Bundled Package for two Focus Groups at Saguro National Park and Congaree National Park

Programmatic Review for NPS-Sponsored Public Surveys

SAGU Collection Istruments

Bundled Package for two Focus Groups at Saguro National Park and Congaree National Park

OMB: 1024-0224

Document [pdf]
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SAGU Focus Group Recruitment Process - DRAFT
Recruitment strategy: From a list of 800 phone numbers, of which 50% are cell
phone numbers, a bilingual interviewer will call every fifth number, beginning with
the first number. The interviewer will ask to speak to the adult in the household
who has the nearest birthday. If that person is not Hispanic/Latino, the call will be
terminated and the next number will be called. If a person declines to participate,
his/her age, gender, and length of residency will be recorded for a non-response
bias check. The process will continue until a target of 80 eligible individuals is

Dates: start recruiting late [Insert Month here], actual focus group [insert date here]
Recruitment script:

Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon!

My name is ___________(name)____________. I’m a volunteer at Saguaro National Park in
Tucson. The park interested in learning about how people in Tucson use local
recreational areas. We’re especially interested in the Hispanic population of the
Tucson area. May I please speak to an adult the household who has the next
1. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

If NO: I’m sorry, you are not within our target frame, thank you for your time.

I’d like to invite you to a small group discussion - about recreation in the Tucson
area - that will last about 90 minutes, and will take place at ________(location)_________
during the first week in October. In return for your time, we’d like to offer you a
meal, a Saguaro National Park water bottle, and gift certificate to the Saguaro
National Park book and gift store. We’ll also give you up to $20 for your travel costs
to ________(location)__________.
Would you be interested in participating?

If NO: Thank you for your time. How long have you lived in this area? And may I
please have your age?
Great! I have a few short questions to ask:
2. What is your zip code?

3. How long have you lived in southern Arizona?
4. What language would you prefer to speak?
5. What is your age?
6. Have you ever visited Saguaro National Park in Tucson?
7. The group discussions will take place between Saturday October 1st and Friday
October 7. Which day of the week would you prefer? What time of day would you
prefer – morning, around noon, afternoon, or evening?
8. So that we can confirm with you, what is your name? Phone number? Address?
Finally, the discussion will be recorded so that I can include all the comments in a
report for Saguaro National Park. However, your comments will be anonymous.

Today’s date:
Please refer to the recruitment script for procedure and questions.
1. If the person declines record age/gender and length of residency
If the person accepts focus group invitation record in columns 2-8
2. What is your zip code?
3. How long have you lived in southern Arizona?
4. What language would you prefer to speak?
5. What is your age?
6. Have you ever visited Saguaro National Park in Tucson?
7. The group discussions will take place between Saturday October 1 and
Friday October 7 . Which day of the week would you prefer? What time of day
would you prefer – morning, around noon, afternoon, or evening?



Age Gender Yrs in


# of Preferred
years language
in AZ (English or


6. Visited
the park? Pref. day

Name of recruiter:
8. So that we can confirm with you, what is your name? Address?
Thank you very much for agreeing to participate! We’ll be contacting you to let
you know the exact date and time of the discussion.


8. Name/Address/preferred phone number (if different than the
current one)


_____ _____ _____


Office Use Only



(Translated from Spanish)

Good (Morning/Afternoon), my name is [MODERATOR), and I work for the Park Studies Unit at
the University of Idaho. We’re conducting research sponsored by the National Park Service. The
purpose of the research is to better understand the needs and barriers of the local Hispanic
community regarding access to resources at Saguaro National Park
This discussion group has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget in
compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Office of Management and Budget control
number and expiration date are available at your request.
Before we begin I want to tell you that the information that we obtain here is anonymous and
will not be used for any commercial purpose. I also want to inform you that we are audio
recording this session, but the recording will not be shared with anyone and will be used only to
create a summary of our discussion. Names will not be used in transcripts and quotations.
This focus group will take a maximum of one and a half hours to complete. During this time we
invite you to get something to eat or drink and if you need to use the restroom, they are located
at _________________.
I am going to ask you to please take turns when speaking, so that you do not speak at the same
time, and that you do not interrupt when others are talking during the session. If you have
something to share while someone else is speaking, raise your hand and I will make time for you
to share when that person finishes. I want you to know that there are no right or wrong
answers. What we want to know are your opinions and feelings.
You do not have to use your full names during this discussion. We can refer to one another by
using our first names only. Let’s begin the session by going around the table and introducing
ourselves. As we go around the table, please:

Introduce yourself by stating your first name
Share with us how long you have lived in Tucson area
Tell us how you usually get to work (bus, bike, private vehicle, carpool?)

Let’s go around the table one by one, starting to my right. ..


1. Recreational behavior/culture TOPIC AREA 3
What things you do you like to do for fun when you have free time such as a weekend or
a. What is your experience with outdoor recreational activities such as picnicking, daily
exercise, walking, playing Frisbee, etc?
(Alternative wording: What outdoor activities do you engage in? What do you
do for fun outside?)
Probe: What kinds of things would you NOT do? (due to limitations, preferences, etc.)
c. Is this an activity you do on a regular basis (daily, weekly, etc.), or only once in awhile?
2. Public Land Use Patterns TOPIC AREA 3
A public land area is not privately-owned (such as a golf course, amusement park, etc) and is
operated by a city, county, state federal entity.
a. Do you visit any publicly-owned areas, in or around Tucson?
b. (If Yes,) why do you go there? (If you’ve visited more than one area, please share
answers for all that you’ve visited…)
• Describe for me a typical visit to the public land site you visit most often. What do you
do there?
c. (If No) If you have not been to any of the publicly-owned areas, have you heard of
any areas that people in your community often go to?
• What do people say about things that they can do there?
Prompt for activities including: Driving for pleasure (scenic driving), Viewing/photographing
wildlife, birds, etc., Viewing/photographing scenery, plants, flowers, etc., Visiting a nature
center, nature trail, or visitor center, Picnicking, Riding a dirt bike or ATV, Hiking, walking, trail
running, Skiing, Swimming, Boating (boats, personal watercraft, etc.), Bicycling (road,
mountain), Fishing, Rock climbing, Backpacking, Horseback riding, Camping.
3. Information sources
a. TOPIC AREA 1 What kind of group (and what size) do you usually visit the public
land/area with?
b. TOPIC AREA 2 Is it typically your idea to visit or does someone else usually make the
plans/decision? How do you go about planning/deciding when/where to go
(logistics, etc.)
c. TOPIC AREA 2 If you want to find out more about a public land area, how do you get
information about it? What sources do you use?
d. TOPIC AREA 2 Which one is the most important source of information? (“Important”
means the source you rely on the most and provides you with most information to
prepare for your travel.)
5-minute break


4. National park perception/awareness
Reinforce: Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer for the following questions, I
am only interested in your perceptions
a. TOPIC AREA 1 When you hear the term “national park” what does that mean to
you? Remember, there is no such thing as a right or wrong answer. I’m
interested in your impressions and perceptions.
How did you first learn about national parks?
b. TOPIC AREA 6 Name some of the national parks, if any, that you have visited. If
you have not ever visited a national park, have you ever heard of any?
c. TOPIC AREA 3 Have you ever interacted with a park ranger, in or outside the
d. TOPIC AREA 5 If yes, how was this experience – what do you remember about it?
5. Saguaro-specific questions
a. TOPIC AREA 1 Prior to this conversation, were you aware of the Saguaro
National Park existed?
If yes, describe to me what you know about it. Prompt for awareness that there
are two district?
If Yes, have you ever visited the park? Prompt for activities that people do in the
b. TOPIC AREA 3 When you and others visit an area such as Saguaro National Park
what facilities and services do you think they would like to see available?
c. TOPIC AREA 2 What do you think might be a potential issue that would prevent
you and others in your community from visiting Saguaro National Park?
Prompt for Financial, transportation, lack of interest, “close to home
syndrome,” Federal land issue, perceptions of park rules/regulations…
d. TOPIC AREA 7 In your opinion, what can park managers do to encourage people
from your community to visit the park? What would help Saguaro National Park
make a connection with the residents of Tucson?
Reinforce if needed: I want to remind you that there’s no right or wrong answer, we are only
interested in your opinion and preference. Please take as much time as you need to complete
this. The following list will be printed and distributed to each participant


Below is the list of 10 options that may help Saguaro National Park connect with the local
communities. Please rank each option in order of importance, with 1 being the most important
and 10 being the least important option for you.


_______ Provide transportation from your community to the park.
_______ Provide special programs for students at your local schools (career day, science fair,
ranger talks, etc.).
_______ Provide special programs at your community center for everybody.
_______ Provide regularly scheduled programs and events in Spanish. (Please describe the types
of programs you would like.)
Types of programs? (please list)_________________________________
________ Provide children’s day camp at the park with transportation from the community in
________ Have park rangers set up presentations/booths at community events
________ Invite the community to the park – get the word out. (Please describe the
venues/media you think would be the best way to reach your communities).
Venues/media? (please list)____________________________________
________ Provide large picnic areas/facilities that can accommodate large groups.
________ Translate park website, brochures, exhibits, in Spanish.
________ Provide the types of facilities for the way I prefer to recreate. (Please describe the
types of activities that you would like to have provided.)
Facilities? (please list)_________________________________________


If you have other ideas that could help Saguaro National Park better connect to the local
communities, please list them on the back of this sheet, and continue to rank their
Other ideas:

Is there anything else anyone would like to add to the discussion?
Well, now I want to thank each of you for your time and for helping us with this focus group.
All your comments have been very useful. Thank you very much.
*Additional Information Provided upon Request.
OMB Approval number: (1024-0224)
Expiration Date: (8/31/2014)
Person Collecting and Analyzing Information:
Lena Le
Park Studies Unit
University of Idaho
Moscow ID 83844-1139
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The Paperwork Reduction Act requires us to tell you why we are collecting this
information, how we will use it, and whether or not you have to respond. This information will be used by the
National Park Service as authorized by 16 U.S.C. 1a-7. We will use this information to evaluate visitor services
managed by the Saguaro National Park (SAGU).Your response is voluntary. Your contact information has been
requested for follow-up purposes only. At the completion of this collection all names and personal information will be
destroyed and in no way be connected with the results of this survey. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor
and you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control
Number. We estimate that it will take an average of 90 minutes to complete collection of information associated
with this focus group. You may send any comments concerning the burden estimates or any aspect of this
information collection to Lena Le NPS Visitor Services Project, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, P.O.
Box 441139, Moscow, ID, 83844-1139; email: lenale@uidaho.edu; or Saguaro National Park Superintendent 3693
South Old Spanish Trail
Tucson, AZ 85730


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLena Le Studies
File Modified2011-10-12
File Created2011-10-12

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