No. IC09-715-001
[Docket No. IC09-715-001]
(November 23, 2009)
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the requirements of section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 USC 3507, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) has submitted the information collection described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review of the information collection requirements. Any interested person may file comments directly with OMB and should address a copy of those comments to the Commission as explained below. The Commission received one comment in response to the Federal Register notice (74FR47566, 9/16/2009). FERC has summarized and addressed the commenter’s suggestions below and in its submission to OMB.
DATES: Comments on the collection of information are due by [30 days after publication in the Federal Register].
ADDRESSES: Address comments on the collection of information to the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Desk Officer. Comments to OMB should be filed electronically, c/o and include OMB Control Number 1902-0171 as a point of reference. The Desk Officer may be reached by telephone at 202-395-4638. A copy of the comments should also be sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and should refer to Docket No. IC09-715-001. Comments may be filed either electronically or in paper format. Those persons filing electronically do not need to make a paper filing. Documents filed electronically via the Internet must be prepared in an acceptable filing format and in compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission submission guidelines. Complete filing instructions and acceptable filing formats are available at To file the document electronically, access the Commission’s website and click on Documents & Filing, E-Filing (, and then follow the instructions for each screen. First time users will have to establish a user name and password. The Commission will send an automatic acknowledgement to the sender’s e-mail address upon receipt of comments.
For paper filings, an original and 2 copies of the comments should be submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20426, and should refer to Docket No. IC09-715-001.
All comments may be viewed, printed or downloaded remotely via the Internet through FERC’s homepage using the “eLibrary” link. For user assistance, contact or toll-free at (866) 208-3676 or for TTY, contact (202) 502-8659.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Ellen Brown may be reached by telephone at (202)502-8663, by fax at (202)273-0873, and by e-mail at .
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FERC-715 ("Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report," OMB Control No. 1902-0171) is a mandatory filing described at 18 CFR 141.300. The FERC-715 must be submitted by each transmitting utility that operates integrated (that is, non-radial) transmission facilities at or above 100 kilovolts. [An overview and current instructions for filing the FERC-715 are posted on the FERC website at:]
Section 213 (b) of the Federal Power Act (FPA), as amended by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, requires FERC to collect, annually from transmitting utilities, sufficient information about their transmission systems to inform potential transmission customers, state regulatory authorities, and the public, of available transmission capacity and constraints. FERC-715 also supports the Commission's expanded responsibilities under Sections 211, 212, 213(a), 304, 307(a), 309, and 311 of the FPA, as amended, for reviewing reliability issues, market structure relationships, and in rate and other regulatory proceedings.
A summary of the comment filed, FERC’s response, and proposed changes to the requirements follow.
Comment: FERC Order No. 890 now requires regional transmission planning processes. We suggest that respondents be allowed to refer to Attachment K information already available on Regional Planning websites.
FERC response: Respondents are already encouraged to incorporate references to readily available information when preparing their FERC-715 submissions. External information is most often used in Part IV, Transmission Planning Reliability Criteria. However, Order No. 890 does not require utilities to file power flow data or maps with the Commission or otherwise make this data available. Therefore, FERC-715 is the only source for these items.
Comment: The commenter suggests FERC should allow filing via the internet, as well as on CDs, DVDs, diskettes, or in hard copy.
FERC response: The Commission agrees that internet filing has the potential to reduce the burden to industry. Respondents are already given the option of filing via the internet (through eFiling), if the submission can be completed using acceptable file formats. Filings may also be made on CD or DVD. The option of using diskettes is being eliminated, however, due to advances in technology and file sizes being too large for the medium.
Comment: The commenter suggests that a list of changes be provided when the FERC-715 instructions are updated.
FERC response: FERC agrees and will provide this information to respondents beginning with the 2010 filing.
Comment: Certain parts of FERC-715 need only be updated when information changes from previous filings. The commenter suggests that respondents be required to report the last filing date of information that is unchanged.
FERC response: FERC agrees and will incorporate this requirement into the FERC-715 instructions. To reduce the burden on industry, if this date is prior to the 2010 filing deadline, Respondents need only state that the previous filing was “prior to the 2010 filing.”
Comment: FERC-715 responses are considered Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), and parties requesting access to this data must be vetted and approved by FERC. These parties may also request CEII directly from FERC-715 respondents. We suggest that FERC attempt to confirm to Respondents that parties requesting access to this data have passed the necessary background checks.
FERC response: The process for requesting CEII from the Commission is detailed in Order Nos. 702, 683, 662, 649, 643, 630, and PL02-01-000, and on FERC-715 is not an appropriate venue to address the CEII request process, but the FERC offices responsible for handling CEII requests have been made aware of the suggestion.
A copy of the proposed, revised instructions is attached and part of this document, but the instructions are not being printed in the Federal Register. The Attachment is available on the FERC’s eLibrary ( by searching Docket No. IC09-715-001, and through the FERC Public Reference Room.
ACTION: The Commission is requesting a three-year extension of the current expiration date for the FERC-715, with the changes noted above and in the attached draft instructions.
BURDEN STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated as follows.
FERC Data Collection |
Number of Respondents Annually (1) |
Number of Responses Per Respondent (2) |
Average Burden Hours Per Response (3) |
Total Annual Burden Hours (1)x(2)x(3) |
FERC-715 |
120 |
1 |
160 |
19,200 |
[Note: These figures may not be exact, due to rounding.]
The total estimated annual cost burden1 to respondents is $1,184,279.90 {[(19,200 hrs.)/(2,080 hrs./yr.)] X ($128,297 per yr.)}.
The reporting burden includes the total time, effort, or financial resources expended to generate, maintain, retain, disclose, or provide the information including: (1) reviewing instructions; (2) developing, acquiring, installing, and utilizing technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, verifying, processing, maintaining, disclosing and providing information; (3) adjusting the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; (4) training personnel to respond to a collection of information; (5) searching data sources; (6) completing and reviewing the collection of information; and (7) transmitting, or otherwise disclosing the information.
The estimate of cost for respondents is based upon salaries for professional and clerical support, as well as direct and indirect overhead costs. Direct costs include all costs directly attributable to providing this information, such as administrative costs and the cost for information technology. Indirect or overhead costs are costs incurred by an organization in support of its mission. These costs apply to activities which benefit the whole organization rather than any one particular function or activity.
Comments are invited on: (1) whether the proposed collections of information are necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimates of the burden of the proposed collections of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g. permitting electronic submission of responses.
Kimberly D. Bose,
NOTE: The Attachment (proposed, revised instructions) will not be printed in the Federal Register. The Attachment is available on the FERC’s eLibrary ( by searching Docket No. IC09-715-001, and through the FERC Public Reference Room.
FERC-715 - Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report Instructions
Revised November 2009
Approved OMB Control No.
Expires: (MM/DD/YY)
This report is
mandatory under Sections 213(b), 307(a) and 311 of the Federal Power
Act and 18 CFR Section 141.300 of the Commission's regulations.
141.300 FERC Form No. 715, Annual Transmission Planning and
Evaluation Report
Who must file: Any transmitting utility, as defined in § 3(23) of the Federal Power Act, that operates integrated (that is, non-radial) transmission facilities at or above 100 kilovolts must complete FERC Form No. 715;
When to file: FERC Form No. 715 must be filed on or before each April 1st;
What to file: FERC Form No. 715 must be filed with the Office
of the Secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in
accordance with the instructions on that form.
Commission considers the information collected by this report to be
Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) and will
treat it as such. The public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 160 hours per response, including
the time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information. You shall not be
penalized for failure to respond to this collection of information
unless the collection of information displays a valid OMB control
number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden, to:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Office of the Deputy Chief
Information Officer
ATTN: Information Clearance Officer (ED-32)
888 First Street,
Washington, DC 20426
and to:
of Management and Budget
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
ATTN: Desk Officer for the Federal Energy Regulatory
Washington, DC 20503
Table of Contents
I. General
A. Purpose of Report
B. Who
Must Submit
C. Waiver Request
Blank or N/A (Not Applicable)
E. Checklist and Where
to Submit
F. When to Submit
Contact Information
Sanctions and Confidentiality
II. General Instructions
A. Submit
B. Designate
Entity to Submit Power Flow Cases
C. Fee
D. The Importance of
Power Flow Cases in the Evaluation of System Performance
III. Terms and Definitions
A. Transmission Planning Reliability
B. Transmitting Utility
IV. Specific Instructions
A. Part
1: Identification and Certification
Part 2: Power
Flow Base Cases
C. Part
3: Transmitting Utility Maps and Diagrams
4: Transmission Planning Reliability
E. Part
5: Transmission Planning Assessment
F. Part
6: Evaluation of Transmission System
A. Purpose of Report
FERC Form No. 715, Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation
Report, is required pursuant to Sections 213(b), 307(a) and 311 of
the Federal Power Act to provide information adequate to inform
potential transmission customers, State regulatory authorities and
the public of potential transmission capacity and known constraints,
to support the Commission's expanded responsibilities under §§
211, 212 and 213(a) of the Federal Power Act (as amended by the
Energy Policy Act), and to assist in rate or other regulatory
B. Who Must
Each transmitting utility, as defined in section
3(23) of the Federal Power Act, that operates network (that is,
non-radial) transmission facilities at or above 100 kilovolts must
report the information requested under the listed items in the
prescribed manner. In the case of joint ownership, only the operator
of the facilities must report.
A designated agent, such
as a regional transmission group, regional reliability organization,
formal power pool, or other group, may submit part or all of the
required information on behalf of the transmitting utility. The
transmitting utility is responsible for submitting all data not
submitted on its behalf by a designated agent. Designated agents must
specify the transmitting utility (or transmitting utilities) for
which they are submitting information. The Commission prefers that
all power flow data submitted for Part 2 of FERC-715 be submitted by
designated agents outlined above.
C. Waiver
The final rule requires that an entity requesting
waiver of FERC-715 must either: (1) indicate the entity that performs
transmission planning for it, or (2) state that it does not use power
flow analyses in performing transmission planning. Once granted, a
waiver request in subsequent years is unnecessary, provided the
party's status does not change; that is, as long as the party does
not begin to perform transmission planning or to use power flow
analyses in its planning. Requests for waivers must be submitted
prior to the required submission date, April 1st of the filing
D. Blank or N/A (Not
Applicable) Responses
All parts of the FERC-715 must be
completed. Blank or N/A (Not Applicable) responses are not
acceptable. For example; for Parts 4 and 5, respondent transmitting
utilities should state the reasons why they have not developed
specific transmission reliability criteria or assessment practices
for their own system in addition to that of the regional entities if
that should be the case.
E. Checklist
and Where to Submit
Respondents may send their responses via FERC eFiling, if all the files comprising the submission are on the list of FERC acceptable file formats.
Respondents who are unable or unwilling to use the FERC eFiling
system must submit one original, either in hardcopy or electronically
on CDs or DVDs, including all six Parts of FERC-715 to:
Energy Regulatory Commission
Form No. 715
Secretary of the
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20426
F. When to Submit
File the report annually by April 1st of the filing year.
G. Contact Information
Direct technical questions concerning the FERC-715, Annual
Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report, to email
H. Sanctions and
Confidentiality Statements
The FERC-715, Annual
Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report, is mandatory under the
Federal Power Act. The information reported in FERC-715 is classified
as CEII.
Late filing or failure to file, keep records, or comply with these
instructions may result in criminal fines, civil penalties, and other
sanctions as provided by law.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) has
determined that to satisfy section 213(b) of the Federal Power Act
(FPA) it is necessary for potential customers to be able to
reasonably anticipate the outcome of technical studies that a
transmitting utility would perform in assessing the availability of
transmission capacity to satisfy a request for transmission service.
Therefore, the Commission requires each transmitting utility, or its
designated agent, to:
A. Submit
The Commission
requires each transmitting utility, or its designated agent, to
submit an annual report that includes:
1. power flow base cases for its transmission system, or
if the transmitting utility belongs to a regional or subregional
transmission planning or reliability organization, power flow base
cases for that region or subregion;
2. system maps
and one-line diagrams;
3. a description of their
reliability criteria and transmission planning assessment practices;
4. an evaluation under the reliability criteria
of the current and future performance of their transmission system.
B. Designate Entity to Submit Power
Flow Cases
The Commission requires each transmitting
utility, or its agent, to designate any regional or subregional
transmission planning or reliability organizations to which it
belongs or any other single entity to submit to the Commission any
regional or subregional power flow base cases developed for the
purposes of members' transmission planning.
C. Fee
If Respondents make CEII directly available to the
requesting public and desire to impose copying charges for this
service, they shall provide a fee schedule..
D. The
Importance of Power Flow Cases in the Evaluation of System
The Commission assumes that most
transmitting utilities participate in the development, by a regional
or subregional organization to which they belong, of regional or
subregional power flow base cases. The purpose of this process is to
ensure consistency of assumptions and accuracy of data.
members of regional or subregional organizations use these power flow
cases as the starting place for their own transmission planning
studies. A detailed description of a transmitting utility's
reliability criteria and planning practices and an evaluation of
system performance are essential to perform planning studies, to
assess the availability of transmission, to identify potential
constraints, and to anticipate the outcome of transmitting utility
technical studies made in response to an actual request for service.
A. Transmission Planning Reliability
The measuring systems and performance
standards that are used for assessing the actual or projected ability
of the bulk electric transmission system to deliver power to load
reliably. Failure to attain a specified performance standard
indicates the need to consider adding or rearranging facilities,
changing operating modes, or other responses.
Examples of
criteria that might apply to simulated testing of the bulk electric
transmission system are:
1. No cascading outage following any specified set of
2. No overloaded facilities
following a specified contingency.
3. All
voltages within prescribed limits.
B. Transmitting Utility
Any electric utility, qualifying cogeneration facility
(section 3(18)(B), FPA), qualifying small power production facility
(section 3(17)(C), FPA), or Federal power marketing agency (section
3(19), FPA) that owns or operates electric power transmission
facilities that are used for the sale of electric energy at
wholesale. (section 3(23), FPA)
A. Part 1: Identification and
Provide the following information:
1. Transmitting Utility Name
Transmitting Utility Mailing Address
3. Contact
Person Name
4. Contact Person Title
Contact Person Telephone Number
6. Contact Person
Facsimile Number
7. Certification by an authorized
official of the Transmitting Utility regarding the accuracy of the
information submitted.
8. Certifying Official
9. Certifying Official
10. Certifying Official Title
B. Part 2: Power
Flow Base Cases
A Respondent participating in a
regional or subregional process (for consolidating and ensuring the
consistency and accuracy of the power flow information used by the
Respondent for transmission planning) must submit the most current
regional or subregional input data to solved power flow base cases
that the transmitting utility would ordinarily use as the starting
point for its transmission planning studies or, where these data are
unavailable from a regional organization, submit such data
If the Respondent participates in such a regional
or subregional process, it must submit the following items:
1. Regional or subregional organization name;
2. Regional
or subregional organization mailing address;
3. Regional
or subregional organization contact person;
4. Regional
or subregional organization contact person title;
5. Regional
or subregional organization contact person telephone
6. Regional or subregional organization
contact person facsimile number;
7. Description of
process for public access to regional or subregional power flow
information; and
8. Description of power flow cases
currently available from regional or subregional organization,
including time frame, conditions, format, media and the fees, if any,
for copying data for the public.
If a Respondent does not participate in the development of regional
or subregional transmission planning power flow base cases, the
Respondent must submit its own equivalent power flow base cases
directly to the Commission.
Each Respondent must submit
for each solved power flow base case: the input data file (in formats
described below) and the corresponding output data file (in ASCII
format) showing the solved real and reactive power flows, voltages,
real and reactive generation and loads, solution parameters, and
other relevant output information; or, in the alternative, at a
minimum, a one-line diagram showing real and reactive power flows,
bus voltages and angles, generator outputs, transformer tap settings
and loads.
Regional and subregional organizations
authorized by their members to provide access to solved power flow
cases should make them available electronically on CDs or DVDs, or
via a computer bulletin board, when practical, in the input data
format associated with the power flow program that the regional or
subregional organizations use in their transmission studies. The
Commission expects that, in nearly all cases, the format will be one
of the following:
1. The Raw Data File format of the PTI (Power
Technologies, Inc.) PSS/E Power flow program;
2. The
Card Deck Image format of the Philadelphia Electric Power flow
3. The Card Deck format of the WSCC Power
flow program;
4. The Raw Data File format of the
General Electric PSLF power flow program;
5. The IEEE Common Format for Exchange of Solved Power Flows; or
6. The Binary or Project File format of the PowerWorld simulator.
Respondents submitting their own cases must supply the input data to the solved base cases and associated ASCII output data on CDs or DVDs in the format associated with the power flow program used by the Respondents in the course of their transmission studies, as described above.
The power flow cases may also be submitted via eFiling, if they are
available in an acceptable file format. A list of acceptable file
formats is available on the FERC eFiling website.
input data to the solved power flow base cases must be
forward-looking. For example, the power flow base cases submitted and
made available might include:
1. One, two, five and ten-year forecasts under summer and
winter peak conditions and
2. A one-year forecast
under light load/heavy transfers condition.
This example is similar to a schedule of base cases proposed by North
American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC)
Multiregional Modeling Working Group for development at the time this
form was created. A regional or subregional organization may develop,
depending on its needs, a different number of power flow base cases
than those described above.
The power flow base cases
must be in sufficient detail that network equivalents, if used,
extend sufficiently beyond the electrical borders of the transmitting
utility that potential transmission users could simulate power
transfers within a reasonable market area without significant loss of
The power flow base cases should include all
branch circuit ratings (that is, normal, long-term and short-term
emergency, or other relevant ratings) that a Respondent uses. Each
Respondent must also submit or make available a data-dictionary that
cross-references the bus or line terminal names. Energy Information
Administration (EIA) codes must be included for each generating plant
referenced. | EIA
Plant Codes
C. Part
3: Transmitting Utility Maps and Diagrams
1. Each Respondent must submit general transmission maps
and single-line schematic diagrams. The maps and diagrams should be
those prepared in the general course of business for planning and
operating purposes. The guidelines provided below indicate the type
of information and the level of detail desired; however, the
Commission is not requiring the Respondent to specifically prepare
new maps and diagrams to satisfy this requirement. If the Respondent
has readily available more than one set of maps and/or diagrams, the
Commission requests that the set submitted best provide the level of
detail described below.
2. The transmitting
utility's general maps should show the geographic locations and names
a. Generating plants;
b. Switching
c. Substations;
d. Service
areas; and
e. Interconnections with other utilities.
3. The transmitting utility's single-line
schematic diagrams should show and identify:
a. AC and DC transmission lines and facilities, including
their nominal operating and design voltages;
b. Electrical
c. Generating plants;
d. Transformation
e. Phase angle transformers; and
f. VAR
control equipment; (i.e., shunt and series capacitors and inductors,
4. On the maps or in separate documentation, each
Respondent should provide a legend that shows the symbols used on the
map or diagram to represent generators, transmission lines,
transformers, capacitors, reactors, buses, etc.
5. Respondents
must submit new maps or diagrams each year regardless of its
6. The FERC prefers all maps and
diagrams be submitted electronically in a format such that any text
is searchable. For example, these maps typically list many
substations, and FERC prefers that the format support a search for
specific substation names. The Adobe PDF format is an example of a
common file type that provides this feature.
D. Part 4: Transmission
Planning Reliability Criteria
Each Respondent is to
provide the transmission planning reliability criteria used to assess
and test the strength and limits of its transmission system to meet
its load responsibility as well as to move bulk power between and
among other electric systems.
If a transmitting utility
subscribes, through its interconnection or pooling agreements with
others, to criteria that are more detailed than the NERC and regional
entity standards, then it must also submit these additional criteria.
The Commission expects that each transmitting utility
will have additional detailed criteria. For example, each utility
generally sets its own voltage limit criteria on its bulk system as
well as its lower voltage system, since NERC and the regional
entities generally do not. Each transmitting utility must submit all
such additional criteria.
The above criteria will be
those which the transmitting utility uses to determine available
transmission capacity needed to meet potential transmission requests
as well as its own native load. A transmitting utility must describe
the criteria that it uses in sufficient detail to allow others to use
the criteria when performing their own planning or screening studies
and to better understand the process of determining available
transmission capacity.
In subsequent years, Respondents
need only identify and file changed criteria. If the criteria are
unchanged from a previous filing, please provide the date of that
filing. If this date is prior to the 2010 filing deadline,
Respondents need only state that the previous filing was “prior
to the 2010 filing.”
E. Part 5: Transmission
Planning Assessment Practices
The criteria submitted
under Part 4 of this form set the limits of transmission use.
However, assessment practices that a transmitting utility uses in
applying these criteria are as important as the criteria themselves.
These practices, developed through experience and study, include
consideration of detailed factors that a transmitting utility may not
list in the criteria that it submits under Part 4. For example, a
utility might have certain operating restrictions and limitations
that must be met by appropriate modeling within a simulation study.
Also, through experience and study, each transmitting
utility may have developed a list of various contingencies it
typically tests against in the application of its transmission
planning reliability criteria. For example, before testing for the
limits of transmission capability that could be used for firm power
transfers on its system, a transmitting utility will assume, based on
experience or realistic expectation, that certain facilities will be
unavailable for some period of time. Each transmitting utility must
identify these contingencies and submit them under this Part.
description of the Respondent's practices when applying the
transmission planning reliability criteria submitted in Part 4 must
be submitted under this part. The description must include the
substantive planning assessment practices that a Respondent follows
in the normal course of business. The information filed should help
requesters to perform planning or screening studies and to better
understand the process of determining available transmission capacity
and known constraints.
In subsequent years, Respondents
need only identify and file changed assessment practices. If the
practices are unchanged from a previous filing, please provide the
date of that filing. If this date is prior to the 2010 filing
deadline, Respondents need only state that the previous filing was
“prior to the 2010 filing.”
F. Part 6: Evaluation of
Transmission System Performance
The transmitting
utility must provide a narrative evaluation or assessment of the
performance of its transmission system in future time periods based
on the application of its reliability criteria. It must provide a
clear understanding of existing and likely future transmission
constraints, their sources, how it identified these constraints, and
a description of any plans to mitigate the constraints. The
evaluation must provide a clear understanding of the existing and
expected system performance of the Respondent's transmission system.
The evaluation should include a description of all existing
transmission stability limits that the transmitting utility has
uncovered through dynamic system simulation studies. If, in their
studies, Respondents identify stability as a regional transmission
limiting factor, Respondents must, on request, provide the results of
their studies.
The required evaluation is to be drawn
from existing utility transmission planning studies and the
experience and judgment of the Respondents' transmission system
planners. Respondents may base the required evaluation, in part, on
recently performed operating studies that determine transfer
capabilities for the upcoming peak load season.
1 Employees work an average of 2,080 hours per year, at an estimated cost of $128,297 per year.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Ellen Brown |
Last Modified By | Ellen Brown |
File Modified | 2009-11-23 |
File Created | 2009-11-23 |