
Attachment C-Changes Final.docx

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Education Data for EDFacts


OMB: 1875-0240

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Paperwork Reduction Act Submission Supporting Statement

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary

Education Data through EDFacts

August 2010

Attachment C

EDFacts Data Set

Changes from SY 2009-10


This attachment lists the substantive changes to the EDFacts Data Set between the data set used for school year (SY) 2009-10 and the data set proposed for clearance for SYs 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13.

Not including changes due to the restructuring of the files that collect the status data groups, the changes proposed should results in approximately nine new files and changes to record layouts for approximately fifteen files.

Appendix A, at the end of this document, lists changes to this document after the 30 day public comment period.

New Data Groups

This section explains the data groups that are being added to the data set.

  1. CTE concentrators placement table (DG736)

To continue the transformation of the secondary education elements of the Perkins Report into EDFacts, a new data group “CTE concentrators placement table” has been added. The table describing this new data group is included in Attachment B-3 in the section “Career and Technical Education.”

  1. Data groups for School Improvement Grant (SIG)

Attachment B-6 contains several data groups that are being added to collect data on Tier I and Tier II schools for SIG. One of the data groups would also be collected at the state level.

By January 15, 2011, each SEA that received SIG will submit a plan indicating whether or not data for these new data groups would be available for SY 2009-10. The plan will include when the SEA plans to submit the baseline data.

  1. Data groups for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF)

Attachment B-7 contains several data groups that are being added to collect data for the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund.

States must provide the most recent data for these data groups with their plans. If states are not able to fully collect or publically report the data at least annually, by September 30, 2011, states must submit a plan describing the process and timeline for doing so.

  1. Reconstituted status (DG743).

To indicate when schools are “reconstituted,” a status is being added. This data group would be part of the directory and is explained in attachment B-1 under “Directory Records.”

  1. Computer equipment table (DG744).

As discussed in Attachment E, changes are being made to the data groups for technology. Those changes include deleting the Computer table (DG525) and replacing it with computer equipment table (DG744) that collects both computers and other devices connected to the internet.

  1. Preschool Suspension and Expulsion (DG746).

As discussed in Attachment E, the collection of data on suspension and expulsion of preschool students is being added to the CRDC.

changes To the Data SEt

This section lists the changes to the data set. The changes have been grouped as changes for:

  • Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV)

  • IDEA Section 618 Part B

  • Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR)

  • School Improvement Grant (SIG)

  • Assessment Data

  • Data quality and burden reduction

Changes for Perkins IV CAR

As discussed in Attachment B-1, the portion of the Consolidated Annual Report for Perkins IV that collects secondary performance data is being transferred into EDFacts. The affected data groups and their respective changes are listed below:

  1. All data groups under the topic “Career and Technical Education” in Attachment B-3

In the CAR, data are collected by several student populations. The category sets currently used for these data groups do not align with the student populations in the category. The table below lists the current category sets used and the proposed category sets. The proposed category sets would align with the CAR.

Category set

Population included in the current category sets

Population included in the proposed category sets


Racial ethnic, sex (membership)

Sex (membership)


Disability status (only)

Racial ethnic


LEP status (only)

Disability status (only) OR Disability status (ADA)


Economically disadvantaged status

Economically disadvantaged status


Single parents or pregnant status

Migrant status


Tech prep

Single parents or pregnant status


Displaced homemaker

Displaced homemaker


Migrant status

LEP status (Perkins)


Non-traditional enrollees


Tech prep

The changes from the current and the proposed category sets are:

  • The racial ethnic and sex (membership) category sets would be reported separately

  • States would submit either data by disability status (only) which is based on students’ eligibility under IDEA or data by disability status (ADA) which is based on students’ eligibility under ADA

  • LEP status (only), which is based on the definition of LEP in ESEA, would be replaced with LEP Status (Perkins), which is based on the definition of LEP in Perkins IV.

  • A category set would be added for nontraditional enrollees. This category set will not be used in DG704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table and DG705 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table.

The reporting period for all the data groups are changed to“Perkins program year or state plan negotiated school year.”

  1. CTE concentrators academic achievement table (DG681, N/X142)

This data group is used to collect data for performance indicators (1S1 and 1S2) academic attainment in reading/language arts and mathematics. To ensure accurate and complete data for this indicator, the following changes are needed to this data group:

  1. The definition needs to be clarified so it no longer implies that the state assessment results reported are always taken in the year the CTE concentrator exited. In addition, the definition does not include the clarification that the assessment score was included in the state’s calculation of AYP. The proficiency data used in the indicator can be from previous school years. For example, a student takes the high school reading assessment in the 10th grade (SY 2008-09). The student achieves concentrator status and exits secondary education in the 12th grade (SY 2010-11). The student’s assessment data from the 10th grade (SY 2008-09) will be used in the indicator for SY 2010-11, which is the year the student who achieved concentrator status exited. The table below contains the current definition and the revised definition. The text proposed for change is in bold.

Current definition

Revised definition

The number of career and technical education (CTE) concentrators who took the NCLB state assessment and who left secondary education during the school year.

The number of career and technical education (CTE) concentrators who left secondary education during the school year for whom a proficiency score on the state assessments was included in the state's calculation of adequate yearly progress (AYP).

  1. To ensure accurate data on all CTE concentrators, instead of combining data on male and female, the subtotal will be changed to include “proficiency status.” Data on all CTE concentrators can then be obtained from the subtotal.

  1. CTE concentrators graduates table (DG320, N/X083)

To ensure accurate data on all CTE concentrators, instead of combining data on male and female, the subtotal will be changed to include “diploma/credential (with GED).” Data on all CTE concentrators can then be obtained from the subtotal.

  1. CTE concentrators in graduate rate table (DG702, N/X154)

This data group is used to collect data for performance indicator (4S1) graduation rate. To ensure accurate and complete data for this indicator, the following changes are needed to this data group:

  1. To obtain both the denominator and numerator for the performance indicator, the definition needs to be changed to collect all CTE concentrators who were included in the computation of the state’s graduation rate. The table below contains the current definition and the revised definition. The text proposed for change is in bold.

Current definition

Revised definition

The number of CTE concentrators who were included as graduated in the state’s computation of its graduation rate as described in section 1111 (b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA

The number of CTE concentrators who were included in the state’s computation of its graduation rate as described in section 1111 (b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA

To differentiate the students included in the rate as graduated from those who were not included as graduated, the category “inclusion type” would be added to each category set. The category “inclusion type” would have two permitted values:

  • Included in the state’s computation of its graduation rate as graduated

  • Included in the state’s graduation rate as not graduated

  1. To ensure accurate data on all CTE concentrators, instead of combining data on male and female, a subtotal by inclusion type needs to be added. Data on all CTE concentrators can then be obtained from the subtotal.

  1. CTE concentrators technical skills table (DG705, N/X157)

This data group is used to collect data for performance indicator (2S1) technical skill attainment. To ensure accurate and complete data for this indicator, the following changes are needed to this data group:

  1. To obtain both the denominator and numerator for the performance indicator, the definition needs to be changed to collect all CTE concentrators who took technical skill assessments. Currently the data group collects only the numerator. The table below contains the current definition and the revised definition. The text proposed for change is in bold.

Current definition

Revised definition

The number of CTE concentrators who passed technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards.

The number of CTE concentrators who took technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards.

To differentiate the students who passed from those who did not, the category “test result” would be added to each category set. The category “test result” would have two permitted values: passed and did not pass.

  1. To ensure accurate data on all CTE concentrators, instead of combining data on male and female, a subtotal by ”test result” would be added. Data on all CTE concentrators can then be obtained from the subtotal.

  1. CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table (DG704, N/X156)

This data group is used to collect data for performance indicator (6S2) CTE concentrators who complete programs that lead to employment in non-traditional fields. To ensure accurate and complete data for this indicator, the following changes are needed to this data group:

  1. To obtain both the denominator and numerator for the performance indicator, the category “representation status” needs to be added to the category sets. This category would differentiate the CTE concentrators who are members of underrepresented gender groups and those who are not. The category “representation status” would have two permitted values:

  • Members of an underrepresented gender group

  • Not members of an underrepresented gender group

The data group “CTE concentrators non-traditional fields table” (DG692, N/X149) would be deleted. That data group currently collects the numerator.

  1. To ensure accurate data on all CTE concentrators, instead of combining data on male and female, a subtotal by ”representation status” would be added. Data on all CTE concentrators can then be obtained from the subtotal.

  1. CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table (DG703, N/X155)

This data group is used to collect data for performance indicator (6S1) participation in programs that lead to employment in non-traditional fields. To ensure accurate and complete data for this indicator, the following changes are needed to this data group:

  1. To obtain the numerator for the performance indicator, the category “representation status” needs to be added to the category sets. This category would differentiate the participants who are members of underrepresented gender groups and those who are not. The category “representation status” would have two permitted values:

  • Members of an underrepresented gender group

  • Not members of an underrepresented gender group

The data group “CTE participants non-traditional fields table” (DG691, N/X148) would be deleted. That data group currently collects the numerator.

  1. To ensure accurate data on all CTE participants, instead of combining data on male and female, a subtotal by ”representation status” would be added. Data on all CTE participants can then be obtained from the subtotal.

Changes for IDEA Section 618 Part B

As discussed in Attachment B-1, the collections that support IDEA Section 618 Part B are being migrated into EDFacts, and require the following changes:

  1. Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood tables (DG 613, N/X089) – Change permitted values for category ”educational environment (IDEA) early childhood”

The permitted values for the category educational environment (IDEA) early childhood have changed. The permitted values in the table below remain the same even though the names for some have been adjusted slightly to better describe the permitted value.

Previous name of the permitted value

New name of the permitted value, if different




Children attending neither a regular early childhood program nor a special education program and receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services at home.

Residential facility


Children attending a special education program (not in any regular early childhood education program) specifically, a residential facility

Separate school


Children attending a special education program (not in any regular early childhood education program) specifically, a separate school

Separate class

Separate special education class

Children attending a special education program (not in any regular early childhood education program) specifically, a separate special education class

Service provider location

Service provider or other location not in any other category

Children attending neither a regular early childhood program nor a special education program and receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services at the service provider location or some other location not in any other category

The permitted values used for children attending a regular early childhood program have changed from:

  • In regular EC program 40% through 79% of the time

  • In regular EC program at least 80% of the time

  • In regular EC program less than 40% of the time

To the values in the table below:

Type Of Program


Permitted Values

Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program At Least 10 Hrs Per Week

And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In The Regular Early Childhood Program

Services Regular Early Childhood Program (at least10 Hours)

And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In Some Other Location

Other Location Regular Early Childhood Program (at least 10 Hours)

Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program Less Than 10 Hrs Per Week

And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In The Regular Early Childhood Program

Services Regular Early Childhood Program (Less Than 10 Hours)

And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In Some Other Location

Other Location Regular Early Childhood Program (Less Than 10 Hours)

For states that, despite their best efforts, are unable to report the setting where the child receives the majority of hours of special education and related services, the state may for SY 2010-11 only, report these students using the following permitted values to indicate type of program where the child spends time during the week:

  • Children attending a regular early childhood program

For SY 2011-12 and SY 2012-13, all states must report using the requirements noted in the tables above.

Changes For CSPR

As discussed in Attachment B-1, the CSPR is being transformed by the population of EDFacts data and requires the following changes to :

  1. High school graduation rate indicator status (DG557, N/X107) – Change permitted values.

The permitted value “met” is deleted and replaced with the following permitted values:

  • Met (goal)

  • Met (target)

  1. Improvement Status – LEA (DG662, N/X130) – Add permitted value.

The current permitted values are the levels of improvement status set forth in ESEA, as amended. ED has approved some states to use differentiated accountability. Under that flexibility, some SEAs have state-defined school and district improvement stages. The current set of permitted values applies to states that use the levels of improvement in ESEA, as amended. The following permitted values apply to states that have ED approval to use state defined levels of improvement:

  • State defined – The specific state level is provided in the explanation field

  • Not identified for improvement

  • Not applicable – Used if LEAs that are not included in the state’s accountability plan are included in the file

  1. Improvement Status – School (DG34, N/X130) – Add permitted value.

The current permitted values are the levels of improvement status set forth in ESEA, as amended. ED has approved some states to use differentiated accountability. Under that flexibility, some SEAs have state-defined improvement stages. The current set of permitted values applies to states that use the levels of improvement in ESEA, as amended. The following permitted values apply to states that have ED approval to use state-defined levels of improvement:

  • State defined – The specific state level is provided in the explanation field

  • Not identified for improvement

Changes For SIG

The following changes are to provide data required for SIG. These changes are discussed in detail in Attachment B-6 and reflected in Attachment B-3.

  1. LEP English language proficiency results table (DG676, N/X139) - Add school level.

This data group is currently collected at the state and LEA level. It would also be collected at the school level for Tier I and Tier II schools for metric 9 of SIG. This data group is listed in attachment B-3 under “Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA.”

  1. Truants (DG664, N/X131) - Add school level.

This data group is currently collected at the state and LEA level. It would also be collected at the school level for Tier I and Tier II schools for metric 16 of SIG. This data group is listed in attachment B-3 under “Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools.”

Assessment Data

  1. Combining assessment files

As discussed in Attachment E, under directed questions 12 and 13, the data groups used to collect data for IDEA are being combined into the data groups used to collect data on the assessments of all students.

In addition as discussed in Attachment E, under directed question 7, the data were collected by homeless status served and will be collected by homeless enrolled.

Changes for data quality and burden reduction

The following changes are to improve data quality and reduce burden.

  1. Education agency type (DG 453, N/X029 Directory) – Change definition of permitted value.

To improve data quality, the definition of “other agency” is being refined. The definition of “Type 8: Other Agency” is changed to “Includes (1) intermediate levels of public agencies that provide education but are not school districts, such as county juvenile detention centers, sheriff’s offices, or university lab schools; (2) nongovernmental organizations that provide education such as hospitals, residential treatment centers, YMCA, or Easter Seal Society; and (3) postsecondary schools or agencies reported in order to include a postsecondary “shared time” school, such as community colleges or technical institutes; and (4) other agencies that do not meet the criteria for any other agency types 1 through 7.”

  1. LEP enrolled tables (DG 678, N/X141) – Remove category set.

The data group is defined as the number of LEP students enrolled in elementary or secondary schools during the school year. The data group has included a category set to aggregate the data by proficiency level. This category set is being removed.

  1. Transfer funds table (DG 663, N/X120) – Delete data group.

The data group is defined as the dollar amount of funds from a specific fiscal year appropriation that LEAs transferred among specific eligible programs under the State Transferability authority. This data group is being deleted.

  1. Graduates/completers table (DG306, N/X040) and Dropout table (DG326, N/X032) – Change category

As discussed in Attachment E under directed question 6, homeless served status is replaced with homeless enrolled.

  1. Title III Data Groups – Clarify definitions

The definitions of the following Title III data groups are being clarified:

  • Title III LEP English language proficiency results table (.DG151)

  • Title III LEP English language proficiency test table (DG675)

  • Title III LEP students served table (DG648)

  • Title III teachers table (DG422)

  1. School Improvement Funds allocation (DG694) and School Improvement Funds status (DG63) – Reporting permitted and permitted value changes

As discussed in Attachment E, under accountability and reporting provisions of ESEA, the reporting periods of the School Improvement Funds data groups are being clarified. In addition, the permitted values for School Improvement Funds status are being changed to split out the “not applicable” option.

  1. Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table (DG560) and Homeless students enrolled table (DG118)

Changed category set A to “age/grade (all) to ensure that all students are included in the reporting.

  1. MEP personnel (FTE) table (DG515) and MEP personnel (headcount) table (DG625)

Removed the collection of data on the state migrant director and added the option for administrators.

Appendix A – Changes to Version Used in 30-day Public Comment Period

The table below lists the changes to the version used in 30-day public comment period.



Explanation for Change


New” and “Revised” notes are removed for items that were “new” or “revised” in the 30-day package.

Unless noted otherwise in the document, these changes have been incorporated into the final package.

Changes for IDEA Section 618 Part B

Changed the permitted values used for the transition

Based on comments received during the 30-day public comment period, a different approach to the transition was needed.

Changes for data quality and burden reduction

Added changes 27 and 28

These were inadvertently left out of attachment C but were included in the other attachments.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleC - Explanation of changes from prior year
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-30

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