Factors Influencing the Use of SBLF Funds Survey |
2013 |
The Office of Small Business Lending Fund Oversight (SBLF Oversight Office) is requesting all SBLF participating institutions submit an accurate and timely completion of the following Factors Influencing the Use of SBLF Funds Survey. Completion of this survey is required by Section 3.1 (c)(i)(z) of your Securities Purchase Agreement. This survey includes questions about: (1) your institution’s participation in the SBLF program and seeks your opinion on the Department of Treasury’s administration of the program; (2) factors influencing your institution’s use of SBLF funding; (3) your institution’s financial data obtained from Call Reports and the Use of Funds Reports submitted to Treasury; and (4) your future participation with the SBLF program.
The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (the Act) that established the SBLF program also created the SBLF Oversight Office. By law, the SBLF Oversight Office must report at least twice a year to the Secretary of the Treasury and Congress on the results of its SBLF oversight activities including audits and investigations of the SBLF program.
Please submit your responses to this use of SBLF funds survey by TBD date by electronically entering the requested data directly onto the survey form and emailing the completed copy to the Office of SBLF Oversight at TBD@treas.gov.
Respondents are notified that this survey, as a record of the Office of the Special Deputy IG for SBLF Program Oversight, may be subject to requests for disclosure made under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Section 552. It is the policy of the United States Government and this office to make public records available unless a disclosure exemption incorporated in the FOIA is specifically applicable. Information provided in this survey that qualifies as proprietary information under Exemption 4, 5 U.S.C Section 552(b)(4), will not be released in response to a FOIA request or otherwise be made available without consultation with the information provider. For further information, contact the Office of Counsel, Treasury Office of Inspector General, 740 15th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220, 202-927-0650, OIGCounsel@oig.treas.gov.
If you have any questions regarding the completion of this survey, please contact _______________________ at ____________________.
I attest that this lending survey is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of Senior Executive Date Name of Senior Executive Title
Name of Institution City State Zip
The Federal Government may not collect, and the public is not required to respond to, an information collection request unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. The control number for this collection is 1505-0246 (expires 08/31/2015). The public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to be 2 hours per response, including time to gather and maintain data in the required form and to review instructions and complete the information collection.
Part I. Your Institution’s Participation in the Small Business Lending Fund program
Is your institution a Small Business Administration (SBA) Lending Partner? Yes No
In administering the SBLF program over the past year, please identify in what area(s) Treasury is doing well (Select all that apply):
For each item selected above, please describe:
In administering the SBLF program over the past year, please identify in what area(s) Treasury could improve (Select all that apply):
For each item selected above, please describe:
Part II. Factors Influencing your Institution’s Use of SBLF Funding
Has the SBLF funding allowed your institution to increase the availability of credit for small businesses? Yes No
For question 4, please describe why or why not:
How does your institution primarily view the use of SBLF funding (Select all that apply)?
For each item selected above, please describe:
For Questions 6-18, Please answer the following questions for the period from the date your institution received the SBLF funding through November 1, 2012 (TBD).
Did the your institution use SBLF funding to increase SMALL BUSINESS LENDING or reduce it by less than otherwise would have occurred? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to increase SMALL BUSINESS LENDING (Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF funding to increase OTHER BUSINESS LENDING or reduce it by less than otherwise would have occurred? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to increase OTHER BUSINESS LENDING (Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF funding to increase OTHER NON-BUSINESS LENDING or reduce it by less than otherwise would have occurred? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to increase OTHER NON-BUSINESS LENDING (Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF funding to increase SECURITIES PURCHASED? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to increase SECURITIES PURCHASED (Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF funding to make OTHER INVESTMENTS? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to make OTHER INVESTMENTS (Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF funding to increase RESERVES FOR NON-PERFORMING ASSETS? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to increase RESERVES FOR NON-PERFORMING ASSETS
(Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF to reduce BORROWINGS? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to reduce BORROWINGS (Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF funding to increase CHARGE-OFFS? Yes No
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to increase CHARGE-OFFS (Select all that apply):
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to PURCHASE ANOTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTION OR PURCHASE ASSETS FROM ANOTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (Select all that apply):
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to HOLD SBLF FUNDS AS NON-LEVERAGED INCREASE IN TOTAL CAPITAL (Select all that apply):
If Yes, which factor(s) most influenced you to use the SBLF funding to PAY DIVIDENDS OR REDEEM OUTSTANDING EQUITY OR DEBT (Select all that apply):
Did your institution use SBLF to take OTHER ACTIONS not already addressed in the above questions? Yes No
If Yes, please describe the other action and the factor(s) leading to this action:
(Former TARP/CPP recipients ONLY) What are the primary factor(s) that influenced your institution to apply to the SBLF program (Select all that apply)?
For each item selected above, please describe:
Part III. Questions on Financial Data from Your Institution & the SBLF Program
Your institution’s (or subsidiary’s) Deposits/Equity ratio was ____ at the quarter your institution received the SBLF funds (Q3 2011or Q2 2011) and was _____ at June 30, 2012. Did the SBLF funding contribute to the change in the Deposits/Equity ratio from date of funding to June 30, 2012? Yes No
Please describe why or why not:
What OTHER factor(s) contributed to the change in this ratio?
Your institution’s (or subsidiary’s) ratio of qualified small business lending (QSBL) to Total Assets was ____ at the quarter your institution received the SBLF funds (Q3 2011 or Q2 2011) and was _____ at June 30, 2012. Did the SBLF funding contribute to the change in the QSBL/Assets ratio from date of funding to June 30, 2012? Yes No
Please describe why or why not:
What OTHER factor(s) contributed to the change in this ratio?
institution’s outstanding QSBL balance was $_______ at the end
of the quarter your institution received the SBLF funds, and was
$________ on June 30, 2012, for a change of $__________.
institution’s equity capital was $_______ at the end of the
quarter your institution received the SBLF funds, and was $________
on June 30, 2012, for a change of $__________.
SBLF capital injection in your institution, please explain why the
change in QSBL lending was more or less than the change in equity:
institution’s average
outstanding balances for the Call Report lines associated with small
business lending (RC-C Part 1 items 1b, 1e.1, 3, and 4)
for the
four quarters of
prior to the last recession (December 2007 to June 2009 according to
National Bureau of Economic Research), was $______________ .
Your institution’s outstanding balances as of June
30, 2012 in these categories is $__________________ (according to
call report information, unadjusted by SBLF exclusions).
Would you say that your institution’s current (June 30, 2012) lending activity in these areas (Select the best answer):
For your answer to question #22, what are the primary factor(s) that contribute to your answer (Select all that apply)?
For each item selected above, please describe:
(CDLFs do not answer) Your institution’s current dividend rate based on 6/30/2012 lending is _____%.
If your institution is already paying the lowest dividend rate, what other factors incentivize your institution to continue to increase your qualified small business lending while you are still a participant in the SBLF program and before the dividend rate resets?
To continue to leverage the SBLF funding to increase overall returns to the institution.
Other _________________________________________________________________
If your institution is not paying the lowest dividend rate, is your institution planning to increase qualified small business lending to achieve the lowest rate? Yes No
If yes to (b), what action(s) is your institution planning to accomplish this? Please describe:
Part IV. SBLF Program Repayment/Exit
What method(s) is your institution using or planning to use to repay the SBLF funding (Select all that apply)?
What factor(s) would most influence your institution to exit the SBLF program (Select all that apply)?
1 Commercial and industrial loans, owner-occupied nonfarm, nonresidential real estate loans, loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to farmers, and loans secured by farmland.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Factors Influencing the Use of SBLF Funds Survey |
Author | Anita M. Visser |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |