Attachment G
Updated Survey 2013 Changes:
MODIFIED: Question 2: (NEW in red)
OLD: Overall, at how many office locations do you see ambulatory patients in a normal week (i.e., a week with a normal caseload, with no holidays, vacations, or conferences)? ___locations
NEW For this question, please think about a normal week—that is, a week with a normal caseload, with no holidays, vacations, or conferences. Overall, at how many office locations do you see ambulatory patients in a normal week? (Please exclude hospital emergency or outpatient departments)?
MODIFIED: Question 3: (new in red)
OLD: 9□ Hospital emergency department
NEW: 9□ Hospital emergency or outpatient departments
DELETED PART OF Question 5 Street Address from Question 5
Modified Question 6 and 6a.
OLD: 6. Is the reporting location a solo practice, or are you associated with other physicians in a partnership, in a group practice or in some other way?
Solo Skip
2□ Associated with other physicians
6a. How many? excluding yourself
How many physicians, including you, work at the reporting location? WRITE BELOW
NEW: How many physicians, including you, work at this practice (including physicians at the reporting location, and physicians at any other locations of the practice)?
1□ 1 physician
2□ 2-3 physicians
3□ 4-10 physicians
4□ 11-50 physicians
5□ 51-100 physicians
6□ More than 100 physicians
Added box for Q 11 to define certified patient centered medical homes (PCMHs) :
Before Q16: Simplified the definition of what an EHR is and is not.
OLD : • An EHR is a computerized patient medical file integrated to contain patient demographic and clinical data such as prescription records, lab and imaging results, and clinical summaries. EHRs may include multiple modules, functions for computerized order entry and clinical decision support. An EHR is NOT a billing or practice management system, and does not entail obtaining medical information from another provider, physician office, or hospital BY faxing, photocopying, or printing the medical information from an external website, and then including the information in a paper-based record.
NEW: EHRs may include multiple modules and capabilities such as computerized order entry and clinical decision support. EHRs do not include faxing, photocopying, or printing the medical information from an external website, and then including the information in a paper-based record.
Added Q 16a to determine those which will never implement an EHR system (AKA die hards to analyze their characteristics).
NEW 16a. Do you plan to ever implement an EHR system?
1□ Yes (skip to 17)
2□ No (go to 16b)
3□ Uncertain (go to 16b)
Modified part of OLD 17a into NEW 17a and NEW Q16b)
OLD 17a. Please indicate the reasons for not applying for incentives. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1□ Not qualified as an “eligible provider”
2□ The process to apply is difficult
3□ Not familiar with the incentive program
4□ Unsure that incentives will actually be paid
5□ No plans to have an eligible EHR system
Why do you not plan to have an eligible EHR
system? (Check all that apply)
a□ No plans to adopt any EHR system
b□ Have an EHR that does not qualify for incentives
c□ Plan to retire
d□ Not prepared to implement electronic prescribing
6□ Lack resources to apply (Check all that apply)
a□ Time
b□ Money/Financing
c□ Staff
d□ Infrastructure
7□ Other reason for not applying:
NEW: 17a. Please indicate the reasons for not applying for incentives. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1□ Not qualified as an “eligible provider”
2□ The process to apply is difficult
3□ Not familiar with the incentive program
4□ Unsure that incentives will actually be paid
5□ My EHR system does not exchange health information electronically with other providers (e.g., EHR systems “don’t talk to each other”)
6□ Not prepared to implement electronic prescribing
7□ Other reason for not applying: _____________
NEW 16b. Why do you not plan on implementing an EHR system? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1 □ No systems fit with my specialty
2 □ Plan to retire soon
3 □ Lack of time
4 □ Lack of staff
5 □ Lack of financial resources
6 □ Privacy/security concerns
7□ Other, specify:_______________________
Modified OLD Q 33 (adopters) OLD Q35 (Nonadopters) into NEW Q18
OLD Q33: Did your reporting location receive assistance in selecting an EHR System?
1□ Yes 2□ No (Skip to 34) 3□ Uncertain (Skip to 34)
If yes, who provided this assistance? (Select all that apply) |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you? |
Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
□ EHR vendor |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Regional extension center |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Consulting company |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Other: ________________________ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
NEW Q18: Has the reporting location received any type of assistance from a Regional Extension Center? (Yes; no; uncertain; not familiar with the term REC)
Modified OLD 18 into NEW 19: All tasks listed are the same. The questions were modified.
OLD Q 18
Is this done routinely? |
Is this process computerized? |
How easy or difficult is this to do with your current medical record system? |
Yes |
No |
Yes, Usually |
Yes, Sometimes |
No |
Very easy |
Somewhat easy |
Somewhat difficult |
Very difficult |
New Q19: Expanded is this done routinely to how often does the location perform the task? Removed how easy or difficult is the task with how important is the task for patient care.
How important is the task to delivering better patient care? |
How often is the task performed at this location? |
Is this task computerized? |
Very important |
Somewhat important |
Not important |
Often |
Sometimes |
Never |
Yes |
No |
NEW (ADDED) new items to NEW 19q,s,t,&u (response Strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree)
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about using your EHR system:
q. Health information is less secure in my EHR system than a paper-based system. |
s. Clinical summaries from my EHR contain unnecessary information. |
t. Clinical summaries from my EHR contain too much information. |
u. Overall, the benefits of having an EHR outweigh its purchase and maintenance costs. |
NEW (ADDED) 20 m, o -s (response yes within the past 30 days, yes, but not within the past 30 days, not at all, N/A) (THIS WAS ALSO ADDED TO THE NONADOPTER SURVEY FOR THOSE WHO NEWLY ADOPTED AS A SKIP PATTERN)
MODIFIED NEW21. DELETED 21e (Access to High speed internet) and added (21h,i,j) with response categories (major barrier, minor barrier, and not a barrier).
h. Ability to encrypt information to securely send information to other providers
i. Ability to keep patient data private from those unauthorized users
j. Efficiency of performing tasks (e.g., too many clicks (“click fatigue” ))
ADDED 22. About Health information exchange.
22. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about electronic information exchange.
“Electronically exchanging clinical information with other providers…” |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Uncertain |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
5□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
5□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
5□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
5□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
5□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
5□ |
Modified OLD q25 with NEW Q 26
OLD: 25. What is the name of your current EHR system?
1□ Allscripts 2□ Cerner 3□ eClinicalWorks
4□ Epic 5□ GE/Centricity 6□ Greenway Medical
7□ McKesson/ 8□ NextGen 9□ Sage/Vitera
Practice Partner
10□ Other, specify 11□ Unknown
New:26. What is the name of the current EHR/EMR system? CHECK ONLY ONE BOX.
1□ Allscripts 2□ Amazing Charts 3 □ Athenahealth
4□ Cerner 5□ eClinicalWorks 6□ e-MDs
7□ Epic 8□ GE/Centricity 9□ Greenway Medical
10□ NextGen 11□ Practice Fusion 12□ McKesson/
13□ Sage/Vitera Practice Partner
14□ Other please specify_________ 15□ Unknown
Modified old Q26 and 26a with NEW 27 and 27a
OLD:26. Does your current system meet meaningful use criteria as defined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)?
1□ Yes (Skip to 27)
2□ No (Go to 26a)
3□ Uncertain (Go to 26a)
OLD 26a. Are there plans to upgrade your system to meet meaningful use criteria?
1□ Yes, already upgraded
2□ Yes, plan to upgrade
3□ No
4□ Uncertain
NEW: 27. Does your current system meet meaningful use criteria as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)?
1□ Yes (Skip to 27)
2□ No (Go to 26a)
3□ Uncertain (Go to 26a)
NEW 27a. Are there plans to upgrade your system to meet meaningful use criteria?
1□ Yes
2□ No
3□ Uncertain
New Q32: Over the last year, for each has the following increased, decreased, or stayed about the same for the reporting location?
Was this due, in part, to the EHR?
1□ Yes
2□ No
3□ Uncertain
4□ N/A
32. Number of office visits has…
1□ increased
2□ decreased
3□ stayed about the same
4□ Uncertain (Go to 33)
Modified Q 33 added new category 5
33. Can patients seen at the reporting location do any of the following online activities? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1□ View test results online
2□ Request referrals online
3□ Request refills for prescriptions online
4□ Request appointments online
5□ Incorporate patient generated/device data (e.g. blood glucose)
6□ My patients cannot do any of the above activities
7□ Uncertain
REMOVED Questions 32, 33, and 34, and 37:
32. Did your reporting location need assistance with any of the following? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1□ EHR selection 2□ EHR implementation 3□ EHR system training |
4□ Other:_______________________________________ 5□ Uncertain if assistance was needed 6□ No assistance was needed |
33. Did your reporting location receive assistance in selecting an EHR System?
1□ Yes 2□ No (Skip to 34) 3□ Uncertain (Skip to 34)
If yes, who provided this assistance? (Select all that apply) |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you? |
Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
□ EHR vendor |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Regional extension center |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Consulting company |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Other: ________________________ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
34. Did your reporting location receive assistance in implementing an EHR System?
1□ Yes 2□ No (Skip to 35) 3□ Uncertain (Skip to 35)
If yes, who provided this assistance? (Select all that apply) |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you? |
Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
□ EHR vendor |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Regional extension center |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Consulting company |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Other: ________________________ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
35. Did your reporting location receive assistance with training its staff in using your EHR System?
1□ Yes 2□ No (Skip to 36) 3□ Uncertain (Skip to 36)
If yes, who provided this assistance? (Select all that apply) |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you? |
Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
□ EHR vendor |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Regional extension center |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Consulting company |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Other: ________________________ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
37 What is a reliable Email address for the physician to whom this survey was mailed? ___________@_____
Modified Q 20 (uses current 2012/13 Adopter content and adjusts for nonadopters (used in 2011)). New content is in red, content from 2011 is presented below as this was not asked of nonadopters last year but asked in 2011.
20. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about using an EHR system: |
OLD Question 19 and 20 have been removed
19. To what extent do you view the following as a barrier to adopting an EHR system? |
Major Barrier |
Minor Barrier |
Not a Barrier |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
20. How likely do you think an EHR system would be able to: |
Very Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Not at all Likely |
Not Applicable |
a. Alert you to a potential medication error? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
b. Lead to a potential medication error? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
c. Alert you to critical lab values? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
d. Remind you to provide preventive care (e.g., vaccine, cancer screening)? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
e. Remind you to provide care that meets clinical guidelines for patients with chronic conditions? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
f. Help you identify needed lab tests (such as HbA1c or LDL)? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
g. Help you order fewer tests due to better availability of lab results? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
h. Help you order more on-formulary drugs (as opposed to off-formulary drugs)? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
i. Facilitate direct communication with a patient (e.g., email or secure messaging)? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
j. Help you access a patient’s chart remotely (e.g., to work from home)? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
k. Alert you that you received a patient summary from another provider? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
l. Enhance overall patient care? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
NEW (ADDED) ALL OF ADOPTER NEW Q20 ( with new 20 m, o -s (response yes within the past 30 days, yes, but not within the past 30 days, not at all, N/A) (THIS WAS ALSO ADDED as NEW Q22 for THE NONADOPTER SURVEY FOR THOSE WHO NEWLY ADOPTED AS A SKIP PATTERN)
22. This question is about the ways that an EHR system might affect your reporting location. Has your EHR system: |
Yes, within the past 30 days |
Yes, but not within the past 30 days |
Not at all |
Not Applicable |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
LDL)? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
work from home)? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
New Q32: Over the last year, for each has the following increased, decreased, or stayed about the same for the reporting location?
Was this due, in part, to the EHR?
1□ Yes
2□ No
3□ Uncertain
4□ N/A
34. Number of office visits has…
1□ increased
2□ decreased
3□ stayed about the same
4□ Uncertain (Go to 33)
Modified Q 35 added new category 5
33. Can patients seen at the reporting location do any of the following online activities? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1□ View test results online
2□ Request referrals online
3□ Request refills for prescriptions online
4□ Request appointments online
5□ Incorporate patient generated/device data (e.g. blood glucose)
6□ My patients cannot do any of the above activities
7□ Uncertain
REMOVED Questions 34, 35, 36, 37, 39:
34. Did your reporting location need assistance with any of the following? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1□ EHR selection 2□ EHR implementation 3□ EHR system training |
4□ Other:_______________________________________ 5□ Uncertain if assistance was needed 6□ No assistance was needed |
35. Did your reporting location receive assistance in selecting an EHR System?
1□ Yes 2□ No (Skip to 34) 3□ Uncertain (Skip to 34)
If yes, who provided this assistance? (Select all that apply) |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you? |
Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
□ EHR vendor |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Regional extension center |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Consulting company |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Other: ________________________ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
36. Did your reporting location receive assistance in implementing an EHR System?
1□ Yes 2□ No (Skip to 35) 3□ Uncertain (Skip to 35)
If yes, who provided this assistance? (Select all that apply) |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you? |
Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
□ EHR vendor |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Regional extension center |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Consulting company |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Other: ________________________ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
37. Did your reporting location receive assistance with training its staff in using your EHR System?
1□ Yes 2□ No (Skip to 36) 3□ Uncertain (Skip to 36)
If yes, who provided this assistance? (Select all that apply) |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you? |
Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
□ EHR vendor |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Regional extension center |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Consulting company |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
□ Other: ________________________ |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
39 What is a reliable Email address for the physician to whom this survey was mailed? ___________@_____
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Jamoom, Eric (CDC/OSELS/NCHS) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |