FERC-561 Instructions


FERC-561, Annual Report of Interlocking Directorates

FERC-561 Instructions

OMB: 1902-0099

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Purpose of Report

The data collected by this report will be used by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's staff for the review and oversight of interlocking positions b­etween public utilities and certain other entities as d­­e­­­­scribed below.

Who Must Submit

This report must be completed by all persons holding interlocking positions between public utilities and certain other entities (described in the specific instructions) during any portion of the calendar year.

When to Submit

Submit this report on or before April 30 of each year for the preceding calendar year. (For example, the report for the year 2007 would be filed on or before April 30, 2008.)

What and Where to Submit

Submit an original and one (1) copy of this report to:

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Secretary of the Commission

(FERC Form 561)

888 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20426

Alternatively, Form 561 filings may be submitted electronically via the Commission’s eFiling system. See http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp for more information.


This report is mandatory and is prescribed by Section 305(c)(1) of the Federal Power Act and 18 CFR 46.4. Failure to report may result in certain penalties and other sanctions as provided by law.

Where to Send Comments on Public Reporting Burden

The public reporting burden for this collection of i­­nformation is estimated to average 0.25 hours per response, i­ncluding the time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data n­­eeded, and completing and reviewing the collection of i­nformation. Send comments r­­egarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of i­nformation to:

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Attn: I­nformation Clearance Officer,

888 First S­treet NE

Washington, DC 20426.

You shall not be penalized for failure to respond to this collection of information unless the collection of i­­nformation displays a valid OMB control number.


1. Prepare this report in conformity with the requirements prescribed in

18 CFR 46.4.

2. Leave blank any columns that are not applicable.


Item Instruction

Respondent Information

1 and 2 Enter your full name and your business address.

3 Enter the calendar year for which this report is filed.

4 and 5 If you are authorized by this Commission to hold the position of

officer or director in accordance with Part 45 of the

Commission's regulations: enter in space 4 the complete FERC

docket number of such authorization; enter in space 5 the latest

date of such authorization. Otherwise, leave these spaces blank.

6 Enter the public utility or public utility holding company to

which you want next year's Form 561 sent.

Public Utility Data

Col (1) Enter in column (1) the name of each public utility in which

and you hold an executive position. In column (2) enter the appro-

Col (2) priate code for each such position, according to the list below:

Code Name

Dir Director

CEO Chief Executive Officer

PRES President

VP Vice President

SEC Secretary

TREA Treasurer

GM General Manager

COMP Comptroller

PURA Chief Purchasing Agent

OEP Other Executive Position

Interlocking Entity Data

Col (3) Enter in Column (3) the name of each entity in which you hold

and an interlocking position. Enter the appropriate code for each

Col (4) executive position you hold in the entity named in Column (3),

using the list below:

Code Name

DIR Director

CEO Chief Executive Officer

PRES President

VP Vice President

SEC Secretary

TREA Treasurer

GM General Manager

COMP Comptroller

PURA Chief Purchasing Agent

PART Partner

APPT Appointee

REP Representative

OEP Other Executive Position

Col (5) Enter in Column (5) the appropriate code type for each entity

listed in Column (3), using the list below:

Code Name

FIN Investment bank; bank holding company; foreign bank or

subsidiary thereof doing business in the United States;

other organization primarily engaged in the busi­ness of

providing financial services or credit; mutual savings

bank; or savings and loan association

FINI Insurance company

SECU Entity authorized by law to underwrite or participate in

the marketing of securities of a public utility

ELEQ Entity which produces/supplies elec­tric equip­ment for the

use of any public utility

FUEL Entity which produces/supplies coal, natural gas, nuclear

fuel, or other fuel for the use of any public utility

20CL Entity specified in 18 CFR 46.3 (one of the 20 largest

purchasers of electric energy from a utility)

CNEN Entity which is controlled by any one of the above named


305B Entity referred to in Section 305(b) of the Federal Power

Act (not otherwise identified above)

Col (6) For each entity that supplies electric equipment (ELEQ) named

in Column (3) enter the aggregate a­mount of revenues from

producing or supplying electrical equipment to any public utility

named in column (1) in the subject calendar year, rounded to the

nearest $100,000. Otherwise, leave this column blank.

Signature The original of this report must be dated and signed. The copy

must bear the date that ap­­peared on the original. The signature

on the copy may be stamped or typed on the copy.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleForm No. 561 Instructions - Interlocking Directorates
Last Modified Bykprem1
File Modified2008-03-24
File Created2008-03-21

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