Form CJ38L survey of Stete and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

2012 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS)


Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

OMB: 1121-0240

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OMB No. 1121-0240: Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX





Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics

Please correct any errors in the name and address information printed below.





Email address


IMPORTANT - If any of the following conditions applied to your agency as of September 30, 2008, you do not need to complete this

questionnaire. Mark (X) the appropriate box and return the survey form using the return instructions below.

  1. Agency no longer existed (enter date agency ceased operations __________)

  2. Agency contracted or outsourced to the agency listed below for performance of all law enforcement services

Enter the name of agency providing contractual services __________________________

  1. Agency employed only part-time officers AND the total combined hours worked for these officers averaged

less than 35 hours per week.

  1. All the officers in the agency were unpaid volunteers

  2. Agency was private (i.e., not operated with funds from a state, local, special district, or tribal government)

  3. Agency was operated by the Federal government


Unless otherwise noted, please answer all questions using September 30, 2008, as a reference. If the answer to a question is

none or zero, write "0" in the space provided. When an exact numeric response is not available, provide an estimate and mark

with an asterisk (*). If the question is not applicable, write "NA" in the space provided. If the answer to a question is not available

or is unknown, write "DK" (don't know) in the space provided. Do not leave any items blank. Please use blue or black ink and

print as neatly as possible using CAPITAL letters. Please retain a copy of the completed survey for your records. If you have any questions or need assistance in completing the questionnaire, please contact xxxxx xxxxx of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by phone at xxx-xxx-xxxx or by email at If you have general comments or suggestions for improving the

survey, please contact Brian Reaves of the Bureau of Justice Statistics by phone at 202-616-3287 or by email at


There are three ways to submit this survey:

1) Complete the survey online at

If completing the survey online, please make sure to enter your ID NUMBER, which is located at the top right of

this page. Without the ID NUMBER, you will not be able to complete the survey online.

2) Mail the survey to xxxx using the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

3) Fax the survey to xxxx at xxx-xxx-xxxx.


Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays

a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 minutes per response, including time

for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the

Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended

(42 USC 3732), authorizes this information collection. Although this survey is voluntary, we urgently need your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. We greatly appreciate your assistance.

During 2008, which of the following functions did your agency perform on a regular basis or have primary responsibility for performing when needed? Mark (X) one box per line.

a. Patrol and response functions

  • First response to criminal incidents

  • Routine patrol services

  • Responding to citizen requests for service

  • Arrest of criminal suspects

  • Special events/crowd control

  • Dispatching of calls for service

  • None of the above

b. Criminal investigation functions

  • Homicide investigations

  • Arson investigations

  • Cybercrime investigations

  • Other criminal investigations

  • Forensic processing of crime scenes

  • None of the above

c. Traffic and vehicle-related functions

  • Traffic direction and control

  • Accident investigation

  • Parking enforcement and control

  • Commercial vehicle enforcement

  • Traffic law enforcement

  • None of the above

d. Detention-related functions

  • Operating 1 or more jails

  • Booking and release of inmates

  • Operating a overnight lockup or temporary holding facility SEPARATE from a jail

  • Operating a temporary holding cell (NO overnight)

  • Inmate transport

  • None of the above

e. Court-related functions

  • Providing court security

  • Serving process

  • Executing arrest warrants

  • Serving eviction notices

  • Enforcing protection orders

  • Enforcing child support orders

  • Apprehension of fugitives

  • None of the above

f. Special public safety functions

  • Animal control

  • School crossing services

  • Emergency medical services

  • Fire services

  • Emergency management

  • None of the above

g. Task force participation

  • Drug trafficking

  • Gangs

  • Human trafficking

  • Violent crime

  • Anti-terrorism

  • Other (specify _________________)

  • None of the above

h. Specialized functions

    • Bomb/explosives disposal

    • Search and rescue

    • Tactical operations (SWAT)

    • Underwater recovery

    • Operating a basic training academy

    • Operating a crime lab

  • None of the above

  1. Enter the number of stations, SEPARATE from headquarters, operated by your agency as of September 30, 2008. If none, enter “0”.


    1. District/precinct/division stations. . . . .

    2. Fixed-site neighborhood/

community stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c. Mobile neighborhood/

community stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. Enter the number of AUTHORIZED FULL-TIME positions in your agency as of September 30, 2008.



  1. Enter the number of ACTUAL PAID employees

during the pay period that included September 30,

2008. Count employees who are regularly scheduled to

work less than 35 hours or more per week as part-time.

If none, enter 0.



  1. Sworn personnel with full

general arrest powers. . . . . .

  1. Officers with restricted or no arrest powers. . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. All other personnel not included in a or b above. . . .

  1. TOTAL AGENCY EMPLOYEES (sum of rows a-c) . . . . . . . . . .

  1. How many of your agency’s FULL-TIME sworn personnel with general arrest powers (from 4a above), serve in the following capacities. Officers may be counted in more than one category, but the number in each row should not exceed the number of FULL-TIME personnel entered in 4a above. If none, enter 0.


UNIFORMED officers with REGULARLY ASSIGNED DUTIES that included responding to citizen calls for service

Community Policing Officers, Community Relations Officers or other sworn personnel specifically designated to engage in community policing activities

School resource officers or other sworn personnel whose primary duties are related to school safety (exclude crossing guards)

  1. Of the FULL-TIME sworn personnel with full general arrest powers (from 4a above) how many worked in each of the major operational areas listed below?

a. Full-time sworn personnel working primarily

In a SINGLE duty area


Law enforcement duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jail-related duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Court-related duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Other operational area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b. Full-time sworn personnel working in

MULTIPLE duty areas

Law enforcement and jail-related duties . . . .

Law enforcement and court-related duties . .

Jail and court-related duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law enforcement, jail, and court duties . . . . .

Other split-duty combination not listed . . . . .

7. Enter the number of FULL-TIME personnel as of

September 30, 2008 for each position listed below.




Crime analysts . . . . . . . . . . .

Intelligence analysts . . . . . . .

Recruitment managers . . . . .

Public information officers . .

  1. As of September 30, 2008, how many FULL-TIME

SWORN personnel employed by your agency were

full-time military reservists?

9. During the 12-month period ending September 30,

2008 how many of your agency’s FULL-TIME SWORN

personnel were called up as military reservists,

and therefore no longer available for law enforcement

duties. Count each reservist only once.

  1. Enter the number of actual FULL-TIME SWORN personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 4a), that were NEW HIRES during the 12-month period ending September 30, 2008. If none, enter “0”.

    1. Entry-level hires (non-lateral)

b. Lateral transfers/hires . . . . . .


    1. Other new hires (specify) . . . .

    1. Total NEW HIRES (sum of rows a through c). . . . . . . . . .

11. For each year, how many applicants for entry-level

sworn officer were received and how many were


Number of applicants


of hires






  1. What hiring incentives did your agency offer during the 12-month period ending September 30, 2008?

    1. College tuition reimbursement

    2. Training academy tuition reimbursement

    3. Training academy graduation bonus

    4. Salary paid during academy training

    5. Employment signing bonus

    6. Relocation assistance (e.g., moving, travel costs)

    7. Flexible hours to attend college

    8. Other (specify _______________

  1. How difficult has it been for your agency to find enough qualified recruits over the past year?

    1. Very difficult

    2. Somewhat difficult

    3. Not at all difficult

  1. In order to increase its pool of applicants to be considered, does your agency allow the hiring of recruits with the following characteristics? This may be under specific parameters such as the number of years since the event occurred.

  1. Prior experimental marijuana use

  2. Prior experimental use of illegal drugs other than


  1. Prior DUI conviction

  2. Prior gang affiliation

  3. Prior misdemeanor conviction

  4. Prior job-related problems

  5. Prior suspended driver’s license

  1. What methods does your agency currently use to increase its retention rate for sworn officers?

  1. Increased pay at specific service milestones

  1. Change in title at specific service milestones

  2. Change in uniform at specific service milestone

  3. Job sharing or time splits

  4. Financial allowance for uniform

  5. Increase in salary for college degrees

  6. Increase in overtime opportunities

  7. Enhanced medical benefits

  8. Enhanced retirement benefits

  9. Relaxed residency requirements

  10. Take-home vehicle

  11. Health club membership or subsidy

  12. Housing allowance or mortgage discount program

  13. Other (specify _______________)

  1. Which of the following methods does your agency regularly use to recruit sworn officers?

  1. Ads on agency website

  2. Ads on job/career websites

  3. Recruitment task forces or advisory groups

  4. Personal contacts

  5. Newspaper ads

  6. Magazine ads

  7. Television ads

  8. Radio ads

  9. Information distributed at special events

  1. Which of the following types of applicants for sworn positions are targeted through special recruitment efforts?

  1. Women

  2. Racial/ethnic minorities

  3. Military veterans

  4. 4-year college graduates

  5. Multi-lingual speaking

  6. People with prior law enforcement experience

  7. Other (specify ___________)

  1. What is your agency’s current annual recruiting budget?


  1. Enter the number of actual FULL-TIME SWORN

personnel with general arrest powers who

separated from your agency during the 12-month

period ending September 30, 2008. If none, enter “0”.

    1. Resignations . . . . . . . . . . . .

    1. Dismissals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    1. Medical/disability retirements

    1. Non-medical retirements . . .

    1. Probationary retirements . . .

    1. Other separations (e.g. death)

    1. Total SEPARATIONS

(sum of rows a through f)

  1. For officers leaving your agency during the 12-month period ending 2008, how many years had they spent in your agency prior to leaving?

Years with agency


of officers

Under 1 year

1-3 years

4-6 years

7-10 years

11-15 years

15+ years


  1. Does your agency conduct exit interviews with officers who have left your agency to assess their reasons for departure?

    1. Yes, agency has mandatory exit interview policy

    2. Yes, exit interviews conducted selectively

    3. No, exit interviews typically not conducted

  1. Of the total number of officers who resigned from your agency during the 12-month period ending September 30, 2008, approximately what percentage left for each of the following reasons?

Primary reason for leaving



Work hours

Working conditions

Personal reasons

Other (specify __________)

Unknown reasons



  1. What is the standard shift length for patrol officers

in your agency?

  1. Do your officers work permanent shifts, rotating shifts, or a combination?

    1. Rotating shifts

    2. Permanent shifts

    3. Combination shifts

  1. Does a collective bargaining unit represent your employees at the officer/deputy rank?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. Does your agency require new sworn officers to

sign a contract or agreement obligating them to

work a minimum number of years with the agency?

    1. Yes (enter number of months required _____)

    2. No

  1. Does your agency have a residency requirement that applicants or officers meet any of the following requirements?

    1. Must live within agency service area

    2. Must live within other specified area

    3. (specify ___________)

    4. No residency requirement

  1. Does your agency limit the number of overtime hours an officer can work?

    1. Yes, (specify ____ hours per _____)

    2. No limit

  1. Does your agency allow an officer to work at a second job or other employment (i.e. moonlight)?

    1. Not allowed

    2. Allowed with limit (specify ___ hours per ____)

    3. Allowed without limits

  1. Does your agency have a mandatory retirement age for officers?

    1. No

    2. Yes (specify age ____)

  1. Please provide information on your agency’s full-service retirement pension.

Required years of service for full retirement. . . .

Minimum age for full retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . .

% of earnings in first eligible year of retirement . .

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleFORM CJ-38 U
AuthorBrian Reaves
Last Modified ByLisa Price-Grear
File Modified2008-09-05
File Created2008-09-05

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