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pdfNortheast Region Federal Fisheries Initial Permit Application
55 Great Republic Drive
GLOUCESTER, MA 01930-2276
Tel: (978) 281-9370
Section 1 - Vessel/Owner Information
Is this application for a vessel permit transfer?
Yes ✔ No
If Yes, complete the vessel replacement portion of the Vessel Replacement, Upgrade, and Confirmation of Permit History Application.
Enter information in the spaces provided. All items must be completed.
Vessel Name:
Owner Name:
Mailing Address:
Owner Telephone:
CG Documentation or State Registration Number:
Home Port:
Principal Port:
Previously permitted Vessel Permit #
_____________(if applicable)
Section 2 - Vessel Information
Enter information in the spaces provided. All applicable items must be completed.
Vessel Length:________________________
Dredge Size: _______________________________
Overall length in feet.
Dredge size in feet.
Crew Size: ___________________________
Number of Dredges: _________________________
Average number or crew, including the captain.
Total number of dredges aboard the vessel.
Gross Tonnage: _______________________
Pump Horsepower: __________________________
Year Built: ____________________________
Construction: Please check
As recorded on US Coast Guard Documentation.
This item applies to surf clam/ocean quahog vesssels only.
the number that applies to your vessel.
The year the vessel was built.
1 = Wood
Main Engine HP: _______________________
The vessel engine horsepower.
Measured to the nearest 100 pounds.
Propulsion: Please check
1 = Gasoline
Fish Hold Capacity: __________________
2 = Fiberglass
3 = Steel
4 = Other
the number that applies to your vessel.
2 = Diesel
3 = Other
Number of Charter/Party Passengers:____________
Number of passengers the vessel is licensed to carry.
(See Section 4D of instructions for additional documents required)
Signature required on back of form
OMB Control No. 0648-0202; Expiration Date: 04/30/2013
Section 3 – Fishery Information
Gear Codes
120 – Purse Seine
210 – Beach Seine
220 – Boat Seines
310 – Bottom Trawl
320 – Midwater Trawl
913 – Tub Trawl
410 – Dredge
700 – Gill/Entangling Nets
800 – Pots & Traps
911 – Hand Lines
912 – Rod & Reel
1010 – Harpoons
920 – Longlines / Setlines
1400 – Diving Gear
1200 – Other Gears
Circle the number or letter of the fishery category for which you are applying. Clearly print the associated gear code(s) from the
list above. Refer to the instructions for allowable gear code(s) per category.
If you select a fishery category and gear code combination(s) for which your vessel is not eligible, the processing of
your permit may be delayed. See instructions for further details or call Northeast Permit Operations at (978) 281-9370.
Open Access
Limited Access Categories
Qualified Vessels Only
Gear Code(s)
Atlantic Sea Scallop
Atlantic Sea Scallop – General
Northeast Multispecies
Surf Clam/Ocean Quahog
410 – Dredge only
Maine Mahogany Quahog
Summer Flounder
410 – Dredge only
2* 1
Scup 2
Black Sea Bass
2* 1
Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish
Spiny Dogfish
Atlantic Bluefish
Atlantic Herring
Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab
American Lobster – Non Trap
American Lobster - Trap
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 AOC
Skate 1
800 – Pots and Traps only
* Charter/Party permit categories
Section 5 – Application Checklist & Signature
Î Please include the applicable forms below with your signed and dated application
_____ All vessels: copy of current (not expired) US Coast Guard (CG) Documentation or State Registration.
_____ Corporations, LLCs, Partnerships: signed and dated list of current owners/officers/partners and their addresses.
_____ Limited access Sea Scallop permit holders: Sea Scallop Vessel Ownership Form with each vessel application.
_____ Charter/Party requests: CG Documentation must state “coastwise” or include a copy of a valid Captain’s license.
I, the undersigned, am the owner or legally authorized agent of the owner of the vessel named in Section 1. I affirm,
subject to the penalties provided in 18 USC 1001, that all information provided obtaining this permit is true and
Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate
or suggestions for reducing this burden to: NOAA Fisheries, 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930. The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requires
that potential respondents for permits be notified of certain information regarding their rights and the burden associated with applying for Federal fisheries
permits. The purpose and use of these permits are to (1) register industry participants and fishing vessels, (2) list the characteristics of fishing vessels, (3)
exercise influence over compliance, (4) provide a mailing list for the dissemination of important information, and (5) register participants to be considered to
limited entry. Federal regulations require the determination of this information. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to
respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the PRA, unless
that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. OMB Control No. 0648-0202; Expiration Date: 04/30/2013
National Marine Fisheries Service
Northeast Regional Office/Fisheries Statistics Office
Initial Vessel Application
Instructions for Northeast Federal Fishing Vessel Permits
Enclosed are the instructions for completing the Initial Fishing Vessel Application for
Federal Northeast Region (NER) fishing permits. This package contains definitions for
each field on the application, the additional documents required for a complete
application, and a brief definition of the fishery permits. These instructions do not
contain all the regulatory provisions that pertain to each fishery, and are not a substitute
for the regulations. A copy of the regulations can be obtained through NOAA's National
Marine Fisheries Service NERO web site: If you have further
questions, please contact the Sustainable Fisheries Division at (978) 281-9315.
Please read and follow the application instructions carefully. Failure to provide all
required information and additional documentation will result in the application being
returned to you for completion. You cannot fish without a current and valid permit.
Walk-in application processing service is not available. There is a 30-day processing
period for all application packages. This 30-day processing period begins when a
correct and complete application package is received in the Northeast Region Permit
Office. Questions? Please refer to the NMFS Northeast Region Web Page at for applications, instructions, fisheries regulations,
and other important information, or call 978-281-9370 or e-mail
Mail the completed application package to:
National Marine Fisheries Service
Northeast Permit Office
55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930-2276
Section 1 - Vessel and Owner Information (all items must be filled in)
Vessel Name
Current name of vessel, or enter “unnamed” if not applicable.
Owner Name
Include the owner name (business name or person name) exactly as it appears on the
United States Coast Guard Documentation, State Registration, or Title of Vessel
Ownership. If your vessel's state registration does not list all owners of the vessel, also
provide a copy of the vessel's title, or other documentation from the appropriate state
agency that identifies all vessel owners. If the vessel is owned by a company, LLC, or
partnership, you must provide the full name and mailing address of all officers and
shareholders in the business (see page 3 for further details).
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Address and Telephone Number
Provide primary address and include 4-digit addition to zip code (if known). Also provide
area code and phone number (additional phone numbers may be provided).
U.S. Coast Guard Documentation or State Registration Number
Provide United States Coast Guard Documentation Number or State Registration for your
vessel. A copy of the USCG Documentation or State Registration is also required, see
page 3 for further details.
Home Port
City and State where vessel is moored
Principal Port
City and State where the majority of your landings occur
Section 2 - Additional Vessel Information
(Except where noted, all items on must be completed)
Vessel length:
Crew Size:
Gross Tonnage:
Overall length in feet
Average number of crew, including the captain
As recorded on US Coast Guard Documentation or estimated gross
tonnage for state registered vessels
Year Built:
Year vessel was built
Main Engine HP:
Vessel engine horsepower
Fish Hold Capacity:
Measured to the nearest 100 pounds
Dredge Size:
Dredge size in feet (not required if vessel does not use dredge gear)
Number of Dredges:
Total number of dredges aboard the vessel (not required if vessel
does not use dredge gear)
Pump Horsepower:
This item applies to surf clam/ocean quahog vessels only
1=Wood, 2=Fiberglass, 3=Steel, 4=Other (Circle applicable number)
1 Gasoline,
2 Diesel,
3 Other (Circle applicable number)
Charter Passengers:
Number of charter/party/headboat passengers the vessel is licensed
to carry (see page 3 for additional documents required)
Section 3 - Fishery Information
Except as noted for limited access fisheries, circle a fishery category and enter the
applicable gear codes in the spaces provided. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations for
further restrictions –
For each fishery you want to apply for, select the category that best describes your fishing
operations, and circle the category numbers or letters in the column marked “Category”. A
description of Northeast fisheries permits and categories is contained in this document on
pages 4 – 10.
Gear Code
For each fishery permit and category you select, you must write in the applicable gear
codes from the Gear Code table on the application. Write the gear code numbers in the
column marked "Gear Code". For certain permit categories, you are restricted on the gear
type you can use. For this information, see the description of each fishery below. Where
applicable, you may select more than one gear code for a category. If you do not write
in any gear codes, the application cannot be processed and will be returned to
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Section 4 – Signature of Owner or Authorized Agent
Sign and date the form. Unsigned, or otherwise incomplete applications, will be returned.
Your signature is an affirmation that, under penalty of perjury, all the information provided
in order to obtain this permit is true and correct. Submitting false information in
connection with an application could subject you to criminal/civil penalties or permit
sanctions [18 U.S.C. 1001].
Additional Documents Required
USCG Documentation/State Registration
With each application, submit a copy of your current (not expired) United States Coast
Guard (USCG) Certificate of Documentation. If the vessel is not documented, send a copy
of a valid (not expired) state vessel registration for the vessel. Do not send your original.
We cannot accept a bill of sale or an application for renewal of the USCG Documentation.
If your vessel's state registration does not list all owners of the vessel, also provide a copy
of the vessel's title, or other documentation from the appropriate state agency that
identifies all vessel owners. A permit application will not be accepted if the vessel
registration or documentation has expired before we receive it.
Business/Corporate Information
If the vessel is owned by a business, corporation, LLC, or a partnership, the following
information must be submitted with the application form:
• A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation/Organization with the initial application.
• Partnerships must submit a copy of the partnership agreement each year which
includes the full name and current mailing address of each partner.
Officer/Owner/Shareholder Information
The full name and mailing address of all officers and shareholders in the corporation/LLC
regardless of their percentage ownership in the company/vessel. Examples of acceptable
documentation include minutes from the Corporation Annual Meeting listing the names and
mailing addresses of the officers and shareholders, or a signed and dated letter from a
Corporate Officer listing the names and addresses of current officers and shareholders.
Scallop Vessels Owned (Categories 2 - 9 and Individual Fishing Quota - IFQ)
All applicants for scallop permits must attach a completed NMFS scallop ownership form
listing and identifying all owners and shareholders. Applicants must provide the full name
of each owner and shareholder regardless of their percentage ownership in the vessel.
Charter/Party/Headboat Vessels
If you are applying for a charter/party/headboat permit, submit a valid copy (not expired)
of at least one of the following:
• State license showing the vessel is authorized to carry charter/party passengers.
• US Coast Guard Documentation showing vessel is documented for “Coastwise” trade.
• US Coast Guard license to operate or navigate passenger-carrying vessels.
Gillnet Vessels applying for Limited Access NE Multispecies and Monkfish
If applying for a NE multispecies category A, E, or F permit with the intention of fishing
with gillnet gear, you must complete sections 1 and 3 of the NMFS Gillnet Form. If you
wish to order gillnet tags for either the NE multispecies or monkfish gillnet fishery, you
must also submit a completed NMFS Gillnet Form.
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Description Northeast Fisheries Permits
Description of Northeast Fisheries Permits – Categories Are Shaded
Atlantic Sea Scallop
Limited Access Permit Categories: These permits may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held them or to approved replacements of such vessels. All permits issued will be valid for
the entire fishing year. A vessel owner has 45 days from the first effective date of the permit within a
permit year to make a change to the limited access Sea Scallop permit category (restrictions apply).
If you are applying for a limited access scallop permit, you must attach a completed NMFS scallop
ownership form (see section 5B for details). Further restrictions may apply, refer to Northeast
Fisheries Regulations.
Full-Time: This category includes all gear types except bottom trawl.
Part-Time: This category includes all gear types except bottom trawl.
Occasional: This category includes all gear types except bottom trawl.
Full-Time Small Dredge: Category 3 (Part-Time) vessel may elect this category for the
entire year if the vessel uses one dredge no larger than 10.5 ft. and with no more than five
people on board. This category is limited to dredge (gear code 410) gear only.
Part-Time Small Dredge: Category 4 (Occasional) vessel may elect this category for the
entire year if the vessel uses 1 dredge no larger than 10.5 ft. and with no more than five
people on board. This category is limited to dredge (gear code 410) gear only.
Full-Time: Authorized to use trawl nets: This category is limited to bottom trawl nets
(gear code 310) only.
Part-Time: Authorized to use trawl nets: This category is limited to bottom trawl nets
(gear code 310) only.
Occasional: Authorized to use trawl nets: This category is limited to bottom trawl
nets (gear code 310) only.
* A VMS is required to be installed and in continuous operation onboard the vessel.
Limited Access General Category (LAGC) Scallop permit categories: These permits may only
be issued to qualified vessels or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may
apply, refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations. Owners of vessels issued an NGOM or Incidental
scallop permit shall have one opportunity each fishing year to request a change in its permit
category by submitting an application within 45 days of the effective date of the vessel's permit.
After that date, the vessel must remain in that permit category for the duration of the fishing year.
If you are applying for an IFQ scallop permit, you must attach a completed NMFS scallop ownership
form (See section 5B for details).
A** LAGC – Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ permit)
B** LAGC – Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM permit)
LAGC – Incidental Catch (Incidental permit)
** A VMS is required to be installed, activated, and a) transmitting a positional signal, or
b) declared into a scallop power down activity code, or c) issued a VMS ‘Letter of
Exemption’ from NMFS to power down the vessel’s VMS unit.
VMS purchase information:
Telephone: 858-458-8100
Telephone: 866-759-6283
Fax: 858-458-8116
Fax: 703-814-8585
Thrane & Thrane
Telephone: 757-463-9557
Fax: 757-463-9581
See page 11 for a list of Northeast Fisheries gear types and their codes
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Northeast Multispecies
“Regulated” species ( NE mu ltispecies r equiring regu lated mesh ): C od, h addock, y ellowtail
flounder, pollock, redfish (ocean perch), winter flounder (blackback), American plaice (dab), witch
flounder (grey sole), windowpane flounder (sand dab), white hake, and ocean pout.
Other NE multispecies:
Silver hake (whiting), red hake (ling), offshore hake, Atlantic halibut, and wolf fish.
Limited Access Permit Categories: These permits may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held them or to approved replacements of such vessels. All permits issued will be valid
for the entire fishing year. A vessel owner has 45 days from the first effective date of his/her
permit within a permit year to make a change to the NE multispecies permit category. Further
restrictions may apply to specific categories. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
A* Day-at-Sea (DAS): This category includes all gear types except dredge gear.
Small Vessel Exemption (less than or equal to 30 feet): This category includes all gear
types except dredge gear.
Hook Gear: (Vessels in this category may not change category) This category is limited to
D* handlines (gear code 911), rod and reel (gear code 912), tub trawl (gear code 913) and
longlines (gear code 920) gear only.
Combination Vessels: (Vessels in this category may not change category) This category
includes all gear types except a dredge.
Large Mesh Individual DAS: Category A (Individual DAS) or E (Combination) vessels may
elect this category for the entire year provided the vessels meet the following requirements.
Category A DAS for vessels fishing under this permit category will be increased by 36%.
These vessels must fish with either gillnets or trawl nets having a minimum of 8.5-inch
square or diamond mesh when fishing in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, or Southern New
England Regulated Mesh Areas, and 7.5-inch diamond or 8.0-inch square mesh when fishing
in the Mid-Atlantic Regulated Mesh Area. This category is limited to gear types/codes 120,
210, 220, 310, 320, 330 and 700 only.
Handgear A: (Vessels in this category may not change category) The vessel may possess
and land up to 300 lb cod, one Atlantic halibut, and daily possession limit restrictions allowed
for the remaining regulated species. This category is limited to rod and reel (gear code
912), handline (gear code 911) or tub trawl (gear code 913) gear only.
* An operational VMS is required to be on board the vessel to fish for groundfish under a NE
multispecies DAS.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to specific categories. Refer
to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Handgear B: The vessel may possess and land up to 75 lb cod, one Atlantic halibut, and
daily possession limit restrictions allowed for the remaining regulated species. This
category includes rod and reel (gear code 912), handline (gear code 911) or tub trawl
(gear code 913) gear only.
Charter/Party: The vessel may possess and land multispecies in the EEZ when carrying
passengers for hire (See Section 5D for additional information). This category is limited
to rod and reel (gear code 912) and handline (gear code 911) gear only.
Scallop Multispecies Possession Limit: The vessel may possess and land up to 300 lb
of regulated species while fishing under a scallop DAS. Vessel must have a Limited
Access Scallop Permit (Categories 2 – 9) to qualify for this category. This
category includes all gear types.
Open Access Multispecies: The vessel may fish for silver hake (whiting), red hake
(ling), offshore hake, ocean pout, or Atlantic halibut when participating in an exempted
fishing program. This category includes all gear types.
• See page 11 for a list of NE Fisheries gear types and their codes.
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Limited Access Permit Categories: These permits may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held them or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may
apply to specific categories. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Vessels may elect this category that were issued permits in this category in the previous
fishing year and that do not possess a limited access multispecies (with the exception of
a Handgear A) permit or a limited access scallop permit. This category includes all gear
types except dredge gear.
Vessels may elect this category that were issued permits in this category in the previous
fishing year and that do not possess a limited access multispecies (with the exception of
a Handgear A) permit or a limited access scallop permit, and that are less than 51 Gross
Registered Tons (GRT) and do not qualify for a Category A permit. This category
includes all gear types except dredge gear.
Vessels may elect this category that were issued permits in this category in the previous
fishing year and also possess a limited access multispecies permit or a limited access
scallop permit. This category includes all gear types except dredge gear.
Vessels may elect this category that were issued permits in this category in the previous
fishing year and that also possess a limited access multispecies permit or a limited
access scallop permit, and are less than 51 Gross Registered Tons (GRT) and do not
qualify for a Category C permit. This category includes all gear types except dredge
Offshore Fishery Program: Vessels may elect this category if they were issued
permits in monkfish limited access permit categories A, B, C, or D in the previous fishing
year. Vessels electing this category must have an operational Vessel Monitoring System
(VMS) installed on the vessel, and are restricted to fishing under a monkfish DAS during
the specified season of October 1 – April 30 each year and within the Offshore Fishery
Program Area. This category includes all gear types except dredge gear.
* Operational VMS required
Limited Access Permit Categories for Vessels Fishing South of 38°20’ N. Lat. – Vessels
issued a limited access Category G or H permit are restricted to fishing under a monkfish DAS in
the area south of 38°20’ N. lat.
Vessels may elect this category if they were issued permits in this category in the previous
fishing year. This category includes all gear types except dredge gear.
Vessels may elect this category if they were issued permits in this category in the previous
H fishing year and that did not qualify for a category G permit. This category includes all gear
Open Access Permit Categories: This permit may be issued to any vessel not issued a
monkfish limited access permit—to fish for, possess, or land monkfish. Further restrictions may
apply to this category. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Incidental Catch: Allows a vessel to possess and land a limited amount of monkfish,
E depending on fishing year, area fished, and gear fished. For specific limit amounts, contact
the Sustainable Fisheries Division at 978-281-9315. This category includes all gear types.
Area Declaration: Please note that vessels without an operational VMS unit fishing exclusively
in the Northern Fishery Management Area (NFMA) for monkfish must request a Southern Fishery
Management Area (SFMA) Exemption Certificate in order to be exempt from the more restrictive
management measures of the SFMA. Contact the Permit Office at 978-281-9370. Vessels with
an operational VMS unit must declare the appropriate code to indicate they intend to fish
exclusively in the NFMA.
See page 11 for a list of NE Fisheries gear types and their codes.
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Surfclam/Ocean Quahog
Surfclam and ocean quahog vessels, as well as Maine mahogany quahog vessels, are required to
have an operational vessel monitoring system (VMS) on board their vessel. For open access
surfclam and ocean quahog vessels, VMS installation and operation must be verified prior to
issuance of the permit. Maine mahogany quahog permitted vessels are not required to install a
VMS unit until they fish for, land, take, possess, or transfer ocean quahogs under a limited access
Maine mahogany quahog permit. For more information on VMS requirements, call 978-2819315.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to specific categories. Refer to
Northeast Fishery Regulations.
Surfclam: The vessel may fish for surfclams. This category is limited to dredge
(gear code 410) gear only. VMS required.
Ocean Quahog: The vessel may fish for ocean quahogs. This category is limited to
dredge (gear code 410) gear only. VMS required.
To possess and land surfclams or ocean quahogs from the EEZ, an allocation of quota is required.
Limited Access Permit Categories: This permit may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held it or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may apply to
this category. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Maine Mahogany Quahog: The vessel may harvest and land ocean quahogs without
an allocation from the EEZ in the area north of 43° 50´N. latitude. This category is
limited to dredge (gear code 410) gear only.
* Operational VMS required.
Summer Flounder (Fluke)
Limited Access Permit Categories: This permit may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held it or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may apply to
this category. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
1 Commercial Moratorium: This category includes all gear types.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to this category. Refer to
Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Charter/Party: May fish for or possess summer flounder in the EEZ while carrying
2 passengers for hire (See Section 5D for additional information). This category includes
all gear types.
Scup (Porgy)
Limited Access Permit Categories: This permit may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held it or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may apply to
this category. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
1 Scup Commercial Moratorium: This category includes all gear types.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to this category. Refer to
Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Charter/Party: May fish for or possess scup in the EEZ while carrying passengers for
hire (See Section 5D for additional information). This category includes all gear types.
See page 11 for a list of NE Fisheries gear types and their codes.
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Black Sea Bass
Limited Access Permit Categories: This permit may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held it or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may apply to
this category. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
1 Black Sea Bass Commercial Moratorium: This category includes all gear types.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to this category. Refer to
Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Charter/Party: May fish for or possess black sea bass in the EEZ north of 35º 15.3´ N.
2 latitude while carrying passengers for hire (See Section 5 D for additional information). This
category includes all gear types.
Squid, Atlantic Mackerel, and Butterfish
Limited Access Permit Categories: These permits may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held them or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may apply
to specific categories. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
1 Loligo/Butterfish Moratorium: This category includes all gear types.
5 Illex Squid Moratorium: This category includes all gear types.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to specific categories. Refer
to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Squid/Mackerel/Butterfish Charter/Party: May fish for or possess Loligo or Illex
2 squid, mackerel or butterfish in the EEZ while carrying passengers for hire (See Section 5 D
for additional information). This category includes all gear types.
Squid/Butterfish Incidental Catch: May fish commercially in the EEZ for up to 2,500 lb
of Loligo squid per trip, 10,000 lb of Illex squid per trip, or 600 lb of butterfish per trip
(unless the butterfish fishery closes prior to Oct 1 and then a 250 lb limit would be in effect
for the remainder of the year). This category includes all gear types.
Atlantic Mackerel: May commercially fish for Atlantic mackerel in the EEZ. This category
includes all gear types.
Note: Atlantic mackerel at-sea processing vessels must apply for a permit as a
Open Access Permit Category: Further restrictions may apply to this category. Please refer to
50 CFR § 635.21 or for more information.
Commercial / Incidental: This permit may be issued to any vessel to commercially fish
for, possess, or land smoothhounds caught in or from the EEZ using longline, rod and reel,
handline, and bandit gear, and gillnet gear. Further restrictions apply for longline and gillnet
1 gear. This permit also allows a vessel to possess and land a limited amount of incidental
smoothhounds harvested with trawl gear. For specific limit amounts, please contact the
Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Management Division at 301-713-2347 or visit the HMS
webpage at
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Spiny Dogfish
Open Access Permit Category: Further restrictions may apply to this category. Refer to
Northeast Fisheries Regulations for additional information.
General: May comm ercially fish for, po ssess, or land spiny dogf ish cau ght in or f rom th e
EEZ. This category includes all gear types.
Atlantic Bluefish
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to specif ic cat egories. Ref er
to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Commercial: May po ssess or harvest Atlantic bluefi sh from the EEZ in excess of the daily
possession limit. This category includes all gear types.
Charter/Party: May fish for or possess A tlantic bluefish from the E EZ while carryi ng
2 passengers for hi re (See Secti on 5D for addi tional information). T his cat egory in cludes a ll
gear types.
Atlantic Herring
Limited Access Permit Categories: These permits may only be issued to qualified vessels or to
approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions apply to specific categories. Refer to
Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
All Areas: Authorizes the harvest of herring in any management area, without being subject to
A* possession limits during the time when the total allowable catch (TAC) in the defined
management area has not been reached. This category includes all gear types.
Areas 2/3: Authorizes the harvest of herring only in Areas 2 or 3, without being subject to
B* possession limits during the time when the TAC in the defined management area has not been
reached. This category includes all gear types.
Incidental Catch: Authorizes the harvest of up to 55,000 lb herring in any management area
C* during the time when the TAC in the defined management area has not been met, with a limit of
one landing per calendar day. This category includes all gear types.
* All vessels applying for and issued a limited access herring permit, with the exception of
fixed gear (weirs and stop seines) fishermen, must install and maintain an operable VMS
unit, and comply with all VMS notification and reporting requirements. Such vessels may
power down the VMS unit when in port, but must re-power the VMS unit and enter an
appropriate trip designation prior to leaving port.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to specific categories. Refer to
Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Open Access: Authorizes the harvest of up to 6,600 lb of herring in any management area
D during the time when the TAC in these management areas has not been met, with a limit of one
landing per calendar day. This category includes all gear types.
Open Access Permit Categories: Effective November 1, 2009, a vessel must also fish under the
authorization of an IFQ Allocation permit to possess more than the incidental trip limit of 300 lb of
tilefish. Further restrictions may apply to these categories. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Open Access Commercial/Incidental: May possess or land tilefish in or from the EEZ, north of
the VA/NC border, up to 300 lb per trip. In order for any vessel to possess more than 300 lb of
tilefish per trip, the vessel must also fish under the authorization of an IFQ Allocation permit. This
category includes all gear types.
Open Access Charter/Party: May fish for or possess Tilefish in the EEZ, north of the VA/NC
border, while carrying passengers for hire. This category contains all gear types.
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Northeast Skate Complex (Skate) - The following species of skates comprise the NE skate
complex and are included under the Federal skate permit: Winter skate; barndoor skate; thorny
skate; smooth skate; little skate; clearnose skate; and rosette skate.
Open Access Permit Categories: Further restrictions may apply to this category. Refer to
Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
1 General: May comm ercially fish for, posse ss, or land skate caught in or from the EEZ. This
category includes all gear types.
Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab
Limited Access Permit Categories: These permits may only be issued to vessels that have
previously held them or to approved replacements of such vessels. Further restrictions may apply to
this category. Refer to Northeast Fisheries Regulations.
Vessels in this category are subject to a baseline trip limit of 75,000 lb. This category is limited
to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only.
Vessels in this category demonstrated a qualifying trip with landings greater than 75,000 lb and
C qualified for a trip limit equal to the larger trip, rounded to the nearest 5,000 lb. This category is
limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only.
Open Access Permit Categories: This permit may be issued to any vessel not issued a red crab
limited access permit—to fish for, possess, or land red crab in or from the EEZ.
May possess or land red crab in or from the EEZ up to 500 lb per trip. This category includes all
gear types.
American Lobster
Limited Access Permit Categories: These permits may only be issued to vessels that have previously
held them or to approved replacements of such vessels. If eligible, you may select more than one
category. Note, if you designate more than one category, you will be subject to the most restrictive
management measures, including trap allocations of all of the categories selected. A vessel owner has 45
days from the first effective date of his/her permit within a permit year to make a change to the American
Lobster permit category. Further restrictions may apply to specific categories. Refer to Northeast
Fisheries Regulations.
Commercial Non-Trap: May harvest lobster in the EEZ. This category includes all gear types
except pots and traps. If you plan to fish with non-trap gear only, you are not required to elect
trap gear areas.
Charter/Party Non-Trap: May harvest lobster in the EEZ while carrying passengers for hire.
This category includes all gear types except pots and traps. (See Section 5D for additional
Commercial Trap Gear Area 1: May harvest lobster in Federal Lobster Management Area 1.
This category is limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only.
Commercial Trap Gear Area 2: May harvest lobster in Federal Lobster Management Area 2.
This category is limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only. Includes Area 2/3 overlap.
Commercial Trap Gear Area 3: May harvest lobster in Federal Lobster Management Area 3.
This category is limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only. Must have a valid historic
allocation to elect this area. Includes Area 2/3 overlap.
Commercial Trap Gear Area 4: May harvest lobster in Federal Lobster Management Area 4.
This category is limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only. Must have a valid historic
allocation to elect this area.
Commercial Trap Gear Area 5: May harvest lobster in Federal Lobster Management Area 5.
This category is limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only. Must have a valid historic
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allocation to elect this area.
Commercial Trap Gear Area 6: May harvest lobster in Federal Lobster Management Area 6.
Vessel owner must possess a valid CT or NY state lobster license to be eligible for this category.
This category is limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only.
Commercial Trap Gear Outer Cape Area: May harvest in Outer Cape Federal Lobster
Management Area. This category is limited to pots and traps (gear code 800) gear only.
* Area 3 Trap Reductions: If you elect to fish with traps in Area 3, please note that this
fishing year’s trap reduction will take effect on July 1, 2010. Permit holders should keep in
mind that their trap allocation may change on July 1 if the Area 3 allocation is, or becomes the
most restrictive (lowest) of all designated LCMAs on the permit. Permit holders are advised
to consider this when ordering trap tags.
Gear codes and explanations for section 3 of application
Gear Type
Purse Seines
Beach Seines
Bandit Gear
Bottom Trawls
Mid-water Trawls
Gear Type
Other Trawls
Gill/Entangling Nets
Pots and Traps
Hand Lines
Boat Seines
Gear Type
Rod and Reel
Tub Trawl
Longlines or Setlines
Other Gears
Diving Gear
Public reporting burden for the collection of information on the initial vessel application is
estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing
& reviewing the information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or
suggestions for reducing this burden to: National Marine Fisheries Service, Permit Office,
55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930. The Paperwork Reduction Act requires
that potential respondents for a fishing vessel permit be notified of certain information
regarding their rights and the burden associated with applying for Federal fisheries
One of the regulatory steps taken by the National Marine Fisheries Service to carry out
its conservation and management objectives is the requirement of a permit for users of
the resources. All the fisheries included on this application require a permit to fish for or
retain these species in or from the EEZ. Section 303 (b)(1) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA) specifically recognizes the need for
permit issuance. The purpose and use of these permits are to: (1) register industry
participants and fishing vessels, (2) list the characteristics of fishing vessels, (3) exercise
influence over compliance, (4) provide a mailing list for the dissemination of important
information to the industry, (5) register participants to be considered for limited access,
and (6) provide a universe for data collection samples. Notwithstanding any other
provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject
to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Owner name, vessel characteristics,
address, phone, and permit information will be released via a NOAA Fisheries website.
All other data submitted will be handled as confidential material in accordance with
NOAA Administrative Order 216-100, Protection of Confidential Fishery Statistics.
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - Initial cover letter vessel 2010 1 15 2010.doc |
Author | thawes |
File Modified | 2010-12-14 |
File Created | 2010-01-26 |