Attachment H Technical Amendments SY 2010-11

Attachment H - Technical Amendments for SY 2010-11.doc

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Education Data for EDFacts

Attachment H Technical Amendments SY 2010-11

OMB: 1875-0240

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Paperwork Reduction Act Submission Supporting Statement

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary

Education Data through EDFacts

May 2011

Attachment H

Technical Amendments

For School Years 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13



This document contains technical amendments proposed for the EDFacts data set. These technical amendments would apply to SY 2010-11, SY 2011-12, and SY 2012-13, as noted throughout this document.


The current EDFacts data set is approved for three school years: 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13. The EDFacts data set is primarily collected through the EDEN Submission System (ESS). ESS is an electronic collection system that collects data at the state, local education agency (LEA), and school levels. This approach allows the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to have a robust set of data while also modernizing the collection approach from the SEAs.

ED is currently collecting the SY 2010-11 data. ED will begin collecting the SY 2011-12 data in January 2012.

The EDFacts data set is composed of data groups and categories. The structure of the EDFacts data set is explained in Attachment B-2 of the approved data set. So that the data groups and categories can be identified as such, the names of data groups and categories are italicized in this document. Where appropriate, references are made to the relevant pages of Attachment B “EDFacts Data Set” from the approved collection package.

Technical Amendments Starting SY 2010-11

ED is requesting that the following changes be applied to the EDFacts data set beginning SY 2010-11:

  • Changes to the approach for the collection of data on statewide assessments

  • Changes to the calculation of student attendance rate

  • Updates to the transition of legacy collections

  • Editorial changes

Also, ED is adding file specification numbers to the attachments. The file specification numbers were not assigned to all data groups when the collection was approved. The file specification number assignments are in section #5. ED changed the stewards of some data groups and categories. These changes are also explained in section #5.

#1 – Consolidation of Assessment Files

The SY 2010-13 EDFacts Data Set, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in August 2010, included the consolidation of most of the ESEA and IDEA assessment data groups. The purpose of the consolidation was to improve the data quality and timeliness of the assessment data and other data used by ED.

In the interim, ED has been going through a mandatory server upgrade that is now scheduled to be completed in May 2011. Unfortunately, this process has absorbed significant ED resources and the implementation of the consolidation of the assessment files is delayed. In addition, some SEAs have expressed concerns that they would be unable to consolidate the assessment files to report their SY 2010-11 data. A few SEAs also mentioned that moving up the reporting date for the IDEA assessment files by about a month and a half, to mid-December 2011, would be taxing.

After careful analysis of these situations, ED is requesting that OMB grant a temporary delay in consolidating the assessment files. If the request is granted, ED will re-institute the previously used assessment file specifications (i.e., for ESEA and IDEA) for SY 2009-10, as listed below:

Data Group Name



Academic achievement in mathematics table



Academic achievement in reading/language arts table



Academic achievement in science table



Assessment participation in mathematics table



Assessment participation in reading/language arts table



Assessment participation in science table



SEAs will report all of their assessment (and participation in assessment) data, as they did for SY 2009-10, with two differences. First, all of the SY 2010-11 assessment data (i.e., for ESEA and IDEA) will be submitted to EDFacts by December 15, 2011. Secondly, ED will conduct congruency analyses of the assessment data to ensure that the data submitted in the ESEA files align with the data submitted in the IDEA files. States will receive these analyses in late January 2011 or early February 2012 (to coincide with the distribution of the SY 2010-11 CSPR Part I verification spreadsheets).

Additionally, in Attachment B-3, the definitions for ESEA and IDEA data groups related to assessment participation have been amended to clarify that a student must receive a valid assessment score to be counted as a participant. This change applies to the following data groups:

Section of Attachment B-3 / Data Group Name



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Assessment participation in mathematics table



Assessment participation in reading/language arts table



Assessment participation in science table



Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table



In attachment B-3, text is added to the sections Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to explain how the assessment data will be collected for SY 2010-11.

#2 – School Improvement Grants - Student Attendance Rate (DG731)

In Attachment B-6, to allow more flexibility in the calculation of the student attendance rate, the definition of Student attendance rate (DG731) is changed:


The number of school days during the regular school year (plus summer, as applicable, if part of implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model) students attended school divided by the maximum number of days students could have attended school during the regular school year.


The attendance rate based on the state’s definition of attendance in state law or regulation or in the absence of a state law or regulation, the student attendance rate is the count of school days during the regular school year (plus summer, as applicable, if part of implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model) students attended school divided by the maximum number of days students were enrolled in school during the regular school year.

This change allows states to submit data that they have already calculated without the burden of calculating a second attendance rate.

#3 – Updates on Legacy Collections

In Attachment B-1, under “Legacy Collections” in the entry for Section 618 of IDEA Part B, the number of states approved for EDFacts only Reporting for SY 2010-11 has been added to the table.

The transition of the Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 no longer requires a congruency analysis. For this reason, the CAR entry under the “Legacy Collections” section of Attachment B-1 is changed to remove references to the congruency analysis process and to clarify that states must now submit secondary education data for Perkins exclusively via EDFacts.

#4 – Editorial

As ED has worked with the states to collect data, it has identified some areas where changes in the data set language will make the data easier for states to understand what data are to be reported. Changes have been identified for data groups and categories used to collect data for:

  • Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

  • Technology

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

  • School Improvement Grants (SIG)

  • State Fiscal and Stabilization Fund (SFSF)

Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Cohorts for regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table (DG698)

In Attachment B-3, in the section on Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA, the first sentence of the comment of DG698 was clarified by adding the word “year” between the words “extended” and “graduation.”

Regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table (DG697)

In Attachment B-3, in the section on Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA, the first sentence of the comment of DG697 was clarified by adding the word “year” between the words “extended” and “graduation.” Additionally, the data group name for DG697 is amended by deleting the word “time” and replacing it with “year.” The new data group name is “Regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table.”


8th grade technology literacy table (DG650) and Technology Literacy Status

In Attachment B-3, in the section on Technology, for 8th grade technology literacy table (DG650), the reporting period is changed from “regular school year” to “by the end of the school year.” This change will increase flexibility for the SEAs. In Attachment B-4, in the section for categories related to technology, the permitted values for the category “Technology Literacy Status” are changed:


  • Deemed to be technologically literate

  • Deemed not to be technologically literate


  • Determined to be technologically literate

  • Determined not to be technologically literate

The definition of the category is also changed from “an indication of the technology literacy of 8th graders” to “an indication of the technology literacy of 8th grade students.”

This category is only used for 8th grade technology literacy table (DG650).

Integrated technology status (DG524)

In Attachment B-3, in the section on Technology, for Integrated technology status (DG524), the definition is amended by deleting, “whether,” and replacing it with, “the extent to which.” This change is needed to better reflect the transition from two to four permitted values for this data group.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education (DG85)

In Attachment B-3, in the IDEA section, the data group definition for DG85 is amended by replacing “exited special education” with “were in special education at the start of the reporting period and were not in special education at the end of the reporting period.

Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table (DG476)

In Attachment B-3, in the IDEA section, the data group definition for DG476 is amended by adding at the end of the current definition “due to drug or weapon offenses or serious bodily injury” to clarify the instances in which children with disabilities (IDEA) may be unilaterally removed.

Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table (DG491)

In Attachment B-3, in the IDEA section, the data group definition for DG491 is amended to clarify who is counted as a non-participant by replacing the phrase, “complete the state assessment requirements” with the following phrase “participate in nor received a valid score on the state assessments.”

Disability Category (IDEA)

In Attachment B-4, in the section for categories associated with IDEA, in the category “Disability Category (IDEA),” the definition is changed to recognize that a student’s disability category is identified in the student’s IEP. The definition is amended by deleting the first sentence of the current definition and replacing it with “The primary disability identified in a student’s IEP.” The second sentence is amended by inserting “The disability” before “code” and adding “is” after “set.”

Educational Services

In Attachment B-4, in the section for categories associated with IDEA, in the category “Educational Services,” the definition is changed by replacing “were provided” with “received” and deleting “program.” The permitted values are changed by replacing “education services not provided” with “Did not receive educational services” and replacing “educational services provided” with “Received educational services.”

Reason for Not Completing Assessment

In Attachment B-4, in the section for categories associated with IDEA, in the category “Reason for Not Completing Assessment,” the category name is changed to “Reason for Not Participating in Assessment.” The definition is changed to reflect the updates to the definition of DG491, as described above. The revised definition is “Reasons why children with disabilities (IDEA) did not participate in nor received a valid score on the state assessment.”

School Improvement Grants (SIG)

Average scale score table (DG730)

In Attachment B-6, under Metric 8, the format of this data group was defined as “integer.” However, some SEAs have subsequently informed us that their average scale score data are in decimal format. The format of this data group is changed to “decimal.”

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF)

Postsecondary Credit

In Attachment B-7, in the section for Standards and Assessments, the definition and permitted values for the category Postsecondary Credit are amended by removing references to earning credits within a two-year period and clarifying that the category applies to credits earned after enrolling in an institution of higher education (IHE), and not within a bound time period.

Postsecondary Enrollment Action

In Attachment B-7, in the section for Standards and Assessments, the definition for the category Postsecondary Enrollment Action is amended by deleting the phrase, “in the past two years.” The permitted values are also amended by replacing the phrase “within 16 months of” with the word, “after.” This clarifies that the category applies to actions taken after students graduated from high school, but not within a bound time period.

#5 – File Specification and Data Steward Assignments

File specifications are not developed until after the paperwork clearance is approved. The table below lists the file specification identification numbers for the data groups that were added to the EDFacts data set starting with SY 2010-11. In addition, some errors in file specification identification numbers were found in the package. The table below lists the corrections that are being made.





Non-fiscal Common Core of Data

Fixed reference to the file specification for DG644 in the summary table


Migrant Education Program

Fixed reference to the file specification for DG514 in the summary table and in the table describing DG514


Public School Choice & Supplemental Educational Services

Fixed reference to the file specifications for DG652, 701, 679, 651, and 680 in the summary table


Charter Schools and Districts

Fixed reference to the file specifications for all the data groups in the summary table


Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools

Fixed reference to the file specification for DG664 in the summary table


Career and Technical Education

Fixed reference to the file specifications for DG736 in the explanation of indicator 5S1 and in the summary table


Metric 1

Added the file specification number for DG728


Metric 5

Added the file specification number for DG729 and 745


Metric 8

Added the file specification number for DG730 and 751


Metric 12

Added the file specification number for DG731


Metric 13

Added the file specification number for DG732 , 733 and 734


Metric 18

Added the file specification number for DG735


Achieving Equity in Teacher Distribution

Added the file specification number for DG737, 747, 738, and 748


Standards and Assessment

Added the file specification number for DG739, 740, 741, and 742

Each data group and category is assigned for stewardship to a program office. The stewardship of the all the data groups and categories under the section “Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA” in Attachments B-3 and B-4 were change to OESE. In addition, the categories LEP Status (Only) and LEP status (Both) in attachment B-4 under the section “Data Categories Used throughout the Data Set” were changed to OESE. The stewardship of the data groups under the section “Public School Choice and Supplemental Education Services” was changed to add OESE as a co-steward.

Technical Amendments starting SY 2011-12

ED is requesting the following technical amendments to the EDFacts data set be applied beginning SY 2011-12:

  • Implementation of Rosa’s Law

  • Changes to the expenditure reporting for the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

  • Change to the permitted values used for AMAOs of Title III

#1 – Rosa’s Law

Under Rosa’s Law (see Appendix A), the term “mental retardation” is replaced with the term “intellectual disability.”

In Attachment B-1, in the section on standard definitions, the definition of “children with disabilities (IDEA)” is changed from “Children having mental retardation; …” to “Children having intellectual disabilities; …”

In Attachment B-4, in the section for categories associated with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), in the category “Disability Category (IDEA),” the permitted value “Mental retardation” is replaced with “Intellectual disability.”

#2 – Expenditure Reporting for the Civil Rights Data Collection

During the paperwork clearance process for the SY 2009-10 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), ED agreed to review the school finance data collected pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)1 and the data collected by the CRDC to determine whether additional changes should be made for future collections of school finance data.2 ED determined based upon the lessons learned from the 2008-09 ARRA collection and a review of the preliminary data from the 2009-10 CRDC that it would be beneficial to have a consistent set of directions for inclusions and exclusions for reporting school level expenditure data for the 2011-12 CRDC and that school districts appear to be able to provide the data.


Both the ARRA school finance data collection and the CRDC include school level finance data for the following categories of expenditures:

  1. Personnel salaries – total (DG706 in Attachment B-5)

  2. Personnel salaries - instructional staff (DG706 in Attachment B-5)

  3. Personnel expenditures – teachers only (DG727 in Attachment B-5)

  4. Non-personnel expenditures (DG706 in Attachment B-5)

In addition, the CRDC also collects data on the number of teachers supported by the teachers-only expenditures. The guidance for these data groups includes instructions that indicate ED’s preference, if possible, on what expenditures should and should not be included under each of the four categories. That information mirrored the instructions for the collection mandated by ARRA. These data were collected in the SY 2009-10 CRDC.

As noted above, during the paperwork clearance process for the SY 2009-10 CRDC in the winter of 2009, ED agreed to review the ARRA data and the data collected by the CRDC to determine whether it would recommend changes for the 2011-12 CRDC data collection. Based upon ED’s experience with the ARRA data collection and the preliminary data from the 2009-10 CRDC, ED determined that it would be beneficial to have a consistent set of directions for required inclusions and exclusions for reporting school level expenditure data for the 2011-12 CRDC.

In the summer of 2010, as part of the paperwork clearance process for the entire Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Data through EDFacts, OMB asked ED if the General Education Provision Act Section 424 (GEPA)/funding data should be collected at the school level. ED acknowledged struggles with GEPA/funding data at the school level and recommended against collecting school level GEPA/funding data at the present time. ED further indicated that the review of ARRA data and CRDC data agreed to in the paperwork clearance process for SY 2009-10 CRDC would inform the issue.


The EDFacts Data Governance Board, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) have agreed to compare data from the ARRA, CRDC, and NCES collections. The results of these comparisons will be used by the EDFacts Data Governance Board, OCR and NCES to evaluate the quality of the compared data and to inform decisions concerning future collections of finance data.

Change to Attachment B-5

In Attachment B-5, in the section for categories used exclusively in the CRDC, the instructions for the category “School Expenditures” are changed to a consistent set of instructions.

Below are the instructions for reporting expenditures from Attachment B-5. Deletions are marked in strikeout and additions are marked as bold font.

LEAs should report school-level expenditures that are associated with regular K-12 instruction, instructional support, pupil support, and school administration. More specifically, LEAs should report the following four categories of school-level expenditures from state and local funds:

  • Personnel salaries at the school level for all school-level instructional and support staff, based on the Census Bureau’s classification used in the F-33 survey of local government finances.

  • Personnel salaries at the school level for instructional staff only.

  • Personnel salaries at the school level for teachers only.

  • Non-personnel expenditures at the school level.

Table A-1 shows the Census Bureau’s classification of four types of school-level personnel that are involved in instructional and support functions, based on the F-33 survey of local government finances.

Table A-1


Includes teachers and instructional aides

Support services – pupils-

Includes guidance counselors, nurses, attendance officers, speech pathologists, and other staff who provide support services for students.

Support services – instructional staff-

Includes staff involved in curriculum development, staff training, operating the library, media and computer centers.

Support services – school administration-

Includes principals and other staff involved in school administration

LEAs should use the following specifications in compiling school-level expenditures:

  • Exclude expenditures from federal program funds. However, a district may include funds from Impact Aid or from the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) if the district is using those funds under the authority in Impact Aid.

  • Exclude expenditures from special education funds.

  • Exclude expenditures for programs that are not associated with regular K-12 instruction, instructional support, and school administration (e.g., preschool, adult education, and school nutrition programs).

  • Exclude programs that serve students from more than one school attendance area at a single school site (e.g., summer school programs sometimes are housed in a subset of the district’s schools but serve students from throughout the school district).

  • LEAs may also exclude expenditures made by regional education agencies for school-level resources, if data on the amount of these regional agencies provided in individual schools is not currently available.

Salary expenditures. LEAs should use the following specifications in compiling school-level salary expenditures:

  • Include all types of salary expenditures, including not only base salaries but also incentive pay, bonuses, and supplemental stipends for mentoring or other roles.

  • Exclude expenditures for employee benefits. .

Non-personnel expenditures. LEAs should include non-personnel expenditures associated with instruction, instructional support, and pupil support, and school administration. This should include the following types of expenditures:

  • Professional development for teachers and other staff.

  • Instructional materials and supplies.

  • Computers, software, and other technology.

  • Contracted services such as distance learning services.

  • Library books ad media center learning materials.

A summary of the types of expenditures that should be included and excluded appears in the chart below.

Type of Expenditure

For All School-Level Expenditures


Expenditures paid from federal funds other than Impact Aid and State Fiscal Stabilization Fund if used under the Impact Aid authority


Expenditures paid from federal Impact Aid funds and State Fiscal Stabilization Fund if used under the Impact Aid authority


Special education


Adult education


School nutrition programs


Summer school programs


Preschool programs


Expenditures made by regional educational agencies on behalf of schools

For Personnel Expenditures


Incentive pay and/or bonuses


Supplemental pay for additional roles


Employee benefits

For Non-Personnel Expenditures


Professional development


Instructional materials/supplies




Contracted services


Library books/media center materials


Other non-personnel expenditures (specify in comment field below)

#3 – AMAO for Title III

In Attachment B-3, in the section on Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA, there are three data groups for the three AMAOs of Title III:

  • AMAO I ELP making progress (DG569)

  • AMAO I ELP attainment (DG518)

  • AMAO III AYP for LEP (DG688)

The permitted value “too few students” is added to each of these data groups. This change will allow ED to differentiate between LEAs that are not required to determine AMAOs and LEAs that are unable to determine AMAOs.

Appendix A – Rosa’s Law

1 Response to Public Comments – 60 Day, page 12 under section “School Finance Data (Data Group 727)”

2 Response to Public Comments – 60 Day, page 12 under section “School Finance Data (Data Group 727)”

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAttachment H Technical Amendments
Last Modified Bykathy.axt
File Modified2011-05-24
File Created2011-05-24

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