60 Day Notice OSDBU Short Term Loan Program


Short-term Lending Program Online Application

60 Day Notice OSDBU Short Term Loan Program

OMB: 2105-0555

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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 47 / Friday, March 9, 2012 / Notices
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
409 3rd Street SW., Suite 6050,
Washington, DC 20416.
hereby given that as a result of the
Administrator’s EIDL declaration,
applications for economic injury
disaster loans may be filed at the
address listed above or other locally
announced locations.
The following areas have been
determined to be adversely affected by
the disaster:
Primary Counties: Hartford.
Contiguous Counties:
Connecticut: Litchfield, Middlesex,
New Haven, New London, Tolland.
Massachusetts: Hampden.

Constitution Avenue NW., Room 1412,
Washington, DC.
Laura Hellstern, DFO for ITAC–11 at
(202) 482–3222, Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230.
Agenda topics to be discussed are:
U.S. Small Business Administration
State Trade and Export Promotion
(STEP) Grants Process.




The Interest Rates are:
Businesses and Small Agricultural Cooperatives Without
Credit Available Elsewhere ...
Non-Profit Organizations Without Credit Available Elsewhere .....................................

[Docket No. DOT–OST–2008–0244]

Notice of Request for Renewal of a
Previously Approved Collection

Dated: February 29, 2012.
Karen G. Mills,
[FR Doc. 2012–5718 Filed 3–8–12; 8:45 am]

Notice of Meeting of the Industry Trade
Advisory Committee on Small and
Minority Business (ITAC–11)
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
ACTION: Notice of a Partially Opened

The Industry Trade Advisory
Committee on Small and Minority
Business (ITAC–11) will hold a meeting
on Wednesday, April 4, 2012, from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. The meeting will be
opened to the public from 9 a.m. to
10:30 a.m.
DATES: The meeting is scheduled for
April 4, 2012, unless otherwise notified.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Herbert C. Humphrey Building, 1401

srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES



(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Number 59002)

16:21 Mar 08, 2012

[FR Doc. 2012–5791 Filed 3–8–12; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary

The number assigned to this disaster
for economic injury is 130240.
The States which received an EIDL
Declaration # are Connecticut,

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Christine L. Turner,
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative,
Intergovernmental Affairs and Public

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Office of the Secretary, DOT.
Notice and request for


The Office of the Secretary,
Office of Small and Disadvantaged
Business Utilization (OSDBU), invites
public comments about our intention to
request the Office of Management and
Budget’s (OMB) approval to renew a
collection. Currently, there are two
Short Term Loan Program (STLP)
applications: the ‘‘Short Term Lending
Program Application for a New Loan
Guarantee’’ and the ‘‘Application for
Loan Guarantee Renewal’’. This
collection renewal request includes one
STLP application. The revised STLP
application will be used for both new
loan guarantee applicants and renewal
loan guarantee applicants. The revised
STLP application is a single,
consolidated document that is easier to
read and understand for all small
business applicants. The information
collected in the revised STLP
application will determine the
applicant’s eligibility and is necessary
to approve or deny a loan.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection. All comments
will also become a matter of public


Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended;
and 49 CFR 1.48.

Written comments should be
submitted by May 6, 2012.


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You may submit your
comments identified by Docket Number
DOT–OST–2008–0244 by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
http://www.regulations.gov/. Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Agency Web Site: http://
dms.dot.gov/. Follow the instructions
for submitting comments on the DOT
electronic docket site.
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail or Hand Delivery: U.S.
Department of Transportation, Dockets
Management Facility, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., West Building, Room W12–
140, Washington, DC 20590.
Nancy Strine, Manager Financial
Assistance Division, Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization,
Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Room W56–448,
Washington, DC 20590. Phone number
202–366–5343, fax number 202–366–
7228, Email address:
Nancy.Strine@dot.gov. Office hours are
from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.


Title: Short Term Lending Program
Application for a Loan Guarantee.
OMB Control No.: 2105–0555.
Background: OSDBU’s Short Term
Lending Program (STLP) offers certified
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
(DBEs) and other certified Small
Businesses (8a, women-owned, small
disadvantaged, HUBZone, veteran
owned, and service disabled veteran
owned) the opportunity to obtain short
term working capital at variable interest
rates for transportation-related projects.
The STLP provides Participating
Lenders (PLs) a guarantee, up to 75%,
on a revolving line of credit up to a
$750,000 maximum. These loans are
provided through lenders that serve as
STLP Participating Lenders (PLs). The
term on the line of credit is up to one
(1) year, which may be renewed for five
(5) years. A potential or renewal STLP
participant must submit a guaranteed
loan application package. The
guaranteed loan application includes
the STLP application, checklist, and
Respondents: Certified Disadvantaged
Business Enterprises (DBEs) and other
certified Small Businesses (8a, womenowned, small disadvantaged, HUBZone,
veteran owned, and service disabled
veteran owned) interested in financing
their transportation-related contracts.
DOT Form 2301–1(REV.1): Short
Term Lending Program Application for



srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 47 / Friday, March 9, 2012 / Notices

Loan Guarantee: A potential or renewal
STLP participant must submit a
guaranteed loan application package.
The guaranteed loan application
includes the STLP application and
supporting documentation to be
collected from the checklist in the
application. The application may be
obtained directly from OSDBU, the
Regional Small Business Transportation
Resource Centers, from a PL, or online
from the agency’s Web site, currently at
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Once.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 2 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 200 hours.
Supporting documentation. Required
documentation shall include, but is not
limited to, the following items:
a. Business, trade, or job performance
reference letters;
b. DBE or other eligible certification
c. Aging report of receivables and
d. Business tax returns;
e. Business financial statements;
f. Personal income tax returns;
g. Personal financial statements;
h. Schedule of work in progress
i. Signed and dated copy of
transportation-related contracts;
j. Business debt schedule;
k. Cash flow projections;
l. Owner(s) and a key management
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Once.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 12 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 1200 hours.
SUMMARY: The Office of the Secretary,
Office of Small and Disadvantaged
Business Utilization (OSDBU), invites
public comments on our intention to
request the Office of Management and
Budget’s (OMB) approval to renew a
collection of the STLP Participating
Lender (PL) forms. The collection
involves the use of the ‘‘Short Term
Lending Program Bank Verification
Loan Activation Form’’; ‘‘Short Term
Lending Program Bank
Acknowledgement Extension Request
Form’’; ‘‘Short Term Lending Program
Bank Acknowledgement Loan Close-Out
Form’’; ‘‘Guaranty Loan Status Report’’;
‘‘Pending Loan Status Report’’; ‘‘DrugFree Workplace Act Certification for a
Grantee Other than an Individual’’;
‘‘Certification Regarding Lobbying for
Contracts, Grants, Loans, and

VerDate Mar<15>2010

17:35 Mar 08, 2012

Jkt 226001

Cooperative Agreements’’; ‘‘Office of
Small and Disadvantaged Business
Utilization U.S. Department of
Transportation Short Term Lending
Program Certification Regarding
Debarment, Suspension’’; ‘‘Cooperative
Agreement between the US Department
of Transportation and the Participating
Lender’’; and ‘‘US Department of
Transportation Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Utilization Short Term
Lending Program Guarantee
Agreement’’. The information collected
administers the loans guaranteed under
the STLP. The information collected
keeps the Participating Lender’s (PLs) in
compliance with the terms established
in the Cooperative Agreement between
DOT and the PLs.
OMB Control No: 2105–0555.
Titles: STLP—Participating Lender
(PL) forms.
OMB Control No.: 2105–0555.
Background: STLP loans are provided
through lenders that serve as STLP
Participating Lenders (PL). The STLP
provides PLs a guarantee, up to 75%, on
a revolving line of credit up to a
$750,000 maximum. As part of the
requirements for approval as a PL,
lenders must submit the following
certifications: Drug-Free Workplace Act
Certification for a Grantee Other Than
An Individual; Certification Regarding
Lobbying for Contracts, Grants, Loans, &
Cooperative Agreement; Office of Small
and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
U.S. Department of Transportation Short
Term Lending Program Certification
Regarding Debarment, Suspension. The
STLP is subject to budgeting and
accounting requirements of the Federal
Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA). The
PL must carry out processes to activate,
monitor, service and close out STLP
loans. To fulfill the requirements of
FCRA, the PL submits reports and the
following forms to OSDBU.
Respondents: Participating Lenders
that are in the process or have entered
into cooperative agreements with DOT’s
OSDBU under 49 CFR Part 22 DOT–
OST–2008–0236 entitled, ‘‘Short Term
Lending Program’’.
DOT Form 2303–1: Short Term
Lending Program Bank Verification
Loan Activation Form. The PL must
submit a Loan Activation Form to
OSDBU that indicates the date in which
the loan has been activated.
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Annually, up to five years.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 1⁄2 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 50 hours.
DOT Form 2310–1: Short Term
Lending Program Bank

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Acknowledgement Extension Request
Form. An extension of the original loan
guarantee for a maximum period of
ninety (90) days may be requested, in
writing, by the PL using the STLP
Extension Request Form.
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Annually.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 1⁄2 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 50 hours.
DOT Form 2304–1: Short Term
Lending Program Bank
Acknowledgement Loan Close-Out
Form. The PL must submit the Loan
Close-Out Form to OSDBU upon full
repayment of the STLP loan or when the
loan guarantee expires.
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Annually.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 1⁄2 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 50 hours.
DOT Form 2305–1: Guaranty Loan
Status Report. The PL submits a
monthly status of active guaranteed
loans to OSDBU.
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Monthly.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 1 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 100 hours.
DOT Form 2306–1: Pending Loan
Status Report. The PL submits a
monthly loan(s) in process report to
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Monthly.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 1 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 100 hours.
DOT Form 2307–1: Drug-Free
Workplace Act Certification for a
Grantee Other than an Individual. The
PL certifies it is a drug-free workplace
by executing this certification.
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Once.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 15 minutes.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 25 hours.
DOT Form 2308–1. Certification
Regarding Lobbying for Contracts,
Grants, Loans, and Cooperative
Agreement. The PL certifies that no
Federal funds will be utilized for
lobbying by executing this form.
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Once.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 15 minutes.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 25 hours.



Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 47 / Friday, March 9, 2012 / Notices
DOT Form 2309–1. Office of Small
and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
U.S. Department of Transportation
Short Term Lending Program
Certification Regarding Debarment,
Suspension. The PL must not currently
be debarred or suspended from
participation in a government contract
or delinquent on a government debt by
submitting this form.
Respondents: 100.
Frequency: Once.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 15 minutes.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 25 hours.
Issued in Washington, DC on March 6,
Brandon Neal,
Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged
Business Utilization, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2012–5750 Filed 3–8–12; 8:45 am]

Federal Aviation Administration
Approval of Noise Compatibility
Program for W.K. Airport, Battle Creek,
Federal Aviation
Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice.

The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) announces its
findings on the noise compatibility
program submitted by the City of Battle
Creek, Michigan, under the provisions
of 49 U.S.C. 47501 et seq. (formerly the
Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement
Act, hereinafter referred to as ‘‘the Act’’)
and 14 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 150 (hereinafter referred to as
‘‘Part 150’’). On November 1, 2011, the
FAA determined that the noise exposure
maps submitted by the City of Battle
Creek, Michigan, under Part 150 were in
compliance with applicable
requirements. On February 16, 2012, the
FAA approved the W.K. Kellogg Airport
noise compatibility program. All of the
recommendations of the program were
approved. No program elements relating
to new or revised flight procedures for
noise abatement were proposed by the
airport operator.
DATES: Effective Date: The effective date
of the FAA’s approval of the Noise
Compatibility Program for W.K. Kellogg
Airport is February 16, 2012.
Katherine S. Delaney, 11677 S. Wayne
Road, Suite 107, Romulus, Michigan;
Email: Katherine.S.Delaney@faa.gov;
Phone: 734–229–2900. Documents

srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


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reflecting this FAA action may be
reviewed at this same location.
notice announces that the FAA has
given its overall approval to the Noise
Compatibility Program for W.K. Kellogg
Airport, effective February 16, 2012.
Under section 47504 of the Act, an
airport operator who has previously
submitted a Noise Exposure Map may
submit to the FAA a Noise
Compatibility Program which sets forth
the measures taken or proposed by the
airport operator for the reduction of
existing non-compatible land uses and
prevention of additional non-compatible
land uses within the area covered by the
Noise Exposure Maps. The Act requires
such programs to be developed in
consultation with interested and
affected parties including local
communities, government agencies,
airport users, and FAA personnel.
Each airport noise compatibility
program developed in accordance with
Part 150 is a local program, not a
Federal program. The FAA does not
substitute its judgment for that of the
airport proprietor with respect to which
measures should be recommended for
action. The FAA’s approval or
disapproval of Part 150 program
recommendations is measured
according to the standards expressed in
Part 150 and the Act and is limited to
the following determinations:
a. The Noise Compatibility Program
was developed in accordance with the
provisions and procedures of Part 150;
b. Program measures are reasonably
consistent with achieving the goals of
reducing existing non-compatible land
uses around the airport and preventing
the introduction of additional noncompatible land uses;
c. Program measures would not create
an undue burden on interstate or foreign
commerce, unjustly discriminate against
types or classes of aeronautical uses,
violate the terms of airport grant
agreements, or intrude into areas
preempted by the Federal Government;
d. Program measures relating to the
use of flight procedures can be
implemented within the period covered
by the program without derogating
safety, adversely affecting the efficient
use and management of the navigable
airspace and air traffic control systems,
or adversely affecting other powers and
responsibilities of the Administrator
prescribed by law.
Specific limitations with respect to
FAA’s approval of an airport noise
compatibility program are delineated in
Part 150, section 150.5. Approval is not
a determination concerning the

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acceptability of land uses under Federal,
state, or local law. Approval does not by
itself constitute an FAA implementing
action. A request for Federal action or
approval to implement specific noise
compatibility measures may be
required. Prior to an FAA decision on a
request to implement the action, an
environmental review of the proposed
action may be required. Approval does
not constitute a commitment by the
FAA to financially assist in the
implementation of the program or a
determination that all measures covered
by the program are eligible for grant-inaid funding from the FAA under
applicable law contained in Title 49
U.S.C. Where federal funding is sought,
requests for project grants must be
submitted to the FAA Airports District
Office in Romulus, Michigan.
The W.K. Kellogg Airport study
contains a proposed noise compatibility
program comprised of actions designed
for phased implementation by airport
management and adjacent jurisdictions
from 2009 to the year 2015. It was
requested that the FAA evaluate and
approve this material as a Noise
Compatibility Program as described in
section 47504 of the Act. The FAA
began its review of the program on
November 1, 2011 and was required by
a provision of the Act to approve or
disapprove the program within 180 days
(other than the use of new or modified
flight procedures for noise control).
Failure to approve or disapprove such
program within the 180-day period shall
be deemed to be an approval of such
program, seven proposed actions for
noise abatement, noise mitigation, land
use planning and program management
on and off the airport. The FAA
completed its review and determined
that the procedural and substantive
requirements of the Act and Part 150
have been satisfied. The overall program
was approved by the FAA, effective
February 16, 2012.
Outright approval was granted for
seven specific program measures. The
measures that were approved were for
voluntary acquisition of residential
units within the 65 DNL; sound
attenuate eligible existing homes within
the 65 DNL; construct a ground run-up
enclosure; recommend jurisdictions
implement land use controls; develop/
implement a fly quiet program; continue
the study input committee; and review
and update the Part 150 Study as
These determinations are set forth in
detail in a Record of Approval signed by
the Great Lakes Airports Division
Manager on February 16, 2012. The
Record of Approval, as well as other
evaluation materials and the documents



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File Created2012-07-03

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