Summary of Substantive and Technical Changes for All Part D Application Revisions from 2010 Version of Part D Application to 2011 Draft Version
Clarification |
Purpose of the Clarification |
Application |
Cost |
Change in Burden |
The July 15th date, by which an applicant must have an affirmative determination on their application to offer the Part D benefit the following contract year, was removed. In prior years, the CMS Hearing Officer did not follow this date in order to ensure denied applicants received due process in a timely manner. |
1.4 |
1.4 |
1.4 |
N/A |
N/A |
Updated the roles and responsibilities of Part D sponsors by including a reference to providing accurate drug pricing and pharmacy network data for the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Finder. |
1.5 and 1.6.3 |
1.5 and 1.6.3 |
1.5 and 1.6.3 |
N/A |
N/A |
Added language in the section related to eligibility for the low-income subsidy program to explain the Best Available Evidence policy and CMS expectations. The policy was put into regulation since the last application revisions. |
1.6.5 |
1.6.5 |
1.6.5 |
N/A |
N/A |
Requires Applicants to notify the HPMS help desk when experiencing technical difficulties with uploading required materials prior to the submission deadline to establish a record with CMS. |
Instructions; 2.4.1 and 2.4.8 |
Instructions; 2.4.1 and 2.4.8 |
Instructions; 2.4.1 and 2.4.5 |
N/A |
N/A |
Added references to gross covered prescription drug costs as appropriate throughout the document. References are in relation to maintenance and tracking with Applicant’s systems. |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
N/A |
Provide some examples as to what would constitute an invalid application submission. |
Instructions; 2.4.1 |
Instructions; 2.4.1 |
Instructions 2.4.1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Clarified language to indicate all communications from CMS related to the Part D applications will be issued through HPMS. CMS will no longer send Notices of Intent to Deny, Denials or Approvals in hard copy. |
Instructions; 2.4.1 |
Instructions; 2.4.1 |
Instructions; 2.4.1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Added language to explain how auto-or facilitated enrollments work for MA-PD plans, specifically when an organization may enroll an eligible individual into an MA-PD plan or under certain circumstances into a PDP. |
N/A |
2.4.6 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Provided an instructional section specifying how an organization can withdraw an application. Further clarified the withdrawal instructions by indicating the date CMS will recognize the request and an additional email box to send the request for certain application types (MA-PD). |
2.4.7 |
2.4.7 |
2.4.4 |
N/A |
N/A |
Clarified the discussion of how CMS uses the home infusion pharmacy list that Applicants submit to determine adequate access. Also provides the link to a reference file that provides the number of pharmacies necessary to meet adequate access. |
2.8.2 |
2.8.2 |
2.8.2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Replaces the discussion about LTC ratios with a discussion that the pharmacy list will be used to ensure applicants meet LTC standards once they become Part D sponsors and have enrollees residing in LTC facilities. |
2.8.3 |
2.8.3 |
2.8.3 |
N/A |
N/A |
Condensed the 800-series and Direct certification/attestation pages into appendices within the individual market applications to streamline the process for applicants seeking to participate in the employer Part D market. |
Instructions; 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.9, Appendices I-III |
Instructions; 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.9, Appendices II and III |
Instructions; 2.4.2, 2.9, and Appendix II |
N/A |
N/A |
Added a clarifying instruction related to the standard contract with Part D sponsors explaining that approved applications are valid for the forthcoming contract year. The clarification was added so that organizations would clearly understand that if an application is approved but a contract is not signed for the forthcoming contract year, the organization will need to reapply for any future years. |
2.10 |
2.10 |
2.10 |
N/A |
N/A |
Based on PACE waiver authority, the Part D requirements for electronic prescribing have been waived. |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Instructions |
N/A |
Application requires first tier, downstream or related entities to abide by all federal laws, regulations and CMS instructions but not the actual applicant. This attestation corrects that. |
3.1.1A2 |
3.1.1A2 |
3.1.1A2 |
N/A |
N/A |
CMS has required Part D sponsors to identify the entity responsible for performing enrollment processing since 2008. Incorporating this function into the chart makes the application consistent with current operations. |
3.1.1C |
3.1.1C |
3.1.1C |
N/A |
N/A |
Removed the provision requiring agreements for entities maintaining the LTC network to include this provision. |
3.1.1D20 |
3.1.1D20 |
3.1.1D20 |
Management and Operations |
N/A |
Based on the passage of MIPAA, added a section for Applicants to identify in HPMS the methodology and source for the drug pricing standard for reimbursements to pharmacies. |
3.1.1F |
3.1.1.F |
3.1.1.F |
Management and Operations |
N/A |
CMS has required Part D sponsors to identify the entity responsible for performing enrollment processing since 2008. Added this attestation to correspond with existing requirement. |
3.1.2A10 |
3.1.2A10 |
3.1.2A10 |
N/A |
N/A |
Previous language in the attestation referred to submission of the Waiver Application being due within the requisite time period. The language was deleted since the Waiver Application is due at the same time as the application. |
3.1.3B3 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
3.1.5A |
3.1.4A |
3.1.4A |
HPMS Part D Contacts |
N/A |
3.1.5A |
3.1.4A |
3.1.4A |
HPMS Part D Contacts |
N/A |
Consistent with the 2010 Call Letter added an attestation requiring applicants to ensure that all associated contracts are linked to the proper formulary to ensure formularies are submitted correctly. |
3.2.1A2 |
3.2.1A2 |
3.2.1A2 |
Formulary / P&T Committee |
N/A |
Added a reference to the HPMS Formulary Submission Module and Reports Technical Manual to the documents that Applicants will follow. |
3.2.1A3 |
3.2.1A3 |
3.2.1A3 |
Formulary / P&T Committee |
N/A |
Consistent with MIPPA and the 2010 Call Letter, attestations were changed to refer to “protected classes of drugs” instead of “six categories of clinical concern.” |
3.2.1A5 |
3.2.1A5 |
3.2.1A5 |
Formulary / P&T Committee |
N/A |
Applicants and existing sponsors now complete a set of attestations in HPMS related to transition policies rather than submit their individual organization’s policies to CMS. |
3.2.1A7 |
3.2.1A7 |
3.2.1A7 |
Formulary / P&T Committee |
N/A |
Based on the revised attestation above, CMS requires applicants to provide their organization’s transition policy upon request. |
3.2.1A8 |
3.2.1A8 |
3.2.1A8 |
Formulary / P&T Committee |
N/A |
Requires applicants covering home infused covered Part D drugs as part of a supplemental benefit under Part C to submit a supplemental formulary file to CMS. |
N/A |
3.2.1D5 |
3.2.1D5 |
N/A |
N/A |
Consistent with the 2010 Call Letter added an attestation on the proper way to submit UM criteria for formulary drugs that have prior authorization or step therapy. |
3.2.2A5 |
3.2.2A5 |
3.2.2A5 |
N/A |
N/A |
Based on the issuance of Chapter 7 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, expanded the general attestation related to quality assurance and patient safety. List the measures and reporting systems that should be included in concurrent drug utilization review. |
3.2.3A1 |
3.2.3A1 |
3.2.3A1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Based on the issuance of Chapter 7 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual and the 2010 Call Letter updated several attestations related to MTM. This includes, but not limited to:
3.2.4A3-A10 |
3.2.4A3-A10 |
N/A |
N/A |
3.2.5A1-A2 |
3.2.5A1-A2 |
3.2.5A1-A2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Added an attestation that requires applicants to use the proper coding on their PDE submissions. |
3.2.5A3 |
3.2.5A3 |
3.2.5A3 |
N/A |
N/A |
Added an attestation that requires Part D sponsors to comply with HIT requirements as referenced in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. |
3.2.5A4 |
3.2.5A4 |
3.2.5A4 |
Health Information Technology |
N/A |
Made the following of the electronic prescription program rules conditional for PACE organizations similar to how formularies are treated. If the PACE organization uses e-prescribing then they must attest to meeting CMS requirements. |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Electronic Prescription Program |
Decrease |
Deleted the note in the general attestation since this is operationally not workable in the LTC setting. |
3.4A6 |
3.5A6 |
3.3A6 |
N/A |
N/A |
Deleting the reference makes the attestation consistent with Chapter 5 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual. |
3.4.2A1 |
3.5.2A1 |
3.3.2A1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Consistent with Chapter 5, the attestation specifies that organizations will not routinely permit more than one month’s supply of medication through an OON pharmacy. |
3.4.2A4 |
3.5.2A4 |
3.3.2A4 |
N/A |
N/A |
Changing the reference to a one-month supply addresses 31-day months. |
3.4.3A3 |
3.5.3A3 |
3.3.3A3 |
N/A |
N/A |
Added the reference to a new file indicating the number of pharmacies by service area that constitutes adequate access. |
3.4.4A1 |
3.5.4A1 |
3.3.4A1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Expands the attestation to include administered and delivered in the home setting to be consistent with the requirements set forth in regulation and Chapter 5. |
3.4.4A2 |
3.5.4A2 |
3.3.4A2 |
N/A |
N/A |
This requirement was part of MIPAA and was included in the contractual provision changes for the last application. Adding the attestation makes the section consistent with other required provisions specific to home infusion. |
3.4.4A6 |
3.5.4A6 |
3.3.4A6 |
N/A |
N/A |
Add attestations to highlight CMS’ expectation about contracting with LTC pharmacies that serve LTC facilities where the organization has beneficiaries residing. |
3.4.5A5 and 3.4.5A7-11 |
3.5.5A5 and 3.5.5A7-11 |
3.3.5A5 and 3.3.5A7-11 |
N/A |
N/A |
Clarified an existing attestation related to when a Part D sponsor may restrict access to a Part D drug through a specialty pharmacy. Specifies that a drug that requires additional education or counseling alone does not qualify a drug to be restricted to specialty pharmacies. |
3.4.7A1 |
3.5.7A1 |
3.3.7A1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Added a new attestation to reflect Chapter 13 and newer regulations at 42 CFR 423.586 for Applicants to follow the BAE policy. |
3.5A18 |
3.6A8 |
3.4A8 |
N/A |
N/A |
The 2010 Call Letter requires certain Part D sponsors to accept all enrollments submitted through the on-line enrollment center and to download them daily. |
3.5A22 |
3.6A12 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Added this attestation so that Part D sponsors know they must verify data received from CMS to identify any possible discrepancies. |
3.5A23 |
3.6A14 |
3.4A13 |
N/A |
N/A |
Identifies the 45-day schedule for submitting the monthly CEO certification of enrollment data for payment. |
3.5A24 |
3.6A15 |
3.4A14 |
N/A |
N/A |
Expects at least 95% of urgent complaints and complaints without a designated issue level to be resolved in accordance with CMS issued guidance. |
3.6A2-A3 |
3.7A2-A3 |
3.5A2-A3 |
Complaints Tracking |
N/A |
Added an attestation that failure to respond to a quality assurance outlier email from CMS may result in suppression of plan finder data from the website. |
3.7A4 |
3.8A4 |
3.6A4 |
N/A |
N/A |
Expanded attestations to reflect the ability of other prescribers to submit supporting statements for coverage determinations and the need for the sponsor to respond appropriately and timely to other prescribers. |
3.9A4 3.9A5 |
3.10A4 3.10A5 |
3.8A4 3.8A5 |
N/A |
N/A |
This attestation was added to be consistent with the 2010 Call Letter related to enrollee notifications regarding reimbursement or received reimbursement, when appropriate. |
3.9A8 |
3.10A8 |
3.8A8 |
N/A |
N/A |
3.9A16 |
3.10A16 |
3.8A16 |
N/A |
N/A |
Reflects guidance in Chapter 14 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual. |
3.10A7 |
3.11A7 |
3.9A7 |
N/A |
N/A |
Consistent with the 2010 Call Letter and Chapter 14, incorporated the ATBT process into the attestations. Identifies when sponsors must send data manually, provide an ATBT contact, and have systems capability to receive and respond to the TrOOP related data. |
3.11A13-A16 |
3.12A13-A16 |
3.10A13-16 |
N/A |
N/A |
Based on the 2010 Call Letter and Chapter 14, added an attestation that in situations involving workers’ compensation, Black Lung, No-Fault, or Liability coverage applicants should make conditional primary payment and recover mistaken payments. |
3.12A6 |
3.13A6 |
3.11A6 |
Medicare Secondary Payer |
N/A |
Consistent with the 2010 Call Letter and Chapter 14, revised an attestation to have the applicant establish the appropriate point-of-sale edits to deny payment and reject claims for the included drugs. |
3.12A7 |
3.13A7 |
3.11A7 |
Medicare Secondary Payer |
N/A |
Consistent with Chapter 2 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, added an attestation that marketing materials must be made available in any language that is the primary language of more than 10% of an Applicant’s plan’s geographic service area. |
3.13A5 |
3.14A5 |
3.12A5 |
N/A |
N/A |
Requires Part D sponsors to provide information on their website that describes prior authorization criteria, step therapy requirements, and quantity limits. Attestation language has been clarified to delete financial information that is not required on the Part D sponsors’ websites. |
3.13A7 |
3.14A7 |
3.12A7 |
N/A |
N/A |
Based on MIPPA, added two attestations dealing with agents/brokers. Specifically:
3.13A13 3.13A14 |
N/A |
3.12A13 3.12A14 |
N/A |
N/A |
Corresponds to the Reporting Requirements Instructions that data has been internally audited prior to submission to CMS. |
3.16A2 |
3.17A2 |
3.15A2 |
N/A |
N/A |
3.16A13-16 |
3.17A13-16 |
3.15A13-26 |
N/A |
Decrease |
Changed the language for the timing to submit enrollment, disenrollment and change transactions from “monthly” to “within the timeframes provided by CMS.” |
3.17A4 |
N/A |
N/A |
Data Exchange Between PACE Organizations and CMS |
N/A |
Clarified the attestation related to securing portable media. Changed the wording to make it clear that portable media must be secure regardless of whether it is inside or outside of the organization. |
3.18A4 |
3.19A4 |
3.17A4 |
N/A |
Consistent with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, requires applicants to abide by new privacy and security provisions and future CMS guidance related to business associates that obtain or create protected health information. |
3.18A11 |
3.19A11 |
3.17A11 |
N/A |
Added several attestations to ensure that Applicants are aware of basic requirements related to PDE. The attestations touch upon the following:
3.21A1-A6 |
3.22A1-A6 |
3.20A1-A6 |
Prescription Drug Event Records |
Increase |
Clarified an attestation to distinguish non-electronic claims submission from network pharmacies from requests for reimbursement from beneficiaries. |
3.22A2 3.22A4 |
3.23A2 3.23A4 |
3.21A2 3.21A4 |
Claims Processing |
N/A |
Deleted the specific names of MediSpan and First Data Bank since there are other organizations that publish pricing information. |
3.22A3 |
3.23A3 |
3.21A3 |
Claims Processing |
N/A |
3.22A6 |
3.23A6 |
3.21A6 |
Claims Processing |
N/A |
Based on how the above mentioned attestations were edited, duplicative attestations were deleted from this section. |
3.22A7-A8 |
3.23A7-A8 |
3.21A7-A8 |
Claims Processing |
N/A |
Changed the wording of an attestation to ensure that applicants use HIPPA compliant transactions where applicable. |
3.22A8 |
3.23A8 |
3.21A8 |
Claims Processing |
N/A |
Requires applicants to agree that systems receive regular updates to Part D claims are not paid when such claims have been prescribed by sanctioned (excluded) providers. |
3.22A11 |
3.23A11 |
3.21A11 |
Claims Processing |
N/A |
Consistent with the 2010 Call Letter, two attestations were created that require:
3.24 |
3.25 |
3.23 |
N/A |
Increase |
The IHS and TTAG have requested that CMS amend the ITU addendum to clarify existing provisions, specifically related to arbitration. The addendum will be required by all new applicants and any existing sponsors as they re-contract with ITU pharmacies. |
Appendix XV |
Appendix XI |
Appendix XI |
N/A |
N/A |
Per HHS guidance, deleted instructions for non-508 compliant software. Explained that CMS can only provide instructions and technical support for compliant software, but can still accept the access reports generated from non-508 compliant software. |
Appendix XIII |
Appendix X |
Appendix X |
N/A |
N/A |
Note: The Part D Service Area Expansion (SAE) application is an abbreviated version of the PDP and MA-PD applications. Corresponding changes and updates were made as appropriate. The one substantive change for the SAE application is that existing Part D Sponsors seeking to only expand employer service areas will need to complete the pharmacy access attestations.
Clarification |
Purpose of the Clarification |
Application |
Cost |
Updated dates (language where appropriate), references to statutes, regulations, Part D guidance, reference file names and URLs.
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
In an effort to make the language tense consistent throughout the application, grammatical changes were made. |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Clarified that CMS publishes the results of our monitoring on the appropriate websites, such as the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Finder. |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
N/A |
Updated language to reflect that CMS has developed enrollment systems, processes, payments. |
1.6.6 and 2.6.2 |
1.6.6 and 2.6.2 |
1.6.6 and 2.6.2 |
N/A |
Clarified language related to the payment to Part D sponsors. Specifically, clarify low income subsidies to mean low income cost sharing and premiums. |
1.6.7 |
1.6.7 |
1.6.7 |
N/A |
Clarified instructions related to the courtesy opportunity to cure deficiencies, the Notice of Intent to Deny process to cure deficiencies, and the retail pharmacy access review process. This includes clarification on the timing for correct retail pharmacy access submissions. |
Instructions; 2.4.1 2.8.1 |
Instructions; 2.4.1 2.8.1 |
Instructions; 2.4.1 2.8.1 |
N/A |
To clarify the section related to when payments will be wired to sponsor accounts, the first occurrence of the word “business” was deleted from the first sentence. |
2.6.3 |
2.6.3 |
2.6.3 |
N/A |
Consistent with the explanations provided for retail, home infusion and long-term care pharmacy access, a paragraph was added to explain expectations for ITU pharmacy access. |
2.8.4 |
2.8.4 |
2.8.4 |
N/A |
Clarified existing attestation that had the applicant agreeing to abide by the terms of the contract with CMS. The new wording has the applicant attesting to their intent. |
3.1.1A1 |
3.1.1A1 |
3.1.1A1 |
N/A |
Based on past submissions, clarified the language to clearly indicate Applicants must provide an organizational chart for the legal entity seeking to become a Part D sponsor and the placement of Part D operations within that legal entity. |
3.1.1B |
3.1.1B |
3.1.1B |
N/A |
Based on the December 2007 regulations, references to subcontractor are replaced with first tier, downstream, and related entities. |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
Throughout document |
To assist applicants in clearly identifying necessary contractual provisions, we divided an existing required provision related to the standard source of reimbursement into two provisions and clarified the language (source and updates). |
3.1.1D19 |
3.1.1D19 |
3.1.1D19 |
Management and Operations |
Many applicants enter into administrative service agreements in addition to contracts with other organizations to provide key Part D functions. |
3.1.1D 3.1.1E |
3.1.1D 3.1.1E |
3.1.1D 3.1.1E |
Management and Operations |
Added language “as applicable” since not all tracking of an enrollee’s benefit can be completed in real time. |
3.1.2A3 |
3.1.2A3 |
3.1.2A3 |
N/A |
Added the regulatory citations for the required contractual provisions as a point of reference for Applicants. |
3.1.1D |
3.1.1D |
Management and Operations |
Clarified general language in the attestation that addresses applicants to maintain policies and procedures related to over- and under-utilization. |
3.2.2A1 |
3.2.2A1 |
3.2.2A1 |
N/A |
Clarified the instructions so that it is clear to applicants, the ITU pharmacy contract template is only required if there is an ITU pharmacy within the pending service area. |
3.4B |
3.5B |
3.3B |
N/A |
Changed from 2008 to 2009 the reference year in the tables related to waiver of retail convenient access and waiver of any willing pharmacy requirements. |
N/A |
3.5.1G 3.5.1H |
3.3.1G 3.3.1H |
N/A |
The existing attestation specified U.S. postage mail receipt of delivery to demonstrate proof a contract was offered. This expands that proof to “other carrier’s” receipt of delivery. |
3.4.6A3 |
3.5.6A3 |
3.3.6A3 |
N/A |
Based on prior years’ experience, we clarified the instructions for submitting the ITU list to more clearly indicate that applicants must use the reference file provided by CMS exactly. |
3.4.6B |
3.5.6B |
3.3.6B |
N/A |
Consistent with Chapter 5, changing the phrase “special attention” to “special handling” more clearly references industry terminology. |
3.4.7A3 |
3.5.7A3 |
3.3.7A3 |
N/A |
Language was updated in several attestations to maintain consistency with Enrollment Guidance (PDPs-Chapter 3 & MA-PDs and Cost-Chapter 4). Meanings were unchanged. |
3.5A8 3.5A10-13 3.5A16 |
3.6A2 3.6A16-A17
3.4A2 3.4A15-A16 |
N/A |
Part D sponsors are required currently to submit change transactions within specified CMS timeframes. Adding the language makes the attestation consistent with current policy and operations. |
3.5A6 |
N/A |
3.4A12 |
N/A |
Reflects the language in Chapter 7 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual that Part D sponsors have 2 calendar days to resolve immediate need cases instead of 2 business days. |
3.6A1 |
3.7A1 |
3.5A1 |
Complaints Tracking |
Consistent with Chapter 14 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, updated language in several attestations. Meanings were unchanged. |
3.10A2 3.10A6 3.10A13 |
3.11A2 3.11A6 3.11A13 |
3.9A2 3.9A6 3.9A13 |
Coordination of Benefits |
Consistent with the 2010 Call Letter and Chapter 14 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, updated language in several attestations. Meanings were unchanged. |
3.11A2 3.11A6 3.11A7 3.11A9 3.11A10 |
3.12A2 3.12A6 3.12A7 3.12A9 3.12A10 |
3.10A2 3.10A6 3.10A7 3.10A9 3.10A10 |
Consistent with Chapter 2, revised wording related to call center hours. Specifically:
3.13A6 |
3.14A6 |
3.12A6 |
N/A |
Consistent with Chapter 2, revised wording related to call center hours. Specifically:
3.14A1 |
3.15A1 |
3.13A1 |
N/A |
Consistent with Chapter 18, revised language in several attestations to replace references of “exceptions” with “coverage determinations (including exceptions)”. |
3.14A2-A3 |
3.15A2-A3 |
3.13A2-A3 |
N/A |
3.15A-C |
3.16A-C |
3.14A-C |
Compliance Plan |
Makes the attestation clear that applicants will submit offshore subcontractor information via HPMS. |
3.18A10 |
3.19A10 |
3.17A10 |
Appendices VI-XI |
Appendices III-VIII |
Appendices III-VIII |
Crosswalks of Requirement in Subcontracts |
Appendix XIII |
Appendix X |
Appendix X |
N/A |
NOTE: Nothing in the technical changes table increases burden on the applicant.
Note: Language in Red indicates a change since the 60 day posting.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | OMB Application Review Table |
Author | Marla Rothouse |
Last Modified By | CMS |
File Modified | 2009-09-08 |
File Created | 2009-09-02 |