Expiration Date:
Integrated Evaluation of ARRA Funding, Implementation and Outcomes
District Poll
Fall 2011
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is xxxx-xxxx. The approximate time required to complete this data collection is estimated to be 10 minutes. Your participation is voluntary. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimates or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.
Notice of Confidentiality
Information collected for this study come under the confidentiality and data protection requirements of the Institute of Education Sciences (The Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183). Information that could identify an individual or institution will be separated from the survey responses submitted, kept in secured locations, and be destroyed as soon as they are no longer required. Survey responses will be used only for research purposes. The reports prepared for the study will summarize findings across individuals and institutions and will not associate responses with a specific district, school, or person. We will not provide information that identifies you or your district to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
Option 1. Guidance LEAs received concerning how to spend ARRA funds
Use the following chart to indicate (a) whether or not your LEA received the specific type of guidance - concerning how to spend funds provided by ARRA programs – that is described and if so (b) rate the usefulness of the guidance to date.
Focus of SEA Guidance |
Guidance Received (Check One in Each Row) |
of Guidance |
No |
Don’t know |
A Good Start |
Very Useful |
Written guidance from the U.S. Department of Education focused on how to spend: |
Supplemental ARRA IDEA funds |
Supplemental ARRA Title I funds |
SFSF funds |
Race to The Top funds |
Written guidance from your state focused on how to spend: |
Supplemental ARRA IDEA funds |
Supplemental ARRA Title I funds |
SFSF funds |
Race to The Top funds |
In person guidance (i.e. workshop or other meetings) from the U.S. Department of Education focused on how to spend: |
Supplemental IDEA funds |
Supplemental Title I funds |
SFSF funds |
Race to The Top funds |
In person guidance (i.e. workshop or other meetings) from your state focused on how to spend: |
Supplemental IDEA funds |
Supplemental Title I funds |
SFSF funds |
Race to The Top funds |
Option 2. District needs for technical assistance and staff training
Districts may require a variety of assistance to carry out ARRA reforms. For each of the reforms listed below, indicate (a) whether it is part of your district reform agenda for the 2011-2012 school year and (b) for those reforms included in the agenda, indicate the extent to which your district has a need for technical assistance and staff training to aid in carrying out reform.
Option 3. Technical Assistance and Staff Training LEAs Received
Districts may receive technical assistance and staff training (i.e., support) from a variety of sources, to help carry out ARRA reforms. For each support type listed, indicate (a) whether your district received the support during the 2010-2011 school year and if so (b) indicate the degree to which the support was useful.
Option 4. District Partnerships to Support Education Reforms
Districts may engage a variety of partners to assist in implementing education reforms. This brief survey asks about your district’s current (2011-2012) partnerships.
Question 1
Part A: Check the box if your district has a formal partnership focused on the reform activity listed.
Part B: If you checked column A, indicate whom you have formal partnerships with by checking all that apply.
Part C: If you checked column A, indicate if the partner’s work is paid for, at least in part, with ARRA funds.
Focus of Reform Activity |
A: Formal Partnership |
B: Type of partnering organization (Check all that apply) |
C: ARRA Funds |
College or University |
Foundation |
Federally -Funded Organization |
For-Profit Vendor |
Other |
Implementation of state content standards |
Implementation of assessments and use of assessment data |
Adopting new curricula and related instructional materials |
Evaluating educator effectiveness |
Establishing differentiated educator compensation systems |
Improving Low-Performing Schools |
Development and use of data Systems |
Assessing district needs and establishing reform priorities |
Question 2
For each partnership listed below indicate (a) how satisfied you have been with the quality of the work and (b) how satisfied you have been with the utility of the partnership in meeting your district’s needs.
Each partnership indicated will be piped into this grid: |
Satisfaction with Quality |
Satisfaction with Utility |
Very Satisfied |
Satisfied |
Not Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Satisfied |
Not Satisfied |
<Foundation> partnership focused on <State content standards and district application> |
<For-profit vendor> partnership focused on <Assessments and use of assessment data> |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | OMB#: |
Author | Bruce Haslam |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |