Participant Name:
Phone Number:
Independent Living
Mobility Program
Phone Screening Assessment
Assessor – Print your name with credentials and the date that the interview was completed.
Name and credentials:
Date of interview:
INITIAL CONTACT- Talking to insured
Hi, my name is _____ and I am calling on behalf of (Name of Insurance Company), your long-term care insurance company. A few weeks ago, you agreed to participate in a national Program about Independent Living and Mobility that your LTC insurance company is participating in. First, we want to thank you for your willingness to contribute to helping us understand such an important issue. As part of the Program, we need to ask you some questions related to your general health history. It will take about 20 minutes. Do you have time to do that now or would you like to schedule a time that is more convenient for you?
INITIAL CONTACT - Talking to proxy
Hi, my name is _____ and I am calling on behalf of (Name of Insurance Company), (the insured’s name)’s long-term care insurance company. A few weeks ago, you agreed to participate in a national Program about Independent Living and Mobility that their LTC insurance company is participating in. First, we want to thank you for your willingness to contribute to helping us understand such an important issue. As part of the Program, we need to ask you some questions related to (name of insured)’s general health history. It will take about 20 minutes. Do you have time to do that now or would you like to schedule a time that is more convenient for you?
FINAL CONTACT - Talking to insured
Hi, my name is _____ and I am calling on behalf of (Name of Insurance Company), your long-term care insurance company. You have been participating in a national Program about Independent Living and Mobility for the past 24 months. As the last telephone contact, we need to ask you the questions that we asked you at the very beginning of the Program. It will take about 20 minutes. Do you have time to do that now or would you like to schedule a time that is more convenient for you?
FINAL CONTACT - Talking to proxy
Hi, my name is _____ and I am calling on behalf of (Name of Insurance Company), (the insured’s name)’s long-term care insurance company. (the insured’s name) has been participating in a national Program about Independent Living and Mobility for the past 24 months. As the last telephone contact, we need to ask you the questions that we asked at the very beginning of the Program. It will take about 20 minutes. Do you have time to do that now or would you like to schedule a time that is more convenient?
Are you having any difficulty understanding me? (If “Yes,” explain how you compensated below) No Yes
With whom do you live? Alone Spouse Child(ren) Grandchild(ren) Parent
Sibling Other (name/relationship: )______________________
Do you live in a private residence (Free standing home or apartment/condominium)? No Yes
If Yes, Is this part of an: Assisted Living Facility, Retirement Community or Elderly Housing? No Yes
If Yes, indicate which: Assisted Living Facility Retirement Community Elderly Housing
If No, Do you live in: Assisted Living Facility Retirement Community Nursing Home
Other, type:
At the present time would you say your health is: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Do you have a primary care doctor or other physician you see regularly or when you have a medical problem? No Yes
How often do you usually see a doctor? Monthly ~3 Mo ~6 Mo Yearly < Yearly Rarely
In the past 2 years, have you had any surgery? No Yes
If Yes, indicate number of times: _________
In the past 2 years, have you had any emergency room visits? No Yes
If Yes, indicate number of times: _________
In the past 2 years, have you had any hospital admissions? No Yes
If Yes, indicate number of times: _________
Do you receive personal care or assistance from any paid or unpaid caregivers? No Yes
If Yes, Identify: Paid Caregiver(s) Unpaid Caregiver(s) Both Paid and Unpaid Caregiver(s)
Approximately how much money do you spend per month on these paid caregivers?
none less than $100 $100-$250 $251-$500 $501-$1000 $1001 or more
In the past week or so, have you felt any…
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Has a doctor ever told you that you have…
No |
Yes |
Do you have…
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Are you currently taking any prescription medications? No Yes
If Yes, how many different medications do you take per day? 1-3 4-6 7-10 More than 10
Are you currently taking any non-prescription or over the counter medications? No Yes
If Yes, how many different medications do you take per day? 1-3 4-6 7-10 More than 10
Do you ever forget to take a medication or decide not to take one? No Yes
If Yes, About how often does this happen? 1-3 times/wk 4-6 times/wk More than 6 times/wk
Why does this happen? Forgets Too expensive Other: _______________
Do you take medication for any of the following conditions?
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Anxiety |
Stress |
Depression |
Memory loss or Memory Impairment |
Have you ever been treated for Depression? No Yes
If Yes, Are you currently being treated for depression? No Yes
How many times in the past 6 months have you had an episode of fainting, falling or dropping to the ground or lost your balance, slipped or tripped over something that resulted in falling or dropping to the ground? _____ Times
a) If one (1) or more times, Did you get hurt? No Yes
b) What has been your most serious injury or problem due to any fall? (check all that apply)
Never Injured Bruises Cuts Discomfort Fracture of leg Fracture of wrist or arm
Fracture of back/vertebrae Head injury Other (specify)__________________
c) How long were you on the ground before you could get up? ________________
Do you ever limit your activities, for example, what you do or where you go because you are afraid of falling? No Yes
Some things help to prevent falls. Do you currently do any of these?
a) Exercise program No Yes
If “Yes” what type? Yoga Stretching Tai Chi Walking Weights/Strengthening exercises
Swimming Other (Specify) __________________
b) Regularly see your doctor No Yes
c) Participate in a community based fall prevention program No Yes
-------- previously we asked have you EVER participated in falls prevent. Program do we want to ask this?
Please choose the best answer for how you have felt over the past week.
Assessor, yes and no check boxes reverse depending on whether the question is posed as positive or negative.
Question |
Not Depressed |
Depressed |
1 |
Are you basically satisfied with your life? |
Yes |
No |
2 |
Have you dropped many of your activities and interests? |
No |
Yes |
3 |
Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? |
No |
Yes |
4 |
Do you feel happy most of the time? |
Yes |
No |
Total number of Depressed answers: |
Next, I am gong to ask you some questions to test your memory. Some of these are likely to be easy for you, but some may be difficult. Please bear with me and try to answer all the questions as best you can. If you can’t answer a question, don’t worry, just try your best. If you have a television or radio on, please turn it off so that you are not distracted for this part of the interview. Are you ready? No Yes
If No, why not?Refused to completeOther, explain_________________________________
Question |
Answer |
Correct |
Incorrect |
Please tell me your full name First: |
Last: |
What is today’s date? Month: |
Day: |
Year: |
Day of week: |
Season: |
Where are you right now? Number: |
Street: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
Please count backwards from 20 to 1 1st try: |
If error: Please count backwards from 20 to 1 2nd try: |
I am going to read to you a list of 10 words. Please listen carefully and try to memorize them. When I am done, tell me as many of the words as you can in any order . Ready? OK, the words are…Assessor – say each word slowly and use clear enunciation. Pause for 1 second after each word is said..
Cabin Check if recalled: |
Pipe Check if recalled: |
Elephant Check if recalled: |
Chest Check if recalled: |
Silk Check if recalled: |
Theater Check if recalled: |
Watch Check if recalled: |
Whip Check if recalled: |
Pillow Check if recalled: |
Giant Check if recalled: |
I would like you to take the number 100 and subtract 7 Answer: |
Now keep subtracting 7 from the answer Until I tell you to stop Answer: |
Answer: |
Answer: |
Answer: |
What do people usually use to cut paper? Answer: |
How many things are in a dozen? Answer: |
What do you call the prickly green plant that lives in the desert? Answer: |
What animal does wool come from? Answer: |
Please repeat this after me “No ifs, ands or buts” Answer: |
Now please repeat this after me “Methodist Episcopal” Answer: |
With the tip of your finger, tap 5 times into the part of Taps are heard: |
the phone you speak into. Total number of taps = 5: |
I am going to say a word and I want you to give me its opposite. For Example, if I said “hot” you would say “cold”
What is the opposite of west? Answer: |
Total correct:_________
Do you have difficulty walking without help from another person? No Yes
Do you have difficulty getting in and/or out of your home? No Yes
Do you have difficulty walking from one room to another inside your home? No Yes
Do you have difficulty walking inside your home without the use of furniture or other items to steady yourself? No Yes
Do you have any electrical cords, furniture or clutter that cross walkways, hallways or pathways in your home? No Yes
Do you have any slippery throw rugs (scatter rugs) in your home that are not fastened to the floor? No Yes
Do you have difficulty getting around outside your home within walking distance including negotiating uneven surfaces? No Yes
Do you have difficulty doing any of the following activities without help from another person?
TAKING YOUR MEDICATIONS: (opening bottles, measuring correct doses, taking them at the correct time)? No Yes
USING THE TELEPHONE: (answering the phone. looking up numbers and dialing)? No Yes
MANAGING YOUR FINANCES: (paying bills, writing checks, balancing your checkbook)? No Yes
DOING YOUR HOUSEWORK: (making beds, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the floors, the kitchen and bathroom)? No Yes
DOING YOUR LAUNDRY: (transferring clothes to/from washer/dryer, and putting clean items away)? No Yes
SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES: (getting to store, obtaining, paying for, carrying home and putting away all needed items)? No Yes
TRANSPORTING YOURSELF: (driving or arranging a ride, getting to/from and in/out of the vehicle by yourself)? No Yes
PREPARING YOUR MEALS: (planning, preparing and serving complete, well-balanced meals)? No Yes
i) Getting in and out of a chair without using your hands to push off? No Yes
ii) Getting up from the floor without help from another person? No Yes
i) Getting in and out of your bathtub or shower? No Yes
i) Getting on or off of your toilet? No Yes
Do you have non-slip surfaces/mats inside and outside your tub/shower? No Yes
In the last week or so, have you used any of the following medical equipment or devices? (if “Yes,” explain below)
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Wheelchair |
Electric Chair Lift |
Bedside Commode |
Walker |
Electric Stair Lift |
Urinary Catheter |
Cane |
Electric Cart or Scooter |
Oxygen Equipment |
Crutches |
Raised Toilet Seat |
Grab Bars in Tub or Shower |
Prosthesis/Leg Braces |
Toilet Safety Frame/grab bar |
Other: |
If “Yes,” Why do you use the equipment?
Where do you use this equipment? In the home Outside
Approximately how much of your own money did you spend on this equipment?
I did not spend my own money less than $50 $50-$100 $101-$150
$151-$200 $201-$250 $251-$300 don’t know/came with house
Other amount__________
Have you made any modifications to the outside or inside of your home to improve its safety? No Yes
If Yes, what type of modification(s):
Approximately how much of your own money did you spend to improve your home’s safety?
I did not spend my own money less than $50 $50-$100 $101-$150
$151-$200 $201-$250 $251-$300 other amount__________
What is your height? _____ ft _____in
What is your weight? ____________lbs
Do you have glasses or contact lenses? No Yes
Do you wear them Most of the time Sometimes For special reasons (such as driving or reading)
Have you had an eye exam or your vision checked by a doctor or optometrist in the last five years? No Yes
Can you see well enough (with glasses, if needed) to read the newspaper? No Yes
Can you see well enough (with glasses, if needed) to watch television? No Yes
Can you see well enough (with glasses, if needed) to read writing on television? No Yes
Can you see well enough (with glasses, if needed) to read medicine bottles? No Yes
Can you see well enough (with glasses, if needed) to walk downstairs in daylight? No Yes
Can you see well enough (with glasses, if needed) to walk downstairs in dim light? No Yes
Can you see well enough (with glasses, if needed) to recognize someone across the room? No Yes
Now I am going to ask you some questions about your daily activities. Please let me know if in the past 7 days you have done any of these activities.
Household Activity
During the past 7 days…
Have you done any light housework, such as dusting or washing dishes? No Yes
Have you done any heavy housework/chores, such as vacuuming, scrubbing floors, washing windows, or carrying wood? No Yes
Did you engage in any of the following activities?
Home Repairs like painting, wallpapering, electrical work etc… No Yes
Lawn work or yard care including snow or leaf removal, wood chopping, etc… No Yes
Outdoor Gardening No Yes
Caring for another person such as children, dependent spouse or another adult? No Yes
Work Related Activity
During the past 7 days did you work for pay or as a volunteer? (If “Yes,” explain below) No Yes
A. How many hours did you work in the past 7 days? |
B. Which best describes the activities that are required at your work |
1-8 hours |
Mainly sitting with slight arm movements (Office worker, watchmaker, assembly line worker, bus driver) |
9-20 hours |
Sitting or Standing with some walking (Cashier, general office worker, light tool and machinery worker) |
21-30 hours |
Walking with some handling of material generally weighing less than 50 lbs. (Mailman, waiter/waitress, construction or heavy tool/machinery worker) |
31-40 hours |
Walking and heavy manual work often handling materials over 50 lbs. (Lumberjack, stone mason, farm or general laborer) |
Leisure-Time Activity
Over the past 7 days, did you…
Take a walk outside your home or yard for any reason? (e.g.: for fun exercise, walking to work, walking the dog, etc) No Yes
If Yes, How many days in the past week did you walk? __________
On Average, how many minutes per day did you spend walking? ________
Engage in light sport or recreational activities such as bowling, golf with a cart, shuffleboard, fishing from boat or pier or other similar activities? No Yes
If Yes, How many days in the past week did you participate in these activities? __________
On Average, how many minutes per day did you spend doing these activities? ________
Engage in moderate sport and recreational activities such as doubles tennis, ballroom dancing, hunting, ice skating, golf without a cart, softball or other similar activities? No Yes
If Yes, How many days in the past week did you participate in these activities? __________
On Average, how many minutes per day did you spend doing these activities? ________
Engage in strenuous sport and recreational activities such as jogging, swimming, cycling, singles tennis, aerobic dance, skiing (down hill or cross country) or other similar activities? No Yes
If Yes, How many days in the past week did you participate in these activities? __________
On Average, how many minutes per day did you spend doing these activities? ________
Do any exercise specifically to increase muscle strength/endurance such as lifting weights, doing push-ups,. Sit-ups etc? No Yes
If Yes, How many days in the past week did you participate in these activities? __________
On Average, how many minutes per day did you spend doing these activities? ________
Do any exercise specifically to increase balance or flexibility (stretching) such as yoga, Tai Chi, etc? No Yes
If Yes, How many days in the past week did you participate in these activities? __________
On Average, how many minutes per day did you spend doing these activities? ________
What is your marital status? Married Widowed Divorced Never Married
What is your date of birth?_____/_____/______
What is your gender Male Female
What is your highest level of education? Less than high school graduate High School graduate
Some college or Associate’s Degree College graduate Graduate Degree
Which of the following describes your race? White African American or Black Asian American Indian
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Other race ________________ Hispanic or Latino
Refused to disclose/Uncertain
To get a picture of people’s financial situation, we need to know your total household income from all sources, before taxes in (YEAR). This includes social security, retirement income, job earnings, dividends, public assistance, help from relatives and any other source of income you may have. Would you say that your household income was Less than $50,000 $50,000 or greater?
Was it:
If less than $50,000 If greater than or equal to $50,000
Under $25,000 Under $75,000 ($50,000-$74,999)
Under $35,000 ($25,000-$34,999) Under $100,000 ($75,000-$99,999)
Under $50,000 ($35,000-$49,999) Under $150,000 ($100,000-$149,999)
Don’t know $150,000 and over
Refused Don’t know
INITIAL CONTACT- Talking to insured
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, we really appreciate your contribution. In the near future, you will receive an Exercise Progress Chart and a Falls Journal in which you can record any falls or near falls that may occur. You may also receive another telephone call shortly to set up an interview in your home, or we will be in touch with you couple of months to see how you are doing.
INITIAL CONTACT- Talking to proxy
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, we really appreciate your contribution. In the near future, (name of insured) will receive an Exercise Progress Chart and a Falls Journal in which you can record any falls or near falls that may occur. You may also receive another telephone call shortly to set up an interview in (name of insured’s) home, or we will be in touch with you in a couple of months to see how (name of insured) is doing.
FINAL CONTACT- Talking to insured or proxy
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, we really appreciate your contribution to this important research Program. I want to thank you once again for participating in the Independent Living and Mobility Program your contributions may result in safer practices and home environments for older adults.
Do you believe that the participant would have difficulty performing any of his/her IADL’s and ADL’s without assistance from another person due to an impairment? No Yes
If Yes, due to cognitive impairment No Yes
If Yes, due to physical impairment No Yes
If Yes to either, explain
Did the participant appear apathetic or require prompting or motivating to answer questions or complete the interview? No Yes
If Yes, explain:
Was there evidence of sad or depressed mood or flattened affect? No Yes
If Yes, explain:
Did the participant have difficulty following directions? No Yes
If Yes, explain:
Was the participant unable to answer any questions or did the participant refuse to answer any of the questions? No Yes
If Yes, explain:
Assessor signature: Date of interview:
The Effect of Reducing Falls on Long Term Care Expenses – Literature Review
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | APPENDIX A |
Author | LifePlans |
Last Modified By | DHHS |
File Modified | 2006-08-31 |
File Created | 2006-08-31 |