Interstate Movement of Sheep and Goats

USDA - APHIS Approved Livestock Market Agreement


OMB: 0579-0258

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USDA, APHIS Approved Livestock Market Agreement


[Name of facility] _________________________________________________________________

[Address and telephone number of facility]______________________________________

I, ___________________________________________________ [name of the individual legally
responsible for the day-to-day operations of the livestock facility], operator of _______________
___________________________________________ [name of facility], hereby agree to
maintain and operate the livestock facility located at ________________________________
__________________________________________________ [address of premises] in
accordance with the applicable provisions of this agreement and Chapter I, Title 9, of the Code of
Federal Regulations (9 CFR).
(1) The State animal health official and the area veterinarian in charge shall be provided with a
schedule of the facility's sale days, which shall indicate the types of animals that will be handled at
the facility on each sale day, and shall be appraised of any changes to that schedule prior to the
implementation of the changes.
(2) An accredited veterinarian, State representative, or APHIS representative shall be on the
facility premises on all sale days to perform duties in accordance with State and Federal regulations.
(3) State representatives and APHIS representatives shall be granted access to the facility during
normal business hours to evaluate whether the facility and its operations are in compliance with the
applicable provisions of this agreement and 9 CFR parts 71, 75, 78, 79, and 85.
(4) An APHIS representative, State representative, or accredited veterinarian shall be immediately
notified of the presence at the facility of any livestock that are known to be infected, exposed, highrisk and scrapie-positive, or suspect, or that show signs of possibly being infected, with any
infectious, contagious, or communicable disease.
(5) Any reactor, suspect, exposed, high-risk, or scrapie positive livestock shall be held in
quarantined pens apart from all other livestock at the facility. This requirement shall not apply to
scrapie-exposed sheep that are not also designated high-risk animals or to sheep or goats designated
under 9 CFR part 79 as scrapie-exposed or high-risk animals that either are not pregnant based on the
animal being male, an owner certification that any female animals have not been exposed to a male
in the preceding 6 months, or a certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian stating the animals are
open; or that the animals are under 12 months of age and are not visibly pregnant and are maintained
in the same pen only with other animals that will be moved directly to slaughter or to a terminal
feedlot in accordance with 9 CFR parts 71 and 79.

USDA, APHIS Approved Livestock Market Agreement

(6) No reactor, suspect, exposed, high-risk, or scrapie-positive livestock, nor any livestock that
show signs of being infected with any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease, may be sold
at or moved from the facility, except in accordance with 9 CFR parts 71, 75, 78, 79, and 85.
(7) Documents such as weight tickets, sales slips, and records of origin, identification, and
destination that relate to livestock that are in, or that have been in, the facility shall be maintained by
the facility for a period of 2 years, or for a period of 5 years in the case of sheep or goats. APHIS
representatives and State representatives shall be permitted to review and copy those documents
during normal business hours.
(8) All livestock must be officially identified in accordance with the applicable regulations in 9
CFR parts 71, 75, 78, 79, and 85 at the time of, or prior to, entry into the facility.
Cleaning and Disinfection
(9) The facility, including all yards, docks, pens, alleys, sale rings, chutes, scales, means of
conveyance, and their associated equipment, shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
The operator of the facility shall be responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of the facility in
accordance with 9 CFR part 71 and for maintaining an adequate supply of disinfectant and
serviceable equipment for cleaning and disinfection.
General Facilities and Equipment Standards
(10) All facilities and equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair. The facility shall
contain well-constructed and well-lighted livestock handling chutes, pens, alleys, and sales rings for
the inspection, identification, vaccination, testing, and branding of livestock.
(11) Quarantined pens shall be clearly labeled with paint or placarded with the word
“Quarantined” or the name of the disease of concern, and shall be cleaned and disinfected in
accordance with 9 CFR part 71 as well as 9 CFR 54.7(e) (2) if the disease of concern is scrapie and
the quarantined animal gave birth or aborted at the facility, before being used to pen livestock that
are not reactor, suspect, exposed, high-risk, or scrapie-positive animals
(12) Quarantined pens shall have adequate drainage, and the floors and those parts of the walls of
the quarantined pens with which reactor, suspect, exposed, high-risk or scrapie-positive livestock,
their excrement, or discharges may have contact shall be constructed of materials that are
substantially impervious to moisture and able to withstand continued cleaning and disinfection.
(13) Electrical outlets shall be provided at the chute area for branding purposes.

USDA, APHIS Approved Livestock Market Agreement

Standards for Handling Different Classes of Livestock
(By his or her initials, the operator of the facility shall signify the class or classes of livestock that the
facility will handle.)
(14) Cattle and bison:
________________________ This facility will handle cattle and bison: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will handle cattle and bison known to be brucellosis
reactors, suspects, or exposed: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will not handle cattle and bison known to be brucellosis
reactors, suspects, or exposed and such cattle and bison will not be
permitted to enter the facility: [Initials of operator, date]
(i) Cattle and bison shall be received, handled, and released by the facility only in accordance with
9 CFR parts 71 and 78.
(ii) All brucellosis reactor, brucellosis suspect, and brucellosis exposed cattle or bison arriving at
the facility shall be placed in quarantined pens and consigned from the facility only in accordance
with 9 CFR part 78.
(iii) Any cattle or bison classified as brucellosis reactors at the facility shall be identified in
accordance with 9 CFR part 78, placed in quarantined pens, and consigned from the facility only to a
recognized slaughtering establishment or an approved intermediate handling facility in accordance
with 9 CFR part 78.
(iv) Any cattle or bison classified as brucellosis exposed at the facility shall be identified in
accordance with 9 CFR part 78, placed in quarantined pens, and consigned from the facility only to a
recognized slaughtering establishment, approved intermediate handling facility, quarantined feedlot,
or farm of origin in accordance with 9 CFR part 78.
(v) The identity of cattle from Class Free States or areas and Class A States or areas shall be
(vi) The identity of cattle from Class B States or areas shall be maintained, and test-eligible cattle
from Class B States or areas shall not be placed in pens with cattle from any other area until they
have fulfilled the requirements of 9 CFR part 78 for release from the facility.
(vii) The identity of cattle from Class C States or areas shall be maintained, and test-eligible cattle
from Class C States or areas shall not be placed in pens with cattle from any other area until they
have fulfilled the requirements of 9 CFR part 78 for release from the facility.
(viii) The identity of cattle from quarantined areas shall be maintained, and test-eligible cattle from
quarantined areas shall not be placed in pens with cattle from any other area until they have fulfilled
the requirements of 9 CFR part 78 for release from the facility.
(ix) Test-eligible cattle that are penned with test-eligible cattle from a lower class State or area, in
violation of this agreement, shall have the status of the State or area of lower class for any subsequent
(x) Laboratory space shall be furnished and maintained for conducting diagnostic tests. All test
reagents, testing equipment, and documents relating to the State-Federal cooperative eradication
programs on the facility's premises shall be secured to prevent misuse and theft. Adequate heat,

USDA, APHIS Approved Livestock Market Agreement

cooling, electricity, water piped to a properly drained sink, and sanitation shall be provided for
properly conducting diagnostic tests.

(15) Swine:
________________________ This facility will handle breeding swine: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will handle slaughter swine: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will handle feeder swine: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will handle pseudorabies reactor, suspect, or exposed
swine: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will not handle swine known to be pseudorabies reactor,
suspect, or exposed swine and such swine will not be permitted to
enter the facility: [Initials of operator, date].
(i) Swine shall be received, handled, and released by the livestock facility only in accordance with
9 CFR parts 71, 78, and 85.
(ii) Pens, alleys, and sales rings for holding, inspecting, and otherwise handling swine shall be
imperviously surfaced.
(iii) Slaughter swine may be handled only on days when no feeder swine or breeder swine are
present at the facility, unless the facility has provisions to keep slaughter swine physically separated
from feeder swine and breeder swine or unless those areas of the facility used by slaughter swine
have been cleaned and disinfected before being used by feeder swine or breeder swine.
(iv) No feeder swine or breeder swine may remain in the livestock facility for more than 72 hours,
and no slaughter swine may remain in the livestock market for more than 120 hours.
(v) Feeder swine shall be kept separate and apart from other swine while in the livestock facility.
(vi) No release shall be issued for the removal of slaughter swine from the livestock facility unless
the slaughter swine are consigned for immediate slaughter or to another slaughter market and the
consignee is identified on the release document.
(16) Horses:
________________________ This facility will handle horses: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will handle equine infectious anemia (EIA) reactors:
[Initials of operator, date]
________________________ This facility will not handle horses known to be EIA reactors and will
not permit EIA reactors to enter the facility: [Initials of operator, date]
(i) Horses shall be received, handled, and released by the livestock facility only in accordance with
9 CFR parts 71 and 75.

USDA, APHIS Approved Livestock Market Agreement

(ii) Any horses classified as EIA reactors and accepted by the facility for sale shall be placed in
quarantined pens at least 200 yards from all non-EIA-reactor horses.
(iii) Any horses classified as EIA reactors and accepted by the facility for sale shall be consigned
from the facility only to a slaughtering establishment or to the home farm of the reactor in
accordance with 9 CFR part 75.
(iv) Fly Control Program: The livestock facility shall have in effect a fly control program utilizing
at least one of the following: Baits, fly strips, electric bug killers (“Fly Zappers,” “Fly
Snappers,” or similar equipment), or the application of a pesticide effective against flies, applied
according to the schedule and dosage recommended by the manufacturer for fly control.
(17) Sheep and goats:
________________________ This facility will handle breeding sheep or goats: [Initials of operator,
________________________ This facility will handle slaughter sheep or goats: [Initials of operator,
________________________ This facility will handle scrapie-exposed goats or high-risk sheep or
goats: [Initials of operator, date]
________________________This facility will not handle goats known to be scrapie-exposed or
sheep or goats known to be high-risk animals, nor permit such
animals to enter the facility: [Initials of operator, date]
(i) All sheep and goats must be received, handled, and released by the facility only in accordance
with 9 CFR parts 71 and 79.
(ii) All sheep and goats at the facility must be officially identified and relevant records related to
those identified animals must be maintained by the facility operator, as required under 9 CFR part 79.
(iii) The identity of sheep and goats from consistent States and inconsistent States must be
maintained by the facility operator.
(iv) Sexually intact animals that do not meet the requirements of part 79 to be sold as breeding
animals must be maintained in separated enclosures at all times from animals that may be offered for
sale as breeding animals unless all animals maintained in an enclosure arrived at the facility as part of
the same consignment and are separated prior to sale.
(v) Any sheep or goats that are designated, with regard to scrapie, as high-risk, suspect or scrapiepositive animals, and goats designated with regard to scrapie as exposed animals, excluding
slaughter sheep or goats that are designated as exposed or high-risk animals and are not pregnant,
must be held in quarantined pens while at the facility.

USDA, APHIS Approved Livestock Market Agreement

(18) Request for approval:
I hereby request approval for this facility to operate as an approved livestock facility for the classes
of livestock indicated in paragraphs (14) through (17) of this agreement. I acknowledge that I have
received a copy of 9 CFR parts 71, 75, 78, 79, and 85, and acknowledge that I have been informed
and understand that failure to abide by the provisions of this agreement and the applicable provisions
of 9 CFR parts 71, 75, 78, 79, and 85 constitutes a basis for the withdrawal of this approval.
__________________________ _______________________________ ___________________
Printed Name
Signature of Operator
(19) Pre-approval inspection of livestock facility conducted by
__________________________ _______________________________ ___________________
Printed Name
Signature APHIS Representative
(20) Recommend approval:
__________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
Printed Name
Signature State Animal Health Official Date
__________________________ _______________________________ ___________________
Printed Name
Signature Area Veterinarian in Charge Date
(21) Approval granted:
__________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
Printed Name
Deputy Administrator
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Veterinary Services

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this
information is 0579-0258. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information.

OMB Approved

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-10-12
File Created2011-10-12

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