US Broiler and Egg Production Cycles

Broiler and Egg Production Cycles - 09-16-2005.pdf

Egg, Chicken and Turkey Surveys

US Broiler and Egg Production Cycles

OMB: 0535-0004

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Washington, D.C.

U.S. Broiler and
Egg Production

Released September 16, 2005, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S.
Department of Agriculture. For information on U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles call Sharyn Lavender at (202) 7203244, office hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.

Broilers (chicken for meat) and market eggs (table eggs) are both produced for human consumption.
This special report follows the production of both commodities and graphically explains NASS
published estimates by providing production cycle flowcharts and historical relationships. The
terminology and definitions used in NASS chicken publications appear on page 9 of this report.
An explanation of the two cycles for the production of broiler meat and table eggs are shown in
Flowcharts 1 and 2, respectively. NASS publishes estimates for each stage of the cycles in at least
one of the publications listed on page 10.
Surveys are conducted to obtain information for publication. Approximately 900 contractors and
independent egg producers are contacted monthly to obtain layers and eggs data included in the
monthly Chickens and Eggs report. The sample consists of those owning at least 30,000 table egg
layers, flocks of hatchery supply layers, or pullet only operations with at least 500 pullets. All
known hatcheries, approximately 330, are contacted for information on a weekly or monthly basis
to obtain hatchery data to be included in the weekly Broiler Hatchery and monthly Chickens and
Eggs reports. Revisions are made on an annual basis and published in the respective annual reports
(shown on page 10).
Chicken Hatcheries
For over 50 years, the number of operations with chicken hatcheries in the U.S. has dramatically
declined, however the incubator egg capacity has significantly increased (Graph 1). The chicken
industry has changed from many smaller-sized hatcheries to a few larger-sized hatcheries. In the
past 10 years, as the number of chicken hatcheries decreased, the average incubator egg capacity per
hatchery increased (Graph 2).
Eggs set in incubators are fertile eggs layed by hatchery supply layers. Over the past few years,
eggs set in incubators have more closely approached full capacity (Graph 3). This trend indicates a
more efficient industry, which makes better use of their facilities.
Graph 4 depicts that the broiler-type eggs hatched far out number the egg-type eggs hatched
(corresponding to item 4 in Flowcharts 1 and 2). The U.S. hatches less egg-type eggs (which
become table egg producing layers) compared to broiler-type eggs (which become broilers for meat

Poul 4-1 (9-05)

For the purposes of this report, eggs are hatched for either consumption or regeneration, as
displayed in Flowcharts 1 and 2. Consumption refers to production; broilers or table eggs.
Regeneration refers to replenishing the supply flock.
Hatchery supply flocks are layers which produce fertile eggs that could potentially be set in an
incubator. These include all generations (grandparents, great grandparents, pedigree, etc.), research
flocks, vaccine egg producers, pure “breeder”, and production or multiplier. Graphs 5 and 7 show
the relationship between potential placements and actual inventory (for one laying cycle) for both
broiler-type (7-15 month laying cycle) and egg-type (7-18 month laying cycle), respectively.
Young chicken slaughter is an indicator of broiler production, however capons and other young
chickens are also included. The number of head for young chicken slaughter has been steadily
increasing over the past ten years. Likewise, the average live weight per bird has also been
increasing (Graph 6).
The rate-of-lay of table eggs has been increasing when comparing December 1 estimates. Similarly,
the percentage during the year of eggs broken compared with table egg production has been rising
(eggs broken may include some hatching eggs). These relationships are visually displayed in Graph
8. The percent of eggs going to the breaker has been increasing at a greater rate than the rate-of-lay,
possibly indicating a move towards convenience, i.e. pre-made commercial foods.
Value of Production
Graph 9 represents the value of production for broilers, eggs, and chickens (excluding commercial
broilers). Broiler prices per pound are live weight equivalent prices and are used to calculate the
value of production. The price is derived by the following formula: ready-to-cook (RTC) price
minus processing cost multiplied by dressing percentage equals live weight equivalent prices.
The value of production of table eggs and chickens (excluding commercial broilers) has remained
fairly constant over the past ten years. Broiler production has been increasing due partly to exports;
however, the unsteady export market results in price fluctuations and shift in value.
Graphs 10, 11, and 12 display the leading states in value of production for broilers, eggs, and
chickens (excluding commercial broilers), respectively.
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico was added to the NASS annual Chickens and Eggs program in 2004. However, Puerto
Rico has not been added to the Hatchery program at this time. Published data for Puerto Rico
includes chicken inventory (excluding commercial broilers), egg production, layer disposition,
value of eggs, and value of chickens (excluding commercial broilers).
This special report is only available on the NASS website at
U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005

Agricultural Statistics Board

Cycle of Broiler Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Cycle of Table Egg Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chicken Hatcheries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Broilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Table Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Value of Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
NASS Poultry Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

(i) Intended Placements (5a) are the cumulative potential placements relative to current supply flocks 7-15 months earlier.
(ii) Broiler-Type Pullets are included in all “Pullets on ‘First-of-Month’ ” and all “Pullets Added During ‘Month’ ” (pullet chicks less than 3 days
old added to pullet flocks).
(iii) Potential Placements and Broiler-Type Hatchery Supply Pullets (5a) are not necessarily equal. Potential Placements are chicks available to be
placed in the hatchery supply flock. Broiler-Type Hatchery Supply Pullets are the birds which were placed in the hatchery supply flock.

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

(i) Intended Placements (5a) are the cumulative potential placements relative to current supply flocks 7-18 months earlier. Molting and additional
laying cycles will increase the cumulative potential placements.
(ii) Egg-Type Pullets and Table Egg Pullets are both included in all “Pullets on ‘First-of-Month’ ” and all “Pullets Added During ‘Month’ ” (pullet
chicks less than 3 days old added to pullet flocks).
(iii) Potential Placements and Egg-Type Hatchery Supply Pullets (5a) are not necessarily equal. Potential Placements are chicks available to be
placed in the hatchery supply flock. Egg-Type Hatchery Supply Pullets are the birds which were placed in the hatchery supply flock.

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

Terms and Definitions
Broiler: Domesticated chickens of meat-type strains raised for meat production.
Broiler-Type: Chicks or chickens of meat-type strains for meat or other uses, such as breeding or
Capon: Castrated male chicken.
Chicks hatched: The live chicks taken from incubators, including chicks later graded out or
destroyed. Excludes dead chicks.
Chicks placed: After chicks are hatched they are “placed” in their respective use. When broiler
chicks are “placed” it usually means they are placed on feed for meat production. Pullets can be
placed in hatchery supply flocks, or placed into laying houses for table eggs.
Eggs Set: Eggs “set” in incubators for hatching. Chicken eggs requires 21 days in the incubator to
Egg-Type: Domesticated breeds of chickens with the primary purpose of egg production. The
most common breeds are White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red.
Hatchery Supply Flocks, or Hatching Egg Flocks: Laying flocks of broiler-type breeds or eggtype breeds which lay fertile eggs to be set in incubators in the hatchery. Hatching egg flocks
should not be confused with table egg flocks which lay unfertile eggs for human consumption.
Hatching egg flocks include all generations. Common names of generations are: Research,
Pedigree (Breeds, Strains), Great-grandparents, Grandparents, Multiplier flocks, Production flocks,
Hen: Female chicken usually more than one year old.
Incubator: An apparatus or chamber which provides favorable environmental conditions for the
development of embryos or the hatching of eggs. Includes hatchers and setters.
Layer: Mature female chicken (including those being molted) producing marketable eggs, usually
at least 20 weeks of age.
Molt: A process during which hens stop laying and shed their feathers; occurs naturally every 12
months or may be artificially induced.
Pullet: A female chicken prior to laying the first marketable egg.
Rooster: Male chicken usually kept for breeding purposes.

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

NASS Poultry Reports
Chickens and Eggs: Published information in this monthly report includes number of layers on
hand, eggs per 100 layers, and total eggs produced. This report also includes pullet chicks added,
layer disposition, layers being molted and molt completed, and commercial hatchery data on
number of broiler-type and egg-type eggs in incubators and chicks hatched.
Chickens and Eggs Summary: The estimates in this annual report are the revisions to the monthly
Chickens and Eggs report including the number of layers on hand, rate-of-lay, and egg production.
Also published are December 1 chicken inventories and values.
Broiler Hatchery: This weekly report contains the number of broiler-type eggs set and broiler
chicks placed for 19 selected states.
Hatchery Production Summary: Published information in this annual report include revisions to
the monthly Chickens and Eggs report, summarizing commercial hatchery data on number of
broiler-type and egg-type chicks hatched. This report also contains the number of eggs in
incubators and broiler chicks placed for 19 selected States.
Poultry - Production and Value Summary: Estimates published annually include production and
value for commercial broilers, eggs, turkeys raised, and chickens (excluding commercial broilers)
U.S. Broiler Industry Structure: This report provides information on the history of the U.S. broiler
industry and is available on the Internet only.
Egg Products: This monthly report contains the federally inspected shell eggs broken.
Poultry Slaughter: The information published in this monthly report summarizes the number of
head and pounds slaughtered under Federal Inspection by type.
Poultry Slaughter Summary: The information in this annual report are the revisions to the
monthly Poultry Slaughter report.

U.S. Broiler and Egg Production Cycles
September 2005


Agricultural Statistics Board

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