Attachment E. CAHPS Clinician & Group Database Emails To Users
Email #1: Notification to Users Submission System Now Open:
The CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Online Data Submission System Is Now Open to collect patient C&G survey data for data collected from {date1} to {date 2}.
you can submit data to the CAHPS Database, groups, practices or
vendors must register with our Data Submission System at
The CAHPS Database will review your request for access. Within 1
business day you should receive an e-mail with a link to the
submission system where you must verify your information and security
question before accessing the Data Submission System.
The CAHPS Database must receive and approve your complete submission no later than {month, date, year}. A complete submission includes:
Data Use Agreement,
A Group, Practice and Sample level Data file (following the current data file layout) and
Final CAHPS Database Approval.
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #2: New User – Registered for an Account/Activate Account
Welcome to the CAHPS Clinician & Group submission system. An account was set up with the following information:
Username: {USERNAME}
Organization Name: {Orgname}
To activate your account please follow the link below:
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #3: Questionnaire file approved
The questionnaire you file submitted to the CAHPS Clinician & Group submission system met the CAHPS requirement and has been accepted.
Questionnaire File Name: {Qname}
Survey Version: {SVersion}
Comments: {Comments}
Please submit your data file as soon as possible so that any issues can be resolved before the submission deadline.
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #4: Questionnaire file rejected by CAHPS Database staff
The questionnaire file submitted to the CAHPS Clinician & Group submission system did not meet the CAHPS Clinician & Group Database requirements and has been rejected due to the issues listed below.
Questionnaire File Name: {Qname}
Survey Version: {SVersion}
Comments: {details of why questionnaire did not meet the CAHPS Database requirements}
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #5: Data file approved (trigger Data file accepted by NCBD staff – Automated)
The data file you submitted to the CAHPS Clinician & Group submission system has been accepted.
Data File Name: {Fname}
Survey Version: {SVersion}
Linked Questionnaire File Name: {Qname}
Comments: {Comments}
The CAHPS Database will now review your entire submission to see that it meets the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Database requirements. You may check the status of your account t at any time by logging in to the submission system. Once the review process is complete you will receive an mail with your final submission status.
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #6: Data file rejected
The data file you submitted to the CAHPS Clinician & Group submission system has been rejected.
Data File Name: {Fname}
Survey Version: {SVersion}
Linked Questionnaire File Name: {Qname}
Comments: {Comments}
Please review the detailed report for errors. Once you have made the necessary corrections you may submit your data file again.
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #7: CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Database Final Approval -Accepted
The CAHPS Database has reviewed your entire submission. Your submission meets all CAHPS Clinician & Group Database requirements for final approval. Your data has been accepted and will be included in the CAHPS Clinician & Group Database.
Data File Name: {Fname}
Survey Version: {SVersion}
Linked Questionnaire File Name: {Qname}
Comments: {Comments}
Thank you for your participation.
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #8: Final Approval Rejected
The CAHPS Database has reviewed your entire submission. Your submission does not meet the CAHPS Clinician & Group Database requirements. Your data will not be included in the CAHPS Clinician & Group Database.
Data File Name: {Fname}
Survey Version: {SVersion}
Linked Questionnaire File Name: {Qname}
Comments: {Comments}
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #9: DUA Reminder Notice
The deadline for submitting the signed agreement is {date}.At this time we still have not received the signed Data Use Agreement for this account. The CAHPS Database must receive the DUA prior to the deadline for your data to be accepted into the CAHPS Clinician & Group Database.
{Provide link to DUA on CAHPS Web site}
You may fax the signed document to: 301-610-4950
Or Mail to:
1650 Research Boulevard
CAHPS Database / RA 1137
Rockville, MD 20850
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
Email #10: Forgot Password
received a request to reset the password associated with this email
Please return to the site and log in using the
following password. You will be prompted to change your password
immediately after signing in.
are required to change your password every 90 days.
Password are case-sensitive and must contain 8 to 16 characters
At least one uppercase character
At least one lowercase character
At least one number
At least one of the following special characters: % # * + - = ?
For questions or comments please contact CAHPS Database staff at or call 1-888-808-7108.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | The online 2007 CAHPS Health Plan Survey Data Submission System is now open |
Author | Swathi Nadkarni |
Last Modified By | ricketts_j |
File Modified | 2012-01-17 |
File Created | 2010-02-09 |