TB Elimination and Laboratory Services: Input on Developing New Funding Opportunity Announcement
Supporting Statement – Section B
Submitted: January 14, 2014
Program Official/Project Officer
Glenroy Christie
Deputy Branch Chief
Field Services and Evaluation Branch
Division of TB Elimination, CDC
1600 Clifton RD NE Atlanta, GA 30333
Email: gpc5@cdc.gov
Section B – Data Collection Procedures
Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
The respondent universe will consist of TB controllers from 62 state and local U.S. jurisdictions – which includes the 50 states, 9 major U.S. Cities (Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco), the District of Columbia, and two U.S. Territories. The respondent universe will also include public health laboratory representatives from58 of the 62 programs – which includes the 50 states, 6 major U.S. cities (Houston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New York City, San Diego, and San Francisco), the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that receive awards through the CDC TB Elimination Cooperative Agreement (TB CoAg).
Table B-1: Potential Respondent Universe
Entity |
Potential Respondent |
N |
State and local health departments, big cities, and DC |
TB Controllers |
62 |
Public health laboratories |
Laboratory Directors/Coordinators |
58 |
Total Universe of Potential Respondents |
120 |
Procedures for the Collection of Information
Data will be collected through a web-based data collection instrument administered to the entire potential respondent universe. An advance email introducing the project (see Attachment C) will be sent to all eligible respondents (N=120), informing them of the planned data collection and announcing the date of administration. A second email will be sent providing an HTML link to the instrument along with instructions for completion (see Attachment D). The link will remain open for 20 business days to allow ample time for respondents to complete. Reminders will be emailed on day 10 and day 17 of the assessment (see Attachment E and F, respectively).
The assessment will be conducted online using Adobe Forms Central. A PDF version will be available upon request for participants who wish to complete offline. Data is automatically added to response tables that will be analyzed using SAS 9.3 to generate frequencies, percent, and cumulative percent of responses for each question. Summaries will be used to develop “Concepts” related to experiences that respondents provided. Tabulations of “Concepts” will be compiled when needed. No personal identifying information will be obtained. Data will be input into secure data bases. Any hard copies of the data will be stored in secure locations.
Methods to Maximize Response Rates Deal with Nonresponse
An advance email introducing the project (Attachment C), an email with instructions to participate in the project (Attachment D) and reminders by email on day 10 (Attachment E) and day 17 (Attachment F) will be sent to each potential respondent to maximize response rates. These emails will re-emphasize the importance of participation in the data collection to provide CDC with a better understanding of the experiences in interpreting and meeting expectations in the current TB CoAg in order to have a well-developed 2015-2019 Funding Opportunity Announcement.
Test of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken
The questionnaire was reviewed by CDC FSEB and Laboratory Branch (LB) Team Leads; 2 Field Operations; 1 LB, and 1 Program Evaluation Team. The average time to complete was 10 minutes with a range of 6 minutes to 15 minutes, including time spent on instructions. For the purposes of estimating burden hours the upper limit of 15 minutes is used as the estimated time needed to participate in the data collection.
Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting and/or Analyzing Data
Project lead will be responsible for collecting the data and overall administering the project activities. A representative from the FSEB Program Evaluation Team and the Laboratory Branch Laboratory Capacity Team will be responsible for statistical aspects or analysis of data. The summary will be reviewed by the team leads and the project lead. Individuals involved include:
Glenroy Christie, Deputy Branch chief, Field Services and Evaluation Branch (FSEB), DTBE; gpc5@cdc.gov; 404-639-8133
Awal Khan, Team Lead, Program Evaluation Team, FSEB, DTBE; aek5@cdc.gov; 404-639-6272
Angela Starks, Team Lead, Laboratory Capacity Team, DTBE; eog0@cdc.gov; 404-639-3205
Andrew Heetderks, Team Lead, Field Operations Team West, FSEB, DTBE; ajh1@cdc.gov; 404-639-8130
Donato Ruggiero, Team Lead, Field Operations Team East, FSEB, DTBE; dar0@cdc.gov; 404-639-8127
Attachment C – Advance Notification Email
Attachment D – Email with Instructions to Participate
Attachment E – 1st reminder email
Attachment F – 2nd reminder email
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | gel2 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |