Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS):(CMS Number CMS-P-0015A)

Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS)


Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS):(CMS Number CMS-P-0015A)

OMB: 0938-0568

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R55 General Specifications for Blaise/WVS
Version 07.01.0001

* Specifications still in progress. Need to complete overview for each section.

ENS = Enumeration Summary

The purpose of ENS is to determine who lives in the household in the current round.

Database segments:

New household persons are first added/selected from the Person Roster. If the person is added to the Person Roster,
a new ROST is generated and the person’s name and relationship to SP is collected and stored on ROST.

ENUM Is generated the first round a person is reported as living in the household. An ENUM is
also generated each additional round that the person lives in the household, including the
round the person is reported as no longer living in the household.
Setting up ENS:
A current round ENUM is automatically generated at the beginning of ENS for the SP (if not already generated in
A current round ENUM is automatically generated at the beginning of ENS for the Proxy, if it’s a proxy interview
and the proxy reported living in the household in Introduction.
A current round ENUM is automatically generated at the beginning of ENS for all person’s who lived in the
Household at the time of the previous round interview.
Additional ENUM records are generated each time a person is selected as living in the household. Immediately
after the person is selected from the Person Roster, a current round ENUM is generated for this person and any data
already stored on the person’s ROST record (name, relationship to SP, date of birth, and/or gender) is copied to the
ENUM record.
HRND Stores who owns/rents home.
HOME Stores SP’s military status. Since HOME is not a round specific record, each time the SP’s military status is
collected, the variables on HOME will be overwritten.

Section overview:
At the beginning of ENS, we check for persons who lived in the Household at the time of the previous round. We
verify whether or not each person still lives in the Household in the current round. If a person no longer lives in the
household, we collect the reason.
Next, we probe for any new person living in the household in the current round.
Once all household members have been identified for the current round, ENS collects the person’s gender, date of
birth and age for all persons who are new to the household in the current round. Gender is either calculated, based
on the person’s relationship to SP, or is collected. Age is either calculated, based on the person’s date of birth, or is
If a person lived in the household in the previous round and part of their date of birth = DK or RF, we probe for
updated information. We only probe for updated information one time.
If SP is in the Supplemental Sample or is returning from a Facility stay, we ask who owns/rents the SP’s home.
If SP is in the Supplemental Sample only, we ask whether or not the SP ever worked since the 1st of the year.

If it is a Fall Round and SP is alive and not institutionalized, we ask the SP’s current job status.
Each time a new person is added to the household, we ask the person’s job status. In addition, we update the
person’s job status each Fall round.
If SP is in the Supplemental Sample or has been in a Facility since their 1st round and this is their first community
interview, we collects SP’s military status.


Section Overview:
DU collects data regarding all dental visits the SP had during the current round. DU probes for dental visits
by provider. DU first prompts for the provider, then prompts for all dates that the SP went to see this
provider in the current round. DU loops through event detail questions for each date added. The last
question in DU probes for additional dental visits to this or any other provider.


Provider Roster

Collects providers.

Event Roster Begin Date RV

Collects all dental visit dates per Provider in the current round.
Collects only 1 date per visit, stored in the Event Begin Date.
Events can be entered as a Repeat Visit.

Prescription Medicine

Collects names of prescription medicines prescribed for SP at
dental visit.




Provider Roster – Single Select
Provider Detail
Event Detail *** collected prior to Event roster. Apply to all events selected at roster.
Nested Event Roster Begin Date RV – Multi-Select
Event Detail
Nested Prescription Medicine Roster - Multi-Select
Link all PM events to Dental Visit event.

Database segments:
EVNT The Event Roster Begin Date RV collects all dental visits the SP had during the current round, allowing events to be
entered as a Repeat Visit. When a dental visit is added to the roster, a new EVNT is generated and details about the
event are collected and stored on EVNT.
The Prescription Medicine roster collects all medicines the SP was prescribed during the current round. When a
prescription medicine is added to the Prescription Medicine roster, a new EVNT is generated and the name of the
medicine is stored on EVNT. Medicines are only stored once on EVNT. Each round a prescription medicine is
filled by the SP, a new PMRO record is generated to collect the round specific data. See PMRO details below.
PMRO When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the current round, a current round PMRO is generated for
the PM event and round specific data are stored on a current round PMRO. The PMRO is linked to the PM EVNT.
XMED When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at a Dr. visit in the current round, the EVNT for the prescription
medicine is linked to the EVNT for the Dr. visit.
HRND Stores probe for current round dental visits.

Section Overview:
ER collects data regarding all Emergency Room visits the SP had during the current round. ER probes for
Emergency Room visits by provider. ER first prompts for the provider, then prompts for all visits to this
provider in the current round. ER loops through event detail questions for each visit added. The last
question in ER probes for additional visits to this or any other provider.
ER visits that are flagged as “admitted to a hospital” will come up again as an Inpatient Hospital stay in IP.


Provider Roster

Collects providers.

Event Roster B

Collects all dates that the SP went to specific hospital.
Collects only 1 date per visit.
Does not allow Repeat Visits

Condition Roster

Collects names of condition(s) as reasons why SP went to Emergency Room.

Prescription Medicine

Collects names of prescription medicines prescribed for SP at
Emergency Room.




Provider Roster – Single Select
Provider Detail
Event Detail *** collected prior to Event roster. Apply to all events selected at roster.
Nested Event Roster B – Multi-Select
Event Detail
Nested Condition Roster – Mulit-Select
Link all conditions to ER event.
Nested Prescription Medicine Roster - Multi-Select
Link all PM events to ER event.

Database segments:
EVNT The Event Roster B collects all Emergency Room visits the SP had during the current round. When a Emergency
Room visit is added to the Event Roster B, a new EVNT is generated and details about the event are collected and
stored on EVNT.
The Prescription Medicine roster collects all medicines the SP was prescribed during the current round. When a
prescription medicine is added to the Prescription Medicine roster, a new EVNT is generated and the name of the
medicine is stored on EVNT. Medicines are only stored once on EVNT. Each round a prescription medicine is
filled by the SP, a new PMRO record is generated to collect the round specific data. See PMRO details below.
PMRO When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the current round, a current round PMRO is generated for
the PM event and round specific data are stored on a current round PMRO. The PMRO is linked to the PM EVNT.
XMED When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at an ER visit in the current round, the EVNT for the
prescription medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the ER visit.
COND The Condition Roster collects the names of the conditions that were the reason why SP went to the Emergency
Room. When a new condition is added, a new COND is generated and the name of the condition is stored on
COND. Each COND is linked to the ER event

XCON When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at an ER visit in the current round, the EVNT for the
prescription medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the ER visit.
HRND Stores probe for current round Emergency Room visits.
Round number
Respondent # , always set to “01”.

Section Overview:
IP collects data regarding all Inpatient Hospital stays the SP had during the current round.
There are 3 categories of IP stays that get asked about in the following order:
Type 1) IP stay from the previous round where the SP was reported as “still in the hospital” at the time of
the previous round interview. IP probes for the discharge date for this type of IP stay first. If SP is “still in
this hospital” in the current round, IP does not probe for additional IP stays. If the SP has been discharged,
event details are collected for the IP stay. Once complete, IP asks about the next type of IP stays, one that
resulted from a current round ER visit.
Type 2) IP stay that resulted from a current round ER visit. If an ER visit is reported in the ER section
where the SP was admitted to the hospital from the ER, IP will probe for the discharge date of this/these
event(s) next. There can be more than one ER to IP stay entered in the ER section. If the SP has been
discharged, event details are collected for the IP stay. IP continues to probe for all ER to IP discharge
dates, regardless if the SP is reported as “still in the hospital”. Once all of the ER to IP stays is asked
about, IP probes for the third type of IP stay, new IP stays added in IP section.
Type 3) A new IP stay entered in IP section. IP probes for Inpatient Hospital stays by provider (Hospital).
IP first prompts for the provider, then prompts for the admission and discharge date. Note: Event dates are
not collected in a roster. If the SP is still in the hospital, a discharge date is not collected. If the SP has
been discharged, event details are collected for the IP stay.
The last question in IP probes for additional visits to this or any other provider.


Provider Roster

Collects providers.

Condition Roster

Collects names of condition(s) as reasons why SP was admitted to hospital.

Prescription Medicine

Collects names of prescription medicines prescribed for SP at




Provider Roster – Single Select
Provider Detail
Event Detail *** collected prior to collecting Event date. Apply to event entered.
Event Date – collect Admission Date and Discharge Date/Flag SP as still in hospital. Collected
directly into date fields – not a Roster.
*NOTE: Only IP events with a discharge date will receive the following EVENT detail questions.
Event Detail - Operations
Nested Condition Roster – Mulit-Select
Link all conditions to IP event.
Event Detail
Nested Prescription Medicine Roster - Multi-Select
Link all PM events to IP event.

Database segments:
PROV Home Health providers are stored on PROV. A Home Health provider can be a person or the name of an

EVNT A new IP event is generated for:
1) Each ER to IP stay entered in the ER section.
2) Each new IP stay added in the IP section.
The Prescription Medicine roster collects all medicines the SP was prescribed during the current round. When a
prescription medicine is added to the Prescription Medicine roster, a new EVNT is generated and the name of the
medicine is stored on EVNT. Medicines are only stored once on EVNT. Each round a prescription medicine is
filled by the SP, a new PMRO record is generated to collect the round specific data. See PMRO details below.
PMRO When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the current round, a current round PMRO is generated for
the PM event and round specific data are stored on a current round PMRO. The PMRO is linked to the PM EVNT.
XMED When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at an IP visit in the current round, the EVNT for the prescription
medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the IP stay.
COND The Condition Roster collects the names of the conditions that were the reason why SP was admitted to hospital.
When a new condition is added, a new COND is generated and the name of the condition is stored on COND. Each
COND is linked to the IP event
XCON When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the IP stay in the current round, the EVNT for the
prescription medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the IP stay.
SURG IP probes for any operations performed while the SP was in the hospital. IP collects one to three operations. The
operations are initially collected into temporary fields, SURGERY1, SURGERY2, SURGERY3. The names of the
operations are stored on a single record on the SURG segment and each SURG record is linked to the IP event.
HRND Stores probe for current round Inpatient Hospital stays.

Section Overview:
OP collects data regarding all Outpatient Hospital visits the SP had during the current round. OP probes for
Outpatient Hospital visits by provider. OP first prompts for the provider, then prompts for all visits to this
provider in the current round. OP loops through event detail questions for each visit added. The last
question in OP probes for additional visits to this or any other provider.


Provider Roster

Collects providers.

Event Roster Begin Date RV

Collects all Outpatient Hospital visit dates per Provider in the current round.
Collects 1 date per visit, stored in the Event Begin Month, Day and Year.
Events can be entered as a Repeat Visit.

Condition Roster

Collects names of condition(s) as reasons why SP went to Outpatient Hospital.

Prescription Medicine

Collects names of prescription medicines prescribed for SP at
Outpatient Hospital visit.




Provider Roster – Single Select
Provider Detail
Event Pre-Roster Detail *** collected prior to Event roster. Apply to all events selected at roster.
Nested Event Roster Begin Date RV – Multi-Select
Event Detail - Operations
Event Detail - Nested Condition Roster – Mulit-Select
Link all conditions to OP event.
Event Detail - Nested Prescription Medicine Roster - Multi-Select
Link all PM events to OP event.

Database segments:
EVNT The Event Roster Begin Date RV collects all Outpatient Hospital visits the SP had during the current round,
allowing events to be entered as a Repeat Visit. When an Outpatient Hospital visit is added to the roster, a new
EVNT is generated and details about the event are collected and stored on EVNT.
The Prescription Medicine roster collects all medicines the SP was prescribed during the current round. When a
prescription medicine is added to the Prescription Medicine roster, a new EVNT is generated and the name of the
medicine is stored on EVNT. Medicines are only stored once on EVNT. Each round a prescription medicine is
filled by the SP, a new PMRO record is generated to collect the round specific data. See PMRO details below.
PMRO When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the current round, a current round PMRO is generated for
the PM event and round specific data are stored on a current round PMRO. The PMRO is linked to the PM EVNT.
XMED When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at an OP visit in the current round, the EVNT for the
prescription medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the OP visit.
COND The Condition Roster collects the names of the conditions that were the reason why SP went to the Outpatient
Hospital. When a new condition is added, a new COND is generated and the name of the condition is stored on
COND. Each COND is linked to the OP event

XCON When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at an OP visit in the current round, the EVNT for the
prescription medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the OP visit.
SURG OP probes for any operations performed while the SP was at the Outpatient Hospital. OP collects at least one and
up to three operations. The operations are initially collected into temporary fields, SURGERY1, SURGERY2,
SURGERY3. The names of the operations are stored on separate records on the SURG segment and each SURG
record is linked to the OP event.
HRND Stores probe for current round Outpatient Hospital visits.

Section Overview:
IU collects data regarding all Institutional stays the SP had during the current round. If the SP is currently
in the community, but was admitted and discharged to a facility/institution since the previous round
interview date, we collect the institutional stay as an embedded facility stay instead of crossing the SP to
the facility and collecting the facility interview.
IU probes for Institutional stays by provider. IU first prompts for the provider, then prompts for the
admission and discharge dates for this provider in the current round. We do not collect additional event
details for this stay. The last question in IU probes for additional institutional stays to this or any other


Provider Roster




Provider Roster – Single Select
Provider Detail
Event Admission and Discharge dates – single event, not collected in a roster.

Collects providers.

Database segments:
EVNT Institutional admission and discharge dates are stored on EVNT.
HRND Stores probe for current round Institutional stays.

Section Overview:
HHS reviews the previous round data to determine if the SP received home health care in the previous
round. HHS organizes the previous round home health visits into 2 categories:
1) Home Health professionals – EVNT.EVNTTYPE=HP
2) Home Health friends or relatives – EVNT.EVNTTYPE=HF
HHS has 2 loops. The first loop probes for Home Health Professionals from the previous round. The
second loop probes for Home Health friends/relatives from the previous round.
If the SP reports that the Home Health provider is still providing home health care in the current round,
HHS is routed to HH to collect current round HH details.







Database segments:
PROV In HHS, there is already a PROV for any Providers linked to Home Health events from the previous round.
There may be updates made to these Providers in the current round. A Home Health provider can be a
person or the name of an organization.
EVNT In HHS, there is already an EVNT for any Home Health event from the previous round. Although most
Home Health event details are stored on HERO, there may be updates to the Event provider questions that
are stored on EVNT.
HERO A current round HERO is generated automatically for each Home Health event from the previous round.
Just the existence of the HERO does not indicate that the provider actually visited the SP during that round.
In Home Health Summary, we ask the SP if any Home Health providers from the previous round are still visiting the
SP during the current round. The response to that probe is stored on the current round HERO. If the response=NO,
DK, RF, or HH EVENT ENTERED IN ERROR, we do not collect event details. Therefore, this would not be a
current round Home Health visit although there would be a current round HERO.

Section Overview:
HH collects data regarding all Home Health Care visits the SP had during the current round. HH probes for
Home Health visits by provider. There are two major probes for Home Health providers. HH1 probes for
professional Home Health providers. HH18 probes for other persons who provided Home Health care,
most likely a friend or relative. These two probes make up the 2 major loops in HH that share most of the
provider/event detail questions.
When probing for the Home Health provider, the SP will sometimes report a person who came to see them
from a Home Health Organization. Although we initially collect that person as a Provider, we also probe
whether or not that person works for an organization. If the response is Yes, we present another Provider
roster where we collect the Organization name. In this scenario, the name of the first Provider selected will
be copied to the Provider record for the Organization and we will proceed to reference the Home Health
Provider by the name of the Organization.
Unlike most other utilization sections, we do not collect event dates for Home Health visits. Instead, we
collect number of visits. Because we are not collect event dates, the Home Health EVNT record is
generated at the time when the Provider name is determined.
Once the Provider has been identified and the EVNT level records have been generated, HH collects Provider
details, followed by event details. In some cases, the Provider details have been captured in an earlier round. In this
scenario, we will display the most recent response and allow the response to be updated in the current round.
[NOTE: This type of data update will need to be logged either in TRNS or during data transformation.]


Provider Roster




Provider Roster – Single Select
Provider Detail
Event Detail – not collected in a roster.

Collects providers.

Database segments:
PROV Home Health providers are stored on PROV. A Home Health provider can be a person or the name of an
EVNT Home Health visits during the current round are stored on EVNT. Since the SP’s often have repeating
Home Health events from the same provider for more than one round, we first look for an existing Home
Health EVNT linked to the Provider selected. If it exists, we generate a round specific HERO record for
this existing EVNT and we store the Home Health event details on this HERO. If an existing Home Health
event does not exist for this Provider, a new EVNT, HEAL and HERO is generated.
HERO Each round the SP is asked about a Home Health provider, a round specific HERO is generated.
Just the existence of the HERO does not indicate that the provider actually visited the SP during that round.
In Home Health Summary, we ask the SP if any Home Health providers from the previous round are still visiting the
SP during the current round. The response to that probe is stored on the current round HERO. If the response=NO,
DK, RF, we do not collect event details. Therefore, this would not be a current round Home Health visit although
there would be a current round HERO.
HRND Stores probe for current round Home Health visits.

Section Overview:
MP collects data regarding all Medical Provider visits the SP had during the current round. MP probes for
Medical Provider visits by provider. MP first prompts for the provider, then prompts for all visits to this
provider in the current round. MP loops through event detail questions for each visit added.
MP has 6 probes for different types of Medical providers:
Medical Doctor
Health Practitioner
Mental Health Practitioner
Other Medical Person
Other Medical Place
Each probe initiates another instance of the main Provider loop. Each loop ends in another probe for
additional visits to this or any other provider of the same Provider type.
If the MP visit entered at MP6 is with a Medical Doctor and the visit was during a hospital stay, the MP
event is changed to a Separately Billing Doctor event and no event details are collected.


Provider Roster

Collects providers.

Event Roster Begin Date RV

Collects all Medical Provider visit dates per Provider in the current round.
Collects 1 date per visit, stored in the Event Begin Month, Day and Year.
Events can be entered as a Repeat Visit.

Condition Roster

Collects names of condition(s) as reasons why SP went to Medical Provider.

Prescription Medicine

Collects names of prescription medicines prescribed for SP at
Medical Provider visit.




Provider Roster – Single Select
Provider Detail
Event Pre-Roster Detail *** collected prior to Event roster. Apply to all events selected at roster.
Nested Event Roster Begin Date RV – Multi-Select
Event Detail - Operations
Event Detail - Nested Condition Roster – Mulit-Select
Link all conditions to MP event.
Event Detail - Nested Prescription Medicine Roster - Multi-Select
Link all PM events to MP event.

Database segments:
PROV Home Health providers are stored on PROV. A Home Health provider can be a person or the name of an
EVNT The Event Roster Begin Date RV collects all Medical Provider visits the SP had during the current round, allowing
events to be entered as a Repeat Visit. When a Medical Provider visit is added to the roster, a new EVNT is
generated and details about the event are collected and stored on EVNT.

The Prescription Medicine roster collects all medicines the SP was prescribed during the current round. When a
prescription medicine is added to the Prescription Medicine roster, a new EVNT is generated and the name of the
medicine is stored on EVNT. Medicines are only stored once on EVNT. Each round a prescription medicine is
filled by the SP, a new PMRO record is generated to collect the round specific data. See PMRO details below.
PMRO When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the current round, a current round PMRO is generated for
the PM event and round specific data are stored on a current round PMRO. The PMRO is linked to the PM EVNT.
XMED When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at an MP visit in the current round, the EVNT for the
prescription medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the MP visit.
COND The Condition Roster collects the names of the conditions that were the reason why SP went to the Medical
Provider. When a new condition is added, a new COND is generated and the name of the condition is stored on
COND. Each COND is linked to the MP event
XCON When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled at an MP visit in the current round, the EVNT for the
prescription medicine that was prescribed is linked to the EVNT for the MP visit.
SURG MP probes for any Operations performed while the SP was visiting the Medical Provider. MP collects at least one
and up to three Operations. The Operations are initially collected into temporary fields, SURGERY1, SURGERY2,
SURGERY3. The names of the Operations are stored on separate records on the SURG segment and each SURG
record is linked to the MP event.
HRND Stores probe for current round Medical Provider visits.

Section Overview:
PMS allows the respondent to update PM data that was collected in the previous round. All event details collected
in PMS are stored/updated on previous round PMRO records. PM details are only collected for medicines where the
number of purchases is > 0 or DK, RF.


Prescription Medicine Roster
Condition Roster

Collects Prescription Medicine names
Collects Conditions linked to Prescription Medicine


Number of Purchases

Collects number of purchases for Prescription Medicines



Loop 1
Update Screen
Displays PMs from previous round.
Allows interviewer to Add, Edit, or Delete PMs from the previous round.

PMS2 Roster –
Loop 2
Allows PMs to be added
PMS6A Grid
Collect number of purchases for all PMs entered for previous round.
Generate list of PMs just displayed at GRID that has number of purchases > 0, DK or RF.
Collect PM event details for only these PMs.
Loop 3
PM through V.A.?
Repeat for each PM.
Loop 4
PM through HMO?
Repeat for each PM.
Loop 5
PM Form
PM Strength
PM Amount
Repeat for each PM, then return to PMSINTRB
PMS3 Roster –
Loop 6
Allow PM names to be edited
Returns to PMSINTRB
PMS4 Roster –
Loop 7
PMs selected are flagged to be deleted
Returns to PMSINTRB

Database segments:
EVNT Prescription Medicine names are stored on EVNT. Since the SP often has ongoing purchases of the same
PM, we collect round specific purchase details on a current round PMRO record linked to this EVNT.

PMRO When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the current round, a current round PMRO is generated for
the PM event and round specific data are stored on a current round PMRO. The PMRO is linked to the PM EVNT.
COND The Condition Roster collects the names of the conditions that were associated with the purchase of the prescription
medicine. When a new condition is added, a new COND is generated and the name of the condition is stored on
COND. Each COND is linked to the PM event on XCON.
XCON This condition is linked to the prescription medicine on XCON.

Section Overview:
PM collects data regarding Medicines that were prescribed to the SP during the current round. PM details are only
collected for medicines where the number of purchases is > 0 or DK, RF. PMs can be reported throughout the
utilization sections as well as in PM. A list of all PMs reported in the interview will be compiled in PM and the PM
details will be asked for each medicine in list.


Prescription Medicine Roster
Condition Roster

Collects Prescription Medicine names
Collects Conditions linked to Prescription Medicine


Number of Purchases

Collects number of purchases for Prescription Medicines


PM2 Roster
PM4 Roster
PM6 Roster – Beginning of Loop 1
Collect number of purchases for all PMs entered for current round where number of purchases has not been
asked. The first time through PM, this will include PMs selected in utilization sections + PM2, PM4 and
PM6 roster. The second time through Loop 1, this will include additional PMs selected at PM6.
Generate list of PMs just displayed at GRID that has number of purchases > 0, DK or RF.
Collect PM event details for only these PMs.
Loop 2
PM through V.A.?
Repeat for each PM.
Loop 3
PM through HMO?
Repeat for each PM.
Loop 4
PM Form
PM Strength
PM Amount
Repeat for each PM.
More PMs? Repeat Loop 1 to collect additional PM names/details.

Database segments:
EVNT Prescription Medicine names are stored on EVNT. Since the SP often has ongoing purchases of the same
PM, we collect round specific purchase details on a current round PMRO record linked to this EVNT.
PMRO When the SP has had a prescription medicine filled during the current round, a current round PMRO is generated for
the PM event and round specific data are stored on a current round PMRO. The PMRO is linked to the PM EVNT.
COND The Condition Roster collects the names of the conditions that were associated with the purchase of the prescription
medicine. When a new condition is added, a new COND is generated and the name of the condition is stored on
COND. Each COND is linked to the PM event on XCON.
XCON This condition is linked to the prescription medicine on XCON.
HRND Stores probe for current round Prescription Medicine purchase(s).

Section Overview:

IA collects data about the SP’s income, assets and total debt. When collecting data about the SP’s income and assets
includes the SP’s spouse if the SP is married and the Spouse is living in the household in the current round. Therefor
question text is unique if the respondent is the SP’s Spouse. The question text will display “you” when interviewing
spouse instead of the SP’s name, which is the more common display for a Proxy interview.

Because IA cannot use the standard global display fills such as “[you/(SP)]”, IA GLOBAL Display Fills have been sp
below. These Display Fills apply only to the IA section.





Database segments:

Stores IA data.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLisa Sweeney
File Modified2010-03-30
File Created2010-03-30

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