Annual Performance Report for the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureat Achievement (McNair) Program

Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program Annual Performance Report

Att_APR Form.2009.2010

Annual Performance Report for the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureat Achievement (McNair) Program

OMB: 1840-0640

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OMB Approval No: 1840-0640

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Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement (McNair) Program

Annual Performance Report -- Program Year 2009-10

Section I -- Project Identification, Certification and Warning

A. Identification

1. PR/Award Number: __________________________________________________

2. Name of Grantee Institution: __________________________________________

3. Address (City, State, Zip): ____________________________________________

4. Name of Project Director: ____________________________________________

5. Telephone Number: ______________________Fax Number: ________________

E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________

6. Report Period: ________________________to___________________________

7. Data Entry Person _________________________________________________

8. Telephone Number: ____________________ E-mail Address: ______________

B. Certification: We certify that the performance report information reported and submitted electronically on __________ is readily verifiable. The information reported is accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge.

_____________________________________ _________________________________

Name of Project Director (Print) Name of Certifying Official (Print)

_____________________________________ _________________________________

Signature and Date Signature and Date

  1. Warnings:

Any person who knowingly makes a false statement or misrepresentation on this

report is subject to penalties which may include fines, imprisonment, or both, under the United States Criminal Code and 20 U.S.C. 1097. Further Federal funds or other benefits may be withheld under this program unless this report is completed and filed as required by existing law (20 U.S.C.) 1231a) and regulations (34 CFR 75.590 and 75.720).

Authority: Public Law 102-325, as amended.


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1840-0640 and expires XX/XX/XXXX. The time required to complete this information is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. Response to this collection of information is required to maintain benefits. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to the U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission, write directly to: Federal TRIO Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street, N.W., 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20006-8510.




McNair grantees must submit student files in Excel or CSV format. Text files (also known as ASCII files) will no longer be accepted and as such you do not have to identify the field lengths, position start and end and field type. However, column names in your database must match the "Database Column Names" provided in column three below as well as the field content. For additional information regarding data submission, please see the instructions under “HOW MAY THE REPORT BE SUBMITTED?”

Field No.

Field Name

Database Column Name

Valid Field Content


PR/Award Number


Number in Block 5 of the project’s Grant Award Notification

NOTES: Include only the eleven digit PR/Award Number that begins with

P217A_ _ _ _ _ _.

Do not include the suffix for the fiscal year in this field.


Batch Year


2008 for project year 2009-2010


Record Updated


1 = New, Continuing, or Prior-year participants still in contact.

2 = Prior-yr participants out of contact/not enrolled 5 consecutive yrs. or more

3 = Prior-yr participants out of contact/not enrolled less than 5 yrs.

NOTE: For a definition of new and continuing participants, please see the instructions in field #16.

A prior-year participant still in contact is an individual who has not received services during the academic year being reported, however, the project is still in contact with the student.

A prior-year participant no longer enrolled or out of contact for five years or more is an individual who has not received services during the academic year being reported and has not enrolled in graduate or undergraduate studies for at least one term in the last five consecutive years, or has been out of contact for a period of five or more consecutive years.

A prior-year participant no longer enrolled or out of contact for less than five years is an individual who has not received services during the academic year being reported and has not enrolled in graduate or undergraduate studies for at least one term in the last four or less consecutive years, or has been out of contact for a period of four or less consecutive years.

Select option #1 for participants who are New, Continuing, or for Prior-year participant still in contact. If option #1 is selected, then field #43—Tracking Completed must be options 1, 2, or 5.

Select option #2 for participants for whom you have no updated (new) academic information for the reporting year (i.e., those that you are unable to contact or obtain any new information for five (5) or more consecutive years. If option #2 is selected, then field #16--Participant Status must be option #3 (prior-year participant), field #43--Tracking Completed must be either 3 or 4. Also, if option #2 is used, please report “0 = Unknown/No Response” in fields #18, #19, and #20.

Select option #3 for participants for whom you have no updated (new) academic information for the reporting year (i.e., those that you are unable to contact or obtain any new information for four (4) or less consecutive years. If option #3 is selected, then field #16--Participant Status must be option #3 (prior-year participant), field #43--Tracking Completed must be 5. Also, if option #3 is used, please report “0 = Unknown/No Response” in fields #18, #19, and #20.


Social Security Number


001010001 to 999999998

000000000 = Unknown/no response

Note: Please format the SSN in nine digits greater than 0 without using any characters (letters, hyphens) in the number (e.g., 123456789).

Do not include any other form of ID in this field.


Student’s Last Name


Uppercase A to Z

. (period)


- (dash)

Blank = Unknown/no response

If non-blank, will be justified with an uppercase A-Z in first position.


Student’s First Name


0 to 9

Uppercase A to Z

. (period)


- (dash)

Blank = Unknown/no response

If non-blank, will be justified with an uppercase A-Z in first position.


Student’s Middle Name


Uppercase A to Z

Blank = Unknown/no response


Student’s Date of Birth


Format is MMDDCCYY, e.g., 01/01/1972

MM = 01 - 12

DD = 01 - 31

CC = 19 - 20

YY = 00 - 99

00/00/0000 = Unknown/no response




1 = Male

2 = Female

0 = Unknown/no response




1 = American Indian or Alaska Native

2 = Asian

3 = Black or African American

4 = Hispanic or Latino

5 = White

6 = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

7 = More than one race reported

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: The race/ethnicity categories used here are the only categories officially approved by OMB for this data collection. For those students of a multi-racial background, you may use “7” for “More than one race reported.”




1 = Yes

2 = No

0 = Unknown/no response




1 = Yes

2 = No

0 = Unknown/no response


Underrepresented racial/ethnic group


1 = Yes

2 = No

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Groups underrepresented in graduate education. The following ethnic and racial groups are currently underrepresented in graduate education: Black (non-Hispanic), Hispanic, American Indian/Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.


First School Enrollment Date

(Postsecondary Education)


Format is MMDDCCYY, e.g., 09/01/2000

MM = 01 - 12

DD = 01 - 31

CC = 19 - 20

YY = 00 - 99

00/00/0000 = Unknown/no response


Project Entry Date


Format is MMDDCCYY, e.g., 09/01/2004

MM = 01 - 12

DD = 01 - 31

CC = 19 - 20

YY = 00 - 99 (00 = 2000)

00/00/0000 = Unknown/no response


Participant Status


1 = New Participant (for academic year being reported)

2 = Continuing Participant

3 = Prior-Year Participant

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTES: A new participant is an individual who was served by the project for the first time during the academic year being reported.

A continuing participant is an individual who was served by the project for the first time in another academic year and also received project services during the academic year being reported.

A prior-year participant is an individual who received project services in a previous academic year but who has not received services during the academic year being reported.


College Grade Level (Entry into project)


1 = 1st yr., never attended

2 = 1st yr., attended before

3 = 2nd yr./sophomore

4 = 3rd yr./junior

5 = 4th yr./senior

6 = 5th yr. or higher undergraduate

7 = graduate program (any year level)

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Use grade level codes 03, 04, 05, and 06 only for students who have the required number of credits and GPA to be classified by the participant’s postsecondary institution as a sophomore, junior, senior, and other undergraduate, respectively.


College Grade Level (At the end of the spring/summer term)


1 = 1st yr., never attended

2 = 1st yr., attended before

3 = 2nd yr./sophomore

4 = 3rd yr./junior

5 = 4th yr./senior

6 = 5th yr./or above undergraduate

7 = 1st yr. graduate/professional (received program services as undergraduate during the reporting year)

8 = 1st yr. graduate/ professional

9 = 2nd yr. graduate/ professional

10 = 3rd yr. graduate/professional

11 = Beyond 3rd yr. graduate/professional program

12 = Not enrolled in a postsecondary or graduate degree program during the academic year being reported

13 = Other

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTES: Use grade level codes 3, 4, 5, and 6 only for students who have the required number of credits and GPA to be classified by the participant’s postsecondary institution as a sophomore, junior, senior, and other undergraduate respectively.

Option “12—Not enrolled in a postsecondary or graduate degree program during the academic year being reported” is defined as a student who was not enrolled in postsecondary education for none of the terms in the academic year being reported. Please verify that participant enrollment status is consistent across fields #18, #19 and #20.

Option “13 - Other” includes students working towards a second bachelor’s or second master’s degree or those doing postbaccalaureate work who have earned a bachelor’s degree but are not yet enrolled in a graduate program. This category also includes those participants in their fifth/final year of a 5-year combined undergraduate/master’s degree program.


Enrollment Status

(for academic year being reported)


1 = Enrolled

2 = Not enrolled

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Enrolled is defined as a student who was enrolled in postsecondary education at least one term in the academic year being reported.

Not enrolled is defined as a student who was not enrolled in postsecondary education for none of the terms in the academic year being reported. Please verify that participant enrollment status is consistent across fields #18, #19 and #20.


Reason Not Enrolled (during academic year being reported)


1 = Applied but did not gain admission to graduate programs in the reporting year (for students with a bachelor’s degree

2 = Did not apply to or declined offers from graduate programs owing to financial reasons (for students with a bachelor’s degree)

3 = Did not apply to or declined offers from graduate programs owing to health reasons (for students with a bachelor’s degree)

4 = Did not apply to or declined offers from graduate programs owing to other reasons (for students with a bachelor’s degree

5 = Withdrew from program (undergraduate or graduate) for academic reasons

6 = Withdrew from program (undergraduate or graduate) for financial reasons

7 = Withdrew from program (undergraduate or graduate) or health reasons

8 = Withdrew from program (undergraduate or graduate) for other personal reasons

9 = Called for military duty

10 = Not applicable; the student was enrolled in at least one term during the academic year being reported

11 = Student deceased

12 = Did not enroll in research doctoral program because student considers his/her education completed.

13 = Ph.D. (or first professional degree) attained (not previously reported)

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Not enrolled is defined as a student who was not enrolled in postsecondary education for none of the terms in the academic year being reported. Please verify that participant enrollment status is consistent across fields #18, #19 and #20.


Highest Degree Earned


1 = Bachelor’s Degree/Equivalent of Bachelor’s Degree

2 = Master’s Degree

3 = Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.)

4 = Other Doctoral Degree (Ed.D)

5 = First-professional Degree (Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Veterinary medicine, Osteopathic medicine, Theology, etc.)

6 = No Bachelor’s degree earned

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Use the one-digit degree code that indicates the highest degree obtained (regardless of year earned). Repeat each degree reporting code every year until a new or more advanced degree has been earned. If no bachelor’s degree has been earned, please select option #6.


Date Highest Degree Earned


Format is MMDDCCYY, e.g., 05/23/2002

MM = 01- 12

DD = 01 - 31

CC = 20

YY = 00 – 99 (e.g., 00 = 2000)

99/99/9999 = No bachelor’s degree earned yet

00/00/0000 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Repeat the same date until a new and more advanced degree is earned. If you do not know the complete date, use 15 for the day and use your best estimate for the month.


Major/field of graduate study


1 = Physical sciences

2 = Engineering

3 = Life sciences

4 = Health sciences

5 = Social sciences

6 = Humanities

7 = Education

8= Business administration

9 = Medicine

10 = Law

11 = Other professional fields

12 = Other

13 = Not applicable, participant is still in undergraduate program or is not enrolled.

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: This field is for graduate students only. For undergraduate students, or students not currently enrolled, use option ”13 - Not applicable.” Please refer to the instructions for a detailed breakdown of each major/field. Please verify that information reported in this field is consistent with the data reported in field #18.


GPA Scale


1 = 4 point scale

2 = 5 point scale

3 = Other

9 = Not applicable, participant has not received bachelor’s degree

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Use valid one digit grade point average scale code. Provide GPA scale for all McNair participants who have graduated with a bachelor’s degree.


Cumulative GPA at graduation with a bachelor’s degree


0.000 to 5.000

9.999 = Not applicable, participant has not received bachelor’s degree

0.000= Unknown/no response

NOTE: Provide cumulative GPA for all McNair participants who have graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Do not provide any other GPA in this field.


Research (2009-10 academic year)


1 = Participated in research but did not complete all of the components of the research activity

2 = Did not participate in Research

3 = Completed all of the components of the Research activity

9 = Prior year participant

0 = Unknown/no response



Internships (2009-10 academic year)


1 = Participated in research but did not complete all of the components of the research activity

2 = Did not participate in Research

3 = Completed all of the components of the Research activity

9 = Prior year participant

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: For fields #28 – 39, indicate whether or not a participant received the service during the academic year being reported by selecting “Yes” or “No”. Select “No” for all these fields for prior year participants.





1 = Yes

2 = No




1 = Yes

2 = No


Academic Counseling


1 = Yes

2 = No


Financial aid assistance


1 = Yes

2 = No


Admission assistance


1 = Yes

2 = No




1 = Yes

2 = No


Exposure to cultural events/ acad. programs


1 = Yes

2 = No




1 = Yes

2 = No




1 = Yes

2 = No


Graduate school visits, fairs


1 = Yes

2 = No


Test Preparation


1 = Yes

2 = No


Teaching related experiences


1 = Yes

2 = No


Eligibility (for determining program eligibility)


1 = First generation and low-income

2 = Underrepresented

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Please indicate which program eligibility criterion was used to classify this student as eligible for program participation in terms of the requirement to serve at least 2/3 low-income and first generation students and not more than1/3 underrepresented students.


Project Participation


1 = Full academic year (both semesters or three quarters)

2 = Part of academic year (one semester or one or two quarters)

3 = Summer only

4 = Full academic year and summer

5 = Part of academic year and summer

9 = Prior year participant

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: Complete this field for new and continuing students. Select “9” for prior year participants.


Funding Source


1 = Federal funds

2 = Non-federal funds

3 = Partially supported with non-federal funds

9 = Prior year participant

0 = Unknown/No response

NOTE: Complete this field for new and continuing students. Select “9” for prior-year participants.


Tracking completed


1 = Yes, the student has graduated with a research or professional doctorate in this reporting period.

2 = Yes, the student has received a research or professional doctorate in a previous reporting year but is being reported for the first time.

3 = Yes, the student has not been enrolled for at least one term in a graduate or undergraduate program for five or more consecutive years.

4 = Yes, the student has been out of contact for five or more consecutive years and you are unable to update this record or the student is deceased.

5 = No. Tracking is not completed.

0 = Unknown/no response

NOTE: If you answer, “Yes” (options 1-4), tracking for the student is now complete. You are no longer required to collect or report information on this student; subsequent APR’s should not include this student record. If the student is deceased, please select option #4.


Special Circumstances


Explain any special circumstances or conditions that have affected the validity or specificity of the reporting of this student’s progress.


Graduate School Enrollment Status (at the beginning of the

2009-10 academic year)


1 = Enrolled in a post baccalaureate degree program (for participants who received a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in this reporting period)

2 = Did not enroll in a post baccalaureate degree program (for participants who received a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in this reporting period)

3 = Other (for students who did not receive a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in this reporting period)

0 = Unknown/No response

Select option #1 if the student received a bachelor’s degree in this reporting period and enrolled in a post baccalaureate degree program in the Fall term of the next academic year.

Select option #2 if the student received a bachelor’s degree in this reporting period and did not enroll in a post baccalaureate degree program in the Fall term of the next academic year.

Select option #3 if the student did not receive a bachelor’s degree in this reporting, received a bachelor’s degree in a previous reporting period, or received a master’s degree or higher.

(Note to Data Collector:  Please make sure that when you are collecting this information from students that they are informed of why they are being asked to provide their Social Security numbers.  Please see Privacy Act statement below.)

Privacy Act

In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law No. 93-579, 5 U.S.C. 552a), you are hereby notified that the Department of Education is authorized to collect information to implement the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair) under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1963, as amended (Pub. Law 102-325, sec. 402E). In accordance with this authority, the Department receives and maintains personal information on participants in the McNair program. The principal purpose for collecting this information is to administer the program, including tracking and evaluating participant progress. Providing the information on this form, including a social security number (SSN) is voluntary; failure to disclose a SSN will not result in the denial of any right, benefit or privilege to which the participant is entitled. The information is collected on this form will be retained in the program files and may be released to other Department officials in the performance of their official duties.

SECTION III: PRIOR EXPERIENCE – to be completed by those McNair projects whose 2009-10 budget year is part of a grant/project period that began prior to 2007.

Name: _________________________________________PR Award Number: P217A______________________

Address: _______________________________________Campus(es)___________________________________

In this section, indicate your approved project objectives and report on the extent to which your project achieved each of these objectives. You do not need to provide information for gray-shaded areas as the Department will use the data you provide in Section II of the APR and your approved number of students to be served to derive at these figures. However, please provide specific numbers and/or percents to support your accomplishment for the remainder of the objectives listed. Each of these objectives is consistent with one of the prior experience criteria contained in the program regulations (34 CFR 647.22).










Total # of students served this period

Gray out

Gray out

Gray out

Gray out

To consistently provide services to the correct number of participants that the project was funded to serve.

# Served who are both low- income and first-generation college students

Gray out

Gray out

Gray out

Gray out

To consistently provide services to the correct type of participants that the project was funded to serve.

# Served who are from groups underrepre-sented in graduate education

Gray out

Gray out

Gray out

Gray out

To consistently provide services to the correct type of participants that the project was funded to serve

Opportunities for research and other scholarly activities

of eligible participants will participate in approved research or other scholarly activities at the grantee institution or at graduate centers that are designed to provide participants with effective preparation for doctoral study.

Baccalaureate Degree

of eligible participants who received their baccalaureate degree during the reporting period.



of eligible participants who enrolled in a program of postbaccalaureate education.

Ph.D. Attainment/


of prior year participants who attained/completed a doctoral degree during the reporting period.


Include other objectives/activities not specified above. Explain. (Text box)


Include other objectives/activities not specified above. Explain. (Text box)


Include other objectives/activities not specified above. Explain. (Text box)


Include other objectives/activities not specified above. Explain. (Text box)


Include other objectives/activities not specified above. Explain. (Text box)


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleFY 2007-2008 Annual Performance Report Form for the Ronald McNair Program (MS Word)
AuthorOffice of Postsecondary Education
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-02

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