Instructions for Completing Scale Test Reports |
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Scale Condition as Found. Indicate the condition of the scale as found. (i.e., water in pit, dirty platform, etc.) |
1 |
Testing Agency. The name of the organization, name of the person testing, address, and telephone number. |
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Zero Balance as Found. The weight indication on the primary indicating element with no load on the load receiving element at the time of starting the official inspection and test. |
2 |
Field Office Location. The city and state of the field office which has jurisdiction for the scale being tested. |
31 |
Results. Check appropriate box; /x/ ARE‑for scales that are within tolerance or have been adjusted to be within tolerance, /x/ ARE NOT‑for a scale that cannot be used for official weight certification because it cannot be adjusted or fixed and is consequently REJECTED. |
3 |
Scale Owner. Facility name and designation; i.e., Mid-South Grain, House A. |
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Remarks. Indicate any repairs, adjustments, modifications, or recommendations. (i.e., scale serviced before test, load cell #2 replaced, A/D converter replaced.) |
4 |
Scale Location. The street address of the elevator. |
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Next Test In. Check the appropriate box to indicate approximately when the next test is due. |
5 |
Last Date Tested. Date of the last test. |
34 |
Applicable Tolerance. ("X" one.) Indicate which tolerance is to be applied. |
6 |
Test Date. The month, day, and year of the test. |
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Approval Seal Applied. Indicate the name of the inspector who applied the FGIS Approved Label for Inspected Machinery. If the person is the same as the FGIS witness, just initial. |
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Test No. Inspector’s assigned serial number, plus consecutive test number for the fiscal year. Cary Brown’s assigned serial (which is 1000), the first test of FY 2004, would be: "1001-04", the second would "1002-04", and so forth. In order of testing, regardless whether a hopper, vehicle, or railway track scale test. |
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Date. Indicate the date of approval. |
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Manufacturer. The name of the company, corporation, person, etc., who manufactured the indicating element. |
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Rejection Tag No. Indicate the number of the rejection tag, if applicable. |
9 |
Model of scale. The model name, number, or designation which has been assigned by the manufacturer. |
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Receipt of Report Acknowledged. Signature of the scale owner's representative. |
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Scale Code No. The code number of the scale which was assigned by the FGIS Policies and Procedures Branch for use in the ADP Scale Test Monitoring System. |
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FGIS Witness. FGIS or delegated official who observed the testing and approval of the scale. |
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Scale Capacity. The maximum gross load that can be accepted for official weight certification as determined by an official scale inspector. |
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Test Procedures. See test procedures for hopper scales in Chapter 3 of the FGIS Weighing Handbook. |
12 |
Minimum Division. The value of the smallest unit that can be indicated on the primary indicating element during normal weighing. |
13 |
Serial No. The nonrepetitive number which was assigned by the manufacturer and affixed to the indicating element or beam. |
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Scale Type. Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the scale is full electronic, levertronic, a full capacity beam (FCB) mechanical scale, or a counterpoise (CPB) mechanical scale. |
15 |
Scale No. The number assigned to the scale by the owner which usually includes S and/ or R designations to differentiate between shipping and receiving. |
16 |
Sectional Capacity. The maximum gross load that can be applied to any one section of the scale without causing structural deflections affecting the accuracy of the scale. |
17 |
Platform Size. The length and width of the vehicle scale platform. |
18 |
Scale Length. The length of the live track on a railroad track scale. |
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Load Cell Capacity. The manufacturer's rated capacity of one of the load cells in the scale system. |
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Sectional Test Load. The maximum amount of test standards applied to any one section of a railroad track or vehicle scale. |
21 |
Type and Mfg. For vehicle and hopper scales indicate the type of test weights; i.e., fab, basket, cast, etc., and the manufacturer. For railroad track scales check the appropriate box. |
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Test Weight Owner. Indicate the test weight owner. |
23 |
Total Weight. The total amount of the test weights combined. |
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Last Reverification Date. Indicate the month and year of the latest test weight reverification. |
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I.D. No. The identification of the test car. |
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Number of Weights. The total number of individual weights. |
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Sensitivity. The results of the sensitivity check in number of divisions at zero and at capacity. |
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Discrimination. The results of the discrimination check in number of divisions at ZERO and at CAPACITY. |