapons

EDEN Data Groups

  • 476 Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table

Category Name: Qualification Status (Paraprofessionals)




An indication of whether paraprofessionals are classified as qualified for their assignment according to state definition.

Permitted Values

  • Not qualified

  • Qualified

EDEN Data Groups

  • 647 Special education paraprofessionals (FTE) table

Category Name: Reason for Not Participating in Assessment




Reasons why children with disabilities (IDEA) did not participate in assessments in accordance with ESEA as amended.

Permitted Values

  • Absent during

  • Did not participate for other reason

  • Medical emergency

  • No valid score

  • Parent opts out

  • Students who participated in an out of level test (not in accordance with ESEA as amended)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 491 Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table

Category Name: Removal Length (IDEA)




The cumulative number of days children with disabilities (IDEA) were removed from their current educational setting during the school year.

Permitted Values

  • 1 day or less

  • 2 through 10 days

  • >10 days

EDEN Data Groups

  • 598 Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table

Category Name: Removal Length





The cumulative number of days children with disabilities (IDEA) were suspended or expelled during the school year for disciplinary reasons.

Permitted Values

  • <= 10 days

  • >10 days

EDEN Data Groups

  • 475 Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table

Category Name: Staff Category (Special Education

Related Service)




Titles of personnel employed and contracted to provide related services for children with disabilities (IDEA).

Permitted Values

  • Audiologists

  • Counselors and rehabilitation counselors

  • Interpreters

  • Medical/nursing service staff

  • Occupational therapists

  • Orientation and mobility specialists

  • Physical education teachers and recreation and therapeutic recreation specialists

  • Physical therapists

  • Psychologists

  • Social workers

  • Speech-language pathologists

EDEN Data Groups

  • 609 Special education related services personnel (FTE) table

Career and technical education

Category Name: Diploma/credential (expanded)

Steward: OVAE


Some states do not offer proficiency credentials, certificates, or degrees with a regular high school diploma.


The type of high school credential received by high school completers.

Permitted Values

  • GED

  • Other high school credential

  • Regular high school diploma

  • Regular high school diploma in conjunction with a proficiency credential, certificate, or degree

EDEN Data Groups

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

Category Name: Disability Status (ADA)

Steward: OVAE



An indication that students have disability status under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Permitted Values

  • ADA status

EDEN Data Groups

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Displaced Homemaker

Steward: OVAE



An indication that students are displaced homemakers.

Permitted Values

  • Displaced homemaker

EDEN Data Groups

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Inclusion Type

Steward: OVAE



An indication of how students were included in the state’s computation of its graduation rate.

Permitted Values

  • Included in computation as graduated

  • Included in computation as not graduated

EDEN Data Groups

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

Category Name: LEP Status (Perkins)

Steward: OVAE



An indication that students are LEP according to the definition in Perkins which is “a secondary student, an adult, or an out-of-school youth, who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding English language, and (a) whose native language is a language other than English, or (b) who lives in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language.”

Permitted Values

  • LEP Status (Perkins)

EDEN Data Groups

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Non-traditional Enrollees

Steward: OVAE



An indication that students who are enrolled in a non-traditional program are members of the underrepresented gender group.

Permitted Values

  • Non-traditional enrollee

EDEN Data Groups

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Placement Status

Steward: OVAE



Whether students were placed after secondary education.

Permitted Values

  • Placed

  • Not placed

EDEN Data Groups

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Placement Type

Steward: OVAE



The type of placement after secondary education.

Permitted Values

  • Postsecondary education

  • Advanced training

  • Military service

  • Employment

EDEN Data Groups

  • 753 CTE concentrators placement type table

Category Name: Representation Status

Steward: OVAE



An indication of whether students were members of an underrepresented gender group.

Permitted Values

  • Member of an underrepresented gender group

  • Not a member of an underrepresented gender group

EDEN Data Groups

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

Category Name: Single Parent Status

Steward: OVAE



An indication that students are either single parents or pregnant teenagers.

Permitted Values

  • Single Parents or Pregnant Teenagers

EDEN Data Groups

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Tech prep

Steward: OVAE



An indication that students are in a tech-prep program.

Permitted Values

  • Technical prep student

EDEN Data Groups

  • 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

  • 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

  • 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

  • 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

  • 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

  • 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

  • 736 CTE concentrators placement table

Category Name: Test Result

Steward: OVAE



An indication of whether or not students passed a test.

Permitted Values

  • Passed

  • Did not pass

EDEN Data Groups

  • 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleB-4 Data Categories for all data groups
AuthorMarburger, Darla (Contractor)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-30

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