OMB Clearance No.: 1850-0729
Expiration Date:
Welcome to the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study Website!
Beginning in summer 2011, the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B) will survey more than 1,500 bachelor's degree recipients from 150 U.S. colleges and universities to better understand the experience of graduates one year after earning a bachelor’s degree. The survey collects information about respondents’ experiences in the workforce; experiences in and plans for graduate school; earnings and expenses; family status; participation in civic activities and personal and professional goals. Data collected from B&B will help educators, researchers and policymakers at the local, state and national levels better understand the experiences of recent college graduates and what can be done to help them.
The B&B survey is now closed. Check back in June
Thank you for your participation!
You can obtain additional information about the B&B study by using the links at the left side of this page. If you need additional assistance, send an e-mail to or call the Help Desk toll-free at 1-877-262-4440.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary information collection is 1850–0729. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 35 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this survey, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202–4537. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this survey, write directly to: The 2008-12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12), National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006.
Spec Name |
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Question Name |
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we begin, it is important to verify that we are interviewing the
correct person. |
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Question Name |
Wording |
we sent you material about the U.S. Department of Education’s
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B). This survey
is being conducted to better understand the education, employment,
financial, and personal choices and issues facing college
graduates four years after earning their bachelor's degrees. |
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Question Name |
Wording |
The interview takes about 35 minutes. Your participation is
voluntary and will not affect any aid or other benefits that you
may receive. You may decline to answer any question or stop the
interview at any time. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
B&B interview takes about 35 minutes. Your responses, combined
with student record information (such as transcripts and financial
aid data), may be used only for statistical purposes and may not
be disclosed, or used, in personally identifiable form for any
other purpose, unless otherwise compelled by law. |
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Question Name |
Wording |
participation is very important to the success of this study. |
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Question Name |
Wording |
[If interviewing via telephone] Hello, may I speak with [Y_FNAME] [Y_LNAME]?
IF RESPONDENT NEEDS MORE INFO: This is _______. I am calling for the U.S. Department of Education about a research study. (I’d like to speak to [Y_FNAME] [Y_MNAME] [Y_LNAME] who was enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2006-2007 school year.)
ONCE YOU HAVE THE SM ON THE PHONE: Hello, this is ________. I am calling for the U.S. Department of Education about a research study. Were you enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2006-2007 school year?
Item |
Spec Name |
Value |
Question Name |
Wording |
Were you enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you ever attended [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Prior to July 1, 2007, when were you last enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
degree or certificate were you working on during your last term of
enrollment at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2006-2007 school year (July 1,
2006 - June 30, 2007)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Were you working on a bachelor's degree at [Y_NPSCHL] at any time during the 2006-2007 school year (July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
you complete the requirements for your bachelor's degree while you
were enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2006-2007 school year (July
1, 2006 - June 30, 2007)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
When did you complete the requirements for your bachelor's degree from [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
what month and year were you awarded your bachelor's degree from
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
get statement]: |
Question Name |
Wording |
Based on your responses, it seems you may not be eligible for this study. We will review your responses and may need to contact you again. |
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The following set of questions focuses on your undergraduate education prior to earning your bachelor's degree in [B12AAWRDMM] [B12AAWRDYY]. |
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Question Name |
Wording |
Was [Y_NPSCHL] the first college, university, or trade school you enrolled in after completing your high school requirements? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
what month and year did you first attend any
college, university, or trade school after completing your high
school requirements? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
what month and year were you first enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL]
your bachelor's degree? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Since first declaring a major at [Y_NPSCHL], did you ever formally change it? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What was your original declared major at [Y_NPSCHL] for your bachelor's degree? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Did you have a double major at [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What was your major at [Y_NPSCHL] for your bachelor's degree? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What was your second major at [Y_NPSCHL] for your bachelor's degree? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
While enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] for your bachelor's degree did you... |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
1) Was your grade point average (GPA) at [Y_NPSCHL] measured on a 4.00 scale? 2) What was your cumulative GPA in all classes at [Y_NPSCHL] through the end of your most recent term there? 3) Which of the following would you say best describes your cumulative grade point average at [Y_NPSCHL] when you last attended there in the 2006-2007 school year? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Why did you decide to take a break from [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Before earning your bachelor's degree at [Y_NPSCHL], did you earn an undergraduate certificate or diploma or an associate's degree at [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
than [Y_NPSCHL], did you attend any other colleges, universities,
or trade schools as an undergraduate student between the time you
graduated from high school and the time you graduated with your
bachelor's degree from [Y_NPSCHL] in [B12AAWRDMM] [B12AAWRDYY]?
Item |
Question Name |
B12BSCH01 |
Wording |
What is the name of the first college, university, or trade school you enrolled in after completing your high school requirements?
Item |
Question Name |
B12BBDAT01 |
Wording |
In what month and year were you first enrolled at [T_SL_SCHNM]?
select both a month and a year from the dropdowns.) |
Item |
Question Name |
B12BEDAT01 |
Wording |
From your beginning enrollment date of [B12BBMM01] [B12BBYY01], in what month and year were you last enrolled at [T_SL_SCHNM] before your graduation from [Y_NPSCHL] in [B12AAWRDMM][B12AAWRDYY]?
(Please select both a month and a year from the dropdowns.)
Item |
Question Name |
B12BCONT01 |
Wording |
Between [B12BBMM01] [B12BBYY01] and [B12BEMM01] [B12BEYY01], were you continuously enrolled at [T_SL_SCHNM]?
“continuously enrolled” we mean that you did not have
any breaks from [T_SL_SCHNM] that lasted for more than four
months.) |
Item |
Question Name |
B12BSTP01 |
Wording |
Why did you decide to take a break from [T_SL_SCHNM]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12BODEG01 |
Wording |
What undergraduate degree or certificate were you working on during your last term at [T_SL_SCHNM] before your graduation from [Y_NPSCHL] in [B12AAWRDMM] [B12AAWRDYY]?
(If you were working on more than one degree or certificate at [T_SL_SCHNM], please select the one at the highest level.) |
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Question Name |
B12BERN01 |
Wording |
Did you complete your program of study and receive your [T_SL_DEGFILL] from [T_SL_SCHNM]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12BUGYR01 |
Wording |
What was your year or level during your last term of enrollment at [T_SL_SCHNM] for your [T_SL_DEGFILL] before your graduation from [Y_NPSCHL] in [B12AAWRDMM] [B12AAWRDYY]? |
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Question Name |
B12BMENR01 |
Wording |
Were you enrolled at both [T_SL_SCHNM] and [Y_NPSCHL] at the same time?
(For example, you would say "yes" if you took a summer school class at [T_SL_SCHNM] in between semesters at [Y_NPSCHL], or if you were studying abroad while you were still considered to be a student at [Y_NPSCHL]). |
Item |
Question Name |
B12BTNS01 |
Wording |
Did you attempt to transfer any credits to [Y_NPSCHL] from [T_SL_SCHNM]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12BTRNC01 |
Wording |
Were all, some, or none of those credits accepted by [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12BOTSC01 |
Wording |
Did you attend any other colleges, universities, or trade schools besides [T_SL_SCHNM], as an undergraduate student between the time you graduated from high school and the time you graduated with your bachelor's degree from [Y_NPSCHL] in [B12AAWRDMM] [B12AAWRDYY]?
(Include summer enrollment and any other undergraduate classes you have taken that earned college credit, including enrollment for credit at any schools where you studied abroad.) |
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Question Name |
Wording |
indicated attending a two-year institution prior to earning your
bachelor's degree from [Y_NPSCHL]. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
The next few questions focus on how you paid for your undergraduate education. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Other than money you may have borrowed from family or friends, did you take out any type of student loans to help pay for your undergraduate education? |
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Question Name |
Wording |
What type of loans did you obtain to help pay for your undergraduate education? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
much did you borrow in student loans for your entire undergraduate
education? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[B12BUGLAM] missing: |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[B12BUGLAM] missing: |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
you currently repaying any student loans for your undergraduate
education? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much do you pay each month for your undergraduate student loans? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are your loan payments... |
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Question Name |
Wording |
What is the status of your loans? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Why have you been able to defer repayment of your student loans? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Has the amount of student loan debt you have from your undergraduate education influenced your employment plans and decisions in any way? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
In what ways has your undergraduate student loan debt influenced your employment plans and decisions? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you consider your undergraduate student loan debt to be a worthwhile investment in your future in terms of…
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you satisfied with the quality of the undergraduate education you received at [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you satisfied with your choice of undergraduate major(s) or course of study? |
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Spec Name |
Value |
Question Name |
Wording |
we'd like to ask you some questions about any additional
education or training you've had since earning your bachelor's
degree from [Y_NPSCHL]. |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CSCH01 |
Wording |
What is the name of that school? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CCREN01 |
Wording |
Are you currently enrolled at [SCHOOL] for your degree or certificate program? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CDEG01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CFENR01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CMAJ01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are all, some, or none of the classes you are currently taking at [SCHOOL]taught... (If you are not currently taking any classes, select “None” for each of the following.) |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
For the next few questions, please tell us how much you agree with each statement by providing a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." If you would like to, you can use decimal values such as a 2.5 or a 4.5 to answer these questions. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
If my on-line courses were not available, I still would have attended school this term. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
If my night courses were not available, I still would have attended school this term. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
If my weekend courses were not available, I still would have attended school this term. |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CENST01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CERN01 |
Wording |
Have you completed your program of study and received your [T_SL_DEGNAME] from [SCHOOL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CEXMY01 |
Wording |
In what month and year do you expect to receive your [T_SL_DEGNAME] from [SCHOOL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12CDGMY01 |
Wording |
In what month and year was your [T_SL_DEGNAME] awarded by [SCHOOL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12COTH01 |
Wording |
you earned or been enrolled at [SCHOOL] for any additional
degrees or certificates since earning your bachelor's degree from
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
earning your bachelor's degree from [Y_NPSCHL], have you been
enrolled in any coursework that is not part of a degree or
certificate program? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Why did you decide to take non-degree coursework after earning your bachelor's degree from [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What types of financial aid have you received to help pay for your additional education since earning your bachelor's degree from [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much did you receive/have you received in grants or scholarships from [SCHOOL] since you have been enrolled in your [DEGREE]?
How much did you receive/have you received in state aid (grants or scholarships) since you have been enrolled in your [DEGREE]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much did you borrow/have you borrowed in private student loans since you have been enrolled in your [DEGREE]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Overall, did you pay less, more, or about what you had planned on paying in total expenses to attend [SCHOOL] when you last attended for your [DEGREE]?
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Overall, did you pay less, more, or about what you had planned on paying out-of-pocket to attend [SCHOOL] when you last attended for your [DEGREE]?
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Through the end of the 2010-2011 school year, how much did you borrow in student loans for your education since [we last talked to you]? Please do not include parent PLUS loans or any money borrowed from family or friends. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you still owe all, some, or none of the total student loans that you took out for your education since earning your bachelor’s degree? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you currently repaying the student loans you have taken out since earning your bachelor’s degree? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much do you pay each month on your education loans? (If you’re making payments for both undergraduate and graduate loans each month, give the total amount paid each month) |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are your loan payments... |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What is the status of your loans? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What is the reason that you are not currently repaying your student loans? / Why are your student loans currently in deferment? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
On a scale from 1 to 10, please indicate your level of stress regarding your education-related debt. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you believe that your additional education and credentials will be worth the financial investment in terms of…
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that you will enroll in graduate school or enroll for an undergraduate certificate or degree at any time in the future? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you applied for admission to any college or graduate school programs since [LAST INTERVIEW]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Why did you apply for additional education but not attend? (Please check all that apply.) |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you taken the GRE or another graduate or professional entrance exam? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What graduate or professional entrance exam(s) have you taken?
Question Name |
Wording |
If you were to enroll in college again, what degree program would you seek?
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What do you plan to study when you enroll? |
Question Name |
Wording |
If you were to enroll in college again, would you enroll full-time or part-time?
Question Name |
Wording |
If you were to enroll in college again, what would you estimate your annual total costs to be? What would you estimate your out-of-pocket costs to be? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
During the time that you were considering additional education at [SCHOOL], what sources of information did you use to inform your decision? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Other than [SCHOOL], how many colleges, universities, and trade schools did you apply to? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How many of those schools accepted you? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Was [SCHOOL] your first choice? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Were you accepted at your first choice of schools? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Why did you not attend the school that was your first choice? (Please check all that apply.) |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Why did you decide to attend [SCHOOL]? (Please check all that apply.) |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Thinking ahead to your expected graduation date, do you think the job outlook for people in your industry will be better than it is now, about the same, or worse than it is now at that time? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Thinking back to when you completed your [T_SL_DEGNAME], do you think the job outlook for people in your industry is better now, about the same, or worse now than it was at that time? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
If you were not enrolled for your [T_SL_DEGNAME], would you work for pay? How many hours per week? How much would you expect to earn [per week/month/year]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much do you think your yearly salary will be after you are finished with your education? Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount.
How much would you estimate your yearly salary would be if you did not earn your [DEGREE]?
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What new benefits do you think you'll enjoy in the workplace as a result of receiving your [T_SL_DEGNAME]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
For the next few questions, please tell us how much you agree with each statement by providing a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." If you would like to, you can use decimal values such as a 2.5 or a 4.5 to answer these questions.
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0=no additional stress and 10=much more stress, please indicate the amount of stress (on top of what you already have) that you think your additional education has added/will add to your personal life. |
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Spec Name |
Value |
Question Name |
Wording |
In the next section, we would like to ask some questions about your employment since graduating from [Y_NPSCHL]. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Please tell us about each job you have held since you earned your bachelor’s degree. For each job, please provide the following:
Question Name |
Wording |
For each job you’ve held, please provide the following…
Question Name |
Wording |
For each job you’ve held, please indicate the benefits you received
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you currently... |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DOVR40 |
Wording |
title: [B12DJBTL] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
title: [B12DJBTL] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Did you choose your field of study for your bachelor's degree at [Y_NPSCHL] intending to work in this field? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DNSF19B |
Wording |
title: [B12DJBTL] |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DNSF20B |
Wording |
Which of the following factors influenced your decision to work in an area outside of your [Y_NPSCHL] bachelor's degree field... |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DNSF21B |
Wording |
Which of the following was your most important reason for working in an area outside of your bachelor’s degree field...? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Since you are enrolled as a student and also working, would you say you are primarily... |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
title: [B12DJBTL] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
title: [B12DJBTL] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
title: [B12DJBTL] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Which of the following duties do you do in an average day at your current job? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
title: [B12DJBTL] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that you will be working as a [insert occupation] at [insert employer] in one year? In five years? In ten years? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What do you estimate your yearly salary will be for this job in 5 years? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Please tell us how much you agree with each statement by providing a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." If you would like to, you can use decimal values such as a 2.5 or a 4.5 to answer these questions..
This occupation is a good fit for me I enjoy my work/occupation I am able to meet the job requirements of my position; I am satisfied with my job experience I am confident that I can succeed in this occupation I am confident that I will be able to advance my career in this job
Item |
Question Name |
B12DPRX1 |
Wording |
In an average week, how many days did you travel to work?
Item |
Question Name |
B12DPRX2 |
Wording |
On an average day, how much time did it take for you to get to work? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How supportive are your parents of your current occupation? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How supportive is your spouse (of your current occupation)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
If you didn't have any student loan debt upon graduation but you had the same credentials, would you have sought out or taken a different job?
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
If you didn't have any student loan debt upon graduation but you had the same credentials, what type of job would you have sought out or taken? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
For the next few questions we’ll ask you to compare the job you would have sought out or taken if you didn’t have any student loan debt upon graduation and your current job. We will refer to these as your “alternative job” and “current job”, respectively. Assume that you have the same level of experience in the alternative job that you have in your current job. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How would each of the following be different if you had taken your alternative job? |
Item |
Item |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much do you think your yearly salary would be as [insert alt occupation]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
The next section will focus on your job search experiences. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[B12DJSTAT=1] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
your graduation in [B12AAWRDMM] [B12AAWRDYY] from [Y_NPSCHL],
please indicate which months you were looking
for work: |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
During the time that you were applying for jobs prior to accepting your current position, what sources of information did you use to guide your salary expectations? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How reliable did you find the salary information you obtained from each source below to be? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Which of the following benefits are most important to you when choosing a job? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL1 |
Wording |
Earlier you mentioned earning the following certificates.
[List certificates]
Are any of these directly related to your current job/industry? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL3 |
Wording |
(If more than one: Let’s talk about your most recent certification or license.) Is this a certification, license, or both? [ “Both” typically occurs when someone gets a license upon completion of a certification program. If “both,” ask rest of questions about certification.] |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL4 |
Wording |
Did you have to do any of the following to get this [certification/license]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL5 |
Wording |
To maintain this [certification/license], do you have to… |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL6 |
Wording |
Can this [certification/license] be… |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL7 |
Wording |
[Employed Rs only:] Is this [certification/license] related to your current job? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL8 |
Wording |
[ if CL7=Yes:] Is this [certification/license] required for your job? [Could possibly combine with CL7] |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DCL9 |
Wording |
What benefits did you receive or do you plan to receive from earning the [certification/license]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Now we would like to ask you about any formal job training you have received from your employer. Formal training is planned in advance and has a structured format and a defined curriculum. Examples include attending a class conducted by an employee of your company, or attending a seminar given by a professional trainer. The training could be held at your workplace held somewhere else, or done on-line. |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE1 |
Wording |
In the last 12 months, have you received any of the following types of formal training from your employer? (Mark all that apply. Include training from past as well as current employers.) [We recommend cognitive lab work on the training categories. Existing categories are derived from the BLS 1995 “Survey of Employer Provided Training: Employee Survey”] |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE2 |
Wording |
the past 12 months, have you had one formal training, or more than
one formal training? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE3 |
Wording |
The next few questions ask about your most recent training. What type of training did you most recently have? (Mark one.) |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE4 |
Wording |
In what month did [your/your most recent] training end? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE5 |
Wording |
Was [this/this most recent] training required by your employer? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE6 |
Wording |
Was [this/this most recent] training required for a professional certification or for a state or industry license? [PROBE (if not already used): A professional certification or license verifies that you are qualified to perform a specific job. It includes things like licensed realtor, certified medical assistant, certified construction manager, or Cisco Certified Network Associate.] |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE7 |
Wording |
Was [this/this most recent] training taught or provided by… (Mark one. If more than one instructor, indicate the main provider of instruction) |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE8 |
Wording |
(If employee participated in training from a college in E7). Did you receive college credit from your participation in this training? (Do not count continuing education units/credits) |
Item |
Question Name |
B12DE9 |
Wording |
What benefits did you receive or do you plan to receive from [your/your most recent] training? |
Item |
Spec Name |
Value |
Question Name |
Wording |
Teacher from occupation coder]: |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
graduating from [Y_NPSCHL], have you worked as a teacher at the
K-12 level? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
When we last talked to you, you were teaching [fill grade]. Are you still teaching [fill grade] or any other grade?
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you done anything to prepare for a teaching career at the K-12 level? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you currently considering a career in teaching at the K-12 level? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you applied for a K-12 teaching position since completing your bachelor's degree at [Y_NPSCHL]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What are the reasons you did not apply for a teaching position? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
you received any offers for teaching positions? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What sources of information have informed your thinking about whether to pursue a teaching career? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What factors influenced your thinking about whether to pursue a teaching career? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Other than an emergency certificate or waiver, are you currently certified to teach at the K-12 level? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What type of teacher certificate do you hold? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
what month and year were you first certified to teach? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
In what content area(s) are you currently certified to teach? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
you taken, or are you now taking, courses to prepare for teacher
certification at the K-12 level? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you completed, or are you now completing, a student teaching assignment or a teacher practicum? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBTP01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12ESTWK01 |
Wording |
Are you still working in this position as [T_TL_POS]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12ESMSC01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12ELVR01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBMY01 |
Wording |
In what month and year did you begin this position as [T_TL_POS]? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBDT01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBSC01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBST01 |
Wording |
In what city and state is that school located? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBSL01 |
Wording |
What is the name of the school? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBFP01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much time do you work in a year in this job? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBGR01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBFD01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBPR01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EINT01 |
Wording |
your first teaching job, did you participate in a teacher
internship program? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EIND01 |
Wording |
In your first teaching job, did you participate in a formal teacher induction program in which you were assigned a mentor teacher who provided guidance to you in your job? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EPRP01 |
Wording |
In your first teaching job, did you feel adequately prepared to... |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EHLP01 |
Wording |
In your first teaching job, did you receive help from your school or school district in... |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBCR01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12EJBED01 |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
B12ESTTC01 |
Wording |
Item |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Why did you leave teaching? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you aware of the TEACH Grant Program? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you aware of loan forgiveness programs which allow you to cancel all or part of your student loans in return for service to the community through teaching? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
T_TEACHR in [1, 2]] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you participated in a loan forgiveness program for teachers? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you plan to teach in a K-12 classroom at some time in the future? |
Item |
Spec Name |
Value |
Question Name |
Wording |
In the next section, we would like to ask you some questions about your background. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
In what month and year were you born? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you a U.S. citizen? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you a U.S. citizen... |
Item |
Question Name |
B12FNSF11D |
Wording |
Of which foreign country are you a citizen? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Is English your native language? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
language do you consider to be your native language? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you know any other language(s) or have you ever taken classes in a foreign language? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
second language do you know best? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
When was the last time you took a class to learn [T_LNGNAM]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Growing up, did you speak [T_LNGNAM] at home always, sometimes, or never? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
In comparison to your English, how proficient in [T_LNGNAM] are you in the following... |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you regularly interact with others in [T_LNGNAM]? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you currently use [T_LNGNAM] in your career? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you plan to use [T_LNGNAM] in your career? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, or currently serving in the Armed Forces on active duty or in the reserves? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Of which state are you a legal resident? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What is your current marital status? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
In what month and year did you get married/divorced/widowed? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
With whom are you currently living? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[B12FMARR=2] |
Item |
Question Name |
B12FDEP2 |
Wording |
[B12FMARR=2] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
gt 1] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much (on average) did you pay each month for childcare? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Have you started a retirement fund such as an IRA, 403b, or 401k? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much money do you have in all your retirement accounts combined? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you own or pay a mortgage on your primary residence? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[If B12FHOUSE =1] How much (on average) is your monthly mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if B12FMARR=2] and your spouse/[else if B12FMARR=3] and your partner) are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your mortgage on your behalf, please indicate “0”.
[If B12FHOUSE =0] How much (on average) is your monthly rent payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if B12FMARR=2] and your spouse/[else if B12FMARR=3] and your partner) are responsible for paying. If you do not have a rent payment or someone else pays for your rent on your behalf, please indicate “0”.
[else] How much (on average) is your monthly rent or mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if B12FMARR=2] and your spouse/[else if B12FMARR=3] and your partner) are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your rent or mortgage on your behalf, please indicate "0"
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What is the approximate current value of your primary residence? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
About how much do [you/you and your spouse/you and your partner] owe on the mortgage for your house, apartment, or residence? (If none enter ‘0’). |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[ |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
was your income from all sources (including income from work,
investments, alimony, etc.), prior to taxes and deductions for
calendar year 2010(January 1, 2010 through December 31,
2010)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
put this text in blue like other conversion items:) This question
about your income is critical to understanding the financial
benefits and labor market outcomes of people who have recently
earned a bachelor's degree.] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Suppose you and others in your household
were to sell all of your major possessions (including your home),
turn all of your investments and other assets into cash, and pay
off all your debts. Would you have something left over, break
even, or be in debt? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
In the last 12 months, was there a time
when, due to financial difficulty, [you/your household]… |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Did your spouse work for pay in calendar year 2010 (January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much would you estimate your spouse earned from all sources (including income from work, investments, alimony, etc.), prior to taxes and deductions, in calendar year 2010 (January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
put this text in blue like other conversion items:) This question
about your spouse's income is critical to understanding the
financial benefits and labor market outcomes of people who have
recently earned a bachelor's degree.] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What is the highest level of education that your spouse has completed? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Did your spouse attend college or graduate school during the 2010-2011 school year? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
B12FSPLV in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
is the total amount your spouse has borrowed in student
loans? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
B12FSPAMT missing] |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
How much does your spouse pay each month for his or her student loans? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
you performed any community service or volunteer work in the last
12 months? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What types of community service or volunteer work have you performed in the last 12 months? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
On average, how many hours did you volunteer during the last year? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
last few questions will help us better understand the educational
and employment experiences of people with disabilities. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you have a mobility impairment that has substantially limited one or more basic physical activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying, for 6 months or more? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Excluding any disabilities already mentioned, do you have any other physical, mental, emotional, or learning condition that has lasted 6 months or more? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What is the main type of condition or impairment that you have? |
Item |
Spec Name |
Value |
Question Name |
Wording |
In a few years, we would like to be able to get in touch with you again to see what you’re doing and what has changed in your life. To find you then, we need to collect some address information. This information will be kept in secure and protected data files, and will be separate from the responses you’ve already provided in your interview. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
We currently have your name as follows: (Make any necessary corrections, then select Next.) |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Do you consider the following address to be your local address? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[If web mode] Please provide your local address. [else] What is your local address? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12GP1AD1 |
Wording |
Please provide contact information for your parent(s) or guardian(s) who live together at the same address. You will have the opportunity to provide contact information for other parents or guardians who live at a different address next. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[If B12P1DS=1] Is there another guardian for whom you would like to provide contact information? [else] Is there another parent or guardian for whom you would like to provide contact information? |
Item |
Question Name |
B12GP2AD2 |
Wording |
Please provide contact information for your other parent(s) or guardian(s). |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Please provide the name, address, and telephone number for someone else [{if N12MARR=2}, other than your spouse,] who will always know how to contact you. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
What is your spouse's full name (including previous last name, if applicable)? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[If only 1 address is preloaded] Do you consider the following address to be your permanent or primary address? [else] Which of the following do you consider to be your permanent or primary address? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Please provide your permanent or primary address. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
[If web] Please provide your e-mail address. If you have more than one e-mail address, please provide those as well. (Please provide the e-mail addresses you're likely to have in a few years when we will want to contact you again.) [else] What is your e-mail address? If you have more than one e-mail address, please provide those as well. (Please provide the e-mail addresses you're likely to have in a few years when we will want to contact you again.) |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
May we contact you in a few years by sending a text message to your cell phone? |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Please provide the name of your cell phone service provider. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
is your Social Security number? |
Item |
Spec Name |
Value |
Question Name |
Wording |
To show our appreciation for completing the interview today, we would like to send you a $[INCENT_AMOUNT] check. Please select the address to which you would like the check mailed. Please allow 4 weeks for delivery. |
Item |
Question Name |
Wording |
Incent=5 or blank]: |
Item |
Re-interview items will be selected after cognitive testing of the student interview data collection instrument. The student re-interview data collection instrument will be available in March 2011.
Supporting Statement Request for OMB Review G-
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | hspeizer |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |