The burden contained in this
information collection was allocated to OCC by OMB. This burden is
attributable to FRB Regs B (Equal Credit Opportunity), C (Home
Mortgage Disclosure), E (Electronic Funds Transfer), M (Consumer
Leasing), Z (Truth in Lending), CC (Availability of Funds and
Collection of Checks), and DD (Truth in Savings). On July 21, 2010,
the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, P.L.
111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010) (Dodd-Frank Act) was enacted. As
part of the comprehensive package of financial regulatory reform
measures enacted, Title III of the Dodd-Frank Act transfers the
powers, authorities, rights and duties of the Office of Thrift
Supervision to other banking agencies, including the OCC, on the
"transfer date." The transfer date is July 21, 2011. The Dodd-Frank
Act also abolishes the OTS ninety days after the transfer date. As
a result of the Dodd-Frank Act, OCC is making a non-substantive
change to this collection of information to include the thrift
institutions it now regulates.
The increase in burden is due
to the integration of the OTS with the OCC pursuant to the
Dodd-Frank Act. The additional respondents are entities formerly
regulated by the OTS.
Margaret Hesse 202 874-5750
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that
the collection of information encompassed by this request complies
with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding
the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a
benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked
and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.