Attachment B6
EDFacts Data Set for School Years 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13
Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary
Education Data through EDFacts
June 2010
Attachment B-6
EDFacts Data Set
School Improvement Grants
Revised! This attachment explains how the data will be collected for the 18 metrics in the final requirements for the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program authorized under section 1003(g) of Title I of the ESEA for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented one of the four required school intervention models and were served with SIG funds during the school year for which the SEA is reporting. 1 (The final requirements for the SIG program define Tier I and Tier II schools and the four school intervention models.) Some of the data used in the metrics will come from the data collected through ESS (data groups in Attachment B-3). Some of the data will come from reporting under the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program.
The final requirements for the SIG program include 18 metrics, which are listed in the table below.
List of Metrics for the School Improvement Grants |
School Data |
1 |
Intervention used (i.e., turnaround, restart, closure, or transformation) |
2 |
AYP status |
3 |
Which AYP targets the school met and missed |
4 |
School improvement status |
5 |
Number of minutes |
Student Outcome/Academic Progress Data
6 |
Percentage of students at or above each proficiency level on state assessments in reading/language arts and mathematics (e.g., Basic, Proficient, Advanced), by grade and by student subgroup |
7 |
Student participation rate on state assessments in reading/language arts and in mathematics, by student subgroup |
8 |
Average scale scores on state assessments in reading/language arts and in mathematics, by grade, for the “all students” group, for each achievement quartile, and for each subgroup |
9 |
Percentage of limited English proficient students who attain English language proficiency |
10 |
Graduation rate |
11 |
Dropout rate |
12 |
Student attendance rate |
13 |
Number and percentage of students completing advanced coursework (e.g., AP/IB) and/or dual enrollment classes |
14 |
College enrollment rates |
Student Connection and School Climate
15 |
Discipline incidents |
16 |
Truants |
Talent |
17 |
Distribution of teachers by performance level on LEA’s teacher evaluation system |
18 |
Teacher attendance rate |
Revised! The table below lists the new data groups that will be collected for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented one of the four required school intervention models and were served with SIG funds during the school year for which the SEA is reporting. (For a school implementing the closure model, an SEA must only complete the metric “Intervention used.”) These data groups will be collected using an EDFacts collection tool.
Data Group Name |
Used for metric |
Level |
Intervention used |
728 |
Metric 1 |
Tier I and II schools only |
School year minutes |
729 |
Metric 5 |
Tier I and II schools only |
New! Increased learning time |
745 |
Metric 5 |
Tier I and II schools only |
Average scale score2 |
730 |
Metric 8 |
State and Tier I and II schools |
Student attendance rate |
731 |
Metric 12 |
Tier I and II schools only |
Advanced coursework |
732 |
Metric 13 |
Tier I and II schools only |
Dual enrollment classes ( |
733 |
Metric 13 |
Tier I and II schools only |
Advanced coursework/dual enrollment classes |
734 |
Metric 13 |
Tier I and II schools only |
Teacher attendance rate |
735 |
Metric 18 |
Tier I and II schools only |
Revised! Also, for the purposes of the FY2009 SIG funds, baseline data (i.e., school year (SY) 2009-10 data) for the above data groups will be collected for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model in SY 2010-11 and were served with SIG funds, to the extent that these data are available to the SEA. See Question K-4 in the ED’s SIG guidance that addresses what ED means when it refers to the availability of data to an SEA [available at ]. By October 31, 2010, each SEA that received FY 2009 SIG funds will submit a plan indicating the data groups listed above for which the SEA will have school year (SY) 2009-10 data available. The deadline for submitting the baseline data into EDFacts will be January 31, 2011. In addition, for Tier I and Tier II schools that will begin implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model in SY 2011-12, ED expects that all SEAs will be able to enter baseline data from SY 2010-11 for these schools into EDFacts by January 31, 2012.
In the sections below there is an explanation of how the data will be obtained for each metric and, where applicable, how calculations will be made for the metrics.
There are five school data metrics.
Metric #1
Which intervention the school used (i.e., turnaround, restart, closure, or transformation)
Revised! This metric requires the collection of a new data group from Tier I and Tier II schools implementing one of the four required school intervention models and were served with SIG funds.
Group Name: Intervention used |
ID: 728 |
Section |
School |
Definition |
The type of intervention used by the school under the School Improvement Grant (SIG) |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Revised! Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented one of the four models and were served with SIG funds. |
Metric #2
AYP Status
This metric will be obtained from the following data group listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
AYP status |
32 |
X/N103 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
This data group is already collected at the school level.
Metric #3
Which AYP targets the school met and missed
This metric will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
AMO mathematics status table |
554 |
X/N109 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
AMO reading/language arts status table |
552 |
X/N111 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Elementary/middle additional indicator status table |
556 |
X/N106 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
High school graduation rate indicator status table |
557 |
X/N107 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Mathematics participation status table |
555 |
X/N108 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Reading/language arts participation status table |
553 |
X/N110 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Metric #4
School improvement status
This metric will be obtained from the following data group listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
Improvement status - school |
34 |
X/N130 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
This data group is already collected at the school level.
Metric #5a
Revised! Number of minutes
This metric requires the collection of a new data group from Tier I and Tier II schools.
Group Name: School year minutes |
ID: 729 |
Section |
School |
Definition |
The number of minutes that all students were required to be at school and any additional learning time (e.g., before or after school, weekend school, summer school) for which all students had the opportunity to participate. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year (if part of implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model, then regular school year plus summer session) |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Revised! Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds Example
New! Metric #5b
Types of increased learning time offered
This metric requires the collection of a new data group from Tier I and Tier II schools.
Group Name: Increased learning time |
ID: 745 |
Section |
School |
Definition |
The types of increased learning time provided |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year (if part of implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model, then regular school year plus summer session) |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds |
There are nine student outcome/academic progress data metrics.
Metric #6
Percentage of students at or above each proficiency level on State assessments in reading/language arts and mathematics (e.g. basic, proficient, advanced), by grade and by student group
This metric will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
Academic achievement in mathematics table |
583 |
X/N075 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Academic achievement in reading/language arts table |
584 |
X/N078 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
These data groups are already collected at the school level.
Metric #7
Student participation rate on State assessments in reading/language arts and in mathematics, by student subgroup
This metric will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
Assessment participation in mathematics table |
588 |
X/N081 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Assessment participation in reading/language arts table |
589 |
X/N081 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
These data groups are already collected at the school level.
Metric #8
Revised! (1) Average scale scores on State assessments in reading/language arts and in mathematics, by grade, for the “all students” group, and for each subgroup; and (2) Scale scores at three specific achievement percentiles.
Revised! This metric requires the collection of a new data group at the state level and from Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds.
Group Name: Average scale score |
ID:730 |
Section |
Student |
Definition |
The average scale scores on the State assessments in mathematics and reading/language arts for students for whom a scale score was determined |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Testing window |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Grand Total (Education Unit Total) |
Comment |
Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds. |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Category Set E |
Category Set F |
Subtotals 1 |
Please note for the data group above, Category Set G includes a new category—Achievement Percentile. Since this category did not exist in previous collections, the addition of the following category is required.
Category Name: Achievement Percentile |
Steward: OESE |
Definition |
Scale scores at three specific achievement percentiles. |
Permitted Values |
In order to properly interpret the scale score data, metadata of the name of the assessments will be collected through a survey.
Metric #9
Percentage of limited English proficient (LEP) students who attain English language proficiency
This metric will be obtained from the following data group listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
LEP English language proficiency results table |
676 |
N/X139 |
Limited English Proficient Students and Title III of ESEA |
Revised! In previous school years, this data group was collected only at the state and LEA level. The requirement is being expanded to collect it at the school level for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds.
The metric would be calculated as follows:
Numerator |
# of LEP students who attain English language proficiency on the annual state English language proficiency assessment. |
DG676 Category set A (Proficiency status) where proficiency status = proficient |
Denominator |
# of LEP students who took the annual state English language proficiency assessment |
DG676 Category set A (Proficiency status) |
Metric #10
Graduation rate
This metric will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
Graduation rate table |
563 |
X/N041 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Regulatory extended time adjusted-cohort gradation rate table |
697 |
X/N150 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
Regulatory extended four-year cohort gradation rate table |
695 |
X/N150 |
Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA |
These data groups are already collected at the school level.
Revised! DG563 will be used unless a state has an approved four-year adjusted cohort rate, as defined in 34 C.F.R. § 200.19(b)(1)(i)(A) (and, if the State is using an extended-year adjusted cohort rate, 34 C.F.R. § 200.19(b)(1)(v)(A)). Once a State has an approved adjusted cohort rate consistent with 34 C.F.R. § 200.19(b)(1)(i)(A) (and, if the State chooses, 34 C.F.R. § 200.19(b)(1)(v)(A)), DGs 697 and 695 will be used.
Metric 11
Dropout rate
This metric will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
Dropouts table |
326 |
X/N032 |
Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data |
Membership table |
39 |
X/N052 |
Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data |
These data groups are already collected at the school level.
The metric would be calculated as follows:
Numerator |
# of students who dropped out in grades 7 through 12 |
DG 326 Subtotal 1 where grade level = grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 |
Denominator |
# of students in membership on October 1 in grades 7 through 12 |
DG39 Subtotal 4 where grade level = grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 |
Metric 12
Student attendance rate
Revised! This metric requires the collection of a new data group from Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds.
Group Name: Student attendance rate |
ID:731 |
Section |
Students |
Definition |
Revised! The number of school days during the regular school year (plus summer, if applicable, if part of implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model) students attended school divided by the maximum number of days students could have attended school during the regular school year. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year (if part of implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model, then regular school year plus summer session) |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Revised! Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds. |
Metric 13
Number and percentage of students completing advanced coursework (e.g., AP/IB) and/or dual enrollment classes
This metric requires the collection of three new data groups from Tier I and Tier II schools, Advanced coursework (DG732), Dual enrollment classes (DG733) and Advanced coursework/dual enrollment classes (DG734).
Group Name: Advanced coursework |
ID:732 |
Section |
Students |
Definition |
Revised! The number of students who complete advanced coursework (such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate classes, or advanced mathematics). |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year (if course completed during summer, then regular school year plus summer session) |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Revised! Collected only for Tier I and Tier II high schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds. “Completing advanced coursework” means that a student finished an advanced coursework class for which he or she received credit in accordance with State or local requirements. |
Advanced Placement- |
Revised! Advanced Placement (AP) is a program sponsored by the College Board through which high school students can earn college credit and advanced college placement. The list of courses identified by the College Board as preparation for AP tests is available at: |
International Baccalaureate classes- |
The IB Diploma Programme, sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization, is designed as an academically challenging and balanced program of education with final examinations that prepares students, normally aged 16 to 19, for success at university and life beyond. The program is normally taught over two years. IB Diploma Programme students study six courses at higher level or standard level. Students must choose one subject from each of groups 1 to 5, thus ensuring breadth of experience in languages, social studies, the experimental sciences and mathematics. The sixth subject may be an arts subject chosen from group 6, or the student may choose another subject from groups 1 to 5. Additionally, IB Diploma students must meet three core requirements: the extended essay, the theory of knowledge course, and a creativity/action/service experience. |
Advanced Mathematics- |
Advanced mathematics includes the following: trigonometry, trigonometry/algebra, trigonometry/analytic geometry, trigonometry/math analysis, analytic geometry, math analysis, math analysis/analytic geometry, probability and statistics, and pre-calculus.
Group Name: Dual enrollment classes |
ID:733 |
Section |
Students |
Definition |
Revised! The number of high school students who complete at least one class in a postsecondary institution. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year (if course completed during summer, then regular school year plus summer session) |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds |
Group Name: Advanced coursework/dual enrollment classes |
ID:734 |
Section |
Students |
Definition |
Revised! The number of students who complete advance coursework AND complete at least one class in a postsecondary institution. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year (if course completed during summer, then regular school year plus summer session) |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Revised! Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds. |
The metric would be calculated to determine three percentages, as follows:
Percentage completing advanced coursework
Percentage completing dual enrollment classes
Percentage completing both advanced coursework and dual enrollment classes
For the percentage completing advanced coursework
Numerator |
# of students who completed advanced coursework |
DG732 |
Denominator |
# of students in membership on October 1 in high school grades |
DG39 Subtotal 4 where grade level = grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 |
For the percentage completing dual enrollment classes
Numerator |
# of students who completed dual enrollment classes |
DG733 |
Denominator |
# of students in membership on October 1 in high school grades |
DG39 Subtotal 4 where grade level = grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 |
For the percentage completing both advanced coursework and dual enrollment classes
Numerator |
# of students who completed both advanced coursework and dual enrollment classes |
DG734 |
Denominator |
# of students in membership on October 1 in high school grades |
DG39 Subtotal 4 where grade level = grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 |
Metric 14
College enrollment rates
This metric will be collected through SFSF reporting.
There are two student connection and school climate metrics.
Metric 15
Discipline incidents
This metric will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
Discipline incidents table |
523 |
X/N030 |
Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools |
This data group is already collected at the school level.
Metric 16
This metric will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.
Data group name |
File |
Listed under topic |
Truants |
664 |
X/N131 |
Safe, Drug-Free and Gun-Free Schools |
Revised! In previous school years, this data group was collected only at the state and LEA level. The requirement is being expanded to collect at the school level for schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds.
There are two talent metrics.
Metric 17
Distribution of teachers by performance level on LEA’s teacher evaluation system
This metric will be collected through SFSF reporting.
Metric 18
Teacher attendance rate
Revised! This metric requires the collection of a new data group from Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds.
Group Name: Teacher attendance rate |
ID:735 |
Section |
Staff |
Definition |
Revised! The number of FTE days teachers worked divided by the maximum number of FTE-teacher working days. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
Revised! Regular school year (if part of implementing the restart, transformation, or turnaround model, then regular school year plus summer session) |
Reporting Levels |
School █ |
State |
Comment |
Revised! Collected only for Tier I and Tier II schools that implemented the restart, transformation, or turnaround model and were served with SIG funds. Teachers are considered to be “absent” if the definition below is met. |
Absent- |
Revised! A teacher is absent if he or she is not in attendance on a day in the regular school year when the teacher would otherwise be expected to be teaching students in an assigned class. This includes both days taken for sick leave and days taken for personal leave. Personal leave includes voluntary absences for reasons other than sick leave. Do not include administratively approved leave for professional development, field trips or other off-campus activities with students. |
1 Final requirements were published on December 10, 2009 and are available at:; those requirements were amended by interim final requirements published on January 21, 2010, which are available at: Together, these requirements are referred to in this document as “final requirements.”
2 SEAs would also submit metadata on the assessments that the scale scores are from.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Attachment B |
Author | kimberly.goodwin |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-02 |