Monthly Labor Review - December 2006

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International Price Program (IPP) U.S. Export and Import Price Indexes

Monthly Labor Review - December 2006

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Prices and Expenditures

Petroleum Prices and Expenditures

Price and expenditure measures
of petroleum products: a comparison
Price changes in petroleum products are closely
correlated among the three price programs of the
Bureau of Labor Statistics; changes in the BLS
petroleum-product CPI also correlate with changes
in consumer spending on those products, as measured
by the Consumer Expenditure Survey
Abby L. Duly,
Jeffrey A. Harris,
Ara M.
Rozi T. Ulics,
Melissa C. Wolter

Abby L. Duly is an
economist formerly in
the Office of Prices
and Living Conditions,
Bureau of Labor
Statistics, and Jeffrey A.
Harris, Ara M.
Khatchadourian, Rozi
T. Ulics, and Melissa C.
Wolter are economists
in the same office. Email:



olitical events in oil-producing countries,
hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and
increasing global demand for petroleum
products have all contributed to sharp increases in
recent years in prices of crude oil and of petroleum
products derived from crude oil. From January 2000
to July 2006, the average price for a gallon of
unleaded regular gasoline in the United States
increased 130.5 percent.1 Personal consumption
expenditures on gasoline rose from $175.7 billion
to $287.3 billion from 2000 to 2005.2 Rising prices
and increasing expenditures are a concern for
consumers, business leaders, and Federal policymakers. As a result, reliable information on the prices and costs of crude oil and petroleum products is
more vital than ever in making decisions at all levels
of the economy.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, the Bureau)
conducts price and consumer expenditure surveys
that measure both changes in prices of, and
expenditures for, petroleum products throughout
the various levels of the economy. This article
introduces the programs that carry out these
surveys, describes the petroleum data compiled
by those programs, explains the methodology
underlying the various crude-oil and gasoline
surveys, and provides historical comparisons of
price data across the BLS programs.

Price and expenditure programs
The Bureau conducts three price surveys and a
survey of consumer expenditures: the Interna-

Monthly Labor Review

December 2006

tional Price Program (IPP), which measures import
and export prices; the Producer Price Index (PPI),
which measures prices received by domestic producers; the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which
measures consumer prices paid out of pocket; and
the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE), which
measures out-of-pocket consumer expenditures.
Chart 1 illustrates the high correlation among the
three price indexes. (Two different PPI’s are shown.)
Each program has a different scope, measurement
goal, and methodology for collecting and compiling
data related to crude oil and petroleum products,
and the differences among the programs must be
understood in order to properly interpret and compare the movements among the respective indexes.
A description of each program’s measures of petroleum product prices and expenditures follows. The
appendix presents an exhibit summarizing the program methodologies.
Measurement of traded-goods inflation: the IPP’s
import and export price indexes. The IPP produces
indexes for import and export goods and services.
These indexes measure price changes on the basis
of the actual transaction prices of specifically
defined items and services coming into and leaving
the country. Published IPP indexes for crude oil
and refined petroleum products reflect three classification systems: the Harmonized Tariff System of
the United States, the Bureau of Economic Analysis
End Use classification system, and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS.) These
indexes are used, among other things, to deflate

Chart 1. Selected BLS price indexes, January 2000–December 2005
(2000 = 100)

(2000 = 100)


for gasoline
for gasoline
(all types)



import prices


for crude petroleum

various foreign trade statistics produced by the U.S. Census
Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Although the IPP calculates indexes for all petroleum products, only some of these products meet the program’s dollarvalue-of-trade threshold for public release. The IPP publishes
indexes solely for products with an annual dollar value of trade
for exports of at least $3.0 billion or a dollar value of trade for
imports of at least $3.0 billion. Because U.S. crude-oil exports no
longer exceed $3.0 billion per year, the IPP does not publish
export indexes for crude oil. By contrast, crude-oil imports have
a trade dollar value that greatly exceeds the IPP threshold. Indeed,
on the basis of a dollar value of more than $131 billion in 2004,
imported crude oil accounts for 9.35 percent of the overall IPP
import index, with all other imported petroleum products together
accounting for 3.45 percent of the weight of the import index.
Among the import and export price indexes the IPP produces
for other petroleum products are indexes for gasoline and
Unlike most of the product indexes in the IPP, which reflect
price data collected directly from importers and exporters, the
import crude-oil index is based primarily on monthly transaction
data obtained from the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) Form–856 survey.3 This survey
collects data on prices and quantities of virtually all crude oil

imported into the United States. Because of its broad scope,
EIA–856 data are more comprehensive than data that can be
obtained from a sample of importers. EIA–856 data also encompass transactions for the entire calendar month, so that, in
contrast to price indexes for goods and services, for which the
reference period is the first week of each month, the IPP crudeoil index is composed of transaction data received over the
entire month.
One limitation of using the EIA–856 survey, however, is
that most of the transaction data are not available from the
Department of Energy in time for the first published estimate of
the crude-oil import index. Instead, the complete set of EIA–856
data for a given month is available on a delayed basis. For
example, most of the June 2006 prices were not available until
July or August 2006. To correct for this limitation, the IPP employs
two different estimation procedures to calculate its crude-oil
import index: a procedure for calculating the preliminary and first
revised index and a procedure for calculating two subsequent
revisions of the index.
To calculate the preliminary and first revised index when
the EIA–856 data are incomplete, the IPP uses a regression
model based on the incomplete EIA–856 data to estimate the
percent change in the price for crude oil. This regression
model’s estimates are much closer to the final estimate of the
Monthly Labor Review

December 2006


Petroleum Prices and Expenditures

monthly percent change in the crude-oil import index than are
the estimates derived from merely aggregating the incomplete
EIA–856 data.
The two subsequent revisions are calculated directly from
the EIA–856 data with the use of a modified Laspeyres index
formula based upon fixed item and index weights calculated
each year by the IPP.4 The weights are lagged 2 years. For
example, in 2006, the weights were calculated from 2004 trade
values. In January 2007, the IPP will start using 2005 weights.
At the item level, the IPP calculates the weight for each type of
imported crude oil, or “crude stream,” in the EIA–856 survey.5
Each observation in the monthly index then represents a
tanker load of a particular crude stream that arrives in the
United States.
For each revision, a more complete set of EIA–856 data
becomes available for use in the monthly index calculation.
Therefore, for the two subsequent revisions, these data are
simply aggregated by the IPP into the crude-oil import index.
To achieve this aggregation, the IPP calculates the weighted
average price for each crude stream by summing products of
prices and quantities for all transactions for a crude stream
and then dividing the result by the sum of the quantities.
These weighted average prices are then combined into the
overall index, which, as mentioned, is weighted by the annual
trade value from 2 years earlier. As with all IPP indexes, the
final crude-oil index number is released 3 months after the
preliminary index is first published.
The IPP also uses EIA data to calculate a portion of its
refined-petroleum import and export indexes. Although the
IPP indexes include directly collected price data from importers and exporters for refined products such as jet fuel,
naphthas, kerosene, and petroleum gases, prices and weights
(at the lowest level) for imported and exported gasoline, diesel
fuel, and heating oil are derived from EIA data. In 1999, the IPP
stopped collecting prices for these refined products from
petroleum importers and exporters because of their insufficient
participation in the IPP survey and the existence of an alternative
source of prices. The IPP uses the EIA publication Petroleum
Supply Annual to update annual weights for the items that
currently represent such products in the indexes.6 This publication contains information on import and export volumes
for gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil, by Petroleum Administration for Defense district.7 Spot price data for the first 5
business days of each month are then obtained on a monthly
basis from the EIA Web site for 16 Petroleum Administration
for Defense products that enter into the calculation of the
import and export indexes.8 These products are import and
export gasolines and diesel fuels from New York Harbor, the
Gulf Coast, and Los Angeles and import and export heating
oils from New York Harbor and the Gulf Coast. Unlike the PPI
and the CPI, the IPP does not seasonally adjust its refined
products indexes.

Monthly Labor Review

December 2006

Measurement of production inflation: the Producer Price
Index. The PPI publishes various monthly price indexes for crude
oil and refined petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel
fuel, and home heating oil. The indexes are based on prices
collected directly from domestic producers and are calculated
with the use of a modified Laspeyres index formula. The prices
for crude oil are generally location-specific net transaction
prices,9 whereas the prices provided for refined petroleum
products are primarily national averages of net transaction prices
for the particular commodity. Crude-oil prices are received from
domestic producers at various wells within the United States,
including offshore operations. Prices for refined petroleum
products are not received from a specific location, but rather are
taken as national averages.
Before prices are collected, however, and in a manner similar to the
IPP process for direct collection, a sample of establishments is randomly drawn, and each establishment selected is visited by a BLS
representative, who attempts to persuade the establishment to
participate in the PPI survey. If the establishment agrees to participate,
a certain number of its products are selected to be priced for the
survey. Any particular product that an establishment produces has a
probability of selection proportional to the share of the establishment’s revenue from sales of the product. Once specific products
are selected, establishments send monthly price updates on those
products to the PPI. The updates reflect prices on the Tuesday of the
week containing the 13th of the month.10
The PPI publishes three types of indexes from the pricing data
that it collects: industry indexes, commodity indexes, and stageof-processing indexes. All three are subject to revision for up to
4 months after their initial publication. Revisions account for late
prices and corrections by respondents.
The PPI for an industry measures price changes received by
domestic establishments for the industry’s output sold outside
the industry. Industry indexes are structured according to NAICS.
Currently, the PPI publishes indexes for the crude-petroleum and
natural-gas extraction industries and for petroleum refineries.
Within these industries, the PPI also publishes indexes for
specific products manufactured by the industries. The product
indexes are aggregated into industry indexes with the use of
weights derived primarily from the Census Bureau’s industrylevel (value-of-shipments) data. The PPI does not test industry
indexes for seasonality or calculate any seasonally adjusted industry indexes.
PPI commodity indexes reflect price changes for specific
commodities, regardless of the commodities’ industries of
origin. Commodity indexes are classified according to a system
unique to the PPI. Currently, the PPI publishes detailed commodity indexes for crude petroleum, as well as for refined petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and home
heating oil. In addition, an aggregate commodity index for all
fuels and related products and power is published. As with
industry-level PPI’s, weights for aggregating commodity-based


are derived from the Census Bureau’s commodity-level
(value-of-shipments) data. Commodity indexes are tested for
seasonality, and if seasonal patterns are found, seasonally adjusted indexes are calculated. The commodity indexes for gasoline,
home heating oil, and diesel fuel all show seasonal patterns, so
seasonally adjusted indexes are produced for all three of these
Stage-of-processing indexes are built from commoditybased PPI’s. Commodities are allocated to one or more stages
of processing on the basis of the class of buyer and the
amount of physical processing or assembling the commodity
has undergone. The three main stage-of-processing categories are finished goods, intermediate goods, and crude
goods. Energy goods are included in all three categories.
Gasoline, diesel fuel, and home heating oil respectively account for 4.95 percent, 0.28 percent, and 0.96 percent of the
stage-of-processing index for finished goods and 2.37 percent, 1.42 percent, and 0.49 percent of the index for intermediate goods.11 Crude petroleum accounts for 16.77 percent
of the crude-goods index.12 In addition to the highest-level
stage-of-processing indexes, indexes for crude, intermediate,
and finished energy goods are produced by the PPI. Stageof-processing indexes are available on both an unadjusted
and a seasonally adjusted basis.
As indicated in the previous paragraph, the PPI for Gasoline
is an important component of both the stage-of-processing
index for finished goods and that for intermediate goods. The
PPI for Gasoline is composed of three separate grades of
octane: regular, mid-premium, and premium. Regular gasoline
has an octane rating of 85 through 87, mid-premium 88 through
90, and premium greater than 90. Within each of these grades,
there are summer and winter seasonal blends, the products of
a two-phase program implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and aimed at reducing the volatility of
summertime gasoline. The volatility in gasoline is measured
as Reid vapor pressure (RVP).13 The PPI collects prices for the
lower RVP summer blend from April through August and the
higher RVP winter blend from September through March. Then
the gasoline indexes are quality adjusted to remove any changes
in them that are due to shifts in seasonal blend.
While less important than gasoline to the stage-of-processing
indexes, diesel fuel and home heating oil also are notable
components of those indexes. Both diesel fuel and home heating
oil are classified as light fuel oils and at one time were compatible.
In 1993, however, the EPA mandated that all highway diesel fuel
meet reduced sulfur content requirements. This new standard of
0.05 percent sulfur by weight, or 500 parts per million (PPM), was
significantly lower than the previous maximum sulfur allowance.
Then, in June 2006, the EPA implemented an even stricter
standard of 15 PPM for diesel fuel.14 The PPI’s separation of
diesel fuel and home heating oil, therefore, has become increasingly important.

Measurement of consumer inflation: the Consumer Price
Index (CPI). As a measure of the average change of prices for
consumer goods over time, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is
perhaps the most widely recognized BLS price program. While
the IPP and PPI track the movement of both crude-oil prices
and refined petroleum products prices, the CPI tracks only the
price movement of refined petroleum products purchased by
consumers. The CPI publishes a monthly motor fuel index
that measures the average change in price over time of gasoline and other motor fuels.15 The motor fuel index had a relative
importance of 4.191 out of the U.S. city average of the CPI for
All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) as of December 2005.16 The
gasoline (all types) index accounts for the majority of the
motor fuel index’s weight and reflects the prices of three
grades of gasoline based on octane rating: unleaded regular,
midgrade, and premium gasoline.17 Other motor fuels, including diesel fuel and alternative motor fuels, account for a very
small percentage of the weight in the overall CPI for Motor
Fuel. Both the biennially updated weights and the relative
importance values are derived from Consumer Expenditure
Survey (CE) data.
BLS data collectors collect monthly price information from a
sample of national retail outlets drawn from the Telephone
Point-of-Purchase Survey conducted by the Census Bureau
for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPI outlet sample for
all grades of gasoline currently consists of approximately 630
outlets. Each such outlet selected for gasoline pricing is assigned a price quote for each grade of gasoline, as well as for
diesel and alternative fuels. The current CPI sample has 1,892
price quotes for gasoline products and 238 quotes for other
motor fuels. Price information is collected for each category
of product, provided that the product is available for sale
when the BLS data collector visits the outlet. Unleaded regular,
midgrade, and premium grades are available for sampling
nearly every month, although diesel fuel sometimes is not
available. Alternative motor fuels, such as E85 and propane,
are rarely available. The prices collected are per-gallon unit
prices and include excise, sales, and other taxes paid by consumers. Prices are collected continuously throughout the
month and are reviewed for accuracy by CPI analysts in the
BLS national office. Unlike the PPI, the CPI does not make
adjustments for changes in the formulation of vehicle or motor
fuels stemming from air-pollution mandates.18
Once prices are collected and analyzed for the reference
month, the CPI basic indexes for motor fuels are calculated with
a geometric mean formula, aggregated across items and geographic areas with a modified Laspeyres index formula, and
published along with national, regional, and selected city average
prices for motor fuels. Because price data for the survey are
directly collected by the Bureau, no late or lagged prices are
included in the CPI. Therefore, revisions to published data are
rare, in contrast to the situation with the IPP and PPI programs,
Monthly Labor Review

December 2006


Petroleum Prices and Expenditures

which revise their indexes 3 and 4 months, respectively, after
their initial publication.
Measurement of consumer spending: the Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE). The Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE)
program is composed of two separate surveys: a quarterly
Interview survey and a weekly self-administered Diary survey.
Each of these components has a unique sample and methodology. As the primary source of published data on petroleumrelated products, the Interview survey is the only one discussed
any further in this article.
The CE Interview survey is administered through home
visits by representatives of the Census Bureau and is processed and published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A
national probability sample of households designed to
represent the total U.S. civilian noninstitutional population is
drawn from the decennial census address file, supplemented
with new-housing permits. Each sample unit is interviewed
every 3 months over five calendar quarters and is then dropped
from the survey and replaced with a new sample unit. In 2004,
approximately 7,500 consumer units were interviewed each
All CE data are collected and published at the consumer unit
level. Just as the prices collected by the CPI include all sales and
excise taxes, so, too, do the expenditure amounts collected by
the CE. These expenditure amounts may be for items purchased
by the consumer unit for personal consumption or as gifts to
others. Business-related expenses and expenses for which the
consumer unit is reimbursed are not included.
The CE publishes tabulated information on average annual
expenditures, characteristics, and income, integrated from the
Interview and Diary surveys, by a variety of demographic
characteristics, such as region of residence, income level, and
age. Published data are weighted to the U.S. population and
are aggregated to meet statistical reliability criteria. Standard
errors are computed by the balanced repeated replication
method of variance estimation and are available to the public.20
Data are published annually, subject to a 1-year lag due to
collection and processing schedules.
The CE Interview survey collects information on expenditures
for gasoline, diesel fuel, and fuel oil for home heating use. For
this article, only the aggregated data for the CE published item
“gasoline and motor oil” are used, in order to ensure the integrity
of the data and allow for meaningful comparison with the gasoline
figures produced by the CPI.21
In the CE Interview survey questionnaire, respondents are
asked for information about their average monthly expense
for gasoline and other fuels used in the operation of automobiles, trucks, and other vehicles. Subsequent questions
attempt to determine how much of that expense goes for diesel
fuel and how much is counted as a business expense. Then
the nonbusiness expenditure amounts of the monthly esti60

Monthly Labor Review

December 2006

mates, with appropriate sales taxes applied, are annualized for
The following tabulation, published by the CE, shows the
average amount spent annually by a consumer unit on gasoline and motor oil, as well as the consumer unit’s share of
transportation expenses, from 2000 to 2004:
Expenditure category






Transportation ............. $7,417 $7,633 $7,459 $7,781 $7,801
Gasoline and motor
oil .............................. 1,291 1,279 1,235 1,333 1,598
Share of transportation
(percent) ......................

As the figures demonstrate, mean expenditures varied rather
substantially in all three categories from one year to the next
over the 2000–04 period.
Spending on gasoline and motor oil is a component of overall
transportation expenditures in the CE. As the preceding tabulation shows, like mean expenditures, the proportion of transportation spending allocated to gasoline and motor oil has varied. In
2004, approximately $1 out of every $5 spent on transportation
was used to purchase gasoline and motor oil. (This expenditure
category also accounted for approximately 3.7 percent of total
annual spending.)

Price program comparison
The IPP, PPI, and CPI measure price changes for petroleum
products over time, whereas the CE measures changes in
consumer expenditures on gasoline. In the case of the price
surveys, methodological differences among BLS programs can
result in varying measures of price change for similar petroleum
products. To determine how significantly these methodological
differences affect index movements, this section compares price
changes for comparable petroleum products across BLS price
programs. Similarities between index movements are analyzed
both visually and through basic statistical analyses, including
correlations and means tests. Also compared is the relationship
between the CPI for Gasoline and CE mean expenditures on
gasoline, because expenditures on gasoline are likely to change
as the price of gasoline changes.
Comparison of IPP crude-oil index and PPI for Crude
Petroleum. The IPP measures monthly changes in the price
for crude petroleum imports to the United States. Prices used
in calculating the IPP index for crude petroleum are for multiple
days throughout the reference month. In contrast, the PPI
measures monthly changes in price for domestically produced
crude petroleum. Prices used in calculating the PPI typically
reflect the Tuesday of the week containing the 13th of the
reference month. Chart 2 shows 1-month percent changes in

Chart 2. One-month percent changes in the PPI for Crude Petroleum and the IPP index for Crude
Petroleum, January 2000–December 2005





the IPP index and the PPI for Crude Petroleum from January
2000 through December 2005. The sample means for IPP and PPI
crude petroleum were 1.4 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively,
and the sample standard deviations were 7.3 percent and 9.8
percent. These summary statistics indicate that the PPI tended
to be slightly more volatile than the IPP index from 2000
through 2005.
A visual examination of chart 2 indicates that, in spite of
methodological differences in the calculation of the index
between the IPP and the PPI, movements in the two crudepetroleum indexes have been similar. In the vast majority of cases,
the 1-month percent changes in the indexes are in the same
direction and similar in magnitude. In some cases, the magnitude
of the change in the PPI appears to be slightly higher than that in
the IPP index. This finding is in line with the summary statistics,
which show the PPI to have a slightly higher mean and standard
deviation than the IPP index. To examine more rigorously the
difference between the means of the two indexes for crude
petroleum, a paired t-test was conducted. The test’s null hypothesis was that the means of the two series are equal. The test
failed to reject the null hypothesis at the α = .05 significance
level, indicating that the means are not significantly different
from each other.
Finally, the correlation between the PPI for Crude Petroleum
and the IPP crude-petroleum index is 0.91, indicating a strong

relationship between them. Therefore, regardless of the aforementioned methodological differences, the visual examination
of chart 2, the means test, and correlation analysis all indicate
that the two crude-petroleum indexes have behaved similarly
over time. This parallel behavior is likely explained by the
nature of the crude-oil market. Crude oil is traded openly in
global commodity markets; hence, prices for domestic and imported crude petroleum should tend to converge, lest there
be unrealized opportunities for arbitrage.
Comparison of PPI for Gasoline and CPI for Gasoline. The PPI
measures monthly price changes in gasoline from the perspective
of the seller. In contrast, the CPI measures price change from the
purchaser’s perspective. Sellers’ and purchasers’ prices may
differ due to government subsidies, sales and excise taxes, and
distribution and marketing costs. Chart 3 presents the 1-month
percent changes in the seasonally adjusted PPI for Gasoline and
CPI for Gasoline from 2000 through 2005. Over the sample period,
the mean and standard deviation for the PPI for Gasoline were 1.6
percent and 8.0 percent, respectively, whereas the mean and
standard deviation for the CPI for Gasoline were 0.9 percent and
6.0 percent, respectively.
A visual examination of chart 3 indicates that price movements
for gasoline, as measured by the PPI and CPI, were similar from
2000 through 2005, although changes in the PPI appear to have
Monthly Labor Review

December 2006


Petroleum Prices and Expenditures

Chart 3. One-month percent changes in the PPI for Gasoline and the CPI for Gasoline, January 2000–
December 2005




been more volatile and often greater in magnitude than changes
in the CPI. The relatively greater volatility of the PPI for Gasoline,
compared with the CPI for Gasoline, is in part due to the two
programs’ different treatment of consumer taxes: the CPI includes
them, and the PPI does not. Hence, an identical change in the
price of gasoline would have a larger effect on the PPI than the
CPI.22 An equality-of-means test, however, shows that, the
means are not significantly different from each other at the α
= .05 level of significance. The correlation coefficient between
the two series is 0.72, also showing a relatively strong relationship between PPI and CPI gasoline. Thus, the visual
examination of chart 3, the means test, and correlation analysis
all suggest a substantial relationship between the CPI for
Gasoline and the PPI for Gasoline in spite of methodological
The relationship between the PPI for Gasoline and the CPI
for Gasoline, however, does not appear to be as strong as that
between the IPP index for crude petroleum and the PPI for Crude
Petroleum. The correlation coefficient for PPI and CPI gasoline is
lower than that for IPP and PPI crude petroleum. In addition, the
difference between the means of PPI and CPI gasoline is greater
than the difference between the means of IPP and PPI petroleum.
These findings suggest that the methodological differences
between BLS programs measuring gasoline prices may be greater
than those between BLS programs measuring crude-petroleum

Monthly Labor Review

December 2006

prices, especially because crude petroleum is, on average, more
volatile than gasoline.
Comparison of CPI average gasoline prices and CE mean
expenditures on gasoline and motor oil. CPI price data and
CE expenditure data on gasoline are expected to be related,
because the average amount spent by consumers on gasoline is
likely to be affected by gasoline prices. Chart 4 displays overthe-year percent changes in the CPI average price for gasoline
and average yearly expenditures on gasoline from 1995 through
2004.23 Over the sample period, the mean and standard deviation
of the annual change in the CPI average price for gasoline were
6.0 percent and 12.8 percent, respectively, whereas the mean and
standard deviation of the annual change in CE average expenditures on gasoline and motor oil were, respectively, 5.7 percent
and 10.0 percent.
A visual examination of chart 4 indicates a strong relationship
between the CPI for Gasoline and the CE average expenditures
on gasoline and motor oil. The correlation coefficient between
the two series is 0.96, also demonstrating a strong relationship.
This correlation shows the relative inelasticity of consumers’
response to changes in the price of gasoline. In general, chart
4 indicates that expenditures fall less than prices during
periods of declining prices and rise more slowly than prices
during periods of increasing prices.

Chart 4. Percent changes in the annual averages of the CPI for Gasoline and in CE expenditures
for gasoline and motor oil, 1996–2004




CPI —provide information on the changes in prices of various
petroleum products. In addition, the CE provides information
on consumer spending on petroleum products. Price changes
for these products generally show a close correlation among the

price programs, and CPI changes also correlate closely with
consumer expenditure changes for such products. However, data
users should consider the differences in scope, measurement,
and survey methods among the four programs in comparing
changes across them.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, average price
data, on the Internet at the BLS Website,
National Income and Product Accounts, Table 2.3.5, “Personal
Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product” (U.S. Department
of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis), on the Internet at
As of October 2006, a decision is pending about whether this program
will continue to be funded. For further information on the program’s
methodology, contact Ara Khatchadourian at khatchadourian.ara@
A pure Laspeyres index has fixed weights that reflect the base
period. The three BLS price indexes detailed in this article are described
as modified Laspeyres indexes because the Bureau regularly updates
the weights used in each index when new data are available.
For a list of crude streams by country, see Appendix A of the “EIA856 Monthly Foreign Crude Oil Acquisition Report Instructions,” on
the Internet at

See Petroleum Supply Annual 2005, vol. 1 (Energy Information
Administration, Oct. 23, 2006), on the Internet at
These districts were created by the Federal Government during the
Second World War. Their original purpose was to administer oil allocations. The EIA continues to use these regions for data collection purposes. For an example of such information pertaining to one particular
district, see “U.S. Refining Crude Oil Distillation Capacity, Valero and
Huntway PAD District Detail,” on the Internet at
The EIA defines a spot price as the price for a one-time openmarket transaction for the immediate delivery of a specific quantity
of a product at a specific location where the commodity is purchased
“on the spot” at current market rates.
The net transaction price (the price after deductions for discounts
or other allowances have been made) for a given crude-oil item reflects
either the price of the item on the PPI pricing date or a monthly aver-

Monthly Labor Review

December 2006


Petroleum Prices and Expenditures

age of net transactions for the item. For comparability, the timing of
the price for a given item will remain unchanged. Thus, an item will
not be priced on the pricing date one month and then as a monthly
average the next month.
Although the PPI is aimed at collecting prices for the pricing day,
if respondents are unable to provide such prices, the PPI will accept
either prices that reflect a day close to the pricing day or average prices for a period that contains the pricing day.
The figures listed are the December 2005 relative importances of
component series in the PPI by stage of processing. Note that regular,
mid-premium, and premium grades of gasoline account for 3.55 percent, 0.53 percent, and 0.87 percent, respectively, of the relative importance to the Finished Goods Index.
The figure is the December 2005 relative importance of the
crude-goods series in the PPI by stage of processing.

the standard measure of the volatily of gasoline. The higher
more volatile the fuel is and the easier it evaporates. The first
RVP reduction phase began in June 1989, while the second phase began in
May 1992 and lasted throughout 1994. In December 1994, the EPA enacted
Phase 1 of the reformulated gasoline provisions of the Clean Air Act of
1990. The provisions required reductions in automobile emissions of
ozone-forming volatile organic compounds during the summer, highozone season, and of toxic air pollutants and nitrogen oxides during the
entire year, in certain areas of the United States. Phase 2 of the program,
which required additional reductions in volatile organic compounds and
nitrogen oxides (NO x) during the summer months, began on January 1,

RVP is
RVP, the

This requirement was accounted for in the PPI through a quality
adjustment of the diesel fuel index that same June.
The CPI also publishes indexes for home fuel oil and other home
fuels; this article, however, focuses on motor fuels alone.
CPI relative importance tables are found on the Internet at
High-altitude areas of the country have ranges of gasoline ratings
that may be different from the ranges just given.


Monthly Labor Review

December 2006

See “The Treatment of Mandated Pollution Control Measures in
the CPI ,” on the Internet at, for more
information about the BLS policy not to make quality adjustments to
the prices of vehicle and motor fuels in the CPI .
A consumer unit is defined as (1) all members of a particular
household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal
arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with
others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in
permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially
independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their
income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence
is determined by the three major expense categories: housing, food,
and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent,
the respondent must pay, at least in part, expenses for at least two of
the three categories. For example, a household occupied by two unrelated roommates is considered to contain two separate consumer
units if each roommate pays his or her own expenses.
More detailed information on estimation methodology is found
in the BLS Handbook of Methods; see Chapter 16, “Consumer Expenditures and Income.“
Note that in 2004 the unpublished average annual expenditure for
gasoline constituted approximately 92 percent of the published category.
As a hypothetical example, assume that the producer price of a
gallon of gasoline increases $.50, from $2.00 to $2.50. This rise in
price would produce a 25-percent increase in the PPI. However, the CPI
price would include a consumer tax (for this example, assume $.20 per
gallon). For the given $.50 increase in the producer price of a gallon of
gasoline, the consumer price would then increase from $2.20 to $2.70,
causing the CPI to rise only 22.7 percent. This simplified example illustrates one explanation as to why the CPI for Gasoline tends to be less
volatile than the PPI for Gasoline.
The CPI average price for gasoline for a specific year is the mean
of the CPI average gasoline prices for each month of that year.

APPENDIX exhibit A–1. Summary of program methodologies
International Price
Program (IPP)


Producer Price Index ( PPI)

Survey (CE )

Consumer Price
Index (CPI)


Measure changes in import
and export prices.

Measure changes in producer
selling prices.

Measure changes
in consumer prices.

Measure average


Crude oil and refined petroleum

Crude oil and refined petroleum

Refined petroleum

Refined petroleum


Samples are based on the
Harmonized System (HS).
Indexes are published on the
basis of HS , Bureau of Economic
Analysis ( BEA) End Use, and
North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS)
classification systems.

Industry-based indexes are classified
according to the North American
Industry Classification System
(NAICS). Commodity-based indexes
are classified according to an
internal BLS system.



Entire month for crude oil. First
week of the month for refined
petroleum products: gasoline, diesel
oil, and heating oil. Directly
collected spot and contract prices
for the reference month for other
types of petroleum products, such
as naphtha, jet fuel, kerosene, and
petroleum gases).

Tuesday of the week containing
the 13th of the month. However,
if respondents are unable to provide
prices for that day, the PPI will accept Throughout the
prices that reflect a day close to the entire month
pricing day or average prices for a
period that contains the pricing day.

Source of data

Prices for crude oil and refined
petroleum products are provided
by the Energy Information
Agency of the Department
of Energy.

Domestic producers submit prices

Type of data

Crude oil: net transaction prices for
virtually all crude oil imported into
the United States. Refined
petroleum products: spot prices
for gasoline, diesel oil, and heating
oil from the first week of the
month are combined with directly
collected prices for other types of
petroleum products, such as
naphtha, jet fuel, kerosene, and
petroleum gases, to calculate
indexes for refined petroleum
products. The locations of the
gasoline, diesel oil, and heating oil
spot prices are New York Harbor,
the U.S. Gulf Coast, and Los Angeles.

Quality adjust
products for





Frequency of






Final index number is published
3 months after the preliminary
index number.

Final index number is published
4 months after the preliminary
index number.

Indexes are final upon Survey estimates are
final upon publication.

adjusted data




Data collection



Collected by Bureau
of Labor Statistics at
retail outlets across
the Nation.

Crude-oil prices typically are
manufacturer selling prices on the
pricing date, but in some cases may Directly collected
retail prices
be average prices for the entire
calendar month. Refined-petroleum
prices are manufacturers’ national
average prices for the pricing date.

Monthly Labor Review




Household interviews
on a quarterly basis for
five consecutive

Average annual
expenditures and
expenditure shares


December 2006


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitlePrice and expenditure measures of petroleum products: a comparison
SubjectPrice and expenditure measures of petroleum products: a comparison
File Modified2009-06-09
File Created2007-02-01

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