Breakdown of Q: 15 Changes

0563-0053 renewal - Q-15 breakdown rev 8-10-12.xlsm

Multiple Peril Crop Insurance

Breakdown of Q: 15 Changes

OMB: 0563-0053

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Data Element Comparison
Add or Remove Program Changes

Sheet 1: Data Element Comparison

REGS Old Element New Element REASON OLD BURDEN (all respondents) NEW BURDEN (all respondents) DIFFERENCE TYPE OF CHANGE
7 CFR Part 457 P05 - CIMS Request P05 - CIMS Request Record *
2,000.00 0.00 -2,000.00 Adj

P-09 - Fund Designation P09 - Fund Designation Record (per company)*
11,000.00 0.00 -11,000.00 Adj

P10 - Policy P10 - Policy Record (Company Application)
182,000.00 78,960.23 -103,039.77 Adj

P11 - Acreage P11 - Acreage Record (Company Acreage Report)
168,000.00 1,391,617.62 1,223,617.62 Adj

P12 - Payment P12 - Payment Record
74,000.00 127,209.00 53,209.00 Adj

P13 - Inventory Value P13 - Inventory Value Record
33,000.00 22,219.00 -10,781.00 Adj

P14 - Insurance in Force P14 - Insurance in Force Record *
103,000.00 0.00 -103,000.00 Adj

P15 - Yields P15 - Yield History Record
179,000.00 2,782,531.86 2,603,531.86 Adj

P17 - Land Identifier
Deleted P17 record because this information is no longer collected by RMA (not a record used in Policy Acceptance and Storage System (PASS)) 70,000.00 0.00 -70,000.00 Adj

P20 - Loss Total P20 - Loss Total Record *
35,000.00 0.00 -35,000.00 Adj

P21 - Loss Line P21 - Loss Line Record (Company Claim for Indemnity)
66,000.00 1,669,648.55 1,603,648.55 Adj

P22 - Inventory Loss P22 - Inventory Loss Record
3,000.00 605.00 -2,395.00 Adj

P25 - Settlement/Arbitration
Deleted P25 record because this information is no longer collected by RMA (not a record used in Policy Acceptance and Storage System (PASS)) 2,000.00 0.00 -2,000.00 Adj

P27 - Common Land Unit ID P27 - Land ID Record
14,000.00 472,809.48 458,809.48 Adj

P48 - Delete Record * Added P48 when Data Acceptance System (DAS) moved to Policy Acceptance and Storage System (PASS) to allow insurance providers to delete records from RMA's system because they weren't able to in DAS
0.00 0.00 Adj

P49 - Delete P49 - Policy Delete Record
19,000.00 11,124.90 -7,875.10 Adj

P51 - Conflict of Interest Policy Reporting Record Added P51 to implement the guidance in Manager's Bulletin MGR-08-001
2,503.40 2,503.40 Adj

P54 - Agency/Company Employee Data Record * Added P54 to implement the guidance in Manager's Bulletin MGR-08-001
0.00 0.00 Adj

P55 - Agent Data P55 - Agent Data Record *
2,000.00 0.00 -2,000.00 Adj

P56 - Loss Adjuster Data P56 - Loss Adjuster Data Record *
2,000.00 0.00 -2,000.00 Adj

P57 - Quality Control Reporting P57 - Quality Control Reporting Record
2,000.00 384.00 -1,616.00 Adj

P58 - Notice of Loss Reporting Record Added P58 to allow more reporting time in the event of a disaster as described in the narrative
83,464.94 83,464.94 Adj

Data elements associated with Subpart U - Ineligibility for Prog. Under FCIA: Separate proposed rule ICR submitted. This will be deleted upon approval of final rule package.

1,448.00 1,448.00

Combined the following 6 line items (cells B25-30) into one category.

P60 - Ineligible Producer Input Data elements associated with Subpart U - This will be deleted upon approval of separate final rule package (P60 - Ineligible Producer Input, P60E - Ineligible Producer Error, P61 - Ineligible Producer Output, P65 - CAT Fee Receivable, P70 - Reverse 70 Detail, P71 - Reverse 71 Trailer) Orignally deleted P60 from this package because this information is associated with the collection of information pursuant to 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U and created a new package for the information collection requirements necessary for administering 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U. Because Subpart U would now have its own collection package, the burden associated with Subpart U was removed from related data elements in this collection package before it was submitted to OMB for renewal. However, the final rule is still being written and until a final rule package is submitted and approved by OMB the removed associated burden this needs to be added back into the renewal submission of this collection. The burden and data elements associated with Subpart U has now been combined into one line item. 37,000.00 0.00 -37,000.00 Adj

P60E - Ineligible Producer Error
Orignally deleted P60E from this package because this information is associated with the collection of information pursuant to 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U and created a new package for the information collection requirements necessary for administering 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U. Because Subpart U would now have its own collection package, the burden associated with Subpart U was removed from related data elements in this collection package before it was submitted to OMB for renewal. However, the final rule for each is still being written and until a final rule package is submitted and approved by OMB the removed associated burden this needs to be added back into the renewal submission of this collection. The burden and data elements associated with Subpart U has now been combined into one line item. 11,000.00 0.00 -11,000.00 Adj

P61 - Ineligible Producer Output
Orignally deleted P61 from this package because this information is associated with the collection of information pursuant to 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U and created a new package for the information collection requirements necessary for administering 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U. Because Subpart U would now have its own collection package, the burden associated with Subpart U was removed from related data elements in this collection package before it was submitted to OMB for renewal. However, the final rule for each is still being written and until a final rule package is submitted and approved by OMB the removed associated burden this needs to be added back into the renewal submission of this collection. The burden and data elements associated with Subpart U has now been combined into one line item. 19,000.00 0.00 -19,000.00 Adj

P65 - CAT Fee Receivable
Orignally deleted P65 from this package because this information is associated with the collection of information pursuant to 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U and created a new package for the information collection requirements necessary for administering 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U. Because Subpart U would now have its own collection package, the burden associated with Subpart U was removed from related data elements in this collection package before it was submitted to OMB for renewal. However, the final rule is still being written and until a final rule package is submitted and approved by OMB the removed associated burden this needs to be added back into the renewal submission of this collection. The burden and data elements associated with Subpart U has now been combined into one line item. 3,000.00 0.00 -3,000.00 Adj

P70 - Reverse 70 Detail
Orignally deleted P70 from this package because this information is associated with the collection of information pursuant to 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U and created a new package for the information collection requirements necessary for administering 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U. Because Subpart U would now have its own collection package, the burden associated with Subpart U was removed from related data elements in this collection package before it was submitted to OMB for renewal. However, the final rule is still being written and until a final rule package is submitted and approved by OMB the removed associated burden for each of these needs to be added back into the renewal submission of this collection. The burden and data elements associated with Subpart U has now been combined into one line item listed below 5,000.00 0.00 -5,000.00 Adj

P71 - Reverse 71 Trailer
Orignally deleted P71 from this package because this information is associated with the collection of information pursuant to 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U and created a new package for the information collection requirements necessary for administering 7 CFR, Part 400, Subpart U. Because Subpart U would now have its own collection package, the burden associated with Subpart U was removed from related data elements in this collection package before it was submitted to OMB for renewal. However, the final rule is still being written and until a final rule package is submitted and approved by OMB the removed associated burden this needs to be added back into the renewal submission of this collection. The burden and data elements associated with Subpart U has now been combined into one line item. 9,000.00 0.00 -9,000.00 Adj

P81 - Policy Holder Tracking Exp. Inq. P81 - Policy Holder Tracking Experience Inquiry Record *
24,000.00 0.00 -24,000.00 Adj

P123, 151 - AGR/AGR-L
Deleted P123, 151 because this record is specific to only AGR and AGR-Lite. However, RMA included AGR and AGR-Lite policyholders in the records above because the information RMA collects is accounted for in those records. 32,000.00 0.00 -32,000.00 Adj

P135-140 - LRP/LGM
Deleted P135-140 because this record is specific to only LRP/LGM. However, RMA included LRP/LGM policyholders in the records above because the information RMA collects is accounted for in those records. 26,000.00 0.00 -26,000.00 Adj

P150 - Disbursements
Deleted P150 because this information comes from information already collected in the P20 record. 32,000.00 0.00 -32,000.00 Adj

Combined the following 12 line items (cells B37-48) into one category. 0.00 8,250.00 8,250.00 Adj

Providing documentation in subsequent years including, but not limited to, acreage measurement service, for incorrect acreage reports. Additional information provided as needed
12.00 0.00 -12.00

Providing documentation for duplicate policies.

125.00 0.00 -125.00

Providing documentation and records of double cropping.

3,066.00 0.00 -3,066.00

Providing records of 3rd or later crop.

25.00 0.00 -25.00

Requesting an extension in writing when claim cannot be finalized in 60 days.

208.00 0.00 -208.00

Providing records for acreage that is less than a unit.

250.00 0.00 -250.00

Notice of harvested production if appraisal used for claim.

125.00 0.00 -125.00

Obtaining records for transitional acreage.

450.00 0.00 -450.00

1st and 2nd crop APH acres and production.

250.00 0.00 -250.00

Determine good farming practices.

1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00

Adjusting inconsistent yields.

1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00

Provide organic records.

2,000.00 0.00 -2,000.00

Provide copy of malt barley contract.

250.00 0.00 -250.00

Reading insurance documents

624,141.00 278,204.00 -345,937.00 Adj

Record Retention Added
167,078.52 167,078.52 Adj

Travel Time Added
864,154.00 864,154.00 Adj

* Crop insurance companies transmittal of data elements to RMA Added
3,217.50 3,217.50 Adj

Data elements associated with Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) - Separate proposed rule ICR submitted. This will be deleted upon approval of final rule package (P09, P10, P11, P12, P14, P15, P20, P21, P27, P51, P54, P55, P57, P60, P60E, P61, P65, P70, P71, P81)
Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) has a proposed rule collection that was submitted to OMB who in turn filed each with comment and continue. Because ARPI would now have its own collection package, the burden associated with ARPI was removed from related data elements in this collection package before it was submitted to OMB for renewal. However, the final rule is still being written and until a final rule package is submitted and approved by OMB the removed associated burden for these needs to be added back into the renewal submission of this collection. The burden and data elements associated with ARPI has now been combined into one line item.
176,473.00 176,473.00 Adj

In previous submission, the total from Producer Data Element & Company Data Element tables 501,000 + 664,000 = 1,165,000. Figures 6 & 5 were inadvertantly transposed before splitting out and transferring to the main burden spreadsheet as 162,634 + 993,438 = 1,156,072 for Additional hours for crop insurance companies to provide info to RMA; and Providing info for insured crops (forms).
-8,928.00 0.00 8,928.00 Adj

Total Adjustment* 1,788,974.00 8,141,903.00 6,352,929.00
*FCIC terminated the pilot crop insurance programs for California citrus (dollar plan of insurance), cherries (fixed dollar plan of insurance), and strawberries which reduced the burden by 12,886 hours. However, the burden has increased by 35,943 hours due to added hours for new pilot and 508(h) crop insurance programs for apiculture; fresh market beans; processing pumpkins; livestock gross margin pilot dairy; Actual Revenue History cherries, citrus, and strawberries; grass seed; and sesame. These hours were added/removed from the applicable data elements above.

Sheet 2: Add or Remove Program Changes

Program/Package Change Savings/Additional Burden Under Re-evaluated Calculations)
Terminated Programs (CA Citrus, Cherries, Strawberries) -12886
New Pilot and 508(h) Crop Insurance Programs (apiculture; fresh market beans; processing pumpkins; livestock gross margin pilot dairy; Actual Revenue History cherries, citrus, and strawberries; grass seed; and sesame) 35943
Removed GRP/GRIP -176579
Removed Subpart U 1448
Total -152074
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