Request for Non-Substantive Change to American Community Survey (ACS)
Data Collection
U.S. Census Bureau
The Census Bureau requests a non-substantive change for data collection for the American Community Survey (ACS) under OMB clearance 0607-0810.
In order to improve the reliability of the ACS estimates at the tract level, the Census Bureau received funding in FY 2011 to begin a process to increase the annual sample to 3.54 million addresses per year, as well as to conduct 100 percent follow-up for all sampled addresses in Remote Alaska and small American Indian, Alaska Native, and Hawaiian Homeland areas.
Starting in June 2011, we plan to mail questionnaires to approximately 295,000 households each month, representing an increase from the 250,000 households to which questionnaires currently are mailed. The Census Bureau estimates that, for the average household, the ACS-1 (questionnaire) will take 38 minutes to complete, including the time for reviewing the instructions and answers. We plan to conduct reinterviews for approximately 3,600 households each month, and estimate that the average time for a reinterview will be 10 minutes.
We will continue data collection at group quarters (GQ) facilities at current levels.
The estimated annual burden hours for housing unit data collection at the increased workload levels are as follows:
ACS Household Questionnaire: 2,242,000
ACS Household Reinterview: 7,200
The total estimated annual burden hours are: 2,337,868 (includes GQ data collection)
A summary of the total estimated annual burden hours is attached.
Contact: James B. Treat, Chief, American Community Survey Office, 301-763-3609 or
June 3, 2011
Increased Annual ACS Respondent and Burden Hour Estimates
Data Collection Operation |
Forms or Instru-ment Used in Data Collection |
Annual Estimated Number of Respondents |
Estimated Minutes Per Respondent by Data Collection Activity |
Annual Estimated Burden Hours
I. ACS Household Questionnaire - Paper Mailout/Mailback |
ACS-1, ACS 1(SP), ACS-1PR, ACS-1PR(SP) |
3,540,000 |
38 |
2,242,000 |
ACS Household CATI - Telephone Non-response Follow-up |
[1,364,000 included in I.] |
[38] |
[864,000 included in I.]
ACS Household CAPI – Personal Visit Non-response Follow-up |
[698,000 included in I.] |
[38] |
[442,000 included in I.] |
II. ACS GQ Facility Questionnaire CAPI - Telephone and Personal Visit |
20,000 |
15 |
5,000 |
III. ACS GQ CAPI Personal Interview or Telephone, and – Paper Self-response |
CAPI, ACS-1(GQ), ACS-1(GQ)(PR) |
200,000 |
25 |
83,333 |
IV. ACS Household Reinterview – CATI/CAPI |
43,200 |
10 |
7,200 |
V. ACS GQ GQ-level Reinterview – CATI/CAPI |
2,000 |
10 |
335 |
3,805,200 |
N/A |
2,337,868 |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Request for Non-Substantive Change to 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) |
Author | Bureau Of The Census |
Last Modified By | smith056 |
File Modified | 2011-06-03 |
File Created | 2011-06-03 |