Proposed BA-11 program letter

proposed Program Letter 2011-XX.pdf

Gross Earnings Report

Proposed BA-11 program letter

OMB: 3220-0132

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United States
Railroad Retirement Board
Office of Programs


Quality Reporting Service Center

Phone: (312) 751-4992 

Fax: (312) 751-7190 

Letter No. 2011-XX

Certification Contact Officials


Electronic Version of Forms BA-3 and BA­
Employer Reporting System (ERSNet)

Please share this information with the """"'''''',,,,''',,f,
compensation reporting forms for employees 0
The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has updated
include Forms BA-3, Annual Report .
Earnings. Effective , these
ERSNet provide you with a secure,
and compensation reports that are due to


Form BA-3,
compensation for
lifetime earnings
determined .


available on ERSNet to now
, and BA-11, Report ofGross
These additions to
submit the annual service
day ofFebruary .

ation on Employee Protest
Claim Determinations
of Employee's Applications and Claims for
employment Insurance Act (RUIA)

Creditable Compensation, is used to report service and
year. The information provided is added to the employee's
records from which benefit eligibility and payments are

Form BA-ll, Gross Earnings Report, is used to obtain the actual gross earnings of a sample
group of covered employees whose social security numbers end with the digits "30," The data
collected and the gross earnings are used to estimate future tax income and to compute taxes
owed for the financial interchange between the Railroad Retirement and Social Security/
Medicare programs. Gross earnings amounts consist of all earnings taxable under the hospital
insurance portion of the Tier I tax rate. This includes earnings above the taxable limit, sick pay
and miscellaneous compensation.

If YDU have no. cDmpensated emplDyees to' repDrt Dr no. emplDyees whDse sDcial security
number ends with the digits "30" fDr the priDr calendar year, YDU will nDW be able to' submit a
zero. repDrt thrDugh ERSNet withDut using the FDrm G-440, Report Specifications Sheet.

Verifying Receipt of Your Report
YDU will receive an autDmated email receipt frDm the ERSNet system cDnfirming that we have
received YDur repDrt. The receipt will list the name Df the repDrt(s) and additiDnal data that
YDU can use to' verify YDur repDrt was cDrrectly submitted.
Access Levels on the ERSNet Site
Access to' ERSNet is role-based, which means that each·
wDrk they do. at their cDmpany. Access levels are
emplDyers to' retain cDntrol Dver the fDrms their
nDt enrDlled and want to' begin filing YDur repDrts
Explanation ofAccess Levels is enclDsed.

tailDred to' the role Dr
IfYDU are
belDw. An

Applying for Access
To. apply fDr access do. the fDllDwing:

Read the enclDsed Security
ERSNet. They are also.


File the enclDsed
CDmplete S
SectiDn B
by an

Internet Access.
.."""'.F,J.J,........'..... emplDyee sign Item 5 in
tlIlICatlDn in Sectien D must be cempleted
to' sign efficial RRB ferms. If YDU have
the cempany president and these
gnatien ef Centact Official, are assumed to'
.....,...... v..,'u C()PH~S efFerm BA-12 er infermatiDn en how to'
:....:..:...:..:...:.!==.!.!...I:::=~=.=..:...::=.=.:J;= er centact the Quality
lephene number er e-mail address ShDwn abeve. All
Dn the RRB website at www.rrb.gev.

ef an acceptable applicatiDn, the RRB will mail yeur user ID
fer accessing the site. To. deter fraudulent use efERSNet,
er filed en eur website; eriginal signatures (no.
reprDductiens) are
and it must be transmitted by US er express mail carrier. Fer security
reasens, facsimiles are net acceptable.
Detailed instructiens en hew to' use the system are cevered in Part VIn ef the Reporting
Instructions to Employers. To. access the instructiens go. to' http://www.rrb.gev/mep/er infe.asp,
select the applicable "Rail" er "Laber" link, and screll dewn to' Part VIII.
Explanatien ef Access Levels
Security Guidelines
Ferm BA-12

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-11-14
File Created2011-11-14

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