OMB No. 0535-0037 Approval Expires: 3/31/2013 Project Code: 138 QID: 123388 SMetaKey: 3388 |
U.S. Department of Agriculture NOC Division 9700 Page Avenue, Suite 400 St. Louis, MO 63132-1547 Phone: 1-888-424-7828 FAX: 314-595-9990 nass@nass.usda.gov |
Please make corrections to name, address and ZIP Code, if necessary.
Information requested in this survey is used to prepare estimates of selected agricultural commodities. Under Title 7 of the U.S. Code and CIPSEA (Public Law 107-347), facts about your operation are kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes in combination with similar reports from other producers. Response is voluntary. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0535-0037. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. |
1. Did this firm contract any Snap Bean, Sweet Corn, Green Pea, or Tomato acreage for processing in 2013? |
Code |
1Yes – Go to Instructions below |
3No – Go to item 2 |
5001 |
2. Did this firm contract or grow any Asparagus acreage for processing, or purchase any open‑market Asparagus to be processed in 2013? |
Code |
1Yes – Go to item 7 |
3No – Go to Survey Results on page 3 |
5002 |
3. SNAP BEANS – Please report the acreage your firm contracted in 2013 and the expected production on the acreage already harvested and to be harvested.
Please Report Separately for each State where Grown |
Expected Total Contract Tonnage |
OR |
Probable Yield Per Acre |
For Canning: |
Acres |
Acres |
Tons |
Tons |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
For Freezing: |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
5179 State: |
5171 |
5173 |
5175 |
5177 |
. ___ ___ |
. |
4. SWEET CORN – Please report the acreage your firm contracted in 2013 and the expected production on the acreage already harvested and to be harvested. |
Please Report Separately for each State where Grown |
Expected Total Contract Tonnage |
OR |
Probable Yield Per Acre |
For Canning: |
Acres |
Acres |
Tons in husk |
Tons in husk |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
For Freezing: |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
5629 State |
5621 |
5623 |
5625 |
5627 |
. ___ ___ |
5. GREEN PEAS – Please report the acreage your firm contracted in 2013 and the expected production on the acreage already harvested and to be harvested. |
Please Report Separately for each State where Grown |
Expected Total Contract Tonnage |
OR |
Probable Yield Per Acre |
For Canning: |
Acres |
Acres |
Tons |
Tons |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
For Freezing: |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
5519 State: |
5511 |
5513 |
5515 |
5517 |
. ___ ___ |
6. TOMATOES – Please report the acreage your firm contracted in 2013 and the expected production on the acreage already harvested and to be harvested. |
Please Report Separately for each State where Grown |
Expected Total Contract Tonnage |
OR |
Probable Yield Per Acre |
For Canning: |
Acres |
Acres |
Tons |
Tons |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
For Freezing: |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
5659 State: |
5651 |
5653 |
5655 |
5657 |
. ___ ___ |
For Other: |
xxxx State: |
xxxx |
xxxx |
xxxx |
xxxx |
. ___ ___ |
xxxx State: |
xxxx |
xxxx |
xxxx |
xxxx |
. ___ ___ |
xxxx State: |
xxxx |
xxxx |
xxxx |
xxxx |
. ___ ___ |
7. ASPARAGUS – Please report the acreage, expected production, and value for asparagus contracted or grown by your firm as well as the quantity and value of any open market purchases in 2013. |
Report Separately for each State Where Grown |
Supplies Contracted or Grown by this Firm |
Open Market Purchases |
Average Value per Ton at Processing Plant Door |
Planted |
Harvested |
Production |
Pay-Weight Received |
Contract Purchases |
Open Market Purchases |
For Canning: |
Acres |
Acres |
Tons |
Tons |
Dollars |
Dollars |
5779 State: |
5771 |
5773 |
5775 |
5776 |
5777 $ |
. __ __ |
5778 $ |
. __ __ |
5779 State: |
5771 |
5773 |
5775 |
5776 |
5777 $ |
. __ __ |
5778 $ |
. __ __ |
5779 State: |
5771 |
5773 |
5775 |
5776 |
5777 $ |
. __ __ |
5778 $ |
. __ __ |
For Freezing: |
Acres |
Acres |
Tons |
Tons |
Dollars |
Dollars |
5879 State: |
5871 |
5873 |
5875 |
5876 |
5877 $ |
. __ __ |
5878 $ |
. __ __ |
5879 State: |
5871 |
5873 |
5875 |
5876 |
5877 $ |
. __ __ |
5878 $ |
. __ __ |
5879 State: |
5871 |
5873 |
5875 |
5876 |
5877 $ |
. __ __ |
5878 $ |
. __ __ |
8. COMMENTS about processed vegetable crops in your locality are appreciated: |
Response |
Respondent |
Mode |
Enum. |
Eval. |
R. Unit |
Change |
Office Use for POID |
1-Comp 2-R 3-Inac 4-Office Hold 5-R – Est 6-Inac – Est 7-Off Hold – Est 8-Known Zero |
9901 |
1-Op/Mgr 2-Sp 3-Acct/Bkpr 4-Partner 9-Oth
9902 |
1-Mail 2-Tel 3-Face-to-Face 4-CATI 5-Web 6-e-mail 7-Fax 8-CAPI 19-Other |
9903 |
0098 |
0100 |
0921 |
0785 |
__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ |
Optional/NOC Use |
0407 |
0408 |
9906 |
9916 |
S/E Name |
1. Report Quantity Received and Value Per Unit on a Pay-Weight Basis: The term “pay-weight” refers to the quantity of the product delivered and paid for at the rate (or rates) specified in contracts or purchase agreements. Culls and rejects received, but considered to be of no value (including tonnage for which the grower received a nominal amount, such as $1.00 a ton in lieu of the return of dockage), should not be included in this report. Processors who establish tolerance for culls and rejects should report the tonnage which was paid for at the contract rate and should deduct only the dockage for culls and rejects in excess of the prescribed tolerance. |
2. Value Per Unit: Value per unit is defined as “all payments to growers plus the costs of materials and services provided to get the raw commodity to the plant receiving door”. |
3. Materials and Services Furnished by Processors: Include costs of the following materials and services furnished without charge to growers and in excess of grower charges: |
a. Preparation, planting and cultivating, including depreciation and repair of equipment. |
b. Seeds or plant costs not deducted, including distribution. |
c. Weed, insect, or disease control, including survey, equipment, application, and materials. |
d. Harvesting costs, including cost of operation, depreciation, repair, moving equipment, and labor procurement. |
e. Delivery cost to the processing plant door, including payment to hired truckers, cost of company trucks, and grower hauling allowances. |
f. Container cost, including upkeep, losses, storage, and transportation. |
g. Field receiving station cost if located off plant premises (receiving, weighing, loading, etc.) |
h. Passed acreage if paid for. |
i. Inspection and grading costs. (Include only if used in purchase of raw product.) |
j. Icing and hydrocooling prior to delivery to plant. |
k. Association service fees if not deducted from grower payment. |
l. Other costs to processing plant door. |
m. Do not include brokerage, cost of fieldmen, or other buying expenses.
4. Reports by Cooperatives: For cooperatives, the average value per unit reported should reflect total payments to growers plus other costs for the quantity delivered. Do not include dividends paid growers which are based on capital stock ownership. If all payments have not been made to growers, please estimate the average total payments to growers in arriving at per unit value. Label your estimated average value per unit “Estimate”, and indicate the date when final figures should be available. We will write you at that time for your final average value per unit. |
5. If harvest has not been completed, please estimate the acreage that will be harvested and the total tonnage that will be received. |
6. For each crop processed, please designate the States in which the crop was grown. |
7. Include all tonnage bought from growers even if some was sold to their processors. Do not include tonnage bought from other processors. |
8. For crops not processed by your firm during the year, please write “NONE” in areas provided for reporting these crops. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | WALLBI |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |