Form SEC-977 Form N-8B-2

Form N-8B-2; Registration Statement of Unit Investment Trusts that are currently issuing securities.


Form N-8B-2; Registration Statement of Unit Investment Trusts that are currently issuing securities.

OMB: 3235-0186

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Washington, D.C. 20549

OMS Number:
Expires: .... February28,2013
Estimated average burden
hours per response..... 19.5



Pursuant to Section 8(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940
Name of Unit Investment Trust


Not the issuer of periodic payment plan certificates.
I ssuer of periodic payment plan certificates.





General Information Concerning the Securities of the Trust and the Rights of Holders
Information Concerning the Securities Underlying the Trust's Securities
Information Concerning Loads, Fees, Charges and Expenses
Information Concerning the Operations of the Trust
Issuance of Securities
Receipt of Payments
Purchase and Sale of Underlying Securities
Redemption of Securities
Distributions and Reinvestment
Records and Accounts
Indenture Provisions Regarding Depositor, Trustee or Indenture Changes
Loans to Security Holders
Limitations on Liability
Bonding of Officers and Employees
Other Material Provisions


Organization and Operations of Depositor
Officials and Affiliated Persons of Depositor
Companies Owning Securities of Depositor
Controlling Persons
Compensation of Officers of Depositor
Compensation of Directors
Compensation to Employees
Compensation to Other Persons

SEC0977 (3-10)

Persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the
f orm displays a currently valid OMS control number.



Distribution of Securities
Information Concerning Principal Underwriter
Offering Price or Acquisition Valuation of Securities of the Trust
Suspension of Redemption Rights
Redemption Valuation of Securities of the Trust
Purchase and Sale of Interests in Underlying Securities from and to Security Holders


General Information
Fees Paid
Lien on Assets


Information Concerning Insurance of Holders of Securities


Policy of Registrant
Mutual Investment Company


Asset Value and Dividends
Transcript of Hypothetical Periodic Payment Plan Account
Experience and Performance Table
Termination Experience Table
Lapse Experience Table
Instructions as to Financial Statements





Rule as to Use of Form
This form shall be used as the form for registration statements to be filed, pursuant to Section 8(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, by unit investment trusts other than separate accounts that are currently issuing securities, including
unit investment trusts that are issuers ofperiodic payment plan certificates and unit investment trusts ofwhich a management
investment company is the sponsor or depositor.


Preparation and Filing of Registration Statement
(a)	 Every item is to be answered as of the date of execution of the registration statement unless the context clearly
indicates the contrary. All answers are to be printed, mimeographed or typewritten in black ink, and prepared on good
quality white paper, 8Yz" x 13" in size, leaving a back or stitching margin ofat least 1Yz". Tables, financial statements
and schedules, however, may be on larger paper iffolded to such size. Documents submitted as exhibits may differ
from such size. All copies of the registration statement shall be unbound except by clips or removable staples.
(b)	 The answer to each item shall contain the full text of such item (but not necessarily any notes or instructions
accompanying the item) and the full heading ofeach table. However, the tabular form may be dispensed with, provided
all ofthe information called for by the table is furnished. Every item and subdivision thereof is to be answered fully
and accurately and ifthe answer is in the negative or ifthe item or subdivision is not applicable, it is to be answered
in appropriate negative form, such as "none" or "not applicable." If an item or subdivision which calls for the
preparation of information in tabular form is not applicable, it is not necessary to retype the table called for under that
particular item. However, the answer must indicate that such item or subdivision thereof is "not applicable. "
(c)	 Provisions ofIndentures or Agreements: Reference to indenture provisions should be succinct and condensed and
should not quote such provisions verbatim unless necessary to do so. The answer may be qualified, however, by
reference to particular provisions of any indenture set forth as an exhibit.
(d)	 Incorporation by Reference: The answer to any ofthe Items 1 to 54 in the registration statement may be incorporated
by reference as answer, or partial answer, to any of such items, provided that the item referred to is specifically
designated. However, none ofthe financial statements, nor any ofthe exhibits, required by the registration statement
may be incorporated by reference as all or part of the answer to any of such items.
(e)	 Names shall be given in full. Initials will not suffice.
(f)	 Information Unknown or Not Available: Information required need be given only insofar as known or reasonably

available to the depositor or the trustee or custodian. If any required information is unknown and not reasonably
available either because the obtaining thereof would involve unreasonable effort or expense, or because it rests
peculiarly within the knowledge ofanother person neither controlling, controlled by, nor under common control with
the trust, depositor or trustee or custodian, such information may be omitted subject to the following conditions:

Such information as is known or can be acquired without unreasonable effort or expense shall be given together
with the sources thereof. A disclaimer of responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of all or part of such
information may be included.

(2)	 As to all information omitted, a statement shall be included either showing that unreasonable effort or expense
would be involved or indicating the absence ofeither any relationship with, or any control over, the person within
whose knowledge the information rests and stating the result of a request made to such person for such
(g)	 It is recommended that to the extent the preparation ofthe registration statement requires data pertaining to persons
other than the person filing the statement on behalf ofthe trust, such data should be obtained under the signature of
the person to whom it pertains. These signed statements should be kept by the depositor or trustee or custodian for
future reference, and the information therein contained should constitute the basis for preparing the answers to such
items of the registration statement.
(h)	 Signature: The original copy ofthe registration statement shall be filed on behalf ofthe trust by an officer, director
or partner of its depositor or trustee or custodian.

Filing: Filing of the registration statement and all inquiries and communications with respect thereto shall be
addressed to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C. One original and three copies of each

registration statement shall be filed. The three copies ofthe registration statement may have facsimile or typewritten
signatures of the persons who signed the original copy of the registration statement.

Time for Filing
(I)	 Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) below, any unit investment trust required to use this form shall file

a registration statement with the Commission within three months after the filing ofa notification ofregistration
pursuant to Section 8(a) ofthe Act, provided that ifthe fiscal year ofany such trust ends within such three month
period, its registration statement may be filed at any time within three months after the end of such fiscal year.
(2)	 Any unit investment trust of which a management investment company is the sponsor or depositor and which
filed a notification of registration pursuant to Section 8(a) of the Act prior to May 31,1942, shall file a
registration statement with the Commission on or before August 31, 1942, provided that ifthe fiscal year ofany
such trust ends on a date subsequent to May 31, 1942 but prior to September 1, 1942, its registration statement
may be filed at any time within three months after the end of such fiscal year.
(k)	 Fee: There is no fee for filing this registration statement.

Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, terms used in the registration statement have meanings as defined in
Section 2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. In addition, the following definitions apply:

Act:	 The term "Act" means the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Date ofRegistration: The term "date of registration" means the date on which a notification of registration pursuant to
Section 8(a) of the Act was filed with the Commission. If the notification of registration was filed on or before October
31, 1940, information called for in the registration statement as of the date of registration shall be given as ofthe close of
business on October 31, 1940.
Depositor: The term "depositor" includes the person primarily responsible for the organization ofthe trust and the person
who has continuing functions or responsibilities with respect to the administration of the affairs of the trust other than the
trustee or custodian. The term includes the sponsor or manager of the trust. If there is more than one such person the
information called for in this form for the depositor shall be set forth for each such person.
Security Holder: The term "security holder" includes the holder of a periodic payment plan certificate.
Trust: The term "trust" means unit investment trust as defined in Section 4(2) of the Act. Unless the context indicates
otherwise, the term "trust" refers to the unit investment trust on behalf of which the registration statement is filed.
Underlying Securities: The term "underlying securities" means the portfolio securities purchased by the trust with the
proceeds of payments made by the security holders of the trust and in which they have a direct beneficial interest.





Furnish name ofthe trust and the Internal Revenue Service Employer Identification Number. (According to security
designation or otherwise, ifthe trust does not have or does not transact business under any other designation).

(b)	 Furnish title of each class or series of securities issued by the trust.

Furnish name and principal business address and Zip Code and the Internal Revenue Service Employer Identification
Number of each depositor of the trust. (Note definition of "depositor" in general instructions).


Furnish name and principal business address and Zip Code and the Internal Revenue Service Employer Identification
Number of each custodian or trustee ofthe trust indicating for which class or series of securities each custodian or trustee
is acting.


Furnish name and principal business address and Zip Code and the Internal Revenue Service Employer Identification
Number of each principal underwriter currently distributing securities of the trust.


Furnish the name ofstate or other sovereign power, the laws of which govern with respect to the organization ofthe trust.



Furnish the dates of execution and termination of any indenture or agreement currently in effect under the terms of
which the trust was organized and issued or proposes to issue securities. (If individual indentures or agreements are
entered into with security holders, so state and furnish the date of the first such indenture or agreement.)

(b)	 Furnish the dates of execution and termination of any indenture or agreement currently in effect pursuant to which
the proceeds of payments on securities issued or to be issued by the trust are held by the custodian or trustee. (Ifthis
indenture or agreement is the same as set forth in Item 6(a), so state.)

Furnish in chronological order the following information with respect to each change ofname ofthe trust since January 1,
1930. If the name has never been changed, so state.
Former Name	


Approximate Date of Change

State the date on which the fiscal year of the trust ends.

Material Litigation


Furnish a description of any pending legal proceedings, material with respect to the security holders ofthe trust by reason
of the nature ofthe claim or the amount thereof, to which the trust, the depositor, or the principal underwriter is a party or
of which the assets of the trust are the subject, including the substance of the claims involved in such proceeding and the
title of the proceeding. Furnish a similar statement with respect to any pending administrative proceeding commenced by
a governmental authority or any such proceeding or legal proceeding known to be contemplated by a governmental
authority. Include any proceeding which, although immaterial itself, is representative of, or one of, a group which in the
aggregate is material.

General Information Concerning the Securities of the Trust and the Rights ofHolders

10.	 Furnish a brief statement with respect to the following matters for each class or series of securities issued by the trust:
(a)	 Whether the securities are of the registered or bearer type.
(b)	 Whether the securities are of the cumulative or distributive type.
(c)	 The rights of security holders with respect to withdrawal or redemption.
(d)	 The rights of security holders with respect to conversion, transfer, partial redemption, and similar matters.


(e)	 If the trust is the issuer of periodic payment plan certificates, the substance of the provisions of any indenture or
agreement with respect to lapses or defaults by security holders in making principal payments, and with respect to

The substance ofthe provisions of any indenture or agreement with respect to voting rights, together with the names
of any persons other than security holders given the right to exercise voting rights pertaining to the trust's securities
or the underlying securities and the relationship of such persons to the trust.

(g)	 Whether security holders must be given notice of any change in:
(1)	 the composition of the assets of the trust.
(2)	 the terms and conditions of the securities issued by the trust.
(3)	 the provisions of any indenture or agreement of the trust.
(4)	 the identity of the depositor, trustee or custodian

Whether the consent of security holders is required in order for action to be taken concerning any change in:
(1)	 the composition of the assets of the trust
(2)	 the terms and conditions ofthe securities issued by the trust.
(3)	 the provisions of any indenture or agreement of the trust.
(4)	 the identity of the depositor, trustee or custodian


Any other principal feature ofthe securities issued by the trust or any other principal right, privilege or obligation not
covered by subdivisions (a) to (g) or by any other item in this form. (Note: If there is more than one class or series
ofsecurities, the basic type of security may be described and the distinguishing features of each other class or series
of securities may thereafter be described in answer to this item.)

Information Concerning the Securities Underlying the Trust's Securities

11.	 Describe briefly the kind or type of securities comprising the unit ofspecified securities in which security holders have an
interest. (If the unit consists of a single security issued by an investment company, name such investment company and
furnish a description ofthe type ofsecurities comprising the portfolio ofsuch investment company.) (Note: Do not furnish
a list ofportfolio securities in answer to this item. Describe portfolio securities as "bonds ofrailroad companies," "preferred
stock of public utility holding companies," "common stock of industrial companies," etc., indicating the approximate
proportion of each group in terms of value as of a recent date.)
Ifthe trust owns or will own any securities of its regular brokers or dealers as defmed in rule IOb-I under the Act [17 CFR
§270. lOb-I], or their parents, identify those brokers or dealers and state the value of the registrant's aggregate holdings
of the securities of each subject issuer as ofthe close of the registrant's most recent fiscal year.

The registrant need only disclose information with respect to an issuer that derived more than 15% of its gross revenues
from the business of a broker, a dealer, an underwriter, or an investment adviser during its most recent fiscal year. If the
registrant has issued more than one class or series of securities, the requested information must be disclosed for the class
or series that has securities that are being registered.
12.	 If the trust is the issuer of periodic payment plan certificates and if any underlying securities were issued by another
investment company, furnish the following information for each such company:
(a)	 Name of company.
(b)	 Name and principal business address of depositor.
(c)	 Name and principal business address of trustee or custodian.
(d)	 Name and principal business address of principal underwriter.



The period during which the securities of such company have been the underlying securities.
(If any sub-item is not applicable, so state.)

Information Concerning Loads, Fees, Charges and Expenses
13.	 (a)

Furnish the following information with respect to each load, fee, expense or charge to which (1) principal payments,
(2) underlying securities, (3) distributions, (4) cumulated or reinvested distributions or income, and (5) redeemed &
liquidated assets of the trust's securities are subject:
(A)	 the nature of such load, fee, expense, or charge;
(B)	 the amount thereof;
(C)	 the name of the person to whom such amounts are paid and his relationship to the trust;
(D)	 the nature of the services performed by such person in consideration for such load, fee, expense or charge.
(In the case of periodic payment plan certificates, a computation ofthe aggregate amount of each load or charge per
certificate should be made as of a recent date (using the smallest unit) assuming completion of payments and no
fluctuation in the value ofthe underlying securities. If a percentage basis is used to determine the amount of any load
or charge, state such basis and convert it into an estimated money equivalent.)

(b)	 For each installment payment type ofperiodic payment plan certificate ofthe trust, furnish the following information
with respect to sales load and other deductions from principal payments.
("Sales load" includes sales load of any underlying investment company security. Computation should be made on
the basis of the certificate calling for the smallest amount of payments.)
Aggregate amount of
(Complete period)
amount of
Amount payments
(I) Amount of payments to

Six Payments

12 Payments

24 Payments

(six months)

(one year)

(two years)

amount of
amount of
Amount payments Amount payments




amount of
Amount payments

be made on certificates
(2) Amount of sales load

Fee of custodian or trustee


Insurance premiums


Other deductions from payments!


Total deductions (2 to 5)


Net amount invested
(c)	 State the amount oftotal deductions as a percentage ofthe net amount invested for each type ofsecurity issued by the
trust. State each different sales charge available as a percentage ofthe public offering price and as a percentage of
the net amount invested. List any special purchase plans or methods established by rule or exemptive order that reflect
scheduled variations in, or elimination of, the sales load and identify each class ofindividuals or transactions to which
such plans apply.
(d)	 Explain fully the reasons for any difference in the price at which securities are offered generally to the public, and the
price at which securities are offered for any class oftransactions to any class or group ofindividuals, including officers,
directors, or employees of the depositor, trustee, custodian or principal underwriter.

Indicate the nature of such other deductions, as taxes, commissions, etc. If any such item amounts to more than I % of the total amount of
payments to be made, list separately. (Omit any items if certificate of the type covered makes no provisions for deductions of such
item from payments.)


(e)	 Furnish a brief description of any loads, fees, expenses or charges not covered in Item 13(a) which may be paid by
security holders in connection with the trust or its securities. (Assignment, reinstatement, replacing lost certificates,

State whether the depositor, principal underwriter, custodian or trustee, or any affiliated person ofthe foregoing may
receive profits or other benefits not included in answer to Item 13(a) or 13(d) through the sale or purchase ofthe trust's
securities or interests in such securities, or underlying securities or interests in underlying securities, and describe fully
the nature and extent of such profits or benefits.

(g)	 State the percentage that the aggregate annual charges and deductions for maintenance and other expenses ofthe trust
bear to the dividend and interest income from the trust property during the period covered by the financial statements
filed herewith.

Information Concerning the Operations ofthe Trust
Note: Items 14 to 24 inclusive call for a brief description of the principal characteristics and method of operation of
the trust and its securities. The functions and duties ofthe depositor, principal underwriter, custodian or trustee, or
other person should be stated in connection with the description.
14.	 Describe the procedure with respect to applications (ifany) and the issuance and authentication ofthe trust's securities, and
state the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement pertaining thereto.
15.	 Describe the procedure with respect to the receipt of payments from purchasers of the trust's securities and the handling
of the proceeds thereof, and state the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement pertaining thereto.
16.	 Describe the procedure with respect to the acquisition of underlying securities and the disposition thereof, and state the
substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement pertaining thereto.
17.	 (a)

Describe the procedure with respect to withdrawal or redemption by security holders.

(b)	 Furnish the names ofany persons who may redeem or repurchase, or are required to redeem or repurchase, the trust's
securities or underlying securities from security holders, and the substance of the provisions of any indenture or
agreement pertaining thereto.
(c)	 Indicate whether repurchased or redeemed securities will be canceled or may be resold.
18.	 (a)

Describe the procedure with respect to the receipt, custody and disposition ofthe income and other distributable funds
of the trust and state the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement pertaining thereto.

(b)	 Describe the procedure, if any, with respect to the reinvestment of distributions to security holders and state the
substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement pertaining thereto.
(c)	 If any reserves or special funds are created out of income or principal, state with respect to each such reserve or fund
the purpose and ultimate disposition thereof, and describe the manner of handling of same.
(d)	 Submit a schedule showing the periodic and special distributions which have been made to security holders during
the three years covered by the financial statements filed herewith. State for each such distribution the aggregate
amount and amount per share. If distributions from sources other than current income have been made identify each
such other source and indicate whether such distribution represents the return of principal payments to security
holders. Ifpayments other than cash were made describe the nature thereof, the account charged and the basis of
determining the amount of such charge.
19.	 Describe the procedure with respect to the keeping of records and accounts of the trust, the making ofreports and the
furnishing of information to security holders, and the substance ofthe provisions of any indenture or agreement pertaining
20.	 State the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement concerning the trust with respect to the following:
(a)	 Amendments to such indenture or agreement.
(b)	 The extension or termination of such indenture or agreement.
(c)	 The removal or resignation ofthe trustee or custodian, or the failure ofthe trustee or custodian to perform its duties,
obligations and functions.


The appointment of a successor trustee and the procedure if a successor trustee is not appointed.

(e)	 The removal or resignation of the depositor, or the failure of the depositor to perform its duties, obligations and

21.	 (a)

The appointment of a successor depositor and the procedure if a successor depositor is not appointed.
State the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement with respect to loans to security holders.

(b)	 Furnish a brief description of any procedure or arrangement by which loans are made available to security holders
by the depositor, principal underwriter, trustee or custodian, or any affiliated person ofthe foregoing. The following
items should be covered:
(1) The name of each person who makes such agreements or arrangements with security holders.

(2) The rate of interest payable on such loans.
(3) The period for which loans may be made.
(4) Costs or charges for default in repayment at maturity.
(5) Other material provisions of the agreement or arrangement.
(c)	 Ifsuch loans are made, furnish the aggregate amount ofloans outstanding at the end ofthe last fiscal year, the amount
of interest collected during the last fiscal year allocated to the depositor, principal underwriter, trustee or custodian
or affiliated person of the foregoing and the aggregate amount of loans in default at the end of the last fiscal year
covered by financial statements filed herewith.
22.	 State the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement with respect to limitations on the liabilities of the
depositor, trustee or custodian, or any other party to such indenture or agreement.
23.	 Describe any bonding arrangement for officers, directors, partners or employees of the depositor or principal underwriter
of the trust, including the amount of coverage and the type of bond.
24.	 State the substance ofany other material provisions ofany indenture or agreement concerning the trust or its securities and
a description of any other material function or duties of the depositor, trustee-or custodian not stated in Item 10 or Items
14 to 23 inclusive.


Note: Ifthere is more than one person within the meaning of"depositor" as defined in "general instructions" herein,
the information called for in Items 25 to 34 inclusive shall be set forth for each additional person under corresponding
items designated 25A, 26A, 27A, etc., 25B, 26B, 27B, etc.

Organization and Operations ofDepositor
25.	 State the form of organization of the depositor of the trust, the name of the state or other sovereign power under the laws
of which the depositor was organized and the date of organization.
26.	 (a)


Furnish the following information with respectto all fees received by the depositor ofthe trust in connection with the
exercise of any functions or duties concerning securities of the trust during the period covered by the financial
statements filed herewith:
Total payments
by security

Amount of
sales load

Amount of
fees received

Amount of
fees received

Amount of
other fees

gross amount
of load, fees
etc., received

(b)	 Furnish the following information with respect to any fee or any participation in fees received by the depositor from
any underlying investment company or any affiliated person or investment adviser of such company:


(I) The nature of such fee or participation.
(2) The name of the person making payment.
(3) The nature of the services rendered in consideration for such fee or participation
(4) The aggregate amount received during the last fiscal year covered by the financial statements filed herewith.
27.	 Describe the general character of the business engaged in by the depositor including a statement as to any business other
than that ofdepositor ofthe trust. Ifthe depositor acts or has acted in any capacity with respect to any investment company
or companies other than the trust, state the name or names of such company or companies, their relationship, if any, to the
trust, and the nature ofthe depositor's activities therewith. Ifthe depositor has ceased to act in such named capacity, state
the date of and circumstances surrounding such cessation.

Officials and Affiliated Persons ofDepositor
28.	 (a)

Furnish as at latest practicable date the following information with respect to the depositor of the trust, with respect
to each officer, director, or partner of the depositor, and with respect to each natural person directly or indirectly
owning, controlling or holding with power to vote 5% or more ofthe outstanding voting securities of the depositor.


As at

Name and principal business address

Nature of relationship or affiliation
with depositor of the trust

Ownership of all securities ofthe depositor

Title of Class

Securities owned of record
which are also owned

Securities owned of
record which are not
owned beneficially

Securities owned
beneficially which are
not owned of record




of class

Percent of

Percent of

Ownership of all securities of the trust

Title of Class

Securities owned of record
which are also owned

Securities owned of
record which are not
owned beneficially

Securities owned
beneficially which are
not owned of record




of class

Percent of

Percent of

Other companies of which each of the persons 2 named above is presently an officer, director or partner
Name and principal business
address of such other company

Nature of business of such other

Nature of affiliation with
such other company

(b)	 Furnish a brief statement of the business experience during the last five years of each officer, director or partner of
the depositor.
Companies Owning Securities ofDepositor

29.	 Furnish as at latest practicable date the following information with respect to each company which directly or indirectly
owns, controls or holds with power to vote 5 % or more of the outstanding voting securities of the depositor.

Exclude persons whose affiliation with the depositor arises solely by virtue of stock ownership (Section 2(a)(3)(A) of the Act).



As at

Name and principal business address

Nature of business

Securities owned of record
which are also owned
Title of



Securities owned of
record which are not
owned beneficially
Percent of


of class

Securities owned
beneficially which are
not owned of record

Percent of

Controlling Persons
30.	 Furnish as at latest practicable date the following information with respect to any person, other than those covered by Items
28,29 and 42 who directly or indirectly controls the depositor. ("Control" for the purposes of this item means "Control"
as defined in Section 2(a)(9) ofthe Act, but without reference to the presumption created therein.) (Ifno such other person
controls the depositor, indicate "none.")

As at

Nature of business of such

Name and principal business

Brief description of basis of control


Compensation of Officers and Directors ofDepositor
Compensation of Officers of Depositor
31.	 Furnish the following information with respect to the remuneration for services3 paid by the depositor during the last fiscal
year covered by financial statements filed herewith:
(a)	 directly to each of the officers or partners of the depositor directly receiving the three highest amounts of
Name of Person

Capacity in which received and nature of services

Amount of remuneration paid

(b)	 directly to all officers or partners of the depositor as a group exclusive of persons whose remuneration is included
under Item 31 (a), stating separately the aggregate amount paid by the depositor itself and the aggregate amount paid
by all the subsidiaries;
(c)	 indirectly or through subsidiaries to each of the officers or partners of the depositor

The term "remuneration for services" includes (a) salaries, fees, commissions, and all other forms of direct compensation paid to the person
in question individually by the depositor for all services rendered with respect to the trust, and (2) indirect compensation paid by an
underwriter or investment adviser of the trust (other than the depositor) or by a subsidiary of the depositor in connection with services
rendered with respect to the trust. Indirect compensation also includes brokerage commissions, other agency commissions, investment
advisory fees, legal fees and similar remuneration paid (before deducting expenses of rendering such services) to any partnership of
which the person in question is a member or to any other company in which such person has an interest of 5% or more, but it is not
necessary to make any allocation of the individual's proportionate interest in such indirect compensation. The term "remuneration for
services" does not include fees for acting as transfer agent, registrar, paying agent or similar services ordinarily performed by a bank or
trust company, nor does it include payments for rent or services incident to a lessor-lessee relationship or similar payments.


Name of person Relationship of person to

Name of company recelvmg

Name of each paying company

Nature of services

Relationship of person to to company
receiving remuneration
Amount paid by each such company

Compensation ofDirectors
32.	 Furnish the following information with respect to the remuneration for services,4 exclusive ofremuneration reported under
Item 31, paid by the depositor during the last fiscal year covered by financial statements filed herewith:
(a)	 the aggregate direct remuneration to directors
(b)	 indirectly or through subsidiaries to directors
Name of person

Relationship of
person to depositor

Name of company receiving

Name of each paying company

Nature of services

Relationship of person to company
receiving remuneration

Amount paid by each such company

Compensation to Employees
33.	 (a)

Furnish the following information with respect to the aggregate amount ofremuneration for services5 ofall employees
ofthe depositor (exclusive ofpersons whose remuneration is reported in Items 31 and 32) who received remuneration
in excess of$l 0,000 during the last fiscal year covered by the financial statements filed herewith from the depositor
and any of its subsidiaries.

Name of person

Capacity in which
remuneration was received

Name of each company
receiving remuneration

Amount of remuneration paid by
each such company

(b)	 Furnish the following information with respect to the remuneration for services6 paid directly during the last fiscal
year covered by fmancial statements filed herewith to the following classes of persons (exclusive of those persons
covered by Item 33(a)): (1) Sales managers, branch managers, district managers and other persons supervising the
sale ofregistrant's securities; (2) Salesmen, sales agents, canvassers and other persons making solicitations but not
in supervisory capacity; (3) Administrative and clerical employees; and (4) Others (specify). Ifa person is employed
in more than one capacity, classify according to predominant type of work.
Class of persons	


Aggregate remuneration

Compensation to Other Persons
34.	 Furnish the following information with respect to the aggregate amount of compensation for services? paid any person
(exclusive ofpersons whose remuneration is reported in Items 31,32 and 33), whose aggregate compensation in connection
with services rendered with respect to the trust in all capacities exceeded $10,000 during the last fiscal year covered by
financial statements filed herewith from the depositor and any of its subsidiaries.

See footnote 3.





Name of person

Capacity in which
remuneration was received

Name of each company Amount of remuneration paid
paying remuneration
by each such company


Distribution ofSecurities

35.	 Furnish the names of the states in which sales of the trust's securities (A) are currently being made, (B) are presently
proposed to be made, and (C) have been discontinued, indicating by appropriate letter the status with respect to each state.
36.	 Ifsales ofthe trust's securities have at any time since January 1, 1936 been suspended for more than a month describe briefly
the reasons of such suspension.
37.	 (a)

Furnish the following information with respectto each instance where subsequent to January 1, 1937, any federal or
state governmental officer, agency, or regulatory body denied authority to distribute securities ofthe trust, excluding
a denial which was merely a procedural step prior to any determination by such officer, etc. and which denial was
subsequently rescinded.
(1)	 Name of officer, agency or body.

(2)	 Date of denial.
(3)	 Brief statement of reason given for denial.
(b)	 Furnish the following information with respect to each instance where, subsequent to January 1, 1937, the authority
to distribute securities ofthe trust has been revoked by any federal or state governmental officer, agency or regulatory
(1)	 Name of officer, agency or body.
(2)	 Date of revocation.
(3)	 Brief statement of reason given for revocation.
38.	 (a)

Furnish a general description of the method of distribution of securities of the trust.

(b)	 State the substance ofany current selling agreement between each principal underwriter and the trust or the depositor,
including a statement as to the inception and· termination dates of the agreement, any renewal and termination
provisions, and any assignment provisions.
(c)	 State the substance of any current agreements or arrangements of each principal underwriter with dealers, agents,
salesmen, etc. with respect to commissions and overriding commissions, territories, franchises, qualifications and
revocations. Ifthe trust is the issuer ofperiodic payment plan certificates, furnish schedules of commissions and the
bases thereof. In lieu of a statement concerning schedules of commissions, such schedules of commissions may be
filed as Exhibit A(3)(c).
Information Concerning Principal Underwriter

Note: If the depositor and the sole principal underwriter are identical Items 39(a), 40, 41(a), 41(c) and 42 may be
answered by reference to Items 25, 26, 27 and 28(a), respectively.
39.	 (a)

State the form of organization of each principal underwriter of securities ofthe trust, the name of the state or other
sovereign power under the laws of which each underwriter was organized and the date of organization.

(b)	 State whether any principal underwriter currently distributing securities of the trust is a member of the National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
40.	 (a)

Furnish the following information with respect to all fees received by each principal underwriter ofthe trust from the
sale of securities ofthe trust and any other functions in connection therewith exercised by such underwriter in such
capacity or otherwise during the period covered by the financial statements filed herewith.



payments by

Amount of
sales load

Amount of
fees received

Amount of
fees received

Amount of other
fees received

Aggregate gross
amount of load,
fees, etc. received

(b)	 Furnish the following information with respect to any fee or any participation in fees received by each principal
underwriter from any underlying investment company or any affiliated person or investment adviser ofsuch company:
(1)	 The nature of such fee or participation.

(2)	 The name of the person making payment.
(3)	 The nature of the services rendered in consideration for such fee or participation.
(4)	 The aggregate amount received during the last fiscal year covered by the fmancial statements filed herewith.
41.	 (a)

Describe the general character ofthe business engaged in by each principal underwriter, including any business other
than the distribution of securities ofthe trust. If a principal underwriter acts or has acted in any capacity with respect
to any investment company or companies other than the trust, state the name or names ofsuch company or companies,
their relationship, if any, to the trust and the nature of such activities. If a principal underwriter has ceased to act in
such named capacity, state the date of and the circumstances surrounding such cessation.

(b)	 Furnish as at latest practicable date the address of each branch office of each principal underwriter currently selling
securities of the trust and furnish the name and residence address of the person in charge of such office.
(c)	 Furnish the number of individual salesmen of each principal underwriter through whom any of the securities of the
trust were distributed for the last fiscal year ofthe trust covered by the financial statements filed herewith and furnish
the aggregate amount of compensation received by such salesmen in such year. (Segregate full-time and part-time

42.	 Furnish as at latest practicable date the following information with respect to each principal underwriter currently
distributing securities of the trust and with respect to each of the officers, directors or partners of such underwriter:
As at	


Name and principal business address of each such person

Position with principal underwriter

Ownership of Securities of the Trust

Title of class

Securities owned of record
which are also owned

Securities owned ofrecord
which are not owned



Percent of

Percent of

Securities owned beneficially
which are not owned of record


Percent of

43.	 Furnish, for the last fiscal year covered by the financial statements filed herewith, the amount of brokerage commissions
received by any principal underwriter who is a member of a national securities exchange and who is currently distributing
the securities of the trust or effecting transactions for the trust in the portfolio securities of the trust.


Offering Price or Acquisition Valuation ofSecurities ofthe Trust
(If the underlying securities are shares of a registered investment company, the answers to the following item need not
include duplication of information included in the registration statement of such company.)
Note: If the trust is issuing more than one class or series of securities, and the methods of valuation for each are identical,
Item 44 need be answered only as to one such class or series.
44.	 (a)

Furnish the following information with respectto the method ofvaluation used by the trust for purpose ofdetermining
the offering price to the public ofsecurities issued by the trust or the valuation of shares or interests in the underlying
securities acquired by the older of a periodic payment plan certificate:
(I)	 The source of quotations used to determine the value of portfolio securities.
(2)	 Whether opening, closing, bid, asked or any other price is used.
(3)	 Whether price is as of the day of sale or as of any other time.
(4)	 A briefdescription ofthe methods used by registrant for determining other assets and liabilities including accrual
for expenses and taxes (including taxes on unrealized appreciation).
(5)	 Other items which registrant adds to the net asset value in computing offering price of its securities:
Fees for

Odd lot premiums
(yes or no)

(yes or no)

(yes or no)

Custodian or trustee
(yes or no)

Registrar or transfer
agent (yes or no)

Other charges
(describe briefly)

(6)	 Whether adjustments are made for fractions:

before adding distributor's compensation (load); and

(ii)	 after adding distributor's compensation (load).
(b)	 Furnish a specimen schedule showing the components of the offering price of the trust's securities as at the latest
practicable date. Such schedule shall be in substantially the following form:
(Note: Ifregistrant is an issuer ofperiodic payment plan certificates, furnish, in lieu ofsuch schedule an appropriate,
comparable schedule showing the acquisition price of the holders' interests in the underlying securities.)


Value of portfolio securities


Value of other assets


Total (I plus 2)


Liabilities (include accrued expenses and taxes)


Value of net assets (3 minus 4)


Other charges
(a)	 odd lot premiums
(b)	 brokerage commissions
(c)	 fees for administration
(d)	 fees for custodian or trustee
(e)	 fees for registrar or transfer agent


transfer taxes

(g)	 reserves
(h)	 others

total, 6(a) through 6(h), inclusive


Adjusted value of net assets (5 plus 6(i»


Number of units outstanding


Net asset value per unit (four decimals)
(a)	 excluding other charges (5 divided by 8)
(b)	 including other charges (7 divided by 8)

10.	 Adjustment of9(b) for fractions
11.	 Adjusted net asset value per unit

12.	 Offering price (show four decimals)
(If any sales load is charged, indicate amount, and apply percentage load to 11 or other applicable base, indicating
13.	 Adjustment of 12 for fractions
14.	 Offering price
15.	 Accumulated undistributed income per unit (if not included in 3 and 9)
16.	 Adjusted price (14 plus 15)
17.	 Effective load per unit
(a)	 In dollars (16 - [9(a) + 15])
(b)	 In percentage (17(a) of [9(a) + 15])
(Ifno sales load is charged on underlying security add accumulated undistributed income per unit to sub-item 11, to
show adjusted offering price. If any sub-items are inapplicable, answer "none.")
(c)	 If there is any variation in the offering price of the trust's securities to any person or class of persons other than
underwriters, state the nature and amount of such variation and iildicate the person or class of persons to whom such
offering is made.
45.	 Furnish the following information with respect to any suspension of the redemption rights ofthe securities issued by the
trust during the three fiscal years covered by the fmancial statements filed herewith:
(a)	 by whose action redemption rights were suspended.
(b)	 the number of days' notice given to security holders prior to suspension of redemption rights.
(c)	 reason for suspension.
(d)	 period during which suspension was in effect.

Redemption Valuation ofSecurities ofthe Trust
(If the underlying securities are shares of a registered investment company, the answers to the following item need not
include the duplication of information included in the registration statement of such company.)
Note: If the trust is issuing more than one class or series of securities and the methods of valuation for each are identical,
Item 46 need be answered only as to one such class or series.

46.	 (a)

Furnish the following information with respect to the method ofdetermining the redemption or withdrawal valuation
of securitiesissued by the trust:
(I)	 The source of quotations used to determine the value of portfolio securities.

(2)	 Whether opening, closing, bid, asked or any other price is used.
(3 )	 Whether price is as of the day of sale or as of any other time.
(4)	 A brief description of the methods used by registrant for determining other assets and liabilities including
accrual for expenses and taxes (including taxes on unrealized appreciation).
(5)	 Other items which registrant deducts from the net asset value in computing redemption value of its securities:
Fees for
Odd lot
(yes or no)

(yes or no)

(yes or no)

(yes or no)

Custodian or
(yes or no)

Registrar or
transfer agent
(yes or no)

Other charges

(6)	 Whether adjustments are made for fractions.
(b)	 Furnish a specimen schedule showing the components of the redemption price to the hoIders ofthe trust's securities
as at the latest practicable date. Such schedule shall be in substantially the following form:
(Note: Ifregistrant is an issuer ofperiodic payment pIan certificates, furnish in lieu ofsuch schedule, an appropriate
comparable schedule, showing the liquidation or redemption price ofthe security holder's interest in the underlying

Value of portfolio securities


Value of other assets


Total (I plus 2)


Liabilities (include accrued expenses and taxes)


Value of net assets (3 minus 4)


Other charges
(a)	 odd lot premiums
(b)	 brokerage commissions
(c)	 fees for administration
(d)	 fees for custodian or trustee
(e)	 fees for registrar or transfer agent

transfer taxes

(g)	 reserves
(h)	 others

total, 6(a) through 6(h), inclusive


Adjusted value of net assets (5 minus 6(i))


Number of units outstanding



Net asset value per unit (four decimals)
(a)	 excluding other charges (5 divided by 8)
(b)	 including other charges (7 divided by 8)

10.	 Adjustment of9(b) for fractions
11.	 Adjusted net asset value per unit
12.	 Redemption charge
13.	 Adjusted redemption price
14.	 Accumulated undistributed income per unit (if not included in 3 and 9)
15.	 Actual redemption price (13 plus 14)
16.	 Effective redemption fee per unit
(a)	 in dollars «9(a) + 14) - 15)

in percentage (l6(a) of9(a) + 14))

(If any sub-items are inapplicable, answer "none.")
Purchase and Sale ofInterests in Underlying Securities from and to Security Holders
47.	 Furnish a statement as to the procedure with respect to the maintenance ofa position in the underlying securities or interests
in the underlying securities, the extent and nature thereofand the person who maintains such a position. Include a description
ofthe procedure with respect to the purchase ofunderlying securities or interests in the underlying securities from security
holders who exercise redemption or withdrawal rights and the sale of such underlying securities and interests in the
underlying securities to other security holders. State whether the method of valuation of such underlying securities or
interests in underlying securities differs from that set forth in Items 44 and 46. If any item of expenditure included in the
determination ofthe valuation is not or may not actually be incurred or expended, explain the nature ofsuch item and who
may benefit from the transaction.



48.	 Furnish the following information as to each trustee or custodian of the trust.
(a)	 Name and principal business address.
(b)	 Form of organization.
(c)	 State or other sovereign power under the laws of which the trustee or custodian was organized.
(d)	 Name of governmental supervising or examining authority.
49.	 State the basis for payment offees or expenses ofthe trustee or custodian for services rendered with respect to the trust and
its securities, and the aggregate amount thereof for the last fiscal year. Indicate the person paying such fees or expenses.
If any fees or expenses are prepaid, state the unearned amount.
50.	 State whether the trustee or custodian or other person has or may create a lien on the assets ofthe trust, and if so, give full
particulars, outlining the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement with respect thereto.


51.	 Furnish the following information with respect to insurance of holders of securities:
(a)	 The name and address ofthe insurance company.
(b)	 The types of policies and whether individual or group policies.
(c)	 The types of risks insured and excluded.
(d)	 The coverage ofthe policies.
(e)	 The beneficiaries of such policies and the uses to which the proceeds of policies must be put.

The terms and manner of cancellation and of reinstatement.

(g)	 The method of determining the amount of premiums to be paid by holders of securities.
(h)	 The amount of aggregate premiums paid to the insurance company during the last fiscal year.

Whether any person other than the insurance company receives any part of such premiums, the name of each such
person and the amounts involved, and the nature of the services rendered therefor.


The substance of any other material provisions of any indenture or agreement ofthe trust relating to insurance.


52.	 (a)

Furnish the substance ofthe provisions of any indenture or agreement with respect to the conditions upon which and
the methods of selection by which particular portfolio securities must or may be eliminated from assets of the trust
or must or may be replaced by other portfolio securities. If an investment adviser or other person is to be employed
in connection with such selection, elimination or substitution, state the name of such person, the nature of any
affiliation to the depositor, trustee or custodian, and any principal underwriter, and the amount ofremuneration to be
received for such services. If any particular person is not designated in the indenture or agreement, describe briefly
the method of selection of such person.

(b)	 Furnish the following information with respectto each transaction involving the elimination ofany underlying security
during the period covered by the financial statements filed herewith:



Title of security.

(2)	 Date of elimination.
(3)	 Reasons for elimination.
(4)	 The use of the proceeds from the sale of the eliminated security.
(5)	 Title of security substituted, if any.
(6)	 Whether depositor, principal underwriter, trustee or custodian or any affiliated person of the foregoing were
involved in the transaction.
(7)	 Compensation or remuneration received by each such person directly or indirectly as a result ofthe transaction.
(c)	 Describe the policy ofthe trust with respect to the substitution and elimination ofthe underlying securities ofthe trust
with respect to:
(1)	 the grounds for elimination and substitution;
(2)	 the type of securities which may be substituted for any underlying security;
(3)	 whether the acquisition of such substituted security or securities would constitute the concentration of
investment in a particular industry or group of industries or would conform to a policy of concentration of
investment in a particular industry or group of industries;
(4)	 whether such substituted securities may be the securities of another investment company; and
(5)	 the substance of the provisions of any indenture or agreement which authorize or restrict the policy of the
registrant in this regard.
(If this subject has been entirely covered in Item 52(b), state "not applicable.")
(d)	 Furnish a description ofany policy (exclusive ofpolicies covered by paragraphs (a) and (b) herein) ofthe trust which
is deemed a matter of fundamental policy and which is elected to be treated as such.
(e)	 Provide a briefstatement disclosing whether the trust and its principal underwriter have adopted codes ofethics under
rule 17j-l ofthe Act [17 CFR 270.17j-l] and whether these codes of ethics permit personnel subject to the codes to
invest in securities, including securities that may be purchased or held by the trust. Also explain that these codes of
ethics can be reviewed and copied atthe Commission's Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C., that information
on the operation ofthe Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1-202-942-8090, that
these codes ofethics are available on the EDGAR Database on the Commission's Internet site at,
and that copies of these codes of ethics may be obtained, after paying a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the
following E-mail address:, or by writing the Commission's Public Reference Section, Washington,
D.C. 20549-0102.

Instruction: A trust that is not required to adopt a code of ethics under Rule 17j-l under the Act [17 CFR 270.17j­
1] is not required to respond to this item.

Regulated Investment Company
53.	 (a) State the taxable status of the trust.
(b)	 State whether the trust qualified for the last taxable year as a regulated investment company as defined in Section 851
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and state its present intention with respect to such qualifications during the
current taxable year.




54.	 Ifthe trust is not the issuer ofperiodic payment plan certificates furnish the following information with respect to each class
or series of its securities:
As at the end of each registrant's past 10 fiscal years
Total number of shares


Asset value per share

Dividends paid per share (if other
than cash, explain)

55.	 If the trust is the issuer of periodic payment plan certificates, a transcript of a hypothetical account shall be filed in
approximately the following form on the basis ofthe certificate calling for the smallest amount ofpayments. The schedule
shall cover a certificate ofthe type currently being sold assuming that such certificate had been sold at a date approximately
ten years prior to the date of registration or at the approximate date of organization of the trust.

Transcript of a Hypothetical Periodic Payment Plan AccountS


Amount of Payment

Deductions from Payments on Principal


Date of

for first
year and





loading fees and
and other similar


Balance of payments on
principal available for
investment in trust property


Monthly for
first year and
premiums deductions 9 thereafter


value of

56.	 If the trust is the issuer of periodic payment plan certificates, furnish by years for the period covered by the financial
statements filed herewith in respect of certificates sold during such period, the following information for each fully paid
type and each installment payment type of periodic payment plan certificate currently being issued by the trust.

Distribution of Certificates	





Total denomination of all certificates distributed


Total payments by all certificate holders


Expense deductions


see note



see note


(a)	 Sales load
(b)	 Insurance premiums
(c)	 Other expenses
(d)	 Total expenses (alb/c)


Amounted invested (3-4d)
(a)	 The transcript shall be carried to date of completion on the assumption there has been no lapse or cancellation, or if incomplete to the
approximate date of the statement of condition filed herewith.
(b)	 Income of the account which is to be reinvested shall be included in an appropriate manner.
Specify any material items.
End of year amounts for certificates outstanding to be shown in this column.
See footnote 10.


Termination of certificates 12




Total denomination of certificates terminated


Total payments by such certificate holders


Total payments or credits to such certificate holders:
(a)	 Net asset proceeds (cash or value of portfolio securities) (See 19)
(b)	 Income distributions (excluding reinvestments)
(c)	 Total (alb)


Total payments by such certificate holders OVER (I) or UNDER(-) payments to such certificate holders (8-9c)

Certificates Outstanding

11.	 Number



12.	 Total denomination of certificates outstanding



13.	 Total payments by such certificate holders (3-8)



(b)	 Income distributions (excluding reinvestments)










(b)	 Realized and unrealized appreciation (I)
or depreciation (-) of assets








14.	 Total payments to an investment of such certificate holders:
(a)	 Net investment market value (See 20)

Total (alb)

15.	 Total payments by such certificate holders OVER
or UNDER (-) net investment of an income distributions
to certificate holders (13 -14c)

16.	 Investors' combined gain (I) or loss and shrinkage
(-) in value (10/15)
17.	 Distribution ofItem 16:
(a)	 Expense deductions

Total (alb)

18.	 Ratios:
(a)	 Percentage of payments by (8) to payments to

(9c) holders of terminated certificates

(b)	 Percentage of payments by (13) to payments to
and investment at market (l4c) for holders of

outstanding certificates


Partial liquidations may be prorated or, if less than 5% of total terminations for any year, on a termination basis, and offer difficulty of
treatment, they may be omitted from the statement. In such case the denomination and amount paid should be shown by appropriate
footnote. Conversions between series may be treated as distributions and terminations and explained as to amounts, etc. by footnotes.


Memorandum Data
19.	 Amount (annual cumulative) of reinvested distributions
20.	 Amount (cumulative) of reinvested distributions



57.	 If the trust is the issuer of periodic payment plan certificates, furnish by years for the period covered by the financial
statements filed herewith the following information for each installment payment type ofperiodic payment plan certificate
currently being issued by the trust.
(F or purposes ofthis table the period of termination ofa certificate should be based on the actual number ofpayments made
irrespective of the time period during which the certificate was on the trust's books.
Set forth in column A of each payment period termination of all certificates sold during the year indicated for which the
experience ofthe trust for the period in question is complete. For example, certificates sold continually through any calendar
year will have to have been in existence for at least 23 months in order to obtain a complete experience for certificates
terminated during the first payment period of 1-12 payments.
Set forth in column B of each payment period, terminations of all certificates sold during the year indicated for which the
experience of the trust for the period in question is incomplete. For example, in the case of certificates sold, continually
through any calendar year and in existence fornot more than 23 months, the experience ofthe trust with respectto certificates
terminated in the second payment period of 13 to 24 payments would be incomplete.)
Title of certificate
As at

Total Number of Certificates Terminated by Period


Total number of
Certificates' Sold














Ifthe trust is the issuer ofperiodic payment plan certificates furnish the following information for each installment payment
type of periodic payment plan certificate outstanding as at the latest practicable date.

Title of certificate
As at


Certificates on which no payment was received for
Total number
of certificates


Total number of
certificates on
which payment
was received in
latest month

Over 1 but
less than 3

3 to less than
6 months

6 to less
than 12

Financial statements shall be filed in accordance with the instructions given below:

One year or

Total (1) to (4)

Financial Statements of the Trust
(a)	 Financial Statements Required

The following fmancial statements shall be filed for the trust:

(1)	 A statement of condition as of the close of the last fiscal year, and
(2)	 Statements of income and other distributable funds for the three fiscal years preceding the date ofthe statement
of conditions filed.
(b)	 Form and Content ofFinancial Statements
The form and content of financial statements of the trust including supplementary schedules shall be governed by
Articles 2, 3, 6A, and 12 of Regulation S-X promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940. Companies which have previously filed with the Commission
pursuant to the Securities Act of 193 3 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 registration statements or annual reports
including fmancial statements covering any of the same periods as required herein, prepared pursuant to the
Commission's regulations as to form and content in effect at the time of such previous filing, may file copies of such
financial statements (which may be photocopies of the same size) in lieu of the statements required hereby.

Financial Statements of the Depositor 13
(c)	 Financial Statements Required

There shall be filed for each such person: 14

(1)	 A balance sheet as of the end of its last fiscal year.
(2)	 A profit and loss statement and a statement ofsurplus for the fiscal year ending as ofthe date ofthe balance sheet

(d)	 Form and Content ofFinancial Statements
The fmancial statements required by instruction (c) above shall be in the form prescribed by the applicable articles
of Regulation S-X, provided, however, that:


With respect to each balance sheet filed for each such person, if any amount is carried as a receivable
representing uncollected sales load on periodic payment plan certificates sold, there-shall be set up and shown
separately reserves to provide for such amount. Reserves shall also be provided to cover any excess in the
estimated cost of servicing outstanding periodic payment plan certificates over the anticipated income from
loading charges on such certificates or administrative fees to be received from trust income or principal.

(2)	 With respect to each profit and loss statement filed for each such person, there shall be shown separately as to
income and expense in connection with the creation and servicing of this trust and all other investment trusts
or investment companies the amount of
(A)	 Underwriting commissions, sales load and all other similar charges.
(B)	 Fees and deductions for investment management and all other similar services.

(C)	 Income from trading in the shares of such trusts or companies, other than income included under (A) and
(B) above.
(D)	 Income from trading or dealing in the trust property of such trusts or companies, other than income
included under (A), (B) and (C) above.
(E)	 Any costs ofperforming bookkeeping or other administrative services of a character normally performed
by the trustee or custodian of a periodic payment plan.


See definition of "depositor" in general instructions.
See footnote 13.


(e)	 All fmancial statements required to be filed shall be certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with
Article 2 of Regulation S-X.



Furnish the most recent form ofthe following as amended to date and currently in effect:
(1)	 The indenture or agreement under the terms of which the trust was organized or issued securities.
(2)	 The indenture or agreement pursuant to which the proceeds of payments of securities are held by the custodian or
trustee, if such indenture or agreement is not the same as the indenture or agreement referred to in paragraph (1).
(3)	 Distributing contracts:
(a)	 Agreements between the trust and principal underwriter or between the depositor and principal underwriter.
(b)	 Specimen of typical agreements between principal underwriter and dealers, managers, sales supervisors and
(c)	 Schedules of sales commissions referred to in Item 39(c) [38(c)].
(4)	 Any agreement between the depositor, principal underwriter and the custodian or trustee other than indentures or
agreements set forth in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) with respect to the trust or its securities.
(5)	 The form of each type of security.
(6)	 The certificate of incorporation or other instrument of organization and by-laws of the depositor.
(7)	 Any insurance policy under a contract between the trust and the insurance company or between the depositor and the
insurance company, together with the table of insurance premiums.
(8)	 Any agreement between the trust or the depositor concerning the trust with the issuer, depositor, principal underwriter
or investment adviser of any underlying investment company or any affiliated person of such persons.
(9)	 All other material contracts not entered into in the ordinary course of business of the trust or of the depositor
concerning the trust or of the depositor concerning the trust.
(10)	 Form of application for a periodic payment plan certificate.
(11) Copies of any codes of ethics adopted under rule 17j-l under the Act [17 CFR 270.17j-l] and currently applicable
to the trust (i.e., the codes of the trust and its principal underwriters). If there are no codes of ethics applicable to the
trust, state the reason (e.g., the trust invests only in direct obligations of the United States Government).


Furnish copies of each of the following:
(1)	 Each notice sent to security holders pursuant to Section 19 ofthe Act prior to the date of filing this form.
(2)	 Each annual report sentto security holders covering each fiscal year ending after January 1, 1937, exclusive ofreports,
copies of which have heretofore been filed with the Commission pursuant to the Act.


Furnish the name and address of each dealer to or through whom any principal underwriter currently offering securities of
the trust, distributed securities ofthe trust during the last fiscal year covered by the financial statements filed herewith. (This
exhibit shall be supplied separately as confidential information pursuant to Rule 45a-l.)


(See Instruction 2(h))
Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940 the _--;-:-_---,---::-:------:(depositor or trustee or custodian)
of the registrant has caused this registration statement to be duly signed on behalf of the registrant in the
City of

and State of


day of

on the


---', 20

-;:--:--_--;:-_-;-_---:(Name of registrant)

BY -;:-::-_ _--=--:-_-----:-


--:-:-----:_ _

(Name of depositor or trustee or custodian)
BY _--=---==_------:----:-_---=-


(Name of officer of depositor or trustee or custodian)




File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleForm N-8B-2
SubjectSEC977, Date.modified: 2012-09-11
AuthorU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
File Modified2012-09-11
File Created2010-03-09

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