Attachment F CFR-2010-title42-vol1-part84

Attachment F CFR-2010-title42-vol1-part84.txt

Information Collection Provisions in 42 CFR Part 84 - Tests and Requirements for Certification and Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices

Attachment F CFR-2010-title42-vol1-part84

OMB: 0920-0109

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(e) A new designation of the Secretary

under this section will take effect

30 calendar days after the date on

which the report of the Secretary

under paragraph (d) of this section is

submitted to Congress, unless Congress

takes an action that reverses or expedites

the designation. Such new designations

and related congressional actions

will be further reported by the

Secretary pursuant to paragraphs (d)

and (e) of 83.17.

[70 FR 75953, Dec. 22, 2005]

83.19 How can the Secretary cancelor modify a final decision to add aclass of employees to the Cohort?

(a) The Secretary can cancel a final

decision to add a class to the Cohort,

or can modify a final decision to reduce

the scope of a class added by the Secretary,

if HHS obtains records relevant

to radiation exposures of members of

the class that enable NIOSH to estimate

the radiation doses incurred by

individual members of the class

through dose reconstructions conducted

under the requirements of 42

CFR part 82.

(b) Before canceling a final decision

to add a class or modifying a final decision

to reduce the scope of a class, the

Secretary intends to follow evaluation

procedures that are substantially similar

to those described in this part for

adding a class of employees to the Cohort.

The procedures will include the


(1) Publication of a notice in the FEDERAL

REGISTER informing the public of

the intent of the Secretary to review

the final decision on the basis of new

information and describing procedures

for this review;

(2) An analysis by NIOSH of the utility

of the new information for conducting

dose reconstructions under 42

CFR part 82; the analysis will be performed

consistently with the requirements

for analysis of a petition by

NIOSH under 83.13(c)(1) and (2), and

83.13(c)(2) and (3);

(3) A recommendation by the Board

to the Secretary as to whether or not

the Secretary should cancel or modify

his final decision that added the class

to the Cohort, based upon a review by

the Board of the NIOSH analysis under

paragraph (b)(2) of this section and any

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

other relevant information considered

by the Board;

(4) An opportunity for members of

the class to contest a proposed decision

to cancel or modify the prior final decision

that added the class to the Cohort,

including a reasonable and timely effort

by the Secretary to notify members

of the class of this opportunity;


(5) Publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER

of a final decision to cancel or

modify the prior final decision that

added the class to the Cohort.

[69 FR 30780, May 28, 2004. Redesignated at 70

FR 75953, Dec. 22, 2005]



Subpart AGeneral Provisions


84.1 Purpose.

84.2 Definitions.


Respirators for mine rescue or other

emergency use in mines.

Subpart BApplication for Approval

84.10 Application procedures.

84.11 Contents of application.


Delivery of respirators and components

by applicant; requirements.

Subpart CFees


Examination, inspection, and testing

of complete respirator assemblies; fees.


Examination, inspection, and testing

of respirator components or subassemblies;



Unlisted fees; additional fees; payment

by applicant prior to approval.

Subpart DApproval and Disapproval


Certificates of approval; scope of approval.

84.31 Certificates of approval; contents.

84.32 Notice of disapproval.


Approval labels and markings; approval

of contents; use.

84.34 Revocation of certificates of approval.


Changes or modifications of approved

respirators; issuance of modification of

certificate of approval.


Delivery of changed or modified approved


Subpart EQuality Control


Quality control plans; filing requirements.

84.41 Quality control plans; contents.


Public Health Service, HHS


Proposed quality control plans; approval

by the Institute.


Quality control records; review by the

Institute; revocation of approval.

Subpart FClassification of Approved Respirators;

Scope of Approval; Atmospheric

Hazards; Service Time


Types of respirators to be approved;

scope of approval.


Entry and escape, or escape only; classification.

84.52 Respiratory hazards; classification.

84.53 Service time; classification.

Subpart GGeneral Construction and

Performance Requirements


Construction and performance requirements;


84.61 General construction requirements.


Component parts; minimum requirements.

84.63 Test requirements; general.


Pretesting by applicant; approval of

test methods.


Conduct of examinations, inspections,

and tests by the Institute; assistance by

applicant; observers; recorded data; public



Withdrawal of applications; refund of


Subpart HSelf-Contained Breathing



Self-contained breathing apparatus;



Self-contained breathing apparatus;

required components.


Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.


Harnesses; installation and construction;

minimum requirements.


Apparatus containers; minimum requirements.


Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces,

mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements.


Facepieces; eyepieces; minimum requirements.


Inhalation and exhalation valves; minimum



Head harnesses; minimum requirements.


Breathing gas; minimum requirements.


Interchangeability of oxygen and air



Compressed breathing gas and liquefied

breathing gas containers; minimum



Gas pressure gages; minimum requirements.

Pt. 84


Timers; elapsed time indicators; remaining

service life indicators; minimum



Hand-operated valves; minimum requirements.


Breathing bags; minimum requirements.


Component parts exposed to oxygen

pressures; minimum requirements.


Compressed gas filters; minimum requirements.

84.88 Breathing bag test.

84.89 Weight requirement.

84.90 Breathing resistance test; inhalation.

84.91 Breathing resistance test; exhalation.

84.92 Exhalation valve leakage test.

84.93 Gas flow test; open-circuit apparatus.


Gas flow test; closed-circuit apparatus.


Service time test; open-circuit apparatus.


Service time test; closed-circuit apparatus.


Test for carbon dioxide in inspired gas;

open- and closed-circuit apparatus; maximum

allowable limits.


Tests during low temperature operation.


Man tests; testing conditions; general


84.100 Man tests 1, 2, 3, and 4; requirements.

84.101 Man test 5; requirements.

84.102 Man test 6; requirements.

84.103 Man tests; performance requirements.

84.104 Gas tightness test; minimum requirements.


Subpart IGas Masks

84.110 Gas masks; description.

84.111 Gas masks; required components.


Canisters and cartridges in parallel;

resistance requirements.


Canisters and cartridges; color and

markings; requirements.


Filters used with canisters and cartridges;

location; replacement.


Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.


Harnesses; installation and construction;

minimum requirements.


Gas mask containers; minimum requirements.


Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces,

and mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements.


Facepieces; eyepieces; minimum requirements.


Inhalation and exhalation valves;

minimum requirements.


Head harnesses; minimum requirements.


Breathing resistance test; minimum


84.123 Exhalation valve leakage test.


Pt. 84


Facepiece tests; minimum requirements.


Particulate tests; canisters containing

particulate filters; minimum requirements.

84.126 Canister bench tests; minimum requirements.


Subpart JSupplied-Air Respirators

84.130 Supplied-air respirators; description.


Supplied-air respirators; required



Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.


Harnesses; installation and construction;

minimum requirements.


Respirator containers; minimum requirements.


Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces,

hoods, and helmets; fit; minimum requirements.


Facepieces, hoods, and helmets; eyepieces;

minimum requirements.


Inhalation and exhalation valves;

check valves; minimum requirements.


Head harnesses; minimum requirements.


Head and neck protection; supplied-

air respirators; minimum requirements.


Air velocity and noise levels; hoods

and helmets; minimum requirements.


Breathing gas; minimum requirements.


Air supply source; hand-operated or

motor driven air blowers; Type A sup-

plied-air respirators; minimum requirements.


Terminal fittings or chambers; Type

B supplied-air respirators; minimum requirements.


Hand-operated blower test; minimum



Motor-operated blower test; minimum



Method of measuring the power and

torque required to operate blowers.


Type B supplied-air respirator; minimum



Type C supplied-air respirator, con-

tinuous-flow class; minimum requirements.


Type C supplied-air respirator, demand

and pressure demand class; minimum



Air-supply line tests; minimum requirements.

84.151 Harness test; minimum requirements.


Breathing tube test; minimum requirements.


Airflow resistance test, Type A and

Type AE supplied-air respirators; minimum



Airflow resistance test; Type B and

Type BE supplied-air respirators; minimum


42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)


Airflow resistance test; Type C sup-

plied-air respirator, continuous flow

class and Type CE supplied-air respirator;

minimum requirements.


Airflow resistance test; Type C sup-

plied-air respirator, demand class; minimum



Airflow resistance test; Type C sup-

plied-air respirator, pressure-demand

class; minimum requirements.

84.158 Exhalation valve leakage test.


Man tests for gases and vapors; sup-

plied-air respirators; general performance



Man test for gases and vapors; Type A

and Type AE respirators; test requirements.


Man tests for gases and vapors; Type

B and Type BE respirators; test requirements.


Man test for gases and vapors; Type C

respirators, continuous-flow class and

Type CE supplied-air respirators; test requirements.


Man test for gases and vapors; Type C

supplied-air respirators, demand and

pressure-demand classes; test requirements.


Subpart KNon-Powered Air-Purifying

Particulate Respirators


Non-powered air-purifying particulate

respirators; description.


Non-powered air-purifying particulate

respirators; required components.


Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.


Harnesses; installation and construction;

minimum requirements.


Respirator containers; minimum requirements.


Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces,

hoods, helmets, and mouthpieces; fit;

minimum requirements.


Facepieces, hoods, and helmets; eyepieces;

minimum requirements.


Inhalation and exhalation valves;

minimum requirements.


Head harnesses; minimum requirements.


Non-powered air-purifying particulate

respirators; filter identification.

84.180 Airflow resistance tests.


Non-powered air-purifying particulate

filter efficiency level determination.


Exhalation valve leakage test; minimum


Subpart LChemical Cartridge Respirators


Chemical cartridge respirators: description.


Chemical cartridge respirators; required



Public Health Service, HHS


Cartridges in parallel; resistance requirements.


Cartridges; color and markings; requirements.


Filters used with chemical cartridges;

location; replacement.


Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.


Harnesses; installation and construction;

minimum requirements.


Respirator containers; minimum requirements.


Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces,

mouthpieces, hoods, and helmets; fit;

minimum requirements.


Facepieces, hoods, and helmets; eyepieces;

minimum requirements.


Inhalation and exhalation valves;

minimum requirements.


Head harnesses; minimum requirements.


Air velocity and noise levels; hoods

and helmets; minimum requirements.


Breathing resistance test; minimum



Exhalation valve leakage test; minimum



Facepiece test; minimum requirements.


Particulate tests; respirators with filters;

minimum requirements; general.

84.207 Bench tests; gas and vapor tests; minimum

requirements; general.


Subpart M [Reserved]

Subpart NSpecial Use Respirators


Vinyl chloride respirators; description.

84.251 Required components.

84.252 Gas masks; requirements and tests.


Chemical-cartridge respirators; requirements

and tests.


Powered air-purifying respirators; requirements

and tests.


Requirements for end-of-service-life


84.256 Quality control requirements.

84.257 Labeling requirements.

84.258 Fees.

Subparts OJJ [Reserved]

Subpart KKDust, Fume, and Mist; Pesticide;

Paint Spray; Powered Air-Purifying

High Efficiency Respirators and

Combination Gas Masks

84.1100 Scope and effective dates.

84.1101 Definitions.

84.1102 Examination, inspection and testing

of complete respirator assemblies; fees.

84.1103 Approval labels and markings; approval

of contents; use.

84.1130 Respirators; description.

Pt. 84

84.1131 Respirators; required components.

84.1132 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

84.1133 Harnesses; installation and construction;

minimum requirements.

84.1134 Respirator containers; minimum requirements.

84.1135 Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces,

hoods, helmets, and mouthpieces; fit;

minimum requirements.

84.1136 Facepieces, hoods, and helmets; eyepieces;

minimum requirements.

84.1137 Inhalation and exhalation valves;

minimum requirements.

84.1138 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

84.1139 Air velocity and noise levels; hoods

and helmets; minimum requirements.

84.1140 Dust, fume, and mist respirators;

performance requirements; general.

84.1141 Isoamyl acetate tightness test; dust,

fume, and mist respirators designed for

respiratory protection against fumes of

various metals having an air contamination

level not less than 0.05 milligram

per cubic meter; minimum requirements.

84.1142 Isoamyl acetate tightness test; respirators

designed for respiratory protection

against dusts, fumes, and mists having

an air contamination level less than

0.05 milligram per cubic meter, or

against radionuclides; minimum requirements.

84.1143 Dust, fume, and mist air-purifying

filter tests; performance requirements;


84.1144 Silica dust test for dust, fume, and

mist respirators; single-use or reusable

filters; minimum requirements.

84.1145 Silica dust test; non-powered single-

use dust respirators; minimum requirements.

84.1146 Lead fume test for dust, fume, and

mist respirators; minimum requirements.

84.1147 Silica mist test for dust, fume, and

mist respirators; minimum requirements.

84.1148 Tests for respirators designed for

respiratory protection against more than

one type of dispersoid; minimum requirements.

84.1149 Airflow resistance tests; all dust,

fume, and mist respirators; minimum requirements.

84.1150 Exhalation valve leakage test; minimum


84.1151 DOP filter test; respirators designed

as respiratory protection against dusts,

fumes, and mists having an air contamination

level less than 0.05 milligram per

cubic meter and against radionuclides;

minimum requirements.


Silica dust loading test; respirators

designed as protection against dusts,

fumes, and mists having an air contamination

level less than 0.05 milligram per



cubic meter and against radionuclides;

minimum requirements.

84.1153 Dust, fume, mist, and smoke tests;

canister bench tests; gas mask canisters

containing filters; minimum requirements.

84.1154 Canister and cartridge requirements.

84.1155 Filters used with canisters and cartridges;

location; replacement.

84.1156 Pesticide respirators; performance

requirements; general.

84.1157 Chemical cartridge respirators with

particulate filters; performance requirements;


84.1158 Dust, fume, and mist tests; respirators

with filters; minimum requirements;



AUTHORITY: 29 U.S.C. 577a, 651 et seq., and

657(g); 30 U.S.C. 3, 5, 7, 811, 842(h), 844.

SOURCE: 60 FR 30355, June 8, 1995, unless

otherwise noted.

EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to

part 84 appear at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004.

Subpart AGeneral Provisions

84.1 Purpose.

The purpose of the regulations contained

in this part 84 is:

(a) To establish procedures and prescribe

requirements which must be met

in filing applications for approval by

the National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health of respirators or

changes or modifications of approved


(b) To establish a schedule of fees to

be charged each applicant for the inspections,

examinations, and testing

conducted by the Institute under the

provisions of this part;

(c) To provide for the issuance of certificates

of approval or modifications

of certificates of approval for respirators

which have met the applicable

construction, performance, and respiratory

protection requirements set

forth in this part; and

(d) To specify minimum requirements

and to prescribe methods to be

employed by the Institute and by the

applicant in conducting inspections,

examinations, and tests to determine

the effectiveness of respirators used

during entry into or escape from hazardous


84.2 Definitions.

As used in this part

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(a) Applicant means an individual,

partnership, company, corporation, association,

or other organization that

designs, manufactures, assembles, or

controls the assembly of a respirator

and who seeks to obtain a certificate of

approval for such respirator.

(b) Approval means a certificate or

formal document issued by the Institute

stating that an individual respirator

or combination of respirators

has met the minimum requirements of

this part, and that the applicant is authorized

to use and attach an approval

label to any respirator, respirator container,

or instruction card for any respirator

manufactured or assembled in

conformance with the plans and specifications

upon which the approval was

based, as evidence of such approval.

(c) Approved means conforming to the

minimum requirements of this part.

(d) Auxiliary equipment means a self-

contained breathing apparatus, the use

of which is limited in underground

mine rescue and recovery operations to

situations where the wearer has ready

access to fresh air and at least one

crew equipped with approved self-contained

breathing apparatus of 2 hours

or longer rating, is in reserve at a

fresh-air base.

(e) Certification and Quality Assurance

Branch means the Certification and

Quality Assurance Branch, Division of

Safety Research, Appalachian Laboratory

for Occupational Safety and

Health, National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health, 1095

Willowdale Road, Morgantown, West

Virginia 265052888.

(f) Compressed-breathing gas means oxygen

or air stored in a compressed

state and supplied to the wearer in gaseous


(g) dBA means sound pressure levels

in decibels, as measured with the A-

weighted network of a standard sound

level meter using slow response.

(h) Dust means a solid mechanically

produced particle with a size ranging

from submicroscopic to macroscopic.

(i) Respirators for entry into and escape

from means respiratory devices providing

protection during entry into and

escape from hazardous atmospheres.


Public Health Service, HHS

(j) Respirators for escape only means

respiratory devices providing protection

only during escape from hazardous


(k) A facepiece or mouthpiece is a respirator

component designed to provide

a gas-tight or dust-tight fit with the

face and may include headbands,

valves, and connections for canisters,

cartridges, filters, or respirable gas


(l) Final inspection means that activity

carried out on a product after all

manufacturing and assembly operations

are completed to insure completeness

and adherence to performance

or other specifications, including

satisfactory appearance.

(m) Fume means a solid condensation

particle, generally less than 1 micrometer

in diameter.

(n) Gas means an aeriform fluid

which is in a gaseous state at ordinary

temperature and pressure.

(o) Hazardous atmosphere means:

(1) Any atmosphere containing a

toxic or disease producing gas, vapor,

dust, fume, mist, or pesticide, either

immediately or not immediately dangerous

to life or health; or

(2) Any oxygen-deficient atmosphere.

(p) A hood or helmet is a respirator

component which covers the wearers

head and neck, or head, neck, and

shoulders, and is supplied with incoming

respirable air for the wearer to

breathe. It may include a headharness

and connection for a breathing tube.

(q) Immediately dangerous to life or

health means conditions that pose an

immediate threat to life or health or

conditions that pose an immediate

threat of severe exposure to contaminants,

such as radioactive materials,

which are likely to have adverse cumulative

or delayed effects on health.

(r) Incoming inspection means the activity

of receiving, examining, and accepting

only those materials and parts

whose quality conforms to specification


(s) In-process inspection means the

control of products at the source of

production and at each step of the

manufacturing process, so that departures

from specifications can be corrected

before defective components or

materials are assembled into the finished



(t) Institute means the National Institute

for Occupational Safety and

Health, Department of Health and

Human Services.

(u) Liquefied-breathing gas means oxygen

or air stored in liquid form and

supplied to the wearer in a gaseous


(v) Mist means a liquid condensation

particle with a size ranging from submicroscopic

to macroscopic.

(w) MSHA means the Mine Safety and

Health Administration, U.S. Department

of Labor.

(x) Not immediately dangerous to life or

health means any hazardous atmosphere

which may produce physical discomfort

immediately, chronic poisoning

after repeated exposure, or

acute adverse physiological symptoms

after prolonged exposure.

(y) Oxygen-deficient atmosphere means

an atmosphere which contains an oxygen

partial pressure of less than 148

millimeters of mercury (19.5 percent by

volume at sea level).

(z) Powered air-purifying respirator

means a device equipped with a face-

piece, hood, or helmet, breathing tube,

canister, cartridge, filter, canister with

filter, or cartridge with filter, and a


(aa) Respirator means any device designed

to provide the wearer with respiratory

protection against inhalation

of a hazardous atmosphere.

(bb) Single-use respirator means a respirator

that is entirely discarded after

excessive resistance, sorbent exhaustion,

or physical damage renders it unsuitable

for further use.

(cc) Vapor means the gaseous state of

a substance that is solid or liquid at ordinary

temperature and pressure.

84.3 Respirators for mine rescue or

other emergency use in mines.

(a)(1) NIOSH and the Mine Safety and

Health Administration (MSHA), U.S.

Department of Labor, shall jointly review

and issue certifications for respirators

used for mine emergencies and

mine rescue, including any associated

service-life plans, users manuals and

other supporting documentation.

(2) Each certification for a respirator

designed for mine rescue or other

emergency use in mines shall include,



as a condition of approval, any use limitations

related to mine safety and


(b) NIOSH and MSHA shall jointly

determine appropriate recall and retrofit

remedies for field complaints or

identified deficiencies involving any

respirators used in the mining environment.

Subpart BApplication for


84.10 Application procedures.

(a) Inspection, examination, and testing

leading to the approval of the types

of respirators classified in subpart F of

this part shall be undertaken by the Institute

only pursuant to written applications

which meet the minimum requirements

set forth in this subpart B.

(b) Applications shall be submitted to

the Certification and Quality Assurance

Branch, and shall be accompanied

by a check, bank draft, or money order

in the amount specified in subpart C of

this part, payable to the order of the

National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health.

(c) Except as provided in 84.64, the

examination, inspection, and testing of

all respirators shall be conducted by

the Certification and Quality Assurance


(d) Applicants, manufacturers, or

their representatives may visit or communicate

with the Certification and

Quality Assurance Branch in order to

discuss the requirements for approval

of any respirator or the proposed designs

thereof. No charge shall be made

for such consultation and no written

report shall be issued to applicants,

manufacturers, or their representatives

by the Institute as a result of such consultation.

(e) Respirators having electrical or

electronic components that are required

to be permissible under chapter

I of title 30 shall be tested in accordance

with 30 CFR part 18. Applications

for approval of such respirators by

MSHA shall be submitted in writing to:

MSHA, Approval and Certification Center,

Box 251, Industrial Park Road,

Triadelphia, West Virginia 26059.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.11 Contents of application.

(a) Each application for approval

shall contain a complete written description

of the respirator for which

approval is requested together with

drawings and specifications (and lists

thereof) showing full details of construction

of the respirator and of the

materials used.

(b) Drawings shall be titled, numbered,

and dated; any revision dates

shall be shown on the drawings, and

the purpose of each revision being

sought shall be shown on the drawing

or described on an attachment to the

drawing to which it applies.

(c) Each application for approval

shall contain a proposed plan for quality

control which meets the minimum

requirements set forth in subpart E of

this part.

(d) Each application shall contain a

statement that the respirator has been

pretested by the applicant as prescribed

in 84.64, and shall include the

results of such tests.

(e) Each application for approval

shall contain a statement that the respirator

and component parts submitted

for approval are either prototypes, or

made on regular production tooling,

with no operation included which will

not be incorporated in regular production


(The information collections contained in

this section are approved under OMB control

number 09200109)

84.12 Delivery of respirators and

components by applicant; requirements.

(a) Each applicant shall, when an application

is filed pursuant to 84.10, be

advised by the Institute of the total

number of respirators and component

parts required for testing.

(b) The applicant shall deliver, at his

own expense, the number of completely

assembled respirators and component

parts required for testing, to the Certification

and Quality Assurance


(c) Respirators and component parts

submitted for approval must be made

from materials specified in the application.

(d) One completely assembled respirator

approved under the provisions


Public Health Service, HHS

of this part may be retained by the Institute

as a laboratory exhibit, the remaining

respirators may be returned to

the applicant at his own expense, upon

written request within 30 days after notice

of approval. If no such request is

made, the respirators will be disposed

of by the Institute in such manner as it

deems appropriate.

(e) Where a respirator fails to meet

the requirements for approval set forth

in this part, all respirators and components

delivered in accordance with this

section may be returned to the applicant

at his own expense, upon written

request within 30 days after notice of

disapproval. If no such request is made,

the respirators will be disposed of by

the Institute in such manner as it

deems appropriate.

Subpart CFees

84.20 Examination, inspection, and

testing of complete respirator as

semblies; fees.

Except as provided in 84.22, the following

fees shall be charged by the Institute

for the examination, inspection

and testing of complete respirator assemblies:

Self-contained breathing apparatus:

Entry and escape, 1 hour or more ... $3,500

Entry and escape, less than 1 hour 2,750

Escape only .................................... 2,000

Gas masks:

Single hazard .................................. 1,100

Type N ............................................ 4,100

Supplied-air respirators .................... 750

Particulate respirators ..................... 1,250

Chemical cartridge respirators ......... 1,150

84.21 Examination, inspection, and

testing of respirator components or

subassemblies; fees.

Except as provided in 84.22, the following

fees shall be charged by the Institute

for the examination, inspection

and testing of the individual respirator

components or subassemblies:

Facepieces ............................................ $450

Canisters .............................................. 900

Cartridges ............................................. 600

Filters .................................................. 650

Hoses .................................................... 250

Blowers ................................................. 250

Harnesses ............................................. 100


84.22 Unlisted fees; additional fees;

payment by applicant prior to approval.

(a) Applications for the examination,

inspection and testing of complete respirator

assemblies which are not listed

in 84.20, or for the examination, inspection,

and testing of respirator components

or subassemblies which are not

listed in 84.21, shall be accompanied

by the following deposits:

Complete respirator assembly ........... $1,500

Each individual component or subassembly

......................................... 500

(b) The Institute reserves the right to

conduct any examination, inspection,

or test it deems necessary to determine

the quality and effectiveness of any

listed or unlisted respirator assembly

or respirator component or subassembly,

and to assess the cost of

such examinations, inspections, or

tests against the applicant prior to the

issuance of any approval for such assembly,

component, or subassembly.

(c) The fees charged for the examination,

inspection, and testing of unlisted

respirator assemblies, unlisted individual

respirator components or subassemblies,

and for the additional examination,

inspection, and testing of

listed respirator assemblies and components

or subassemblies shall be at the

rate of $100 per day for each man-day

required to be expended by the Institute.

(d) Upon completion of all examinations,

inspections, and tests of unlisted

respirator assemblies or components,

or following the completion of any additional

examination, inspections, or

tests of listed assemblies, or components

or subassemblies, including retesting

subsequent to disapproval, the

Institute shall advise the applicant in

writing of the total cost assessed and

the additional amount, if any, which

must be paid to the Institute as a condition

of approval.

(e) In the event the amount assessed

by the Institute for unlisted assemblies,

or components or subassemblies

is less than the amount of the deposit

submitted in accordance with paragraph

(a) of this section, the Institute

shall refund the overpayment upon the

issuance of any approval or notice of




Subpart DApproval and


84.30 Certificates of approval; scope

of approval.

(a) The Institute shall issue certificates

of approval pursuant to the provisions

of this subpart only for individual,

completely assembled respirators

which have been examined, inspected,

and tested, and which meet

the minimum requirements set forth in

subparts H through L of this part, as


(b) The Institute will not issue certificates

of approval for any respirator

component or for any respirator subassembly.

(c) The Institute shall not issue an

informal notification of approval. However,

if the application for approval,

submitted in accordance with 84.11,

states that the submitted respirator

and component parts are only prototypes,

the Institute will examine, inspect,

and test such respirator and

component parts in accordance with

the provisions of this part. If, upon

completion of such examinations, inspections

and tests, it is found that the

prototype meets the minimum requirements

set forth in this part, the Institute

may inform the applicant, in writing,

of the results of the examinations,

inspections, and tests, and may require

him to resubmit respirators and component

parts made on regular production

tooling, with no operations included

which will not be incorporated

in regular production processing, for

further examination, inspection, and

testing, prior to issuance of the certificate

of approval.

(d) Applicants required to resubmit

respirators and component parts made

on regular production tooling, with no

operation included which will not be

incorporated in regular production

processing, shall be charged fees in accordance

with subpart C of this part.

84.31 Certificates of approval; contents.

(a) The certificate of approval shall

contain a classification and a description

of the respirator or combination of

respirators for which it is issued, as

provided in this part.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(b) The certificate of approval shall

specifically set forth any restrictions

or limitations on the respirators use

in hazardous atmospheres.

(c) Each certificate of approval shall

be accompanied by the drawings and

specifications (and lists thereof) submitted

by the applicant in accordance

with 84.11. These drawings and specifications

shall be referenced in the certificate

of approval, and shall be maintained

by the applicant. The drawings

and specifications listed in each certificate

of approval shall set forth in detail

the design and construction requirements

which shall be met by the

applicant during commercial production

of the respirator.

(d) Each certificate of approval shall

be accompanied by a reproduction of

the approval label design to be employed

by the applicant with each approved

respirator, as provided in 84.33.

(e) No test data or specific laboratory

findings will accompany any certificate

of approval, however, the Institute

will release pertinent test data and

specific findings upon written request

by the applicant, or as required by

statute or regulation.

(f) Each certificate of approval shall

also contain the approved quality control

plan as specified in 84.42.

84.32 Notice of disapproval.

(a) If, upon the completion of the examinations,

inspections, and tests required

to be conducted in accordance

with the provisions of this part, it is

found that the respirator does not meet

the minimum requirements set forth in

this part, the Institute shall issue a

written notice of disapproval to the applicant.

(b) Each notice of disapproval shall

be accompanied by all pertinent data

or findings with respect to the defects

of the respirator for which approval

was sought with a view to the possible

correction of any such defects.

(c) The Institute shall not disclose,

except to the applicant or as required

by statute or regulation, any data,

findings, or other information with respect

to any respirator for which a notice

of disapproval is issued.


Public Health Service, HHS

84.33 Approval labels and markings;

approval of contents; use.

(a) Full-scale reproductions of approval

labels and markings, and a

sketch or description of the method of

application and position on the harness,

container, canister, cartridge, filter,

or other component, together with

instructions for the use and maintenance

of the respirator shall be submitted

to the Institute for approval.

(b) Approval labels shall bear the emblem

of the National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health and the

seal of the Department of Health and

Human Services, the applicants name

and address, an approval number assigned

by the Institute and, where ap


propriate, restrictions or limitations

placed upon the use of the respirator

by the Institute. The approval number

assigned by the Institute shall be designated

by the prefix TC and a serial


(c) The Institute shall, where necessary,

notify the applicant when additional

labels, markings, or instructions

will be required.

(d) Approval labels and markings

shall only be used by the applicant to

whom they were issued.

(e) Legible reproductions or abbreviated

forms of the label approved by

the Institute for use on each respirator

shall be attached to or printed at the

following locations:

Respirator type Label type Location

Self-contained breathing apparatus.

Gas mask .................................

Supplied air respirator ..............

Particulate respirator ................

Chemical-cartridge respirator ...

Entire .......................................

Entire ....................................... ...................................... ......................................

Abbreviated .............................

Entire .......................................

Abbreviated .............................

Harness assembly and canister (where applicable).

Mask container and canister.

Respirator container or instruction card.

Respirator container and filter container.


Respirator container, cartridge container, and filter containers

(where applicable).

Cartridges and filters and filter containers.

(f) The use of any Institute approval

label obligates the applicant to whom

it is issued to maintain or cause to be

maintained the approved quality control

sampling schedule and the acceptable

quality level for each characteristic

tested, and to assure that it

is manufactured according to the drawings

and specifications upon which the

certificate of approval is based.

(g) Each respirator, respirator component,

and respirator container shall,

as required by the Institute to assure

quality control and proper use of the

respirator, be labeled distinctly to

show the name of the applicant, and

the name and letters or numbers by

which the respirator or respirator component

is designated for trade purposes,

and the lot number, serial number,

or approximate date of manufacture.

84.34 Revocation of certificates of approval.

The Institute reserves the right to

revoke, for cause, any certificate of approval

issued pursuant to the provisions

of this part. Such causes include,

but are not limited to, misuse of approval

labels and markings, misleading

advertising, and failure to maintain or

cause to be maintained the quality

control requirements of the certificate

of approval.

84.35 Changes or modifications of approved

respirators; issuance of

modification of certificate of approval.

(a) Each applicant may, if he desires

to change any feature of an approved

respirator, request a modification of

the original certificate of approval

issued by the Institute for such respirator

by filing an application for

such modification in accordance with

the provisions of this section.

(b) Applications shall be submitted as

for an original certificate of approval,

with a request for a modification of the

existing certificate to cover any proposed


(c) The application shall be accompanied

by appropriate drawings and

specifications, and by a proposed quality

control plan which meets the requirements

of subpart E of this part.



(d) The application for modification,

together with the accompanying material,

shall be examined by the Institute

to determine whether testing will be


(e) The Institute shall inform the applicant

of the fee required for any additional

testing and the applicant will be

charged for the actual cost of any examination,

inspection, or test required,

and such fees shall be submitted in accordance

with the provisions of subpart

C of this part.

(f) If the proposed change or modification

meets the requirements of this

part, a formal certificate of modification

will be issued, accompanied, where

necessary, by a list of new and revised

drawings and specifications covering

the change(s) and reproductions of revised

approval labels.

(The information collections contained in

this section are approved under OMB control

number 09200109)

84.36 Delivery of changed or modified

approved respirator.

An approved respirator for which a

formal certificate of modification has

been issued shall be delivered, with

proper markings and containers, by the

applicant to the Certification and

Quality Assurance Branch, as soon as

it is commercially produced.

Subpart EQuality Control

84.40 Quality control plans; filing requirements.

As a part of each application for approval

or modification of approval submitted

pursuant to this part, each applicant

shall file with the Institute a

proposed quality control plan which

shall be designed to assure the quality

of respiratory protection provided by

the respirator for which approval is


84.41 Quality control plans; contents.

(a) Each quality control plan shall

contain provisions for the management

of quality, including:

(1) Requirements for the production

of quality data and the use of quality

control records;

(2) Control of engineering drawings,

documentations, and changes;

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(3) Control and calibration of measuring

and test equipment;

(4) Control of purchased material to

include incoming inspection;

(5) Lot identification, control of

processes, manufacturing, fabrication,

and assembly work conducted in the

applicants plant;

(6) Audit of final inspection of the

completed product; and

(7) The organizational structure necessary

to carry out these provisions.

(b) Each provision for incoming and

final inspection in the quality control

plan shall include a procedure for the

selection of a sample of respirators and

the components thereof for testing, in

accordance with procedures set forth in

Military Standard MIL-STD-414, 11

June 1957, including Change Notice No.

1, Sampling Procedures and Tables for

Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective,

or an approved equivalent

sampling procedure, or an approved

combination of sampling procedures.

The procedure of Military Standard

MIL-STD-105D, 29 April 1963, Sampling

Procedures and Tables for Inspection

by Attributes, is an example of

an equivalent sampling procedure.

MIL-STD-414 is incorporated by reference

and has been approved by the

Director of the Federal Register in accordance

with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR

part 51. Copies may be obtained from

DODSSP, Standardization Document

Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg.

4D, Philadelphia, PA 191115094. Copies

may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgan-

town, WV 265052888, or at the National

Archives and Records Administration

(NARA). For information on the availability

of this material at NARA, call

2027416030, or go to: http://


ibrllocations.html. Copies of MIL-STD-

105D may be inspected or obtained from

the NIOSH, Certification and Quality

Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale

Road, Morgantown, WV 265052888. Incoming

bulk raw material inspection

or verification of specification, and in-

process inspection shall be sufficient to

ensure control of product quality

through the manufacturing cycle.


Public Health Service, HHS

(c) The sampling procedure shall include

a list of the characteristics to be

tested by the applicant or his agent.

(d) The characteristics listed in accordance

with paragraph (c) of this section

shall be classified according to the

potential effect of such defect and

grouped into the following classes:

(1) Critical. A defect that judgment

and experience indicate is likely to result

in a condition immediately hazardous

to life or health for individuals

using or depending upon the respirator;

(2) Major A. A defect, other than critical,

that is likely to result in failure

to the degree that the respirator does

not provide any respiratory protection,

or a defect that reduces protection and

is not detectable by the user;

(3) Major B. A defect, other than

Major A or critical, that is likely to result

in reduced respiratory protection,

and is detectable by the user; and

(4) Minor. A defect that is not likely

to materially reduce the usability of

the respirator for its intended purpose,

or a defect that is a departure from established

standards and has little bearing

on the effective use or operation of

the respirator.

(e) The quality control inspection

test method to be used by the applicant

or his agent for each characteristic required

to be tested shall be described in


(f) Each item manufactured shall be

100 percent inspected for defects in all

critical characteristics and all defective

items shall be rejected.

(g) The Acceptable Quality Level

(AQL) for each major or minor defect

so classified by the applicant shall be:

(1) Major A. 1.0 percent;

(2) Major B. 2.5 percent; and

(3) Minor. 4.0 percent.

(h) Except as provided in paragraph

(i) of this section, inspection level IV

as described in MIL-STD-414, 11 June

1957, including Change Notice No.1,

Sampling Procedures and Tables for

Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective,

or an equivalent procedure,

shall be used for major and minor characteristics

and 100 percent inspection

for critical characteristics. Inspection

level II as described in MIL-STD-105D,

29 April 1963, Sampling Procedures

and Tables for Inspection by At


tributes, is an example of an equivalent


(i) Subject to the approval of the Institute,

where the quality control plan

provisions for raw material, processes,

manufacturing, and fabrication, inspections

are adequate to ensure control

of finished article quality, destructive

testing of finished articles may be

conducted at a lower level of inspection

than that specified in paragraph

(h) of this section.

(The information collections contained in

this section are approved under OMB control

number 09200109)

84.42 Proposed quality control plans;

approval by the Institute.

(a) Each proposed quality control

plan submitted in accordance with this

subpart shall be reviewed by the Institute

to determine its effectiveness in

ensuring the quality of respiratory protection

provided by the respirator for

which an approval is sought.

(b) If the Institute determines that

the proposed quality control plan submitted

by the applicant will not ensure

adequate quality control, the Institute

shall require the applicant to modify

the procedures and testing requirements

of the plan prior to approval of

the plan and issuance of any certificate

of approval.

(c) Approved quality control plans

shall constitute a part of and be incorporated

into any certificate of approval

issued by the Institute, and compliance

with such plans by the applicant shall

be a condition of approval.

84.43 Quality control records; reviewby the Institute; revocation of approval.

(a) The applicant shall keep quality

control inspection records sufficient to

carry out the procedures required in

MIL-STD-414, 11 June 1957, including

Change Notice No. 1, Sampling Procedures

and Tables for Inspection by

Variables for Percent Defective, or an

approved equivalent sampling procedure.

MIL-STD-105D, 29 April 1963,

Sampling Procedures and Tables for

Inspection by Attributes, is an example

of an approved equivalent sampling

procedure. MIL-STD-414 is incorporated

by reference and has been approved

by the Director of the Federal



Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.

552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be

obtained from DODSSP, Standardization

Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins

Avenue, Bldg. 4D, Philadelphia, Pa.

191115094. Copies may be inspected at

the NIOSH, Certification and Quality

Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale

Road, Morgantown, WV 265052888, or

at the National Archives and Records

Administration (NARA). For information

on the availability of this material

at NARA, call 2027416030, or go




ibrllocations.html. Copies of MIL-STD-

105D may be inspected or obtained from

the NIOSH, Certification and Quality

Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale

Road, Morgantown, WV 265052888.

(b) The Institute reserves the right to

have its representatives inspect the applicants

quality control test methods,

equipment, and records, and to interview

any employee or agent of the applicant

in regard to quality control

test methods, equipment, and records.

(c) The Institute reserves the right to

revoke, for cause, any certificate of approval

where it is found that the applicants

quality control test methods,

equipment, or records do not ensure effective

quality control over the respirator

for which the approval was


(The information collections contained in

this section are approved under OMB control

number 09200109)

Subpart FClassification of Approved

Respirators; Scope ofApproval; Atmospheric Hazards;

Service Time

84.50 Types of respirators to be approved;

scope of approval.

Approvals shall be issued for the

types of respirators which have been

classified pursuant to this subpart F,

have been inspected, examined and

tested by the Institute, in accordance

with the provisions of subparts G

through L of this part, and have been

found to provide respiratory protection

for fixed periods of time against the

hazards specified in such approval.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.51 Entry and escape, or escapeonly; classification.

Respirators described in subparts H

through L of this part shall be classified

for use as follows:

(a) Entry and escape. Respirators designed

and approved for use during

entry into a hazardous atmosphere,

and for escape from a hazardous atmosphere;


(b) Escape only. Respirators designed

and approved for use only during escape

from a hazardous atmosphere.

84.52 Respiratory hazards; classification.

Respirators described in subparts H

through L of this part shall be classified

as approved for use against any or

all of the following respiratory hazards:

(a) Oxygen deficiency;

(b) Gases and vapors; and

(c) Particles, including dusts, fumes

and mists.

84.53 Service time; classification.

(a) Respirators described in subparts

H through L of this part shall be classified,

where applicable, as approved for

use during the following prescribed

service times:

(1) Four hours;

(2) Three hours;

(3) Two hours;

(4) One hour;

(5) Forty-five minutes;

(6) Thirty minutes;

(7) Fifteen minutes;

(8) Ten minutes;

(9) Five minutes; or

(10) Three minutes.

(b) Other service times may be prescribed

by the Institute.

Subpart GGeneral Constructionand Performance Requirements

84.60 Construction and performance

requirements; general.

(a) The Institute shall issue approvals

for the types of respirators described

in subparts H through L of this

part which have met the minimum requirements

set forth for such respirators

in this part.

(b) In addition to the types of respirators

specified in subparts H

through L of this part, the Institute


Public Health Service, HHS

shall issue approvals for other respiratory

protective devices not specifically

described in this part subject to

such additional requirements as may

be imposed in accordance with


84.61 General construction requirements.

(a) Respirators will not be accepted

by the Institute for examination, inspection

and testing unless they are designed

on sound engineering and scientific

principles, constructed of suitable

materials and evidence good workmanship.

(b) Respirator components which

come into contact with the wearers

skin shall be made of nonirritating materials.

(c) Components replaced during or

after use shall be constructed of materials

which will not be damaged by normal


(d) Mouthpieces, hoods, helmets, and

facepieces, except those employed in

single-use respirators, shall be constructed

of materials which will withstand

repeated disinfection as recommended

by the applicant in his instructions

for use of the device.

84.62 Component parts; minimum requirements.

(a) The component parts of each respirator

shall be:

(1) Designed, constructed, and fitted

to insure against creation of any hazard

to the wearer;

(2) Assembled to permit easy access

for inspection and repair of functional

parts; and

(3) Assembled to permit easy access

to parts which require periodic cleaning

and disinfecting.

(b) Replacement parts shall be designed

and constructed to permit easy

installation and to maintain the effectiveness

of the respirator.

84.63 Test requirements; general.

(a) Each respirator and respirator

component shall when tested by the applicant

and by the Institute, and meet

the applicable requirements set forth

in subparts H through L of this part.

(b) Where a combination respirator is

assembled from two or more types of

respirators, as described in this part,


each of the individual respirator types

which have been combined shall, as applicable,

meet the minimum requirements

for such respirators set forth in

subparts H through L of this part, and

such combination respirators, except

as specified in 84.70(b)(2), will be classified

by the type of respirator in the

combination which provides the least

protection to the user.

(c) In addition to the minimum requirements

set forth in subparts H

through L of this part, the Institute reserves

the right to require, as a further

condition of approval, any additional

requirements deemed necessary to establish

the quality, effectiveness, and

safety of any respirator used as protection

against hazardous atmospheres.

(d) Where it is determined after receipt

of an application that additional

requirements will be required for approval,

the Institute will notify the applicant

in writing of these additional

requirements, and necessary examinations,

inspections, or tests, stating

generally the reasons for such requirements,

examinations, inspections, or


84.64 Pretesting by applicant; approval

of test methods.

(a) Prior to making or filing any application

for approval or modification

of approval, the applicant shall conduct,

or cause to be conducted, examinations,

inspections, and tests of respirator

performance which are equal to

or exceed the severity of those prescribed

in this part.

(b) With the application, the applicant

shall provide a statement to the

Institute showing the types and results

of the examinations, inspections, and

tests required under paragraph (a) of

this section and state that the respirator

meets the minimum requirements

of subparts H through L of this

part, as applicable. Complete examination,

inspection, and test data shall be

retained on file by the applicant and be

submitted, upon request, to the Institute.

(c) The Institute may, upon written

request by the applicant, provide drawings

and descriptions of its test equipment

and otherwise assist the applicant

in establishing a test laboratory



or securing the services of a testing


(d) No approval will be issued until

the Institute has validated the applicants

test results.

84.65 Conduct of examinations, inspections,

and tests by the Institute;

assistance by applicant; observers;

recorded data; public demonstrations.

(a) All examinations, inspections,

and tests conducted pursuant to subparts

H through L of this part will be

under the sole direction and control of

the Institute.

(b) The Institute may, as a condition

of approval, require the assistance of

the applicant or agents of the applicant

during the assembly, disassembly, or

preparation of any respirator or respirator

component prior to testing or

in the operation of such equipment

during testing.

(c) Only Institute personnel, persons

assisting the Institute pursuant to

paragraph (b) of this section, and such

other persons as are requested by the

Institute or the applicant to be observers,

shall be present during any examination,

inspection, or test conducted

prior to the issuance of an approval by

the Institute for the equipment under


(d) The Institute shall hold as confidential

any analyses, drawings, specifications,

or materials submitted by

the applicant and shall not disclose

any principles or patentable features of

such equipment, except as required by

statute or regulation.

(e) As a condition of each approval

issued for any respirator, the Institute

reserves the right, following the

issuance of such approval, to conduct

such public tests and demonstrations

of the approved respiratory equipment

as is deemed appropriate.

84.66 Withdrawal of applications; refund

of fees.

(a) Any applicant may, upon a written

request submitted to the Institute,

withdraw any application for approval

of any respirator.

(b) Upon receipt of a written request

for the withdrawal of an application,

the Institute shall determine the total

man-days expended and the amount

due for services already performed dur42

CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

ing the course of any examinations, inspections,

or tests conducted pursuant

to such application. The total amount

due shall be determined in accordance

with the provisions of 84.22 and assessed

against the fees submitted by

the applicant. If the total amount assessed

is less than the fees submitted,

the Institute shall refund the balance

together with a statement of the

charges made for services rendered.

Subpart HSelf-Contained

Breathing Apparatus

84.70 Self-contained breathing apparatus;


(a) Self-contained breathing apparatus,

including all completely assembled,

portable, self-contained devices

designed for use as respiratory protection

during entry into and escape from

or escape only from hazardous

atmospheres, are described as follows:

(1) Closed-circuit apparatus. An apparatus

of the type in which the exhalation

is rebreathed by the wearer after

the carbon dioxide has been effectively

removed and a suitable oxygen concentration

restored from sources composed


(i) Compressed oxygen; or

(ii) Chemical oxygen; or

(iii) Liquid-oxygen.

(2) Open-circuit apparatus. An apparatus

of the following types from which

exhalation is vented to the atmosphere

and not rebreathed:

(i) Demand-type apparatus. An apparatus

in which the pressure inside the

facepiece in relation to the immediate

environment is positive during exhalation

and negative during inhalation; or

(ii) Pressure-demand-type apparatus.

An apparatus in which the pressure inside

the facepiece in relation to the immediate

environment is positive during

both inhalation and exhalation.

(b) The following respirators may be

classified as designed and approved for

use during emergency entry into a hazardous


(1) A combination respirator which

includes a self-contained breathing apparatus;


(2) A Type C or Type CE supplied

air respirator, where

(i) The self-contained breathing apparatus

is classified for 3-, 5-, or 10-


Public Health Service, HHS

minute service time and the air line

supply is used during entry; or

(ii) The self-contained breathing apparatus

is classified for 15 minutes or

longer service time and not more than

20 percent of the rated capacity of the

air supply is used during entry.

(c) Self-contained breathing apparatus

classified for less than 1 hour

service time will not be approved for

use during underground mine rescue

and recovery operations except as auxiliary


(d) Self-contained breathing apparatus

classified for less than 30 minutes

service time will not be approved

for use as auxiliary equipment during

underground mine rescue and recovery


84.71 Self-contained breathing apparatus;

required components.

(a) Each self-contained breathing apparatus

described in 84.70 shall, where

its design requires, contain the following

component parts:

(1) Facepiece or mouthpiece, and


(2) Respirable breathing gas container;

(3) Supply of respirable breathing


(4) Gas pressure or liquid level gages;

(5) Timer;

(6) Remaining service life indicator

or warning device;

(7) Hand-operated valves;

(8) Breathing bag;

(9) Safety relief valve or safety relief

system; and

(10) Harness.

(b) The components of each self-contained

breathing apparatus shall meet

the minimum construction requirements

set forth in subpart G of this


84.72 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

Flexible breathing tubes used in conjunction

with breathing apparatus

shall be designed and constructed to


(a) Restriction of free head movement;

(b) Disturbance of the fit of

facepieces and mouthpieces;

(c) Interference with the wearers activities;



(d) Shutoff of airflow due to kinking,

or from chin or arm pressure.

84.73 Harnesses; installation and construction;

minimum requirements.

(a) Each apparatus shall, where necessary,

be equipped with a suitable harness

designed and constructed to hold

the components of the apparatus in position

against the wearers body.

(b) Harnesses shall be designed and

constructed to permit easy removal

and replacement of apparatus parts

and, where applicable, provide for holding

a full facepiece in the ready position

when not in use.

84.74 Apparatus containers; minimum


(a) Apparatus may be equipped with a

substantial, durable container bearing

markings which show the applicants

name, the type and commercial designation

of the respirator it contains,

and all appropriate approval labels.

(b) Containers supplied by the applicant

for carrying or storing self-contained

breathing apparatus will be inspected,

examined, and tested as components

of the respirator for which approval

is sought.

(c) Containers for self-contained

breathing apparatus shall be designed

and constructed to permit easy removal

of the apparatus.

84.75 Half-mask facepieces, full

facepieces, mouthpieces; fit; minimum


(a) Half-mask facepieces and full

facepieces shall be designed and constructed

to fit persons with various facial

shapes and sizes, either:

(1) By providing more than one face-

piece size; or

(2) By providing one facepiece size

which will fit varying facial shapes and


(b) Full facepieces shall provide for

the optional use of corrective spectacles

or lenses which shall not reduce

the respiratory protective qualities of

the apparatus.

(c) Apparatus with mouthpieces shall

be equipped with noseclips which are

securely attached to the mouthpiece or

apparatus and provide an airtight seal.



(d) Facepieces shall be designed to

prevent eyepiece, spectacle, and lens


84.76 Facepieces; eyepieces; minimum


(a) Facepieces shall be designed and

constructed to provide adequate vision

which is not distorted by the eyepiece.

(b) All eyepieces shall be designed

and constructed to be impact and penetration

resistant. Federal Specification,

Mask, Air Line: and Respirator,

Air Filtering, Industrial, GGG-M-125d,

October 11, 1965 with interim amendment-

1, July 30, 1969, is an example of

an appropriate standard for determining

impact and penetration resistance.

Copies of GGG-M-125d may be obtained

from the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance Branch, 1095

Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV


84.77 Inhalation and exhalation

valves; minimum requirements.

(a) Inhalation and exhalation valves

shall be provided where necessary and

protected against damage and distortion.

(b) Exhalation valves shall be

(1) Protected against external influence;


(2) Designed and constructed to prevent

inward leakage of contaminated


84.78 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

(a) Facepieces shall be equipped with

adjustable and replaceable head harnesses

designed and constructed to provide

adequate tension during suspension

and an even distribution of pressure

over the entire area in contact

with the face.

(b) Mouthpieces shall be equipped,

where applicable, with adjustable and

replaceable harnesses designed and

constructed to hold the mouthpiece in


84.79 Breathing gas; minimum requirements.

(a) Breathing gas used to supply apparatus

shall be respirable and contain

no less than 19.5 (dry atmosphere) volume

percent of oxygen.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(b) Oxygen, including liquid oxygen,

shall contain not less than 99.0 percent,

by volume, of pure O2, not more than

0.03%, by volume, carbon dioxide, and

not more than 0.001%, by volume, carbon

monoxide. Methods for making

these determinations can be found in

the U.S. Pharmacopeia National Formulary.

Containers used for oxygen

must not be treated with any toxic,

sleep-inducing, narcosis-producing, or

respiratory tract irritating compounds.

(c) Compressed, gaseous breathing air

shall meet the applicable minimum

grade requirements for Type I gaseous

air set forth in the Compressed Gas Association

Commodity Specification for

Air, G7.1, 1966 (Grade D or higher quality).

G7.1 is incorporated by reference

and has been approved by the Director

of the Federal Register in accordance

with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.

Copies may be obtained from American

National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430

Broadway, New York, NY 10018. Copies

may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgan-

town, WV 265052888, or at the National

Archives and Records Administration

(NARA). For information on the availability

of this material at NARA, call

2027416030, or go to: http://



(d) Compressed, liquefied breathing

air shall meet the applicable minimum

grade requirements for Type II liquid

air set forth in the Compressed Gas Association

Commodity Specification for

Air, G7.1, 1966 (Grade B or higher quality).

G7.1 is incorporated by reference

and has been approved by the Director

of the Federal Register in accordance

with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.

Copies may be obtained from American

National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430

Broadway, New York, NY 10018. Copies

may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgan-

town, WV 265052888, or at the National

Archives and Records Administration

(NARA). For information on the availability

of this material at NARA, call

2027416030, or go to: http://


Public Health Service, HHS



84.80 Interchangeability of oxygen

and air prohibited.

Approvals shall not be issued by the

Institute for any apparatus, combination

of respirator assemblies, or any

apparatus or respirator component

which is designed or constructed to

permit the interchangeable use of oxygen

and air.

84.81 Compressed breathing gas and

liquefied breathing gas containers;

minimum requirements.

(a) Compressed breathing gas and liquefied

breathing gas containers shall

meet the minimum requirements of the

Department of Transportation for

interstate shipment of such containers

when fully charged.

(b) Such containers shall be permanently

and legibly marked to identify

their contents, e.g., compressed breathing

air, compressed breathing oxygen,

liquefied breathing air, or liquefied

breathing oxygen.

(c) Containers normally removed

from apparatus for refilling shall be

equipped with a dial indicating gage

which shows the pressure in the container.

(d) Compressed breathing gas contained

valves or a separate charging

system or adapter provided with each

apparatus shall be equipped with outlet

threads specified for the service by the

American Standards Association, Compressed

Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and

Inlet Connections, B57.11965. B57.11965

is incorporated by reference and has

been approved by the Director of the

Federal Register in accordance with 5

U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies

may be obtained from American National

Standards Institute, Inc., 1430

Broadway, New York, NY Copies may

be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance Branch,

1095 Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV

265052888, or at the National Archives

and Records Administration (NARA).

For information on the availability of

this material at NARA, call 202741

6030, or go to:





84.82 Gas pressure gages; minimumrequirements.

(a) Gas pressure gages employed on

compressed breathing gas containers

shall be calibrated in pounds per square


(b) Liquid-level gages shall be calibrated

in fractions of total container

capacity, or in units of liquid volume.

(c) Gas pressure gages other than

those specified in paragraphs (a) and

(b) of this section shall be calibrated


(1) Pounds per square inch; or

(2) In fractions of total container capacity;


(3) Both in pounds per square inch

and fractions of total container capacity.

(d)(1) Dial-indicating gages shall be

reliable to within 5 percent of full

scale when tested both up and down the

scale at each of 5 equal intervals.

(2) The full-scale graduation of dial-

indicating gages shall not exceed 150

percent of the maximum rated cylinder

pressures specified for the container in

applicable Department of Transportation

specifications or permits.

(e)(1) Stem-type gages shall be readable

by sight and by touch and shall

have a stem travel distance of not less

than one-fourth inch between each


(2) A minimum of five graduations

shall be engraved on the stem of each

gage and these graduations shall include

readings for empty, one-quarter,

one-half, three-quarters, and full.

(3) Stem gage readings shall not vary

from true readings by more than one-

sixteenth inch per inch of stem travel.

(f) The loss of gas through a broken

gage or severed gage connection shall

not exceed 70 liters per minute when

the cylinder pressure is 6,900 kN/m.2

(1,000 pounds per square inch gage) or

when the liquid level is at one-half.

(g) Where gages are connected to the

apparatus through a gage line, the gage

and line shall be capable of being isolated

from the apparatus except where

the failure of the gage or line would

not impair the performance or service

life of the apparatus.

(h) Oxygen pressure gages shall have

the words Oxygen and Use No Oil

marked prominently on the gage.



(i)(1) Apparatus using compressed

breathing gas, except apparatus classified

for escape only, shall be equipped

with gages visible to the wearer which

indicate the remaining gas content in

the container.

(2) Apparatus using liquefied breathing

gas, except apparatus classified for

escape only, shall be equipped with

gages visible to the wearer which indicate

the remaining liquid content in

the container; however, where the liquid

content cannot be rapidly vented,

and the service time of the device begins

immediately after filling, a timer

shall be provided in place of a visible


84.83 Timers; elapsed time indica

tors; remaining service life indica

tors; minimum requirements.

(a) Elapsed time indicators shall be

provided for apparatus with a chemical

oxygen source, except:

(1) Apparatus used for escape only; or

(2) Liquefied breathing gas apparatus

equipped with gages visible to the

wearer which indicate the remaining

liquid content in the container.

(b) The timer or other indicator shall

be accurately calibrated in minutes of

remaining service life.

(c) Timers shall be readable by sight

and by touch during use by the wearer.

(d) Timers shall be equipped with

automatically preset alarms which will

warn the wearer for a period of 7 seconds

or more after the preset time has


(e) Remaining service-life indicators

or warning devices shall be provided in

addition to a pressure gage on compressed

gas self-contained breathing

apparatus, except apparatus used for

escape only, and shall operate automatically

without preadjustment by

the wearer.

(f) Each remaining service-life indicator

or warning device shall give an

alarm when the remaining service life

of the apparatus is reduced within a

range of 20 to 25 percent of its rated

service time.

84.84 Hand-operated valves; minimum


(a) Hand-operated valves shall be designed

and constructed to prevent removal

of the stem from the valve body

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

during normal usage to insure against

a sudden release of the full pressure of

the container when the valve is opened.

(b) Valves shall be designed or positioned

to prevent accidental opening

and closing, and damage from external


(c) Valves operated during use of the

apparatus shall be installed in locations

where they can be readily adjusted

by the wearer.

(d) Main-line valves, designed and

constructed to conserve gas in the

event of a regulator or demand valve

failure, shall be provided in addition to

gas container valves, except when such

failure will not affect performance.

(e) Hand-operated bypass systems designed

and constructed to permit the

wearer to breathe and to conserve his

gas supply in the event of a regulator

or demand valve failure, shall be provided

where necessary.

(f) Valves installed on apparatus

shall be clearly distinguishable from

one another by sight and touch.

(g) The bypass system valve control

shall be colored red.

(h) A main-line or bypass valve or

system will not be required on apparatus

for escape only.

(i) Safety relief valves or systems,

designed and constructed to release excess

pressure in the breathing circuit,

shall be provided on closed-circuit apparatus,

and shall meet the following


(1) The relief valve or system shall

operate automatically when the pressure

in the breathing circuit on the inhalation

side of the breathing bag

reaches 13 mm. (one-half inch) water-

column height of pressure above the

minimum pressure required to fill the

breathing bag, within the breathing resistance

requirements for the apparatus.

(2) The relief valve or system shall be

designed to prevent external

atmospheres from entering the breathing


(3) The relief valve or system shall be

designed to permit manual overriding

for test purposes and in the event of a

failure in the valve or system.


Public Health Service, HHS

84.85 Breathing bags; minimum requirements.

(a) Breathing bags shall have sufficient

volume to prevent gas waste during

exhalation and to provide an adequate

reserve for inhalation.

(b) Breathing bags shall be constructed

of materials which are flexible

and resistant to gasoline vapors.

(c) Breathing bags shall be installed

in a location which will protect them

from damage or collapse by external

forces, except on apparatus classified

for escape only.

84.86 Component parts exposed to

oxygen pressures; minimum re


Each applicant shall certify that the

materials employed in the construction

of component parts exposed to oxygen

pressures above atmospheric pressure

are safe and compatible for their

intended use.

84.87 Compressed gas filters; minimum


All self-contained breathing apparatus

using compressed gas shall have

a filter downstream of the gas source

to effectively remove particles from

the gas stream.

84.88 Breathing bag test.

(a) Breathing bags will be tested in

an air atmosphere saturated with gasoline

vapor at room temperature (2430

C./7585 F.) for a continuous period of

twice the rated time of the apparatus

(except for apparatus for escape only

where the test period shall be the rated

time of the apparatus).

(b) The bag will be operated during

this test by a breathing machine with

24 respirations per minute and a

minute-volume of 40 liters.

(c) A breathing machine cam with a

work rate of 622 kp.-m./min. will be

used. The dimensions of a suitable

breathing machine cam are available

from the Institute upon request.

(d) The air within the bag(s) shall not

contain more than 100 parts per million

of gasoline vapor at the end of the test.

84.89 Weight requirement.

(a) The completely assembled and

fully charged apparatus shall not weigh

more than 16 kg. (35 pounds); however,


where the weight decreases by more

than 25 percent of its initial charge

weight during its rated service life, the

maximum allowable weight of a completely

assembled and fully charged apparatus

shall be 18 kg. (40 pounds).

(b) Where an apparatus employs

equipment which contributes materially

to the wearers comfort, e.g., a

cooling system, the completely assembled

and fully charged apparatus shall

not weigh more than 18 kg. (40 pounds)

regardless of the decrease in weight

during use.

84.90 Breathing resistance test; inhalation.

(a) Resistance to inhalation airflow

will be measured in the facepiece or

mouthpiece while the apparatus is operated

by a breathing machine as described

in 84.88.

(b) The inhalation resistance of open-

circuit apparatus shall not exceed 32

mm. (1.25 inch) water-column height

(at a flow rate of 120 liters per minute).

(c) The inhalation resistance of

closed-circuit apparatus shall not exceed

the difference between exhalation

resistance ( 84.91(e)) and 10 cm. (4

inches) water-column height.

84.91 Breathing resistance test; exhalation.

(a) Resistance to exhalation airflow

will be measured in the facepiece or

mouthpiece of open-circuit apparatus

with air flowing at a continuous rate of

85 liters per minute.

(b) The exhalation resistance of demand

apparatus shall not exceed 25

mm. (1 inch) water-column height.

(c) The exhalation resistance of pressure-

demand apparatus shall not exceed

the static pressure in the face-

piece by more than 51 mm. (2 inches)

water-column height.

(d) The static pressure (at zero flow)

in the facepiece shall not exceed 38

mm. (1.5 inches) water-column height.

(e) Resistance to exhalation airflow

will be measured in the facepiece or

mouthpiece of closed-circuit apparatus

with a breathing machine as described

in 84.88, and the exhalation resistance

shall not exceed 51 mm. (2 inches)

water-column height.



84.92 Exhalation valve leakage test.

(a) Dry exhalation valves and valve

seats will be subjected to a suction of

25 mm. (1 inch) water-column height

while in a normal operating position.

(b) Leakage between the valve and

the valve seat shall not exceed 30 milliliters

per minute.

84.93 Gas flow test; open-circuit apparatus.

(a) A static-flow test will be performed

on all open-circuit apparatus.

(b) The flow from the apparatus shall

be greater than 200 liters per minute

when the pressure in the facepiece of

demand-apparatus is lowered by 51 mm.

(2 inches) water-column height when

full container pressure is applied.

(c) Where pressure demand apparatus

are tested, the flow will be measured at

zero gage pressure in the facepiece.

(d) Where apparatus with compressed-

breathing-gas containers are

tested, the flow test shall also be made

with 3,450 kN/m.2 (500 p.s.i.g.) container

pressure applied.

84.94 Gas flow test; closed-circuit apparatus.

(a) Where oxygen is supplied by a

constant-flow device only, the rate of

flow shall be at least 3 liters per

minute for the entire rated service

time of the apparatus.

(b) Where constant flow is used in

conjunction with demand flow, the constant

flow shall be greater than 1.5 liters

per minute for the entire rated

service time.

(c) All demand-flow devices shall provide

at least 30 liters of oxygen per

minute when in the fully open position.

84.95 Service time test; open-circuit


(a) Service time will be measured

with a breathing machine as described

in 84.88.

(b) The open-circuit apparatus will be

classified according to the length of

time it supplies air or oxygen to the

breathing machine.

(c) The service time obtained on this

test will be used to classify the open-

circuit apparatus in accordance with


42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.96 Service time test; closed-circuit


(a) The closed-circuit apparatus will

be classified according to the length of

time it supplies adequate breathing gas

to the wearer during man test No. 4 described

in Table 4 of this subpart.

(b) The service time obtained on man

test No. 4 will be used to classify the

closed-circuit apparatus in accordance

with 84.53.

84.97 Test for carbon dioxide in inspired

gas; open- and closed-circuit

apparatus; maximum allowable limits.

(a) Open-circuit apparatus. (1) The

concentration of carbon dioxide in inspired

gas in open-circuit apparatus

will be measured at the mouth while

the apparatus mounted on a dummy

head is operated by a breathing machine.

An acceptable method for measuring

the concentration of carbon dioxide

is described in Bureau of Mines Report

of Investigations 6865, A Machine-

Test Method for Measuring Carbon Dioxide

in the Inspired Air of Self-Contained

Breathing Apparatus, 1966. Copies

of Report of Investigations 6865 may

be inspected or obtained from the

NIOSH, Certification and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road,

Morgantown, WV. 265052888.

(2) The breathing rate will be 14.5 respirations

per minute with a minute-

volume of 10.5 liters.

(3) A sedentary breathing machine

cam will be used.

(4) The apparatus will be tested at a

temperature of 27 2 C. (80 5 F.).

(5) A concentration of 5 percent carbon

dioxide in air will be exhaled into

the facepiece.

(b) Closed-circuit apparatus. The concentration

of carbon dioxide in inspired

gas in closed-circuit apparatus will be

measured at the mouth while the parts

of the apparatus contributing to dead-

air space are mounted on a dummy

head and operated by the breathing

machine as in paragraphs (a) (1)

through (5) of this section.

(c) During the testing required by

paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section,

the concentration of carbon dioxide in

inspired gas at the mouth will be continuously

recorded, and the maximum


Public Health Service, HHS

average concentration during the inhalation

portion of the breathing cycle

shall not exceed the following limits:

Maximum allowable average

concentration of

Where the service time is

carbon dioxide in inspired

air percent by volume

Not more than 30 minutes .............


1 hour ............................................


2 hours ...........................................


3 hours ...........................................


4 hours ...........................................


(d) In addition to the test requirements

for closed-circuit apparatus set

forth in paragraph (b) of this section,

gas samples will be taken during the

course of the man tests described in

Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this subpart.

These gas samples will be taken from

the closed-circuit apparatus at a point

downstream of the carbon dioxide sorbent,

and they shall not contain more

than 0.5 percent carbon dioxide at any

time, except on apparatus for escape

only, using a mouthpiece only, the

sample shall not contain more than 1.5

percent carbon dioxide at any time.

84.98 Tests during low temperature


(a) The applicant shall specify the

minimum temperature for safe operation

and two persons will perform the

tests described in paragraphs (c) and

(d) of this section, wearing the apparatus

according to applicants directions.

At the specified temperature, the

apparatus shall meet all the requirements

described in paragraph (e) of this


(b) The apparatus will be precooled at

the specified minimum temperature for

4 hours.

(c) The apparatus will be worn in the

low temperature chamber for 30 minutes,

or for the service time of the apparatus,

whichever is less.

(d) During the test period, alternate

1-minute periods of exercise and rest

will be required with the exercise periods

consisting of stepping onto and off

a box 21.5 cm. (81/2 inches) high at a

rate of 30 cycles per minute.

(e)(1) The apparatus shall function

satisfactorily at the specified minimum

temperature on duplicate tests.

(2) The wearer shall have sufficient

unobscured vision to perform the work.


(3) The wearer shall not experience

undue discomfort because of airflow restriction

or other physical or chemical

changes in the operation of the apparatus.

(f) Auxiliary low-temperature parts

which are commercially available to

the user may be used on the apparatus

to meet the requirements described in

paragraph (e) of this section.

84.99 Man tests; testing conditions;

general requirements.

(a) The man tests described in Tables

1, 2, 3, and 4 of this subpart represent

the workload performed in the mining,

mineral, or allied industries by a person

wearing the apparatus tested.

(b) The apparatus tested will be worn

by Institute personnel trained in the

use of self-contained breathing apparatus,

and the wearer will, before participating

in these tests, pass a physical

examination conducted by a qualified


(c) All man tests will be conducted by

the Institute.

(d) The apparatus will be examined

before each man test to ensure that it

is in proper working order.

(e) Breathing resistance will be measured

within the facepiece or mouthpiece

and the wearers pulse and respiration

rate will be recorded during

each 2 minute sample period prescribed

in tests 1, 2, 3, and 4.

(f) Man tests 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be

conducted in duplicate.

(g) If man tests are not completed

through no fault of the apparatus, the

test will be repeated.

84.100 Man tests 1, 2, 3, and 4; requirements.

Man tests 1, 2, 3, and 4, set forth in

Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this subpart, respectively,

prescribe the duration and

sequence of specific activities. These

tests will be conducted to

(a) Familiarize the wearer with the

apparatus during use;

(b) Provide for a gradual increase in


(c) Evaluate the apparatus under different

types of work and physical orientation;


(d) Provide information on the operating

and breathing characteristics of

the apparatus during actual use.



84.101 Man test 5; requirements.

(a) Test 5 will be conducted to determine

the maximum length of time the

apparatus will supply the respiratory

needs of the wearer while he is sitting

at rest.

(b) The wearer will manipulate the

devices controlling the supply of

breathing gas to the advantage of the


(c) Samples of inspiration from within

the apparatus facepiece or mouthpiece

shall be taken once every 15 minutes,

and shall meet the minimum requirement

for oxygen specified in

84.79(a), and the maximum allowable

average concentration of carbon dioxide

specified in 84.97(c).

(d) One sample of inspiration will be

taken in the case of 3-, 5-, and 10-

minute apparatus.

84.102 Man test 6; requirements.

(a) Man test 6 will be conducted with

respect to liquefied breathing gas apparatus


(b) This test will be conducted to

evaluate operation of the apparatus in

other than vertical positions.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(c) The wearer will lie face downward

for one-fourth the service life of the apparatus

with a full charge of liquefied

breathing gas, and then a one-quarter

full charge of liquefied breathing gas.

(d) The test will be repeated with the

wearer lying on each side and on his


(e) The oxygen content of the gas

supplied to the wearer by the apparatus

will be continuously measured.

84.103 Man tests; performance requirements.

(a) The apparatus shall satisfy the

respiratory requirements of the wearer

for the classified service time.

(b) Fogging of the eyepiece shall not

obscure the wearers vision, and the

wearer shall not experience undue discomfort

because of fit or other characteristics

of the apparatus.

(c) When the ambient temperature

during testing is 24 6 C. (75 10 F.),

the maximum temperature of inspired

air recorded during man tests shall not

exceed the following, after correction

for deviation from 24 C. (75 F.):

Maximum permissible

Where percent

temperature of inspired air

relative humid-

Where service life of apparatus is ity of inspired shall not exceed

air is F. C.

1/4 hour or less .......................................................................................................... 0100 135 57

1/4 hour to 3/4 hour ..................................................................................................... 050 125 52

50100 1 110 1 43

1 to 2 hours ............................................................................................................... 050 115 46

50100 1105 141

3 hours ...................................................................................................................... 050 110 43

50100 1100 1 38

4 hours ...................................................................................................................... 050 105 41

50100 1 95 1 35

1 Where percent relative humidity is 50100 and apparatus is designed for escape only, these maximum permissible temperatures

will be increased by 5 C (10 F).

84.104 Gas tightness test; minimum (b) Six persons will each wear the ap

requirements. paratus in the test concentrations

specified in paragraph (a) of this sec

(a) Each apparatus will be tested for

tightness by persons wearing it in an

tion for 2 minutes and none shall de-

atmosphere of 1,000 p.p.m. isoamyl ace

tect the odor or taste of the test vapor.



Public Health Service, HHS Pt. 84, Subpt. H, Tables



[42 CFR part 84, subpart H]


Service time

3 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour 2, 3, and 4 hours

Sampling and readings ......... .............. .............. .............. 2 2 2 2 Perform 1 hour

test 2, 3, or 4

times respectively.

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles)

per hour.

3 5 3 4 8 12 18

Sampling and readings ......... .............. .............. 2 2 2 2 2

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles)

per hour.

.............. .............. 3 5 8 12 18

Sampling and readings ......... .............. .............. 2 2 2 2 2

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles)

per hour.

.............. .............. .............. .............. 6 13 16

Sampling and readings ......... .............. .............. .............. .............. 2 2 2


[42 CFR part 84, subpart H]


Service time

3 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour 2, 3 and

4 hours 1

Sampling and readings .................

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per

hour ...........................................

Carries 23 kg. (50 pound) weight

over overcast .............................

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per

hour ...........................................

Climbs vertical treadmill 2 (or

equivalent) .................................

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per

hour ...........................................

Climbs vertical treadmill (or equivalent)


Sampling and readings .................

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per

hour ...........................................

Climbs vertical treadmill (or equivalent)


Carries 23 kg. (50 pound) weight

over overcast .............................

Sampling and readings .................

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per

hour ...........................................

Climbs vertical treadmill (or equivalent)


Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per

hour ...........................................

Climbs vertical treadmill (or equivalent)


Carries 20 kg. (45 pound) weight

and walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles)

per hour .....................................

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per

hour ...........................................







































1 time in

2 minutes


















1 time in

2 minutes








1 time in

2 minutes










2 times in

4 minutes








3 times in

6 minutes










3 times in

6 minutes








4 times in

8 minutes










4 times in

8 minutes








5 times in












5 times in










5 times in














Pt. 84, Subpt. H, Tables 42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)


[42 CFR part 84, subpart H]


Service time

3 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour 2, 3 and

4 hours 1

Sampling and readings ................. ............ ............ ................ 2 2 2 2 ................

1 Total test time for Test 2 for 2-hour, 3-hour, and 4-hour apparatus is 2 hours.

2 Treadmill shall be inclined 15 from vertical and operated at a speed of 1 foot per second.


[42 CFR part 84, subpart H]


Service time

3 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour

2, 3 and


hours 1

Sampling and readings ......................... .............. .............. .............. 2 2 2 2 (2)

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per hour ..... .............. .............. 1 1 2 2 3 ..............

Runs at 9.7 km. (6 miles) per hour ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..............

Pulls 20 kg. (45 pound) weight to 5

feet ..................................................... .............. 15 times

in 1


.............. 30 times

in 2


30 times

in 2


30 times

in 2


60 times

in 6



Lies on side ........................................... 1/2 1 1 2 3 4 5 ..............

Lies on back .......................................... 1/2 1 1 2 2 3 3 ..............

Crawls on hands and knees ................. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ..............

Sampling and readings ......................... .............. .............. 2 .............. 2 2 2 ..............

Runs at 9.7 km. (6 miles) per hour ...... .............. .............. .............. 1 1 1 1 ..............

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per hour ..... .............. .............. .............. .............. 2 8 10 ..............

Pulls 20 kg. (45 pound) weight to 5

feet ..................................................... .............. .............. 30 times

in 2


.............. 60 times

in 6


60 times

in 6


60 times

in 6



Sampling and readings ......................... .............. .............. .............. 2 .............. 2 2 ..............

Walks at 4.8 km. (3 miles) per hour ..... .............. .............. 1 .............. 3 4 10 ..............

Lies on side ........................................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 2 4 ..............

Lies on back .......................................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 2 1 ..............

Sampling and readings ......................... .............. .............. .............. .............. 2 2 2 ..............

1 Total test time for Test 3 for 2-hour, 3-hour, and 4-hour apparatus is 2 hours.

2 Perform test No. 3 for 1 hr. apparatus; then perform test No. 1 for 1 hour apparatus.


[42 CFR part 84, subpart H]


Service time

3 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

Sampling and

readings ......... .............. .............. .............. 2 2 2 2 (2) (3) (4)

Walks at 4.8 km.

(3 miles) per

hour ............... .............. .............. .............. 1 2 2 2 .............. .............. ..............

Climbs vertical

treadmill 1 (or

equivalent) ..... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .............. .............. ..............

Walks at 4.8 km.

(3 miles) per

hour ............... .............. 1 1 1 2 2 2 .............. .............. ..............

Pulls 20 kg. (45

pound) weight

to 5 feet ......... .............. 30 times

in 2


30 times

in 2


30 times

in 2


60 times

in 5


60 times

in 5


60 times

in 5


.............. .............. ..............

Walks at 4.8 km.

(3 miles) per

hour ............... .............. .............. 1 1 1 2 3 .............. .............. ..............


Public Health Service, HHS 84.110


[42 CFR part 84, subpart H]


Service time

3 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

Carries 23 kg.

(50 pound)

weight over

overcast .........

Sampling and

readings .........

Walks at 4.8 km.

(3 miles) per

hour ...............

Runs at 9.7 km.

(6 miles) per

hour ...............

Carries 23 kg.

(50 pound)

weight over

overcast .........

Pulls 20 kg (45

pound) weight

to 5 feet .........

Sampling and

readings .........

Walks at 4.8 km.

(3 miles) per

hour ...............

Pulls 20 kg. (45

pound) weight

to 5 feet .........

Carries 20 kg.

(45 pound)

weight and

walks at 4.8

km. (3 miles)

per hour .........

Sampling and

readings .........






15 times

in 1






















1 time in

1 minute







1 time in

1 minute




1 time in

1 minute

15 times

in 1







1 time in

1 minute




2 times

in 3


60 times

in 5







2 times

in 3





4 times

in 6


30 times

in 2




60 times

in 5




4 times

in 8





6 times

in 9


36 times

in 3




60 times

in 5




































1 Treadmill shall be inclined 15 from vertical and operated at a speed of 30 cm. (1 foot) per second.

2 Perform test No. 1 for 30-minute apparatus; then perform test No. 4 for 1-hour apparatus; then perform test No. 1 for 30-

minute apparatus.

3 Perform test No. 1 for 1-hour apparatus; then perform test No. 4 for 1-hour apparatus; then perform test No. 1 for 1-hour apparatus.

4 Perform test No. 1 for 1-hour apparatus; then perform test No. 4 for 1-hour apparatus; then perform test No. 1 for 1-hour apparatus

twice (i.e., two one-hour tests).

Subpart IGas Masks

84.110 Gas masks; description.

(a) Gas masks including all completely

assembled air purifying masks

designed for use as respiratory protection

during entry into atmospheres not

immediately dangerous to life or

health or escape only from hazardous

atmospheres containing adequate oxygen

to support life are described as follows:

(1) Front-mounted or back-mounted gas

mask. A gas mask which consists of a

full facepiece, a breathing tube, a canister

at the front or back, a canister

harness, and associated connections.

(2) Chin-style gas mask. A gas mask

which consists of a full facepiece, a

canister which is usually attached to

the facepiece, and associated connections.



(3) Escape gas mask. A gas mask designed

for use during escape only from

hazardous atmospheres which consists

of a facepiece or mouthpiece, a canister,

and associated connections.

(b) Gas masks shall be further described

according to the types of gases

or vapors against which they are designed

to provide respiratory protection,

as follows:

Type of front-mounted or back-mounted gas mask:

Acid gas 1,2,3


Carbon monoxide

Organic Vapor 1,2,3

Other gas(es) and vapor(s) 1,2,3

Combination of two or more of the above gases

and vapors. 1,2,3

Combination of acid gas, ammonia, carbon mon

oxide, and organic vapors. 1,2,3

Type of chin-style gas mask:

Acid gas 1,2,3


Carbon monoxide

Organic vapor 1,2,3

Other gas(es) and vapor 1,2,3

Combination of two or more of the above gases

and vapors. 1,2,3

Type of escape gas mask:

Acid gas 1,2,3,4

Ammonia 4

Carbon monoxide

Organic vapor 1,2,3,4

Other gas(s) and vapor(s) 1,2,3,4

Combination of two or more of the above gases

and vapors. 1,2,3,4

1 Approval may be for acid gases or organic vapors as a

class or for specific acid gases or organic vapors.

2 Not for use against gases or vapors with poor warning

properties (except where MSHA or Occupational Safety and

Health Administration standards permit such use for a specific

gas or vapor), or those which generate high heats or reaction

with sorbent materials in the canister.

3 Use of the gas mask may be limited by factors such as

lower explosive limit, toxicological effects, and facepiece fit.

Limitations on gas mask service life and sorbent capacity

limitations shall be specified by the applicant in instructions

for selection, use and maintenance of the gas mask.

4 Eye protection may be required in certain concentrations

of gases and vapors.

(c) Gas masks for respiratory protection

against gases and vapors other

than those specified in paragraph (b) of

this section, may be approved upon

submittal of an application in writing

for approval to the Certification and

Quality Assurance Branch listing the

gas or vapor and suggested maximum

use concentration for the specific type

of gas mask. The Institute will consider

the application and accept or reject

it on the basis of effect on the

wearers health and safety and any

field experience in use of gas masks for

such exposures. If the application is ac42

CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

cepted, the Institute will test such

masks in accordance with the requirements

of this subpart.

84.111 Gas masks; required components.

(a) Each gas mask described in

84.110 shall, where its design requires,

contain the following component parts:

(1) Facepiece or mouthpiece and


(2) Canister or cartridge;

(3) Canister harness;

(4) External check valve; and

(5) Breathing tube.

(b) The components of each gas mask

shall meet the minimum construction

requirements set forth in subpart G of

this part.

84.112 Canisters and cartridges in

parallel; resistance requirements.

Where two or more canisters or cartridges

are used in parallel, their resistance

to airflow shall be essentially


84.113 Canisters and cartridges;

color and markings; requirements.

The color and markings of all canisters

and cartridges or labels shall

conform with the requirements of the

American National Standards Institute,

American National Standard for

Identification of Air-Purifying Respirator

Canisters and Cartridges, ANSI

K13.11973. ANSI K13.1 is incorporated

by reference and has been approved by

the Director of the Federal Register in

accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1

CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained

from American National Standards Institute,

Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York,

NY 10018. Copies may be inspected at

the NIOSH, Certification and Quality

Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale

Road, Morgantown, WV 265052888, or

at the National Archives and Records

Administration (NARA). For information

on the availability of this material

at NARA, call 2027416030, or go






Public Health Service, HHS

84.114 Filters used with canisters

and cartridges; location; replacement.

(a) Particulate matter filters used in

conjunction with a canister or cartridge

shall be located on the inlet side

of the canister or cartridge.

(b) Filters shall be incorporated in or

firmly attached to the canister or cartridge

and each filter assembly shall,

where applicable, be designed to permit

its easy removal from and replacement

in the canister or cartridge.

84.115 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

Flexible breathing tubes used in conjunction

with gas masks shall be designed

and constructed to prevent:

(a) Restriction of free head movement;

(b) Disturbance of the fit of

facepieces or mouthpieces;

(c) Interference with the wearers activities;


(d) Shutoff of airflow due to kinking,

or from chin or arm pressure.

84.116 Harnesses; installation and

construction; minimum requirements.

(a) Each gas mask shall, where necessary,

be equipped with a suitable harness

designed and constructed to hold

the components of the gas mask in position

against the wearers body.

(b) Harnesses shall be designed and

constructed to permit easy removal

and replacement of gas mask parts, and

where applicable, provide for holding a

full facepiece in the ready position

when not in use.

84.117 Gas mask containers; minimum


(a) Gas masks shall be equipped with

a substantial, durable container bearing

markings which show the applicants

name, the type and commercial

designation of mask it contains and all

appropriate approval labels.

(b) Containers for gas masks shall be

designed and constructed to permit

easy removal of the mask.


84.118 Half-mask facepieces, full

facepieces, and mouthpieces; fit;

minimum requirements.

(a) Half-mask facepieces and full

facepieces shall be designed and constructed

to fit persons with various facial

shapes and sizes either:

(1) By providing more than one face-

piece size; or

(2) By providing one facepiece size

which will fit varying facial shapes and


(b) Full facepieces shall provide for

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, which shall not reduce the respiratory

protective qualities of the gas


(c) Half-mask facepieces shall not

interfere with the fit of common industrial

safety spectacles, as determined

by the Institutes facepiece tests in


(d) Gas masks with mouthpieces shall

be equipped with noseclips which are

securely attached to the mouthpiece or

gas mask and provide an airtight seal.

(e) Facepieces shall be designed to

prevent eyepiece fogging.

84.119 Facepieces; eyepieces; minimum


(a) Full facepieces shall be designed

and constructed to provide adequate vision

which is not distorted by the eye.

(b) All eyepieces shall be designed

and constructed to be impact and penetration

resistant. Federal Specification,

Mask, Air Line: and Respirator,

Air Filtering, Industrial, GGG-M-125d,

October 11, 1965 with interim amendment-

1, July 30, 1969, is an example of

an appropriate standard for determining

impact and penetration resistance.

Copies of GGG-M-125d may be obtained

from the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance Branch, 1095

Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV


84.120 Inhalation and exhalation

valves; minimum requirements.

(a) Inhalation and exhalation valves

shall be provided where necessary and

protected against damage and distortion.



(b) Inhalation valves shall be designed

and constructed to prevent excessive

exhaled air from adversely affecting

cartridges, canisters, and filters.

(c) Exhalation valves shall be protected

against external influence, and

designed and constructed to prevent inward

leakage of contaminated air.

84.121 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

(a) Facepieces shall be equipped with

adjustable and replaceable head harnesses,

designed and constructed to

provide adequate tension during use

and an even distribution of pressure

over the entire area in contact with

the face.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(b) Mouthpieces shall be equipped,

where applicable, with adjustable and

replaceable harnesses designed and

constructed to hold the mouthpiece in


84.122 Breathing resistance test; minimum


(a) Resistance to airflow will be

measured in the facepiece or mouthpiece

of a gas mask mounted on a

breathing machine both before and

after each test conducted in accordance

with 84.124, 84.125, and 84.126, with air

flowing at a continuous rate of 85 liters

per minute.

(b) The maximum allowable resistance

requirements for gas masks are as



[mm. water-column height]

Type of gas mask



Initial Final 1

Front-mounted or back-mounted (without particulate filter) ..........................................

Front-mounted or back-mounted (with approved particulate filter) ...............................

Chin-style (without particulate filter) ..............................................................................

Chin-style (with approved particulate filter) ...................................................................

Escape (without particulate filter) ..................................................................................

Escape (with approved particulate filter) .......................................................................



















1 Measured at end of the service life specified in Tables 5, 6, and 7 of this subpart.

84.123 Exhalation valve leakage test.

(a) Dry exhalation valves and valve

seats will be subjected to a suction of

25 mm. water-column height while in a

normal operating position.

(b) Leakage between the valve and

valve seat shall not exceed 30 milliliters

per minute.

84.124 Facepiece tests; minimum requirements.

(a) The complete gas mask will be

fitted to the faces of persons having

varying facial shapes and sizes.

(b) Where the applicant specifies a

facepiece size or sizes for the gas mask,

together with the approximate measurements

of faces they are designed to

fit, the Institute will insure that test

subjects suit such facial measurements.

(c) Any gas mask parts which must

be removed to perform the facepiece or

mouthpiece fit test shall be replaceable

without special tools and without disturbing

the facepiece or mouthpiece


(d) The facepiece or mouthpiece fit

test, using positive or negative pressure

recommended by the applicant

and described in his instructions will

be used before each test specified in

paragraph (e) of this section, and in


(e)(1) Each wearer will enter a chamber

containing 100 p.p.m. isoamyl acetate

vapor for a half-mask facepiece

and 1,000 p.p.m. isoamyl acetate vapor

for a full facepiece or mouthpiece.

(2) The facepiece or mouthpiece may

be adjusted, if necessary, in the test

chamber before starting the tests.

(3) Each wearer will remain in the

chamber for 8 minutes while performing

the following activities:

(i) Two minutes, nodding and turning


(ii) Two minutes, calisthenic arm


(iii) Two minutes, running in place;



Public Health Service, HHS

(iv) Two minutes, pumping with a

tire pump into a 28 liter (1 cubic foot)


(4) Each wearer shall not detect the

odor of isoamyl acetate during the


84.125 Particulate tests; canisters

containing particulate filters; min

imum requirements.

Gas mask canisters containing filters

for protection against particulates (e.g.

dusts, fumes, mists, and smokes) in

combination with gases, vapors, or

gases and vapors, shall also comply

with the requirements as prescribed in

84.170 through 84.183, except for the

airflow resistance test of 84.181.

84.126 Canister bench tests; minimum


(a)(1) Bench tests, except for carbon

monoxide tests, will be made on an apparatus

that allows the test atmosphere

at 50 5 percent relative humidity

and room temperature (25 2.5 C.)

to enter the canister continuously at

concentrations and rates of flow specified

in Tables 5, 6, and 7 of this subpart.

(2) Three canisters will be removed

from containers and tested as received

from the applicant.

(3) Two canisters, other than those

described in paragraph (a)(2) of this

section, will be equilibrated at room

temperature by passing 25 percent relative

humidity air through them at 64

liters per minute for 6 hours.

(4) Two canisters, other than those

described in paragraphs (a) (2) and (3)

Pt. 84, Subpt. I, Tables

of this section, will be equilibrated at

room temperature by passing 85 percent

relative humidity air through

them at 64 liters per minute for 6


(5) The equilibrated canisters will be

resealed, kept in an upright position at

room temperature, and tested within 18


(b) Front-mounted and back-mounted

gas mask canisters will be tested and

shall meet the minimum requirements

set forth in Table 5 of this subpart.

(c)(1) Front-mounted, and back-

mounted, and chin-style canisters designated

as providing respiratory protection

against gases, ammonia, organic

vapors, carbon monoxide and particulate

contaminants shall have a

window or other indicator to warn the

gas mask wearer when the canister will

no longer satisfactorily remove carbon

monoxide from the inhaled air.

(2) Other types of front- and back-

mounted canisters may also be

equipped with a window or other indicator

to warn of imminent leakage of

other gases or vapors.

(3) The window indicator canisters

will be tested as regular canisters, but

shall show a satisfactory indicator

change or other warning before the allowable

canister penetration has occurred.

(d) Chin-style gas mask canisters

shall meet the minimum requirements

set forth in Table 6 of this subpart.

(e) Escape gas mask canisters shall

meet the minimum requirements set

forth in Table 7 of this subpart.




[42 CFR part 84, subpart I]

Canister type Test condition

Test atmosphere


of tests




(parts per




life (minutes)

1Gas or vapor



per million)

Flow rate

(liters per


Acid gas ..................................... As received SO2 20,000 64 3 5 12

Equilibrated Cl2 20,000 64 3 5 12

SO2 20,000 32 4 5 12

Organic vapor ............................ As received













Equilibrated CCl4 20,000 32 4 5 12

Ammonia .................................... As received NH3 30,000 64 3 50 12

Equilibrated NH3 30,000 32 4 50 12

Carbon monoxide ...................... As received CO 20,000 4 64 2 (3) 60


Pt. 84, Subpt. I, Tables 42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)



[42 CFR part 84, subpart I]

Canister type Test condition

Test atmosphere


of tests




(parts per




life (minutes)

1Gas or vapor



per million)

Flow rate

(liters per


Equilibrated CO 5,000 2 32 3 (3) 60

CO 3,000 2 32 3 (3) 60

Combination of 2 or 3 of above

types 5

Combination of all above types 6

1 Minimum life will be determined at the indicated penetration.

2 Relative humidity of test atmosphere will be 95 3pct; temperature of test atmosphere will be 25 2.5 C.

3 Maximum allowable CO penetration will be 385 cm 3 during the minimum life. The penetration shall not exceed 500 p/m dur

ing this time.

4 Relative humidity of test atmosphere will be 95 3pct; temperature of test atmosphere entering the test fixture will be 0 2.5

C0 C.

5 Test conditions and requirements will be applicable as shown in this table.

6 Test conditions and requirements will be applicable as shown in this table, except the minimum service lives for acid gas, or

ganic vapor, and ammonia will be 6 min instead of 12 min.


[42 CFR part 84, subpart I]

Canister type Test condition

Test atmosphere


of tests





per million)



life (minutes)

1Gas or vapor



per million)

Flow rate

(liters per


Acid gas ....................... As received Equilibrated

SO2 50,000 64 3 5 12

Cl2 5,000 64 3 5 12

SO2 5,000 32 4 5 12

Cl2 5,000 32 4 5 12

Organic vapor .............. As received Equilibrated

CCl4 5,000 64 3 5 12

CCl4 5,000 32 4 5 12

Ammonia ..................... As received Equilibrated

NH3 5,000 64 3 50 12

As received Equilibrated

NH3 5,000 32 4 50 12

Carbon monoxide ........ As received CO 20,000 2 64 2 (3) 60

CO 5,000 4 32 3 (3) 60

Combination of 2 or 3

of above types 5

Combination of all

above types 6

CO 3,000 2 32 3 (3) 60

1 Minimum life will be determined at the indicated penetration.

2 Relative humidity of test atmosphere will be 95 3pct; temperature of test atmosphere will be 25 2.5 C.

3 Maximum allowable CO penetration will be 385 cm 3 during the minimum life. The penetration shall not exceed 500 p/m dur

ing this time.

4 Relative humidity of test atmosphere will be 95 3pct; temperature of test atmosphere entering the test fixture will be 0 2.5

C0 C.

5 Test conditions and requirements will be applicable as shown in this table.

6 Test conditions and requirements will be applicable as shown in this table, except the minimum service lives for acid gas, or

ganic vapor, and ammonia will be 6 min instead of 12 min.


[42 CFR part 84, subpart I]

Test atmosphere Maximum

allowable Minimum

Canister type Test condition

Gas or vapor



per million)

Flow rate

(liters per



of tests



per million)


life (minutes)


Acid gas ....................... As received ................ SO2 5,000 64 3 5 12

Equilibrated ................ Cl2












Cl2 5,000 32 4 5 12


Public Health Service, HHS 84.130



[42 CFR part 84, subpart I]

Test atmosphere Maximum

allowable Minimum

Canister type Test condition

Gas or vapor



per million)

Flow rate

(liters per



of tests



per million)


life (minutes)


Organic vapor ..............

Ammonia .....................

As received ................

Equilibrated ................

As received ................



















Carbon monoxide ........

Equilibrated ................

As received ................










2 32

5 32

2 32










4 60



1 Minimum life will be determined at the indicated penetration.

2 Relative humidity of test atmosphere will be 95 3 pct; temperature of test atmosphere will be 25 2.5 C.

3 Maximum allowable CO penetration will be 385 cm 3 during the minimum life. The penetration shall not exceed 500 p/m during

this time.

4 If effluent temperature exceeds 100 C during this test, the escape gas mask shall be equipped with an effective heat exchanger.

5 Relative humidity of test atmosphere will be 95 3 pct; temperature of test atmosphere entering the test fixture will be 0 2.5

C0 C.

Subpart JSupplied-Air


84.130 Supplied-air respirators; description.

Supplied-air respirators, including

all completely assembled respirators

designed for use as respiratory protection

during entry into and escape from

atmospheres not immediately dangerous

to life or health are described as


(a) Type A supplied-air respirators. A

hose mask respirator, for entry into

and escape from atmospheres not immediately

dangerous to life or health,

which consists of a motor-driven or

hand-operated blower that permits the

free entrance of air when the blower is

not operating, a strong large-diameter

hose having a low resistance to airflow,

a harness to which the hose and the

life-line are attached and a tight-fitting


(b) Type AE supplied-air respirators.

A Type A supplied-air respirator

equipped with additional devices designed

to protect the wearers head and

neck against impact and abrasion from

rebounding abrasive material, and with

shielding material such as plastic,

glass, woven wire, sheet metal, or

other suitable material to protect the

window(s) of facepieces, hoods, and helmets

which do not unduly interfere

with the wearers vision and permit

easy access to the external surface of

such window(s) for cleaning.

(c) Type B supplied-air respirators. A

hose mask respirator, for entry into

and escape from atmospheres not immediately

dangerous to life or health,

which consists of a strong large-diameter

hose with low resistance to airflow

through which the user draws inspired

air by means of his lungs alone, a harness

to which the hose is attached, and

a tight-fitting facepiece.

(d) Type BE supplied-air respirators.

A type B supplied-air respirator

equipped with additional devices designed

to protect the wearers head and

neck against impact and abrasion from

rebounding abrasive material, and with

shielding material such as plastic,

glass, woven wire, sheet metal, or

other suitable material to protect the

window(s) of facepieces, hoods, and helmets

which do not unduly interfere

with the wearers vision and permit

easy access to the external surface of

such window(s) for cleaning.

(e) Type C supplied-air respirators.

An airline respirator, for entry into

and escape from atmospheres not immediately

dangerous to life or health,

which consists of a source of respirable

breathing air, a hose, a detachable coupling,

a control valve, orifice, a demand

valve or pressure demand valve,

an arrangement for attaching the hose

to the wearer, and a facepiece, hood, or




(f) Type CE supplied-air respirators.

A type C supplied-air respirator

equipped with additional devices designed

to protect the wearers head and

neck against impact and abrasion from

rebounding abrasive material, and with

shielding material such as plastic,

glass, woven wire, sheet metal, or

other suitable material to protect the

window(s) of facepieces, hoods, and helmets

which do not unduly interfere

with the wearers vision and permit

easy access to the external surface of

such window(s) for cleaning.

84.131 Supplied-air respirators; required


(a) Each supplied-air respirator described

in 84.130 shall, where its design

requires, contain the following

component parts:

(1) Facepiece, hood, or helmet;

(2) Air supply valve, orifice, or demand

or pressure-demand regulator;

(3) Hand operated or motor driven air


(4) Air supply hose;

(5) Detachable couplings;

(6) Flexible breathing tube; and

(7) Respirator harness.

(b) The component parts of each sup-

plied-air respirator shall meet the minimum

construction requirements set

forth in subpart G of this part.

84.132 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

Flexible breathing tubes used in conjunction

with supplied-air respirators

shall be designed and constructed to


(a) Restriction of free head movement;

(b) Disturbance of the fit of

facepieces, mouthpieces, hoods, or helmets;

(c) Interference with the wearers activities;


(d) Shutoff of airflow due to kinking,

or from chin or arm pressure.

84.133 Harnesses; installation and

construction; minimum requirements.

(a) Each supplied-air respirator shall,

where necessary, be equipped with a

suitable harness designed and constructed

to hold the components of the

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

respirator in position against the wearers


(b) Harnesses shall be designed and

constructed to permit easy removal

and replacement of respirator parts,

and where applicable, provide for holding

a full facepiece in the ready position

when not in use.

84.134 Respirator containers; minimum


Supplied-air respirators shall be

equipped with a substantial, durable

container bearing markings which

show the applicants name, the type

and commercial designation of the respirator

it contains, and all appropriate

approval labels.

84.135 Half-mask facepieces, full

facepieces, hoods, and helmets; fit;

minimum requirements.

(a) Half-mask facepieces and full

facepieces shall be designed and constructed

to fit persons with various facial

shapes and sizes either:

(1) By providing more than one face-

piece size; or

(2) By providing one facepiece size

which will fit varying facial shapes and


(b) Full facepieces shall provide for

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, which shall not reduce the respiratory

protective qualities of the respirator.

(c) Hoods and helmets shall be designed

and constructed to fit persons

with various head sizes, provide for the

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, and insure against any restriction

of movement by the wearer.

(d) Facepieces, hoods, and helmets

shall be designed to prevent eyepiece


84.136 Facepieces, hoods, and helmets;

eyepieces; minimum requirements.

(a) Facepieces, hoods, and helmets

shall be designed and constructed to

provide adequate vision which is not

distorted by the eyepiece.

(b) All eyepieces except those on

Types B, BE, C, and CE supplied-air

respirators shall be designed and constructed

to be impact and penetration

resistant. Federal Specification, Mask,

Air Line: and Respirator, Air Filtering,


Public Health Service, HHS

Industrial, GGG-M-125d, October 11,

1965 with interim amendment-1, July

30, 1969, is an example of an appropriate

standard for determining impact and

penetration resistance. Copies of GGG-

M-125d may be obtained from the

NIOSH, Certification and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road,

Morgantown, WV 265052888.

(c)(1) The eyepieces of AE, BE, and

CE type supplied-air respirators shall

be shielded by plastic, glass, woven

wire, sheet metal, or other suitable

material which does not interfere with

the vision of the wearer.

(2) Shields shall be mounted and attached

to the facepiece to provide easy

access to the external surface of the

eyepiece for cleaning.

84.137 Inhalation and exhalation

valves; check valves; minimum re


(a) Inhalation and exhalation valves

shall be provided where necessary and

protected against distortion.

(b) Exhalation valves shall be:

(1) Protected against damage and external

influence; and

(2) Designed and constructed to prevent

inward leakage of contaminated


(c) Check valves designed and constructed

to allow airflow toward the

facepiece only shall be provided in the

connections to the facepiece or in the

hose fitting near the facepiece of all

Type A, AE, B, and BE supplied-air respirators.

84.138 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

Facepieces shall be equipped with adjustable

and replaceable head harnesses

which are designed and constructed

to provide adequate tension

during use, and an even distribution of

pressure over the entire area in contact

with the face.

84.139 Head and neck protection;

supplied-air respirators; minimum


Type AE, BE, and CE supplied-air

respirators shall be designed and constructed

to provide protection against

impact and abrasion from rebounding

abrasive materials to the wearers head

and neck.


84.140 Air velocity and noise levels;

hoods and helmets; minimum re


Noise levels generated by the respirator

will be measured inside the

hood or helmet at maximum airflow

obtainable within pressure and hose

length requirements and shall not exceed

80 dBA.

84.141 Breathing gas; minimum requirements.

(a) Breathing gas used to supply sup-

plied-air respirators shall be respirable

breathing air and contain no less than

19.5 volume-percent of oxygen.

(b) Compressed, gaseous breathing air

shall meet the applicable minimum

grade requirements for Type I gaseous

air set forth in the Compressed Gas Association

Commodity Specification for

Air, G7.1, 1966 (Grade D or higher quality).

G7.1 is incorporated by reference

and has been approved by the Director

of the Federal Register in accordance

with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.

Copies may be obtained from American

National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430

Broadway, New York, NY 10018. Copies

may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgan-

town, WV 265052888, or at the National

Archives and Records Administration

(NARA). For information on the availability

of this material at NARA, call

2027416030, or go to: http://



(c) Compressed, liquefied breathing

air shall meet the applicable minimum

grade requirements for Type II liquid

air set forth in the Compressed Gas Association

Commodity Specification for

Air, G7.1, 1966 (Grade B or higher quality).

G7.1 is incorporated by reference

and has been approved by the Director

of the Federal Register in accordance

with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.

Copies may be obtained from American

National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430

Broadway, New York, NY 10018. Copies

may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgan-

town, WV 265052888, or at the National

Archives and Records Administration



(NARA). For information on the availability

of this material at NARA, call

2027416030, or go to: http://



84.142 Air supply source; hand-operated

or motor driven air blowers;

Type A supplied-air respirators;

minimum requirements.

(a) Blowers shall be designed and constructed

to deliver an adequate amount

of air to the wearer with either direction

of rotation, unless constructed to

permit rotation in one direction only,

and to permit the free entrance of air

to the hose when the blower is not operated.

(b) No multiple systems, whereby

more than one user is supplied by one

blower, will be approved, unless each

hose line is connected directly to a

manifold at the blower.

84.143 Terminal fittings or chambers;

Type B supplied-air respirators;

minimum requirements.

(a) Blowers or connections to air supplies

providing positive pressures shall

not be approved for use on Type B sup-

plied-air respirators.

(b) Terminal fittings or chambers

employed in Type B supplied-air respirators,

shall be:

(1) Installed in the inlet of the hose.

(2) Designed and constructed to provide

for the drawing of air through corrosion

resistant material arranged so

as to be capable of removing material

larger than 0.149 mm. in diameter (149

micrometers, 100-mesh, U.S. Standard


(3) Installed to provide a means for

fastening or anchoring the fitting or

chamber in a fixed position in a zone of

respirable air.

84.144 Hand-operated blower test;

minimum requirements.

(a) Hand-operated blowers shall be

tested by attaching them to a mechanical

drive and operating them 6 to 8

hours daily for a period of 100 hours at

a speed necessary to deliver 50 liters of

air per minute through each completely

assembled respirator. Each respirator

shall be equipped with the maximum

length of hose with which the device

is to be approved and the hose

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

shall be connected to each blower or

manifold outlet designed for hose connections.

(b) The crank speed of the hand-operated

blower shall not exceed 50 revolutions

per minute in order to deliver the

required 50 liters of air per minute to

each facepiece.

(c) The power required to deliver 50

liters of air per minute to each wearer

through the maximum length of hose

shall not exceed one-fiftieth horsepower,

and the torque shall not exceed

a force of 2.3 kg. (5 pounds) on a 20 cm.

(8-inch) crank, as defined in 84.146.

(d) The blower shall operate throughout

the period without failure or indication

of excessive wear of bearings or

other working parts.

84.145 Motor-operated blower test;

minimum requirements.

(a) Motor-operated blowers shall be

tested by operating them at their specified

running speed 6 to 8 hours daily

for a period of 100 hours when assembled

with the kind and maximum

length of hose for which the device is

to be approved and when connected to

each blower or manifold outlet designed

for hose connections.

(b) The connection between the

motor and the blower shall be so constructed

that the motor may be disengaged

from the blower when the

blower is operated by hand.

(c) The blower shall operate throughout

the period without failure or indication

of excessive wear of bearings or

other working parts.

(d) Where a blower, which is ordinarily

motor driven, is operated by

hand, the power required to deliver 50

liters of air per minute to each wearer

through the maximum length of hose

shall not exceed one-fiftieth horsepower,

and the torque shall not exceed

a force of 2.3 kg. (5 pounds) on a 20 cm.

(8-inch) crank, as defined in 84.146.

(e) Where the respirator is assembled

with the facepiece and 15 m. (50 feet) of

the hose for which it is to be approved,

and when connected to one outlet with

all other outlets closed and operated at

a speed not exceeding 50 revolutions of

the crank per minute, the amount of

air delivered into the respiratory-inlet

covering shall not exceed 150 liters per



Public Health Service, HHS

84.146 Method of measuring the

power and torque required to oper

ate blowers.

As shown in Figure 1 of this section,

the blower crank is replaced by a wooden

drum, a (13 cm. (5 inches) in diameter

is convenient). This drum is wound

with about 12 m. (40 feet) of No. 2 picture

cord, b. A weight, c, of sufficient

mass to rotate the blower at the desired

speed is suspended from this wire

cord. A mark is made on the cord about

3 to 4.5 m. (10 to 15 feet) from the

weight, c. Another mark is placed at a

measured distance (69 m./2030 feet is


convenient) from the first. These are

used to facilitate timing. To determine

the torque or horsepower required to

operate the blower, the drum is started

in rotation manually at or slightly

above the speed at which the power

measurement is to be made. The blower

is then permitted to assume constant

speed, and then as the first mark on

the wire leaves the drum, a stopwatch

is started. The watch is stopped when

the second mark leaves the drum.

From these data the foot-pounds per

minute and the torque may be calculated.


BLOWER. (42 CFR PART 84, SUBPART J, 84.146)

84.147 Type B supplied-air respirator;

minimum requirements.

No Type B supplied-air respirator

shall be approved for use with a blower

or with connection to an air supply device

at positive pressures.

84.148 Type C supplied-air respirator,

continuous flow class; minimum


(a) Respirators tested under this section

shall be approved only when they



supply respirable air at the pressures

and quantities required.

(b) The pressure at the inlet of the

hose connection shall not exceed 863

kN/m.2 (125 pounds per square inch


(c) Where the pressure at any point

in the supply system exceeds 863 kN/

m.2 (125 pounds per square inch gage),

the respirator shall be equipped with a

pressure-release mechanism that will

prevent the pressure at the hose connection

from exceeding 863 kN/m.2 (125

pounds per square inch gage) under any


84.149 Type C supplied-air respirator,

demand and pressure demand

class; minimum requirements.

(a) Respirators tested under this section

shall be approved only when used

to supply respirable air at the pressures

and quantities required.

(b) The manufacturer shall specify

the range of air pressure at the point of

attachment of the air-supply hose to

the air-supply system, and the range of

hose length for the respirator. For example,

he might specify that the respirator

be used with compressed air at

pressures ranging from 280550 kN/m.2

(40 to 80 pounds per square inch) with

from 6 to 76 m. (15 to 250 feet) of air-

supply hose.

(c) The specified air pressure at the

point of attachment of the hose to the

air-supply system shall not exceed 863

kN/m.2 (125 pounds per square inch


(d)(1) Where the pressure in the air-

supply system exceeds 863 kN/m.2 (125

pounds per square inch gage), the respirator

shall be equipped with a pressure-

release mechanism that will prevent

the pressure at the point of attachment

of the hose to the air-supply

system from exceeding 863 kN/m.2 (125

pounds per square inch gage).

(2) The pressure-release mechanism

shall be set to operate at a pressure not

more than 20 percent above the manufacturers

highest specified pressure.

For example, if the highest specified

pressure is 863 kN/m.2 (125 pounds per

square inch), the pressure-release

mechanism would be set to operate at

a maximum of 1,035 kN/m.2 (150 pounds

per square inch).

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.150 Air-supply line tests; minimumrequirements.

Air supply lines employed on Type A,

Type B, and Type C supplied-air respirators

shall meet the minimum test

requirements set forth in Table 8 of

this subpart.

84.151 Harness test; minimum requirements.

(a)(1) Shoulder straps employed on

Type A supplied-air respirators shall be

tested for strength of material, joints,

and seams and must separately withstand

a pull of 113 kg. (250 pounds) for

30 minutes without failure.

(2) Belts, rings, and attachments for

life lines must withstand a pull of 136

kg. (300 pounds) for 30 minutes without


(3) The hose shall be firmly attached

to the harness so as to withstand a pull

of 113 kg. (250 pounds) for 30 minutes

without separating, and the hose attachments

shall be arranged so that

the pull or drag of the hose behind an

advancing wearer does not disarrange

the harness or exert pull upon the face-


(4) The arrangement and suitability

of all harness accessories and fittings

will be considered.

(b)(1) The harness employed on Type

B supplied-air respirators shall not be

uncomfortable, disturbing, or interfere

with the movements of the wearer.

(2) The harness shall be easily adjustable

to various sizes.

(3) The hose shall be attached to the

harness in a manner that will withstand

a pull of 45 kg. (100 pounds) for 30

minutes without separating or showing

signs of failure.

(4) The design of the harness and attachment

of the line shall permit dragging

the maximum length of hose considered

for approval over a concrete

floor without disarranging the harness

or exerting a pull on the facepiece.

(5) The arrangement and suitability

of all harness accessories and fittings

will be considered.

(c) The harness employed on Type C

respirators shall be similar to that required

on the Type B respirator, or, it

may consist of a simple arrangement

for attaching the hose to a part of the

wearers clothing in a practical manner


Public Health Service, HHS

that prevents a pull equivalent to dragging

the maximum length of the hose

over a concrete floor from exerting pull

upon the respiratory-inlet covering.

(d) Where supplied-air respirators

have a rigid or partly rigid head covering,

a suitable harness shall be required

to assist in holding this covering

in place.

84.152 Breathing tube test; minimum


(a)(1) Type A and Type B supplied-air

respirators shall employ one or two

flexible breathing tubes of the

nonkinking type which extend from

the facepiece to a connecting hose coupling

attached to the belt or harness.

(2) The breathing tubes employed

shall permit free head movement, insure

against closing off by kinking or

by chin or arm pressure, and they shall

not create a pull that will loosen the

facepiece or disturb the wearer.

(b) Breathing tubes employed on

Type C supplied-air respirators of the

continuous flow class shall meet the

minimum requirements set forth in

paragraph (a) of this section, however,

an extension of the connecting hose

may be employed in lieu of the breathing

tubes required.

(c)(1) A flexible, nonkinking type

breathing tube shall:

(i) Be employed on Type C supplied-

air respirators of the demand and pressure-

demand class; and

(ii) Extend from the facepiece to the

demand or pressure-demand valve, except

where the valve is attached directly

to the facepiece.

(2) The breathing tube shall permit

free head movement, insure against

closing off by kinking or by chin or

arm pressure, and shall not create a

pull that will loosen the facepiece or

disturb the wearer.

84.153 Airflow resistance test, Type A

and Type AE supplied-air res

pirators; minimum requirements.

(a) Airflow resistance will be determined

when the respirator is completely

assembled with the respiratory-

inlet covering, the air-supply device,

and the maximum length of air-supply

hose coiled for one-half its length in

loops 1.5 to 2.1 m. (5 to 7 feet) in diameter.


(b) The inhalation resistance, drawn

at the rate of 85 liters (3 cubic feet) per

minute when the blower is not operating

or under any practical condition

of blower operation shall not exceed

the following amounts:

Maximum length of hose for

Maximum resistance, water

which respirator is approved

column height





















(c) The exhalation resistance shall

not exceed 25 mm. (1 inch) of water-column

height at a flow rate of 85 liters (3

cubic feet) per minute when the blower

is not operating or under any practical

condition of blower operation.

84.154 Airflow resistance test; Type Band Type BE supplied-air respirators;

minimum requirements.

(a) Airflow resistance shall be determined

when the respirator is completely

assembled with the respiratory-

inlet covering and the hose in the maximum

length to be considered for approval,

coiled in loops 1.5 to 2.1 m. (5 to

7 feet) in diameter.

(b) Airflow resistance shall not exceed

38 mm. (1.5 inches) of water-column

height to air drawn at the flow

rate of 85 liters (3 cubic feet) per


(c) The exhalation resistance shall

not exceed 25 mm. (1 inch) of water-column

height at this flow rate.

84.155 Airflow resistance test; Type Csupplied-air respirator, continuous

flow class and Type CE supplied-air

respirator; minimum requirements.

The resistance to air flowing from

the respirator shall not exceed 25 mm.

(1 inch) of water-column height when

the air flow into the respiratory-inlet

covering is 115 liters (4 cubic feet) per


84.156 Airflow resistance test; Type Csupplied-air respirator, demand

class; minimum requirements.

(a) Inhalation resistance shall not exceed

50 millimeters (2 inches) of water

at an air flow of 115 liters (4 cubic feet)

per minute.



(b) The exhalation resistance to a

flow of air at a rate of 85 liters (3 cubic

feet) per minute shall not exceed 25

millimeters (1 inch) of water.

84.157 Airflow resistance test; Type C

supplied-air respirator, pressure-

demand class; minimum requirements.

(a) The static pressure in the face-

piece shall not exceed 38 mm. (1.5

inches) of water-column height.

(b) The pressure in the facepiece

shall not fall below atmospheric at inhalation

airflows less than 115 liters (4

cubic feet) per minute.

(c) The exhalation resistance to a

flow of air at a rate of 85 liters (3 cubic

feet) per minute shall not exceed the

static pressure in the facepiece by

more than 51 mm. (2 inches) of water-

column height.

84.158 Exhalation valve leakage test.

(a) Dry exhalation valves and valve

seats will be subjected to a suction of

25 mm. water-column height while in a

normal operating position.

(b) Leakage between the valve and

valve seat shall not exceed 30 milliliters

per minute.

84.159 Man tests for gases and vapors;

supplied-air respirators; general

performance requirements.

(a) Wearers will enter a chamber containing

a gas or vapor as prescribed in

84.160, 84.161, 84.162, and 84.163.

(b) Each wearer will spend 10 minutes

in work to provide observations on

freedom of the device from leakage.

The freedom and comfort allowed the

wearer will also be considered.

(c) Time during the test period will

be divided as follows:

(1) Five minutes. Walking, turning

head, dipping chin; and

(2) Five minutes. Pumping air with a

tire pump into a 28-liter (1 cubic foot)

container, or equivalent work.

(d) No odor of the test gas or vapor

shall be detected by the wearer in the

air breathed during any such test, and

the wearer shall not be subjected to

any undue discomfort or encumbrance

because of the fit, air delivery, or other

features of the respirator during the

testing period.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.160 Man test for gases and vapors;

Type A and Type AE respirators;

test requirements.

(a) The completely assembled respirator

will be worn in a chamber containing

0.1 0.025 percent isoamyl acetate

vapor, and the blower, the intake

of the hose, and not more than 25 percent

of the hose length will be located

in isoamyl acetate-free air.

(b) The man in the isoamyl acetate

atmosphere will draw his inspired air

through the hose, connections, and all

parts of the air device by means of his

lungs alone (blower not operating).

(c) The 10-minute work test will be

repeated with the blower in operation

at any practical speed up to 50 revolutions

of the crank per minute.

84.161 Man test for gases and vapors;

Type B and Type BE respirators;

test requirements.

(a) The completely assembled respirator

will be worn in a chamber containing

0.1 0.025 percent isoamyl acetate

vapor, and the intake of the hose,

and not more than 25 percent of the

hose length will be located in isoamyl

acetate-free air.

(b) The man in the isoamyl acetate

atmosphere will draw his inspired air

through the hose and connections by

means of his lungs alone.

84.162 Man test for gases and vapors;

Type C respirators, continuous-flow

class and Type CE supplied-air respirators;

test requirements.

(a) The completely assembled respirator

will be worn in a chamber containing

0.1 0.025 percent isoamyl acetate

vapor, the intake of the hose will

be connected to a suitable source of

respirable air, and not more than 25

percent of the hose length will be located

in isoamyl acetate-free air.

(b) The minimum flow of air required

to maintain a positive pressure in the

respiratory-inlet covering throughout

the entire breathing cycle will be supplied

to the wearer, provided however,

that airflow shall not be less than 115

liters per minute for tight-fitting and

not less than 170 liters per minute for

loose-fitting respiratory inlet-coverings.


Public Health Service, HHS

(c) The test will be repeated with the

maximum rate of flow attainable within

specified operating pressures.

84.163 Man test for gases and vapors;

Type C supplied-air respirators, demand

and pressure-demand classes;

test requirements.

(a) The completely assembled respirator

will be worn in a chamber containing

0.1 0.025 percent isoamyl ace-

Pt. 84, Subpt. J, Table

tate vapor, the intake of the hose will

be connected to a suitable source of

respirable air, and not more than 25

percent of the hose length will be located

in isoamyl acetate-free air.

(b) The test will be conducted at the

minimum pressure with the maximum

hose length and will be repeated at the

maximum pressure with the minimum

hose length.



[42 CFR part 84, subpart J]

Specific requirements

Requirements for the air-supply lines of the indicated type of supplied-air respirators

Type A Type B Type C

Length of hose .............. Maximum of 91 m. (300

feet), in multiples of

7.6 m. (25 feet).

Maximum of 23 m. (75

feet) in multiples of

7.6 m. (25 feet).

Maximum of 91 m. (300 feet) in multiples of 7.6

m. (25 feet). It will be permissible for the applicant

to supply hose of the approved type of

shorter length than 7.6 m. (25 feet) provided it

meets the requirements of the part.

Air flow ........................... None ............................. None ............................. The air-supply hose with air regulating valve or

orifice shall permit a flow of not less than 115

liters (4 cubic feet) per minute to tight-fitting

and 170 liters (6 cubic feet) per minute to

loose-fitting respiratory-inlet coverings through

the maximum length of hose for which approval

is granted and at the minimum specified

air-supply pressure. The maximum flow

shall not exceed 425 liters (15 cubic feet) per

minute at the maximum specified air-supply

pressure with the minimum length of hose for

which approval is granted.

Air flow ........................... ............................ ............................ The air-supply hose, detachable coupling, and

demand valve of the demand class or pressure-

demand valve of the pressure-demand

class for Type C supplied-air respirators, demand

and pressure-demand classes, shall be

capable of delivering respirable air at a rate of

not less than 115 liters (4 cubic feet) per

minute to the respiratory-inlet covering at an

inhalation resistance not exceeding 50 millimeters

(2 inches) of water-column height

measured in the respiratory-inlet covering with

any combination of air-supply pressure and

length of hose within the applicants specified

range of pressure and hose length. The air-

flow rate and resistance to inhalation shall be

measured while the demand or pressure-demand

valve is actuated 20 times per minute

by a source of intermittent suction. The maximum

rate of flow to the respiratory-inlet covering

shall not exceed 425 liters (15 cubic

feet) per minute under the specified operating



Pt. 84, Subpt. J, Table 42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)


[42 CFR part 84, subpart J]

Specific requirements

Requirements for the air-supply lines of the indicated type of supplied-air respirators

Type A Type B Type C

Air-regulating valve ........

Noncollapsibility .............

Nonkinkability ................

Strength of hose and

couplings. ............................

The hose shall not collapse

or exhibit permanent


when a force of 90

kg. (200 pounds) is

applied for 5 minutes

between 2 planes 7.6

cm. (3 inches) wide

on opposite sides of

the hose.

None .............................

Hose and couplings

shall not separate or

fail when tested with

a pull of 113 kg. (250

pounds) for 5 minutes. ............................

Same as Type A ..........

None .............................

Same as Type A ..........

If an air-regulating valve is provided, it shall be

so designed that it will remain at a specific

adjustment, which will not be affected by the

ordinary movement of the wearer. The valve

must be so constructed that the air supply

with the maximum length of hose and at the

minimum specified air-supply pressure will not

be less than 115 liters (4 cubic feet) of air per

minute to tight-fitting and 170 liters (6 cubic

feet) of air per minute of loose-fitting respiratory

inlet coverings for any adjustment of

the valve. If a demand or pressure-demand

valve replaces the air-regulating valve, it shall

be connected to the air-supply at the maximum

air pressure for which approval is

sought by means of the minimum length of

air-supply hose for which approval is sought.

The outlet of the demand or pressure-demand

valve shall be connected to a source of intermittent

suction so that the demand or pressure-

demand valve is actuated approximately

20 times per minute for a total of 100,000

inhalations. To expedite this test, the rate of

actuation may be increased if mutually agreeable

to the applicant and NIOSH. During this

test the valve shall function without failure

and without excessive wear of the moving

parts. The demand or pressure-demand valve

shall not be damaged in any way when subjected

at the outlet to a pressure or suction of

25 cm. (10 inches) of water gage for 2 minutes.


A 7.6 m. (25 foot) section of the hose will be

placed on a horizontal-plane surface and

shaped into a one-loop coil with one end of

the hose connected to an airflow meter and

the other end of the hose supplied with air at

the minimum specified supply pressure. The

connection shall be in the plane of the loop.

The other end of the hose will be pulled tangentially

to the loop and in the plane of the

loop until the hose straightens. To meet the

requirements of this test the loop shall maintain

a uniform near-circular shape and ultimately

unfold as a spiral, without any localized

deformation that decreases the flow of

air to less than 90 percent of the flow when

the hose is tested while remaining in a

straight line.

Hose and couplings shall not exhibit any separation

or failure when tested with a pull of 45

kg. (100 pounds) for 5 minutes and when

tested by subjecting them to an internal air

pressure of 2 times the maximum respirator-

supply pressure that is specified by the applicant

or at 173 kN/m. 2 (25 pounds per square

inch) gage, whichever is higher.


Public Health Service, HHS 84.171


[42 CFR part 84, subpart J]

Specific requirements

Requirements for the air-supply lines of the indicated type of supplied-air respirators

Type A Type B Type C

Tightness .......................

Permeation of hose by


Detachable coupling ......

No air leakage shall

occur when the hose

and couplings are

joined and the joint(s)

are immersed in

water and subjected

to an internal air

pressure of 35 kN/m.

2 (5 pounds per

square inch) gage.

The permeation of the

hose by gasoline will

be tested by immersing

7.6 m. (25 feet) of

hose and one coupling

in gasoline, with

air flowing through

the hose at the rate

of 8 liters per minute

for 6 hours. The air

from the hose shall

not contain more than

0.01 percent by volume

of gasoline

vapor at the end of

the test.

None .............................

None .............................

Same as for Type A .....

None .............................

Leakage of air exceeding 50 cc. per minute at

each coupling shall not be permitted when the

hose and couplings are joined and are immersed

in water, with air flowing through the

respirator under a pressure of 173 kN/m. 2

(25 pounds per square inch) gage applied to

the inlet end of the air-supply hose, or at

twice the maximum respirator-supply pressure

that is specified by the applicant, whichever is


Same as for Type A, except the test period

shall be 1 hour.

A hand-operated detachable coupling by which

the wearer can readily attach or detach the

connecting hose shall be provided at a convenient

location. This coupling shall be durable,

remain connected under all conditions of

normal respirator use, and meet the prescribed

tests for strength and tightness of

hose and couplings.

Subpart KNon-Powered Air-

Purifying Particulate Respirators

84.170 Non-powered air-purifying

particulate respirators; description.

(a) Non-powered air-purifying particulate

respirators utilize the wearers

negative inhalation pressure to draw

the ambient air through the air-purifying

filter elements (filters) to remove

particulates from the ambient air.

They are designed for use as respiratory

protection against

atmospheres with particulate contaminants

(e.g., dusts, fumes, mists) that

are not immediately dangerous to life

or health and that contain adequate

oxygen to support life.

(b) Non-powered air-purifying particulate

respirators are classified into

three series, N-, R-, and P-series. The

N-series filters are restricted to use in

those workplaces free of oil aerosols.

The R- and P-series filters are intended

for removal of any particulate that includes

oil-based liquid particulates.

(c) Non-powered air-purifying particulate

respirators are classified according

to the efficiency level of the filter(

s) as tested according to the requirements

of this part.

(1) N100, R100, and P100 filters shall

demonstrate a minimum efficiency

level of 99.97 percent.

(2) N99, R99, and P99 filters shall

demonstrate a minimum efficiency

level of 99 percent.

(3) N95, R95, and P95 filters shall

demonstrate a minimum efficiency

level of 95 percent.

84.171 Non-powered air-purifying

particulate respirators; required


(a) Each non-powered air-purifying

particulate respirator described in

84.170 shall, where its design requires,

contain the following component parts:



(1) Facepiece, mouthpiece with nose-

clip, hood, or helmet;

(2) Filter unit;

(3) Harness;

(4) Attached blower; and

(5) Breathing tube.

(b) The components of each non-powered

air-purifying particulate respirator

shall meet the minimum construction

requirements set forth in

subpart G of this part.

84.172 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

Flexible breathing tubes used in conjunction

with respirators shall be designed

and constructed to prevent:

(a) Restriction of free head movement;

(b) Disturbance of the fit of

facepieces, mouthpieces, hoods, or helmets;

(c) Interference with the wearers activities;


(d) Shutoff of airflow due to kinking,

or from chin or arm pressure.

84.173 Harnesses; installation and

construction; minimum requirements.

(a) Each respirator shall, where necessary,

be equipped with a suitable harness

designed and constructed to hold

the components of the respirator in position

against the wearers body.

(b) Harnesses shall be designed and

constructed to permit easy removal

and replacement of respirator parts,

and, where applicable, provide for holding

a full facepiece in the ready position

when not in use.

84.174 Respirator containers; minimum


(a) Except as provided in paragraph

(b) of this section each respirator shall

be equipped with a substantial, durable

container bearing markings which

show the applicants name, the type of

respirator it contains, and all appropriate

approval labels.

(b) Containers for single-use respirators

may provide for storage of

more than one respirator, however,

such containers shall be designed and

constructed to prevent contamination

of respirators which are not removed,

and to prevent damage to respirators

during transit.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.175 Half-mask facepieces, full

facepieces, hoods, helmets, and

mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements.

(a) Half-mask facepieces and full

facepieces shall be designed and constructed

to fit persons with various facial

shapes and sizes either:

(1) By providing more than one face-

piece size; or

(2) By providing one facepiece size

which will fit varying facial shapes and


(b) Full facepieces shall provide for

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, which shall not reduce the respiratory

protective qualities of the respirator.

(c) Hoods and helmets shall be designed

and constructed to fit persons

with various head sizes, provide for the

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, and insure against any restriction

of movement by the wearer.

(d) Mouthpieces shall be equipped

with noseclips which are securely attached

to the mouthpiece or respirator

and provide an airtight seal.

(e) Facepieces, hoods, and helmets

shall be designed to prevent eyepiece


(f) Half-mask facepieces shall not

interfere with the fit of common industrial

safety corrective spectacles.

84.176 Facepieces, hoods, and helmets;

eyepieces; minimum requirements.

Facepieces, hoods, and helmets shall

be designed and constructed to provide

adequate vision which is not distorted

by the eyepieces.

84.177 Inhalation and exhalation

valves; minimum requirements.

(a) Inhalation and exhalation valves

shall be protected against distortion.

(b) Inhalation valves shall be designed

and constructed and provided

where necessary to prevent excessive

exhaled air from adversely affecting

filters, except where filters are specifically

designed to resist moisture.

(c) Exhalation valves shall be:

(1) Provided where necessary;

(2) Protected against damage and external

influence; and


Public Health Service, HHS

(3) Designed and constructed to prevent

inward leakage of contaminated


84.178 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

(a) All facepieces shall be equipped

with head harnesses designed and constructed

to provide adequate tension

during use and an even distribution of

pressure over the entire area in contact

with the face.

(b) Facepiece head harnesses, except

those employed on single-use respirators,

shall be adjustable and replaceable.

(c) Mouthpieces shall be equipped,

where applicable, with adjustable and

replaceable harnesses, designed and

constructed to hold the mouthpiece in


84.179 Non-powered air-purifying

particulate respirators; filter identification.

(a) The respirator manufacturer, as

part of the application for certification,

shall specify the filter series

and the filter efficiency level (i.e.,

N95, R95, P95, N99, R99,

P99, N100, R100, or P100) for

which certification is being sought.

(b) Filters shall be prominently labeled

as follows:

(1) N100 filters shall be labeled N100

Particulate Filter (99.97% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color

other than magenta.

(2) R100 filters shall be labeled R100

Particulate Filter (99.97% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color

other than magenta.

(3) P100 filters shall be labeled P100

Particulate Filter (99.97% filter efficiency

level) and shall be color coded


(4) N99 filters shall be labeled N99

Particulate Filter (99% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color other than


(5) R99 filters shall be labeled R99

Particulate Filter (99% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color other than


(6) P99 filters shall be labeled P99

Particulate Filter (99% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color other than



(7) N95 filters shall be labeled as N95

Particulate Filter (95% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color other than


(8) R95 filters shall be labeled as R95

Particulate Filter (95% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color other than


(9) P95 filters shall be labeled as P95

Particulate Filter (95% filter efficiency

level) and shall be a color other than


84.180 Airflow resistance tests.

(a) Resistance to airflow will be

measured in the facepiece, mouthpiece,

hood, or helmet of a particulate respirator

(complete respirator) mounted

on a test fixture with air flowing at

continuous rate of 85 2 liters per

minute, before each test conducted in

accordance with 84.182.

(b) The resistances for particulate

respirators upon initial inhalation

shall not exceed 35 mm water column

height pressure and upon initial exhalation

shall not exceed 25 mm water

column height pressure.

84.181 Non-powered air-purifyingparticulate filter efficiency level determination.

(a) Twenty filters of each non-powered

air-purifying particulate respirator

model shall be tested for filter

efficiency against:

(1) A solid sodium chloride particulate

aerosol as per this section, if N-series

certification is requested by the


(2) A dioctyl phthalate or equivalent

liquid particulate aerosol as per this

section, if R-series or P-series certification

is requested by the applicant.

(b) Filters including holders and gaskets;

when separable, shall be tested

for filter efficiency level, as mounted

on a test fixture in the manner as used

on the respirator.

(c) Prior to filter efficiency testing of

20 N-series filters, the 20 to be tested

shall be taken out of their packaging

and placed in an environment of 85 5

percent relative humidity at 38 2.5 C

for 25 1 hours. Following the pre-conditioning,

filters shall be sealed in a

gas-tight container and tested within

10 hours.



(d) When the filters do not have separable

holders and gaskets, the exhalation

valves shall be blocked so as to ensure

that leakage, if present, is not included

in the filter efficiency level


(e) For non-powered air-purifying

particulate respirators with a single

filter, filters shall be tested at a continuous

airflow rate of 85 4 liters per

minute. Where filters are to be used in

pairs, the test-aerosol airflow rate

shall be 42.5 2 liters per minute

through each filter.

(f) Filter efficiency test aerosols. (1)

When testing N-series filters, a sodium

chloride or equivalent solid aerosol at

25 5 C and relative humidity of 30 10

percent that has been neutralized to

the Boltzmann equilibrium state shall

be used. Each filter shall be challenged

with a concentration not exceeding 200


(2) When testing R-series and P-series

filters, a neat cold-nebulized dioctyl

phthalate (DOP) or equivalent aerosol

at 25 5 C that has been neutralized to

the Boltzmann equilibrium state shall

be used. Each filter shall be challenged

with a concentration not exceeding 200


(3) The test shall continue until minimum

efficiency is achieved or until an

aerosol mass of at least 200 5 mg has

contacted the filter. For P-series filters,

if the filter efficiency is decreasing

when the 200 5 mg challenge point

is reached, the test shall be continued

until there is no further decrease in efficiency.

(g) The sodium chloride test aerosol

shall have a particle size distribution

with count median diameter of 0.075

0.020 micrometer and a standard geometric

deviation not exceeding 1.86 at

the specified test conditions as determined

with a scanning mobility particle

sizer or equivalent. The DOP aerosol

shall have a particle size distribution

with count median diameter of

0.185 0.020 micrometer and a standard

geometric deviation not exceeding 1.60

at the specified test conditions as determined

with a scanning mobility particle

sizer or equivalent.

(h) The efficiency of the filter shall

be monitored and recorded throughout

the test period by a suitable forward-

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

light-scattering photometer or equivalent


(i) The minimum efficiency for each

of the 20 filters shall be determined and

recorded and be equal to or greater

than the filter efficiency criterion listed

for each level as follows:

P100, R100 and N100: Efficiency =99.97%

P99, R99 and N99: Efficiency =99%

P95, R95 and N95: Efficiency =95%

84.182 Exhalation valve leakage test;

minimum requirements.

(a) Dry exhalation valves and valve

seats will be subjected to a suction of

25 mm. water-column height while in a

normal operating position.

(b) Leakage between the valve and

valve seat shall not exceed 30 milliliters

per minute.

Subpart LChemical CartridgeRespirators

84.190 Chemical cartridge respirators:


(a) Chemical cartridge respirators including

all completely assembled respirators

which are designed for use as

respiratory protection during entry

into or escape from atmospheres not

immediately dangerous to life and

health, are described according to the

specific gases or vapors against which

they are designed to provide respiratory

protection, as follows:


use con-

Type of chemical cartridge respirator 1


parts per


Ammonia ............................................................


Chlorine .............................................................


Hydrogen chloride .............................................


Methyl amine .....................................................


Organic vapor ....................................................

2 1,000

Sulfur dioxide .....................................................


Vinyl chloride .....................................................


1 Not for use against gases or vapors with poor warning

properties (except where MSHA or Occupational Safety and

Health Administration standards may permit such use for a

specific gas or vapor) or those which generate high heats of

reaction with sorbent material in the cartridge.

2 Maximum use concentrations are lower for organic vapors

which produce atmospheres immediately hazardous to life or

health at concentrations equal to or lower than this


(b) Chemical cartridge respirators for

respiratory protection against gases or

vapors, which are not specifically listed

with their maximum use concentration,

may be approved if the applicant


Public Health Service, HHS

submits a request for such approval, in

writing, to the Institute. The Institute

shall consider each such application

and accept or reject the application

after a review of the effects on the

wearers health and safety and in the

light of any field experience in use of

chemical cartridge respirators as protection

against such hazards.

84.191 Chemical cartridge respirators;

required components.

(a) Each chemical cartridge respirator

described in 84.190 shall, where

its design requires, contain the following

component parts:

(1) Facepiece, mouthpiece, and nose-

clip, hood, or helmet;

(2) Cartridge;

(3) Cartridge with filter;

(4) Harness;

(5) Breathing tube; and

(6) Attached blower.

(b) The components of each chemical

cartridge respirator shall meet the

minimum construction requirements

set forth in subpart G of this part.

84.192 Cartridges in parallel; resistance


Where two or more cartridges are

used in parallel, their resistance to airflow

shall be essentially equal.

84.193 Cartridges; color and markings;


The color and markings of all cartridges

or labels shall conform with the

requirements of the American National

Standards Institute, American National

Standard for Identification of

Air-Purifying Respirator Canisters and

Cartridges, ANSI K13.11973. ANSI

K13.1 is incorporated by reference and

has been approved by the Director of

the Federal Register in accordance

with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.

Copies may be obtained from American

National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430

Broadway, New York, NY 10018. Copies

may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgan-

town, WV 265052888, or at the National

Archives and Records Administration

(NARA). For information on the availability

of this material at NARA, call

2027416030, or go to: http://




84.194 Filters used with chemical

cartridges; location; replacement.

(a) Particulate matter filters used in

conjunction with a chemical cartridge

shall be located on the inlet side of the


(b) Filters shall be incorporated in or

firmly attached to the cartridge and

each filter assembly shall, where applicable,

be designed to permit its easy removal

from and replacement on the


84.195 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

Flexible breathing tubes used in conjunction

with respirators shall be designed

and constructed to prevent:

(a) Restriction of free head movement;

(b) Disturbance of the fit of

facepieces, mouthpieces, hoods, or helmets;

(c) Interference with the wearers activities;


(d) Shutoff of airflow due to kinking,

or from chin or arm pressure.

84.196 Harnesses; installation and

construction; minimum require


(a) Each respirator shall, where necessary,

be equipped with a suitable harness

designed and constructed to hold

the components of the respirator in position

against the wearers body.

(b) Harnesses shall be designed and

constructed to permit easy removal

and replacement of respirator parts

and, where applicable, provide for holding

a full facepiece in the ready position

when not in use.

84.197 Respirator containers; minimum


Respirators shall be equipped with a

substantial, durable container bearing

markings which show the applicants

name, the type and commercial designation

of the respirator it contains

and all appropriate approval labels.



84.198 Half-mask facepieces, full

facepieces, mouthpieces, hoods, and

helmets; fit; minimum requirements.

(a) Half-mask facepieces and full

facepieces shall be designed and constructed

to fit persons with various facial

shapes and sizes either:

(1) By providing more than one face-

piece size; or

(2) By providing one facepiece size

which will fit varying facial shapes and


(b) Hoods and helmets shall be designed

and constructed to fit persons

with various head sizes, provide for the

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, and insure against any restriction

of movement by the wearer.

(c) Mouthpieces shall be equipped

with noseclips which are securely attached

to the mouthpiece or respirator

and provide an airtight fit.

(d) Full facepieces shall provide for

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses which shall not reduce the respiratory

protective qualities of the respirator.

(e) Facepieces, hoods, and helmets

shall be designed to prevent eyepiece


84.199 Facepieces, hoods, and helmets;

eyepieces; minimum requirements.

Facepieces, hoods, and helmets shall

be designed and constructed to provide

adequate vision which is not distorted

by the eyepieces.

84.200 Inhalation and exhalation

valves; minimum requirements.

(a) Inhalation and exhalation valves

shall be provided where necessary and

protected against distortion.

(b) Inhalation valves shall be designed

and constructed to prevent excessive

exhaled air from entering cartridges

or adversely affecting canisters.

(c) Exhalation valves shall be

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(1) Protected against damage and external

influence; and

(2) Designed and constructed to prevent

inward leakage of contaminated


84.201 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

(a)(1) Facepieces for chemical cartridge

respirators other than single-use

vinyl chloride shall be equipped with

adjustable and replaceable head harnesses

designed and constructed to provide

adequate tension during use and

an even distribution of pressure over

the entire area in contact with the


(2) Facepieces for single-use vinyl

chloride respirators shall be equipped

with adjustable head harnesses designed

and constructed to provide adequate

tension during use and an even

distribution of pressure over the entire

area in contact with the face.

(b) Mouthpieces shall be equipped

where applicable, with an adjustable

and replaceable harness designed and

constructed to hold the mouthpiece in


84.202 Air velocity and noise levels;

hoods and helmets; minimum re


Noise levels generated by the respirator

will be measured inside the

hood or helmet at maximum airflow

obtainable and shall not exceed 80 dBA.

84.203 Breathing resistance test; minimum


(a) Resistance to airflow will be

measured in the facepiece, mouthpiece,

hood, or helmet of a chemical cartridge

respirator mounted on a test fixture

with air flowing at a continuous rate of

85 liters per minute, both before and

after each test conducted in accordance

with 84.206 through 84.207.

(b) The maximum allowable resistance

requirements for chemical cartridge

respirators are as follows:


[Millimeter water column height]

Type of chemical-cartridge respirator



Initial Final 1

Other than single-use vinyl chloride respirators:

For gases, vapors, or gases and vapors ........................................................ 40 45 20


Public Health Service, HHS 84.207


[Millimeter water column height]

Type of chemical-cartridge respirator



Initial Final 1

For gases, vapors, or gases and vapors, and particulates ............................

Single-use respirator with valves:

For vinyl chloride .............................................................................................

For vinyl chloride and particulates ..................................................................

Single-use respirator without valves:

For vinyl chloride .............................................................................................

For vinyl chloride and particulates ..................................................................
















1 Measured at end of service life specified in Table 11 of this subpart.

2 Same as inhalation.

84.204 Exhalation valve leakage test;

minimum requirements.

(a) Dry exhalation valves and valve

seats will be subjected to a suction of

25 mm. water-column height while in a

normal operating position.

(b) Leakage between the valve and

valve seat shall not exceed 30 milliliters

per minute.

84.205 Facepiece test; minimum requirements.

(a) The complete chemical cartridge

respirator will be fitted to the faces of

persons having varying facial shapes

and sizes.

(b) Where the applicant specifies a

facepiece size or sizes for the respirator

together with the approximate measurement

of faces they are designed to

fit, the Institute will provide test subjects

to suit such facial measurements.

(c) Any chemical cartridge respirator

part which must be removed to perform

the facepiece or mouthpiece fit test

shall be replaceable without special

tools and without disturbing facepiece

or mouthpiece fit.

(d) The facepiece or mouthpiece fit

test using the positive or negative

pressure recommended by the applicant

and described in his instructions will

be used before each test.

(e)(1) Each wearer will enter a chamber

containing 100 p.p.m. isoamyl acetate

vapor for half-mask facepieces,

and 1,000 p.p.m. for full facepieces,

mouthpieces, hoods, and helmets.

(2) The facepiece or mouthpiece may

be adjusted, if necessary, in the test

chamber before starting the test.

(3) Each wearer will remain in the

chamber for 8 minutes while performing

the following activities:

(i) Two minutes, nodding and turning


(ii) Two minutes, calisthenic arm


(iii) Two minutes, running in place;


(iv) Two minutes, pumping with a

tire pump into a 28-liter (1 cubic-foot)


(4) Each wearer shall not detect the

odor of isoamyl-acetate vapor during

the test.

84.206 Particulate tests; respirators

with filters; minimum requirements;


(a) Three respirators with cartridges

containing, or having attached to

them, filters for protection against

particulates will be tested in accordance

with the provisions of 84.207.

(b) In addition to the test requirements

set forth in paragraph (a) of this

section, three such respirators will be

tested, as appropriate, in accordance

with the provisions of 84.179 through

84.183; however, the maximum allowable

resistance of complete particulate,

and gas, vapor, or gas and vapor chemical

cartridge respirators shall not exceed

the maximum allowable limits set

forth in 84.203.

84.207 Bench tests; gas and vapor

tests; minimum requirements; general.

(a) Bench tests will be made on an

apparatus that allows the test atmosphere

at 50 5 percent relative humidity

and room temperature, approximately

25 C, to enter the cartridges

continuously at predetermined concentrations

and rates of flow, and that


Pt. 84, Subpt. L, Tables

has means for determining the test life

of the cartridges.

(b) Where two cartridges are used in

parallel on a chemical cartridge respirator,

the bench test will be performed

with the cartridges arranged in

parallel, and the test requirements will

apply to the combination rather than

to the individual cartridges.

(c) Three cartridges or pairs of cartridges

will be removed from containers

and tested as received from the


(d) Two air purifying cartridges or

pairs of cartridges will be equilibrated

at room temperature by passing 25 per42

CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

cent relative humidity air through

them at the flow rate of 25 liters per

minute (l.p.m.) for 6 hours.

(e) Two air purifying cartridges or

pairs of cartridges will be equilibrated

by passing 85 percent relative humidity

air through them at the flow rate of 25


(f) All cartridges will be resealed,

kept in an upright position, at room

temperatures, and tested within 18


(g) Cartridges will be tested and shall

meet the minimum requirements set

forth in Table 11 of this subpart.




[42 CFR part 84, subpart L]

Cartridge Test condition

Test atmosphere



Number of






life 2 (min.)Gas or vapor Concentration


Ammonia ........... As received ....... NH3 1000 64 3 50 50

Ammonia ........... Equilibrated ....... NH3 1000 32 4 50 50

Chlorine ............. As received ....... Cl2 500 64 3 5 35

Chlorine ............. Equilibrated ....... Cl2 500 32 4 5 35

Hydrogen chlo-As received ....... HCl 500 64 3 5 50


Hydrogen chlo-Equilibrated ....... HCl 500 32 4 5 50


Methylamine ...... As received ....... CH3 NH2 1000 64 3 10 25

Methylamine ...... Equilibrated ....... CH3 NH2 1000 32 4 10 25

Organic vapors .. As received ....... CCl4 1000 64 3 5 50

Organic vapors .. Equilibrated ....... CCl4 1000 32 4 5 50

Sulfur dioxide ..... As received ....... SO2 500 64 3 5 30

Sulfur dioxide ..... Equilibrated ....... SO2 500 32 4 5 30

1 Minimum life will be determined at the indicated penetration.

2 Where a respirator is designed for respiratory protection against more than one type of gas or vapor, as for use in ammonia

and in chlorine, the minimum life shall be one-half that shown for each type of gas or vapor. Where a respirator is designed for

respiratory protection against more than one gas of a type, as for use in chlorine and sulfur dioxide, the stated minimal life shall


Subpart M [Reserved]

Subpart NSpecial Use


84.250 Vinyl chloride respirators; description.

Vinyl chloride respirators, including

all completely assembled respirators

which are designed for use as respiratory

protection during entry into

and escape from vinyl chloride

atmospheres containing adequate oxygen

to support life, are described ac

cording to their construction as follows:

(a) Front-mounted or back-mounted

gas masks;

(b) Chin-style gas masks;

(c) Chemical-cartridge respirators;

(d) Powered air-purifying respirators;


(e) Other devices, including combination



Public Health Service, HHS

84.251 Required components.

(a) Each vinyl chloride respirator described

in 84.250 shall, where its design

requires, contain the following

component parts:

(1) Facepiece;

(2) Canister with end-of-service-life


(3) Cartridge with end-of-service-life


(4) Harness;

(5) Attached blower; and

(6) Breathing tube.

(b) The components of each vinyl

chloride respirator shall meet the minimum

construction requirements set

forth in Subpart G of this part.

84.252 Gas masks; requirements and


(a) Except for the tests prescribed in

84.126, the minimum requirements and

performance tests for gas masks, prescribed

in Subpart I of this part, are

applicable to vinyl chloride gas masks.

(b) The following bench tests are applicable

to canisters designed for use

with gas masks for entry into and escape

from vinyl chloride atmospheres

containing adequate oxygen to support


(1) Four canisters will be equilibrated

at 25 5 C by passing 85 5 percent relative

humidity air through them at 64

liters per minute for six hours.

(2) The equilibrated canisters will be

resealed, kept in an upright position at

room temperature, and tested according

to paragraph (b)(3) of this section

within 18 hours.

(3) The canisters equilibrated and

stored as described in paragraphs (b) (1)

and (2) of this section will be tested on

an apparatus that allows the test atmosphere

at 85 5 percent relative humidity

and 25 5 C to enter the canister

continuously at a concentration

of 25 ppm vinyl chloride monomer at a

total flow rate of 64 liters per minute.

(4) The maximum allowable penetration

after six hours of testing according

to paragraph (b)(3) of this section

shall not exceed 1 ppm vinyl chloride.

(c) Where canisters are submitted for

testing and approval with a service life

of more than four hours, the period of

time for testing for vinyl chloride penetration

will be performed at 150% of

the service life specified in the manu


facturers application. (Example: If a

manufacturer requests approval of a

respirator for six hours use against exposure

to vinyl chloride, the maximum

allowable penetration after nine hours

of testing shall not exceed 1 ppm vinyl


84.253 Chemical-cartridge respirators;

requirements and tests.

(a) Except for the tests prescribed in

84.206 and 84.207, the minimum requirements

and performance tests for

chemical-cartridge respirators prescribed

in Subpart L of this part are

applicable to replaceable-cartridge and

single-use vinyl chloride chemical-cartridge


(b) The following bench tests are applicable

to cartridges designed for use

with chemical-cartridge respirators for

entry into and escape from vinyl chloride

atmospheres containing adequate

oxygen to support life:

(1) Where two cartridges are used in

parallel on a chemical-cartridge respirator,

the bench test requirements

will apply to the combination rather

than the individual cartridges.

(2) Four cartridges or pairs of cartridges

will be equilibrated at 25 5 C

by passing 85 5 percent relative humidity

air through them at 25 liters

per minute for six hours.

(3) The equilibrated cartridges will be

resealed, kept in an upright position,

at room temperature, and tested according

to paragraphs (b)(4) and (b)(5)

of this section for other than single-use

respirators or according to paragraphs

(b)(6) and (b)(7) of this section for sin-

gle-use respirators within 18 hours.

(4) The cartridges or pairs of cartridges

for other than single-use respirators,

equilibrated and stored as described

in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and

(b)(3) of this section, will be tested on

an apparatus that allows the test atmosphere

at 85 5 percent relative humidity

and 25 5 C, to enter the cartridges

or pairs of cartridges continuously

at a concentration of 10 ppm

vinyl chloride monomer at a total

flowrate of 64 liters per minute.

(5) The maximum allowable penetration

after 90 minutes testing of cartridges

or pairs of cartridges for other

than single-use respirators, according



to paragraph (b)(4) of this section shall

not exceed 1 ppm vinyl chloride.

(6) The single-use respirators, equilibrated

and stored as described in paragraphs

(b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section,

will be tested on an apparatus that allows

a test atmosphere at 85 5 percent

relative humidity and 25 5 C to be cycled

through the respirator by a

breathing machine at a concentration

of 10 ppm vinyl chloride monomer at

the rate of 24 respirations per minute

at a minute volume of 40 0.6 liters. Air

exhaled through the respirator will be

35 2 C with 94 3 percent relative humidity.

(7) The maximum allowable penetration

after 144 minutes testing of respirators,

according to paragraph (b)(6)

of this section, shall not exceed 1 ppm

vinyl chloride.

84.254 Powered air-purifying respirators;

requirements and tests.

(a) Except for the tests prescribed in

84.207, the minimum requirements and

performance tests for powered air-purifying

respirators prescribed in subpart

L of this part are applicable to vinyl

chloride powered air-purifying respirators.

(b) The following bench tests are applicable

to cartridges designed for use

with powered air-purifying respirators

for entry into and escape from vinyl

chloride atmospheres containing adequate

oxygen to support life:

(1) Four cartridges will be equilibrated

at 25 C by passing 85 5 percent

relative humidity air through

them at 115 liters per minute for tight-

fitting facepieces and 170 liters per

minute for loose-fitting hoods and helmets,

for six hours.

(2) The equilibrated cartridges will be

resealed, kept in an upright position at

room temperature and tested according

to paragraph (b)(3) of this section within

18 hours.

(3) The cartridges equilibrated and

stored as described in paragraphs (b) (1)

and (2) of this section will be tested on

an apparatus that allows the test atmosphere

at 85 5 percent relative humidity

and 25 5 C to enter the cartridge

continuously at a concentration

of 25 ppm vinyl chloride monomer at a

total flow rate of 115 liters per minute

for tight-fitting facepieces and 170 li42

CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

ters per minute for loose-fitting hoods

and helmets.

(4) The maximum allowable penetration

after six hours of testing according

to paragraph (b)(3) of this section

shall not exceed 1 ppm vinyl chloride.

84.255 Requirements for end-of-service-

life indicator.

(a) Each canister or cartridge submitted

for testing and approval in accordance

with 84.252, 84.253, and 84.254

shall be equipped with a canister or

cartridge end-of-service-life indicator

which shows a satisfactory indicator

change or other obvious warning before

1 ppm vinyl chloride penetration occurs.

The indicator shall show such

change or afford such warning at 80 10

percent of the total service life to 1

ppm leakage, as determined by continuing

each test described in

84.252(b), 84.253(b), and 84.254(b) until

a 1 ppm leakage of vinyl chloride occurs.

(b) The applicant shall provide sufficient

pretest data to verify the performance

of the end-of-service-life indicator

required in paragraph (a) of this


84.256 Quality control requirements.

(a) In addition to the construction

and performance requirements specified

in 84.251, 84.252, 84.253, 84.254, and

84.255, the quality control requirements

in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this

section apply to approval of gas masks,

chemical cartridge respirators, and

powered air-purifying respirators for

entry into and escape from vinyl chloride

atmospheres containing adequate

oxygen to support life.

(b) The respirators submitted for approval

as described in paragraph (a) of

this section shall be accompanied by a

complete quality control plan meeting

the requirements of subpart E of this


(c)(1) The applicant shall specify in

the plan that a sufficient number of

samples will be drawn from each bulk

container of sorbent material and that

where activated carbon is used, the following

specific tests will be performed:

(i) Apparent density;

(ii) Iodine number;

(iii) Moisture content;


Public Health Service, HHS

(iv) Carbon tetrachloride number;


(v) Mesh size.

(2) The tests in paragraph (c)(1) of

this section shall be performed in a

quantity necessary to assure continued

satisfactory conformance of the canisters

and cartridges to the requirements

of this subpart.

(d) Final performance quality control

tests on the complete canisters and

cartridges shall be accomplished using

the bench tests and procedures prescribed

in 84.252, 84.253, 84.254, and


84.257 Labeling requirements.

(a) A warning shall be placed on the

label of each gas mask, chemical-cartridge

respirator, and powered air-purifying

respirator, and on the label of

each canister and cartridge, alerting

the wearer to the need for a fitting test

in accordance with the manufacturers

facepiece fitting instructions, providing

service life information, providing

specific instructions for disposal,

and advising that the wearer

may communicate to NIOSH any difficulties

that may be experienced in

the design and performance of any gas

mask, chemical-cartridge respirator, or

powered air-purifying respirator approved

under the requirements of this

subpart. The service lives of respirators

meeting the test requirements of this

subpart shall be specified as follows:

Chemical-cartridge respirator .............1 hour.

Gas mask............................................4 hours.

Powered air-purifying respirator .......4 hours.

(b) Where the service life of a respirator

is approved for more than four

hours, the service life for which the

respirator has been approved will be


84.258 Fees.

The following fees shall be charged

for the examination, inspection, and

testing of complete assemblies and

components of respirators described in

84.250 and 84.251:

Complete gas mask ................................$1,100

Complete chemical-cartridge res

pirator.............................................. 1,150

Complete powered air-purifying res

pirator.............................................. 1,500

Canister or cartridge only ...................... 750


Subparts OJJ [Reserved]

Subpart KKDust, Fume, and Mist;

Pesticide; Paint Spray; Powered

Air-Purifying High Efficiency

Respirators and Combination

Gas Masks

84.1100 Scope and effective dates.

The purpose of this subpart KK is to

establish procedures and requirements

for issuing extensions of approval of

particulate respirators certified prior

to July 10, 1995 under the provisions of

30 CFR part 11 (See 30 CFR part 11 edition,

as revised July 1, 1994.), new approvals

and extensions of approval of

particulate respirators for applications

that are in NIOSH receipt on July 10,

1995, and approval of powered air-purifying


(a) Air-purifying respirators with

particulate filters approved under the

provisions of this subpart after July 10,

1995 will have a 30 CFR part 11 approval


(b) Only changes or modifications of

non-powered air-purifying respirators

with particulate filters approved under

the provisions of subparts I, K, L, or M

of 30 CFR part 11 or paragraph (a) of

this section and deemed necessary by

NIOSH to ensure the health and safety

of the wearer will be approved until

July 10, 1998 and will have a 30 CFR

part 11 approval label.

(c) Only changes or modifications of

powered air-purifying respirators with

particulate filters approved under the

provisions of subparts I, K, L, or M of

30 CFR part 11 or paragraph (a) of this

section and deemed necessary by

NIOSH to ensure the health and safety

of the wearer will be approved under

this subpart until July 10, 1998 and will

have a 30 CFR part 11 label.

(d) Approval of powered air-purifying

respirators will be issued under this

subpart. Particulate filters for powered

air-purifying respirators approved

under the provisions of this subpart

shall be only high-efficiency (HEPA) as

described in 84.1130(a)(4) and will

carry a 42 CFR part 84 approval label.

In addition, changes or modifications

of powered HEPA air-purifying respirators

approved under the provisions

of this subpart KK will be approved



under this subpart and will have a 42

CFR part 84 approval label.

84.1101 Definitions.

As used in this subpart

(a) Air Contamination Level means the

standards of contaminant levels prescribed

by the Secretary of Labor in

accordance with the provisions of the

Occupational Safety and Health Act of

1970 (Pub. L. 91596; 84 Stat. 1590).

(b) DOP means a homogenous liquid

aerosol, having a particle diameter of

0.3 micrometer, which is generated by

vaporization and condensation of

dioctyl phthalate.

(c) Pesticide means:

(1) Any substance or mixture of substances

(including solvents and impurities)

intended to prevent, destroy,

repel, or mitigate any insect, rodent,

nematode, fungus, weed, or other form

of plant or animal life or virus; and

(2) Any substance or mixture of substances

(including solvents and impurities)

intended for use as a plant regulator,

defoliant, or desiccant, as defined

in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,

and Rodenticide Act of 1947, as

amended (7 U.S.C. 135135k), excluding

fumigants which are applied as gases or

vapors or in a solid or liquid form as

pellets or poured liquids for subsequent

release as gases or vapors.

(d) Radionuclide means an atom identified

by the constitution of its nucleus

(specified by the number of protons Z,

number of neutrons N, and energy, or,

alternatively, by the atomic number Z,

mass number A=(N+Z), and atomic

mass) which exists for a measurable

time; decays or disintegrates spontaneously,

emits radiation, and results in

the formation of new nuclides.

(e) Smoke means the products of incomplete

combustion of organic substances

in the form of solid and liquid

particles and gaseous products in air,

usually of sufficient concentration to

perceptibility obscure vision.

84.1102 Examination, inspection and

testing of complete respirator assemblies;


The following fees shall be charged

by the Institute for the examination,

inspection and testing of complete respirator

assemblies approved under this


42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(a) Gas masks with particulate filter,

including pesticide gas masks

(1) Single hazard$1,100.

(2) Type N$4,100.

(b) Dust, fume and mist respirators

(1) Single particulate hazard having

an Air Contamination Level more than

0.05 mg./m.3 or 2 million particles per

cubic foot$500.

(2) Combination particulate hazards

having an Air Contamination Level

more than 0.05 mg./m.3 or 2 million particles

per cubic foot$750.

(3) Particulate hazards having an Air

Contamination Level less than 0.05

mg./m.3 or 2 million particles per cubic

foot, radon daughters$1,250.

(4) All dusts, fumes and mists$2,000.

(c) Paint spray respirators$1,600.

(d) Pesticide respirators$1,600.

(e) Chemical cartridge respirators

with particulate filter$1,150.

84.1103 Approval labels and markings;

approval of contents; use.

(a) Full-scale reproductions of approval

labels and markings, and a

sketch or description of the method of

application and position on the harness,

container, canister, cartridge, filter,

or other component, together with

instructions for the use and maintenance

of the respirator shall be submitted

to MSHA and the Institute for


(b) Approval labels for non-powered

and powered air-purifying dust, fume,

mist respirators approved prior to July

10, 1995 under the provisions of subpart

K of 30 CFR part 11 (See 30 CFR Part 11

edition, revised as of July 1, 1994.) shall

bear the emblem of the Mine Safety

and Health Administration and the

seal of the Department of Health and

Human Services, the applicants name

and address, an approval number assigned

by the Institute, a statement

that the respirator was tested and approved

under subpart K of 30 CFR part

11 and, where appropriate, restrictions

or limitations placed upon the use of

the respirator by the Institute. The approval

number assigned by the Institute

shall be designated by the prefix

TC and a serial number.

(c) Approval labels for powered air-

purifying respirators approved under

the provisions of this subpart shall


Public Health Service, HHS

bear the emblem of the National Institute

for Occupational Safety and

Health and the seal of the Department

of Health and Human Services, the applicants

name and address, an approval

number assigned by the Institute,

a statement stating the respirator

was tested under the provisions

of this subpart, and, where appropriate,

restrictions or limitations placed upon

the use of the respirator by the Institute.

The approval number assigned by

the Institute shall be designated by the

prefix TC and a serial number.


(c) The Institute shall, where necessary,

notify the applicant when additional

labels, markings, or instructions

will be required.

(d) Approval labels and markings

shall only be used by the applicant to

whom they were issued.

(e) Legible reproductions or abbreviated

forms of the label approved by

the Institute for use on each respirator

shall be attached to or printed at the

following locations:

Respirator type Label type Location

Gas mask with a particulate filter, including pesticide

gas mask.

Dust, fume, and mist respirators ............................

Chemical-cartridge respirator with a particulate filter,

including paint spray respirator.

Pesticide respirator .................................................

Entire .............................

Entire .............................

Abbreviated ...................

Entire .............................

Abbreviated ...................

Entire .............................

Abbreviated ...................

Mask and container.

Respirator container and filter container.


Respirator container, cartridge container, and filter

containers (where applicable).

Cartridges and filters and filter containers.

Respirator container, and cartridge and filter containers.

Cartridges and filters.

(f) The use of any MSHA and Institute

approval label obligates the applicant

to whom it is issued to maintain

or cause to be maintained the approved

quality control sampling schedule and

the acceptable quality level for each

characteristic tested, and to assure

that it is manufactured according to

the drawings and specifications upon

which the certificate of approval is


(g) Each respirator, respirator component,

and respirator container shall,

as required by the Institute to assure

quality control and proper use of the

respirator, be labeled distinctly to

show the name of the applicant, and

the name and letters or numbers by

which the respirator or respirator component

is designated for trade purposes,

and the lot number, serial number,

or approximate date of manufacture.

EDITORIAL NOTE: At 60 FR 30388, June 8,

1995, 84.1103 was added with two paragraph

(c) designations.

84.1130 Respirators; description.

(a) Dust, fume, and mist respirators,

including all completely assembled respirators

designed for use as respiratory

protection during entry into and escape

from atmospheres which contain

adequate oxygen to support life and

hazardous particulates, are described

as follows:

(1) Air-purifying respirators, either

with replaceable or reusable filters, designed

as respiratory protection

against dusts:

(i) Having an air contamination level

not less than 0.05 milligram per cubic

meter of air, including but not limited

to coal, arsenic, cadmium, chromium,

lead, and manganese; or

(ii) Having an air contamination

level not less than 2 million particles

per cubic foot of air, including but not

limited to aluminum, flour, iron ore,

and free silica, resulting principally

from the disintegration of a solid, e.g.,

dust clouds produced in mining, quarrying,

and tunneling, and in dusts produced

during industrial operations,

such as grinding, crushing, and the

general processing of minerals and

other materials.

(2) Air-purifying respirators, with replaceable

filters, designed as respiratory

protection against fumes of

various metals having an air contamination

level not less than 0.05 milligram

per cubic meter, including but

not limited to aluminum, antimony,

arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper,



iron, lead, magnesium, manganese,

mercury (except mercury vapor), and

zinc, which result from the sublimation

or condensation of their respective vapors,

or from the chemical reaction between

their respective vapors and


(3) Air-purifying respirators, with replaceable

filters, designed as respiratory

protection against mists of

materials having an air contamination

level not less than 0.05 milligram per

cubic meter or 2 million particles per

cubic foot, e.g., mists produced by

spray coating with vitreous enamels,

chromic acid mist produced during

chromium plating, and other mists of

materials whose liquid vehicle does not

produce harmful gases or vapors.

(4) Air-purifying respirators, with replaceable

filters, designed as respiratory

protection against dusts,

fumes, and mists having an air contamination

level less than 0.05 milligram

per cubic meter, including but

not limited to lithium hydride and beryllium,

and against radionuclides.

(5) Air-purifying respirators, with replaceable

filters, designed as respiratory

protection against radon

daughters, and radon daughters attached

to dusts, fumes, and mists.

(6) Air-purifying respirators, with replaceable

filters, designed as respiratory

protection against asbestos-

containing dusts and mists.

(7) Air-purifying respirators, with replaceable

filters, designed as protection

against various combinations of

particulate matter.

(8) Air-purifying dust respirators designed

as respiratory protection

against pneumoconiosis- and fibrosis-

producing dusts, or dusts and mists, including

but not limited to aluminum,

asbestos, coal, flour, iron ore, and free


(b) Gas masks containing filters for

protection against dusts, fumes, mists,

and smokes in combination with gases,

vapors, or gases and vapors. These respirators

are not for use against gases

or vapors with poor warning properties

(except where MSHA or Occupational

Safety and Health Administration

standards may permit such use for a

specific gas or vapor) or those which

generate high heats of reaction with

sorbent material in the canister.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

(c) Pesticide respirators, including

all completely assembled respirators

which are designed for use as respiratory

protection during entry into

and escape from atmospheres which

contain pesticide hazards, are described

according to their construction

as follows:

(1) Front-mounted or back-mounted

gas masks;

(2) Chin-style gas mask;

(3) Chemical cartridge;

(4) Air-purifying respirator with attached

blower; and,

(5) Other devices, including combination


(d) Respirators with cartridges containing

or having attached to them, filters

for protection against mists of

paints, lacquers, and enamels. These

respirators are not for use against

gases or vapors with poor warning

properties (except where MSHA or Occupational

Safety and Health Administration

standards may permit such use

for a specific gas or vapor) or those

which generate high heats of reaction

with sorbent material in the cartridge.

(e) Respirators with cartridges containing

or having attached to them filters

for protection against dusts,

fumes, and mists, except the mists of

paints, lacquers, and enamels. These

respirators are not for use against

gases or vapors with poor warning

properties (except where MSHA or Occupational

Safety and Health Administration

standards may permit such use

for a specific gas or vapor) or those

which generate high heats of reaction

with sorbent material in the cartridge.

84.1131 Respirators; required components.

(a) Each respirator described in

84.1130 shall, where its design requires,

contain the following component


(1) Facepiece, mouthpiece with nose-

clip, hood, or helmet;

(2) Filter unit, canister with filter, or

cartridge with filter;

(3) Harness;

(4) Attached blower; and

(5) Breathing tube.

(b) The components of each respirator

shall meet the minimum construction

requirements set forth in

Subpart G of this part.


Public Health Service, HHS

84.1132 Breathing tubes; minimum


(a) Flexible breathing tubes used in

conjunction with respirators shall be

designed and constructed to prevent:

(1) Restriction of free head movement;

(2) Disturbance of the fit of

facepieces, mouthpieces, hoods, or helmets;

(3) Interference with the wearers activities;


(4) Shutoff of airflow due to kinking,

or from chin or arm pressure.

84.1133 Harnesses; installation and

construction; minimum requirements.

(a) Each respirator shall, where necessary,

be equipped with a suitable harness

designed and constructed to hold

the components of the respirator in position

against the wearers body.

(b) Harnesses shall be designed and

constructed to permit easy removal

and replacement of respirator parts,

and, where applicable, provide for holding

a full facepiece in the ready position

when not in use.

84.1134 Respirator containers; minimum


(a) Except as provided in paragraph

(b) of this section each respirator shall

be equipped with a substantial, durable

container bearing markings which

show the applicants name, the type of

respirator it contains, and all appropriate

approval labels. Except for dust,

fume, and mist respirators, the commercial

designation of the respirator it

contains shall be shown.

(b) Containers for single-use respirators

may provide for storage of

more than one respirator, however,

such containers shall be designed and

constructed to prevent contamination

of respirators which are not removed,

and to prevent damage to respirators

during transit.

(c) Containers for gas masks combinations

shall be designed and constructed

to permit easy removal of the



84.1135 Half-mask facepieces, full

facepieces, hoods, helmets, and

mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements.

(a) Half-mask facepieces and full

facepieces shall be designed and constructed

to fit persons with various facial

shapes and sizes either:

(1) By providing more than one face-

piece size; or

(2) By providing one facepiece size

which will fit varying facial shapes and


(b) Full facepieces shall provide for

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, which shall not reduce the respiratory

protective qualities of the respirator.

(c) Hoods and helmets shall be designed

and constructed to fit persons

with various head sizes, provide for the

optional use of corrective spectacles or

lenses, and insure against any restriction

of movement by the wearer.

(d) Mouthpieces shall be equipped

with noseclips which are securely attached

to the mouthpiece or respirator

and provide an airtight seal.

(e) Facepieces, hoods, and helmets

shall be designed to prevent eyepiece


(f) Half-mask facepieces shall not

interfere with the fit of common industrial

safety corrective spectacles, as

determined by the Institutes facepiece

tests in 84.1141, 84.1142, and 84.1156(b).

84.1136 Facepieces, hoods, and helmets;

eyepieces; minimum requirements.

(a) Facepieces, hoods, and helmets

shall be designed and constructed to

provide adequate vision which is not

distorted by the eyepieces.

(b) All eyepieces of gas masks combinations

shall be designed and constructed

to be impact and penetration

resistant. Federal Specification, Mask,

Air Line: and Respirator, Air Filtering,

Industrial, GGG-M-125d, October 11,

1965, with interim amendment-1, July

30, 1969, is an example of an appropriate

standard for determining impact and

penetration resistance. Copies of GGG-

M-125d may be obtained from the

NIOSH, Certification and Quality Assurance

Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road,

Morgantown, WV 265052888.



84.1137 Inhalation and exhalation

valves; minimum requirements.

(a) Inhalation and exhalation valves

shall be protected against distortion.

(b) Inhalation valves shall be designed

and constructed and provided

where necessary to prevent excessive

exhaled air from adversely affecting

filters, cartridges, and canisters, except

where filters of dust, fume, and

mist respirators are specifically designed

to resist moisture as prescribed

in 84.1145.

(c) Exhalation valves shall be:

(1) Provided where necessary;

(2) Protected against damage and external

influence; and

(3) Designed and constructed to prevent

inward leakage of contaminated


84.1138 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

(a) All facepieces shall be equipped

with head harnesses designed and constructed

to provide adequate tension

during use and an even distribution of

pressure over the entire area in contact

with the face.

(b) Facepiece head harnesses, except

those employed on single-use dust,

fume, and mist respirators, shall be adjustable

and replaceable.

(c) Mouthpieces shall be equipped,

where applicable, with adjustable and

replaceable harnesses, designed and

constructed to hold the mouthpiece in


84.1139 Air velocity and noise levels;

hoods and helmets; minimum re


Noise levels generated by the respirator

will be measured inside the

hood or helmet at maximum airflow

obtainable and shall not exceed 80 dBA.

84.1140 Dust, fume, and mist res

pirators; performance require

ments; general.

Dust, fume, and mist respirators and

the individual components of each such

device shall, as appropriate, meet the

requirements for performance and protection

specified in the tests described

in 84.1141 through 84.1152 and prescribed

in Tables 12 and 13.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.1141 Isoamyl acetate tightness

test; dust, fume, and mist respirators

designed for respiratory

protection against fumes of various

metals having an air contamination

level not less than 0.05 milligram

per cubic meter; minimum requirements.

(a) The respirator will be modified in

such a manner that all of the air that

normally would be inhaled through the

inhalation port(s) is drawn through an

efficient activated charcoal-filled canister,

or cartridge(s), without interference

with the face-contacting portion

of the facepiece.

(b) The modified respirator will be

worn by persons for at least 2 minutes

each in a test chamber containing 100

parts (by volume) of isoamyl-acetate

vapor per million parts of air.

(c) The odor of isoamyl-acetate shall

not be detected by the wearers of the

modified respirator while in the test


84.1142 Isoamyl acetate tightnesstest; respirators designed for respiratory

protection against dusts,

fumes, and mists having an air contamination

level less than 0.05 milligram

per cubic meter, or against

radionuclides; minimum requirements.

(a) The applicant shall provide a

charcoal-filled canister or cartridge of

a size and resistance similar to the filter

unit with connectors which can be

attached to the facepiece in the same

manner as the filter unit.

(b)(1) The canister or cartridge will

be used in place of the filter unit, and

persons will each wear a modified half-

mask facepiece for 5 minutes in a test

chamber containing 100 parts (by volume)

of isoamyl-acetate vapor per million

parts of air.

(2) The following work schedule will

be performed by each wearer in the test


(i) Two minutes walking, nodding,

and shaking head in normal movements;


(ii) Three minutes exercising and

running in place.

(3) The facepiece shall be capable of

adjustment, according to the applicants

instructions, to each wearers

face, and the odor of isoamyl-acetate


Public Health Service, HHS

shall not be detectable by any wearer

during the test.

(c) Where the respirator is equipped

with a full facepiece, hood, helmet, or

mouthpiece, the canister or cartridge

will be used in place of the filter unit,

and persons will each wear the modified

respiratory-inlet covering for 5

minutes in a test chamber containing

1,000 parts (by volume) of isoamyl-acetate

vapor per million parts of air, performing

the work schedule specified in

paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

84.1143 Dust, fume, and mist air-purifying

filter tests; performance requirements;


Dust, fume, and mist respirators will

be tested in accordance with the schedule

set forth in Table 13 of this subpart

to determine their effectiveness as protection

against the particulate hazards

specified in Table 13.

84.1144 Silica dust test for dust,

fume, and mist respirators; single-

use or reusable filters; minimum requirements.

(a) Three non-powered respirators

with single-use filters will be tested for

periods of 90 minutes each at a continuous

airflow rate of 32 liters per


(b) The relative humidity in the test

chamber will be 2080 percent, and the

room temperature approximately 25 C.

(c) The test suspension in the chamber

will not be less than 50 nor more

than 60 milligrams of flint (99+ percent

free silica) per cubic meter of air.

(d) The flint in suspension will be

ground to pass 99+ percent through a

270-mesh sieve.

(e) The particle-size distribution of

the test suspension will have a geometric

mean of 0.4 to 0.6 micrometer,

and the standard geometric deviation

will not exceed 2.

(f) The total amount of unretained

test suspension in samples taken during

testing shall not exceed 1.5 milligrams

for a non-powered air-purifying


(g) Three non-powered respirators

with reusable filters will be tested and

shall meet the requirements specified

in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this

section; each filter shall be tested

three times: Once as received; once

after cleaning; and once after re


cleaning. The applicants instructions

shall be followed for each cleaning.

84.1145 Silica dust test; non-poweredsingle-use dust respirators; minimum


(a) Three respirators will be tested.

(b) As described in 84.1144, airflow

will be cycled through the respirator

by a breathing machine at the rate of

24 respirations per minute with a

minute volume of 40 liters; a breathing

machine cam with a work rate of 622

kg.-m.2/minute shall be used.

(c) Air exhaled through the respirator

will be 35 2 C. with 94 3 percent

relative humidity. #

(d) Air inhaled through the respirator

will be sampled and analyzed for respirator


(e) The total amount of unretained

test suspension, after drying, in samples

taken during testing, shall not exceed

1.8 milligrams for any single test.

84.1146 Lead fume test for dust,

fume, and mist respirators; minimum


(a) Three non-powered respirators

will be tested for a period of 312 minutes

each at a continuous airflow rate

of 32 liters per minute.

(b) The relative humidity in the test

chamber will be 2080 percent, and the

room temperature approximately 25 C.

(c) The test suspension in the test

chamber will not be less than 15 nor

more than 20 milligrams of freshly generated

lead-oxide fume, calculated as

lead (Pb), per cubic meter of air.

(d) The fume will be generated by impinging

an oxygen-gas flame on molten


(e) Samples of the test suspension

will be taken during each test period

for analysis.

(f) The total amount of unretained

test suspension in the samples taken

during testing, which is analyzed and

calculated as lead (Pb), shall not exceed

1.5 milligrams of lead for a non-

powered air-purifying respirator.

84.1147 Silica mist test for dust,

fume, and mist respirators; minimum


(a) Three non-powered respirators

will be tested for a period of 312 minutes

each at a continuous airflow rate

of 32 liters per minute.



(b) The room temperature in the test

chamber will be approximately 25C.

(c) The test suspension in the test

chamber will not be less than 20 nor

more than 25 milligrams of silica mist,

weighed as silica dust, per cubic meter

of air.

(d) Mist will be produced by spraying

an aqueous suspension of flint (99+ percent

free silica), and the flint shall be

ground to pass 99+ percent through a

270-mesh sieve.

(e) Samples of the test suspension

will be taken during each test period

for analysis.

(f) The total amount of silica mist

unretained in the samples taken during

testing, weighed as silica dust, shall

not exceed 2.5 milligrams for a non-

powered air-purifying respirator.

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)

84.1148 Tests for respirators designed

for respiratory protection

against more than one type of dispersoid;

minimum requirements.

Respirators designed as respiratory

protection against more than one particulate

hazard (dust, fume, or mist)

shall comply with all the requirements

of this part, with respect to each of the

specific hazards involved.

84.1149 Airflow resistance tests; all

dust, fume, and mist respirators;

minimum requirements.

(a) Resistance to airflow will be

measured in the facepiece, mouthpiece,

hood, or helmet of a dust, fume, or

mist respirator mounted on a test fixture

with air flowing at a continuous

rate of 85 liters per minute, both before

and after each test conducted in accordance

with 84.1144 through 84.1147.

(b) The maximum allowable resistance

requirements for dust, fume, and

mist respirators are as follows:


[mm. water-column height]

Type of respirator Initial inhalation

Final inhalation


Pneumoconiosis- and fibrosis-producing dusts, or dusts and mists ............................

Dust, fume, and mist, with single-use filter ...................................................................

Dust, fume, and mist, with reusable filter .....................................................................

Radon daughter .............................................................................................................

Asbestos dust and mist .................................................................................................









1 25







1 Measured after silica dust test described in 84.1144.

84.1150 Exhalation valve leakage

test; minimum requirements.

(a) Dry exhalation valves and valve

seats will be subjected to a suction of

25 mm. water-column height while in a

normal operating position.

(b) Leakage between the valve and

valve seat shall not exceed 30 milliliters

per minute.

84.1151 DOP filter test; respirators

designed as respiratory protection

against dusts, fumes, and mists having

an air contamination level less

than 0.05 milligram per cubic meter

and against radionuclides; minimum


(a) All single air-purifying respirator

filter units will be tested in an atmosphere

concentration of 100 micrograms

of DOP per liter of air at continuous

flow rates of 32 and 85 liters per minute

for a period of 5 to 10 seconds.

(b) Where filters are to be used in

pairs, the flow rates will be 16 and 42.5

liters per minute, respectively, through

each filter.

(c) The filter will be mounted on a

connector in the same manner as used

on the respirator, and the total leakage

for the connector and filter shall not

exceed 0.03 percent of the ambient DOP

concentration at either flow rate.

84.1152 Silica dust loading test; respirators

designed as protection

against dusts, fumes, and mists having

an air contamination level less

than 0.05 milligram per cubic meter

and against radionuclides; minimum


(a) Three non-powered respirators

will be tested in accordance with the


Public Health Service, HHS

provisions of 84.1144, or equivalent,

and shall meet the minimum requirements

of 84.1144 and 84.1149.

(b) Three powered air-purifying respirators

will be tested in accordance

with the provisions of 84.1144 except

they will be tested for a period of 4

hours each at a flowrate not less than

115 liters per minute to tight-fitting

facepieces, and not less than 170 liters

per minute to loose-fitting hoods and

helmets. The total amount of

unretained test suspension in samples

taken during testing shall not exceed

14.4 milligrams for a powered air-purifying

respirator with tight-fitting face-

piece, and 21.3 milligrams for a powered

air-purifying respirator with loose-fitting

hood or helmet. They shall meet

the minimum requirements of 84.1149.

84.1153 Dust, fume, mist, and smoke

tests; canister bench tests; gas

masks canisters containing filters;

minimum requirements.

(a) Gas mask canisters containing filters

for protection against dusts,

fumes, mists, and smokes in combination

with gases, vapors, or gases and

vapors, will be tested as prescribed in

84.1140 except for the breathing resistance

which will be in accordance with


(b) Gas mask canisters designed for

protection against smokes will be tested

in an atmospheric concentration of

100 micrograms of dioctyl phthalate

per liter of air at continuous flow rates

of 32 liters per minute and 85 liters per

minute for a period of 5 to 10 seconds,

and the DOP leakage through the canister

shall not exceed 0.03 percent of

the test concentration.

(c) Gas mask canisters containing filters

for protection against dusts,

fumes, mists, and smokes in combination

with gases, vapors, or gases and

vapors, will be tested as prescribed in


84.1154 Canister and cartridge requirements.

(a) Where two or more canisters or

cartridges are used in parallel, their resistance

to airflow shall be essentially


(b) The color and markings of all canisters

and cartridges or labels shall

conform with the requirements of the


American National Standards Institute,

American National Standard for

Identification of Air-Purifying Respirator

Canisters and Cartridges, ANSI

K13.11973. ANSI K13.1 is incorporated

by reference and has been approved by

the Director of the Federal Register in

accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1

CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained

from American National Standards Institute,

Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York,

NY 10018. Copies may be inspected at

the NIOSH, Certification and Quality

Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale

Road, Morgantown, WV 265052888, or

at the National Archives and Records

Administration (NARA). For information

on the availability of this material

at NARA, call 2027416030, or go





84.1155 Filters used with canisters

and cartridges; location; replace


(a) Particulate matter filters used in

conjunction with a canister or cartridge

shall be located on the inlet side

of the canister or cartridge.

(b) Filters shall be incorporated into

or firmly attached to the canister or

cartridge and each filter assembly

shall, where applicable, be designed to

permit its easy removal from and replacement

on the canister or cartridge.

84.1156 Pesticide respirators; performance

requirements; general.

Pesticide respirators and the individual

components of each such device

shall, as appropriate, meet the following

minimum requirements for performance

and protection:

(a) Breathing resistance test. (1) Airflow

resistance will be measured in the

facepiece, mouthpiece, hood, or helmet

of a pesticide respirator mounted on a

test fixture with air flowing at a continuous

rate of 85 liters per minute,

both before and after each test conducted

in accordance with paragraphs

(c) and (f) of this section.

(2) The maximum allowable resistance

requirements for pesticide respirators

are as follows:


84.1156 42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)


[mm. water-column height]

Type of pesticide respirator



Initial Final 1

Front- or back-mounted gas mask ................................................................................

Chin-style gas mask ......................................................................................................

Powered air-purifying 2 ..................................................................................................

Chemical Cartridge ........................................................................................................



2 50




2 70





1 Measured at end of the service life specified in Table 14 of this subpart.

2 Resistance of filter(s), cartridge(s), and breathing tube(s) only with blower not operating.

(b) Facepiece test. (1) The complete

pesticide respirator will be fitted to

the faces of persons having varying facial

shapes and sizes.

(2) Where the applicant specifies a

facepiece size or sizes for his respirator

together with the approximate measurements

of faces they are designed to

fit, the Institute will provide test subjects

to suit such facial measurements.

(3) Any pesticide respirator part

which must be removed to perform the

facepiece fit test shall be replaceable

without special tools and without disturbing

facepiece fit.

(4) The facepiece or mouthpiece fit

test using positive or negative pressure

recommended by the applicant and described

in his instructions will be used

during each test.

(5)(i) Each wearer will enter a chamber

containing 1,000 p.p.m. isoamyl-acetate

vapor for a respirator equipped

with a full facepiece, mouthpiece,

hood, or helmet and 100 p.p.m. isoamyl-

acetate vapor for a respirator equipped

with a half-mask facepiece.

(ii) The facepiece, mouthpiece, hood,

or helmet may be adjusted, if necessary,

in the test chamber before

starting the test.

(iii) Each wearer will remain in the

chamber while performing the following


(A) Two minutes, nodding and turning


(B) Two minutes, calisthenic arm


(C) Two minutes, running in place;


(D) Two minutes, pumping with a

tire pump into a 28-liter (1 cubic foot)


(iv) Each wearer shall not detect the

odor of isoamyl-acetate during the


(c) Silica dust test. Three completely

assembled pesticide respirators will be

tested with a mechanical-testing apparatus

as follows:

(1) Temperature in the test chamber

will be approximately 25 C.

(2) Continuous airflow through the

respirator will be 32 liters per minute

for front-mounted, back-mounted, and

chin-style gas mask pesticide respirators

and chemical cartridge pesticide

respirators, and not less than 115

(4 cubic feet) liters per minute to tight-

fitting facepieces and 170 liters (6 cubic

feet) per minute to loose-fitting hoods

and helmets of powered air-purifying


(3) The test aerosol will contain 5060

milligrams of 99+ percent free silica

per cubic meter of air.

(4) The particle size distribution of

the test suspension will have a geometric

mean diameter of 0.4 to 0.6 micrometer,

with a standard geometric

deviation less than 2.

(5) Front-mounted, back-mounted,

and chin-style gas mask pesticide respirators

and chemical cartridge pesticide

respirators will be tested for 90

minutes and powered air-purifying respirators

will be tested for 4 hours.

(d) Lead fume test. Three completely

assembled pesticide respirators will be

tested with a mechanical-testing apparatus

as follows:

(1) Continuous airflow through the

respirator will be 32 liters per minute

for front-mounted, back-mounted, and

chin-style gas mask pesticide respirators

and chemical cartridge pesticide

respirators and not less than 115

liters (4 cubic feet) per minute, for

powered air-purifying respirators with

tight-fitting facepieces, and not less

than 170 liters (6 cubic feet) per minute

for powered air-purifying respirators

with loose-fitting hoods and helmets.


Public Health Service, HHS

(2) The test aerosol will contain 1520

milligrams of freshly generated lead-

oxide fume, calculated as lead, per

cubic meter of air.

(3) The fume will be generated by impinging

an oxygen-gas flame on molten


(4) Front-mounted, back-mounted,

and chin-style gas mask pesticide respirators

and chemical cartridge pesticide

respirators will be tested for 90

minutes and powered air-purifying pesticide

respirators will be tested for 4


(5) The total amount of unretained

test suspension, which is analyzed and

calculated as lead, shall not exceed:

(i) 0.43 milligram for any 90-minute


(ii) 4.8 milligrams for any 4-hour test

made at 115 liters (4 cubic feet) per

minute; or

(iii) 6.2 milligrams for any 4-hour test

made at 170 liters (6 cubic feet) per


(e) Dioctyl-phthalate test. (1) All canisters

submitted for use with front-

mounted and back-mounted gas mask

pesticide respirators will be tested in

an atmospheric concentration of 100

micrograms of dioctyl-phthalate per

liter of air at continuous flow rates of

32 and 85 liters per minute for a test period

of 5 to 10 seconds.

(2) The DOP leakage through the canister

shall not exceed 0.03 percent of

the ambient DOP concentration.

(f) Bench tests for pesticide respirators.

(1)(i) Bench tests will be made on an

apparatus that allows the test atmosphere

at 50 5 percent relative humidity

and at room temperature (252.5

C.) to enter the canister or cartridge

at predetermined concentrations and

rates of flow, and that has a means for

determining the test life of the canister

or cartridge against carbon tetrachloride.

(ii) Canisters and cartridges will be

tested as they are used on each pesticide

respirator, either singly or in


(iii) Three canisters or cartridges or

pairs of cartridges will be removed

from containers and tested as received

from the applicant.


(iv) Two canisters, cartridges, or

pairs of cartridges will be equilibrated

at room temperature by passing 25 percent

relative humidity air through

them at the following flow rates (expressed

as liters per minute (l.p.m.))

for 6 hours:


Type of canister or cartridge



Air-purifying canister ..............................................


Air-purifying cartridge ............................................


Powered air-purifying with tight-fitting facepiece ...


Powered air-purifying with loose-fitting hood or

helmet ................................................................


(v) Two canisters, cartridges, or pairs

of cartridges will be equilibrated at

room temperature by passing 85 percent

relative humidity air through

them at the flow rates stated in paragraph

(f)(1)(iv) of this section for 6


(vi) The equilibrated canisters or cartridges

will be resealed, kept in an upright

position at room temperature,

and tested within 18 hours.

(2) Canisters and cartridges tested in

accordance with the provisions of this

section shall meet the requirements

specified in Table 14 of this subpart.

84.1157 Chemical cartridge respirators

with particulate filters;

performance requirements; general.

Chemical cartridge respirators with

particulate filters and the individual

components of each such device shall,

as appropriate, meet the following

minimum requirements for performance

and protection:

(a) Breathing resistance test. (1) Resistance

to airflow will be measured in the

facepiece, mouthpiece, hood, or helmet

of a chemical cartridge respirator

mounted on a test fixture with air

flowing at a continuous rate of 85 liters

per minute, both before and after each

test conducted in accordance with

paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section.

(2) The maximum allowable resistance

requirements for chemical cartridge

respirators are as follows:


84.1157 42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)


[mm. water-column height]

Type of chemical cartridge respirator



Initial Final 1

For gases, vapors, or gases and vapors, and dusts, fumes, and mists ......................

For gases, vapors, or gases and vapors, and mists of paints, lacquers, and enamels







1 Measured at end of service life specified in Table 11 in subpart L of this part.

(b) Facepiece test. The facepiece test

will be conducted as specified in


(c) Lacquer and enamel mist tests; general.

(1) Three respirators with cartridges

containing or having attached

to them, filters for protection against

mists of paints, lacquers, and enamels

shall be tested in accordance with the

provisions of paragraph (f) of this section.

(2) In addition to the test requirements

set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of

this section, three such respirators will

be tested against each aerosol in accordance

with the provisions of paragraphs

(d) and (e) of this section.

(d) Lacquer mist test. (1) Temperature

in the test chamber will be approximately

25 C.

(2) Continuous airflow through the

respirator will be 32 liters per minute

for air-purifying respirators, and not

less than 115 liters per minute to tight

fitting facepieces and 170 liters per

minute to loose-fitting hoods and helmets

of powered air-purifying respirators.

(3) Airflow through the chamber will

be 2025 air changes per minute.

(4) The atomizer employed will be a

No. 645 nozzle with setup 3, or equivalent,

operating at 69 kN/m.2 (10 pounds

per square inch gage).

(5) The test aerosol will be prepared

by atomizing a mixture of one volume

of clear cellulose nitrate lacquer and

one volume of lacquer thinner. The lacquer

described in Federal Specification

TT-L-31, October 7, 1953, is an example

of an acceptable lacquer. Copies of TT-

L-31 may be inspected or obtained from

the NIOSH, Certification and Quality

Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale

Road, Morgantown, WV 265052888.

(6) The concentration of cellulose nitrate

in the test aerosol will be 95125

milligrams per cubic meter.

(7) The test aerosol will be drawn to

each respirator for a total of 156 minutes

for air-purifying respirators and

240 minutes for powered air-purifying


(8) The total amount of unretained

mist in the samples taken during testing,

weighed as cellulose nitrate, shall

not exceed 5 milligrams for an air-purifying

respirator, 28 milligrams for a

powered air-purifying respirator with

tight-fitting facepiece, and 41 milligrams

for a powered air-purifying respirator

with loose-fitting hood or helmet.

(e) Enamel mist test. (1) Temperature

in the test chamber will be approximately

25 C.

(2) Continuous airflow through the

respirator will be 32 liters per minute

for air-purifying respirators, and not

less than 115 liters per minute to tight-

fitting facepieces and 170 liters per

minute to loose-fitting hoods and helmets

of powered air-purifying respirators.

(3) Airflow through the chamber will

be 2025 air changes per minute.

(4) The atomizer employed will be a

No. 64 nozzle with setup 1A, or equivalent,

operating at 69 kN/m.2 (10 pounds

per square inch gage).

(5) The test aerosol will be prepared

by atomizing a mixture of 1 volume of

white enamel and 1 volume of turpentine.

The enamel described in Federal

Specification TT-E489b, May 12, 1953,

with amendment-1 of 9 November 1955

is an example of an acceptable enamel.

Copies of TT-E489b may be inspected

or obtained from the NIOSH, Certification

and Quality Assurance Branch,

1095 Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV


(6) The concentration of pigment in

the test aerosol, weighed as ash, will be

95125 milligrams per cubic meter.


Public Health Service, HHS Pt. 84, Subpt. KK, Tables

(7) The test aerosol will be drawn to

each respirator for a total of 156 minutes

for air-purifying respirators and

240 minutes for power air-purifying respirators.

(8) The total amount of unretained

mist in the samples taken during testing,

weighed as ash, shall not exceed 1.5

milligrams for any air-purifying respirator,

8.3 milligrams for a powered

air-purifying respirator with tight-fitting

facepiece, and 12.3 milligrams for

a powered air-purifying respirator with

loose-fitting hood or helmet.

(f) Bench tests; gas and vapor tests. (1)

Bench tests will be made in accordance

with 84.207 and tested cartridges shall

meet the minimum requirements set

forth in Table 11 of subpart L of this

part. Cartridges will be equilibrated in

accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this


(2)(i) Two powered air-purifying cartridges

or pairs of cartridges will be

equilibrated at room temperature by

passing 25 percent relative humidity

air through them at the following flow

rates (expressed in liters per minute

(l.p.m.)) for 6 hours:


Type of cartridge rate,


Powered air purifying with tight-fitting facepiece ... 115

Powered air purifying with loose-fitting hood or

helmet ................................................................ 170

(ii) Two powered air-purifying cartridges

or pairs of cartridges will be

equilibrated by passing 85 percent relative

humidity air through them at the

flow rates stated in paragraph (f)(2)(i)

of this section.

(iii) All cartridges will be resealed,

kept in an upright position, at room

temperatures, and tested within 18


84.1158 Dust, fume, and mist tests;

respirators with filters; minimum

requirements; general.

(a) Three respirators with cartridges

containing, or having attached to

them, filters for protection against

dusts, fumes, and mists, except the

mists of paints, lacquers, and enamels,

will be tested in accordance with the

provisions of 84.1157(f).

(b) In addition to the test requirements

set forth in paragraph (a) of this

section, three such respirators will be

tested, as appropriate, in accordance

with the provisions of 84.1141 through

84.1152; however, the maximum allowable

resistance of complete dust, fume,

and mist, and gas, vapor, or gas and

vapor chemical cartridge respirators

shall not exceed the maximum allowable

limits set forth in 84.1157(a)(2).



[42 CFR Part 84, Subpart KK]

Respirator types



test 1

Isoamyl acetate test

84.1141 84.1142

Dusts: Air Contamination Level not less than 0.05 mg/M3 or 2 mppcf ........................

Fumes: Air Contamination Level not less than 0.05 mg/M3 .........................................

Mists: Air Contamination Level not less than 0.05 mg/M3 or 2 mppcf .........................

Dusts, Fumes, and Mists: Air Contamination Level less than 0.05 mg/M3 or 2 mppcf,

and radionuclides .......................................................................................................

Radon daughters ...........................................................................................................

Asbestos-containing dusts and mists ............................................................................










1 Test is required only where applicable.


Pt. 85

42 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition)



[42 CFR Part 84, Subpart KK]

Respirator types

Silica dust tests Lead fume

test 84.1146

Silica mist

test 84.1147

DOP test

84.115184.1144 84.1145 84.1152

Dusts: Air Contamination Level not less

than 0.05 mg/M3 or 2 mppcf ............. X

Fumes: Air Contamination Level not

less than 0.05 mg/M3 ........................ X

Mists: Air Contamination Level not less

than 0.05 mg/M3 or 2 mppcf ............. X

Dusts, Fumes, and Mists: Air Contamination

Level less than 0.05 mg/M3 or

2 mppcf, and radionuclides ............... X X

Radon daughters .................................. 1 X 2 X

Asbestos-containing dusts and mists ... 2 X 3 X

Single use dust and mist respirators .... 3 X 3 X

1 For resistance only.

2 For penetration only.

3 Test required only where applicable.



[42 CFR part 84, Subpart KK]

Type of pesticide respirator

Test concentration

p.p.m. CCl4

Flow rate


Number of



life minutes


Chest-mounted or back-mounted gas mask (as received) ..................

Chest-mounted or back-mounted gas mask (equilibrated) ..................

Chin-style gas mask (as received) .......................................................

Chin-style gas mask (equilibrated) .......................................................

Chemical Cartridge respirator (as received) .........................................

Chemical cartridge respirator (equilibrated) ..........................................

Powered air-purifying respirator (tight-fitting facepiece, as received) ..

Powered air-purifying respirator (tight-fitting facepiece, equilibrated) ..

Powered air-purifying respirator (loose-fitting hood or helmet, as received)


Powered air-purifying respirator (loose-fitting hood or helmet, equilibrated)


















2 115

2 115

3 170

3 170





















1 Minimum life will be determined at 5 p.p.m. leakage.

2 The flow rate shall be the effective flow rate of the device, but shall be not less than 115 l.p.m.

3 The flow rate shall be the effective flow rate of the device, but shall be not less than 170 l.p.m.




85.1 Applicability.

85.2 Definitions.


Procedures for requesting health hazard



Contents of a request for health hazard


85.4 Acting on requests.

85.5 Authority for investigations.

85.6 Advance notice of visits.

85.7 Conduct of investigations.


Provision of suitable space for employee

interviews and examinations;

identification of employees.


Representatives of employers and employees;

employee requests.

85.10 Imminent dangers.


Notification of determination to employers,

affected employees, and Department

of Labor.


Subsequent requests for health hazard


AUTHORITY: Sec. 8(g), 84 Stat. 1600; 29

U.S.C. 657(g) and sec. 508, 83 Stat. 803; 30

U.S.C. 957.

SOURCE: 37 FR 23640, Nov. 7, 1972, unless

otherwise noted.

85.1 Applicability.

This part 85 applies to health hazard

evaluations requested by any employer

or authorized representative of employees

under section 20(a)(6) of the Occupational

Safety and Health Act of

1970 or section 501(a)(11) of the Federal

Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.


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