Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary
Education Data through EDFacts
August 2010
Updated May 2011 per Attachment H
Attachment B-3
EDFacts Data Groups
For School Years 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13
This attachment contains the details of sets of related data entries known as data groups (DG) that are collected from state education agencies (SEAs). The data groups in this document are organized by topic as listed in the below table.
A reviewer of this attachment may also want to reference Attachments B-2 and B-4. Attachment B-2 explains how to read the table of information on each data group. Attachment B-4 contains the definitions and permitted values of the categories in the category sets.
Topic |
Page |
Steward |
Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data |
3 |
General Education Provisions Act |
11 |
Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA |
12 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
20 |
McKinney-Vento Homeless Program |
49 |
Neglected or Delinquent Program |
51 |
Migrant Education Program |
56 |
Technology |
65 |
Funding Flexibility (REAP) |
69 |
Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions) |
70 |
Public School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services |
74 |
Charter Schools and Districts |
80 |
Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools |
83 |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
89 |
Career and Technical Education |
102 |
In each section data groups are listed in alphabetical order by data group name. For readability, the tables that describe data groups are not divided between pages. This results in some pages having significant blank space.
Appendix A, at the end of this document, lists changes to this document after the 30-day public comment period. Appendix B, at the end of this document, lists changes to this document per Attachment H – Technical Amendments.
The data groups in this section comprise most of the Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data (CCD) that are collected through the EDEN Submission System (ESS). CCD is a program that annually collects fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and SEAs in the United States. The data are supplied by SEA officials and include information that describes schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; descriptive information about students and staff, including demographics; and fiscal data, including revenues and current expenditures. EDFacts collects only non-fiscal data for CCD. The data steward for these data groups is the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
The CCD also includes the data groups in the table below which are listed under other topics in this attachment.
Data Group Name |
Topic where the data group is listed |
LEP students in LEP program table |
123 |
Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA |
MEP students served regular school year table |
636 |
Migrant Education Program |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table |
74 |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Dropouts table |
326 |
X/N032 |
Free and reduced price lunch table |
565 |
X/N033 |
Graduates/completers table |
306 |
X/N040 |
Magnet status |
24 |
X/N129 |
Membership table |
39 |
X/N052 |
Shared time status |
573 |
X/N129 |
Staff FTE table |
528 |
X/N059 |
Teachers (FTE) |
644 |
X/N059 |
Group Name: Dropouts table |
ID: 326 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of dropouts (students who were enrolled in school at some time during the school year, were not enrolled the following school year, were expected to be in membership (i.e., were not reported as dropouts the year before), did not graduate from high school (graduates include students who received a GED without dropping out of school) or completed a state or district-approved educational program, and did not meet any of the following exclusionary conditions: (1) transfer to another public school district, private school, or state- or district-approved educational program; (2) temporary school-recognized absence due to suspension or illness; or (3) death). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 through September 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Each student is counted individually, no full-time equivalency. Category sets C, D, E and F do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N032 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Free and reduced price lunch table |
ID: 565 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who are eligible to participate in the Free Lunch and Reduced-Price Lunch Programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N033 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Graduates/completers table |
ID: 306 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who graduated from high school or completed some other education program that is approved by the state or local education agency (SEA or LEA) during the school year and the subsequent summer school. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year (including subsequent summer school) |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs and schools with graduate levels. Category sets C, D, E, and F do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N040 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Magnet status |
ID: 24 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school is a magnet school or has a magnet program within the school. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Beginning of School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
This data group is part of both the CCD and CRDC. For schools selected in the CRDC, magnet programs are differentiated by whether or not all students participate. |
File Specification # |
X/N129 |
Group Name: Membership table |
ID: 39 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The official unduplicated student enrollment, including students both present and absent, excluding duplicate counts of students within a specific school or local education agency or students whose membership is reported by another school or LEA. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Each student is counted individually, no full-time equivalency. |
File Specification # |
X/N052 |
Category Set A |
Subtotals 1 |
Subtotals 2 |
Subtotals 3 |
Subtotals 4 |
Group Name: Shared time status |
ID: 573 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication that a school offers vocational/technical education or other educational services in which some or all students are enrolled at a separate school of record and attend the shared-time school on a part-time basis. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
An example of a shared-time school is a regional vocational center that enrolls (or serves) students from multiple home high schools on a part-time basis. |
File Specification # |
X/N129 |
Group Name: Staff FTE table |
ID: 528 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N059 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Teachers (FTE) |
ID: 644 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) classroom teachers. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N059 |
The data group in this section is used to fulfill the requirements of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) Section 424.
Under GEPA, Section 424, ED is required to prepare a biennial report for Congress on the distribution of funds by SEAs to LEAs and other agencies and institutions under any federal education program administered by the state. The data steward for this data group is the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO).
Group Name: Federal programs funding allocation table |
ID: 547 |
Section |
Finance |
Definition |
The amount of federal dollars distributed to local education agencies (LEAs), retained by the state education agency (SEA) for program administration or other approved state-level activities (including unallocated, transferred to another state agency, or distributed to entities other than LEAs). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Federal Fiscal Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
The SY 2010-11 should include the distribution of all federal dollars from the FY2010 federal appropriation, regardless of the school year in which the funds were used. Funds carried over from previous federal appropriation years should not be included. Funding Allocation Type is only reported at the SEA level. |
File Specification # |
X/N035 |
Category Set A |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of programs for the education of limited English proficient students as contained in Title I and Title III of ESEA as amended. Title III also provides programs for students who are immigrants. The data steward for these data groups is the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
AMAO I ELP making progress |
569 |
X/N103 |
AMAO II ELP attainment |
518 |
X/N103 |
688 |
X/N103 |
Immigrant table |
519 |
X/N045 |
LEP English language proficiency results table |
676 |
X/N139 |
LEP English language proficiency test table |
674 |
X/N137 |
LEP enrolled table |
678 |
X/N141 |
LEP students in LEP program table |
123 |
X/N046 |
Title III former LEP students table |
668 |
X/N126 |
Title III LEP English language proficiency results table |
151 |
X/N050 |
Title III LEP English language proficiency test table |
675 |
X/N138 |
Title III LEP students served table |
648 |
X/N116 |
Title III teachers table |
422 |
X/N067 |
In addition, category set D (which aggregates the data by “LEP Status (Only)”) in the data groups listed in the table below is also used. These data groups are listed in this attachment under the topic “Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA.”
Data Group Name |
File |
Academic achievement in mathematics table |
583 |
X/N075 |
Academic achievement in reading/language arts table |
584 |
X/N078 |
Academic achievement in science table |
585 |
X/N079 |
Assessment participation in mathematics table |
588 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in reading/language arts table |
589 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in science table |
590 |
X/N081 |
Group Name: AMAO I ELP making progress |
ID: 569 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication whether the state or district school met the Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) for making progress in learning English for limited English proficient (LEP) students under Title III of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N103 |
Group Name: AMAO II ELP attainment |
ID: 518 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication whether the state or district met the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) for attaining English proficiency for limited English proficient (LEP) students under Title III of ESEA. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N103 |
Group Name: AMAO III AYP for LEP |
ID: 688 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the state or district met the annual measurable objectives for the Limited English Proficient (LEP) student subgroup in mathematics and reading/language arts. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Regular School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N103 |
Group Name: Immigrant table |
ID: 519 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who meet the definition of immigrant children and youth in Title III of ESEA as amended, Section 3301 (6) and are enrolled in elementary and secondary schools. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Category set C does not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N045 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Group Name: LEP English language proficiency results table |
ID: 676 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of LEP students who took the annual state English language proficiency assessment. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
This data group is collected at the school level for Tier I and Tier II schools that received School Improvement Grants. See Attachment B-6 metric 9 for more information. |
File Specification # |
X/N139 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: LEP English language proficiency test table |
ID: 674 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of LEP students who were enrolled at the time of the state annual English language proficiency assessment. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Category set B does not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N137 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: LEP enrolled table |
ID: 678 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of LEP students enrolled in an elementary or secondary school at any time during the school year. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N141 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: LEP students in LEP program table |
ID: 123 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of limited English proficient (LEP) students enrolled in English language instruction educational programs designed for LEP students. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
This includes students served through ESEA Title III and students receiving LEP services through other programs designed for LEP students. Category set B does not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N046 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Title III former LEP students table |
ID: 668 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of monitored former LEP students who are no longer receiving services and are being monitored for two consecutive years on content achievement under Title III of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N126 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: Title III LEP English language proficiency results table |
ID: 151 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of limited English proficient (LEP) students who were assessed in the annual state English language proficiency assessment and who received services in an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs with ESEA Title III programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N050 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Title III LEP English language proficiency test table |
ID: 675 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who were enrolled during the time of the state annual English language proficiency assessment and who received services in an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs with ESEA Title III programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N138 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: Title III LEP students served table |
ID: 648 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of limited English proficient (LEP) students served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs with ESEA Title III programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N116 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Title III teachers table |
ID: 422 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The unduplicated headcount of teachers who taught in language instruction educational programs designed for limited English proficient (LEP) students supported with Title III of ESEA funds. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs with ESEA Title III programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N067 |
Category Set A |
The data groups in this section support the oversight and reporting of the accountability provisions of ESEA as amended, however, data groups associated with public school choice and supplemental educational services are included in a separate section.
These data groups comprise the education data most frequently shared with the public. It includes data for the accountability and reporting components of ESEA: academic achievement and participation in state assessments, graduation rates, additional academic indicators, adequate yearly progress (AYP), school improvement, and others. The data steward for the data groups in this section is the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Academic achievement in mathematics table – *See below |
583 |
X/N075 |
Academic achievement in reading/language arts table – *See below |
584 |
X/N078 |
Academic achievement in science table – *See below |
585 |
X/N079 |
Alternate approach status |
617 |
X/N103 |
AMO mathematics status table |
554 |
X/N109 |
AMO reading/language arts status table |
552 |
X/N111 |
Assessment participation in mathematics table – *See below |
588 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in reading/language arts table – *See below |
589 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in science table – *See below |
590 |
X/N081 |
AYP status |
32 |
X/N103 |
Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
696 |
X/N151 |
Cohorts for regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
698 |
X/N151 |
Corrective actions table |
686 |
X/N152 |
Economically disadvantaged students |
56 |
X/N132 |
Elementary/middle additional indicator status table |
556 |
X/N106 |
Regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
697 |
X/N150 |
Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
695 |
X/N150 |
Graduation rate table |
563 |
X/N041 |
High school graduation rate indicator status table |
557 |
X/N107 |
Improvement status – LEA |
662 |
X/N130 |
Improvement status – school |
34 |
X/N130 |
Mathematics participation status table |
555 |
X/N108 |
Reading/language arts participation status table |
553 |
X/N110 |
Restructuring action table |
687 |
X/N153 |
School Improvement Funds allocation table |
694 |
X/N132 |
School Improvement Funds status |
693 |
X/N132 |
School poverty percentage |
31 |
X/N132 |
State poverty designation |
699 |
X/N103 |
Teacher quality in core secondary classes table |
383 |
X/N064 |
Teacher quality in elementary classes table |
381 |
X/N063 |
of data groups for academic achievement and assessment participation
SY 2010-11
The SY 2010-13 EDFacts Data Set, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in August 2010, included the consolidation of most of the ESEA and IDEA assessment data groups. The purpose of the consolidation was to improve the data quality and timeliness of the assessment data and data use by ED.
In the interim, ED has been going through a mandatory server upgrade that is now scheduled to be completed in May 2011. Unfortunately, this process has absorbed significant ED resources and the implementation of SY 2010-11 is delayed. In addition, some SEAs have expressed concerns that they would be unable to consolidate the assessment files to report their SY 2010-11 data. Some SEAs also mentioned that moving up the reporting date for the IDEA assessment files by about a month and a half, to mid-December 2011, would be taxing.
After careful analysis of these situations, ED is requesting that OMB grant a temporary delay in consolidating the assessment files. If the request is granted, ED will re-institute the previously used assessment file specifications (i.e., for ESEA and IDEA) for SY 2009-10.
will report all of their assessment (and participation in assessment)
data, as they did for
SY 2009-10, with two differences. First,
all of the SY 2010-11 assessment data (i.e., for ESEA
and IDEA)
will be submitted to EDFacts
December 15, 2011. Secondly, ED will conduct congruency analyses of
the assessment data to ensure that the data submitted in the ESEA
files align with the data submitted in the IDEA
files. States will receive these analyses in late January 2011 or
early February 2012 (to coincide with the distribution of the SY
2010-11 CSPR Part I verification spreadsheets).
Group Name: Academic achievement in mathematics table |
ID: 583 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who completed the state assessment in mathematics for whom a proficiency level was assigned. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Category sets C, D, E, F, and G do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N075 See “collection of data groups for academic achievement and assessment for SY 2010-11” |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Academic achievement in reading/language arts table |
ID: 584 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who completed the state assessment in reading/language arts for whom a proficiency level was assigned. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total |
Comment |
Category sets C, D, E, F, and G do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N078 See “collection of data groups for academic achievement and assessment for SY 2010-11” |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Academic achievement in science table |
ID: 585 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who completed the state assessment in science for whom a proficiency level was assigned. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Category sets C, D, E, F, and G do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N079 See “collection of data groups for academic achievement and assessment for SY 2010-11” |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Alternate approach status |
ID: 617 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the district or school used an approved alternate approach for calculating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
A district or school may only use an alternate approach if the district or school has too few students for reliability using the standard methodology. Use “Not Applicable” (NA) only for those LEAs that are not accountable under a State Plan. |
File Specification # |
X/N103 |
Group Name: AMO mathematics status table |
ID: 554 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
indication of whether the school or district met the |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Grand total means the status for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N109 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: AMO reading/language arts status table |
ID: 552 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
indication of whether the school or district met the
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Grand total means the status for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N111 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Assessment participation in mathematics table |
ID: 588 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students enrolled during the period of the state assessment in mathematics and received a valid score. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Category sets C, D, E, F, and G do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N081 See “collection of data groups for academic achievement and assessment for SY 2010-11” |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Assessment participation in reading/language arts table |
ID: 589 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who were enrolled during the period of the state assessment in reading/language arts and received a valid score. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total |
Comment |
Category sets C, D, E, F, and G do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N081 See “collection of data groups for academic achievement and assessment for SY 2010-11” |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Assessment participation in science table |
ID: 590 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who were enrolled during the period of the state assessment in science and received a valid score. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Category sets C, D, E, F, and G do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N081 See “collection of data groups for academic achievement and assessment for SY 2010-11” |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: AYP status |
ID: 32 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the state, district, or school met the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements for the school year, as determined by the state-established criteria. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
According to the ESEA, Section 1111 (b)(2)(B), as amended, all schools must report AYP status. Some schools will use an alternative method to determine AYP. Use “Not Applicable” (NA) only for those LEAs that are not accountable under a State Plan. |
File Specification # |
X/N103 |
Group Name: Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
ID: 696 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students in the adjusted-cohort for the regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs and schools with a 12th grade. Category Sets B, C, and D do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N151 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Cohorts for regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
ID: 698 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students in the adjusted-cohort for the regulatory extended-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for states that have approved extended year graduation rates. States can report up to 4 extended year graduation cohorts. Report only for LEAs and schools with a 12th grade. Category sets B, C and D do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N151 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Corrective actions table |
ID: 686 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The number of schools in improvement status implementing a corrective action. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N152 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Economically disadvantaged students |
ID: 56 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who met the state criteria for classification as economically disadvantaged according to the state definition. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N132 |
Group Name: Elementary/middle additional indicator status table |
ID: 556 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
indication of whether the school or district met the
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Grand total means the status for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N106 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
ID: 697 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students who graduate in the time period of the extended time with a regular high school diploma divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for the regulatory extended time adjusted-cohort gradation rate. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for states that have approved extended year graduation rates. States can report up to 4 extended year graduation rates. Report only for LEAs and schools with a 12th grade. Category sets B, C and D do not include all students. The grand total is the rate for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N150 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
ID: 695 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students who graduate in four years with a regular high school diploma divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for the regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs and schools with a 12th grade. Category sets B, C, and D do not include all students. The grand total is the graduation rate for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N150 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Graduation rate table |
ID: 563 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The percentage of students who graduated from public high schools with a regular high school diploma. The calculation of the percentage is the transitional graduation rate defined in the state’s accountability plan in accordance with Title I, Section 200.19 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs or schools with graduate levels. Category sets C, D, E, and F do not include all students. Grand total is the graduation rate for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N041 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Group Name: High school graduation rate indicator status table |
ID: 557 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school or district met the High School Graduation Rate requirement in accordance with state definition. |
Permitted Values
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Submission of data by category sets is optional for SY 2010-11 and mandatory for SYs 2011-12 and 2012-13. The grand total is the status for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N107 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Improvement status - LEA |
ID: 662 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of the improvement stage of the local education agency (LEA). |
Permitted Values |
There are two discrete sets of permitted values.
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N130 |
Group Name: Improvement status - School |
ID: 34 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of the improvement stage of the school. |
Permitted Values |
There are two discrete sets of permitted values.
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N130 |
Group Name: Mathematics participation status table |
ID: 555 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school or district met the 95 percent participation requirement on the mathematics assessment in accordance with state definition. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Grand total means the status for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N108 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Reading/language arts participation status table |
ID: 553 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school or district met the 95 percent participation requirement on the reading/language arts assessment in accordance with state definition. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Grand total means the status for all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N110 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Restructuring action table |
ID: 687 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The number of schools in improvement status implementing a restructuring action. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N153 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: School Improvement Funds allocation table |
ID: 694 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The funding that the school received for school improvement under Section 1003 of ESEA, as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Regular School Year, unless 1003(a) or 1003(g) funds were used during summer of 2011, then Regular School Year plus summer session |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
N/X132 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: School Improvement Funds status |
ID: 693 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school received funds under Section 1003 of ESEA, as amended. |
Permitted Values
Reporting Period
Regular School Year, unless 1003(a) or 1003(g) funds were used during summer of 2011, then Regular School Year plus summer session |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N132 |
Group Name: School poverty percentage |
ID: 31 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The percentage of students in the school identified as economically disadvantaged according to the state definition. Also known as School Poverty Level. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N132 |
Group Name: State poverty designation |
ID: 699 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The designation of a school’s poverty quartile for purposes of determining classes taught by highly qualified teachers in high and low poverty schools, according to state’s indicator of poverty. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N103 |
Group Name: Teacher quality in core secondary classes table |
ID: 383 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of secondary classes in core academic subjects. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Classes in middle schools use this data group if they are not departmentalized. Core academic subjects are English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics or government, economics, arts, history and geography. Exclude tutorials, pull-out programs, and other instruction that is not classroom-based. While the statute includes the arts in the core academic subjects, it does not specify which of the arts are core academic subjects. Therefore, states must make this determination. |
File Specification # |
X/N064 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Teacher quality in elementary classes table |
ID: 381 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of elementary classes in core academic subjects. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Core academic subjects are English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics or government, economics, arts, history and geography. |
File Specification # |
X/N063 |
Category Set A |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program, a formula grant program that aids in the education of homeless children and youths and collects comprehensive information regarding the impediments they must overcome to regularly attend school. The data steward for these data groups is the McKinney-Vento Homeless Program Office within OESE (OESE/Homeless).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table |
560 |
X/N043 |
Homeless students enrolled table |
655 |
X/N118 |
In addition, category set G (which aggregates the data by “Homeless Enrolled Status” in the data groups listed in the table below is also used. These data groups are listed in this attachment under the topic “Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA.”
Data Group Name |
File |
Academic achievement in mathematics table |
583 |
X/N075 |
Academic achievement in reading/language arts table |
584 |
X/N078 |
Academic achievement in science table |
585 |
X/N079 |
Assessment participation in mathematics table |
588 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in reading/language arts table |
589 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in science table |
590 |
X/N081 |
Group Name: Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table |
ID: 560 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of homeless children/youth enrolled in public schools who receive services under program subgrants funded by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year (state) |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report for LEAs with McKinney-Vento programs. Category sets B, C, D, and E do not include all students. |
File Specification # |
X/N043 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Group Name: Homeless students enrolled table |
ID: 655 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of homeless students enrolled in public schools at any time during the school year. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year (state) |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N118 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of the Prevention and Intervention Programs for the Education of Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk Program (under Title I, Part D, Subparts 1 and 2), a formula grant program to provide supplementary educational services to children and youth in states-run institutions to ensure a successful transition to school or the workforce. This section does not include programs funded solely through Title I, Part A. The data steward for these data groups is the N or D program office within OESE (OESE/N or D).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
N or D academic achievement table – LEA |
629 |
X/N125 |
N or D academic achievement table - State Agency |
628 |
X/N113 |
N or D long term table - LEA |
671 |
X/N135 |
N or D long term table - State Agency |
672 |
X/N135 |
N or D participation table – LEA |
657 |
X/N127 |
N or D participation table – State Agency |
656 |
X/N119 |
Group Name: N or D academic achievement table – LEA |
ID: 629 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 of ESEA as amended, for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period who took both a pre- and post-test. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
July 1 through June 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each academic subject and N or D program combination, the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N125 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: N or D academic achievement table - State Agency |
ID: 628 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 of ESEA as amended, for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period who took both a pre- and post-test. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
July 1 through June 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N113 |
For each academic subject and N or D program combination, the data should be unduplicated. |
Category Set A |
Group Name: N or D long term table – LEA |
ID: 671 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students served for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period by Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
July 1 through June 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each academic subject and Nor D program combination, the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N135 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: N or D long term table – State Agency |
ID: 672 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students served for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period by Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
July 1 through June 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each academic subject and N or D program combination, the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N135 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: N or D participation table – LEA |
ID: 657 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students participating in programs for neglected, delinquent, or at-risk students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (LEA) of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
July 1 through June 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each N or D program, the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N127 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: N or D participation table - State Agency |
ID: 656 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (State Agency) of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
July 1 through June 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each N or D program, the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N119 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Subtotals 1 |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of the Migrant Education Program (MEP). The data steward for these groups is the Office of Migrant Education within OESE (OESE/OME).
Data are collected on students eligible for funding and students served under the migrant student program. Unduplicated counts are also collected by timeframe: 12-months, regular school year and summer/intersession, as displayed in the following matrix. The matrix lists the data group and file specification numbers by the reporting period and the migrant student group.
Reporting period |
Migrant student group |
12 months unduplicated |
Regular school year |
Summer / intersession |
Eligible enrolled in public schools |
N/X165, DG110 |
Eligible for funding purposes |
N/X121, DG634 (also known as Count #1 on the Migrant Child Count Report) |
Eligible and served for funding purposes |
N/X122, DG635 (as known as Count #2 on the Migrant Child Count Report) |
Served (including after period of eligibility expired) |
N/X054, DG102 |
N/X123, DG636 |
N/X124, DG637 |
Services to students |
N/X145, DG684 |
In addition, EDFacts collects whether a school consolidated its MEP funds into a schoolwide program (SWP) (DG514).
Data on MEP staff are collected and reported by headcount (DG625) and FTE (DG515) in N/X065
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Consolidated MEP funds status |
514 |
X/N165 |
MEP personnel (FTE) table |
515 |
X/N065 |
MEP personnel (headcount) table |
625 |
X/N065 |
MEP services table |
684 |
X/N145 |
MEP students eligible and served summer/intersession table |
635 |
X/N122 |
MEP students served 12-month table |
102 |
X/N054 |
MEP students served regular school year table |
636 |
X/N123 |
MEP students served summer/intersession table |
637 |
X/N124 |
Migrant students eligible 12-month table |
634 |
X/N121 |
Migrant students eligible regular school year |
110 |
X/N165 |
In addition, category set F (which aggregates the data by “Migrant Status”) in the data groups listed in the table below is also used. These data groups are listed in this attachment under the topic “Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA.”
Data Group Name |
File |
Academic achievement in mathematics table |
583 |
X/N075 |
Academic achievement in reading/language arts table |
584 |
X/N078 |
Academic achievement in science table |
585 |
X/N079 |
Assessment participation in mathematics table |
588 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in reading/language arts table |
589 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in science table |
590 |
X/N081 |
Group Name: Consolidated MEP funds status |
ID: 514 |
Section |
Finance |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school has a schoolwide program, as defined by Title I of ESEA as amended, in which federal Migrant Education Program (MEP) funds are consolidated as authorized under 34 CFR Section 200.29. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Use ‘NA’ when a school does not have a schoolwide program and/or does not receive federal migrant education funds under ESEA Title I, Part C. |
File Specification # |
X/N165 |
Group Name: MEP personnel (FTE) table |
ID: 515 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff whose salaries are paid by the Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program (MEP) of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Do not include staff employed in schoolwide programs that consolidate MEP funds. |
File Specification # |
X/N065 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: MEP personnel (headcount) table |
ID: 625 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The unduplicated headcount of staff whose salaries are paid by the Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program (MEP) of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Do not include staff employed in schoolwide programs that consolidate MEP funds. |
File Specification # |
X/N065 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: MEP services table |
ID: 684 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of participating migrant children who receive services funded by MEP. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N145 |
Category Set A |
Name: MEP students
eligible and served |
ID: 635 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of eligible migrant students served by a Migrant Education Program (MEP) during the summer/intersession term. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Summer and Intersession Terms during the Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
This is the category 2 count. |
File Specification # |
X/N122 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: MEP students served 12-month table |
ID: 102 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of participating migrant students who received instructional or support services in a Migrant Education Program (MEP). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Do not include students in schoolwide programs that consolidate MEP funds. |
File Specification # |
X/N054 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: MEP students served regular school year table |
ID: 636 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of participating migrant students who received instructional or supporting services in a Migrant Education Program (MEP). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Regular School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Do not include students served by schoolwide programs that consolidate MEP funds. |
File Specification # |
X/N123 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Group Name: MEP students served summer/intersession table |
ID: 637 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of participating migrant students who received instructional or support services in a Migrant Education Program (MEP) during the summer/intersession term. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Do not include students served by schoolwide programs that consolidate MEP funds. |
File Specification # |
X/N124 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Group Name: Migrant students eligible 12-month table |
ID: 634 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of eligible migrant students. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Program Year 9/1 to 8/31 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Includes migrant students regardless of whether they participated in MEP services. Children from ages 3 through 21 will be used for the category 1 count. |
File Specification # |
X/N121 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Migrant students eligible regular school year |
ID: 110 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of eligible migrant students enrolled in a public school during the regular school year. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Regular School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Regardless of whether school received MEP funds and regardless of whether the students participated in MEP programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N165 |
The data groups in this section support ESEA, Title II, Part D (Enhancing Education through Technology) education technology program, a formula grant program aimed at having all students technologically literate by grade 8 and improving student achievement through technology. The data steward for these data groups is the Office of School Support and Technology Programs within OESE (OESE/SSTP). ED anticipates that these data groups will evolve through further changes in response to the reauthorization of ESEA. However, the core data collection burden of these data groups should not change.
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
8th grade technology literacy table |
650 |
X/N117 |
Internet access table |
744 |
N/X162 |
Integrated technology status |
524 |
X/N131 |
Personnel skilled in technology (headcount) table |
526 |
X/N071 |
Group Name: 8th grade technology literacy table |
ID: 650 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of 8th graders in each local education agency (LEA) evaluated for technology literacy under the LEA’s methodology as defined by the state at the end of 8th grade (according to Title II, Part D, Section 2402 of ESEA as amended). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
By the End of the School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
States determine the evaluation method. Examples of evaluation methods are teacher assessment through direct observation and statewide technology assessments. |
File Specification # |
X/N117 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Internet access table |
ID: 744 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of computers and other devices (internet mobile devices, portable media players, interactive tablets, interactive whiteboards, netbooks, e-book tools, and all other devices that can connect to the internet) connected to the internet and used primarily by students for instructional purposes that are provided by the school or LEA. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Do not include computers used primarily for testing or administrative purposes. Do not include peripherals, such as printers. |
File Specification # |
X/N162 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Integrated technology status |
ID: 524 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of the extent to which the district has effectively and fully integrated technology, as defined by the state. |
Permitted Values
Reporting Period |
Beginning of School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report for LEAs that receive at least $25,000 in funds under Title IID Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA 84.318, Enhancing Education through Technology). |
File Specification # |
X/N131 |
Developing |
Limited use of technology; a few applications are used by staff and students; those who do use technology are experimenting and using it mostly for automation; student technology integration elements and or district goals for technology integration are largely unmet. |
Approaching |
Moderate use of technology by a fair number of staff and students; most teachers and students are learning how to integrate technology and a few staff and students are at a high level of practice and integration; some technology integration elements and/or district goals for technology are being met. |
Meets |
Many staff and students make use of a number of different technologies and applications and some are at a high level of integration; the minimum elements of integration and minimum goals for curricular integration and staff development are being met. |
Fully integrated |
Most staff and students are at a high level of understanding and practice; most of the goals for curricular integration and most elements for student integration are being exceeded. |
Group Name: Personnel skilled in technology (headcount) table |
ID: 526 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The unduplicated headcount of school personnel assessed against the standards-based performance profiles of technology user skills as defined by the state. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Beginning of School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report for LEAs that receive at least $25,000 in funds under Title IID Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA 84.318, Enhancing Education through Technology). |
File Specification # |
X/N071 |
Category Set A |
The data group in this section supports the provisions of ESEA as amended that provide LEAs or SEAs flexibility in how they use federal education funding. The data steward for this data group is the Office of School Support and Technology Programs within OESE (OESE/SSTP).
The table below lists the data group in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
REAP alternative funding status |
614 |
X/N131 |
Group Name: REAP alternative funding status |
ID: 614 |
Section |
Program |
Definition |
An indication that the local education agency (LEA) notified the state of the LEA’s intention to use REAP-Flex Alternative Uses of Funding Authority during the school year as specified in the Title VI, Section 6211 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N131 |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of the Title I Program excluding the accountability and reporting, public school choice, and supplemental educational services provisions which are in separate sections in this attachment. The data steward for these groups is the division of OESE that administers the Title I Program (OESE / Title I).
As part of the CSPR, ED collects data on participants and staff in Title I, Part A of ESEA. Title I, Part A programs can be classified into four types: Public Schoolwide Programs (Public SWP), Public Targeted Assistance Programs (Public TAS), Neglected or Delinquent Programs (N or D) funded by Title I Part A4 and Services to Children in Private Schools (Private). The matrix below illustrates the relationship between the EDFacts data groups and files and the data collected on participants and staff in Title I, Part A programs.
File # |
Data group name |
Public SWP |
Public TAS |
N and D |
Private |
N/X134 |
670 |
Title I Participation Table |
X |
X |
X |
X |
N/X036 |
549 |
Title I TAS Services Table |
X |
N/X037 |
548 |
Title I SWP/TAS Participation Table |
X |
X |
N/X065 |
550 |
Title I TAS Staff Funded (FTE) Table |
X |
In addition, the status of a school as Title I (DG22) is reported in N/X129 CCD file. The status of an LEA (school district) as a district that received Title I funds is confirmed by the states for purposes of the CSPR. The data group for the status of a district is included in the directory data groups and is discussed in Attachment B-1.
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Title I participation table |
670 |
X/N134 |
Title I school status |
22 |
X/N129 |
Title I SWP/TAS participation table |
548 |
X/N037 |
Title I TAS services table |
549 |
X/N036 |
Title I TAS staff funded (FTE) table |
550 |
X/N065 |
Group Name: Title I participation table |
ID: 670 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of students participating in and served by programs under Title I, Part A of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs with Title I programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N134 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Title I school status |
ID: 22 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication that a school is designated under state and federal regulations as being eligible for participation in programs authorized by Title I of ESEA as amended and whether it has a Title I program. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Beginning of School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N129 |
Group Name: Title I SWP/TAS participation table |
ID: 548 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of students participating in and served by Title I of ESEA, Part A, Sections 1114 (Schoolwide Programs (SWP)) and 1115 (targeted assistance (TAS) programs). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N037 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Group Name: Title I TAS services table |
ID: 549 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students participating in and served by targeted assistance (TAS) programs under Title I, Part A, Section 1115 of ESEA. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs with ESEA Title I, Part A TAS programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N036 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: Title I TAS staff funded (FTE) table |
ID: 550 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) targeted assistance (TAS) program staff funded by Title I, Part A, Section 1115 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs with ESEA Title I, Part A TAS programs. Report only FTEs attributable to TAS programs. |
File Specification # |
X/N065 |
Category Set A |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting on the public school choice and supplemental educational services (SES) provisions of the ESEA as amended. These provisions provide educational options—transferring to another public school in the district or receiving additional academic instruction such as tutoring — to eligible students who attend a school that has not made AYP for multiple years. The data stewards for these data groups are the Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Public school choice - applied for transfer |
574 |
X/N010 |
Public school choice – eligible |
700 |
X/N010 |
Public school choice - transferred |
544 |
X/N010 |
Public school choice funds spent |
652 |
X/N164 |
Public school choice implementation |
701 |
X/N164 |
Public school choice/SES 20 percent obligation |
679 |
X/N164 |
SES - applied to receive services |
575 |
X/N128 |
SES - eligible to receive services |
578 |
X/N128 |
SES - received services |
546 |
X/N128 |
SES funds spent |
651 |
X/N164 |
SES per pupil expenditure |
680 |
X/N164 |
Group Name: Public school choice - applied for transfer |
ID: 574 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of eligible students who applied/requested to transfer to another public school under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N010 |
Group Name: Public school choice - eligible |
ID: 700 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of students eligible to transfer to another public school under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of ESEA, as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N010 |
Group Name: Public school choice - transferred |
ID: 544 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of eligible students who transferred to another school under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N010 |
Group Name: Public school choice funds spent |
ID: 652 |
Section |
Finance |
Definition |
The dollar amount spent on transportation for public school choice during the school year under Title I of ESEA as amended, Part A, Section 1116. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N164 |
Group Name: Public school choice implementation |
ID: 701 |
Section |
Education Unit |
An indication of whether the LEA was able to implement the provisions for public school choice under Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N164 |
Group Name: Public school choice/SES 20 percent obligation |
ID: 679 |
Section |
Finance |
Definition |
The dollar amount of the 20 percent reservation for supplemental educational services and choice-related transportation |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N164 |
Group Name: SES - applied to receive services |
ID: 575 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of eligible students who applied/requested to receive supplemental educational services under Title 1 of ESEA, Part A, Section 1116 during the school year. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
only for LEAs required to provide supplemental educational
File Specification # |
X/N128 |
Group Name: SES - eligible to receive services |
ID: 578 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of students who were eligible to receive supplemental educational services during the school year under Section 1116 of Title I, Part A of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs required to provide supplemental educational services. |
File Specification # |
X/N128 |
Group Name: SES – received services |
ID: 546 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative unduplicated number of eligible students who received supplemental educational services during the school year in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs required to provide supplemental educational services. |
File Specification # |
X/N128 |
Group Name: SES funds spent |
ID: 651 |
Section |
Finance |
Definition |
The dollar amount spent on supplemental educational services during the school year under Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Report only for LEAs required to provide supplemental educational services. |
File Specification # |
X/N164 |
Group Name: SES per pupil expenditure |
ID: 680 |
Section |
Finance |
Definition |
The maximum dollar amount that may be spent per child for expenditures related to supplemental educational services under Title I of the ESEA. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N164 |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of charter schools. These data groups will only be collected for charter schools. The steward for these data groups is the division of OII that administers the Charter School Program (OII-Charter).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Charter - approval agency type |
594 |
N/X168 |
Charter - school year approved |
605 |
N/X168 |
Charter - school year closed |
654 |
N/X168 |
Charter - school year school opened |
606 |
N/X168 |
Charter school LEA status |
653 |
N/X168 |
In addition, the following data group is collected.
Data Group Name |
Where the data group is listed |
Charter status |
29 |
Attachment B-1 under Directory |
Group Name: Charter - approval agency type |
ID: 594 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The type of agency that approved the establishment or continuation of a charter school. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Reported only for charter schools. |
File Specification # |
X/N168 |
STEWARD: OII/Charter |
Group Name: Charter - school year approved |
ID: 605 |
Section |
Unit |
Definition |
The school year in which a charter school was initially approved. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Reported only for charter schools. |
File Specification # |
X/N168 |
STEWARD: OII/Charter |
Group Name: Charter - school year closed |
ID: 654 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The school year in which a charter school was legally closed. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
only for charter schools. Include schools that revert to |
File Specification # |
X/N168 |
STEWARD: OII/Charter |
Group Name: Charter - school year school opened |
ID: 606 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The school year that a school initially began providing educational instruction to students. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Reported only for charter schools. |
File Specification # |
X/N168 |
STEWARD: OII/Charter |
Group Name: Charter school LEA status |
ID: 653 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The status of a charter school as an LEA for purposes of federal programs. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Reported only for charter schools. |
File Specification # |
X/N168 |
STEWARD: OII/Charter |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Gun-Free Schools Act.
Two data groups will be collected through a web-based survey using EMAPS instead of the EDEN Submission System (ESS):
Unsafe school choice – offered (DG646)
Unsafe school choice – transferred (DG645)
In addition to these data groups, ED will conduct a web-based survey using EMAPS on the Gun-Free Schools Act. That survey will include questions similar to the following:
List the name and address of each LEA that has not provided an assurance that it is compliant with the state law that requires a student who brings a firearm to school, or possesses a firearm at school, be expelled for a year.
List the name and address of each LEA that has not provided an assurance that it is in compliance with the requirement in Section 4141(h) that an LEA receiving ESEA funds have in place a policy requiring referral to the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system of any student who brings a firearm to a school, or possesses a firearm at school.
Indicate whether the state law related to the Gun-Free Schools Act has changed in the past 12 months. If the law changed, provide a brief description of the change or a copy of the new/revised statute.
Explain how the state law addresses the need for providing educational services in an alternative setting to students expelled from their regular school setting. For example, does the state law:
Encourage LEAs to provide educational services to expelled students in an alternative setting
Require LEAs to provide educational services to expelled students in an alternative setting
Not address the need for educational services in an alternative setting.
Indicate whether any state funds are used to support the implementation of educational services in alternative settings as it relates to students who have been expelled under the Gun-Free Schools Act.
The data steward for the data groups in this section is the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools (OSDFS).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Discipline incidents table |
523 |
X/N030 |
Firearm incidents table |
601 |
X/N094 |
GFSA reporting status |
603 |
X/N163 |
Persistently dangerous status |
36 |
X/N130 |
Students disciplined table |
673 |
X/N136 |
Students involved with firearms table |
596 |
X/N086 |
Truants |
664 |
X/N163 |
Unsafe school choice – offered |
646 |
NA |
Unsafe school choice – transferred |
645 |
NA |
Group Name: Discipline incidents table |
ID: 523 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The cumulative number of times that students were removed from their regular education program for at least an entire school day for discipline. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N030 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Firearm incidents table |
ID: 601 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
The number of incidents involving students who brought or possessed firearms at school. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N094 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: GFSA reporting status |
ID: 603 |
Section |
Program |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school or local education agency (LEA) submitted a Gun-Free Schools Act (GFSA) of 1994 report to the state, as defined by Title 18, Section 921. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
October 1 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N163 |
Group Name: Persistently dangerous status |
ID: 36 |
Section |
Education Unit |
Definition |
An indication of whether the school is identified as persistently dangerous in accordance with state definition. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Beginning of School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N130 |
Group Name: Students disciplined table |
ID: 673 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of students removed from their regular education program for at least an entire school day for discipline. |
Permitted Values |
Integer |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each discipline reason, the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N136 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Students involved with firearms table |
ID: 596 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who were involved in an incident involving a firearm. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Students reported in category set A are also reported in either category set B or C depending on whether the students are children with disabilities (IDEA). |
File Specification # |
X/N086 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Group Name: Truants |
ID: 664 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of truants as defined by state, using threshold definition. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
means the number of unexcused absences that the state
This data group is collected at the school level for Tier I and Tier II schools that received School Improvement Grants. See Attachment B-6 metric 16 for more information. |
File Specification # |
X/N163 |
Group Name: Unsafe school choice – offered |
ID: 646 |
Section |
On-line Data Collection |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students offered the opportunity to transfer to another school after they were a victim of violence in accordance with Title IX, Part E, Subpart 2, Section 9532 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
NA |
Group Name: Unsafe school choice – transferred |
ID: 645 |
Section |
On-line Data Collection |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students who transferred to another school after they were a victim of violence in accordance with Title IX, Part E, Subpart 2, Section 9532 of ESEA as amended. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
NA |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Data in this section are used for the Office of Special Education Program’s (OSEP) Annual Report to Congress and for IDEA state accountability purposes. Data are published for public use on
The following table crosswalks these data groups to the legacy Section 618 tables.
IDEA data collection |
Legacy collection |
EDFacts file |
Data group |
Child count
Table 1
Table 3 |
74 |
Educational environment |
N/X089 |
613 |
Staffing |
Table 2 |
N/X070 |
486 |
N/X099 |
609 |
N/X112 |
647 |
Exiting |
Table 4 |
N/X009 |
85 |
Discipline |
Table 5 |
N/X005 |
512 |
N/X006 |
475 |
N/X007 |
476 |
N/X088 |
598 |
N/X143 |
682 |
N/X144 |
683 |
Assessment |
Table 6 |
N/X075, 0785 |
583, 584 |
N/X004 |
491 |
N/X0816 |
588, 589 |
N/X146 |
689 |
Additional Information on Assessment
Table 6 on state assessments uses data groups which are listed under the topic “accountability and reporting provisions of ESEA.”
Data Group Name |
File |
Assessment participation in mathematics table |
588 |
X/N081 |
Assessment participation in reading/language arts table |
589 |
X/N081 |
Academic achievement in mathematics table |
583 |
N/X075 |
Academic achievement in reading/language arts table |
584 |
N/X078 |
See “collection of data groups for academic achievement and assessment for SY 2010-11” in the section “Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA.”
The data steward for these data groups is the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) within the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS).
The table below lists the data groups in this section:
Data Group Name |
File |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) alternate assessment caps table |
689 |
X/N146 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table |
598 |
X/N088 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table |
613 |
X/N089 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table |
85 |
X/N009 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table |
491 |
X/N004 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table |
476 |
X/N007 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table |
512 |
X/N005 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table |
74 |
X/N002 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table |
475 |
X/N006 |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) total disciplinary removals table |
682 |
X/N143 |
Educational services during expulsion table |
683 |
X/N144 |
Special education paraprofessionals (FTE) table |
647 |
X/N112 |
Special education related services personnel (FTE) table |
609 |
X/N099 |
Special education teachers (FTE) table |
486 |
X/N070 |
Attachment B-8 explains the data required for Table 7 Dispute Resolution under IDEA.
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) alternate assessment caps table |
ID: 689 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who scored at or above proficient on an alternate assessment and were counted as proficient for adequate yearly progress (AYP) determinations. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
State Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
The number of scores at or above proficient on alternate assessments that count as proficient for AYP determinations is capped. |
File Specification # |
X/N146 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table |
ID: 598 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21 who were subject to any kind of disciplinary removal during the school year. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N088 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table |
ID: 613 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 5. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Child Count Date |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N089 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Subtotals 2 |
Subtotals 3 |
Subtotals 4 |
Subtotals 5 |
Subtotals 6 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table |
ID: 85 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of students with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 14 through 21, were in special education at the start of the reporting period, and were not in special education at the end of the reporting period. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
July 1 through June 30 |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N009 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Subtotals 2 |
Subtotals 3 |
Subtotals 4 |
Subtotals 5 |
Subtotals 6 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table |
ID: 491 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who did not participate in and receive a valid score on the state assessments. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing Window |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each academic subject, the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N004 |
Category Set A |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table |
ID: 476 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of times children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21 and unilaterally removed by school personnel (not the IEP team) from their current educational placement to an interim alternative educational setting (determined by the IEP team) due to drug or weapon offenses or serious bodily injury. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each interim removal reason (IDEA), the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N007 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table |
ID: 512 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
number of children with disabilities (IDEA)
who were ages 3 |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each type of interim removal (IDEA), the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N005 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table |
ID: 74 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 6 through 21. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Child Count Date |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Category sets A, D, and E are reported at all levels. Category sets B and C are reported at the LEA and State levels only. OCR is the data steward for data reported at the school level. OSERS/OSEP is the data steward for data reported at the LEA and State levels. |
File Specification # |
X/N002 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Subtotals 1 |
Subtotals 2 |
Subtotals 3 |
Subtotals 4 |
Subtotals 5 |
Subtotals 6 |
Subtotals 7 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table |
ID: 475 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21 and suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For each discipline method (suspension/expulsion), the data should be unduplicated. |
File Specification # |
X/N006 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: Children with disabilities (IDEA) total disciplinary removals table |
ID: 682 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of times children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21 and subject to any kind of disciplinary removal. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N143 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Educational services during expulsion table |
ID: 683 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of children (students) who were removed for disciplinary reasons from their regular school program for the remainder of the school year or longer, including all removals resulting from violations of the Gun-Free Schools Act (GFSA) of 1994. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N144 |
Category Set A |
Group Name: Special education paraprofessionals (FTE) table |
ID: 647 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) paraprofessionals employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Child Count Date |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N112 |
Category Set A |
Subtotal 1 |
Subtotal 2 |
Group Name: Special education related services personnel (FTE) table |
ID: 609 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) related services personnel employed or contracted to provide related services for children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Child Count Date |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N099 |
Category Set A |
Subtotal 1 |
Group Name: Special education teachers (FTE) table |
ID: 486 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
The number of full- time equivalent (FTE) special education teachers employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Child Count Date |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
File Specification # |
X/N070 |
Category Set A |
Subtotal 1 |
Subtotal 2 |
The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of career and technical education. The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 has requirements for reporting performance indicators in the Consolidated Annual Report (CAR). Below are the performance indicators and crosswalks for how the data are calculated for all students and for the subgroups of students using students who are economically disadvantaged as an example. The definitions of CTE concentrator and CTE participant are in Attachment B-1 under standard definitions. States will provide information on category sets that are missing or not collected in a metadata collection through EMAPS.
1S1 - Academic Attainment in Reading/Language Arts –
Measure - Percent of CTE concentrators met proficiency or above on state-established academic standards in reading (language arts)
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
# of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and were at or above proficient when they took the state assessment for reading (language arts) and their score was included in the state’s computation of AYP |
DG681 (N/X142) Subtotal 1 where proficient status is at or above proficient and academic subject is reading (language arts) |
DG681 (N/X142) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where proficient status is at or above proficient and academic subject is reading (language arts) |
Denominator |
# of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and had a score on the state assessment for reading (language arts) that was included in the state’s computation of AYP |
DG681 (N/X142) Subtotal 1 where academic subject is reading (language arts) |
DG681 (N/X142) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where academic subject is reading (language arts) |
1S2 - Academic Attainment in Mathematics
Measure – Percent of CTE concentrators met proficiency or above on state-established academic standards in mathematics
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
# of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and were at or above proficient when they took the state assessment for mathematics and their score was included in the state’s computation of AYP |
DG681 (N/X142) Subtotal 1 where proficient status is at or above proficiency and academic subject is mathematics |
DG681 (N/X142) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where proficient status is at or above proficiency and academic subject is mathematics |
Denominator |
# of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and had a score on the state assessment for mathematics that was included in the state’s computation of AYP |
DG681 (N/X142) Subtotal 1 where academic subject is mathematics |
DG681 (N/X142) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where academic subject is mathematics |
2S1 - Technical Skill Attainment
Measure – Percent of CTE concentrators passed technical skill assessments aligned with industry-recognized standards
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
# of CTE concentrators who passed technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards. |
DG705 (N/X157) Subtotal 1 where test result is passed |
DG705 (N/X157) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where test result is passed |
Denominator |
# of CTE concentrators who took technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards |
DG705 (N/X157) Grand total |
DG705 (N/X157) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) |
3S1 - Secondary School Completion
Measure – Percent of CTE concentrators earned a regular high school diploma, earned a GED, or other state-recognized equivalent.
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
# of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and who received a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent |
DG320 (N/X083) Grand total |
DG320 (N/X083) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) |
Denominator |
# of CTE concentrators who left secondary education |
DG521 (N/X082) Grand total |
DG521 (N/X082) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) |
4S1 - Graduation Rates
Measure – Percent of CTE concentrators included as graduated in state’s graduation rate
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
# of CTE concentrators who were included as graduated in the state’s computation of its graduation rate as described in section 1111 (b)(2)(C)(vi) of ESEA |
DG702 (N/X154) Subtotal 1 where inclusion type is included in computation as graduated |
DG702 (N/X154) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where inclusion type is included in computation as graduated |
Denominator |
# of CTE concentrators who were included in the state’s computation of its graduation rate as described in section 1111 (b)(2)(C)(vi) of ESEA |
DG702 (N/X154) Grand total |
DG702 (N/X154) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) |
5S1 - Secondary Placement
Measure – Percent of CTE concentrators left secondary education and were placed in post-secondary education/advanced training, military, employment
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
# of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and were placed in postsecondary education or advanced training, in the military service, or employment in the second quarter following the program year in which they left secondary education |
DG736 (N/X158) Subtotal 1 where placement status is placed |
DG736 (N/X158) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where placement status is placed |
Denominator |
# of CTE concentrators in the cohort that left secondary education in the previous program year |
DG736 (N/X158) Grand total |
DG736 (N/X158) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) |
6S1 – Non-traditional Participation
Measure – Percent of CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups in non-traditional fields of study
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
Number of CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups who participated in a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields of study |
DG703 (N/X155) Subtotal 1 where representation status is member of an underrepresented gender group |
DG703 (N/X155) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where representation status is member of an underrepresented gender group |
Denominator |
Number of CTE participants who participated in a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields of study |
DG703 (N/X155) Grand total |
DG703 (N/X155) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) |
6S2 – Non-traditional Completion
Measure - Percent of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups in non-traditional fields of study who completed
All students |
Subgroups (e.g., students who are economically disadvantaged) |
Numerator |
Number of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups who participated in a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields of study |
DG704 (N/X156) Subtotal 1 where representation status is member of an underrepresented gender group |
DG704 (N/X156) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) where representation status is member of an underrepresented gender group |
Denominator |
Number of CTE concentrators who participated in a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields of study |
DG704 (N/X156) Grand total |
DG704 (N/X156) Category set D (category set with economically disadvantaged status) |
The data steward for these data groups is the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE).
The table below lists the data groups in this section. The table includes the indicators that use the data group.
Data Group Name |
File |
Indicator |
CTE concentrators academic achievement table |
681 |
X/N142 |
1S1 and 1S2 both numerator and denominator |
CTE concentrators exiting table |
521 |
X/N082 |
3S1 denominator |
CTE concentrators graduates tables |
320 |
X/N083 |
3S1 numerator |
CTE concentrators in graduate rate table |
702 |
X/N154 |
4S1 both numerator and denominator |
CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table |
704 |
X/N156 |
6S2 both numerator and denominator |
CTE concentrators placement table |
736 |
X/N158 |
5S1 both numerator and denominator |
CTE concentrators technical skills table |
705 |
X/N157 |
2S1 both numerator and denominator |
CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table |
703 |
X/N155 |
6S1 both numerator and denominator |
Group Name: CTE concentrators academic achievement table |
ID: 681 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The number of career and technical education (CTE) concentrators who left secondary education during the school year for whom a proficiency score on the state assessment was included in the state’s calculation of adequate yearly progress (AYP). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For category set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). Data are unduplicated by academic subject (assessment). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N142 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Category Set J |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: CTE concentrators exiting table |
ID: 521 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of career and technical education (CTE) concentrators who left secondary education. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For category set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N082 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Category Set J |
Group Name: CTE concentrators graduates table |
ID: 320 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The unduplicated number of career and technical education (CTE) concentrators who left secondary education and who received a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For Category Set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N083 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Category Set J |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: CTE concentrators in graduate rate table |
ID: 702 |
Section |
Student |
The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who were included in the state’s computation of its graduation rate as described in section 1111 (b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For category set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N154 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Category Set J |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table |
ID: 704 |
Section |
Student |
The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who completed a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For category set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N156 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: CTE concentrators placement table |
ID: 736 |
Section |
Student |
The unduplicated number of career and technical education (CTE) concentrators who left secondary education in the cohort which graduated the prior program year. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For category set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N158 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Category Set J |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: CTE concentrators technical skills table |
ID: 705 |
Section |
Student |
The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who took technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For category set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N157 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Category Set J |
Subtotals 1 |
Group Name: CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table |
ID: 703 |
Section |
Student |
The unduplicated number of CTE participants who participated in a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Perkins Program Year or State Plan Negotiated School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
For category set C, data are submitted by either disability status (only) or by disability status (ADA). If a state has a negotiated definition that is different, the state should use that definition. |
File Specification # |
X/N155 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Category Set G |
Category Set H |
Category Set I |
Subtotals 1 |
The table below lists the changes to the version used in 30-day public comment period.
Section |
Change |
Explanation for Change |
All |
“New” and “Revised” notes are removed for items that were “new” or “revised” in the 30-day package. |
Unless noted otherwise in the document, these changes have been incorporated into the final package. |
All |
Changed the format of percentage to 5, 4 |
Consistency, for example, 90% would be in the format of 0.9000 |
All |
Changed file specification numbers |
To reflect decision on directed question 14 |
Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data, DG39 |
Added comment about how students are counted. |
In response to comments during the 30-day comment period. Explained in Attachment E under “Technical Comment / Data Groups.” |
Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA, DG675 |
Added comment found with other data groups for Title III. |
In response to comments during the 30-day comment period. Explained in Attachment E under “Technical Comment / Data Groups.” |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA, DG 693 |
Clarified definition to apply to schools receiving funds under section 1003 of ESEA |
The previous version omitted the word ‘funds’ from the definition. |
Neglected or Delinquent Program, DG628 |
Added comment |
Comment similar to comments in other N or D data groups. |
Technology, DG744 |
Changed name and definition and added comment. |
In response to comments during the 30-day comment period. Explained in Attachment F under “Data Collection/Technology Data/Computer equipment table.” |
Technology, DG524
Added definitions of permitted values |
In response to comments during the 30-day comment period. Explained in Attachment F under “Data Collection/Technology Data/Integrated technology status.” |
Funding Flexibility (REAP), DG 614 |
Indicated this data group is collected at the LEA level |
The previous version did not indicate at which level the data are collected |
Public School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services, DG574, 700, 544, and 652 |
Added comment limiting reporting to LEAs required to implement public school choice. |
In response to comments during the 30-day comment period. Explained in Attachment E under “Technical Comment / Data Groups.” |
Public School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services, DG679 |
Added comment limiting reporting to LEAs required to provide public school choice or SES. |
In response to comments during the 30-day comment period. Explained in Attachment E under “Technical Comment / Data Groups.” |
Public School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services, DG680 |
Added comment limiting reporting to LEAs required to provide SES. |
In response to comments during the 30-day comment period. Explained in Attachment E under “Technical Comment / Data Groups.” |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, DGs 613, 647, 609, 486 |
Added subtotals |
Subtotal is currently collected and was inadvertently omitted. |
Career and Technical Education, all DGs |
Changed name of category in category set F to “single parent status” |
Name of category was changed in response to comments during the 60-day public comment period. |
The table below lists editorial corrections.
Section |
Change |
Explanation for Change |
Non-fiscal Common Core of Data |
Changed file specification for DG644 Teacher from N/X129 to N/X059. |
Error in package |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Deleted “regular” from reporting period for DG695 |
The reporting period should be “school year” which matches the other three data groups for the regulatory cohort graduation rate. |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Added the word “table” to the name of DG694 |
To conform to naming convention |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Changed reporting period of DG694 to match DG693 |
This change was mentioned in Attachment E but not made. |
LEP Students and Title III of ESEA |
Deleted school level for DG688. |
Error in the package |
Migrant Education Program |
Added file spec number for DG514 and DG110 |
File specification numbers were assigned after the package was approved. |
Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions) |
Added grand total to DG670 |
The grand total has always been collected for this data group. The removal of the grand total was a typo. This change was not included in the list of changes in Attachment C. |
Technology |
Added file specification number for DG744 |
File specification numbers were assigned after the package was approved. |
Technology |
Fixed the name of DG744 in the list of technology data groups. |
The name in the table was not updated when the data group computer table was replaced with the data group internet access table. |
PSC and SES |
Added file specification number for DG652, 701, 679, 575, 651, and 680. |
File specification numbers were assigned after the package was approved. |
Charter Schools and Districts |
Added file specification number for DG594, 605, 654, 606, and 653. |
File specification numbers were assigned after the package was approved. |
Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools |
Added file specification number for DG603 and DG664 |
File specification numbers were assigned after the package was approved. |
Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools |
Corrected the permitted values for DG603. |
The permitted value was listed as “integer” which is incorrect. This data group is a status with permitted values of yes with reporting incidents, yes without reporting incidents, and no. |
Individuals with Disabilities Act |
Changed the order of the subtotals for DG647 so that subtotal 1 is by qualification status (paraprofessionals) and subtotal 2 is by age group. |
Order of subtotals was changed inadvertently. |
Career and Technical Education |
Added file specification number for DG736 |
File specification numbers were assigned after the package was approved. |
The tables below list the changes from the technical amendments in Attachment H. These changes are explained in detail in Attachment H.
Attachment B-3 Technical Amendments Starting SY 2010-11
Section |
Change |
Non-fiscal Common Core of Data |
Fixed reference to file specification for DG644 in the summary table |
Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA |
Change the steward of these data groups to OESE from OELA |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Added an explanation of how the assessment data will be collected for SY 2010-11 and revised definitions of DG588, 589 and 590. |
Amended the name of the data group Regulatory extended time adjusted-cohort graduation rate (DG697) and added missing word to the comments for DG697 and DG698 Cohorts for regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table |
Migrant Education Program |
Fixed reference to file specification for DG110 and DG514 in the summary table and in table describing DG110 and DG514 |
Technology |
Revised definition of DG 524 Integrated technology status |
Revised reporting period of 8th grade technology literacy table (DG650) |
Public School Choice & Supplemental Educational Services |
Fixed reference to file specifications for DG652, 701, 679, 651, and 680 in the summary table |
Change the steward of these data groups by adding OESE |
Charter Schools and Districts |
Fixed reference to file specifications for all the data groups in the summary table |
Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools |
Fixed reference to file specification for DG664 in the summary table |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
Added a reference to the explanation of how the assessment data will be collected for SY 2010-11 |
Revised definitions of DG85 Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education, DG476 Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table and DG491 Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table |
Career and Technical Education |
Fixed reference to file specifications for DG736 in the explanation of indicator 5S1 and in the summary table |
Attachment B-3 Technical Amendments Starting SY 2011-12
Section |
Changes |
Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA |
Added permitted value “too few students” to AMAO I ELP making progress (DG569), AMAO I ELP attainment (DG518), and AMAO III AYP for LEP (DG688) |
1 This permitted value is used for SY 2011-12 and SY 2012-13.
2 This permitted value is used for SY 2011-12 and SY 2012-13.
3 This permitted value is used for SY 2011-12 and SY 2012-13.
4 This does not include N or D Programs under Title I, Part D, Subparts 1 and 2.
5 As explained in the section “Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA,” for SY 2010-11, the data on academic achievement of Children with disabilities (IDEA) in Table 6 will be submitted using N/X003 as was done for SY 2009-10. In the future, these data will be submitted using N/X075 and N/X078.
6 Also, the data on participation of Children with disabilities (IDEA) in Table 6 will be submitted using N/X093 as done for SY 2009-10. In the future, these data will be submitted using N/X081.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | B-3 Data groups in ESS collection |
Author | Marburger, Darla (Contractor) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |