Attachment 5 Summary of Changes

Attachment 5-Revisions to Permit to Import or Transport Etiologic Agents.doc

Importation and Transportation of Etiologic Agents (42 CFR 71.54)

Attachment 5 Summary of Changes

OMB: 0920-0199

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Attachment 5: Revisions to the Application for Permit to Import or Transport Etiologic Agents, Hosts, or Vectors of Human Disease

Old Form Section A:


1.Last Name of Permittee (Applicant)

2. First

3. MI

4. Organization

5. Address (NOT a post office box)

6. City

7. State

8. Zip Code

9. Telephone

10. FAX

11. E-mail

New Form Section A:

SECTION A, Person Requesting Permit in US (Permittee)

1. Permittee's Last Name

2. First Name

3. MI

4. Permittee’s Organization

5. Physical Address (NOT a post office box)

6. City

7. State

8. Zip Code

9. Telephone

10. Fax

11. Email

1 2. Will the permittee be the courier of the imported biological agent?
a Yes b No

13. Will other members of the organization listed above, in Section A Block 4, be authorized to use the approved permit?

a No b Yes if Yes

1 4. Check here if you have included a Continuation Form to list others authorized to use this permit

  • Added item 12 to the new form: Will the permittee be the courier of the imported biological agent?

  • Added item 13 to the new form: Will other members of the organization listed above, in Section A Block 4, be authorized to use the approved permit?

  • Added item 14 to the new form: Check here if you have included a Continuation Form to list others authorized to use this permit.

Old Form Section B:


1. Last Name of Sender

2. First

3. MI

4. Organization (Check here if additional sheets are attached for multiple senders)

5. Address (NOT a post office box)

6. City


8. Postal Code

9. Country

10. Telephone

11. FAX

12. E-mail

New form Section B:

SECTION B, Sender of Imported Biological Agent(s)

1 . Sender’s Last Name ( Check if same as Sec A)

2. First Name

3. MI

4. Sender’s Organization

5. Physical Address Outside of the US (NOT a post office box)

6. City

7. State/Prov.

8. Country

9. Postal Code

10. Telephone

11. Fax

12. Email

1 3. Check here if you have included a Continuation Form to list multiple senders

  • Added item 13 to the new form: Check here if you have included a Continuation Form to list multiple senders.

Old form Section C:


1. Provide a detailed description of the material (Check here if additional sheets are attached):

2. Country of origin of the material:

3. Address where the human pathogen is to be used if different from Section A (NOT a post office box):

4. City

5. State

6. Zip Code

7. Is the material known or suspected to contain human pathogens? Yes No (If no, then see instructions: an import permit may not be required)

8. If yes, give the name of the etiologic agent(s) known or suspected to be present:

9. Natural host(s) for this etiologic agent(s):

10. Type of material: Fluids or tissues (List species samples are from: ________________________________________________)

Isolate(s) Bacterial toxin(s) Host or vector

Other (Describe):________________________________________________________________________

11. Does this material contain a select agent (specified in 42 C.F.R. Part 73)? Yes No

If yes, provide your CDC or APHIS facility registration number:______________________ Expiration date of registration:____________

12 Are these materials for laboratory use only? Yes No

If no, will the materials be used for the production of biologics for humans or animals? Yes No

13. Estimated completion date of work:

14. Proposed use of material: Research Diagnostics Production Other (Describe:______________________________)

15. Describe objective of work (Additional sheets attached):

16. Final disposition of material(s) after completion of work:

Long-term storage onsite

Transfer to another location (Describe:________________________________________________________________________)

Destroyed on site (Method of destruction: ______________________________________________________________________)

Other (Describe:__________________________________________________________________________________________)

New form Section C:

SECTION C, Shipment Information

1. Method(s) of Shipment

a Commercial Carrier (e.g., FedEx)

b Hand-carried by (provide name of person):_____________________

2. Number of Shipments

a Single Shipment

b Multiple Shipments

i. Estimated # of shipments:____

3. Shipment Temperature(s)

a Ambient

b Frozen/Refrigerated

4. Anticipated U.S. Port(s) of Entry

  • Removed item 1 from old form: Provide a detailed description of the material (check here if additional sheets are attached):

  • Removed item 2 from old form: Country of origin of the material

  • Removed item 3 from old form: Address where the human pathogen is to be used if different from Section A (NOT a post office box)

  • Removed item 4 from old form: City

  • Removed item 5 from old form: State

  • Removed item 6 from old form: Zip Code

  • Removed item 7 from old form: Is the material known or suspected to contain human pathogens?  Yes  No (If no, then see instructions: an import permit may not be required)

  • Removed item 8 from old form: If yes, give the name of the etiologic agent(s) known or suspected to be present:

  • Removed item 9 from old form: Natural host(s) for this etiologic agent(s):

  • Removed item 10 from old form: Type of material

Fluids or tissues (List species samples are from: ____________________________)

Isolate(s)  Bacterial toxin(s)  Host or vector  Other (Describe):______________________________________________________

  • Removed item 11 from old form: Does this material contain a select agent (specified in 42 C.F.R. Part 73)?  Yes  No

If yes, provide your CDC or APHIS facility registration number:____ _______ Expiration date of registration:____________

  • Removed item 12 from old form: Are these materials for laboratory use only?Yes  No

If no, will the materials be used for the production of biologics for humans or animals?  Yes  No

  • Removed item 13 from old form: Estimated completion date of work:

  • Removed item 14 from old form: Proposed use of material:  Research  Diagnostics  Production Other (Describe:______________________________)

  • Removed item 15 from old form: Describe objectives of work ( Additional sheets attached):

  • Removed item 16: from old form Final disposition of material(s) after completion of work:

Long-term storage onsite

Transfer to another location (Describe:_______________________________________________________________)

Destroyed on site (Method of destruction: ________________________________)

Other (Describe:___________ ____________________)

  • Added item 1 to the new form: Method(s) of Shipment

Commercial Carrier (e.g., FedEx)

Hand-carried by (provide name of person):_______________

  • Added item 2 to the new form: Number of Shipments

Single Shipment

Multiple Shipments

  1. Estimated # of shipments:___

  • Added item 3 to the new form: Shipment Temperature(s)



  • Added item 4 to the new form: Anticipated U.S. Port(s) of Entry

Old form Section D:


1. Importation into U.S.: Single Multiple No. of shipments expected to be made within the next 12 months:_________________

2. Transfer within the U.S.: Single Multiple None

No. of shipments expected to be made within the next 12 months:______________

3. U.S. port(s) of entry (if known):

4. Total volume (indicate units, ml, mg, liter):

New form Section D:

SECTION D, Final Destination of Imported Biological Agent

1. Is final destination of biological agent(s)
different from address in Section A?

a No (skip to Section E) b Yes

2. Last Name of Recipient at Destination

3. First Name

4. MI

5 .Destination Organization

6. Final Destination Address (NOT a post office box)

7. City

8. State

9. Zip Code

10. Telephone

11. Fax

12. Email

1 3. Check here if you have included a Continuation Form to list multiple final destinations

  • Removed item 1 from old form: Importation into U.S.: Single  Multiple No. of shipments expected to be made within the next 12 months:_________________

  • Removed item 2 from old form: Transfer within the U.S.:  Single  Multiple  None

No. of shipments expected to be made within the next 12 months:______________

  • Removed item 3 from old form: U.S. port(s) of entry (if known):

  • Removed item 4 from old form: Total volume (indicate units, ml, mg, liter):

  • Added item 1 to new form: Is final destination of biological agent(s) different from address in Section A?  No (skip to Section E)  Yes

  • Added item 2 to new form: Last Name of Recipient at Destination

  • Added item 3 to new form: First Name

  • Added item 4 to new form: MI

  • Added item 5 to new form: Destination Organization

  • Added item 6 to new form: Final Destination Address (NOT a post office box)

  • Added item 7 to new form: City

  • Added item 8 to new form: State

  • Added item 9 to new form: Zip Code

  • Added item 10 to new form: Telephone

  • Added item 11 to new form: Fax

  • Added item 12 to new form: Email

  • Added item 13 to new form: Check here  if you have included a Continuation Form to list multiple final destination

Old form Section E:

SECTION E – Isolation and containment facilities and technical personnel

1. Description of applicant laboratory facilities, containment equipment, and personal protective equipment (Additional sheets attached):

2. Biosafety level (See instructions):Biosafety level 1Biosafety level 2Biosafety level 3Biosafety level 4

3. Describe the qualifications, experience, and training of technical personnel handling the material (Additional sheets attached):

New form section E:

SECTION E, Description of Imported Biological Agent

1. Intended use(s) of imported agent(s)

a Diagnostic

b Research

c Clinical trials

d Education

e Production

f Other (please describe):

2. Provide a detailed description of the work to be accomplished with the imported agent(s) (Describe your work clearly & simply. Include background, purpose, objectives, methods, etc.)

5 . Check here if you included a Continuation Form to list additional agents to be imported with this Permit.

3. Scientific name of known/suspected biological agent(s)

4. Type(s) of Biological Agent









Recombinant Genetic Material









  • Removed item 1 from old form: Description of applicant laboratory facilities, containment equipment, and personal protective equipment ( Additional sheets attached):

  • Removed item 2 from old form: Biosafety level (See instructions):  Biosafety level 1  Biosafety level 2  Biosafety level 3  Biosafety level 4

  • Removed item 3 from old form: Describe the qualifications, experience, and training of technical personnel handling the material ( Additional sheets attached):

  • Added item 1 to new form: Intended use(s) of imported agent(s)



Clinical trials



Other (please describe):

  • Added item 2 to new form: Provide a detailed description of the work to be accomplished with the imported agent(s) (Describe your work clearly & simply. Include background, purpose, objectives, methods, etc.)

  • Added item 3 to new form: Scientific name of known/suspected biological agent(s)







  • Added item 4 to new form: Type(s) of Biological Agent







Recombinant Genetic Material

  • Added item 5 to the new form: Check here  if you included a Continuation Form to list additional agents to be imported with this Permit.

Old form section F:

SECTION F – signature of permittee

1. APPLICANT (Print Name)





New form section F:

SECTION F, Description of Material(s) Containing the Biological Agent(s) to be Imported

1. Source of material(s) being imported (Check all that apply)

a Infected or suspected infected human

b Infected or suspected infected vector (APHIS permit may be required)

i (please describe) ______________________________________________

ii Vector viability: 1 live 2 dead

c Environment (please describe):__________________________________

d Other (please describe):_________________________________________ ­

2. Description of material(s) containing biological agent(s)
(Check all that apply and provide description below)

a Field-collected specimen e Tissues/organs

b Laboratory isolate/culture f Body parts

c Blood/blood products g Vector

d Other body fluids h Other

i Provide a detailed description of the material containing the biological agent:

3. Does the material contain animal products or byproducts (e.g.,
Fetal Calf Serum or Bovine Serum Albumin)?

a No b Yes (APHIS Import Permit may also be required)

  • Removed item 1 from old form: APPLICANT (Print Name)

  • Removed item 2 from old form: SIGNATURE

  • Removed item 3 from old form: TITLE

  • Removed item 4 from old form: DEGREE(S)

  • Removed item 5 from old form: 5. DATE SIGNED (MM/DD/YYYY)

  • Added item 1 to new form: Source of material(s) being imported (Check all that apply)

Infected or suspected infected human

Infected or suspected infected vector (APHIS permit may be required)

i (please describe) ______________________________________________

ii Vector viability:  live dead

Environment (please describe):__________________________________

Other (please describe):_________________________________________

  • Added item 2 to new form: Description of material(s) containing biological agent(s)

(Check all that apply and provide description below)

Field-collected specimen Tissues/organs

Laboratory isolate/culture Body parts

Blood/blood products Vector

Other body fluids Other

  1. Provide a detailed description of the material containing the biological agent:

  • Added item 3 to new form: Does the material contain animal products or byproducts (e.g., Fetal Calf Serum or Bovine Serum Albumin)?

No  Yes (APHIS Import Permit may also be required)

New form section G:

SECTION G, Receiving Laboratory Capabilities

1. Laboratory Biosafety Level

(Check all that apply)

a ABSL-1 e BSL-1

b ABSL-2 f BSL-2

c ABSL-3 g BSL-3

d ABSL-4 h BSL-4

i Other (please describe):

2. Primary Containment to be used (Check all that apply)

a None (open bench)

b Class I

c Class II, Type _______

d Class III

e Fume Hood

f Other (please describe):

3. Personal Protective Measures to be used (Check all that apply)

a Gloves

b Protective Clothing

c Goggles and/or Face Shield

d Facemask

e Respirators:

Type i N95/100 ii PAPR

f Immunizations

g Other (please describe):____________

4. Personnel Training provided (Check all that apply)

a Risk(s) associated with the imported biological agent(s)

b Hazardous Material Packing/Shipping

c Laboratory Standard Practices

d Hazardous Waste Handling/Disposal

e Emergency Response Procedures

g Spill Procedures

h Other (please describe): ________________________

5. Anticipated disposition of Biological Agent(s) (and material containing it) when work is completed

a Will be retained at address listed in SECTION A

b Will be transferred to location listed in SECTION D

c Will be destroyed (please complete Block 6)

6 . If Agent(s) will be destroyed, list expected method(s) of destruction

a Thermal: (describe method):______________________________________

b Chemical (describe chemical):_____________________________________

c Irradiation (describe energy source):_________________________________

d Other (please describe): _________________________________________

  • Section G did not exist on the old form

  • Added item 1 to new form: Laboratory Biosafety Level

(Check all that apply)

ABSL-1  BSL-1

ABSL-2 f BSL-2

ABSL-3  BSL-3

ABSL-4  BSL-4

Other (please describe):

  • Added item 2 to new form: Primary Containment to be used (Check all that apply)

None (open bench)

Class I

Class II, Type _______

Class III

Fume Hood

Other (please describe):

  • Added item 3 to new form: Personal Protective Measures to be used (Check all that apply)


Protective Clothing

Goggles and/or Face Shield



Type i N95/100 ii PAPR


Other (please describe):____________

  • Added item 4 to new form: Personnel Training provided (Check all that apply)

Risk(s) associated with the imported biological agent(s)

Hazardous Material Packing/Shipping

Laboratory Standard Practices

Hazardous Waste Handling/Disposal

Emergency Response Procedures

Spill Procedures

Other (please describe): ________________________

  • Added item 5 to new form: Anticipated disposition of Biological Agent(s) (and material containing it) when work is completed

Will be retained at address listed in SECTION A

Will be transferred to location listed in SECTION D

Will be destroyed (please complete Block 6)

  • Added item 6 to new form: If Agent(s) will be destroyed, list expected method(s) of destruction

Thermal: (describe method):______________________________________

Chemical (describe chemical):_____________________________________

Irradiation (describe energy source):_________________________________

Other (please describe): _________________________________________

New form section H:

SECTION H, Signature of Permittee

1. Requestor’s Signature (REQUIRED)

2. Requestor’s Printed Name (Print name)

3. Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)

  • Section H did not exist on the old form

  • Added item 1 to new form: Requestor’s Signature (REQUIRED)

  • Added item 2 to new form: Requestor’s Printed Name (Print name)

  • Added item 3 to new form: Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)

08/27/2010 Application for Permit to Import Biological Agents or Vectors of Human Disease Page 11 of 11

Guidance Document

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified Byziy6
File Modified2010-10-25
File Created2010-10-25

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