Attachment D: NAMCS Electronic Medical Records Supplement 2011
OMB No. 0920-0234: Approval expires 02/28/2013
NOTICE - Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0234). Assurance of Confidentiality - All information which would permit identification of an individual, a practice, or an establishment will be held confidential, will be used only by NCHS staff, contractors, and agents only when required and with necessary controls, and will not be disclosed or released to other persons without the consent of the individual or the establishment in accordance with section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 242m) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL-107-347). |
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS):
Electronic Medical Records Supplement 2011
The purpose of the National Study of Electronic Medical Records/Electronic Health Records (EMRs/EHRs) is to collect information about physician office practices and the adoption of electronic medical records in ambulatory care settings. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Your answers are completely confidential. Participation in this survey is voluntary. If you have questions or comments about this survey, please call 866-966-1473.
We have your specialty as
Is that correct?
□1 Yes
□2 No → What is your specialty? _______________________________________
The following questions ask about ambulatory patients. We define ambulatory patients as any patients coming to see you for personal health services who are not currently on the premises. |
2. Do you directly care for any ambulatory patients in your work?
3. In a typical year, about how many weeks do you NOT see any ambulatory patients because of such events as conferences, vacations, illness, etc.? __________ weeks
4. Overall, at how many office locations do you see ambulatory patients in a normal week? __________ locations 5. During your last normal week of practice how many patient visits did you have at all locations? __________ visits 6. During your last normal week of practice, about how many encounters of the following type did you make with patients?
7. Do you see ambulatory patients in any of the following settings? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. □1 Private solo or group practice □2 Freestanding clinic/urgicenter (not part of a hospital outpatient department) □3 Community Health Center (e.g., Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), federally funded clinics or “look alike” clinics) □4 Mental health center □5 Non-federal government clinic (e.g., state, county, city, maternal and child health, etc.) □6 Family planning clinic (including Planned Parenthood) □7 Health maintenance organization or other prepaid practice (e.g., Kaiser Permanente) □8 Faculty practice plan □9 None of the above
8. At which of the settings in question 7 do you see the most ambulatory patients? WRITE THE NUMBER LOCATED NEXT TO THE BOX YOU CHECKED. __________
9. What are the county, state, zip code and telephone number of the reporting location?
10. During your last normal week of practice, approximately how many office visits did you have at the reporting location? (A normal week would be one with a normal case load, with no holidays, vacations or conferences.) Note: Please only include visits where you personally saw the patient. __________ office visits 11. Is the reporting location a solo practice, or are you associated with other physicians in a partnership, in a group practice or in some other way?
Solo → SKIP
to Question 14
12. How many physicians are associated with you at the reporting location? __________ physicians
Is the reporting location a single- or multi-specialty (group)
practice? 14. How many mid-level providers (i.e., nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurse midwives) are associated with the reporting location? __________ mid-level providers 15. Does the reporting location submit any claims electronically (electronic billing)?
Yes □3 Unknown
Do you or your staff verify an individual patient’s
insurance eligibility electronically,
with results returned immediately? system □2 Yes, with an EMR/EHR system □3 Yes, using another electronic system □4 No □5 Unknown 17. Does the reporting location use an electronic medical record (EMR) or electronic health record (EHR) system? Do not include billing record systems.
17a. In which year did you install your EMR/EHR system?
Year: ___________
17b. What is the name of your current EMR/EHR system? CHECK ONLY ONE BOX. IF OTHER IS CHECKED,
□1 Allscripts □2 Cerner □3 CHARTCARE |
□4 eClinicalWorks □5 Epic □6 eMDs |
□7 GE/Centricity □8 Greenway Medical □9 MED3000 |
□10 NextGen □11 Sage □12 SOAPware |
□13 Practice Fusion □14 Other________ □15 Unknown
18. At the reporting location, are there plans for installing a new EMR/EHR system within the next 18 months?
□1Yes □2 No □3 Maybe □4 Unknown
19. Please indicate whether the reporting location has each of the computerized capabilities listed below.
CHECK NO MORE THAN ONE BOX PER ROW. Does the reporting location have a computerized system for:
Yes |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
No |
Unknown |
19a. Recording patient history and demographic information? |
1□ Go to 19a1 a1 |
2□ Skip to 19b |
3□ Skip to 19b |
4□ Skip to 19b |
19a1. If yes, does this include a patient problem list? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19b. Recording clinical notes? |
1□ Go to 19b1 19b1 |
2□ Skip to 19c |
3□ Skip to 19c |
4□ Skip to 19c |
19b1. If yes, do they include a comprehensive list of the patient’s medications and allergies? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19c. Ordering prescriptions? |
1□ Go to 19c1 |
2□ Skip to 19d |
3□ Skip to 19d |
4□ Skip to 19d |
19c1. If yes, are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19c2. If yes, are warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19d. Providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19e. Ordering lab tests? |
1□ Go to 19e1 |
2□ Skip to 19f |
3□ Skip to 19f |
4□ Skip to 19f |
19e1. If yes, are orders sent electronically? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19f. Providing standard order sets related to a particular condition or procedure? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19g. Viewing lab results? |
1□ Go to 19g1 |
2□ Skip to 19h |
3□ Skip to 19h |
4□ Skip to 19h |
19g1. If yes, are results incorporated into EMR/EHR? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19h. Viewing imaging results? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19i. Viewing data on quality of care measures? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19j. Electronic reporting to immunization registries? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19k. Public health reporting? |
1□ Go to 19k1 |
2□ Skip to19l |
3□ Skip to 19l |
4□ Skip to19l |
19k1. If yes, are notifiable diseases sent electronically? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19l. Providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
19m. Exchanging secure messages with patients? |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
20. At the reporting location, if orders for prescriptions or lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. □1 Prescribing practitioner □2 Other □3 Prescriptions and lab test orders not submitted Electronically □4 Unknown 21. Do you exchange patient clinical summaries electronically with any other providers?
□ □2 Yes, receive summaries only Question □3 Yes, send and receive summaries 21a
to Question 22 □5 Unknown 21a. How do you electronically send or receive patient clinical summaries? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY □1 Through EMR/EHR vendor □2 Through hospital-based system □3 Through Health Information Organization or state exchange □4 Through secure email attachment □5 Other/Unknown 22. Beginning in 2011, Medicare and Medicaid will offer incentives to practices that demonstrate “meaningful use of Health IT”. At the reporting location, are there plans to apply for Medicare or Medicaid incentive payments for meaningful use of Health IT?
22a. In which year do you expect to apply for the meaningful use payments?
2011 □4 Unknown |
23. Who owns the reporting location? CHECK ONE. □1 Physician or physician group □2 HMO □3 Community health center □4 Medical/academic health center □5 Other hospital □6 Other health care corporation □7 Other 24. At the reporting location, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from the following?
25. At the reporting location, are you currently accepting new patients?
to Question 26 □3 Unknown 25a. From those new patients, which of the following types of payment do you accept?
26. At the reporting location, what percent of your current patients have Medicaid/CHIP? _________% 27. Who completed this survey?
for Admin Use
for Admin Use
Thank you for your participation. Please return your survey in the envelope
If you have misplaced this envelope, please send the EMR survey to
the following address: 2605 Meridian Parkway, Suite 200, Durham, NC 27713
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Questions for meeting Thursday morning 9:00 am with Cathy Burt and David Woodwell |
Author | Timothy Struttmann |
Last Modified By | zgl7 |
File Modified | 2011-01-13 |
File Created | 2011-01-10 |