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pdfmstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices
43. SWEPI, LP, Pad ID: Smith 606,
ABR–201102013, Duncan Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 16, 2011.
44. SWEPI, LP, Pad ID: Kuhl 529,
ABR–201102014, Richmond Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 16, 2011.
45. SWEPI, LP, Pad ID: Stanley 1106,
ABR–201102015, Osceola Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 16, 2011.
46. SWEPI, LP, Pad ID: Cole 495,
ABR–201102016, Richmond Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 16, 2011.
47. SWEPI, LP, Pad ID: Bowers 838,
ABR–201102017, Chatham Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 16, 2011.
48. SWEPI, LP, Pad ID: Boroch 477,
ABR–201102018, Charleston Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 16, 2011.
49. SWEPI, LP, Pad ID: Fenton 473,
ABR–201102019, Charleston Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 16, 2011.
50. Talisman Energy USA Inc., Pad
ID: 05 100 Dewing R, ABR–201102020,
Warren Township, Bradford County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to 6.000
mgd; Approval Date: February 17, 2011.
51. Carrizo Marcellus, LLC, Pad ID:
Yarasavage Well Pad, ABR–201102021,
Washington Township, Wyoming
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
2.100 mgd; Approval Date: February 17,
52. Southwestern Energy Production
Company, Pad ID: Gerfin Pad, ABR–
201102022, Lenox Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of up to 4.990 mgd; Approval Date:
February 17, 2011.
53. EQT Production Company, Pad
ID: Doe, ABR–201102023, Shippen
Township, Cameron County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 3.000 mgd;
Approval Date: February 17, 2011.
54. EQT Production Company, Pad
ID: Whippoorwill, ABR–201102024,
Shippen Township, Cameron County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to 3.000
mgd; Approval Date: February 17, 2011.
55. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad
ID: Lantz, ABR–201102025, Sheshequin
Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 7.500 mgd;
Approval Date: February 17, 2011.
56. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad
ID: Herr, ABR–201102026, Sheshequin
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Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 7.500 mgd;
Approval Date: February 17, 2011.
57. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, Pad
ID: KrisuleviczV P1, ABR–201102027,
Auburn Township, Susquehanna
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
3.575 mgd; Approval Date: February 23,
58. Southwestern Energy Production
Company, Pad ID: Sheldon Pad, ABR–
201102028, Jackson Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of up to 4.990 mgd; Approval Date:
February 23, 2011.
59. Pennsylvania General Energy
Company, LLC, Pad ID: Pine Hill Pad C
Wharton, ABR–201102029, Wharton
Township, Potter County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 3.000 mgd;
Approval Date: February 23, 2011.
60. Chief Oil & Gas LLC, Pad ID:
American Asphalt Drilling Pad #1,
ABR–201102030, Eaton Township,
Wyoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use
of up to 2.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 24, 2011.
61. Seneca Resources Corporation,
Pad ID: Covington Pad M, ABR–
201102031, Covington Township, Tioga
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
4.000 mgd; Approval Date: February 25,
62. Chief Oil & Gas LLC, Pad ID:
Garrison Drilling Pad #1, ABR–
201102032, Lemon Township, Wyoming
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
2.000 mgd; Approval Date: February 25,
63. Williams Production Appalachia
LLC, Pad ID: Knapik Well Pad, ABR–
201102033, Liberty Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 28, 2011.
64. Williams Production Appalachia
LLC, Pad ID: Hayes Well Pad, ABR–
201102034, Silver Lake Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 28, 2011.
65. Williams Production Appalachia
LLC, Pad ID: Herman Well Pad, ABR–
201102035, Franklin Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
February 28, 2011.
66. Southwestern Energy Production
Company, Pad ID: Demento Pad, ABR–
201102036, Stevens Township, Bradford
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
4.990 mgd; Approval Date: February 28,
Consumptive Use of up to 1.000 mgd;
Rescinded Date: February 16, 2011.
2. EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc., Pad
ID: Lansberry Perry 1V, ABR–20100227,
Lehman Township, Luzerne County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to 1.000
mgd; Rescinded Date: February 16,
3. EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc., Pad
ID: 4P, ABR–201011016, Lake
Township, Luzerne County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 1.200 mgd;
Rescinded Date: February 16, 2011.
4. EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc., Pad
ID: Kent North, ABR–201011038,
Fairmount Township, Luzerne County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to 1.200
mgd; Rescinded Date: February 16,
5. EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc., Pad
ID: Kent South, ABR–201011039,
Fairmount Township, Luzerne County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to 1.200
mgd; Rescinded Date: February 16,
6. Chief Oil & Gas, LLC, Pad ID:
Vollers Drilling Pad #1, ABR–2011005,
Elkland Township, Sullivan County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to 2.000
mgd; Rescinded Date: February 16,
7. Eastern Shore Natural Gas
Company, Mainline Extension
Interconnect Project, ABR–201007001,
Salisbury Township and West Sadsbury
Township, Lancaster County and
Chester County, Pa.; Consumptive Use
of up to 0.300 mgd; Rescinded Date:
February 28, 2011.
Rescinded Approval by Rule Issued
Under 18 CFR 806.22(f)
1. EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc., Pad
ID: Farrell 1H, ABR–20100218, Lake
Township, Luzerne County, Pa.;
PO 00000
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Authority: Pub. L. 91–575, 84 Stat. 1509 et
seq., 18 CFR Parts 806, 807, and 808.
Dated: April 5, 2011.
Stephanie L. Richardson,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2011–8957 Filed 4–12–11; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DOT–OST–2011–0057]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Requests for Comments;
Clearance of a Renewed Approval of
Information Collection(s): Procedures
for Transportation Workplace Drug and
Alcohol Testing Programs
Office of the Secretary (OST),
Notice and request for
The Department of
Transportation (DOT) invites public
comments about our intention to request
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) approval to renew an
information collection. The collection
involves Transportation Drug and
Alcohol Testing. The information to be
collected will be used to document tests
conducted and actions taken to ensure
safety in the workplace and/or is
necessary because under the Omnibus
Transportation Employee Testing Act of
1991, DOT is required to implement a
drug and alcohol testing program in
various transportation-related
industries. DOT is required to publish
this notice in the Federal Register in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law
DATES: Comments to this notice must be
received by June 13, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
• Web Site: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
on the DOT electronic docket site.
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., West Building, Room
W12–140, Washington, DC 20590,
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except on Federal
Instructions: You must include the
agency name and docket number [DOT–
OST–2011–0057] of this notice at the
beginning of your comment. Note that
all comments received will be posted
without change to http:// including any
personal information provided. Please
see the Privacy Act section of this
Docket: You may view the public
docket through the Internet at http:// or in person at the
Docket Management System office at the
above address.
Bohdan Baczara, Office of Drug and
Alcohol Policy and Compliance, Office
of the Secretary, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Room W62–300,
Washington, DC 20590; 202–366–3784
(voice), 202–366–3897 (fax), or (e-mail).
OMB Control Number: 2105–0529.
Title: Procedures for Transportation
Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Form Numbers: DOT F 1385; DOT F
Type of Review: Clearance of a
renewal of an information collection.
Background: Under the Omnibus
Transportation Employee Testing Act of
1991, DOT is required to implement a
drug and alcohol testing program in
various transportation-related
industries. This specific requirement is
elaborated in 49 CFR part 40,
Procedures for Transportation
Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing
Programs. This request for a renewal of
the information collection for the
program includes 43 burden items
among which are the U.S. Department of
Transportation Alcohol Testing Form
(ATF) [DOT F 1380] and the DOT Drug
and Alcohol Testing Management
Information System (MIS) Data
Collection Form [DOT F 1385]. The ATF
includes the employee’s name, the type
of test taken, the date of the test, and the
name of the employer. Custody and
control is essential to the basic purpose
of the alcohol testing program. Data on
each test conducted, including test
results, are necessary to document tests
conducted and actions taken to ensure
safety in the workplace.
The MIS form includes employer
specific drug and alcohol testing
information such as the reason for the
test and the cumulative number of
positive, negative and refusal test
results. The MIS data is used by each of
the affected DOT Agencies (i.e., Federal
Aviation Administration, Federal
Transit Administration, Federal
Railroad Administration, Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration, and the
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration) and the United States
Coast Guard when calculating their
random testing rates.
Respondents: The information will be
used by transportation employers,
Department representatives, and a
variety of service agents. Estimated total
number of respondents is 2,620,309.
Frequency: The information will be
collected annually.
Estimated Total Number Burden
Hours: 584,841.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for DOT’s
performance; (b) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (c) ways for the DOT
to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information collection; and
(d) ways that the burden could be
minimized without reducing the quality
of the collected information. The agency
will summarize and/or include your
PO 00000
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comments in the request for OMB’s
clearance of this information collection.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995; 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended;
and 49 CFR 1:48.
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 7,
Patricia Lawton,
DOT PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2011–9005 Filed 4–12–11; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Aviation Proceedings, Agreements
Filed the Week Ending March 26, 2011
The following Agreements were filed
with the Department of Transportation
under the Sections 412 and 414 of the
Federal Aviation Act, as amended (49
U.S.C. 1382 and 1384) and procedures
governing proceedings to enforce these
provisions. Answers may be filed within
21 days after the filing of the
Docket Number: DOT–OST–2011–
Date Filed: March 23, 2011.
Parties: Members of the International
Air Transport Association.
Subject: (a) TC3 (except within/to/
from South West Pacific, between Korea
(Rep. of). Malaysia and Guam, Northern
Mariana Islands), Flex Fares
Resolutions, Beijing, 11–12 May 2010,
(Memo 1389).
TC3 (except within/to/from South
West Pacific, between Korea, (Rep. of).
Malaysia and Guam, Northern, Mariana
Islands), Flex Fares Resolutions,
Minutes (Memo 1390).
TC3 (except within/to/from South
West Pacific, between Korea (Rep. of).
Malaysia and Guam, Northern Mariana
Islands), Flex Fares Resolutions, Beijing,
11–12 May 2010.
Technical Correction
(Memo 1391)
TC3 (except within/to/from South
West Pacific, between Korea (Rep. of).
Malaysia and Guam, Northern Mariana
Islands), Flex Fares Tables, Beijing,
11–12 May 2010.
(Memo 1412)
(b) TC3 Flex Fares between Japan,
Korea and South West Pacific within
South West Pacific, between South
Asian Subcontinent, South East Asia
and South West Pacific.
TC3 (except within/to/from South
West Pacific, between Korea (Rep. of).
Malaysia and Guam, Northern Mariana
Islands), Mail Vote 671.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Document |
Subject | Extracted Pages |
Author | U.S. Government Printing Office |
File Modified | 2011-04-12 |
File Created | 2011-04-12 |