Grant Application Detailed Budget |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development |
OMB Approval No. 2501-0017 (exp. 11/30/2014) |
Functional Categories [Year 1:__] [Year 2:__] [Year 3:__] [All Years:__] |
Name of Project/Activity: |
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Column 3 |
Column 4 |
Column 5 |
Column 6 |
Column 7 |
Column 8 |
Column 9 |
HUD Share |
Applicant Match |
Other HUD Funds |
Other Fed Share |
State Share |
Local/Tribal Share |
Other |
Program Income |
Total |
a. Personnel (Direct Labor) |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
b. Fringe Benefits |
c. Travel |
d. Equipment (only items > $5,000 depreciated value) |
e. Supplies (only items w/depreciated Value < $5,000 ) |
f. Contractual |
g. Construction |
1. Administration and legal expenses |
2. Land, structures, rights-of way, appraisals, etc. |
3. Relocation expenses and payments |
4. Architectural and engineering fees |
5. Other architectural and engineering fees |
6. Project inspection fees |
7. Site work |
8. Demolition and removal |
9. Construction |
10. Equipment |
11. Contingencies |
12. Miscellaneous |
h. Other (Direct Costs) |
i. Subtotal of Direct Costs |
j. Indirect Costs (% Approved Indirect Cost Rate:___%) |
Grand Total (Year:___): |
Grand Total (All Years): |
Instructions for the HUD Grant Application Detailed Budget Form |
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours 36 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data |
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to |
complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Information collected will provide proposed budget data for multiple programs. HUD will use this information |
in the selection of applicants. Response to this request for information is required in order to receive the benefits to be derived. The information requested does not lend itself to |
confidentiality. |
General Instructions |
This form is designed so that an application can be made for any of HUD's grant programs. Separate sheets |
Line h.--Enter any other direct costs not already addressed above. |
must be used for each proposed program year and for a summary of all years. |
Line i.--Calculate the totals of all applicable columns to determine the Subtotal of Direct Costs. |
Check applicable program year or all years box at top of page to indicate which applies. |
Line j.--Indicate the approved Indirect Cost Rate (if any) and calculate the indirect cost in accordance with |
On the final sheet enter the Grand Total for all years in the applicable box at the |
the terms of your approved indirect cost rate and enter the resulting amount. |
bottom of the page. In preparing the budget, adhere to any existing HUD requirements which |
Grand Total (Year:__)--Enter the sum of lines i. and j. under column 9 for each year, and enter the |
prescribe how and whether budgeted amounts should be separately shown for different functions or |
applicable year, in the blank, for each sheet completed. |
activities within the program. For some programs, HUD may require budgets to be shown separately by |
Grand Total (All Years)--Enter the sum of all the, "Grand Total (Year:__)" amounts from each sheet |
function or activity. Your budget information should show the entire cost of your proposed program of |
completed, under column 9, for all proposed years. |
activities per year. If you are not using funds in any of the line item categories, you should leave the item |
blank. Pages may be duplicated to show budget data for individual programs, projects or activities. |
For each budget category (personnel, fringe benefits, travel, etc) you should identify the amount of funding |
you plan on using in your grant program. You should complete each column as follows: |
NOTE: Not all budget categories on this form are eligible for funding under all programs. |
Please see eligible activities under the specific program for which you are seeking |
Column 1 - Identify the amount of funds that you will need from the HUD grant program for |
funding. |
which you are seeking funding. |
Budget Categories |
Column 2 - Identify any matching funds that you are required to include in your proposed |
The budget categories identifies how your program funds will be allocated by type of |
program in order to be eligible for assistance. |
use, e.g., funds going for salaries, travel, contracts, etc. Each of these line items should |
Column 3 - Identify any other HUD funds that you will be adding to this program either |
be broken out under each applicable column. |
through your formula or competitive grant programs. |
Lines a-f--Show the totals of Lines a to f in each column. |
Column 4 - Identify any other Federal funds that you will be adding to this program either |
Lines g. Show construction related expenses in the appropriate categories below. |
through your formula or competitive grant programs. |
Line g.1.--Enter estimated amounts needed to cover administrative expenses. Do not include costs which |
Column 5 - Identify any State funds that you will be adding to this program. |
are related to the normal functions of government. |
Column 6 - Identify any Local or Tribal Government funds that you will be adding to this |
Line g.2.--Enter estimated site and right(s)-of-way acquisition costs (this includes purchase, lease, |
program. |
and/or easements). |
Column 7 - Identify any additional funds not previously identified in Columns 1 - 6, that |
Line g.3.--Enter estimated costs related to relocation advisory assistance, |
you intend to use for your proposed program. |
replacement housing, relocation payments to displaced persons and businesses, etc. |
Column 8 - Identify any program income that you expect to generate under this program. |
Line g.4.--Enter estimated basic engineering fees related to construction |
Column 9 - |
Add columns 1 - 8 across and place the total in Column 9. |
(this includes start-up services and preparation of project performance work plan). |
Line g.5.--Enter estimated engineering costs, such as surveys, tests, soil borings, etc. |
Line g.6.--Enter estimated engineering inspection costs. |
Line g.7.--Enter the estimated site preparation and restoration which are not |
included in the basic construction contract. |
Line g.8.--Enter the estimated costs related to demolition activities. |
Line g.9.--Enter estimated costs of the construction contract. |
Line g.10.--Enter estimated cost of office, shop, laboratory, safety equipment, |
etc. to be used at the facility, if such costs are not included in the construction contract. |
Line g.11.--Enter any estimated contingency costs. |
Line g.12.--Enter estimated miscellaneous costs. |