Thank you for taking the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health and Eating (FLASHE) Survey. This survey asks about your attitudes and opinions about the things you eat and drink, as well as other related factors. It is important that you answer the survey questions carefully and accurately, since your answers will help us understand more about why people choose to eat particular foods and drinks. |
This information will help you answer the FLASHE Survey questions.
Some parts of the survey are about you. Others are about your parents and family.
In this survey, “parent” means the adult who takes care of you. It could be your birth mother or father or your adopted mother or father. It could also be your guardian, an adult relative or an adult who isn’t related to you.
Read all the answers before marking a box. Please mark only the box that best describes you or your family. There aren’t any right or wrong answers.
Try to answer all of the questions. The more questions you answer, the more we’ll learn. If any question makes you uncomfortable, it’s okay to skip it.
Follow the arrows to move through the survey. Some arrows point you to the next question. Other arrows come with a note telling you which question to answer next. They might tell you to skip over some questions. Here are some examples:
1a. Have you ever answered a mail survey questionnaire before? 0 ![]() |
1b. When was the last time you answered a mail survey questionnaire? 1 1-5 months ago2 6-12 months ago 3 More than 12 months ago
2. Have you ever answered a telephone survey questionnaire before?
No1 Yes
OMB No.: 0925-0642
Expiration Date: 9/30/2014
Collection of this information is authorized by The Public Health Service Act, Section 411 (42 USC 285a). Rights of study participants are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974. Participation is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating or withdrawing from the study at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your benefits in any way. The information collected in this study will be kept private under the Privacy Act. Names and other identifiers will not appear in any report of the study. Information provided will be combined for all study participants and reported as summaries. You are being contacted by telephone to complete this instrument so that we can identify potential sources of measurement or response error. The purpose of this instrument is to examine psychosocial, generational, and environmental correlates of cancer preventive behaviors.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0642). Do not return the completed form to this address.
Section 1: Your Attitudes & Opinions
FLASHE Diet Survey: Teenager
About how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you think a person should eat each day for good health?
I’m not really sure…… OR ______ servings each day (WRITE IN NUMBER)
Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below.
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
There are lots of reasons why people would eat fruits and vegetables every day. Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below.
I would eat fruits and vegetables every day because… |
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
There are lots of things that can prevent people from eating fruits and vegetables as much as they’d like to. Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below.
I don’t eat fruits and vegetables as much as I like to because… |
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
This next set of questions asks about your views on junk food and sugary drinks. Junk foods are foods that are high in calories and usually have added sugars and fat and include candy, cookies, potato chips, French fries, etc. Sugary drinks include regular soda, sports drinks, fruit drinks, sweetened teas and other drinks with added sugar.
Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below.
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
There are lots of reasons why people would try to limit the amount of junk food and sugary drinks they have. Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below
I would try to limit how much junk food and sugary drinks I have because… |
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
There are lots of reasons why people start eating or continue eating when they aren’t hungry. How often do you start or continue to eat when you’re not hungry because…
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
Please think about messages you see or hear on television, magazines, radio, Internet or billboards about foods and drinks. Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below.
When I see advertisements for foods or drinks… |
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
Section 2: Your Preferences
The questions in this first section ask about your food and drink preferences.
Please mark how much you dislike or like each of the drinks listed below.
Strongly dislike |
Somewhat dislike |
Neither dislike nor like |
Somewhat like |
Strongly like |
Never tried it |
Please mark how much you dislike or like each of the foods listed below.
Strongly dislike |
Somewhat dislike |
Neither dislike nor like |
Somewhat like |
Strongly like |
Never tried it |
Strongly dislike |
Somewhat dislike |
Neither dislike nor like |
Somewhat like |
Strongly like |
Never tried it |
Please mark the foods and drinks you never eat or drink. Please mark all that apply.
Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil
Other nuts
Cow’s milk or other dairy products
Soy milk or other soy foods
Eggs or egg products
Red meat
Fish or shellfish
Chicken or turkey
Wheat or gluten products
Carbs or starchy foods
Fruit or fruit juice
Artificial colors or sweeteners
Sweets or sugary foods
Processed foods
Added fats like butter, oil or mayo
Other food: _____________________
I don’t avoid any foods GO TO SECTION 3
Think about the foods you never eat. Why don’t you eat them? Please mark all that apply.
Food allergies or intolerances
Religious beliefs
Health concerns
Ethical concerns
Section 3: Food Away from Home
Think about all the meals and snacks you ate and drank away from home in the past 7 days, from the time you got up until you went to bed. Please count breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
During the past 7 days, on how many days did you eat at least one meal or snack from… |
0 days |
1 day |
2 days |
3 days |
4 days |
5 days |
6 days |
7 days |
Section 4: Food in Your Home
The next few questions ask about eating and food in your home. For this survey, home means the place where you and your parent(s) have lived together for most of the time in the past 12 months.
Again, “parent” means the adult who takes care of you. It could be your birth mother or father or your adopted mother or father. It could also be your guardian, an adult relative or an adult who isn’t related to you.
Please think about the evening meals you’ve eaten at home with your family in the past 7 days.
On how many days was your evening meal or dinner…
0 days |
1 day |
2 days |
3 days |
4 days |
5 days |
6 days |
7 days |
How often are the following foods and drinks available in your home?
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
Section 5. Family Meals
Think about meal times with your family. Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below.
In my family… |
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly agree |
Section 6: What You Eat and Drink
These questions ask about what you drank during the past week. Think about everything you drank from the time you got up until you went to bed. Be sure to count what you drank at home, school, restaurants or anywhere else. Also think about drinks you had in a can, bottle or glass.
During the past week, how often did you drink the following:
Please mark only one box for each item. |
Didn’t drink in the past week |
1 – 3 times in the past week |
4 – 6 times in the past week |
1 time per day |
2 times per day |
3 or more times per day |
When you drink milk, what type is it most of the time?
Plain or white milk (cow’s milk)
Flavored or sweetened cow’s milk (like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, etc.)
Other type like soy, rice, almond milk, etc.
Don’t drink milk GO TO QUESTION 20
What kind of milk do you usually drink? Please mark only one box below.
Whole or regular milk (red top)
2% fat or reduced-fat
1% or low-fat
Fat-free, skim or nonfat
Don’t know
These questions ask about the food you ate during the past week. Think about all the food you ate from the time you got up until you went to bed. Be sure to count food that you ate at home, school, restaurants or anywhere else.
During the past week, how often did you eat the following:
Please mark only one box for each item. |
Didn’t drink in the past week |
1 – 3 times in the past week |
4 – 6 times in the past week |
1 time per day |
2 times per day |
3 or more times per day |
Section 7: Your Parents
Again, “parent” means the adult who takes care of you. It could be your birth mother or father or your adopted mother or father. It could also be your guardian, an adult relative or an adult who isn’t related to you.
Think about what your parent(s) say and do when it comes to eating fruits and vegetables. How often is each statement true for you?
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
These questions ask about junk food and sugary drinks that you may eat or drink. Remember that junk foods are foods that are high in calories and usually have added sugars and fat and include candy, cookies, potato chips, French fries, etc. Sugary drinks include regular soda, sports drinks fruit drinks, sweetened teas and other drinks with added sugar.
Think about what your parent(s) say and do when it comes to eating junk food or drinking sugary drinks. How often is each statement true for you?
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
Now think in general about your relationship with your parent(s). Please mark how much you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below.
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your answers are important to us!
FLASHE Demographics Survey: Teenager
eneral Information about YouWe are interested in some general information about you. Your answers to these questions are important to us. They will help us better understand your answers to other parts of the survey.
What is your age?
11 years old
12 years old
13 years old
14 years old
15 years old
16 years old
17 years old
18 years old
Are you male or female?
What grade are you in?
6th grade or less
7th grade
8th grade
9th grade
10th grade
11th grade
12th grade
Ungraded or other grade
During the past school year, what kind of school were you enrolled in?
Public School
Private School
Are you Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish origin?
Which one or more of the following would you say is your race? Please mark all that apply.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Were you born in the United States?
If not, in what year did you come to the United States to stay? ___ ___ ___ ___
What languages do you speak at home? Please mark all that apply.
Asian Indian languages
Other Language: ________________
How would you rate your ability to read?
Very poor
Very good
How often do you need help reading information from your doctor or pharmacy?
How many hours a week do you get paid to work?
I don’t work for pay
1-9 hours
10-19 hours
20-29 hours
30-39 hours
40 hours
More than 40 hours
Please also answer a few questions about your general health.
In general, would you say your health is…
Very good
What is your height and weight without shoes?
Height: Feet _______ Inches_______
Weight: Pounds ____________
Don’t Know
Overall, how would you rate your current weight?
I’m very underweight
I’m a little underweight
My weight is just right
I’m a little overweight
I’m very overweight
Are you currently trying to…
Lose weight
Gain weight
Stay the same weight
How much do you disagree or agree with each of the statements listed below:
I eat a healthy diet.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
I stay at a healthy weight.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
People tease me about my weight.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Hicks_w |
Last Modified By | Vivian Horovitch-Kelley |
File Modified | 2012-05-22 |
File Created | 2012-05-21 |