Survey of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Recipient Use, Needs and Perceptions of “Did You Know?”
OSTLTS Generic Information Collection Request
OMB No. 0920-0879
Supporting Statement – Section B
Submitted: Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Program Official/Project Officer
Melissa K. McAvoy
Web Team Coordinator
Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4770 Buford Highway, NE
Atlanta, GA 30341
Phone: 404-498-0418
Note: Statistical methods will not be used to select respondents. Section B describes data collection procedures.
1. Universe and Respondent Selection
There are currently around 9,700 subscribers for “Did You Know?” registered in the GovDelivery e-mail tool. We estimate that at least 3,000 of these are state, tribal, local, and territorial public health staff (STLTs) since a verified e-mail list of STLTs that were uploaded to the GovDelivery tool are still in the system. It is difficult to estimate an accurate number of STLTs in the universe since many users register with e-mail addresses that do not come from government domains. As stated in Section A-2, the minimum number of STLTs in the subscriber population is at least 3,000. For this survey, we are attempting to sample 500 (17%) STLTs within our 3,000 total known STLTs subscribers to ensure that the data is generalizable to the STLT population. The survey will only be sent to the 3,000 known STLTs. Respondents will then self-select resulting in a convenience sample. The web survey tool will cap the responses at 500 by automatically closing the survey when the limit is reached. There is no way to ensure that the number of responses from the individual groups in Table B-1 will match the estimated “N”s. However, the esitmated number of respondents per entity were derived from examining the distibution list (of 3,00 STLTs) to determine percent distribution by entity for this evluation. Also the total of 500 is known and will be capped. Any variation from the estimated “N” will be noted in the survey results and reports.
Table B-1: Potential Respondent Universe
Entity/Potential Respondent |
N |
State, Territorial, or Tribal Health Officials/Employees staff |
150 (estimated) |
County Health Employees |
200 (estimated) |
Municipal/City Health Employees |
150 (estimated) |
Total Universe of Potential Respondents |
2. Procedures for Collecting of Information
Data will be collected through a one-time web-based survey and will be recruited through an e-mail out through our subscriber list (see Attachment D – Survey Notification Email). This e-mail will contain instructions for participating and a link to the online survey and consent form. Eligible respondents include all STLT staff and leadership.
The Keynote WebEffective online remote survey tool will be used to develop the survey instrument and gather the data. This will reduce the burden of subscribers by allowing them to take the survey online at their own convenience and by allowing them to skip irrelevant questions. The survey was designed to collect the minimum information necessary for the purposes of this project (i.e. limited to 24 survey questions)
The survey will remain open for 10 business days to allow ample time for respondents to complete the survey. Respondents have to complete the survey in a single session. Reminders will be emailed on day 8 of the survey. Reminders will only be used for non-respondents (see Attachment E – Reminder Email).
The survey will be administered one time as an evaluation of the “Did You Know?”. Data will be collected and stored in survey software maintained by the OSTLTS Communication Team as respondents submit their completed surveys. Data will be transferred to Excel for conducting basic descriptive analyses and producing data charts and tables for reporting.
No statistical methodology will be used beyond convenience sampling. There will also be no personally identifiable information collected except for the users e-mail address. See “SUPPORTING STATEMENT Part A” Q#11 for more information and details on how we plan to use and protect this information.
By using a convenience sample of 500, we ensure that the information collected is generalize-able to the 3,000 known STLT subscribers.
As stated in B.1, this sampling procedure is necessary because the exact number of STLTs in the subscriber list cannot be obtained.
This data collection is intended to occur only once.
A reminder email will be sent to the subscriber list two days before the end of the collection to increase response rates. We plan to leave the survey open for a week with a few days padding to allow for an extension of the deadline in case response rate is low. The maximum time that the survey will be open is 10 business days. Higher response rates will yield more reliable information; however, no scientific inferences will be made.
The evaluation will be conducted remotely. The web-based version of the questionnaire was pilot tested by 8 CDC public health professionals. Feedback from this group was used to refine questions as needed, ensure accurate programming and skip patterns and establish the estimated time required to complete the survey.
Melissa McAvoy
Web Team Coordinator, Health Communication Specialist
Communication Team
Office of the Director
Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Bobby Rasulnia
LCDR, U.S. Public Health Service
PhD, MPA, MPH, CHES, Senior Research Scientist
Research and Outcomes Branch
Division of Public Health Performance Improvement
Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Note: Attachments are included as separate files as instructed.
Survey Notification Email
Reminder Email
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | ann0 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |