OMB No. 0535-0249 Approval Expires ##/##/20## |
Certified Organic Production Survey 2011 |
XXXXXX Field Office ### XXXX XXXXX, XX #####-#### 1-800-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### |
Information requested in this survey is used to prepare estimates of selected agricultural commodities. Under Title 7 of the U.S. Code and CIPSEA (Public Law 107-347), facts about your operation are kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes in combination with similar reports from other producers. Response is voluntary. |
1. Did this operation have any Certified Organic production as determined by the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) standards in 2011? |
111 1 Yes – Specify certifying agency |
119 (__________________________________________) |
– Go to Item 2 |
3 No – Not certified – Go to Section 10, Back Page |
2. In 2011, how many acres did this operation: (Please report all land including organic and conventional acres) |
Acres |
a. Own? |
+ |
901 |
b. Rent or Lease from others or use Rent Free? (Exclude land used on an animal unit month (AUM) basis.) |
+ |
902 |
c. Rent to others? |
– |
905 |
3. [Calculate Items 2a + 2b – 2c.] Then the total acres operated in 2011 were: |
= |
900 |
4. Of the total acres operated reported in Item 3, how many acres were: |
Acres |
a. Certified Organic Cropland? |
121 |
b. Certified Organic Pastureland and/or Rangeland? |
122 |
1. Did this operation grow any certified organic small grains, row crops, oilseeds, hay/forage or pulse crops in 2011?
2000 1 Yes – Complete this Section 3 No – Go to Section 3 |
2. For those crops not printed in the following table, enter the crop name and code from the list below for any other field crop grown on this operation in 2011.
Code |
Organic |
Certified |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
Corn (for grain or seed) |
2120 |
bu |
bu |
bu |
$ |
$ |
Corn (for silage or greenchop) |
2140 |
tons |
tons |
tons |
$ |
$ |
Alfalfa and Alfalfa Mixtures for dry hay |
2020 |
tons |
tons |
tons |
$ |
$ |
All Other Dry Hay
2200 |
tons |
tons |
tons |
$ |
$ |
Haylage, Other Silage, or Greenchop |
2220 |
tons |
tons |
tons |
$ |
$ |
Oats (for grain or seed) |
2280 |
bu |
bu |
bu |
$ |
$ |
Soybeans (for beans) |
2480 |
bu |
bu |
bu |
$ |
$ |
Winter Wheat (for grain or seed) |
2580 |
bu |
bu |
bu |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
* If more space is needed, use a separate sheet of paper |
Field Crops |
Code |
Field Crops |
Code |
Field Crops |
Code |
Barley for grain or seed (bu) |
2040 |
Peanuts for nuts (lbs) |
2300 |
Sorghum for grain or seed, including milo (bu) |
2440 |
Beans, all dry edible including limas (cwt) |
2060 |
Peas, Dry Peas and Lentils (cwt) |
2320 |
Sorghum for silage or greenchop (tons) |
2460 |
Buckwheat (bu) |
2080 |
Popcorn (lbs. shelled) |
2340 |
Sugarcane for sugar (tons) |
2500 |
Canola, edible (lbs) |
2100 |
Potatoes, report in Section 3 |
Sunflower seed, all (lbs) |
2520 |
Cotton, all (bales) |
2160 |
Proso Millet (cwt) |
2360 |
Wheat, Durum for grain or seed (bu) |
2540 |
Flaxseed (bu) |
2180 |
Rice, all (cwt) |
2380 |
Wheat, Other Spring for grain or seed (bu) |
2560 |
Herbs, dried (lbs) |
2240 |
Rye for grain or seed (bu) |
2400 |
Other Field Crops, specify above (lbs.) |
2600 |
Mint, Peppermint and Spearmint (lbs of oil) |
2260 |
Safflower (lbs) |
2420 |
1. Did this operation grow any certified organic vegetables in 2011?
3000 1 Yes – Complete this Section 3 No – Go to Section 4 |
2. For those crops not printed in the following table, enter the crop name and code from the list below for any other certified organic vegetables grown on this operation in 2011.
Code |
Organic |
Certified |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Acres |
Tenths |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
Beans, Snap |
3040 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Lettuce, all |
3240 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Potatoes |
3320 |
cwt |
cwt |
cwt |
$ |
$ |
Squash, all |
3360 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Tomatoes in the open |
3420 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
* If more space is needed, use a separate sheet of paper |
Vegetables |
Code |
Vegetables, cont. |
Code |
Artichokes |
3020 |
Honeydew Melons |
3220 |
Broccoli |
3060 |
Onions, dry |
3260 |
Cabbage, all |
3080 |
Peas, Green |
3280 |
Cantaloupes and Muskmelons |
3100 |
Peppers. Bell |
3300 |
Carrots |
3120 |
Spinach |
3340 |
Cauliflower |
3140 |
Sweet Corn |
3380 |
Celery |
3160 |
Sweet Potatoes |
3400 |
Garlic |
3180 |
Watermelons |
3440 |
Herbs fresh cut |
3200 |
Other Vegetables, specify above |
3460 |
1. Did this operation grow any certified organic apples in 2011?
4000 1 Yes – Complete this Section 3 No – Go to Section 5 |
2. Acreage
and Production – For those certified organic apple
varieties not printed in the following table, |
Code |
Certified Organic Acres Harvested |
Lbs, etc.) |
Lbs per Unit |
Acres |
Tenths |
Fuji |
4140 |
Gala |
4160 |
* If more space is needed, use a separate sheet of paper |
Apple Varieties |
Code |
Braeburn |
4020 |
Cameo |
4040 |
Cortland |
4060 |
Cripps Pink (Pink Lady) |
4080 |
Empire |
4100 |
Enterprise |
4120 |
Ginger Gold |
4180 |
Gold Rush |
4200 |
Golden Delicious |
4220 |
Granny Smith |
4240 |
Idared |
4260 |
Honeycrisp |
4280 |
Jazz |
4300 |
Jonagold |
4320 |
Jonathan |
4340 |
Lady Alice |
4360 |
Liberty |
4380 |
McIntosh |
4400 |
Pinova |
4420 |
Red Delicious |
4440 |
Rome |
4460 |
Other Variety, specify |
4480 |
3. Quantity and Gross Value Sold –
4. What percent of Total Certified Organic Apples were under a production contract arrangement? |
4999 % |
FRESH Utilization |
Code |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Lbs, etc.) |
Lbs per Unit |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
Fuji |
4144 |
$ |
$ |
Gala |
4164 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
PROCESSED Utilization |
Code |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Lbs, etc.) |
Lbs per Unit |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
Fuji |
4150 |
$ |
$ |
Gala |
4170 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
1. Did this operation grow any certified organic grapes in 2011?
5000 1 Yes – Complete this Section 3 No – Go to Section 6 |
2. Total Certified Organic Grapes |
acres |
. ___ |
tons |
. ___ |
Utilization |
Code |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
(Tons) |
Tenths |
(Tons) |
Tenths |
(Dollars) |
(Dollars) |
Fresh (Table Use) |
5040 |
$ |
$ |
Wine Production |
5060 |
$ |
$ |
Juice Production |
5080 |
$ |
$ |
Raisins |
5100 |
$ |
$ |
5120 |
$ |
$ |
3. What percent of Total Certified Organic Grapes were under a production contract arrangement? |
5999 % |
1. Did this operation grow any other certified organic fruits, tree nuts, or berries in 2011?
6000 1 Yes – Complete this Section 3 No – Go to Section 7 |
2. For those crops not printed in the following table, enter the crop name and code from the list below for any other certified organic fruits, tree nuts and berries grown on this operation in 2011.
Code |
Organic |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Acres |
Tenths |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
Blueberries, tame |
6720 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Oranges, all |
6220 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Pears, all |
6260 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Raspberries |
6780 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Strawberries |
6800 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
Walnuts, English |
6580 |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
lbs |
lbs |
lbs |
$ |
$ |
* If more space is needed, use a separate sheet of paper |
Fruits |
Code |
Tree Nuts |
Code |
Berries |
Code |
Apples, report in Section 4 |
Almonds |
6500 |
Blackberries & Dewberries |
6700 |
Avocados |
6040 |
Hazelnuts/Filberts |
6520 |
Blueberries, wild |
6740 |
Cherries, sweet |
6060 |
Pecans, all |
6540 |
Cranberries |
6760 |
Cherries, tart |
6080 |
Pistachios |
6560 |
Other Berries, specify above |
6820 |
Coffee |
6100 |
Other Nuts, specify above |
6600 |
Dates |
6120 |
Figs |
6140 |
Grapes, report in Section 5 |
Grapefruit |
6180 |
Lemons |
6200 |
Peaches, all |
6240 |
Plums and Prunes |
6280 |
Tangerines |
6300 |
Other Fruits, specify above |
6320 |
1. Did this operation produce any certified organic maple syrup in 2011?
7000 1 Yes – Complete this Section 3 No – Go to Section 8 |
Number of Taps |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Production Sold As: |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
Maple Syrup (in Gallons) |
7020 |
7021 |
7022 |
7023 |
7024 $ |
7025 $ |
1. Did this operation have or produce any certified organic livestock, poultry, or livestock products in 2011?
8000 1 Yes – Complete this Section 3 No – Go to Section 9 |
2. For those commodities not printed in the following table, enter the name and code from the list below for any other certified organic livestock or poultry type on this operation in 2011. |
PEAK 2011 Certified Organic Inventory |
Dec. 31, 2011 Certified Organic Inventory |
QUANTITY of Certified Organic Sold or Moved As: |
GROSS VALUE of Certified Organic Sold or Moved As: |
Organic |
Conventional |
Organic |
Conventional |
Milk Cows (Dry or Milking) |
8040 |
8041 |
8042 |
8043 |
8044 $ |
8045 $ |
Milk (in Pounds) |
8062 |
8063 |
8064 $ |
8065 $ |
Chickens, Layers
8320 |
8321 |
8322 |
8323 |
8324 $ |
8325 $ |
Eggs (In Dozen) |
8342 |
8343 |
8344 $ |
8345 $ |
Chickens, Broilers
8300 |
8301 |
8302 |
8303 |
8304 $ |
8305 $ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
* If more space is needed, use a separate sheet of paper |
Cattle |
Code |
Poultry |
Code |
Sheep and Goats |
Code |
Other Livestock |
Code |
Beef Cows |
8020 |
Turkeys |
8360 |
Goats and Kids |
8500 |
Other Livestock, specify above |
8800 |
Other Cattle and Calves |
8080 |
Other Poultry, specify above |
8380 |
Milk (Goat) (lbs) |
8522 |
Other Livestock Products, specify above |
8822 |
Hogs |
Code |
Mohair (lbs) |
8542 |
Hogs and Pigs |
8200 |
Sheep and Lambs |
8560 |
Wool (lbs) |
8582 |
1. Of the total 2011 gross sales of ALL certified organic products (including any value-added/processed organic products), what percent was marketed through: |
Marketing Practices |
% of Total 2011 Gross Certified Organic Sales |
(Include farm stands, U-picks, farmers’ markets, community supported agriculture shares (CSAs), mail orders, buying clubs, and the Internet.) |
9500 |
% |
(Include individual grocery stores, restaurants, caterers, and institutions such as hospitals, schools, colleges and universities.) |
9501 |
% |
(Include grocery store distribution centers, processors, mills, packers, distributors, wholesalers, brokers, sales to other operations, and grower cooperatives.) |
9502 |
% |
TOTAL (Sum of Items a + b + c) |
100% |
2. Did this operation produce and market any Processed or Value-Added products from its own organic agricultural production (ex. bottled milk, cheese, processed meat, flour, wine, jam, jelly, etc.)? Do not include sales reported in previous sections. |
9503 |
1 Yes 3 No |
a. If YES, what was produced and marketed? |
Gross Certified Organic Value-Added Sales |
Specify: |
9504 |
9505 $ |
3. Did this operation participate in the National Organic Certification Cost Share Programs in 2011? |
9506 1 Yes 3 No |
a. If NO, was this operation aware of the National Organic Certification Cost Share Programs in 2011? |
9507 1 Yes 3 No |
Comments: |
9910 |
MM |
DD |
YY |
Name: _______________________________ |
Telephone: ( __ __ __ )__ __ __ - __ __ __ __ |
Date completed: |
__ __ / __ __ / __ __ |
The survey results of this survey will be available on the Internet at in the fall of 2012. |
Thank you for your response. |
For Office Use Only |
Response |
Respondent |
Mode |
R Unit |
Enum. |
Eval. |
1 – Comp 2 – R 3 – Inac 4 – Office Hold 5 – R – Est 6 – Inac – Est 7 – Off Hold – Est 8 – Known Zero |
9901 |
1 – Op/Mgr 2 – Sp 3 – Acct/Bkpr 4 – Partner 9 – Oth
9902 |
1 – Mail 2 – Tel 3 – Face-to-Face 4 – CATI 5 – Web 6 – e-mail 7 – Fax 8 – CAPI 19 – Other |
9903 |
0921 |
0098 |
0100 |
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0535-0249. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | DUE July 17, 2009 |
Author | Sandra A Long |
Last Modified By | hancda |
File Modified | 2011-05-02 |
File Created | 2011-05-02 |