Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grant Application

Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grant Application

Project Application Data Elements_2012_Final.xlsx

Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grant Application

OMB: 2506-0112

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Sheet 1: Visibility

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Form Title
*Note: Part and Form numbers may change depending on the component type.
New Renewal
Before Starting X X X X X X X X X X
Part 1 - SF-424

Form: 1A. Application Type X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 1B Legal Applicant X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 1C Application Details X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 1D Congressional District(s) X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 1E Compliance X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 1F Declaration X X X X X X X X X X
Part 2 - Subrecipient Information

Form: 2A. Subrecipients X X X X
Form: 2B. Experience of Applicant, Subrecipient(s), and Other Partners X X X X

Part 3 - Project Information

Form: 3A. Project Detail X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 3B. Description X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 3C. Expansion X X X

Form: 3C. HMIS Expansion


Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS

Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants X X X

Form: 4A. HMIS Standards


Form: 4B. Housing Type and Location X X


Subform: 4B Housing Type and Location Detail X X


Form: 4B. SSO



Form: 4B. HMIS Timetable


Form: 4C. HMIS Participation

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach

Form: 5A. Households X X X

Form: 5B. Subpopulations X X X

Form: 5C. Outreach X X X

Form: 5D. Discharge Policy X X X

Part 6 - Performance Measures

Form: 6A. Standards X X X

Form: 5A. HMIS Standards

Form: 6B. Additional X X X

Part 7 - Budget Information

Form: Funding Request X X X X X X X X X X
Form: Grant Consolidation

Form: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction X X X

Subform: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction Budget Detail X X X

Form: Leased Units X X


Subform: Leased Units Budget Detail X X


Form: Leased Structures Budget X X X

Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail X X X

Form: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance X X


Subform: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail X X


Form: Long-term Rental Assistance X X


Subform: Long-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail X X


Form: Supportive Services X X X

Form: Operating X X


Form: HMIS X X X X
Form: Summary Budget X X X X
Form: Sources of Leverage X X X X X X X X X X
Subform: Leverage Detail X X X X X X X X X X
Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 8B. Certification X X X X X X X X X X
Part 9 - Summary

Form: 9A. Notice of Intent to Appeal X X X X X X X X X X
Form: 9B Submission Summary X X X X X X X X X X

Sheet 2: SF-424

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Form: 1A

1. Type of Submission populated with "Application". cannot be edited
2. Type of Application populated automatically from the type of application opened
3. Date Received populates with the date submitted; cannot be edited
If Revision, select appropriate letter (s) not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
If "Other", specify not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
4. Applicant Identifier not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
5a. Federal Entity Identifier not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
(*) 5b. Federal Award Identifier For new projects - blank and non-editable
For renewals - mandatory; alphanumeric field; restricted to 15 characters
6. Date Received by State not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
7. State Application Identifier not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
Form: 1B
8. Applicant
a. Legal Name populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN) populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
c. Organizational DUNS populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
d. Address populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Street 1 populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Street 2 populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
City populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
County populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
State populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Country populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Zip/Postal Code populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
e. Organizational Unit (optional) populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Department Name populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Division Name populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Prefix populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
First Name populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Middle Name populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Last Name populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Siffix populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Title populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Organizational Affiliation populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Telephone Number populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Extension populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Fax Number populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Email populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Form: 1C
* 9. Type of Applicant: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
If "Other" please specify: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
10. Name of Federal Agency: populated with "Department of Housing and Urban Development"; cannot be edited
* 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: populated with "CoC Program"; cannot be edited
CFDA Number: populated with "14.267"; cannot be edited
12. Funding Opportunity Number: populated with "FR-XXXX-N-XX": cannot be edited
Title: populated with "Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Competition ": cannot be edited
13. Competition Identification Number: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
Title: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Form: 1D
* 14. Area(s) affected by the project (state(s) only): (for multiple selections hold CTRL+Key) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all states and territories; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories; drives the geographic areas available on form 4B
15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: -Populated with Project Name from application creation; cannot be edited
16. Congressional District(s):
* a. Applicant: mandatory; two drop down menus; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* b. Project: (for multiple selections hold CTRL+Key) mandatory; two drop down menus; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
17. Proposed Project
* a. Start Date: mandatory; mm/dd/yyyy
* b. End Date: mandatory; mm/dd/yyyy
18. Estimated Funding ($)
a. Federal: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
b. Applicant: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
c. State: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
d. Local: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
e. Other: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
f. Program Income: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
g. Total: not applicable; leave blank; cannot be edited
Form: 1E
* 19. Is the Application Subject to Review By State Executive Order 12372 Process? Mandatory; drop-down - select from the following options:
-a. Yes
-b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review.
-c. Program is not covered by E.O. 12372.
If "YES", enter the date this application was made available to the State for review: mandatory if "Yes" to 19; mm/dd/yyyy
* 20. Is the Applicant delinquent on any Federal debt? mandatory; dropdown; select No or Yes
If "YES," provide an explanation: mandatory if "Yes" to 20; alphanumeric text box
Form: 1F
By signing and submitting this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications** and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances** and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001)
* I AGREE: mandatory; check box; if application is saved and this is not selected, the rest of the application should not be visible
21. Authorized Representative
Prefix: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
First Name: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Middle Name: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Last Name: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Suffix: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Title: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Telephone Number: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
(Format: 123-456-7890) populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Fax Number: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
(Format: 123-456-7890) populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Email: populated from Applicant Profile: cannot be edited
Signature of Authorized Representative: populated with "Considered signed upon in e-snaps"; cannot be edited
Date Signed: populated with date submitted in e-snaps" mm/dd/yyy; cannot be edited

Sheet 3: New PH

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form
Form: 2B. Experience of Applicant, Subrecipient(s), and Other Partners

* 1. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any), in effectively utilizing federal funds and performing the activities proposed in the application, given funding and time limitations. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any) in leveraging other Federal, State, local, and private sector funds. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 3. Describe the basic organization and management structure of the applicant and subrecipients (if any). Include evidence of internal and external coordination and an adequate financial accounting system. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 4a. Are there any unresolved monitoring or audit findings for any HUD grants (including ESG) operated by the applicant or potential subrecipients (if any)?
If Yes, click "Save" to explain findings.
mandatory; dropdown with options: No, Yes
4b. Describe the unresolved monitoring or audit findings. mandatory if yes to 4a; alphanumeric field

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
* 1a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 1b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
2. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 3. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 4. Component Type: New projects = mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 5. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 6. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the estimated schedule for the proposed activities, the
management plan, and the method for assuring effective and timely completion of all work
mandatory; alphanumeric field
3. If applicable, describe the proposed development activities and the responsibilities that the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any) will have in developing, operating, and maintaining the property. nonmandatory; alphanumeric field; visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 4. Do you plan on serving youth under category 3 of the HUD homeless definition, "unaccompanied youth and families with children who are defined as homeless under other federal statutes and who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition"? (Your CoC must request and receive HUD approval before project applicants can serve youth under category 3) mandatory;  drop-down box with options:  Yes or No  
* 5. Will the project provide RRH? mandatory; Drop down menu options; "Yes" or "No"; visible for PH component projects
* 6a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance: mandatory; dropdown with: N/A, PRA, SRA, TRA; N/A is the default
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Make sure to explain short medium and long term rental assistance in the instructions Add: the work "rental" before assistance * 6b. Indicate the maximum length of rental assistance: mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question above in 6a (6a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance:); dropdown option = Up to 3 months; Up to 12 months; Up to 18 months; Up to 24 months; Unlimited assistance
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects​
* 6c. Describe the method for determining the type, amount, and duration of rental assistance that participants can receive. mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question 6a above; alphanumeric field
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects
* 7a. Will participants be required to live in a particular structure, unit, or locality, at some point during the period of participation? mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No; visible for PH component projects.
* 7b. If yes, explain how and why the project will implement this requirement. mandatory if Yes to 7a on form 3B; alphanumeric field; visible for PH component projects.
* 8a. Will more than 16 persons live in one structure?
(If yes, click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.)
Mandatory; drop-down with options Yes, No; set default to 'No'
* 8b. Describe the local market conditions that necessitate a project of this size. Visible and mandatory if "Yes" in question 8a; alphanumeric field
* 8c. Describe how the project will be integrated into the neighborhood. Visible and mandatory if "Yes" in question 8a; alphanumeric field

Form: 3C. Expansion
* 1. Will the project use an existing homeless facility or incorporate activities provided by an existing project? mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No
* Select the activities below that describe the expansion project, and click on the "Save" button below to provide additional details. visible if Yes is selected to question #1.
Available items include the following:
-Increase the number of homeless persons served 
-Provide additional supportive services to homeless persons 
-Bring existing facilities up to state/local government health and safety standards 
-Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding state/local government) 
Increase the number of homeless persons served visible if selected in question above
* Indicate how the project is proposing to "increase the number of homeless persons served."

Current level of effort
# of persons served at a point-in-time
# of units
# of beds

New Effort
# of additional persons served at a point in time that this project will provide
# of additional units this project will provide
# of additional beds this project will provide
mandatory, numeric fields;
Provide additional supportive services to homeless persons visible if selected in question above
* Indicate how the project is proposing to "provide additional supportive services to the homeless persons served." Increase number of and/or expand variety of supportive services provided
Increase frequency and/or intensity of supportive services
* Describe the reason for the supportive service increase indicated above. mandatory, alphanumeric field;
Bring existing facilities up to state/local government health and safety standards visible if selected in question above
* Describe how the project is proposing to "bring the existing facility(ies) up to state/local government health and safety standards." mandatory, alphanumeric field;
Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding state/local government) visible if selected in question above

Indicate how the project is proposing to "replace the loss of non-renewable funding from private, federal, and/or other (excluding state/local government)."

* a) What is the source of non-renewable funding (should indicate that funds are not controlled by the state or local government)?
mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* b) Why are the project funds non-renewable? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* c) On what date will the non-renewable
funds expire?
mandatory, calendar field; mm/dd/yyyy format; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* d) What steps were taken to obtain other funding sources? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* e) Why are CoC Program funds necessary to continue operating the project? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 1. Are the proposed project policies and practices consistent with the laws related to providing education services to individuals and families? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 2. Does the proposed project have a designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 3. Describe the reason(s) for non-compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. mandatory and visible if "No" to questions #1 or #2; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 4. Describe how participants will be assisted to obtain and remain in permanent housing. mandatory; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 5. Describe specifically how participants will be assisted both to increase their employment and/or income and to maximize their ability to live independently. mandatory; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 6. Specify the frequency of supportive services to be provided to project participants.  mandatory; nonHMIS; Field mandatory; nonHMIS;

column A = 'Supportive Services' column  to include the following rows in alpabetical order:
Assistance with Moving Costs
Case management
Child care
Education services
Employment assistance and job training
Housing search and counseling services
Legal services
Life skills training
Mental health services
Outpatient health services
Outreach services
Substance abuse treatment services
Utility deposits​

column B = 'Select Frequency'; drop-down list for each of the above Supportive Services to include the following choices:
Does Not Apply
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Do we have a definition of accessible? If not, perhaps this should be added to the instructions. Susana also had this question. * 7. How accessible are basic community amenities (e.g., medical facilities, grocery store, recreation facilities, schools, etc.) to the project? mandatory' nonHMIS; dropdown =
Yes, very accessible
Somewhat accessible
Not accessible

Form: 4B. Housing Type and Location The following list summarizes each housing site in the project.  To add a housing site to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a housing site already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Units: readonly; sum units from all detail subformlets
Total Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Total CH Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Housing Type, Units, Beds, CH Beds readonly; list populates with the units, beds, and CH beds for each detail subformlet

Subform: 4B. Housing Type and Location Detail
* 1. Housing Type: mandatory; nonHMIS and nonSSO; dropdown options with:
Dormitory, shared or private rooms
Shared housing
Clustered apartments
Scattered-site apartments (including efficiencies)
Single family homes/townhouses/duplexes
2. Indicate the maximum number of units and beds available for project participants at the selected housing site.
* a. Units: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* b. Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* c. CH Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field; CH Beds total must be equal to or less than Beds
3. Address:

* Street 1: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
Street 2: nonmandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; dropdown with state selection from last year.
* Zip/Postal Code: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* 4. Select the geographic area(s) associated with the address.
(for multiple selections hold CTRL Key)
mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; many-to-many with available options = to 2012 geo areas (as provided by Yelena)

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach
Form: 5A. Project Participants - Households
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (equal to or greater than 1);Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom
Form: 5B. Project Participants - Subpopulations
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (ie, entry can be equal to 0)

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom

Form: 5C. Outreach for Participants
1. Enter the percentage of homeless person(s) who will be served by the proposed project for each of the following locations.
Directly from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from emergency shelters mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
From transitional housing and previously resided in a place not meant for human habitation or emergency shelters, or safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons at imminent risk of losing their night time residence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Homeless persons as defined under other federal statutes. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons fleeing domestic violence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Total of above percentages readonly; sum of all percentage; error message if sum is more than 100%
* 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s) and how the persons meet HUD's definition of homeless and/or homeless under other federal statutes. mandatory if total of above percentages does not equal 100%, nonHMIS; alphanumeric field
(*) 3. Describe the outreach plan to bring these homeless participants into the project. (non-)mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 5D. Discharge Planning Policy visible if applicant organization is a government agency
* 1. Has the state or local government developed or implemented a discharge planning policy or protocol to prevent or reduce the number of persons discharged from publicly-funded institutions (e.g. health care facilities, foster care, correctional facilities, or mental health institutions) into homelessness or HUD McKinney-Vento funded programs? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS

Part 6 - Performance Measures
Form: 6A. Standard visible for nonHMIS/Prevention component projects
* 1. Specify the universe and target for the housing measure.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Housing Measure  a. Persons remaining in permanent housing as of the end of the operating year or exiting to permanent housing (subsidized or unsubsidized) during the operating year.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Choose one income-related performance measure from below, and specify the universe and target numbers for the goal.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Income Measure a. Persons age 18 and older who increased their total income (from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
b. Persons age 18 through 61 who increased their earned income as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number

Form: 6B. Additional Performance Measures
[Parent Form List]

[Parent Form Header]

* 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure.
a. Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
b. Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
c. Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
d. Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is it feasible for the project to be under grant agreement by September 30, 2014? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Are special housing funds being requested for this project?
(If Yes, click the 'Save' button to identify the project as a PH Bonus.)
mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No; should be visible for prevention projects
Special housing funding: readonly; if Yes, populated with Permanent Housing
* 3. Select a grant term: Mandatory; dropdown options are:
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
15 Years
* 4. Select the costs for which funding is being requested: label
Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction checkbox; selection triggers Acquisition/Rehahabilitation/ New Construction budget form
Leased Units checkbox; selection triggers Leased Units budget form
Leased Structures checkbox; selection triggers Leased Structures budget form
Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance checkbox; selection triggers Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance budget form
Long-term Rental Assistance checkbox; selection triggers Long-term Rental Assistance budget form
Supportive Services checkbox; selection triggers Supportive Services budget form
Operations checkbox; selection triggers Operations budget form
HMIS checkbox; selection triggers HMIS budget form
* 5. Is the project proposing to use funds reallocated from the CoC's annual renewal burden? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
Form: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the total request for each structure.  To add a structure to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a structure already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Acquisition readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total acquisition request from all structures
Total Rehabilitation readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total rehabilitation request from all structures
Total New Construction readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total new construction request from all structures
Total Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total request from all structures
Subform: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction Budget Detail Complete the following fields related to the funds being requested for acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of the new project.
Complete the following fields related to the funds being requested for acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of the new project. label
* Name of Structure: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
Assistance Requested The user should only be able to enter up to 8 digits for dollar amounts - or $99,999,999 as the maximum.
1. Acquisition mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
2. Rehabilitation mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
3. New Construction mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
4. Total Assistance Requested sums budget request for the structure
Click the 'Save' button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested.

Form: Leased Units budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more units leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each leased units budget detail
Subform: Leased Units Budget Detail In the chart below, enter the appropriate values in the "Number of Units" and "HUD Paid Rent" fields
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

Number of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
0 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
1 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
2 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
3 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
4 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
5 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
6 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
7 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
8 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
9 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
Total units and annual assistance requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total request for grant term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
TEXT Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals
Form: Leased Structures Budget budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more structures leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail times the grant term
Total Structures: readonly; sums number of structures
Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail

* Structure Name: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
* HUD Paid Rent (per month): mandatory; dollar value (no decimals); must be > $0 to submit the form
12 months readonly field; populated with selected grant term (in months)
Total annual request: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times 12 months
Grant term readonly; populated from funding request form.(in years)
Total request for grant term: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times selected grant term (in years)
TEXT "Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested."

Form: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance

The following list summarizes the rental assistance funding request for the total term of the project.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each ST/MT RA budget detail
Subform: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail

Type of rental assistance: mandatory; read only, cannot be edited; populates with information from form 3B
Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
0 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
1 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
2 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
3 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
4 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
5 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
6 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
7 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
8 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
9 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
Total Units and Annual Assistance Requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term: readonly; populated from funding request form. (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Long-term Rental Assistance budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the rental assistance funding request for the total term of the project.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all LTRA budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all LTRA budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each LTRA budget detail
Subform: Long-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail

Type of rental assistance: mandatory; read only, cannot be edited; populates with information from form 3B
Metropolitan or non-metropolitan
fair market rent area:
mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
0 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
1 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
2 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
3 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
4 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
5 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
6 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
7 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
8 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
9 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
Total Units and Annual Assistance Requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form. (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Supportive Services budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Assessment of Service Needs

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Assistance with Moving Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Case Management
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Child Care
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Education Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Employment Assistance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Food
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. Housing/Counseling Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
9. Legal Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
10. Life Skills
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
11. Mental Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
12. Outpatient Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
13. Outreach Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
15. Transportation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
16. Utility Deposits
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Operating budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Maintenance/Repair
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Property Taxes and Insurance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Replacement Reserve

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Building Security
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Electricity, Gas, and Water
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Furniture
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Equipment (lease, buy)
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-8)
9. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
10. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
11. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
12. Cash Match numeric field
13. In Kind Match numeric field
14. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
15. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
* 4. Date of Written Commitment: mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 4: New TH

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form
Form: 2B. Experience of Applicant, Subrecipient(s), and Other Partners

* 1. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any), in effectively utilizing federal funds and performing the activities proposed in the application, given funding and time limitations. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any) in leveraging other Federal, State, local, and private sector funds. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 3. Describe the basic organization and management structure of the applicant and subrecipients (if any). Include evidence of internal and external coordination and an adequate financial accounting system. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 4a. Are there any unresolved monitoring or audit findings for any HUD grants (including ESG) operated by the applicant or potential subrecipients (if any)?
If Yes, click "Save" to explain findings.
mandatory; dropdown with options: No, Yes
4b. Describe the unresolved monitoring or audit findings. mandatory if yes to 4a; alphanumeric field

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
* 1a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 1b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
2. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 3. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 4. Component Type: New projects = mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 5. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 6. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the estimated schedule for the proposed activities, the
management plan, and the method for assuring effective and timely completion of all work
mandatory; alphanumeric field
3. If applicable, describe the proposed development activities and the responsibilities that the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any) will have in developing, operating, and maintaining the property. nonmandatory; alphanumeric field; visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 4. Do you plan on serving youth under category 3 of the HUD homeless definition, "unaccompanied youth and families with children who are defined as homeless under other federal statutes and who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition"? (Your CoC must request and receive HUD approval before project applicants can serve youth under category 3) mandatory;  drop-down box with options:  Yes or No  
* 5. Maximum number of months participants are allowed to be housed at the project site(s): (must not exceed 24 months) Mandatory; alphanumeric text field
* 6a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance: mandatory; dropdown with: N/A, PRA, SRA, TRA; N/A is the default
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Make sure to explain short medium and long term rental assistance in the instructions Add: the work "rental" before assistance * 6b. Indicate the maximum length of rental assistance: mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question above in 6a (6a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance:); dropdown option = Up to 3 months; Up to 12 months; Up to 18 months; Up to 24 months; Unlimited assistance
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects​
* 6c. Describe the method for determining the type, amount, and duration of rental assistance that participants can receive. mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question 6a above; alphanumeric field
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects

Form: 3C. Expansion
* 1. Will the project use an existing homeless facility or incorporate activities provided by an existing project? mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No
* Select the activities below that describe the expansion project, and click on the "Save" button below to provide additional details. visible if Yes is selected to question #1.
Available items include the following:
-Increase the number of homeless persons served 
-Provide additional supportive services to homeless persons 
-Bring existing facilities up to state/local government health and safety standards 
-Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding state/local government) 
Increase the number of homeless persons served visible if selected in question above
* Indicate how the project is proposing to "increase the number of homeless persons served."

Current level of effort
# of persons served at a point-in-time
# of units
# of beds

New Effort
# of additional persons served at a point in time that this project will provide
# of additional units this project will provide
# of additional beds this project will provide
mandatory, numeric fields;
Provide additional supportive services to homeless persons visible if selected in question above
* Indicate how the project is proposing to "provide additional supportive services to the homeless persons served." Increase number of and/or expand variety of supportive services provided
Increase frequency and/or intensity of supportive services
* Describe the reason for the supportive service increase indicated above. mandatory, alphanumeric field;
Bring existing facilities up to state/local government health and safety standards visible if selected in question above
* Describe how the project is proposing to "bring the existing facility(ies) up to state/local government health and safety standards." mandatory, alphanumeric field;
Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding state/local government) visible if selected in question above

Indicate how the project is proposing to "replace the loss of non-renewable funding from private, federal, and/or other (excluding state/local government)."

* a) What is the source of non-renewable funding (should indicate that funds are not controlled by the state or local government)?
mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* b) Why are the project funds non-renewable? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* c) On what date will the non-renewable
funds expire?
mandatory, calendar field; mm/dd/yyyy format; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* d) What steps were taken to obtain other funding sources? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* e) Why are CoC Program funds necessary to continue operating the project? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 1. Are the proposed project policies and practices consistent with the laws related to providing education services to individuals and families? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 2. Does the proposed project have a designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 3. Describe the reason(s) for non-compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. mandatory and visible if "No" to questions #1 or #2; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 4. Describe how participants will be assisted to obtain and remain in permanent housing. mandatory; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 5. Describe specifically how participants will be assisted both to increase their employment and/or income and to maximize their ability to live independently. mandatory; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 6. Specify the frequency of supportive services to be provided to project participants.  mandatory; nonHMIS; Field mandatory; nonHMIS;

column A = 'Supportive Services' column  to include the following rows in alpabetical order:
Assistance with Moving Costs
Case management
Child care
Education services
Employment assistance and job training
Housing search and counseling services
Legal services
Life skills training
Mental health services
Outpatient health services
Outreach services
Substance abuse treatment services
Utility deposits​

column B = 'Select Frequency'; drop-down list for each of the above Supportive Services to include the following choices:
Does Not Apply
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Do we have a definition of accessible? If not, perhaps this should be added to the instructions. Susana also had this question. * 7. How accessible are basic community amenities (e.g., medical facilities, grocery store, recreation facilities, schools, etc.) to the project? mandatory' nonHMIS; dropdown =
Yes, very accessible
Somewhat accessible
Not accessible

Form: 4B. Housing Type and Location The following list summarizes each housing site in the project.  To add a housing site to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a housing site already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Units: readonly; sum units from all detail subformlets
Total Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Total CH Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Housing Type, Units, Beds, CH Beds readonly; list populates with the units, beds, and CH beds for each detail subformlet

Subform: 4B. Housing Type and Location Detail
* 1. Housing Type: mandatory; nonHMIS and nonSSO; dropdown options with:
Dormitory, shared or private rooms
Shared housing
Clustered apartments
Scattered-site apartments (including efficiencies)
Single family homes/townhouses/duplexes
2. Indicate the maximum number of units and beds available for project participants at the selected housing site.
* a. Units: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* b. Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* c. CH Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field; CH Beds total must be equal to or less than Beds
3. Address:

* Street 1: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
Street 2: nonmandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; dropdown with state selection from last year.
* Zip/Postal Code: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* 4. Select the geographic area(s) associated with the address.
(for multiple selections hold CTRL Key)
mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; many-to-many with available options = to 2012 geo areas (as provided by Yelena)

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach
Form: 5A. Project Participants - Households
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (equal to or greater than 1);Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom
Form: 5B. Project Participants - Subpopulations
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (ie, entry can be equal to 0)

Label at bottom

Form: 5C. Outreach for Participants
1. Enter the percentage of homeless person(s) who will be served by the proposed project for each of the following locations.
Directly from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from emergency shelters mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
From transitional housing and previously resided in a place not meant for human habitation or emergency shelters, or safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons at imminent risk of losing their night time residence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Homeless persons as defined under other federal statutes. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons fleeing domestic violence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Total of above percentages readonly; sum of all percentage; error message if sum is more than 100%
* 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s) and how the persons meet HUD's definition of homeless and/or homeless under other federal statutes. mandatory if total of above percentages does not equal 100%, nonHMIS; alphanumeric field
(*) 3. Describe the outreach plan to bring these homeless participants into the project. (non-)mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 5D. Discharge Planning Policy visible if applicant organization is a government agency
* 1. Has the state or local government developed or implemented a discharge planning policy or protocol to prevent or reduce the number of persons discharged from publicly-funded institutions (e.g. health care facilities, foster care, correctional facilities, or mental health institutions) into homelessness or HUD McKinney-Vento funded programs? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS

Part 6 - Performance Measures
Form: 6A. Standard visible for nonHMIS/Prevention component projects
* 1. Specify the universe and target for the housing measure.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Housing Measure a. Persons exiting to permanent housing (subsidized or unsubsidized) during the operating year.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Choose one income-related performance measure from below, and specify the universe and target numbers for the goal.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Income Measure a. Persons age 18 and older who increased their total income (from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
b. Persons age 18 through 61 who increased their earned income as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number

Form: 6B. Additional Performance Measures Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects
[Parent Form List]

[Parent Form Header]

* 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure.
Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is it feasible for the project to be under grant agreement by September 30, 2014? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Are special housing funds being requested for this project?
(If Yes, click the 'Save' button to identify the project as a PH Bonus.)
mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No; should be visible for prevention projects
Special housing funding: readonly; if Yes, populated with Permanent Housing
* 3. Select a grant term: Mandatory; dropdown options are:
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
15 Years
* 4. Select the costs for which funding is being requested: label
Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction checkbox; selection triggers Acquisition/Rehahabilitation/ New Construction budget form
Leased Units checkbox; selection triggers Leased Units budget form
Leased Structures checkbox; selection triggers Leased Structures budget form
Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance checkbox; selection triggers Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance budget form
Supportive Services checkbox; selection triggers Supportive Services budget form
Operations checkbox; selection triggers Operations budget form
HMIS checkbox; selection triggers HMIS budget form
Form: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the total request for each structure.  To add a structure to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a structure already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Acquisition readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total acquisition request from all structures
Total Rehabilitation readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total rehabilitation request from all structures
Total New Construction readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total new construction request from all structures
Total Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total request from all structures
Subform: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction Budget Detail Complete the following fields related to the funds being requested for acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of the new project.
Complete the following fields related to the funds being requested for acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of the new project. label
* Name of Structure: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
Assistance Requested The user should only be able to enter up to 8 digits for dollar amounts - or $99,999,999 as the maximum.
1. Acquisition mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
2. Rehabilitation mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
3. New Construction mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
4. Total Assistance Requested sums budget request for the structure
Click the 'Save' button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested.

Form: Leased Units budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more units leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each leased units budget detail
Subform: Leased Units Budget Detail In the chart below, enter the appropriate values in the "Number of Units" and "HUD Paid Rent" fields
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

Number of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
0 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
1 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
2 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
3 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
4 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
5 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
6 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
7 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
8 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
9 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
Total units and annual assistance requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total request for grant term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
TEXT Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals
Form: Leased Structures Budget budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more structures leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail times the grant term
Total Structures: readonly; sums number of structures
Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail

* Structure Name: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
* HUD Paid Rent (per month): mandatory; dollar value (no decimals); must be > $0 to submit the form
12 months readonly field; populated with selected grant term (in months)
Total annual request: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times 12 months
Grant term readonly; populated from funding request form.(in years)
Total request for grant term: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times selected grant term (in years)
TEXT "Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested."

Form: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance

The following list summarizes the rental assistance funding request for the total term of the project.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each ST/MT RA budget detail
Subform: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail

Type of rental assistance: mandatory; read only, cannot be edited; populates with information from form 3B
Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
0 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
1 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
2 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
3 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
4 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
5 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
6 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
7 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
8 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
9 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
Total Units and Annual Assistance Requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term: readonly; populated from funding request form. (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Supportive Services budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Assessment of Service Needs

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Assistance with Moving Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Case Management
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Child Care
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Education Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Employment Assistance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Food
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. Housing/Counseling Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
9. Legal Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
10. Life Skills
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
11. Mental Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
12. Outpatient Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
13. Outreach Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
15. Transportation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
16. Utility Deposits
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Operating budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Maintenance/Repair
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Property Taxes and Insurance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Replacement Reserve

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Building Security
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Electricity, Gas, and Water
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Furniture
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Equipment (lease, buy)
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-8)
9. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
10. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
11. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
12. Cash Match numeric field
13. In Kind Match numeric field
14. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
15. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
* 4. Date of Written Commitment: mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:
Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 4] CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 5: New SSO

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form
Form: 2B. Experience of Applicant, Subrecipient(s), and Other Partners

* 1. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any), in effectively utilizing federal funds and performing the activities proposed in the application, given funding and time limitations. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any) in leveraging other Federal, State, local, and private sector funds. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 3. Describe the basic organization and management structure of the applicant and subrecipients (if any). Include evidence of internal and external coordination and an adequate financial accounting system. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 4a. Are there any unresolved monitoring or audit findings for any HUD grants (including ESG) operated by the applicant or potential subrecipients (if any)?
If Yes, click "Save" to explain findings.
mandatory; dropdown with options: No, Yes
4b. Describe the unresolved monitoring or audit findings. mandatory if yes to 4a; alphanumeric field

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
* 1a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 1b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
2. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 3. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 4. Component Type: New projects = mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 5. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 6. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the estimated schedule for the proposed activities, the
management plan, and the method for assuring effective and timely completion of all work
mandatory; alphanumeric field
3. If applicable, describe the proposed development activities and the responsibilities that the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any) will have in developing, operating, and maintaining the property. nonmandatory; alphanumeric field; visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 4. Do you plan on serving youth under category 3 of the HUD homeless definition, "unaccompanied youth and families with children who are defined as homeless under other federal statutes and who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition"? (Your CoC must request and receive HUD approval before project applicants can serve youth under category 3) mandatory;  drop-down box with options:  Yes or No  

Form: 3C. Expansion
* 1. Will the project use an existing homeless facility or incorporate activities provided by an existing project? mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No
* Select the activities below that describe the expansion project, and click on the "Save" button below to provide additional details. visible if Yes is selected to question #1.
Available items include the following:
-Increase the number of homeless persons served 
-Provide additional supportive services to homeless persons 
-Bring existing facilities up to state/local government health and safety standards 
-Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding state/local government) 
Increase the number of homeless persons served visible if selected in question above
* Indicate how the project is proposing to "increase the number of homeless persons served."

Current level of effort
# of persons served at a point-in-time
# of units
# of beds

New Effort
# of additional persons served at a point in time that this project will provide
# of additional units this project will provide
# of additional beds this project will provide
mandatory, numeric fields;
Provide additional supportive services to homeless persons visible if selected in question above
* Indicate how the project is proposing to "provide additional supportive services to the homeless persons served." Increase number of and/or expand variety of supportive services provided
Increase frequency and/or intensity of supportive services
* Describe the reason for the supportive service increase indicated above. mandatory, alphanumeric field;
Bring existing facilities up to state/local government health and safety standards visible if selected in question above
* Describe how the project is proposing to "bring the existing facility(ies) up to state/local government health and safety standards." mandatory, alphanumeric field;
Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding state/local government) visible if selected in question above

Indicate how the project is proposing to "replace the loss of non-renewable funding from private, federal, and/or other (excluding state/local government)."

* a) What is the source of non-renewable funding (should indicate that funds are not controlled by the state or local government)?
mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* b) Why are the project funds non-renewable? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* c) On what date will the non-renewable
funds expire?
mandatory, calendar field; mm/dd/yyyy format; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* d) What steps were taken to obtain other funding sources? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* e) Why are CoC Program funds necessary to continue operating the project? mandatory, alphanumeric field; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 1. Are the proposed project policies and practices consistent with the laws related to providing education services to individuals and families? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 2. Does the proposed project have a designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 3. Describe the reason(s) for non-compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. mandatory and visible if "No" to questions #1 or #2; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 4. Describe how participants will be assisted to obtain and remain in permanent housing. mandatory; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 5. Describe specifically how participants will be assisted both to increase their employment and/or income and to maximize their ability to live independently. mandatory; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS
* 6. Specify the frequency of supportive services to be provided to project participants.  mandatory; nonHMIS; Field mandatory; nonHMIS;

column A = 'Supportive Services' column  to include the following rows in alpabetical order:
Assistance with Moving Costs
Case management
Child care
Education services
Employment assistance and job training
Housing search and counseling services
Legal services
Life skills training
Mental health services
Outpatient health services
Outreach services
Substance abuse treatment services
Utility deposits​

column B = 'Select Frequency'; drop-down list for each of the above Supportive Services to include the following choices:
Does Not Apply
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Do we have a definition of accessible? If not, perhaps this should be added to the instructions. Susana also had this question. * 7. How accessible are basic community amenities (e.g., medical facilities, grocery store, recreation facilities, schools, etc.) to the project? mandatory' nonHMIS; dropdown =
Yes, very accessible
Somewhat accessible
Not accessible

Form: 4B. Supportive Services Only
* 1. Is this project a street outreach project?
Click 'Save' to specify performance measures.
mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No
* 2. Are the project activities, including case management, related to a Housing Goal? mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No; visible only if select No to #1 above

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach
Form: 5A. Project Participants - Households
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (equal to or greater than 1);Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom
Form: 5B. Project Participants - Subpopulations
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (ie, entry can be equal to 0)

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom

Form: 5C. Outreach for Participants
1. Enter the percentage of homeless person(s) who will be served by the proposed project for each of the following locations.
Directly from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from emergency shelters mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
From transitional housing and previously resided in a place not meant for human habitation or emergency shelters, or safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons at imminent risk of losing their night time residence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Homeless persons as defined under other federal statutes. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons fleeing domestic violence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Total of above percentages readonly; sum of all percentage; error message if sum is more than 100%
* 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s) and how the persons meet HUD's definition of homeless and/or homeless under other federal statutes. mandatory if total of above percentages does not equal 100%, nonHMIS; alphanumeric field
(*) 3. Describe the outreach plan to bring these homeless participants into the project. (non-)mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 5D. Discharge Planning Policy visible if applicant organization is a government agency
* 1. Has the state or local government developed or implemented a discharge planning policy or protocol to prevent or reduce the number of persons discharged from publicly-funded institutions (e.g. health care facilities, foster care, correctional facilities, or mental health institutions) into homelessness or HUD McKinney-Vento funded programs? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS

Part 6 - Performance Measures
Form: 6A. Standard visible for nonHMIS/Prevention component projects
* 1. Specify the universe and target for the housing measure.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Housing Measure a. Persons placed into housing (ES, TH, SH, or PH) as a result of the street outreach progam during the operating year.
a. Persons exiting to permanent housing (subsidized or unsubsidized) during the operating year.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Choose one income-related performance measure from below, and specify the universe and target numbers for the goal.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Income Measure a. Persons age 18 and older who increased their total income (from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
b. Persons age 18 through 61 who increased their earned income as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Among persons who entered with an unmet need associated with a condition listed below, indicate how many received the services for that condition by the time they exited.

Measure Categories:
Physical Disability
Developmental Disability
Chronic Health
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
Form: 6B. Additional Performance Measures
[Parent Form List]

[Parent Form Header]

* 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure.
a. Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
b. Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
c. Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
d. Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is it feasible for the project to be under grant agreement by September 30, 2014? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Are special housing funds being requested for this project?
(If Yes, click the 'Save' button to identify the project as a PH Bonus.)
mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No; should be visible for prevention projects
Special housing funding: readonly; if Yes, populated with Permanent Housing
* 3. Select a grant term: Mandatory; dropdown options are:
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
15 Years
4. Select the costs for which funding is being requested: label
Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction checkbox; selection triggers Acquisition/Rehahabilitation/ New Construction budget form
Leased Structures checkbox; selection triggers Leased Structures budget form
Supportive Services checkbox; selection triggers Supportive Services budget form
HMIS checkbox; selection triggers HMIS budget form
Form: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the total request for each structure.  To add a structure to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a structure already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Acquisition readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total acquisition request from all structures
Total Rehabilitation readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total rehabilitation request from all structures
Total New Construction readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total new construction request from all structures
Total Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar (no cents) value field; sums total request from all structures
Subform: Acquisition/Rehabilitation/New Construction Budget Detail Complete the following fields related to the funds being requested for acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of the new project.
Complete the following fields related to the funds being requested for acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of the new project. label
* Name of Structure: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
Assistance Requested The user should only be able to enter up to 8 digits for dollar amounts - or $99,999,999 as the maximum.
1. Acquisition mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
2. Rehabilitation mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
3. New Construction mandatory; dollar value (no decimals)
4. Total Assistance Requested sums budget request for the structure
Click the 'Save' button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested.

Form: Leased Structures Budget budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more structures leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail times the grant term
Total Structures: readonly; sums number of structures
Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail

* Structure Name: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
* HUD Paid Rent (per month): mandatory; dollar value (no decimals); must be > $0 to submit the form
12 months readonly field; populated with selected grant term (in months)
Total annual request: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times 12 months
Grant term readonly; populated from funding request form.(in years)
Total request for grant term: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times selected grant term (in years)
TEXT "Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested."

Form: Supportive Services budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Assessment of Service Needs

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Assistance with Moving Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Case Management
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Child Care
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Education Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Employment Assistance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Food
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. Housing/Counseling Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
9. Legal Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
10. Life Skills
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
11. Mental Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
12. Outpatient Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
13. Outreach Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
15. Transportation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
16. Utility Deposits
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
17. Operating Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-8)
9. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
10. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
11. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
12. Cash Match numeric field
13. In Kind Match numeric field
14. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
15. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
* 4. Date of Written Commitment: mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:
Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 4] CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 6: New HMIS

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form
Form: 2B. Experience of Applicant, Subrecipient(s), and Other Partners

* 1. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any), in effectively utilizing federal funds and performing the activities proposed in the application, given funding and time limitations. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the experience of the applicant and potential subrecipients (if any) in leveraging other Federal, State, local, and private sector funds. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 3. Describe the basic organization and management structure of the applicant and subrecipients (if any). Include evidence of internal and external coordination and an adequate financial accounting system. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 4a. Are there any unresolved monitoring or audit findings for any HUD grants (including ESG) operated by the applicant or potential subrecipients (if any)?
If Yes, click "Save" to explain findings.
mandatory; dropdown with options: No, Yes
4b. Describe the unresolved monitoring or audit findings. mandatory if yes to 4a; alphanumeric field

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
* 1a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 1b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
2. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 3. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 4. Component Type: New projects = mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 5. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 6. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the estimated schedule for the proposed activities, the
management plan, and the method for assuring effective and timely completion of all work
mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 3C. HMIS Expansion
* 1. Will the requested funds increase the capacity or function of the CoC's existing HMIS? Click the "Save" button to update the form. mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No
* 2. Indicate the scope of the proposed expansion:
Click 'Save' to update form.
visible if Yes is selected to question #1.
Available items include the following:
-Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, or other (excluding State/local funds)) 
-Increase HMIS functionality related to service information 
-Increase geographic coverage of HMIS 
-Increase the number of participating HMIS agencies and/or programs
If replacing the loss of nonrenewable funding, respond to the following: visible if selected in question above
* a) What is the source of non-renewable funding? Mandatory drop-down with the following options:
-Local Government
* b) Why are the project funds non-renewable? mandatory, alphanumeric field
* c) On what date will the non-renewable funds expire? mandatory, calendar field; mm/dd/yyyy format; visible if the following option is selected: Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding (private, federal, other excluding State/local government)
* d) What steps were taken to obtain other funding sources? mandatory, alphanumeric field
If increasing HMIS functionality, respond to the following: visible if selected in question above
* a) Describe the increased functionality. mandatory, alphanumeric field
If increasing the geographic coverage of HMIS, respond to the following: visible if selected in question above
a) Identify the geographic codes that were added to the HMIS coverage Mandatory; many-to-many with available options = to 2012 geo areas​
If increasing the number of participating agencies and/or programs, respond to the following: visible if selected in question above
a) Identify the additional participants and how many participants and/or programs that were added. Table with two columns.  The first column has the row titles (identified below) and the second column is empty and the applicant can enter only numeric characters.  The last row (Total) should sum the columns above it and will be read only.
Row Titles:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
Other HUD
HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH)
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
Other Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY)
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)
Other Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

b) Identify the expected increase in HMIS coverage rate that will result from this expansion.
Table with three columns.  The first column header will read, "Component Types," the second column header will read, "Current HMIS Coverage Rate," and the third column header will read, "Expected HMIS coverage Rate." The second and third columns should be editable and limited to numeric characters that don't exceed 100.  The row titles should read as follows:
Emergency Shelter
Transitional Housing
Safe Haven
Permanent Housing​

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. HMIS Standards
* 1a. Is the HMIS currently programmed to collect all Universal Data Elements (UDE’s) as set forth in the HMIS Data Standard Notice? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
1b. If no, explain why and the planned steps for compliance.
Max. 500 characters
non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* 2a. Is the HMIS currently able to produce all HUD-required reports and provide data as needed for HUD reporting? (i.e., Annual Performance Reports, quarterly reports, data for CAPER/ESG reporting, etc). mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
2b. If no, explain why and the planned steps for compliance.
Max. 500 characters.
non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* 3. Is the HMIS currently able to track a client's progress across projects in the CoC? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 4. Can the HMIS currently allow end users to search client records to determine if a client is actively receiving services in the CoC? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 5. Can the HMIS currently unduplicate client records within the HMIS? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 6. Does the HMIS Lead have a security officer? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Do we have a definition of accessible? If not, perhaps this should be added to the instructions. Susana also had this question. * 7. Does your organization conduct a background check on all employees who access HMIS or view HMIS data? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 8. Does the HMIS Lead conduct Security Training and follow up on security standards on a regular basis? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 9. How long does it take to remove access rights to former HMIS users? Mandatory, dropdown menu with:
-Within 24 hours
-Within 1 week
-Within 2 weeks
-Within 1 month
-Longer than 1 month​

Form: 4B. HMIS Training
* Indicate the last training date or proposed training date for each HMIS training, as applicable. 2 columns are displayed:
-Enter date of last training or proposed next training (mm/yyyy)

Activity Categories:
Basic Computer Training
HMIS Software Training for Sys Admin
HMIS Software Training
Data Quality Training   
Security Training
Privacy/Ethics Training
HMIS PIT Count Training
Other (must specify) (include 3 text fields for user-specification of other activities)

Part 5 - Not Applicable for HMIS

Part 6 - Not Applicable for HMIS

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is it feasible for the project to be under grant agreement by September 30, 2014? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Are special housing funds being requested for this project?
(If Yes, click the 'Save' button to identify the project as a PH Bonus.)
mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
Special housing funding: readonly; if Yes, populated with HMIS Bonus
* 3. Select a grant term: Mandatory; dropdown options are:
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
15 Years
* 5. Is the project proposing to use funds reallocated from the CoC's annual renewal burden? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No

Form: HMIS Budget
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with selected grant term (in years)
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (2-8)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-8)
9. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
10. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
11. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
12. Cash Match numeric field
13. In Kind Match numeric field
14. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
15. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
* 4. Date of Written Commitment: mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:
Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 7: Ren PH

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
1. Expiring Grant Number:
(e.g., the "Federal Award Identifier" indicated on form 1A. Application Type)
non-mandatory; alphanumeric text entry field
* 2a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 2b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
3. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 4. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 5. Component Type: mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, SH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 6. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 7. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Do you plan on serving youth under category 3 of the HUD homeless definition, "unaccompanied youth and families with children who are defined as homeless under other federal statutes and who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition"? (Your CoC must request and receive HUD approval before project applicants can serve youth under category 3) mandatory;  drop-down box with options:  Yes or No  
* 3. Will the project provide RRH? mandatory; Drop down menu options; "Yes" or "No"; visible for PH component projects
* 4a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance: mandatory; dropdown with: N/A, PRA, SRA, TRA; N/A is the default
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Make sure to explain short medium and long term rental assistance in the instructions Add: the work "rental" before assistance * 4b. Indicate the maximum length of rental assistance: mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question above in 4a (4a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance:); dropdown option = Up to 3 months; Up to 12 months; Up to 18 months; Up to 24 months; Unlimited assistance
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects​
* 4c. Describe the method for determining the type, amount, and duration of rental assistance that participants can receive. mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question 4a above; alphanumeric field
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects
* 4d. Was the project originally awarded with a leased units budget line item that is now being converted to rental assistance? (This change must have been pre-approved  and listed on the final HUD-approved GIW)
Mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA above in 4a; Dropdown with options Yes, No; default to No;

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 1. Are the proposed project policies and practices consistent with the laws related to providing education services to individuals and families? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 2. Does the proposed project have a designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 3. Describe the reason(s) for non-compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. mandatory and visible if "No" to questions #1 or #2; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS

Form: 4B. Housing Type and Location The following list summarizes each housing site in the project.  To add a housing site to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a housing site already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Units: readonly; sum units from all detail subformlets
Total Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Total CH Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Housing Type, Units, Beds, CH Beds readonly; list populates with the units, beds, and CH beds for each detail subformlet

Subform: 4B. Housing Type and Location Detail
* 1. Housing Type: mandatory; nonHMIS and nonSSO; dropdown options with:
Dormitory, shared or private rooms
Shared housing
Clustered apartments
Scattered-site apartments (including efficiencies)
Single family homes/townhouses/duplexes
2. Indicate the maximum number of units and beds available for project participants at the selected housing site.
* a. Units: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* b. Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* c. CH Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field; CH Beds total must be equal to or less than Beds
3. Address:

* Street 1: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
Street 2: nonmandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; dropdown with state selection from last year.
* Zip/Postal Code: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* 4. Select the geographic area(s) associated with the address.
(for multiple selections hold CTRL Key)
mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; many-to-many with available options = to 2012 geo areas (as provided by Yelena)
Form: 4C. HMIS Participation
* 1. Does this project provide client level data to HMIS at least annually?
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
If "Yes" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the number of clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011 Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
If "No" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the reason for non-participation in the HMIS.
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  Multi-select with Available and Selected Items interface. Available Items are:
Federal Law prohibits
State Law prohibits
New project not yet operational
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field
3. Indicate in the grid below the percentage of HMIS client records with 'null or missing values' or 'unknown values.' Please add a value for each cell below. If there are no values to report for a cell, please enter "0". Visible and mandatory if "Yes" is selected in question #1

3 columns:
Data Quality (labels)
Null or Missing Values (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100
Don't Know or Refused (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100

Data Quality label categories are as follows:
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Veteran Status
Disabling Condition
Residence Prior to Prog. Entry
Zip Code of Last Permanent Address

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach
Form: 5A. Project Participants - Households
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (equal to or greater than 1);Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom
Form: 5B. Project Participants - Subpopulations
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (ie, entry can be equal to 0)

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom

Form: 5C. Outreach
1. Enter the percentage of homeless person(s) who will be served by the proposed project for each of the following locations.
Directly from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from emergency shelters mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
From transitional housing and previously resided in a place not meant for human habitation or emergency shelters, or safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons at imminent risk of losing their night time residence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Homeless persons as defined under other federal statutes. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons fleeing domestic violence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Total of above percentages readonly; sum of all percentage; error message if sum is more than 100%
* 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s) and how the persons meet HUD's definition of homeless and/or homeless under other federal statutes. mandatory if total of above percentages does not equal 100%, nonHMIS; alphanumeric field
(*) 3. Describe the outreach plan to bring these homeless participants into the project. (non-)mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 5D. Discharge Policy visible if applicant organization is a government agency
* 1. Has the state or local government developed or implemented a discharge planning policy or protocol to prevent or reduce the number of persons discharged from publicly-funded institutions (e.g. health care facilities, foster care, correctional facilities, or mental health institutions) into homelessness or HUD McKinney-Vento funded programs? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS

Part 6 - Performance Measures
Form: 6A. Standard visible for nonHMIS/Prevention component projects
* 1. Specify the universe and target for the housing measure.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Housing Measure  a. Persons remaining in permanent housing as of the end of the operating year or exiting to permanent housing (subsidized or unsubsidized) during the operating year.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Choose one income-related performance measure from below, and specify the universe and target numbers for the goal.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Income Measure a. Persons age 18 and older who increased their total income (from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
b. Persons age 18 through 61 who increased their earned income as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number

Form: 6B. Additional Performance Measures Specify up to three additional measures on which the project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR).
[Parent Form List]

[Parent Form Header]

* 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure.
a. Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
b. Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
c. Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
d. Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is there an active restrictive covenant on one or more of the project properties? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Was the original project awarded funding (in part or whole) under a special housing initiative? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
* 3. Are the requested renewal funds reduced from the previous award using reallocation? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
4. Select a grant term: Read-only, auto populated with 1 year; cannot change
5. Select the costs for which funding is being requested: label
Leased Units checkbox; selection triggers Leased Units budget form
Leased Structures checkbox; selection triggers Leased Structures budget form
Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance checkbox; selection triggers Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance budget form
Long-term Rental Assistance checkbox; selection triggers Long-term Rental Assistance budget form
Supportive Services checkbox; selection triggers Supportive Services budget form
Operations checkbox; selection triggers Operations budget form
HMIS checkbox; selection triggers HMIS budget form

Form: Leased Units budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more units leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each leased units budget detail
Subform: Leased Units Budget Detail Enter the appropriate values in the "Number of Units" and "HUD Paid Rent" fields, before clicking on the "Save" button to auto-populate the "Number of Months" and "Total Rent" columns.
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

Number of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
0 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
1 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
2 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
3 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
4 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
5 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
6 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
7 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
8 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
9 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
Total units and annual assistance requested readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total request for grant term readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
TEXT Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals
Form: Leased Structures Budget budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more structures leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail times the grant term
Total Structures: readonly; sums number of structures
Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail

* Structure Name: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
* HUD Paid Rent (per month): mandatory; dollar value (no decimals); must be > $0 to submit the form
12 months readonly field; populated with selected grant term (in months)
Total annual request: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times 12 months
Grant term readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total request for grant term: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times selected grant term (in years)
TEXT "Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested."

Form: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance

The following list summarizes the rental assistance funding request for the total term of the project.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each ST/MT RA budget detail
Subform: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail

Type of rental assistance: mandatory; read only, cannot be edited; populates with information from form 3B
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
0 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
1 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
2 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
3 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
4 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
5 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
6 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
7 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
8 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
9 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
Total Units and Annual Assistance Requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Long-term Rental Assistance budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the rental assistance funding request for the total term of the project.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all LTRA budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all LTRA detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each LTRA budget detail
Subform: Long-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail

Type of rental assistance: mandatory; read only, cannot be edited; populates with information from form 3B
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan
fair market rent area:
mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
0 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
1 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
2 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
3 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
4 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
5 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
6 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
7 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
8 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
9 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
Total Units and Annual Assistance Requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Annual Assistance requested.

Form: Supportive Services budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Assessment of Service Needs

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Assistance with Moving Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Case Management
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Child Care
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Education Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Employment Assistance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Food
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. Housing/Counseling Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
9. Legal Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
10. Life Skills
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
11. Mental Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
12. Outpatient Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
13. Outreach Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
15. Transportation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
16. Utility Deposits
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Operating budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Maintenance/Repair
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Property Taxes and Insurance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Replacement Reserve

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Building Security
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Electricity, Gas, and Water
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Furniture
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Equipment (lease, buy)
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
8. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
9. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
10. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
11. Cash Match numeric field
12. In Kind Match numeric field
13. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
14. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
4. Date of Written Commitment: non-mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Commitment Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Yes" to question 4D on Form 3B; mandatory only if selected "Yes" to question 4D on Form 3B
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:
Subform: Commitment Letter visible only if selected "Yes" to question 4D on Form 3B
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text Commitment Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats xls, xlsx, xlsm, doc, docx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, zip, zipx, ZIP
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 8: Ren TH

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
1. Expiring Grant Number:
(e.g., the "Federal Award Identifier" indicated on form 1A. Application Type)
non-mandatory; alphanumeric text entry field
* 2a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 2b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
3. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 4. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 5. Component Type: mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, SH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 6. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 7. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Do you plan on serving youth under category 3 of the HUD homeless definition, "unaccompanied youth and families with children who are defined as homeless under other federal statutes and who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition"? (Your CoC must request and receive HUD approval before project applicants can serve youth under category 3) mandatory;  drop-down box with options:  Yes or No  
* 3. Maximum number of months participants are allowed to be housed at the project site(s):
(must not exceed 24 months)
mandatory; numeric field;
* 4a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance: mandatory; dropdown with: N/A, PRA, SRA, TRA; N/A is the default
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Make sure to explain short medium and long term rental assistance in the instructions Add: the work "rental" before assistance * 4b. Indicate the maximum length of rental assistance: mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question above in 4a (4a. If applicable, indicate the type of rental assistance:); dropdown option = Up to 3 months; Up to 12 months; Up to 18 months; Up to 24 months; Unlimited assistance
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects​
* 4c. Describe the method for determining the type, amount, and duration of rental assistance that participants can receive. mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA in question 4a above; alphanumeric field
Visible for nonHMIS and nonSSO component projects
* 4d. Was the project originally awarded with a leased units budget line item that is now being converted to rental assistance? (This change must have been pre-approved  and listed on the final HUD-approved GIW)
Mandatory and visible only if select PRA, SRA, TRA above in 4a; Dropdown with options Yes, No; default to No;

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 1. Are the proposed project policies and practices consistent with the laws related to providing education services to individuals and families? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 2. Does the proposed project have a designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 3. Describe the reason(s) for non-compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. mandatory and visible if "No" to questions #1 or #2; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS

Form: 4B. Housing Type and Location The following list summarizes each housing site in the project.  To add a housing site to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a housing site already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Units: readonly; sum units from all detail subformlets
Total Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Total CH Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Housing Type, Units, Beds, CH Beds readonly; list populates with the units, beds, and CH beds for each detail subformlet

Subform: 4B. Housing Type and Location Detail
* 1. Housing Type: mandatory; nonHMIS and nonSSO; dropdown options with:
Dormitory, shared or private rooms
Shared housing
Clustered apartments
Scattered-site apartments (including efficiencies)
Single family homes/townhouses/duplexes
2. Indicate the maximum number of units and beds available for project participants at the selected housing site.
* a. Units: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* b. Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* c. CH Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field; CH Beds total must be equal to or less than Beds
3. Address:

* Street 1: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
Street 2: nonmandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; dropdown with state selection from last year.
* Zip/Postal Code: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* 4. Select the geographic area(s) associated with the address.
(for multiple selections hold CTRL Key)
mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; many-to-many with available options = to 2012 geo areas (as provided by Yelena)
Form: 4C. HMIS Participation
* 1. Does this project provide client level data to HMIS at least annually?
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
If "Yes" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the number of clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011 Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
If "No" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the reason for non-participation in the HMIS.
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  Multi-select with Available and Selected Items interface. Available Items are:
Federal Law prohibits
State Law prohibits
New project not yet operational
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field
3. Indicate in the grid below the percentage of HMIS client records with 'null or missing values' or 'unknown values.' Please add a value for each cell below. If there are no values to report for a cell, please enter "0". Visible and mandatory if "Yes" is selected in question #1

3 columns:
Data Quality (labels)
Null or Missing Values (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100
Don't Know or Refused (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100

Data Quality label categories are as follows:
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Veteran Status
Disabling Condition
Residence Prior to Prog. Entry
Zip Code of Last Permanent Address

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach
Form: 5A. Project Participants - Households
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (equal to or greater than 1);Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom
Form: 5B. Project Participants - Subpopulations
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (ie, entry can be equal to 0)

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom

Form: 5C. Outreach
1. Enter the percentage of homeless person(s) who will be served by the proposed project for each of the following locations.
Directly from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from emergency shelters mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
From transitional housing and previously resided in a place not meant for human habitation or emergency shelters, or safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons at imminent risk of losing their night time residence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Homeless persons as defined under other federal statutes. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons fleeing domestic violence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Total of above percentages readonly; sum of all percentage; error message if sum is more than 100%
* 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s) and how the persons meet HUD's definition of homeless and/or homeless under other federal statutes. mandatory if total of above percentages does not equal 100%, nonHMIS; alphanumeric field
(*) 3. Describe the outreach plan to bring these homeless participants into the project. (non-)mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 5D. Discharge Policy visible if applicant organization is a government agency
* 1. Has the state or local government developed or implemented a discharge planning policy or protocol to prevent or reduce the number of persons discharged from publicly-funded institutions (e.g. health care facilities, foster care, correctional facilities, or mental health institutions) into homelessness or HUD McKinney-Vento funded programs? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS

Part 6 - Performance Measures
Form: 6A. Standard visible for nonHMIS/Prevention component projects
* 1. Specify the universe and target for the housing measure.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Housing Measure  a. Persons remaining in permanent housing as of the end of the operating year or exiting to permanent housing (subsidized or unsubsidized) during the operating year.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Choose one income-related performance measure from below, and specify the universe and target numbers for the goal.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Income Measure a. Persons age 18 and older who increased their total income (from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
b. Persons age 18 through 61 who increased their earned income as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number

Form: 6B. Additional Performance Measures Specify up to three additional measures on which the project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR).
[Parent Form List]

[Parent Form Header]

* 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure.
a. Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
b. Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
c. Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
d. Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is there an active restrictive covenant on one or more of the project properties? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Was the original project awarded funding (in part or whole) under a special housing initiative? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
* 3. Are the requested renewal funds reduced from the previous award using reallocation? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
4. Select a grant term: Read-only, auto populated with 1 year; cannot change
5. Select the costs for which funding is being requested: label
Leased Units checkbox; selection triggers Leased Units budget form
Leased Structures checkbox; selection triggers Leased Structures budget form
Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance checkbox; selection triggers Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance budget form
Supportive Services checkbox; selection triggers Supportive Services budget form
Operations checkbox; selection triggers Operations budget form
HMIS checkbox; selection triggers HMIS budget form

Form: Leased Units budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more units leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each leased units budget detail
Subform: Leased Units Budget Detail Enter the appropriate values in the "Number of Units" and "HUD Paid Rent" fields, before clicking on the "Save" button to auto-populate the "Number of Months" and "Total Rent" columns.
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

Number of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
0 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
1 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
2 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
3 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
4 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
5 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
6 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
7 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
8 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
9 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
Total units and annual assistance requested readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total request for grant term readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
TEXT Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals
Form: Leased Structures Budget budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more structures leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail times the grant term
Total Structures: readonly; sums number of structures
Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail

* Structure Name: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
* HUD Paid Rent (per month): mandatory; dollar value (no decimals); must be > $0 to submit the form
12 months readonly field; populated with selected grant term (in months)
Total annual request: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times 12 months
Grant term readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total request for grant term: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times selected grant term (in years)
TEXT "Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested."

Form: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance

The following list summarizes the rental assistance funding request for the total term of the project.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all ST/MT RA budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each ST/MT RA budget detail
Subform: Short-term/Medium-term Rental Assistance Budget Detail

Type of rental assistance: mandatory; read only, cannot be edited; populates with information from form 3B
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
0 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
1 bedroom

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
2 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
3 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
4 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
5 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
6 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
7 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
8 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
9 Bedrooms

# of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value; up to 4 digits in length
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
12 Months readonly field; populated automatically with 12
Total request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount times grant term
Total Units and Annual Assistance Requested: readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Supportive Services budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Assessment of Service Needs

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Assistance with Moving Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Case Management
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Child Care
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Education Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Employment Assistance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Food
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. Housing/Counseling Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
9. Legal Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
10. Life Skills
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
11. Mental Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
12. Outpatient Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
13. Outreach Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
15. Transportation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
16. Utility Deposits
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Operating budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Maintenance/Repair
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Property Taxes and Insurance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Replacement Reserve

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Building Security
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Electricity, Gas, and Water
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Furniture
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Equipment (lease, buy)
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
8. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
9. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
10. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
11. Cash Match numeric field
12. In Kind Match numeric field
13. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
14. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
4. Date of Written Commitment: non-mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Commitment Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Yes" to question 4D on Form 3B; mandatory only if selected "Yes" to question 4D on Form 3B
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:
Subform: Commitment Letter visible only if selected "Yes" to question 4D on Form 3B
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text Commitment Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats xls, xlsx, xlsm, doc, docx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, zip, zipx, ZIP
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 9: Ren SSO

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
1. Expiring Grant Number:
(e.g., the "Federal Award Identifier" indicated on form 1A. Application Type)
non-mandatory; alphanumeric text entry field
* 2a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 2b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
3. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 4. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 5. Component Type: mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, SH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 6. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 7. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Do you plan on serving youth under category 3 of the HUD homeless definition, "unaccompanied youth and families with children who are defined as homeless under other federal statutes and who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition"? (Your CoC must request and receive HUD approval before project applicants can serve youth under category 3) mandatory;  drop-down box with options:  Yes or No  

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 1. Are the proposed project policies and practices consistent with the laws related to providing education services to individuals and families? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 2. Does the proposed project have a designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 3. Describe the reason(s) for non-compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. mandatory and visible if "No" to questions #1 or #2; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS

Form: 4B. Supportive Services Only
* 1. Is this project a street outreach project?
Click 'Save' to specify performance measures.
mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No
* 2. Are the project activities, including case management, related to a Housing Goal? mandatory; dropdown with: Yes, No; visible only if select No to #1 above

Form: 4C. HMIS Participation
* 1. Does this project provide client level data to HMIS at least annually?
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
If "Yes" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the number of clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011 Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
If "No" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the reason for non-participation in the HMIS.
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  Multi-select with Available and Selected Items interface. Available Items are:
Federal Law prohibits
State Law prohibits
New project not yet operational
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field
3. Indicate in the grid below the percentage of HMIS client records with 'null or missing values' or 'unknown values.' Please add a value for each cell below. If there are no values to report for a cell, please enter "0". Visible and mandatory if "Yes" is selected in question #1

3 columns:
Data Quality (labels)
Null or Missing Values (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100
Don't Know or Refused (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100

Data Quality label categories are as follows:
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Veteran Status
Disabling Condition
Residence Prior to Prog. Entry
Zip Code of Last Permanent Address

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach
Form: 5A. Project Participants - Households
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (equal to or greater than 1);Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom
Form: 5B. Project Participants - Subpopulations
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (ie, entry can be equal to 0)

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom

Form: 5C. Outreach
1. Enter the percentage of homeless person(s) who will be served by the proposed project for each of the following locations.
Directly from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from emergency shelters. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
From transitional housing and previously resided in a place not meant for human habitation or emergency shelters, or safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons at imminent risk of losing their night time residence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Homeless persons as defined under other federal statutes. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons fleeing domestic violence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Total of above percentages readonly; sum of all percentage; error message if sum is more than 100%
* 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s) and how the persons meet HUD's definition of homeless and/or homeless under other federal statutes. mandatory if total of above percentages does not equal 100%, nonHMIS; alphanumeric field
(*) 3. Describe the outreach plan to bring these homeless participants into the project. (non-)mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 5D. Discharge Policy visible if applicant organization is a government agency
* 1. Has the state or local government developed or implemented a discharge planning policy or protocol to prevent or reduce the number of persons discharged from publicly-funded institutions (e.g. health care facilities, foster care, correctional facilities, or mental health institutions) into homelessness or HUD McKinney-Vento funded programs? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS

Part 6 - Performance Measures
Form: 6A. Standard visible for nonHMIS/Prevention component projects
* 1. Specify the universe and target for the housing measure.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Housing Measure a. Persons placed into housing (ES, TH, SH, or PH) as a result of the street outreach progam during the operating year.
a. Persons exiting to permanent housing (subsidized or unsubsidized) during the operating year.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Choose one income-related performance measure from below, and specify the universe and target numbers for the goal.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Income Measure a. Persons age 18 and older who increased their total income (from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
b. Persons age 18 through 61 who increased their earned income as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Among persons who entered with an unmet need associated with a condition listed below, indicate how many received the services for that condition by the time they exited.

Measure Categories:
Physical Disability
Developmental Disability
Chronic Health
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number

Form: 6B. Additional Performance Measures Specify up to three additional measures on which the project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR).
[Parent Form List]

[Parent Form Header]

* 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure.
a. Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
b. Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
c. Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
d. Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is there an active restrictive covenant on one or more of the project properties? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Was the original project awarded funding (in part or whole) under a special housing initiative? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
4. Select a grant term: Read-only, auto populated with 1 year; cannot change
5. Select the costs for which funding is being requested: label
Leased Structures checkbox; selection triggers Leased Structures budget form
Housing Relocation & Stabilitation checkbox; selection triggers Housing Relocation & Stabilization budget form
Supportive Services checkbox; selection triggers Supportive Services budget form
HMIS checkbox; selection triggers HMIS budget form

Form: Leased Structures Budget budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more structures leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail times the grant term
Total Structures: readonly; sums number of structures
Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail

* Structure Name: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
* HUD Paid Rent (per month): mandatory; dollar value (no decimals); must be > $0 to submit the form
12 months readonly field; populated with selected grant term (in months)
Total annual request: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times 12 months
Grant term readonly; populated from funding request form.(in years)
Total request for grant term: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times selected grant term (in years)
TEXT "Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested."

Form: Supportive Services budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Assessment of Service Needs

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Assistance with Moving Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Case Management
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Child Care
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Education Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Employment Assistance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Food
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. Housing/Counseling Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
9. Legal Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
10. Life Skills
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
11. Mental Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
12. Outpatient Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
13. Outreach Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
15. Transportation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
16. Utility Deposits
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
17. Operating Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
8. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
9. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
10. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
11. Cash Match numeric field
12. In Kind Match numeric field
13. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
14. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
4. Date of Written Commitment: non-mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 10: Ren HMIS

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
1. Expiring Grant Number:
(e.g., the "Federal Award Identifier" indicated on form 1A. Application Type)
non-mandatory; alphanumeric text entry field
* 2a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 2b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
3. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 4. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 5. Component Type: mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, SH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 6. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 7. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. HMIS Standards
* 1a. Is the HMIS currently programmed to collect all Universal Data Elements (UDE’s) as set forth in the HMIS Data Standard Notice? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
1b. If no, explain why and the planned steps for compliance.
Max. 500 characters
non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* 2a. Is the HMIS currently able to produce all HUD-required reports and provide data as needed for HUD reporting? (i.e., Annual Performance Reports, quarterly reports, data for CAPER/ESG reporting, etc). mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
2b. If no, explain why and the planned steps for compliance.
Max. 500 characters.
non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* 3. Is the HMIS currently able to track a client's progress across projects in the CoC? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 4. Can the HMIS currently allow end users to search client records to determine if a client is actively receiving services in the CoC? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 5. Can the HMIS currently unduplicate client records within the HMIS? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 6. Does the HMIS Lead have a security officer? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
Matthew Kyle Aronson: Do we have a definition of accessible? If not, perhaps this should be added to the instructions. Susana also had this question. * 7. Does your organization conduct a background check on all employees who access HMIS or view HMIS data? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 8. Does the HMIS Lead conduct Security Training and follow up on security standards on a regular basis? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
* 9. How long does it take to remove access rights to former HMIS users? Mandatory, dropdown menu with:
-Within 24 hours
-Within 1 week
-Within 2 weeks
-Within 1 month
-Longer than 1 month​

Part 5 - Not Applicable for HMIS

Part 6 - Not Applicable for HMIS

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 2. Was the original project awarded funding (in part or whole) under a special housing initiative? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
* 3. Are the requested renewal funds reduced from the previous award using reallocation? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
4. Select a grant term: Read-only, auto populated with 1 year; cannot change

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, numeric value; populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
8. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
9. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
10. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
11. Cash Match numeric field
12. In Kind Match numeric field
13. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
14. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
4. Date of Written Commitment: non-mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 11: Ren SH

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Subrecipient Information
Form: 2A. Project Subrecipients This form lists the subrecipient organization(s) for the project. To add a subrecipient, select the icon. To view or update subrecipient information already listed, select the view option.
Total Expected Sub-Awards readonly; field populates with a sum of expected sub-award fields from the detail subformlets
Organization readonly; column lists organization names from all detail subformlets
Type readonly; column lists organization types from detail subformlets
Sub-Award Amount readonly; column lists organization sub-award from detail subformlets

Subform: 2A. Project Subrecipients
* a. Organization Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* b. Organization Type mandatory; dropdown menu with: U: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs);A. State Government;B. County Government;C. City or Township Government;D. Special District Government;F. U.S. Territory or Possession;L. Public/Indian Housing Authority;M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);N. Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education);X. Other (Specify)
If "Other" please specify mandatory if select X. Other (Specify); alphanumeric field
* c. Employer or Tax Identification Number mandatory: must be in format XX-XXXXXXX
* d. Organizational DUNS mandatory; numeric; must be 9 digits
PLUS 4 non-mandatory; numeric; must be 4 digits
e. Physical Address
* Street 1 mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Street 2 non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* City mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* State mandatory; dropdown with all States and territories available
* Zip Code mandatory; numeric;
* f. Congressional District(s) mandatory; two multi-select list boxes; Available Items: includes all congressional districts; Selected Items: displays applicant selected states and territories
* g. Is the subrecipient a Faith-Based Organization mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* h. Has the Subrecipient ever received a federal grant, either directly from a federal agency or through a State/local agency mandatory; dropdown with No, Yes
* i. Expected Sub-Award Amount: mandatory; numeric
j. Contact Person
* Prefix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Dr.;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Miss;Rev.;Brother;Madame;The Honorable;Governor;Mayor;President;Judge;Father;Sister;Captain;Major;Monsignor;Deacon;Colonel;Lt. Colonel;Bishop;Acting Governor;Pastor;Rabbi;Brig. General;Commissioner
* First Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Middle Name non-mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* Last Name mandatory; alphanumeric field;
Suffix non-mandatory; dropdown with: Jr.;Sr.;M.D.;D.D.S.;Ph.D.;Esq.;CSW;J.D.;MSW;LMSW;LCSW;Ed.D.
* Title mandatory; alphanumeric field;
* E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must be valid email
* Confirm E-mail Address mandatory; alphanumeric field; must match previous field exactly
* Phone Number mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Extension non-mandatory; numeric field only
Fax Number non-mandatory; numeric field; 10 or 11 numbers only
Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status is required with the submission of this application. Note at the bottom of the form

Part 3 - Project Information
Form: 3A. Project Detail
1. Expiring Grant Number:
(e.g., the "Federal Award Identifier" indicated on form 1A. Application Type)
non-mandatory; alphanumeric text entry field
* 2a. CoC Number and Name: mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission. Include 'No CoC' as first option.
* 2b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
3. Project Name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
* 4. Project status:
(**Form is auto populated. Change only if appealing a CoC rejection**)
Mandatory; dropdown with options = Standard, Appeal; default = Standard. If Appeal is selected, auto-save and display red warning message, "You have selected "Appeal" and therefore are designating this application as an appeal to the CoC's decision to not fund this project. To proceed, you must fill out an additional form, Part 9 - Notice of Intent to Appeal, and submit the details of your appeal to be considered for funding. If you are filling out this application for the first time, or are otherwise not intending to appeal a rejection, please select "Standard.""

If Appeal is selected, Part 9 below is visible; Autosave is important. Warning message must be red and prominent.
* 5. Component Type: mandatory; dropdown with options: PH, SH, TH, SSO, HMIS
* 6. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the proposed properties? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable
* 7. Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process? mandatory; dropdown with options: Yes, No, Not applicable

Form: 3B. Description
* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project . mandatory; alphanumeric field

Part 4 - Hsg, Srvs, and HMIS
Form: 4A. Supportive Services for Participants visible for nonHMIS component projects
* 1. Are the proposed project policies and practices consistent with the laws related to providing education services to individuals and families? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 2. Does the proposed project have a designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS
* 3. Describe the reason(s) for non-compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. mandatory and visible if "No" to questions #1 or #2; alphanumeric text field; nonHMIS

Form: 4B. Housing Type and Location The following list summarizes each housing site in the project.  To add a housing site to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a housing site already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Units: readonly; sum units from all detail subformlets
Total Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Total CH Beds: readonly; sum beds from all detail subformlets
Housing Type, Units, Beds, CH Beds readonly; list populates with the units, beds, and CH beds for each detail subformlet

Subform: 4B. Housing Type and Location Detail
* 1. Housing Type: mandatory; nonHMIS and nonSSO; dropdown options with:
Dormitory, shared or private rooms
Shared housing,
Single Room Occupancy (SRO) units
Clustered apartments
Scattered-site apartments (including efficiencies)
Single family homes/townhouses/duplexes
2. Indicate the maximum number of units and beds available for project participants at the selected housing site.
* a. Units: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* b. Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* c. CH Beds: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field; CH Beds total must be equal to or less than Beds
3. Address:

* Street 1: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
Street 2: nonmandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; dropdown with state selection from last year.
* Zip/Postal Code: mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; numeric field
* 4. Select the geographic area(s) associated with the address.
(for multiple selections hold CTRL Key)
mandatory; nonHMIS and NonSSO; many-to-many with available options = to 2012 geo areas (as provided by Yelena)
Form: 4C. HMIS Participation
* 1. Does this project provide client level data to HMIS at least annually?
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No
If "Yes" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the number of clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011 Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if Yes to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field; number of clients cannot exceed 90,000,000,000,000,000.
If "No" to #1

* 2a. Indicate the reason for non-participation in the HMIS.
Click on the "Save" button below to enter additional information.
Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  Multi-select with Available and Selected Items interface. Available Items are:
Federal Law prohibits
State Law prohibits
New project not yet operational
* 2b. Of the clients served from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2011, indicate the number reported in the HMIS. Visible and mandatory if No to question #1;  numeric (no decimal) field
3. Indicate in the grid below the percentage of HMIS client records with 'null or missing values' or 'unknown values.' Please add a value for each cell below. If there are no values to report for a cell, please enter "0". Visible and mandatory if "Yes" is selected in question #1

3 columns:
Data Quality (labels)
Null or Missing Values (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100
Don't Know or Refused (%) - numeric data entry; value <= 100

Data Quality label categories are as follows:
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Veteran Status
Disabling Condition
Residence Prior to Prog. Entry
Zip Code of Last Permanent Address

Part 5 - Participants and Outreach
Form: 5A. Project Participants - Households
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (equal to or greater than 1);Formlet visible for nonHMIS component projects

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom
Form: 5B. Project Participants - Subpopulations
Total Households and Household characteristics grid must include at least one entry (ie, entry can be equal to 0)

Click Save to automatically calculate totals Label at bottom

Form: 5C. Outreach
1. Enter the percentage of homeless person(s) who will be served by the proposed project for each of the following locations.
Directly from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from emergency shelters mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Directly from safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
From transitional housing and previously resided in a place not meant for human habitation or emergency shelters, or safe havens. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons at imminent risk of losing their night time residence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Homeless persons as defined under other federal statutes. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Persons fleeing domestic violence. mandatory; numeric field; max 3 digits
Total of above percentages readonly; sum of all percentage; error message if sum is more than 100%
* 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s) and how the persons meet HUD's definition of homeless and/or homeless under other federal statutes. mandatory if total of above percentages does not equal 100%, nonHMIS; alphanumeric field
(*) 3. Describe the outreach plan to bring these homeless participants into the project. (non-)mandatory; alphanumeric field

Form: 5D. Discharge Policy visible if applicant organization is a government agency
* 1. Has the state or local government developed or implemented a discharge planning policy or protocol to prevent or reduce the number of persons discharged from publicly-funded institutions (e.g. health care facilities, foster care, correctional facilities, or mental health institutions) into homelessness or HUD McKinney-Vento funded programs? mandatory, dropdown = Yes, No, Not applicable; nonHMIS

Part 6 - Performance Measures
Form: 6A. Standard visible for nonHMIS/Prevention component projects
* 1. Specify the universe and target for the housing and income measures.
Click 'Save' to calculate the target percent (%).

Housing Measure a. Persons remaining in the Safe Haven program as of the end of the operating
year or exiting to permanent housing (subsidized or unsubsidized)
during the operating year.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
Income Measure a. Persons age 18 and older who maintained or increased their total income
(from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit.
Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number

Form: 6B. Additional Performance Measures Specify up to three additional measures on which the project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR).
[Parent Form List]

[Parent Form Header]

* 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure.
a. Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
b. Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
c. Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
d. Target (%) readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

Part 7 - Budget Information
Form: Funding Request
* 1. Is there an active restrictive covenant on one or more of the project properties? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
* 2. Was the original project awarded funding (in part or whole) under a special housing initiative? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
* 3. Are the requested renewal funds reduced from the previous award using reallocation? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No;
4. Select a grant term: Read-only, auto populated with 1 year; cannot change
5. Select the costs for which funding is being requested: label
Leased Units checkbox; selection triggers Leased Units budget form
Leased Structures checkbox; selection triggers Leased Structures budget form
Supportive Services checkbox; selection triggers Supportive Services budget form
Operations checkbox; selection triggers Operations budget form
HMIS checkbox; selection triggers HMIS budget form

Form: Leased Units budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more units leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased units budget detail times the grant term
Total Units: sums total units from each leased units budget detail
Subform: Leased Units Budget Detail Enter the appropriate values in the "Number of Units" and "HUD Paid Rent" fields, before clicking on the "Save" button to auto-populate the "Number of Months" and "Total Rent" columns.
* Metropolitan or non-metropolitan fair market rent area: mandatory; dropdown with FMR areas that are in effect at the time of application

Number of units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
0 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
1 bedroom

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
2 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
3 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
4 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
5 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
6 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
7 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
8 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
9 Bedrooms

Number of Units (Applicant) nonmandatory, numeric value
FMR (Applicant) readonly field; populated with current FMR amount for the unit size
HUD Paid Rent (Applicant) nonmandatory, dollar (no cents) field; maximum value = dollar value in FMR field
12 months readonly field; populated with 12 (months)
Total Request (Applicant) readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiples number of units times FMR amount (or HUD paid rent) times grant term
Total units and annual assistance requested readonly field; sums total number of units for all bedroom sizes and in a separate field (under the total column) sum $ total for each bedroom size
Grant term readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total request for grant term readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums total request for all bedroom sizes
TEXT Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals
Form: Leased Structures Budget budget visible if selected on funding request form
The following list summarizes the funds being requested for one or more structures leased for operating the projects.  To add information to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update information already listed, select the [view] icon. label
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly; sums total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail
Grant Term: readonly; populated from funding request form.
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly; calculates total annual assistance $ from all leased structures budget detail times the grant term
Total Structures: readonly; sums number of structures
Subform: Leased Structures Budget Detail

* Structure Name: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* Street Address 1: mandatory; alphanumeric field
Street Address 2: nonmandatory; alphanumeric field
* City: mandatory; alphanumeric field
* State: mandatory; dropdown with States and US territories
* Zip Code: mandatory; numeric field
* HUD Paid Rent (per month): mandatory; dollar value (no decimals); must be > $0 to submit the form
12 months readonly field; populated with selected grant term (in months)
Total annual request: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times 12 months
Grant term readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total request for grant term: readonly field; multiplies HUD paid rent amount times selected grant term (in years)
TEXT "Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate the Total Assistance Requested."

Form: Supportive Services budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Assessment of Service Needs

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Assistance with Moving Costs
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Case Management
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Child Care
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Education Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Employment Assistance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Food
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. Housing/Counseling Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
9. Legal Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
10. Life Skills
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
11. Mental Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
12. Outpatient Health Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
13. Outreach Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
15. Transportation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
16. Utility Deposits
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Operating budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Maintenance/Repair
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Property Taxes and Insurance
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Replacement Reserve

Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Building Security
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Electricity, Gas, and Water
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Furniture
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Equipment (lease, buy)
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: HMIS budget visible if selected on funding request form
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
1. Equipment
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Software
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Services
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Personnel
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. Space & Operations
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Annual Assistance Requested: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; sums annual budget request indicated
Grant Term: readonly field, populated with Renewal default of 1 Year
Total Request for Grant Term: readonly, dollar value (no cents) field; multiplies total annual assistance times selected grant term (in years)

Form: Summary Budget The following information summarizes the funding request for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of cash and in-kind match and administrative costs must be entered in the available fields below.​
Eligible Costs readonly; $ populated from subbudgets
Annual Assistance Requested (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
Total Assistance Requested for Grant Term (Applicant) readonly; $ populated from subbudgets (1-7)
8. Sub-total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
9. Admin (up to 10%) Numeric field; alert (and submission condition) to prevent user from submitting with an Admin $ that exceeds 10% of "Sub-total Costs Requested".  Message reads: "The maximum allowable Admin amount is [calculated 10%]" (in whole dollars). Round up if decimal is .5 or more, otherwise round down)​
10. Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested readonly; numeric field
11. Cash Match numeric field
12. In Kind Match numeric field
13. Total Match readonly; numeric field; There should be an alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement.  Alert calculation  = 25 % of "Total Assistance Plus Admin Requested" MINUS "Leased Units" and "Leased Structures". 
14. Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* 1. Type of Commitment: mandatory field; dropdown with: cash, in kind
* 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: mandatory field; alphanumeric field
* 3. Type of Source: mandatory field; dropdown with: Government, Private
4. Date of Written Commitment: non-mandatory field; calendar field
* 5. Value of Written Commitment: mandatory field; dollar value, no cents

Part 8 - Attachments and Certification

Form: 8A. Attachments

[document attachment 1] Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 3] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
CoC Rejection Letter allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx; visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A; mandatory only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation, 2)Other Attachment(s), or 3) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation: Documentation of the subrecipient's nonprofit status must be attached in e-snaps, if the applicant and subrecipient are different entities, and the subrecipient is a nonprofit organization; visible only for 1) Subrecipient Nonprofit Documentation; for Other... display text: Attachment any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.
Subform: CoC Rejection Letter visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text CoC Rejection Letter
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats zip, xls, xlsx, pdf, mpp, rtf, txt, jpg, xlsm, zipx, doc, docx, ZIP*
Instructions Multiple files may be attached as a single .zip file. For instructions on how to use .zip files, a reference document is available on the e-snaps training site:

Form: 8B. Applicant Certification

Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: readonly; populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 9 - Summary
Form: 9A Notice of Intent to Appeal Visible only if selected "Appeal" on Form 3A
* 1. Check the following box to certify this form as your Notice of Intent to Appeal mandatory; checkbox, selection allows submission of application in e-snaps
* 2. Was this project application first rejected by the CoC and then submitted OR submitted completely independently of the CoC's process? mandatory; drop down Rejected, Independent,Default to Rejected
* 3. Was the project application submitted within the CoC's established submission deadline? mandatory; drop down yes or no
* 4. Describe the reason(s) provided by the CoC explaining their rejection of the project. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Rejected" only
* 4. Describe the reason(s) why the application was not submitted with the CoC's consolidated application. mandatory; alphanumeric text box; visible if selected "Independent" only
* 5. Describe how the CoC has not permitted reasonable participation in its process. mandatory; alphanumeric text box

Form 9B: Submission Summary

<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

Sheet 12: Planning

FY2012 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program: Project Applications in esnaps

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the forms and questions that project applicants must complete in its application submission.

Applicant Submission for Funding

Part 2 - Project Information
Form: 2A. Project Detail

1a. CoC Number and Name mandatory; dropdown with options = CoC number and name, as identified in the CoC's registration submission.
1b. CoC Applicant Name: mandatory; dropdown list dependent on selection of CoC Number and Name above; populated with associated CoC applicant names from registration
2. Project name: readonly; populated with 2012 project name
3. Component type: "CoC Planning Project Application" populated and set to readonly

Form: 2B. Project Description

* 1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 2. Describe the estimated schedule for the proposed activities, the management plan, and the method for assuring effective and timely completion of all work. mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 3. How will the requested funds improve the CoC's ability to evaluate the outcome of CoC and ESG projects? mandatory; alphanumeric field
* 4. How will the planning activities continue beyond the expiration of HUD financial assistance? mandatory; alphanumeric field

Part 3 - Budget
Form: 3A. Funding Request

* 1. Is it feasible for the project to be under grant agreement by September 30, 2014? mandatory; dropdown with Yes, No
2. Select a grant term: mandatory; dropdown with 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years 5 years(automatically 1 year for renewals)
* A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget. label
Eligible Costs

Eligible Costs
1. Coordination Activities
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
2. Project Evaluation
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
3. Project Monitoring Activities
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
4. Participation in the Consolidated Plan
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
5. CoC Application Activities
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
6. Determining Geographical Area to Be Served by the CoC
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
7. Developing a CoC System
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
8. HUD Compliance Activities
Quantity Description (max 400 characters) nonmandatory (mandatory if amount entered for Annual Assistance Requested); alphanumeric text
Annual Assistance Requested nonmandatory; dollar value (no cents); default is blank
Total Costs Requested readonly; numeric field; sum total requested for grant term $ from each subbudget =
Cash Match numeric field
In Kind Match numeric field
Total Match readonly; numeric field; alert to make the user aware of the Total Match requirement. Alert calculation = 25 % of "Total Costs Requested".
Total Budget readonly; numeric field
Click the "Save" button to automatically calculate totals.

Form: Sources of Leverage The following list summarizes the funds that will be used as leverage for
the project.  To add a leveraging source to the list, select the [+] icon.  To view or update a leveraging source already listed, select the [view] icon.
Total Value of Cash Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash commitments
Total Value of In-Kind Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all in-kind commitments
Total Value of All Commitments readonly; sum $ amount from all cash and in-kind commitments
Subform: Leverage Detail
* Type of Commitments: dropdown with: cash, in kind
* Name the Source of the Commitment: alphanumeric field
* Type of Source: dropdown with: Government, Private
* Date of Written Commitment: calendar field
* Value of Written Commitment: dollar value, no cents

The questions in Part 1 mirror the questions in the SF 424, as approved by OMB Part 5 - Performance Measures Specifiy at least one measure, and up to three additional measures, on which the project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report.
Form: 5A. Measure
1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure. label
a. Proposed Measure mandatory, alphanumeric field
b. Universe (#) mandatory, numeric value
c. Target (#) mandatory, numeric value
d. Target (%)
readonly; calculate percentage = target number divided by universal number
* 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results mandatory, alphanumeric field
* 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program mandatory, alphanumeric field

The questions in Part 1 mirror the questions in the SF 424, as approved by OMB Part 6 - Attachments and Certification
Form: 6A. Attachment

[document attachment 1] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
[document attachment 2] Other Attachment(s) allowable attachment formats: txt, doc, docx, pdf, wpd, xls, xlsx, rtf, zip, ZIP, zipx
Subform: Attachment Details
Document Description mandatory; alphanumeric text box
File Name mandatory; "Choose File" link to explorer file selection; displays file name after selection
Document Type display text 1)Other Attachment(s), or 2) Other Attachment(s); dependent on previous form selection
Maximum Size 2 MB
Allowable formats txt, doc, zipx, docx, ZIP*, pdf, wpd, zip, xls, xlsx, rtf
Instructions display text : for Other... display text: Attach any additional documentation supporting the project application. To attach multiple documents, zip them into a single file.

Form: 6B. Certification

D. Explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant shall provide an explanation. nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
Name of authorized certifying official: readonly; populated with full name of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Date: populated with current date
Title: readonly; populated with title of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
Applicant organization: readonly; populated with applicant organization of authorized representative from applicant's e-snaps profile
PHA number (for PHA applicants only): nonmandatory, alphanumeric field
* I certify that I have been duly authorized by the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I am aware that any false, ficticious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). mandatory checkbox, selection allow submission of application in e-snaps

Part 7 - Summary
Form: Submission Summary
<List and completion status of each form> response option: n/a, system generated form listing and status
Applicant must click the submit button once all forms have a status of complete response option: submit button

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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