Att 8 - Observations

Att. 8-EHS-Net Listeria-Structured Notational Obs 20121024.doc

Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-NET) Program

Att 8 - Observations

OMB: 0920-0792

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Attachment 8: EHS-Net Listeria Retail Deli Study-Structured Observation and Notational Observation

establishment – Structured Observation

Please answer the following questions by observing the deli’s environment and employees’ food handling practices. Do not interview the deli manager or workers for this data collection. Data collection should occur during the deli’s hours of operation.


  1. Date of observations: _______/_____/______

  1. Starting time of observations: ___________AM/PM

Sink Number

3. Select the task(s) performed in each of the deli’s sinks. (Check all that apply)

3a. Are soaps and paper/cloth drying towels available at (or near) each sink?


Hand washing

Opening chubs

Rinsing raw vegetables

Washing dishes, utensils, equipment

Other (Describe):­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________


Only soap

Only paper/cloth drying towels (hand


Both soap and paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)

No soap or paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)


Hand washing

Opening chubs

Rinsing raw vegetables

Washing dishes, utensils, equipment

Other (Describe):________________________


Only soap

Only paper/cloth drying towels (hand


Both soap and paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)

No soap or paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)


Hand washing

Opening chubs

Rinsing raw vegetables

Washing dishes, utensils, equipment

Other (Describe):________________________


Only soap

Only paper/cloth drying towels (hand


Both soap and paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)

No soap or paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)


Hand washing

Opening chubs

Rinsing raw vegetables

Washing dishes, utensils, equipment

Other (Describe):­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________


Only soap

Only paper/cloth drying towels (hand


Both soap and paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)

No soap or paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)

Sink Number

3. Select the task(s) performed in each of the deli’s sinks. (Check all that apply)

3a. Are soaps and paper/cloth drying towels available at (or near) each sink?


Hand washing

Opening chubs

Rinsing raw vegetables

Washing dishes, utensils, equipment

Other (Describe):________________________


Only soap

Only paper/cloth drying towels (hand


Both soap and paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)

No soap or paper/cloth drying towels

(hand dryer)

4. What are the current temperatures of the refrigerators/coolers (walk-in and reach-in), freezers, and deli cases where deli products are stored? Deli products are defined as foods that are prepared and

sold in the retail deli as ready-to-eat foods (i.e., chubs of deli meats, chubs of cheeses, and deli salads).

(For each refrigerator or freezer, enter temperature and circle the unit of measurement)

4a1. Refrigerator 1_____°F/°C 4b1. Freezer 1_____°F/°C 4c1. Deli case 1_____°F/°C

4a2. Refrigerator 2_____°F/°C 4b2. Freezer 2_____°F/°C 4c2. Deli case 2_____°F/°C

4a3. Refrigerator 3_____°F/°C 4b3. Freezer 3_____°F/°C 4c3. Deli case 3_____°F/°C

4a4. Refrigerator 4_____°F/°C 4b4. Freezer 4_____°F/°C 4c4. Deli case 4_____°F/°C

4a5. Refrigerator 5_____°F/°C 4b5. Freezer 5_____°F/°C 4c5. Deli case 5_____°F/°C

5. Is there a walk-in refrigerator or cooler?

Yes Could Not Observe (Go to Q6)

No (Go to Q6)

5a. Are raw animal products and deli products stored separately in containers, bins, or trays

inside the cooler? Raw animal products are animal products that have not been cooked

(e.g., uncooked seafood, chicken, beef, and pork).

Yes Could Not Observe


5b. Are raw animal products stored above ready-to-eat foods inside the cooler? Ready-to-eat foods

are foods that do not require further cooking or heating for safe consumption (e.g., deli meats,

cheeses, rotisserie chicken, vegetables, deli salads, and fruit).

Yes Could Not Observe


6. For incoming foods that require refrigeration, are there records to indicate that the temperatures

of these foods are being taken and recorded when they are delivered?



Could Not Observe

7. Estimate the percentage of workers in the deli who are handling ready-to-eat foods with bare hands.

__________% (Enter percentage)

Could Not Observe

8. Is there any evidence of potential direct cross-contamination of raw animal products with ready-to-

eat foods within the deli area? For example, workers slicing raw animal products and cooked products with the same knife without cleaning and sanitizing between use.


No (Go to Q9)

No raw animal products used (Go to Q9)

Could Not Observe (Go to Q9)

8a. Please describe any evidence of direct cross-contamination.________________________________



9. Are any raw foods cooked in another area that is separate from but next to the deli area?


No (Go to Q10)

Could Not Observe (Go to Q10)

9a. What types of raw foods are cooked in these adjacent areas? (Check all that apply)





Other­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ (Describe): ____________________________

Could Not Observe

10. Are wet wiping cloths used in this establishment?


No (Go to Q11)

Could Not Observe (Go to Q11)

10a. Are all wet wiping cloths stored in a sanitizer solution between uses?



Could Not Observe

11. Randomly select one sanitizing solution that is currently in use in the deli and measure its

concentration. Is it at the proper concentration?



Could Not Observe

12. Are there mechanical dish washing machines for utensils or other equipment?


No (Go to Q13)

12a. What method of sanitization is used for the mechanical dish washing machines?

Only heat (Go to Q12b)

Only chemical (Go to Q12c)

Both heat and chemical (Go to Q12b and then Q12c)

Could Not Observe (Go to Q13)

12b. Does the sanitizing cycle reach the temperatures recommended for sanitization?

Yes (Go to Q13)

No (Go to Q13)

Could Not Observe (Go to Q13)

12c. Does the chemical sanitizing cycle have the required levels of chemical sanitizer recommended for the machine?



Could Not Observe

13. Are milk crates located in the deli area?


No (Go to Q14)

Could Not Observe (Go to Q14)

13a. What are the milk crates used for? (Describe usage)_________________________________


14. Did you observe push carts, U-boats, or hand trucks used in the deli also being used in other departments?



Could Not Observe

Keep in mind that there are also questions in the worker interview regarding these same slicers. Thus, the numerical designation of the slicers should be the same for both data collection instruments. For example, slicer number 1 in the structured observation should also be labeled as slicer number 1 in the worker’s interview.

15. What types of slicers are currently in use in the deli?

15a. Slicer Number 1: Enter slicer’s make, model, and year of manufacture.

Make:_____________ Model:_____________ Year:_____________

Could Not Observe Make Could Not Observe Model Could Not Observe Year

15a.1. Did you observe any of the following on slicer number 1?

(Check all that apply)

Cracked seals and seams

Missing seams

Loose parts

Missing parts

Chips, cracks, and/or scratches

Other (Describe):________________________


15b. Slicer Number 2: Enter slicer’s make, model, and year of manufacture.

Make:_____________ Model:_____________ Year:_____________

Could Not Observe Make Could Not Observe Model Could Not Observe Year

15b.1. Did you observe any of the following on slicer number 2?

(Check all that apply)

Cracked seals and seams

Missing seams

Loose parts

Missing parts

Chips, cracks, and/or scratches

Other (Describe):________________________


15c. Slicer Number 3: Enter slicer’s make, model, and year of manufacture.

Make:_____________ Model:_____________ Year:_____________

Could Not Observe Make Could Not Observe Model Could Not Observe Year

15c.1. Did you observe any of the following on the slicer number 3?

(Check all that apply)

Cracked seals and seams

Missing seams

Loose parts

Missing parts

Chips, cracks, and/or scratches

Other (Describe):________________________


15d. Slicer Number 4: Enter slicer’s make, model, and year of manufacture.

Make:_____________ Model:_____________ Year:_____________

Could Not Observe Make Could Not Observe Model Could Not Observe Year

15d.1. Did you observe any of the following on slicer number 4?

(Check all that apply)

Cracked seals and seams

Missing seams

Loose parts

Missing parts

Chips, cracks, and/or scratches

Other (Describe):________________________


15e. Slicer Number 5: Enter slicer’s make, model, and year of manufacture.

Make:_____________ Model:_____________ Year:_____________

Could Not Observe Make Could Not Observe Model Could Not Observe Year

15e.1. Did you observe any of the following on slicer number 5?

(Check all that apply)

Cracked seals and seams

Missing seams

Loose parts

Missing parts

Chips, cracks, and/or scratches

Other (Describe):________________________


16. Are there any physical barriers such as walls or other physical objects separating the deli

from other departments in the retail establishment?



Could Not Observe

17. End time of observations:___________AM/PM

Establishment ID:__________ Evaluation ID:__________

Sketch deli layout (paper provided).

Instructions: Before sketching the deli, familiarize yourself with the actual layout of the deli. Use the generic sketch below to fill in the relative layout of these items in the deli area, keeping in mind the orientation (the front or customer service area) of the deli. If there is more than one item/equipment (e.g., sink, slicer, prep area, etc.), please include all of them in the sketch.

Where applicable, include the following items and designated areas in the sketch:

  1. Sinks

  2. Floor drains

  3. Deli cases

  4. Refrigerators

  5. Freezers

  6. Ovens

  7. Ranges

  8. Rotisseries

  9. Food preparation tables

  10. Slicers

  11. Food scales

  12. Exit and entry points

  13. Other department(s) adjacent to the deli

Establishment ID:__________ Evaluation ID:­­__________

Front/Customer Service

Notational Observation


  1. Use the Practice Notational Observation Form included to record a deli worker’s actions for the first 10-15 minutes. Once you feel comfortable with the practice part of the notational observation, use the Notational Observation Form provided to begin with the actual data collection.

  2. Depending on the number of workers present, select 1 to 3 food workers for whom you can observe their actions unobtrusively.

  3. Record the actions of one worker at a time. Start recording the actions of the worker when he/she is beginning a new task (e.g., food preparation or cleaning and sanitizing).

  4. For each deli worker under observation, do the following:

    1. Use 5 Notational Observation Forms to record 100 sequential actions

    2. On each form, record the Date, Establishment Id, Deli Worker #, and Page #

    3. Record all observed actions, in sequential order, under the Action Sequence column

    4. Write out any actions that were not included in the code key provided

    5. Include any relevant notes under the Notes columns

    6. Each numbered row (Action No.) represents one action

    7. Record the time at the start of the observation, under the Action No. column (at action #1)

    8. Record the time after 100 actions have been observed for a worker or at the end of Page #5 on the notational analysis form.

Date:­­_______ Page #:_______ Establishment Id: _______ Deli worker #:_______

Practice Notational Observation Form

Action No.

Action Sequence






















Date:________ Page #:________ Establishment Id:________ Deli worker #:______

Notational Observation Form

Action No.

Action Sequence






















Code Key




Food Employee

SUR (ST, PL) Work surface

(Stainless steel, plastic)

SAL Salami (chub)

WAS Wash

HD hair, face, etc.

SLI –Slicer

CRB Corned beef


BD-Any body part below the neck

CTB Cutting board

BOL - Bologna

TCH Touch

CLO Clothes apron, pants, etc.*

SNK Sink

HM Ham

CHG Change gloves

HDS Hands

SCL Scale

CHB Chub (unidentified)

CLN Clean

GLV Hands with disposable gloves

K Knife

DM Deli meat


SAN Sanitize

NGLV Hands with non- disposable gloves

IM Ice-maker

TRK Turkey

WP Wipe


CL Reach-in cooler

RSF Raw seafood

PT Put

DIR Dirty

FR Walk-in refrigerator

CSF Cooked seafood

PIN - Put in

PCON Potentially contaminated

FRH Walk-in refrigerator handle

CHE Processed Cheese

PON Put on

PRSL Pre-sliced

FAU - Faucet

RCH Raw chicken

PUP Pickup

Cleaning and Sanitizing


CAS Deli case

CCH Cooked Chicken


SP Soap

FRY Fryer

ENT- Entrée

SPRD Spread

HDSAN Hand sanitizer

MN Money

TM Tomato

SL Slice

NB Nail brush

CT To-go Container, Dish

BRD Bread

OPN Open

PAT Paper towel

WR (P,PA) Wrap (Plastic, Paper)

LT Lettuce

CLS Close

BR Broom

DT Deli tissue

PK Pickles

UWP - Unwrap

MP Mop

BG Bag (plastic for deli meat)

FRT Fruit

RWP Rewrap

TC Trash Can

CRT Cart

DS – Deli salad

SNZ Sneeze

CLT Cloth

UT Utensils tongs, spoons, ladles, etc.

PAS Pasta salad (i.e., any salad with pasta/noodles)

UTR Use Toilet room

SANR Sanitizer

WL Wall

C Condiments (mayo, ketchup, etc)


TEL Telephone

COL Cole slaw

DRI - Drink

ONOFF On/Off switch

GRN Garnish

TB Using tobacco

LBL - Label

SAU Sauce

PL Peel off casing

KN Knob/handle

WT Water

SC - Scoop

BTM - Bottom

RE - Remove

CP-Cell phone

W - With

LD - Lid

MX - Mix

GV - Give

WE - Weigh


US - Using

PRT - Print

TH AW Throw away

TON – Turn on

TOF – Turn off


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByDenita Williams
File Modified2012-08-17
File Created2012-08-17

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