Form CMS-10404 Employer Organization Survey

CMS National Balancing Indicators Project (NBIP) Direct Service Workforce (DSW) Data Collection Effort

CMS-10404 - Employer Organization Surveys and Materials 2-14-12

Employer Organization Survey

OMB: 0938-1160

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CMS-10404; OMB 0938-New
February 14, 2012

SPT Grantee Employer Organization Surveys and Accompanying Materials Table of Contents

Survey 1: Arkansas Employer Organization Survey Materials (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 2: Florida Employer Organization Survey Materials (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 3: Kentucky Employer Organization Survey Materials (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 4: Maine Employer Organization Survey Materials (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 5: Massachusetts EO Survey Materials – Survey #1 (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 6: Massachusetts EO Survey Materials – Survey #2 (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 7: Michigan EO Survey Materials – Survey #1 (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 8: Michigan EO Survey Materials – Survey #2 (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey 9: Michigan EO Survey Materials – Survey #2 (divider page)

  • Post Card Front

  • EO Post Card Back

  • EO Cover Letter

  • EO Survey

Survey #1: Arkansas Employer Organization Survey Materials

Arkansas Direct Service Workforce Employer Survey


Arkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services

P.O. Box 1437

Slot S530

Little Rock, AR 72203

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Arkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services

P.O. Box 1437

Slot S530

Little Rock, AR 72203


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Arkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services

P.O. Box 1437

Slot S530

Little Rock, AR 72203

<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>

<<Recipient Title>>

<<Recipient Organization>>

<<Recipient Street Address>>

<<Recipient City>>, <<Recipient State>> <<Recipient Zip>>

<<Greeting Line>>

The Arkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services is in the process of collecting information about the experiences of your direct service workforce, as a part of a federally funded study sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. You are being asked to complete this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Elder Choices, Alternative Community Services, and/or State Plan services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are asking for your participation in a very important online or paper survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. The Arkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services recognizes that many direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keeping workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states.

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from the responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647. This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records. Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


<<Sender Name>>

<<Current Title>>


Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Elder Choices, Alternative Community Services, and/or State Plan services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Arkansas to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of the direct service workforce (DSW). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal and state governments develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from Arkansas as soon as they are available.

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a Medicaid waiver provider. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647.


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete your survey online, please enter 123456 when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed to the address below:

UALR Survey Research Center

Institute of Government

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Ross Hall 404

2801 S. University Ave.

Little Rock, AR 72204-1099

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining direct services worker records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please send the survey to your organization’s headquarters, or contact them for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations in Arkansas. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Personal Support Specialists (PSSs)

  • Home Health Aids (HHAs)

  • Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

  • Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

  • Homemakers

  • Personal Attendants (PAs)

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities with support needs.

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from all branches, divisions, or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include licensed health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Definitions: Workplace settings / services

This survey refers to the following services in your Arkansas:

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Home maker/ home chore

  • Adult day care

  • Adult day health services

  • Respite

  • Ongoing supported employment services

  • Attendant care

Please include in your responses direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging (e.g., group home, Assisted Living Facility).

  2. In-home supports/Home careSupports provided to a person in their own home or in the home of a family member in which they reside.

  3. Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supportsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day care and adult day health care services, rehabilitative services, day training and habilitation services, and disability specific non-school based services to children and youth with disabilities (e.g., respite, drop in centers).

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals to locate, acquire and keep a job for which they are paid. This includes services such as job coaching, supported employment, work crews, sheltered workshops, and job training.

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Home maker/home chore

  • Adult day care

  • Adult day health services

  • Respite

  • Supported employment services

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Which of the following populations does your organization serve with Medicaid funds in home and community based settings in Arkansas? (check all that apply)

  • People 65 years or older with chronic illness or disability, people with cognitive impairment/dementia

  • People with physical disabilities

  • People with developmental disabilities / intellectual disabilities

  • People with mental health conditions / psychiatric disabilities

  • People with chemical dependency related support needs

  • People with chronic illnesses (including HIV/AIDS)

  • People with a traumatic brain injury

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations (e.g., agency offices, residential group homes, supported employment sites, adult day centers, adult day care and adult day health care, day programs) does your organization operate in Arkansas?

Total number of locations

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports

C) Day programs and other community supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people with a disability or who are aging does your organization currently support?
    Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

Residential services

In-home supports

Day programs and other community support programs

Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract, and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many of your direct service worker employees have worked for your organization less than six months, 6-12 months, and more than 12 months?

Number with less than 6 months of continuous paid employment (that is, a continuous six-month period of time during which they were an employee the entire period)

Number with 6 to 12 months of continuous paid employment

Number with more than 12 months of continuous paid employment

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For direct service workers who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different direct service workers ________ (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization compensate direct service workers for mileage or travel costs for travel between consumer homes or work sites?

  • Yes – for all travel for all direct service workers

  • Yes – for all travel for some direct service workers

  • Sometimes - under certain circumstances

  • No, we do not compensate direct service staff for mileage or travel costs between consumers’ homes or work sites

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Challenges

  1. Which of the following are currently significant challenges for your organization?
    (check all that apply)

  • Finding qualified direct service workers

  • Direct service worker turnover

  • Direct service worker competence

  • Employee training

  • Employee motivation

  • Employee satisfaction

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organizations ability to recruit and hire qualified direct service workers? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant recruitment challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Finding people to work in part-time or intermittent positions

  • Finding people who are willing to work for the wage we offer

  • Finding people who are willing to work in a position that does not offer health insurance

  • Finding people who can communicate effectively with the people they will support

  • Finding people who meet minimum education or experience requirements

  • Finding people who will work evenings, weekends or holidays

  • Finding people who can give up their unemployment benefits

  • Finding people with a clean driving record

  • Finding people with a clear criminal background check

  • Finding people who meet minimum requirements to be a direct service worker

  • Finding workers with reliable child-care

  • Finding workers with reliable transportation

  • Finding workers with the skills needed to serve the people we support

  • Other types of jobs are more attractive

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know


  1. Does your organization require newly hired direct service workers to participate in any specific skill training - training that goes beyond general information that orients a new employee to this organization and their work setting?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends, some new hires are exempt from this training

  • It depends on the direct service work job

  • I am not sure/do not know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys: Please return your completed survey to the address below in the postage paid envelope provided.

UALR Survey Research Center

Institute of Government

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Ross Hall 404

2801 S. University Ave.

Little Rock, AR 72204-1099

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey #2: Florida Employer Organization Survey Materials

Florida Direct Service Workforce Employer Survey


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

7500 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 21244

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

7500 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 21244


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

7500 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 21244

<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>

<<Recipient Title>>

<<Recipient Organization>>

<<Recipient Street Address>>

<<Recipient City>>, <<Recipient State>> <<Recipient Zip>>

<<Greeting Line>>

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is working with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to collect information about the experiences of your direct service workforce, as a part of a federally funded study. You are being asked to complete this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Florida Medicaid HCBS supports and services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are asking for your participation in a very important online or paper survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. The Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities recognizes that many direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keeping workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states. Survey results will be analyzed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and states to assess the nature of the direct service workforce, including its compensation, volume, and turnover rates.

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from the responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647. This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records. Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


<<Sender Name>>

<<Current Title>>


Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to deliver Florida Medicaid HCBS supports and services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked the Florida Department of Elder Affairs to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of direct service workers (DSW). This information will allow federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal and state governments develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from CMS as soon as they are available.

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a Medicaid HCBS waiver provider in Florida. Information will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate and send you the survey results from Florida. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact the DSW Resource Center at 1-877-822-2647.


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete your survey online, please enter <<123456>> when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to [address to be determined] by mail using the stamped return envelope.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining direct services worker records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please send the survey to your organization’s headquarters, or contact them for answers to any questions that you do not know. Please complete this survey for all locations and workers employed by or contracted with across your entire organization in the categories listed below.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations in Florida. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Personal and home care aides

  • Home health aides

  • Direct support professionals

  • Certified nursing assistants

  • Homemakers

  • Personal attendants

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities with support needs..

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from your branch, division or office.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include licensed health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc.), case managers, administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Definitions: Workplace settings / services

This survey refers to the following services in Florida:

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care

  • Home maker/ home chore

  • Adult day services

  • Respite

  • Ongoing supported employment services

Please include in your responses direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging (e.g., group home, Assisted Living Facility).

  2. In-home supports/Home careSupports provided to a person in their own home or in the home of a family member in which they reside.

  3. Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supportsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day services, rehabilitative services, day training and habilitation services, and disability specific non-school based services to children and youth with disabilities (e.g., respite, drop in centers).

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals to locate, acquire, and keep a job for which they are paid. This includes services such as job coaching, supported employment, work crews, sheltered workshops, and job training.

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care

  • Home maker/home chore

  • Adult day services

  • Respite

  • Ongoing supported employment services

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Which of the following populations does your organization serve with Medicaid funds in home and community based settings in Florida? (check all that apply)

  • People 65 years or older

  • People with physical disabilities

  • People with developmental disabilities / intellectual disabilities

  • People with mental health conditions / psychiatric disabilities

  • People with chemical dependency related support needs

  • People with chronic illnesses (including HIV/AIDS)

  • People with a traumatic brain injury

  1. To which of the following age groups does your organization provide home and community based supports? (check all that apply)

  • Birth to 5 years

  • 6 to 18 years

  • 19 to 21 years

  • 22 to 40 years

  • 41 to 64 years

  • 65 to 74 years

  • 75 to 84 years

  • 85 or older

  1. In which county(ies) in Florida does your organization provide services?



  • BAY







  • CLAY













  • GULF












  • LAKE

  • LEE

  • LEON

  • LEVY















  • POLK















  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system or multi-organization structure (either within Florida or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization is part of a chain, please confirm that you will complete this survey for your local site only. (check only one answer)

  • Yes, I will provide data from this branch, division, or office only (a single service setting that is part of a larger organization)

  • No, I will provide data for all the branches in Florida

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations [e.g. agency offices, residential group homes, supported employment sites, adult day centers, day programs] does your organization operate in Florida?

Total number of locations

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports/Home care

C) Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people with a disability or who are aging does your organization currently support?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports/Home care

C) Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

D) Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call contract, and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct service workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$____.____ (per hour)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports/Home care

Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know


  1. For each topic listed below, please check the boxes next to the topics that your organization requires in-service or on-the-job training on (check all that apply).

Yes, we require training on this topic.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Check the boxes next to the topics you would identify as a critical training need for direct service workers in your organization (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, this is a critical training need for direct service workers in my organization.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational cultural competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training for staff development in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return it to [address to be determined] in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey #3: Kentucky Employer Organization Survey Materials

Kentucky Medicaid Waiver Direct Service Workforce Employer Survey


Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living

275 East Main Street, 3E-E

Frankfort KY  40621

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living

275 East Main Street, 3E-E

Frankfort KY  40621

<<Greeting Line>>

As part of a federal grant, the Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living is in the process of collecting information on behalf of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This information relates to the experiences of your Medicaid Waiver Direct Service Workforce, as a part of a federally funded study. You are being asked to complete this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Medicaid waiver services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are asking for your participation in a very important online or paper survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. The Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living recognizes that many Medicaid Waiver direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keeping workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states. The survey data may be potentially used to provide policy makers with workforce trends with information about the strength of the long term supports and services. 

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from the responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647. This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records. Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


<<Recipient Name>>

<<Current Title>>


Kentucky Medicaid Waiver Direct Service Workforce Employer Survey

Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Medicaid waiver funded services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Kentucky to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of the direct service workforce (DSW). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal and state governments develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from Kentucky as soon as they are available.

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a Medicaid waiver provider. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647.


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete your survey online, please enter <<123456>> when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to Employer Organization Survey, c/o Department for Aging and Independent Living, 275 East Main Street, 3E-E, Frankfort KY 40621 by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining direct services worker records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please send the survey to your organization’s headquarters, or contact them for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations in Kentucky. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Personal Support Specialists (PSSs)

  • Home Health Aids (HHAs)

  • Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

  • Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

  • Homemakers

  • Personal Care Attendants (PCAs)

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities with support needs.

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from all branches, divisions or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include licensed health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Definitions: Workplace settings / services

This survey refers to the following services in your state:

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Home maker/ home chore

  • Adult day services

  • Respite

  • Ongoing supported employment services

  • Attendant care

Please include in your responses direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging (e.g., group home, Assisted Living Facility.

  2. In-home supports/Home careSupports provided to a person in their own home or in the home of a family member in which they reside.

  3. Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supportsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day services, rehabilitative services, day training and habilitation services, and disability specific non-school based services to children and youth with disabilities (e.g., respite, drop in centers).

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals to locate, acquire and keep a job for which they are paid. This includes services such as job coaching, supported employment, work crews, sheltered workshops, and job training.

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care attendant

  • Private duty nursing

  • Home maker/home chore

  • Adult day services

  • Respite

  • Ongoing supported employment services

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations (e.g., residential settings, community settings, work settings, and adult day health settings) does your organization operate in Kentucky?

Total number of locations

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports

C) Day programs and other community supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people with a disability or who are aging does your organization currently support?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports/Home care

C) Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

D) Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. During the last 12 months, how many new direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) did your organization hire/contract with?

Total number of direct service workers who were hired/contracted

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many of your direct service worker employees have worked for your organization less than six months, 6-12 months, and more than 12 months?

Number with less than 6 months of continuous paid employment (that is, a continuous six-month period of time during which they were an employee the entire period)

Number with 6 to 12 months of continuous paid employment

Number with more than 12 months of continuous paid employment

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Challenges

  1. How would you describe your organizations ability to retain qualified direct service workers once they are hired? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant retention challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Wages are not high enough

  • Full-time positions or sufficient hour are not available

  • Gas prices or public transit fares are too high

  • Paid health insurance is not offered

  • Conflict amongst direct service workers, supervisors, and/or managers

  • Workers are unable to do the essential job duties

  • Workers do not have reliable child-care

  • Workers do not have reliable transportation

  • Other personal stressors faced by workers

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return your completed survey to Employer Organization Survey, c/o Department for Aging and Independent Living, 275 East Main Street, 3E-E, Frankfort KY 40621 in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey #4: Maine Employer Organization Survey Materials

Maine Direct Service Workforce Employer Survey


Maine Department of Health and Human Services

221 State Street

Augusta, ME 04333

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Maine Department of Health and Human Services

221 State Street

Augusta, ME 04333


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Maine Department of Health and Human Services

221 State Street

Augusta, ME 04333

<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>

<<Recipient Title>>

<<Recipient Organization>>

<<Recipient Street Address>>

<<Recipient City>>, <<Recipient State>> <<Recipient Zip>>

<<Greeting Line>>

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services is collecting survey information from providers about their direct service workforce as a part of a study funded by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Seven states are participating in the study.

You are being asked to complete this survey (on line or on paper) because your organization receives funding to provide MaineCare services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. The survey is about employees in your organization who provide hands-on direct services and supports. It includes questions about your agency’s workforce volume, stability, compensation and benefits as well as workforce challenges and training needs. Survey results will be used to show statewide differences and for quality improvement purposes.

The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider. Your agency name will be kept separate from the responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified.

This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647. Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


<<To be Determined>>

<<Current Title>>


Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to deliver MaineCare services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Maine to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of direct service workers (DSW). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a MaineCare provider. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center at 1-877-822-2647.


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete the survey online, please enter <<123456>> when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to Survey Research Center, University of Southern Maine, 15 Baxter Boulevard, Portland, Maine 04104 by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining direct services worker records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please send the survey to your organization’s headquarters, or contact them for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention, and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations in Maine. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Personal Support Specialists (PSSs)

  • Home Health Aids (HHAs)

  • Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

  • Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

  • Homemakers

  • Personal Attendants (PAs)

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities with support needs.

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent, and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from all branches, divisions, or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include licensed health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Definitions: Workplace settings / services

This survey refers to the following services in Maine:

  • Personal Care Services

  • Home maker

  • Adult Day Health

  • Respite

  • Community Support

  • Work Support

  • Home Support

Please include in your responses direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home or apartment with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging.

  2. In-home supports Supports provided to a person in his or her own home or in the home or apartment or in the home of a family member.

  3. Day programs and community support programsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day health services and community supports.

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals on the job for which they are paid (e.g., work supports).

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Personal Care Services

  • Home maker

  • Adult Day Health

  • Respite

  • Community Support

  • Work Support

  • Home Support

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • A public or government organization (state or local)

  • A private for-profit organization

  • A private non-profit organization

  • A combination of public and private

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Which of the following populations does your organization serve with MaineCare? (check all that apply)

  • People 65 years or older with chronic illness or disability, people with cognitive impairment/dementia

  • People with physical disabilities

  • People with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, or autism

  • People with mental health conditions / psychiatric disabilities

  • People with chemical dependency related support needs

  • People with chronic illnesses (including HIV/AIDS)

  • People with a traumatic brain injury

  1. To which of the following age groups does your organization provide home and community based supports? (check all that apply)

  • Birth to 5 years

  • 6 to 18 years

  • 19 to 21 years

  • 22 to 40 years

  • 41 to 64 years

  • 65 to 74 years

  • 75 to 84 years

  • 85 or older

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations (e.g., residential settings, community settings, work settings, and adult day health settings) does your organization operate in Maine?

Total number of locations

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports

C) Day programs and other community supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people with a disability or who are aging does your organization currently support?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports/Home care

C) Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

D) Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract, and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. During the last 12 months, how many new direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) did your organization hire/contract with?

Total number of direct service workers who were hired/contracted

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many of your direct service worker employees have worked for your organization less than six months, 6-12 months, and more than 12 months?

Number with less than 6 months of continuous paid employment (that is, a continuous six-month period of time during which they were an employee the entire period)

Number with 6 to 12 months of continuous paid employment

Number with more than 12 months of continuous paid employment

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For direct service workers who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different direct service workers ________ (please describe)I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What other types of benefits are direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) eligible to receive from your organization (check all that apply)?

  • Paid time off, reimbursement or other support for post-secondary education

  • Employer paid job-related training

  • Employer-sponsored retirement plan

  • Employer-sponsored disability insurance

  • Other (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization compensate direct service workers for mileage or travel costs for travel between consumer homes or work sites?

  • Yes – for all travel for all direct service workers

  • Yes – for all travel for some direct service workers

  • Sometimes - under certain circumstances

  • No, we do not compensate direct service staff for mileage or travel costs between consumers’ homes or work sites

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Challenges

  1. Which of the following are currently significant challenges for your organization?
    (check all that apply)

  • Finding qualified direct service workers

  • Direct service worker turnover

  • Direct service worker competence

  • Employee training

  • Employee motivation

  • Employee satisfaction

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to recruit and hire qualified direct service workers? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant recruitment challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Recruitment is not a problem for this organization

  • Finding people to work in part-time or intermittent positions

  • Finding people who are willing to work for the wage we offer

  • Finding people who are willing to work in a position that does not offer health insurance

  • Finding people who can communicate effectively with the people they will support

  • Finding people who meet minimum education or experience requirements

  • Finding people who will work evenings, weekends or holidays

  • Finding people who can give up their unemployment benefits

  • Finding people with a clean driving record

  • Finding people with a clear criminal background check

  • Finding people who meet minimum requirements to be a direct service worker

  • Finding workers with reliable child-care

  • Finding workers with reliable transportation

  • Finding workers with the skills needed to serve the people we support

  • Other types of jobs are more attractive

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to retain qualified direct service workers once they are hired? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant retention challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Wages are not high enough

  • Full-time positions or sufficient hour are not available

  • Gas prices or public transit fares are too high

  • Paid health insurance is not offered

  • Conflict amongst direct service workers, supervisors, and/or managers

  • Workers are unable to do the essential job duties

  • Workers do not have reliable child-care

  • Workers do not have reliable transportation

  • Other personal stressors faced by workers

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Employee Characteristics

  1. Using your Equal Opportunity Statistics, what percentage of your current direct service workforce are in the following racial/ethnic groups:

Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Not Hispanic or Latino

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

American Indian or Alaskan Native (person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Black, African American, or Haitian (a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Asian (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

White or European American (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Training and Qualifications for Direct Service Workers

  1. Which of the following are required to begin work as a direct service worker in your organization? (check all that apply)

  • A criminal background check

  • A current driver’s license

  • A high school diploma or its equivalent

  • Ability to speak and write in English

  • An abuse/neglect registry check

  • Certification or licensure

  • Education beyond a high school diploma

  • Passing a drug check

  • Other (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization require newly hired direct service workers to participate in any specific skill training - training that goes beyond general information that orients a new employee to this organization and their work setting?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends, some new hires are exempt from this training

  • It depends on the direct service work job

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. In what cases are new hires exempted from the specific skill training described in #38 above? (check all that apply)

  • If they have a specific number of months or years working in a similar position

  • If they are already certified to do their position (for example as a PCA or CNA)

  • If they have advanced professional education (e.g., LPN, RN, Social Worker)

  • Other reasons (please specify)

  • All new hires must complete specific skill training upon hire without exception

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. Does your organization offer (or contract with another entity to provide) periodic ongoing skill development trainings or formal in-service programs to all direct service workers (that is not just for new hires)?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. Is participation in training or in-service programs or continuing education programs linked to compensation? (check all that apply)

  • No

  • Yes, workers are paid for the time spent in training

  • Yes, workers receive a stipend for their time in training

  • Yes, workers can receive reimbursement for training or tuition costs

  • Yes, pay raises are based on participation in training programs

  • Other (please specify)

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. For each topic listed below, please check the boxes next to the topics that your organization requires in-service or on-the-job training on (check all that apply).

Yes, we require training on this topic.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cardiopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Check the boxes next to the topics you would identify as a critical training need for direct service workers in your organization (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, this is a critical training need for direct service workers in my organization.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cardiopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

Information about you:

  1. We are requesting this information so we may conduct follow up calls to
    clarify data if necessary. You do not have to provide this information.

Your name:

Phone #:

Email address:

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return it to Survey Research Center, University of Southern Maine, 15 Baxter Boulevard, Portland, Maine 04104 in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey #5: Massachusetts Employer Organization Survey Materials – Survey #1

Massachusetts DSW Employer Survey (DDS adult waiver programs)


Executive Office of Health and Human Services

c/o University of Massachusetts Medical School

333 South Street

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

c/o University of Massachusetts Medical School

333 South Street

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

c/o University of Massachusetts Medical School

333 South Street

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Attn: Laney Bruner-Canhoto, Office #13W532

<<Executive Director First Name>> <<Executive Director Last Name>>

<<Provider/Employer Organization Name>>

<<Provider/Employer Organization Mailing Address>>

<< City>>, <<State>> << Zip>>

Dear <<Executive Director First Name>> <<Executive Director Last Name>>,

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, in collaboration with the Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers (ADDP), is in the process of collecting information about the experiences of your direct service workforce. This survey effort is part of a federally funded study sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. You are being asked to complete this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Medicaid home and community-based adult waiver programs to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities through a Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contract. We are asking for your participation in this very important survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. Please note the survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. We recognize that many direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers and keep workers longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in Massachusetts, and how organizations in Massachusetts compare to those in other states. Survey results will be used to better understand the current state of the direct service workforce in Massachusetts and areas of policy improvement. We will send you the aggregate results of the surveys as soon as they are available.

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from your organization’s responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified.

In addition to the paper survey provided, an online accessible version of this survey is also available. To access the survey go to and enter the unique code provided to you on page 1 of the survey. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647. This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records. Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


Christine Griffin

Assistant Secretary, Disability Policies and Programs

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Ann L. Hartstein


Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Gary H. Blumenthal

President & CEO

Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers

Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to deliver Medicaid home and community-based adult waiver programs to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities through a Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contract. We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Massachusetts to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of the direct service workforce (DSW). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal and state governments develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from Massachusetts as soon as they are available.

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contracted waiver provider in Massachusetts. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647 or Cheryl Cumings at 617-573-1817.


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete your survey online, please enter 123456 when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to Cheryl Cumings, c/o Executive Office of Elder Affairs, One Ashburton Place 5th Floor, Boston, MA, 02108 by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining direct services worker records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please send the survey to your organization’s headquarters, or contact them for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations in Massachusetts. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers and Workplace Settings

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

  • Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

  • Homemakers

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities with support needs.

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from all branches, divisions or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include licensed health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Please include in your responses direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging (e.g., group home, Assisted Living Facility, shared living arrangements).

  2. In-home supports/Home careSupports provided to a person in their own home or in the home of a family member in which they reside.

  3. Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supportsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day care and adult day health care services, rehabilitative services, day training and habilitation services, and disability specific non-school based services to children and youth with disabilities (e.g., respite, drop in centers).

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals to locate, acquire and keep a job for which they are paid. This includes services such as group and center based day supports, supported employment, community-based day supports.

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People provide therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Individual Support and Community Habilitation

  • Supported Employment Services

  • Day Habilitation Supplement

  • Individualized Home Supports

  • Group or Center Based Day Supports

  • Home-maker

  • Live-in Caregiver

  • Respite

  • Adult Companion

  • Chore

  • Peer Support

  • Residential Habilitation

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations (e.g., agency offices, residential group homes, assisted living facilities, supported employment sites, adult day centers, adult day care and adult day health care, day programs) does your organization operate in Massachusetts?

Total number of locations

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization (e.g., independent contractors) to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports

C) Day programs and other community supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people with a disability or who are aging does your organization currently support?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports

C) Day programs and other community support programs

D) Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total number of direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many of your direct service worker employees have worked for your organization less than six months, 6-12 months, and more than 12 months?

Number with less than 6 months of continuous paid employment (that is, a continuous six-month period of time during which they were an employee the entire period)

Number with 6 to 12 months of continuous paid employment

Number with more than 12 months of continuous paid employment

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct service workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For direct service workers who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different direct service workers ________ (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What other types of benefits are direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, or intermittent) eligible to receive from your organization (check all that apply)?

  • Paid time off, reimbursement or other support for post-secondary education

  • Employer paid job-related training

  • Employer-sponsored retirement plan

  • Employer-sponsored disability insurance

  • Other (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Challenges

  1. Which of the following are currently significant challenges for your organization?
    (check all that apply)

  • Finding qualified direct service workers

  • Direct service worker turnover

  • Direct service worker competence

  • Employee training

  • Employee motivation

  • Employee satisfaction

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to retain qualified direct service workers once they are hired? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant retention challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Conflict amongst direct service workers, supervisors, and/or managers

  • Full-time positions or sufficient hour are not available

  • Gas prices are too high

  • Health insurance is not offered to all employees

  • Personal stressors faced by workers

  • Wages are not high enough

  • Workers are disqualified from working based on state standards (e.g., substantiated abuse/neglect, a criminal conviction, a driving violation)

  • Workers are unable to do the essential job duties

  • Workers do not have reliable child-care

  • Workers do not have reliable transportation

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Employee Characteristics

  1. Using your Equal Opportunity Statistics, what percentage of your current direct service workforce have the following characteristics:

Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Not Hispanic or Latino

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

American Indian or Alaskan Native (person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Black, African American, or Haitian (a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Asian (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

White or European American (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Training for Direct Service Workers

  1. Does your organization require newly hired direct service workers to participate in any specific skill training - training that goes beyond general information that orients a new employee to this organization and their work setting?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends, some new hires are exempt from this training

  • It depends on the direct service work job

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. For each topic listed below, please check the boxes next to the topics that your organization requires in-service or on-the-job training on (check all that apply).

Yes, we require training on this topic.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Check the boxes next to the topics you would identify as a critical training need for direct service workers in your organization (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, this is a critical training need for direct service workers in my organization.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return your completed survey to Cheryl Cumings, c/o Executive Office of Elder Affairs, One Ashburton Place 5th Floor, Boston, MA, 02108 in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey #6: Massachusetts Employer Organization Survey Materials – Survey #2

Massachusetts DSW Employer Survey (Frail Elder

Waiver/Home Care Program)


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

c/o University of Massachusetts Medical School

333 South Street

Shrewsbury, MA 01545


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

c/o University of Massachusetts Medical School

333 South Street

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

c/o University of Massachusetts Medical School

333 South Street

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Attn: Laney Bruner-Canhoto, Office #13W532

<<First>> <<Last>>

<< Title>>

<<Provider/Employer Organization Name>>

<<Provider/Employer Organization Mailing Address >>

<< City>>, <<State>> <<Zip>>

Dear <<First>> <<Last>>,

The Executive Office of Elder Affairs in conjunction with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, is in the process of collecting information about the experiences of your Direct Service Workforce. This survey effort is part of a federally funded study and is in collaboration with the Massachusetts Council for Home Care Aide Services, Inc. and Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts. The survey is sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. You are being asked to complete this survey because your organization receives Medicaid funding to deliver Home Care Program services to seniors and/or people with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are asking for your participation in a very important online or paper survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. We recognize that many direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers and keep workers longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in Massachusetts, and how organizations in Massachusetts compare to those in other states. Survey results will be used to better understand the current state of the direct service workforce in Massachusetts and areas for policy improvement. We will send you the aggregate results of the surveys as soon as they are available.

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from your organization’s responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified.

In addition to the paper survey provided, an online accessible version of this survey is also available. To access the survey go to and enter the unique code provided to you on page 1 of the survey. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647. This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records. Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


Ann L. Hartstein


Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Christine Griffin

Assistant Secretary, Disability Policies and Programs

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Lisa Gurgone

Executive Director

Massachusetts Council for Home Aide Services

Pat Kelleher

Executive Director

Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts

Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives Medicaid funding to deliver Home Care Program services to seniors and/or people with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Massachusetts to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of the direct service workforce (DSW). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal and state governments develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from Massachusetts as soon as they are available.

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a Medicaid Home Care program provider in Massachusetts. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center toll-free at 1-877-822-2647 or Cheryl Cumings at 617-573-1817.


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete your survey online, please enter <<123456>> when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to Cheryl Cumings, c/o Executive Office of Elder Affairs, One Ashburton Place 5th Floor, Boston, MA, 02108 by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining direct services worker records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please send the survey to your organization’s headquarters, or contact them for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations in Massachusetts. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers and Workplace Settings

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Personal and home care aides

  • Home health aides

  • Direct support professionals

  • Certified nursing assistants

  • Homemakers

  • Personal attendants

  • Supportive home care aides

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities with support needs.

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from all branches, divisions or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include licensed health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Please include in your responses direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging (e.g., group home, Assisted Living Facility, day programs).

  2. In-home supports/Home careSupports provided to a person in their own home or in the home of a family member in which they reside.

  3. Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supportsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day care and adult day health care services, rehabilitative services, day training and habilitation services, and disability specific non-school based services to children and youth with disabilities (e.g., respite, drop in centers).

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals to locate, acquire and keep a job for which they are paid. This includes services such as job coaching, supported employment, work crews, sheltered workshops, and job training.

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Homemaker

  • Personal Care

  • Home Health

  • Adult Day Health

  • Supportive Day Program

  • Chore

  • Companion

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations (e.g., agency offices, residential group homes, assisted living facilities, supported employment sites, adult day centers, adult day care and adult day health care, day programs) does your organization operate in Massachusetts?

Total number of locations

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization (e.g., independent contractors) to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports

C) Day programs and other community supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people with a disability or who are aging does your organization currently support?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports

C) Day programs and other community support programs

D) Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract, and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total number of direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many of your direct service worker employees have worked for your organization less than six months, 6-12 months, and more than 12 months?

Number with less than 6 months of continuous paid employment (that is, a continuous six-month period of time during which they were an employee the entire period)

Number with 6 to 12 months of continuous paid employment

Number with more than 12 months of continuous paid employment

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct service workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For direct service workers who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different direct service workers ________ (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What other types of benefits are direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) eligible to receive from your organization (check all that apply)?

  • Paid time off, reimbursement or other support for post-secondary education

  • Employer paid job-related training

  • Employer-sponsored retirement plan

  • Employer-sponsored disability insurance

  • Other (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Challenges

  1. Which of the following are currently significant challenges for your organization?
    (check all that apply)

  • Finding qualified direct service workers

  • Direct service worker turnover

  • Direct service worker competence

  • Employee training

  • Employee motivation

  • Employee satisfaction

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organizations ability to retain qualified direct service workers once they are hired? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant retention challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Conflict amongst direct service workers, supervisors, and/or managers

  • Full-time positions or sufficient hour are not available

  • Gas prices are too high

  • Health insurance is not offered to all employees

  • Personal stressors faced by workers

  • Wages are not high enough

  • Workers are disqualified from working based on state standards (e.g., substantiated abuse/neglect, a criminal conviction, a driving violation)

  • Workers are unable to do the essential job duties

  • Workers do not have reliable child-care

  • Workers do not have reliable transportation

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Employee Characteristics

  1. Using your Equal Opportunity Statistics, what percentage of your current direct service workforce have the following characteristics:

Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Not Hispanic or Latino

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

American Indian or Alaskan Native (person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Black, African American, or Haitian (a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Asian (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

White or European American (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa)

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81%- 100% not sure/don’t know

Training for Direct Service Workers

  1. Does your organization require newly hired direct service workers to participate in any specific skill training - training that goes beyond general information that orients a new employee to this organization and their work setting?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends, some new hires are exempt from this training

  • It depends on the direct service work job

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. For each topic listed below, please check the boxes next to the topics that your organization requires in-service or on-the-job training on (check all that apply).

Yes, we require training on this topic.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Check the boxes next to the topics you would identify as a critical training need for direct service workers in your organization (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, this is a critical training need for direct service workers in my organization.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return your completed survey to Cheryl Cumings, c/o Executive Office of Elder Affairs, One Ashburton Place 5th Floor, Boston, MA, 02108 in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey # 7: Michigan Employer Organization Survey Materials – Survey #1

Michigan MI Choice Employer Workforce Survey


PHI – Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

PHI – Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code


P.O. Box 505

Lansing, MI 48451-9912

<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>

<<Recipient Title>>

<<Recipient Organization>>

<<Recipient Street Address>>

<<Recipient City>>, <<Recipient State>> <<Recipient Zip>>

<<Greeting Line>>

The Michigan Office of Services to the Aging (OSA) is in the process of collecting information about the experiences of your direct service workers (DSW), registered nurses (RNs), and licensed practical nurses (LPNs), as a part of a federally funded study, sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. PHI has been contracted by OSA to facilitate the distribution of the survey and data analysis. You are being asked to complete the MI Choice Employer Workforce survey because your organization receives funding to provide services for older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities and mental illness. These services include: adult day; community living supports; homemaking; personal care; private duty; residential services, or respite services. We are asking for your participation in a very important online or paper survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. OSA recognizes that many direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states. You will have access to a summary of the results by September 2012.

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from the responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact Tameshia Bridges, Michigan Senior Workforce Advocate at PHI at (517) 643-1049 or email at This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records. Please return your completed survey to:

PHI –Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


<<Sender Name>>

<<Current Title>>


Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to provide for older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities the following services:

  • Adult day

  • Community living supports

  • Homemaking

  • Personal care

  • Private duty

  • Residential services

  • Respite services

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Michigan to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of direct service workers (DSW), registered nurses (RNs), and licensed practical nurses (LPNs). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal and state governments develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from Michigan by September 2012

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a MI Choice provider. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Tameshia Bridges at (517) 643-1049 or


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete the survey online, please enter <<123456>> when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to PHI Michigan, P.O. Box 505, Linden, MI 48451-9912by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining employee records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please consult with your organization’s headquarters for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention, and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations Michigan. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers, RNs, and LPNs. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Personal and home care aides

  • Home health aides

  • Direct support professionals

  • Certified nursing assistants

  • Homemakers

  • Personal attendants

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities with support needs.

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent, and on-call direct service workers, RNs and LPNs.

  • All direct service workers, RNs, and LPNs from all branches, divisions, or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include other licensed health care staff (physicians, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Definitions: Workplace Settings / Services

This survey refers to the following services in your state:

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Home maker/ home chore

  • Adult day services

  • Respite

  • Residential Services

Please include in your responses if applicable for your organization:

Direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home or apartment with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging (e.g. group home, Assisted Living, adult foster care home, home for the aged).

  2. In-home supports /Home care/personal care Supports provided to a person in his or her own home or in the home or apartment or in the home of a family member.

  3. Day programs and community support programsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day services.

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals on the job for which they are paid or in settings where job coaching and or training is available.

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Community living supports

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Home maker/home chore

  • Adult day services

  • Respite

  • Residential services

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system, or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations (agency offices, residential adult foster homes or homes for the aged, adult day centers) does your organization operate in Michigan?

Total number of settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers , RNs and LPNs your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

Direct Service Workers

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports/home care/personal care

C) Day programs and other community supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

RNs and LPNs

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do registered nurses (RN) and licensed practical nurses (LPN) have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week, RN

Number of hours per week, LPN

  • This organization does not employ any RNs or LPNs [SKIP QUESTIONS 10-12 AND GO DIRECTLY TO QUESTION 13]

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with RNs or LPNs who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total RNs did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012?

Number who work 36 or more hours per week, RN

Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week, RN

Total number of RNs

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total LPNs did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012?

Number who work 36 or more hours per week, LPN

Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week, LPN

Total number of LPNs

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Individuals Served

  1. How many people with a disability or who are aging does your organization currently support?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports/home care/personal care

C) Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

D) Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers, RNs, and LPNs that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

Direct Service Workers

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract or intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

RNs and LPNs

  1. How many RNs and LPNs do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new nurses needed, RN

Number of new nurses needed, LPN

  • This organization does not employ any RNs or LPNs [SKIP QUESTION 17 AND GO DIRECTLY TO QUESTION 18]

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many RNs and LPNs (including full-time, part-time, on-call, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total RNs who left the organization

Total LPNs who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct service workers, RNs and LPNs your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

Direct Service Workers

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour) for direct service workers

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports/home care/personal care

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call, or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call, or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call, or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For direct service workers who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different direct service workers ________ (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization compensate direct service workers for mileage or travel costs for travel between consumer homes or work sites?

  • Yes – for all travel for all direct service workers

  • Yes – for all travel for some direct service workers

  • Sometimes - under certain circumstances

  • No, we do not compensate direct service staff for mileage or travel costs between consumers’ homes or work sites

  • I am not sure/don’t know

RNs and LPNs

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent RNs and LPNs who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour) for RNs

$___.___ (per hour) for LPNs

  • This organization does not employ any RNs or LPNs [SKIP QUESTIONS 27-33 AND GO DIRECTLY TO QUESTION 34]

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent RNs and LPNs?

$___.___ (per hour) for RNs

$___.___ (per hour) for LPNs

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following RNs and LPNs are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time RNs

  • Full-time LPNs

  • Part-time RNs

  • On call or intermittent RNs

  • Contract RNs

  • Part-time LPNs

  • On call or intermittent LPNs

  • Contract LPNs

  • No RNs are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No LPNs are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following RNs and LPNs are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time RNs

  • Full-time LPNs

  • Part-time RNs

  • On call or intermittent RNs

  • Contract RNs

  • Part-time LPNs

  • On call or intermittent LPNs

  • Contract LPNs

  • No RNs are eligible for paid sick time

  • No LPNs are eligible for paid sick time

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following RNs and LPNs are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time RNs

  • Full-time LPNs

  • Part-time RNs

  • On call or intermittent RNs

  • Contract RNs

  • Part-time LPNs

  • On call or intermittent LPNs

  • Contract LPNs

  • No RNs are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No LPNs are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered by this organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many RNs and LPNs (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of RNs receiving health insurance coverage paid by this organization

Number of LPNs receiving health insurance coverage paid by this organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For RNs and LPNs who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different RNs and LPNs ________ (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization compensate RNs and LPNs for mileage or travel costs for travel between consumer homes or work sites?

  • Yes – for all travel for all RNs and all LPNs

  • Yes – for all travel for RNs only

  • Yes – for all travel for LPNs only

  • Sometimes for some nurses - under certain circumstances

  • No, we do not compensate RNs or LPNs for mileage or travel costs between consumers’ homes or work sites

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Direct Service Workforce Challenges

Please answer the following questions about direct service workers only. Do not include challenges related to recruitment and retention of RNs and LPNs in your responses to these questions.

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to recruit and hire qualified direct service workers? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant recruitment challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Recruitment is not a problem for this organization

  • Finding people to work in part-time or intermittent positions

  • Finding people who are willing to work for the wage we offer

  • Finding people who are willing to work in a position that does not offer health insurance

  • Finding people who can communicate effectively with the people they will support

  • Finding people who meet minimum education or experience requirements

  • Finding people who will work evenings, weekends or holidays

  • Finding people who can give up their unemployment benefits

  • Finding people with a clean driving record

  • Finding people with a clear criminal background check

  • Finding people who meet minimum requirements to be a direct service worker

  • Finding workers with reliable child-care

  • Finding workers with reliable transportation

  • Finding workers with the skills needed to serve the people we support

  • Other types of jobs are more attractive

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to retain qualified direct service workers once they are hired? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant retention challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Wages are not high enough

  • Full-time positions or sufficient hour are not available

  • Gas prices or public transit fares are too high

  • Paid health insurance is not offered

  • Conflict amongst direct service workers, supervisors, and/or managers

  • Workers are unable to do the essential job duties

  • Workers do not have reliable child-care

  • Workers do not have reliable transportation

  • Other personal stressors faced by workers

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Direct Service Workforce Qualifications and Training

  1. Which of the following are required to begin work as a direct service worker in your organization? (check all that apply)

  • A criminal background check

  • A current driver’s license

  • A high school diploma or its equivalent

  • Ability to speak and write in English

  • An abuse/neglect registry check

  • Certification or licensure

  • Education beyond a high school diploma

  • Passing a drug test

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization offer (or contract with another entity to provide) periodic ongoing skill development trainings or formal in-service programs to all direct service workers (that is not just for new hires)?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. For each topic listed below, please check the boxes next to the topics that your organization requires in-service or on-the-job training on (check all that apply).

Yes, we require training on this topic.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Check the boxes next to the topics you would identify as a critical training need for direct service workers in your organization (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, this is a critical training need for direct service workers in my organization.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return it to PHI Michigan, P.O. Box 505, Linden, MI 48451-9912 in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey #8: Michigan Employer Organization Survey Materials – Survey #2

Home Help Employer Workforce Survey


PHI - Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

PHI - Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code


P.O. Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>

<<Recipient Title>>

<<Recipient Organization>>

<<Recipient Street Address>>

<<Recipient City>>, <<Recipient State>> <<Recipient Zip>>

<<Greeting Line>>

The <<Michigan Office of Services to the Aging>> (OSA) is in the process of collecting information about the experiences of your direct service workforce, as a part of a federally funded study, sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. PHI has been contracted by OSA to facilitate the distribution of the survey and data analysis. You are being asked to complete this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Home Help services for older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities and mental illness. We are asking for your participation in a very important online or paper survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. OSA recognizes that many direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states. You will have access to a summary of the results by September 2012.

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from the responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact Tameshia Bridges, Michigan Senior Workforce Advocate at PHI, at (517) 643-1049 or This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records.

Please return your completed survey to:

PHI –Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


<<Recipient Name>>

<<Current Title>>


Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to deliver Home Help services to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Michigan to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of direct service workers (DSW). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal and state governments develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from Michigan by September 2012.

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a Home Help provider. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Tameshia Bridges at (517) 643-1049 or


We encourage you to complete your survey online at:

If you complete the survey online, please enter <<123456>> when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to PHI Michigan, P.O. Box 505, Linden, MI 48451-9912 by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining direct services worker records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please consult with your organization’s headquarters for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention, and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations Michigan. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers and Settings

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers. Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Home Help worker

  • Home health aides

  • Direct support professionals

  • Home care workers

  • Personal care attendants

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to older adults and/or people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities with support needs

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent, and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from all branches, divisions, or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include licensed health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Please include in your responses if applicable for your organization:

Direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home or apartment with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging.

  2. In-home supports /Home care/personal care Supports provided to a person in his or her own home or in the home or apartment or in the home of a family member.

  3. Day programs and community support programsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day health services and community supports.

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals on the job for which they are paid or in settings where job coaching or training is available (e.g., work supports).

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Adult day services

  • Respite

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A) Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B) Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A) Residential services

B) In-home supports/home care/personal care

C) Day programs and other community supports

D) Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people with a disability, mental illness, or who are aging does your organization currently support?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

Residential services

In-home supports/home care/personal care

Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract or intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct service workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports/home care/personal care

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For direct service workers who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different direct service workers ________ (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization compensate direct service workers for mileage or travel costs for travel between consumer homes or work sites?

  • Yes – for all travel for all direct service workers

  • Yes – for all travel for some direct service workers

  • Sometimes - under certain circumstances

  • No, we do not compensate direct service staff for mileage or travel costs between consumers’ homes or work sites

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available if needed who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Challenges

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to recruit and hire qualified direct service workers? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant recruitment challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Recruitment is not a problem for this organization

  • Finding people to work in part-time or intermittent positions

  • Finding people who are willing to work for the wage we offer

  • Finding people who are willing to work in a position that does not offer health insurance

  • Finding people who can communicate effectively with the people they will support

  • Finding people who meet minimum education or experience requirements

  • Finding people who will work evenings, weekends or holidays

  • Finding people who can give up their unemployment benefits

  • Finding people with a clean driving record

  • Finding people with a clear criminal background check

  • Finding people who meet minimum requirements to be a direct service worker

  • Finding workers with reliable child-care

  • Finding workers with reliable transportation

  • Finding workers with the skills needed to serve the people we support

  • Other types of jobs are more attractive

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to retain qualified direct service workers once they are hired? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant retention challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Wages are not high enough

  • Full-time positions or sufficient hour are not available

  • Gas prices or public transit fares are too high

  • Paid health insurance is not offered

  • Conflict amongst direct service workers, supervisors, and/or managers

  • Workers are unable to do the essential job duties

  • Workers do not have reliable child-care

  • Workers do not have reliable transportation

  • Other personal stressors faced by workers

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Employee Qualifications and Training

  1. Which of the following are required to begin work as a direct service worker in your organization? (check all that apply)

  • A criminal background check

  • A current driver’s license

  • A high school diploma or its equivalent

  • Ability to speak and write in English

  • An abuse/neglect registry check

  • Certification or licensure

  • Education beyond a high school diploma

  • Passing a drug check

  • Other (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization offer (or contract with another entity to provide) periodic ongoing skill development trainings or formal in-service programs to all direct service workers (that is not just for new hires)?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. For each topic listed below, please check the boxes next to the topics that your organization requires in-service or on-the-job training on (check all that apply).

Yes, we require training on this topic.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Check the boxes next to the topics you would identify as a critical training need for direct service workers in your organization (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, this is a critical training need for direct service workers in my organization.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return it to PHI Michigan, P.O. Box 505, Linden, MI 48451-9912 in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

Survey #9: Michigan Employer Survey Materials – Survey #3

Michigan Community Mental Health


PHI –Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

PHI –Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912


Recipient Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code


P.O. Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>

<<Recipient Title>>

<<Recipient Organization>>

<<Recipient Street Address>>

<<Recipient City>>, <<Recipient State>> <<Recipient Zip>>

<<Greeting Line>>

The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) is in the process of collecting information about the experiences of your direct service workforce, as a part of a federally funded study, sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. PHI has been contracted by MDCH to facilitate the distribution of the survey and data analysis. You are being asked to complete this survey because your organization receives funding to provide Community Mental Health funded services for people of all ages with intellectual or developmental disabilities or mental illness. We are asking for your participation in a very important online or paper survey about your employees. This is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions. The survey is voluntary, your responses will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act, and it will not affect your status as a provider.

We are interested in information about all your employees who provide hands-on, direct services and support. MDCH recognizes that many direct service agencies experience turnover at unaffordably high rates. Information from this survey will be used to develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours in understanding how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states. You will have access to a summary of the results by September 2012.

You can be assured that any information you give us on the survey will be kept private. Your agency name will be kept separate from the responses. The survey ID number will be used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations have completed the survey so that we can follow up to encourage a higher response rate. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and your organization will not be identified. If you have questions while completing the survey or would like more information about the study, please contact Tameshia Bridges, Michigan Senior Workforce Advocate at PHI, at (517) 643-1049 or This survey should take approximately 1 hour to complete and should be completed by someone with access to your company’s personnel records.

Please return your completed survey to:

PHI –Michigan

PO Box 505

Linden, MI 48451-9912

Thank you in advance for completing this survey.


<<Recipient Name>>

<<Current Title>>


Survey Instructions

Purpose of the Survey:

You received this survey because your organization receives funding to provide services though the Community Mental Health system for people of all ages with physical or intellectual or developmental disabilities and/or mental illness the following services:

  • Adult Day Services

  • Chore Services

  • Community living supports

  • Job/Vocational Services

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Residential services

  • Respite services

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has asked Michigan to gather and report basic information about the volume, stability, wages, and compensation of direct service workers (DSW). This information will allow state and federal policymakers to:

  • Identify and set priorities for long-term support and services reform and systems change.

  • Inform policy development regarding direct services workforce improvement initiatives.

  • Promote integrated planning and coordinated approaches for long-term supports and services.

  • Create a baseline against which the progress of workforce improvement initiatives can be measured.

  • Compare workforce outcomes for various programs and populations to better evaluate the impact of policy initiatives.

  • Compare state progress with the progress of other states and with overall national performance (where data from other states are available).

Information from this survey will help the federal government and state develop ways to attract more workers into these jobs and keep workers in these jobs longer. The information from this survey can also assist organizations like yours understand how you compare to other organizations in your state, and how organizations in your state compare to those in other states (where data from other states are available). Your organization will be given the opportunity to see the results from Michigan by September 2012.

Notice of Privacy:

Filling out this survey is voluntary. Your answers to these questions will be kept private under the guidelines of the Privacy Act and will not affect your status as a CMH provider. This survey has been assigned a Survey ID number that appears at the bottom of every page. This number is the only way your organization will be identified; it will be kept separate from your responses and used only for the purpose of tracking which organizations complete the survey, so that we can follow up with organizations that do not fill it out to encourage a higher response rate. Results of this survey will be reported only in the aggregate; your organization will not be identified in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact PHI’s Senior Workforce Advocate, Tameshia Bridges at (517) 643-1049 or by email at .


We encourage you to complete your survey online at: Organization Survey (NOT AVAILABLE FOR PILOT TESTING)

If you complete the survey online, please enter 123456 when it asks for your Survey ID number. Alternatively, you may complete the paper survey enclosed and return your completed survey to PHI Michigan, P.O. Box 505, Linden, MI 48451-9912., by mail using the stamped return envelope enclosed.

The survey will take approximately one hour to complete and will require access to your organization’s personnel data. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer to one or more of the questions, please ask the person in your organization who would be able to provide an accurate answer. This survey should be completed by the person or group in your organization responsible for maintaining employee records including wages, benefits, hiring, training, and tenure with your organization. If your organization is part of a larger national or state organization, please send the survey to your organization’s Michigan headquarters, or contact them for answers to any questions that you do not know.

We encourage you to keep a copy of your answers to this survey as a baseline for your own organization so that you can monitor your progress in addressing staff recruitment, retention, and training challenges over time and compare your organization’s experiences to those of other organizations Michigan. You can learn more about effective recruitment and retention strategies at the Direct Service Workforce Resource Center (

Please refer to the following definitions as you complete this survey.

Definitions: Types of Workers

This survey is about people employed or contracted to be direct service workers, Direct service workers may work in one or more type of service settings and with one or more populations. This includes all paid workers whose primary job responsibility is direct service work. The direct service workforce includes the following job titles and those in similar roles:

  • Direct support professionals

  • Direct support worker

  • Personal care attendant

  • Homemakers

  • CLS Worker

  • Job Coach

Please include in your responses:

  • All people whose primary job responsibility is to provide support, training, supervision, and personal assistance to people of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness with support needs.

  • All part-time, full-time, intermittent, and on-call direct service workers.

  • All direct service workers from all branches, divisions, or offices of your organization in this state.

  • Contract or subcontracted direct service workers who are not employed by your organization directly.

  • All paid staff members who spend at least 50% of their hours doing direct service tasks. These people may do some supervisory tasks, but their primary job responsibility and more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service work.

Only include supervisors if more than 50% of their hours are spent doing direct service tasks.

Do not include other licensed health care staff (physicians, social workers, psychologists, etc.), administrative staff, or full time managers or directors, unless they spend 50% or more of their hours providing direct, hands-on support and personal assistance or supervision to individuals with disabilities or older adults.

Definitions: Workplace Settings / Services

This survey refers to the following services provided through waiver programs administered by the Community Mental Health system in Michigan:

  • Adult Day Services

  • Chore Services

  • Community living supports

  • Job/Vocational Services

  • Personal care

  • Private duty nursing

  • Residential services

  • Respite services

Please include in your responses if applicable for your organization:

Direct service workers in the following settings:

  1. Residential services—Supports provided to a person living in a community home or apartment with two or more people of any age with disabilities or who are aging (e.g. group home, assisted living, adult foster care home, home for the aged).

  2. In-home supports /home care/personal care Supports provided to a person in his or her own home or in the home or apartment or in the home of a family member.

  3. Day programs and community support programsSupports provided outside an individual’s home such as adult day services.

  4. Job or vocational services—Supports to help individuals on the job for which they are paid.

Do not include employees in the following settings:

  • People who work only in institutional settings such as ICF-MRs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Rehabilitation Facilities. However, employees of institutional settings should be included if they work with people living in home and community settings.

  • People working only in school settings for children through 12th grade.

  • People who are hired directly by the person or the person’s family for whom your organization’s role is limited to being a fiscal intermediary/employer of record.

  • People working in child care facilities unless they specifically support children with disabilities.

  • People providing therapy services, such as occupational therapists.

Survey Questions

  1. Which of the following services does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)

  • Adult day services

  • Chore Services

  • Community Living Supports

  • Homemaker

  • Job/Vocational Services

  • Personal Care

  • Private Duty nursing

  • Residential Services

  • Respite

  • Other (please indicate)

  1. Is your organization… (check only one answer)

  • Independent entity (i.e., not part of a chain or larger organization)

  • Part of a chain, system, or multi-organization structure (within your state or nationally)

  • Government operated

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If your organization has multiple sites in this state, for what part of the organization are you responding? (check only one answer)

  • The entire organization in this state

  • A subdivision of the organization within this state

  • A single service setting that is part of a larger organization

  • Our organization has only one site

  1. Excluding services provided to people in their own or a family member’s home, how many different service locations (agency offices, residential adult foster homes or homes for the aged, adult day centers) does your organization operate in Michigan?

Total number of settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Volume

The following questions are related to the number and assignments of the direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

Direct Service Workers

  1. How many hours per week (not per pay period) do direct service workers have to work to be considered full-time employees at your organization?

Number of hours per week

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization contract with direct services workers who are not employees of your organization to provide the services listed in Question #1?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many total direct service workers did your organization employ or contract with on January 31, 2012? (check box below if using a different date)

A. Number who work 36 or more hours per week

B. Number who work 1 to 35 hours per week

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A plus B)

  • Used date other than last day of past month (please indicate)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many employed or contracted direct service workers work primarily in each of these types of settings? (please count each employee once, in the setting he or she works the most hours)

A. Residential services

B. In-home supports/home care/personal care

C. Day programs and other community supports

D. Job or vocational services

Total number of direct service workers (the sum of A-D)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Individuals Served

  1. How many people with a disability and/or mental illness does your organization currently support in each of the following settings and in total?

Total number of people supported

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many people does your organization currently support in each of the following settings? Individuals should be counted in more than one category if they receive services in more than one setting.

Residential services

In-home supports/home care/personal care

Day programs and rehabilitative or medical supports

Job or vocational services

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Workforce Stability

The following information will be used to calculate the turnover and vacancy rates for direct service workers that your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1.

Direct Service Workers

  1. How many direct service workers do you need to hire this week? Please include all full-time and part-time, on-call, contract, and intermittent positions that are currently funded but have no specific person assigned. You might be using overtime or substitutes to cover these positions.

Number of new workers needed

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. In the last 12 months, how many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) left employment or stopped contracting with your organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary)?

Total direct service workers who left the organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Worker Compensation and Benefits

The following information will be used to determine the average wage rates and benefit levels for direct services workers your organization employs or contracts with to provide the services listed in Question #1. Please use your organization’s definition of full-time and part-time for this section. Please report average amounts across your organization.

Direct Service Workers

  1. What was the average starting hourly wage paid to full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers who were hired in your organization over the last 12 months?

$___.___ (per hour) for direct service workers

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What is the current average hourly wage paid to all full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent direct service workers in each of the following types of services or settings?

Residential services

In-home supports/home care/personal care

Day programs and other community supports

Job or vocational services

Current average hourly wage across all services and settings

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use vacation or paid time off (excluding sick time) at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid vacation or paid time off

  • No paid vacation time or paid time off offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service workers are eligible to earn and use paid sick time? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for paid sick time

  • Paid sick time is not offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Which of the following direct service worker groups are eligible for individual health insurance coverage through your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Full-time direct service workers

  • Part-time direct service workers

  • On call or intermittent direct service workers

  • Contracted full-time direct service workers

  • No direct service workers are eligible for health insurance coverage

  • No health insurance coverage is offered

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How many direct service workers (including full-time, part-time, on-call, contract, or intermittent) currently receive individual health insurance coverage through your organization?

Number of direct service workers enrolled in health insurance coverage through your organization

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. For direct service workers who are currently receiving individual health insurance coverage, what percentage of the premium is paid for by your organization? (check only one answer)

  • 0%

  • 1% to 25%

  • 26% to 50%

  • 51% to 75%

  • 76% or more

  • Different percentages for different direct service workers ________ (please describe)

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization compensate direct service workers for mileage or travel costs for travel between consumer homes or work sites?

  • Yes – for all travel for all direct service workers

  • Yes – for all travel for some direct service workers

  • Sometimes - under certain circumstances

  • No, we do not compensate direct service staff for mileage or travel costs between consumers’ homes or work sites

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Organizational Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.1

  1. Does your organization have a written plan for recruiting, retaining, and promoting staff who are representative of populations served?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Are interpreters available, if needed, who are knowledgeable about healthcare terminology and can translate and/or interpret information to diverse populations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization have a written policy concerning cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. If yes, which of the following populations are included in cultural competency training, plan, or policy at your organization? (check all that apply)

  • Racial/ethnic minorities

  • Language minorities

  • Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender population

  • Specific religious groups or faith-based affiliations

  • AIDS/HIV status

  • Disability status

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Do staff at your organization receive training in cultural competence?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your training address key cultural related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the populations served by your organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Direct Service Workforce Challenges

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to recruit and hire qualified direct service workers? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant recruitment challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Recruitment is not a problem for this organization

  • Finding people to work in part-time or intermittent positions

  • Finding people who are willing to work for the wage we offer

  • Finding people who are willing to work in a position that does not offer health insurance

  • Finding people who can communicate effectively with the people they will support

  • Finding people who meet minimum education or experience requirements

  • Finding people who will work evenings, weekends or holidays

  • Finding people who can give up their unemployment benefits

  • Finding people with a clean driving record

  • Finding people with a clear criminal background check

  • Finding people who meet minimum requirements to be a direct service worker

  • Finding workers with reliable child-care

  • Finding workers with reliable transportation

  • Finding workers with the skills needed to serve the people we support

  • Other types of jobs are more attractive

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. How would you describe your organization’s ability to retain qualified direct service workers once they are hired? (check only one answer)

  • Easy/no problem

  • Moderately easy

  • Somewhat difficult

  • Difficult

  • Almost impossible

  • It depends on the time of year

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. What are the three most significant retention challenges for your organization?
    (check up to three challenges)

  • Wages are not high enough

  • Full-time positions or sufficient hour are not available

  • Gas prices or public transit fares are too high

  • Paid health insurance is not offered

  • Conflict amongst direct service workers, supervisors, and/or managers

  • Workers are unable to do the essential job duties

  • Workers do not have reliable child-care

  • Workers do not have reliable transportation

  • Other personal stressors faced by workers

  • None of the above

  • I am not sure/don’t know

Direct Service Workforce Qualifications and Training

  1. Which of the following are required to begin work as a direct service worker in your organization? (check all that apply)

  • A criminal background check

  • A current driver’s license

  • A high school diploma or its equivalent

  • Ability to speak and write in English

  • An abuse/neglect registry check

  • Certification or licensure

  • Education beyond a high school diploma

  • Passing a drug test

  • I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Does your organization offer (or contract with another entity to provide) periodic ongoing skill development trainings or formal in-service programs to all direct service workers (that is not just for new hires)?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure/do not know

  1. For each topic listed below, please check the boxes next to the topics that your organization requires in-service or on-the-job training on (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, we require training on this topic.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

  1. Check the boxes next to the topics you would identify as a critical training need for direct service workers in your organization (check at least three and all that apply).

Yes, this is a critical training need for direct service workers in my organization.


Administering medications

Assessing consumer needs

Assisting with wound care, dialysis, catheter and/or ostomy care

Behavior management

Cariopulminary resuscitation (CPR)


Consumer confidentiality

Conflict resolution

Consumer empowerment

Consumer rights

Crisis prevention and intervention

Cultural competence

Direct service professionalism



Facilitation of services (e.g., finding and getting services for the individual)

Health and wellness

Household management

Infection control

Interpersonal relationship skills

Nutritional support

Organizational participation

Participant-directed service planning and implementation

Personal care

Problem solving

Providing services based on needs of individual

Safety and emergency training

Stress management/personal safety and wellness


Transferring or lifting

Vocational, educational and career support

I am not sure/don’t know

Thank you for completing this survey.

For paper surveys:

Please return it to PHI Michigan,, P.O. Box 505, Linden, MI 48451—9912 in the postage paid envelope provided.

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-NEW.  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hr per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.  If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

1 Five essential elements contribute to a system's institution's, or agency's ability to become more culturally competent, which include: 1) Valuing diversity, 2) Having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, 3) Being conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, 4) Having institutionalized culture knowledge, and 5) Having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence at:

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAshley Tomisek
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-31

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