The American Community Survey

The American Community Survey

OMB: 0607-0810

IC ID: 3530

Documents and Forms
Document Name
Document Type
Other-First Mailing -- Multilingual
Other-First Mailing -- Prenotice Let
Other-First Mailing -- Prenotice Let
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU FAQ B
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Intro
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Instr
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Outgo
Other-Stateside Reminder Card
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Pac
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Pac
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Pac
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Pac
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Pac
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Pac
Other-ACS HU New Reminder Postcard
Other-Additional Mailing Postcard, S
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey H
Other-American Community Survey HU Q
Other-American Community Survey HU Q
Other-American Community Survey HU Q
Other-American Community Survey HU Q
Other-American Community Survey HU Q
Other-American Community Survey HU Q
Other-American Community Survey HU Q
Other-Language Assistance Guide -- S
Other-Language Assistance Guide -- K
Other-Questions for HU CATI Failed E
Other-Questions for CATI/CAPI/TQA Th
Other-Questions for Vacant Units
Other-Questions for Quality Control
Other-American Community Survey HU D
Other-American Community Survey HU D
Other-American Community Survey HU D
Other-American Community Survey HU D
Other-American Community Survey HU D
Other-ACS Group Quarters FAQ Brochur
Other-ACS Group Quarters Facility In
Other-ACS Group Quarters Facility Th
Other-Puerto Rico Group Quarters Fac
Other-ACS Group Quarters Listing She
Other-Puerto Rico Group Quarters Lis
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-American Community Survey - Gr
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey -
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey -
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey -
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey -
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey -
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey -
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey -
Other-Questions for Quality Control
Other-ACS Prenotice Letter
Other-ACS Prenotice Envelope (FINAL)
Other-ACS Multilingual Brochure
Other-Business Reply Envelope
Other-Introductory Letter
Other-Instruction Guide
Other-Outgoing Envelope
Other-Reply Envelope
Other-Introductory Letter
Other-Follow-up Letter
Other-Instruction Guide
Other-Outgoing Envelope
Other-Reminder Card
Other-Reply Envelope
Other-Followup Letter
Other-Instruction Guide
Other-Outgoing Envelope
Other-Additional Mailing Postcard
Other-Additional Mailing Postcard (S
Information Collection (IC) Details

View Information Collection (IC)

The American Community Survey
No Modified

Document Type Form No. Form Name Instrument File URL Available Electronically? Can Be Submitted Electronically? Electronic Capability
Form ACS-1GQ American Community Survey Group Quarters Questionnaire Attachment S -- acs1gq(2013) (013012) GQ resident questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Group Quarters FAQ Brochure Attachment Q -- ACS-51_(GQ)(F) GQ Facility FAQ.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Group Quarters Facility Introductory Letters (various) Attachment Q -- ACS GQ facility letters (18L).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Group Quarters Facility Thank You Letter Attachment R -- acs26lgqf GQ Thank You Facility.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Group Quarters Facility Thank You Letter Attachment R -- acs26lgqprf GQPR Thank You Facility.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Group Quarters Listing Sheet Attachment R -- acs290gq Listing Sheet.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Group Quarters Listing Sheet (Spanish) Attachment R -- acs290gqprsp Listing Sheet.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form Group Quarters Facility Questionnaire Group Quarters Facility Questionnaire Attachment R -- GQFQ for the OMB Packages 2013.doc Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Reply Envelope Attachment S -- 5385_46gq envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Introductory Letter Attachment S -- acs17lgq GQ resident letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Introductory Letter (Spanish) Attachment S -- acs17lgqs Spanish GQ resident letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Confidentiality Notice Attachment S -- acs21gq GQ confidentiality notice.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Instruction Guide Attachment S -- acs30gq_13 GQ Instruction Guide.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- FAQ Brochure Attachment S -- ACS-50(GQ) GQ Resident FAQ.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- GQ Remote Alaska FAQ Brochure Attachment S -- ACS-51(GQ)RA GQ remote Alaska Resident FAQ.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Thank You Letter Attachment S -- acs26lgqr GQ Thank You Resident.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Reply Envelope Attachment T -- 5385-46gqpr evelope PR.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Introductory Letter (Spanish) Attachment T -- acs17lgqs_13_doc PR Spanish.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Introductory Letter (English) Attachment T -- acs17lgqpr GQPR resident letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1GQ(PR) Puerto Rico Community Survey - GQ Resident Questionnaire Attachment T -- acs1gqpr(2013) (013012) GQPR resident questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Confidentiality Notice Attachment T -- acs21gq GQ confidentiality notice.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Resident Thank You Letter Attachment T -- acs26lgqprr nocuts GQPR Thank You Resident.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- Instruction Guide Attachment T -- acs30gqpr GQPR Instruction Guide.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey - Group Quarters Questionnaire Package -- FAQ Brochure Attachment T -- ACS-51(GQ)PR GQPR Resident FAQ.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Questions for Quality Control -- Group Quarters Facility Reinterview Attachment U -- GQ RI Qts.doc Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-First Mailing -- Multilingual Brochure Attachment A -- ACS-9(2011) Multilingual Brochure.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-First Mailing -- Prenotice Letter Attachment A -- ACS-12(L)S (2013) Stateside Prenotice Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-First Mailing -- Prenotice Letter Envelope Attachment A -- ACS-40(2013) Stateside Prenotice Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU FAQ Brochure Attachment B -- ACS-10SM(2012) Stateside English FAQ Brochur.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Introductory Letter Attachment B-- ACS-13(L)SM (2013) Stateside Introductory Let.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Instruction Card Attachment B -- ACS-34 (2013)IM Initial Mailing Instruction .pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Second Mailing -- ACS HU Outgoing Envelope Attachment B -- ACS-46(2012) - Stateside Outgoing Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS Internet Questionnaire ACS Internet Questionnaire Attachment C -- OMB ACS Internet Screenshot Guide 2013.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Stateside Reminder Card Attachment D ACS-20S(2013) Stateside Reminder Postcard.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Reply Envelope Attachment E -- 5385_47 (2011) Business Reply Mail Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1 Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - ACS Form Attachment E -- ACS-1(2013) Stateside English Questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Follow-up Letter Attachment CP3 -- ACS-0014(L)SP (2012) (6-6-2011) ACS Follow-Up Letter with Groves' signature.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - FAQ Brochure Attachment E -- ACS-10SM(2012) Stateside English FAQ Brochur.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - ACS Replacement Letter Attachment E -- ACS-14(L)SM (2013) Stateside Replacement Let.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Instruction Guide Attachment E -- ACS-30(2013) Stateside English Instruction G.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Replacement Instruction Card Attachment E -- ACS-34RM(2013) Stateside Replacement Instruc.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Stateside HU Questionnaire Package - Outgoing Envelope Attachment E -- ACS-46(2012) - Stateside Outgoing Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS HU New Reminder Postcard Attachment F -- ACS-29 (2013) Stateside English New Reminder.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Additional Mailing Postcard, Stateside, English Attachment G -- ACS-23(2013) Stateside English Additional Ma.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Reply Envelope Attachment H -- 5385_47 (2011) Business Reply Mail Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1PR(SP) Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire (Spanish) Attachment H -- ACS-1(2013)PR(SP) Puerto Rico Spanish Questi.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- FAQ Brochure Attachment H -- ACS-10(2012)SMPR Puerto Rico FAQ Brochure.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Prenotice Letter Attachment H -- ACS-12(L)PR (2012) Puerto Rico Prenotice Let.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Introductory Letter Attachment H -- ACS-13(L)PR (2012) Puerto Rico Introductory .pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Replacement Letter Attachment H -- ACS-14(L)PR(2012) Puerto Rico Replacement Le.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Reminder Postcard Attachment H -- ACS-20PR(2012) Puerto Rico Reminder Postcard.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Additional Mailing Postcard Attachment H -- ACS-23PR (5-2011) Puerto Rico Additional Mai.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Instruction Guide Booklet, English Attachment H -- ACS-30(2013)PR Puerto Rico English Instructi.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Instruction Guide Booklet, Spanish Attachment H -- ACS-30(2013)PR(SP) PRCS Instruction Guide Bo.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Prenotice Envelope Attachment H -- ACS-40(2012)PR (6-2011) Puerto Rico Prenotic.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package -- Outgoing Envelope Attachment H -- ACS-46(2012)PR Puerto Rico Outgoing Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1PR Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Questionnaire (English) Attachment H -- ACS-1pr_13_020612_D2[1] Puerto Rico English Questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Reply Envelope Attachment I -- 5385_47 (2011) Business Reply Mail Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Introductory Letter Attachment I -- acs13lsp.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1SP ACS Stateside HU Questionnaire (Spanish) Attachment I -- ACS-1(2013)SP Stateside Spanish Questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- FAQ Brochure Attachment I -- ACS-10SM(2012)(SP) Statside Spanish FAQ Brochure.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Additional Mailing Postcard Attachment I -- ACS-23SP (2012) Stateside Spanish Additional Mailing Postcard.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- New Reminder Postcard Attachment I -- ACS-29 (2013)SP Stateside Spanish New Reminder Postcard.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Instruction Guide Booklet Attachment I -- ACS-0030(2013)SP - ACS Instruction Guide Booklet - Stateside - Spanish.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Questionnaire Mail Package (Spanish) -- Outgoing Envelope Attachment I --_ACS-46(2012)SP (6_2011) - Stateside Spanish Outgoing Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Language Assistance Guide -- Simplified Chinese Attachment J -- ACS Language Assistance Guide - Chinese.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Language Assistance Guide -- Korean Attachment K -- ACS Language Assistance Guide - Korean.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1PR Puerto Rico Community Survey Housing Unit Questionnaire (English) Attachment L -- ACS-1(2013)PR Puerto Rico English Questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Questions for HU CATI Failed Edit Follow Up Attachment M -- HU Failed Edit Follow Up Qts.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Questions for CATI/CAPI/TQA That Differ From the ACS-1 Attachment N -- HU CATI CAPI TQA Qts REV.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Questions for Vacant Units Attachment N -- Questions for Vacant Units.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Questions for Quality Control -- Household Reinterview Attachment O -- HU RI Qts.doc Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS-50 Language Brochures Attachment P -- ACS-50 Language Brochures.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials; ACS language introductory letters Attachment P -- ACS language Introductory letters.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS language questions and answers Attachment P -- ACS Language Q and As.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS language reluctant respondent letters Attachment P -- ACS language Reluctant Respondent letters.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-American Community Survey HU Detailed Language Materials: ACS language thank you letters Attachment P -- ACS language thank you letters.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Prenotice Letter Attachment CP1 -- ACS-0012(L)S (2012) (6-2011) ACS Prenotice Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Prenotice Envelope (FINAL) Attachment CP1 -- ACS-0040(2012) (6-2011) - ACS Prenotice Envelope (FINAL).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Multilingual Brochure Attachment CP1-- ACS-9(2011) (4-2011) ACS Multilingual Brochure.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Business Reply Envelope Attachment CP2 -- 5385_47 (9-2010) (FINAL) Business Reply.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1(2013)D1 American Community Survey Attachment CP2 -- ACS-1(2013)D1.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-FAQ Attachment CP2 -- ACS-10SM(2013) (02_2012).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Introductory Letter Attachment CP2 -- ACS-0013(L)SM (2012) (6-2011)FINAL ACS Introductory Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Instruction Guide Attachment CP2 -- ACS-30(2013) D3.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Outgoing Envelope Attachment CP2 -- ACS-0046(2012) (5-2011) - ACS Outgoing Envelope (FINAL).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Reply Envelope Attachment CP3 -- 5385_47 (9-2010) (FINAL) Business Reply.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1(2013)(SP)D2 American Community Survey Attachment CP3 -- ACS-1(2013)(SP)D2.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-FAQ Attachment CP3 -- ACS-10SM(02_2012)(SP).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Introductory Letter Attachment CP3 -- ACS-0013(L)SP (2012) (6-2011) ACS Introductory Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Instruction Guide Attachment CP3 -- ACS-30(2013)(SP) D5.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Outgoing Envelope Attachment CP3 -- ACS-0046(2012)SP (6_2011) - Statesude Spanish Outgoing Envelope (Final).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Reminder Card Attachment CP4 -- ACS-0020S (8-2009) - ACS Reminder Card DocuPrint with Groves' signature.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Reply Envelope Attachment CP5 -- 5385_47 (9-2010) (FINAL) Business Reply.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-1(2013)D1 American Community Survey Attachment CP5 -- ACS-1(2013)D1.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-FAQ Attachment CP5 -- ACS-10SM(2013) (02_2012).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Followup Letter Attachment CP5 -- ACS-0014(L)SM (2012) (6-2011) Follow up letter FINAL.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Instruction Guide Attachment CP5 -- ACS-30(2013) D3.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Outgoing Envelope Attachment CP5 -- ACS-0046(2012) (5-2011) - ACS Outgoing Envelope (FINAL).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Additional Mailing Postcard Attachment CP6 -- ACS-0023(2012) (5-2011) - ACS Additional Mailing Postcard (FINAL).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Additional Mailing Postcard (Spanish) Attachment CP6 -- ACS-0023(2012)SP (2-2012)- ACS Additional Mailing Postcard[1].pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable

General Government Central Records & Statistical Mgt


3,760,000 0
Individuals or Households
   46 %

  Approved Program Change Due to New Statute Program Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Agency Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA Previously Approved
Annual Number of Responses for this IC 3,805,200 0 0 0 0 3,805,200
Annual IC Time Burden (Hours) 2,435,568 0 97,700 0 0 2,337,868
Annual IC Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Document Date Uploaded
No associated records found
            Blank fields in records indicate information that was not collected or not collected electronically prior to July 2006.

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