Attachment B to Supporting Statement


FERC-500, Application for License/Relicense for Water Projects with Greater than 5 MW Capacity

Attachment B to Supporting Statement

OMB: 1902-0058

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FERC-500 Attachment B

Federal Power Act

Section 4 (e) – To issue licenses to citizens of the United States, or to any association of such citizens, or to any corporation organized under the laws of the United States or any State thereof, or to any State or municipality for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining dams, water conduits, reservoirs, power houses, transmission lines, or other project works necessary or convenient for the development and improvement of navigation and for the development, transmission, and utilization of power across, along, from, or in any of the streams or other bodies of water over which Congress has jurisdiction under its authority to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several States, or upon any part of the public lands and reservations of the United States (including the Territories), or for the purpose of utilizing the surplus water or water power from any Government dam, except as herein provided: Provided, That licenses shall be issued within any reservation only after a finding by the Commission that the license will not interfere or be inconsistent with the purpose for which such reservation was created or acquired, and shall be subject to and contain such conditions as the Secretary of the department under whose supervision such reservation falls shall deem necessary for the adequate protection and utilization of such reservations: The license applicant and any party to the proceeding shall be entitled to a determination on the record, after opportunity for an agency trial-type hearing of no more than 90 days, on any disputed issues of material fact with respect to such conditions. All disputed issues of material fact raised by any
party shall be determined in a single trial-type hearing to be conducted by the relevant resource agency in accordance with the regulations promulgated under this subsection and within the time frame established by the Commission for each license proceeding. Within 90 days of the date of enactment of the Energy Policy

Act of 2005, the Secretaries of the Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture shall establish jointly, by rule, the procedures for such expedited trial-type hearing, including the opportunity to undertake discovery and cross-examine witnesses, in consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Provided further, That no license affecting the navigable capacity of any navigable waters of the United States shall be issued until the plans of the dam or other structures affecting the navigation have been approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of the Army. Whenever the contemplated improvement is, in the judgment of the Commission, desirable and justified in the public interest for the purpose of improving or developing a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of interstate or foreign commerce, a finding to that effect shall be made by the Commission and shall become a part of the records of the Commission: Provided further, That in case the Commission shall find that any Government dam may be advantageously used by the United States for public purposes in addition to navigation, no license therefor shall be issued until two years after it shall have reported to Congress the facts and conditions relating thereto, except that this provision shall not apply to any Government dam constructed prior to June 10, 1920: And provided further, That upon the filing of any application for a license which has not been preceded by a preliminary permit under subsection (f) of this section, notice shall be given and published as required by the proviso of said subsection. In deciding whether to issue any license under this Part for any project, the Commission, in addition to the power and development purposes for which licenses are issued, shall give equal consideration to the purposes of energy conservation, the protection, mitigation of damage to, and enhancement of, fish and wildlife (including related spawning grounds and habitat), the protection of recreational opportunities, and the preservation of other aspects of environmental quality.

Section 9. (a) Each applicant for a license hereunder shall submit to the commission -

(1) Such maps, plans, specifications, and estimates of cost as may be required for a full understanding of the proposed project. Such maps, plans, and specifications when approved by the commission shall be made a part of the license; and thereafter no change shall be made in said maps, plans, or specifications until such changes shall have been approved and made a part of such license by the commission.

(2) Satisfactory evidence that the applicant has complied with the requirements of the laws of the State or States within which the proposed project is to be located with respect to bed and banks and to the appropriation, diversion, and use of water for power purposes and with respect to the right to engage in the business of developing, transmitting and distributing power, and in any other business necessary to effect the purposes of a license under this Act.

(b) Upon the filing of any application for a license (other than a license under section 15) the applicant shall make a good faith effort to notify each of the following by certified mail:

(1) Any person who is an owner of record of any interest in the property within the bounds of the project.

(2) Any Federal, State, municipal or other local governmental agency likely to be interested in or affected by such application.

(c) Such additional information as the commission may require.

Section 10. All licenses issued under this Part shall be on the following conditions:

(a) (1) That the project adopted, including the maps, plans, and specifications, shall be such as in the judgment of the Commission will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of interstate or foreign commerce, for the improvement and utilization of water-power development, for the adequate protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife (including related spawning grounds and habitat), and for other beneficial public uses, including irrigation, flood control, water supply, and recreational and other purposes referred to in section 4(e); and if necessary in order to secure such plan the Commission shall have authority to require the modification of any project and of the plans and specifications of the project works before approval.

(2) In order to ensure that the project adopted will be best adapted to the comprehensive plan described in paragraph (1), the Commission shall consider each of the following:

(A) The extent to which the project is consistent with a comprehensive plan (where one exists) for improving, developing, or conserving a waterway or waterways affected by the project that is prepared by -

(i) an agency established pursuant to Federal law that has the authority to prepare such a plan; or

(ii) the State in which the facility is or will be located.

(B) The recommendations of Federal and State agencies exercising administration over flood control, navigation, irrigation, recreation, cultural and other relevant resources of the State in which the project is located, and the recommendations (including fish and wildlife recommendations) of Indian tribes affected by the project.

(C) In the case of a State or municipal applicant, or an applicant which is primarily engaged in the generation or sale of electric power (other than electric power solely from cogeneration facilities or small power production facilities),the electricity consumption efficiency improvement program of the applicant, including its plans, performance and capabilities for encouraging or assisting its customers to conserve electricity cost-effectively, taking into account the published policies, restrictions, and requirements of relevant State regulatory authorities applicable to such applicant.

(3) Upon receipt of an application for a license, the Commission shall solicit recommendations from the agencies and Indian tribes identified in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (2) for proposed terms and conditions for the Commission's consideration for inclusion in the license.

(b) That except when emergency shall require for the protection of navigation, life, health, or property, no substantial alteration or addition not in conformity with the approved plans shall be made to any dam or other project works constructed hereunder of an installed capacity in excess of two thousand horsepower without the prior approval of the Commission; and any emergency alteration or addition so made shall thereafter be subject to such modification and change as the Commission may direct.

(c) That the licensee shall maintain the project works in a condition of repair adequate for the purposes of navigation and for the efficient operation of said works in the development and transmission of power, shall make all necessary renewals and replacements, shall establish and maintain adequate depreciation reserves for such purposes, shall so maintain, and operate said works as not to impair navigation, and shall conform to such rules and regulations as the Commission may from time to time prescribe for the protection of life, health, and property. Each licensee hereunder shall be liable for all damages occasioned to the property of others by the construction, maintenance, or operation of the project works or of the works appurtenant or accessory thereto, constructed under the license and in no event shall the United States be liable therefor.

(d) That after the first twenty years of operation, out of surplus earned thereafter, if any, accumulated in excess of a specified reasonable rate of return upon the net investment of a licensee in any project or projects under license, the licensee shall establish and maintain amortization reserves, which reserves shall, in the discretion of the Commission, be held until the termination of the license or be applied from time to time in reduction of the net investment. Such specified rate of return and the proportion of such surplus earnings to be paid into and held in such reserves shall be set forth in the license. For any new license issued under section 15, the amortization reserves under this subsection shall be maintained on and after the effective date of such new license.

(e) (1) That the licensee shall pay to the United States reasonable annual charges in an amount to be fixed by the Commission for the purpose of reimbursing the United States for the costs of the administration of this Part, including any reasonable and necessary costs incurred by Federal and State fish and wildlife agencies and other natural and cultural resource agencies in connection with studies or other reviews carried out by such agencies for purposes of administering their responsibilities under this Part; for recompensing it for the use, occupancy, and enjoyment of its lands or other property; and for the expropriation to the Government of excessive profits until the respective States shall make provision for preventing excessive profits or for the expropriation thereof to themselves, or until the period of amortization as herein provided is reached, and in fixing such charges the Commission shall seek to avoid increasing the price to the consumers of power by such charges, and any such charges may be adjusted from time to time by the Commission as conditions may require: Provided,

That, subject to annual appropriations Acts, the portion of such annual charges imposed by the Commission under this subsection to cover the reasonable and necessary costs of such agencies shall be available to such agencies (in addition to other funds appropriated for such purposes) solely for carrying out such studies and reviews and shall remain available until expended:

Provided, That when licenses are issued involving the use of Government dams or other structures owned by the United States or tribal lands embraced within Indian reservations the Commission shall, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior in the case of such dams or structures in reclamation projects and, in the case of such tribal lands, subject to the approval of the Indian tribe having jurisdiction of such lands as provided in section 16 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), fix a reasonable annual charge for the use thereof, and such charges may with like approval be readjusted by the Commission at the end of twenty years after the project is available for service and at periods of not less than ten years thereafter upon notice and opportunity for hearing:

Provided further, That licenses for the development, transmission, or distribution of power by States or municipalities shall be issued and enjoyed without charge to the extent such power is sold to the public without profit or is used by such State or municipality for State or municipal purposes, except that as to projects constructed or to be constructed by States or municipalities primarily designed to provide or improve navigation, licenses therefor shall be issued without charge; and that licenses for the development, transmission, or distribution of power for domestic, mining, or other beneficial use in projects of not more than two thousand horsepower installed capacity may be issued without charge, except on tribal lands within Indian reservations; but in no case shall a license be issued free of charge for the development and utilization of power created by any Government dam and that the amount charged therefor in any license shall be such as determined by the Commission: Provided however, That no charge shall be assessed for the use of any Government dam or structure by any licensee if, before January 1, 1985, the Secretary of the Interior has entered into a contract with such licensee that meets each of the following requirements:

(A) The contract covers one or more projects for which a license was issued by the Commission before January 1, 1985.

(B) The contract contains provisions specifically providing each of the following:

(i) A powerplant may be built by the licensee utilizing irrigation facilities constructed by the United States.

(ii) The powerplant shall remain in the exclusive control, possession, and ownership of the licensee concerned.

(iii) All revenue from the powerplant and from the use, sale, or disposal of electric energy from the powerplant shall be, and remain, the property of such licensee.

(C) The contract is an amendatory, supplemental and replacement contract between the United States and: (i) the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District (Contract No. 14-06-100-6418); (ii) the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District (Contract No. 14-06-100-6419); or, (iii) the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District (Contract No. 14-06-100-6420).

This paragraph shall apply to any project covered by a contract referred to in this paragraph only during the term of such contract unless otherwise provided by subsequent Act of Congress. In the event an overpayment of any charge due under this section shall be made by a licensee, the Commission is authorized to allow a credit for such overpayment when charges are due for any subsequent period.

(2) In the case of licenses involving the use of Government dams or other structures owned by the United States, the charges fixed (or readjusted) by the Commission under paragraph (1) for the use of such dams or structures shall not exceed 1 mill per kilowatt-hour for the first 40 gigawatt-hours of energy a project produces in any year, 1 1/2 mills per kilowatt-hour for over 40 up to and including 80 gigawatt-hours in any year, and 2 mills per kilowatt-hour for any energy the project produces over 80 gigawatt-hours in any year. Except as provided in subsection (f) of this section, such charge shall be the only charge assessed by any agency of the United States for the use of such dams or structures.

(3) The provisions of paragraph (2) shall apply with respect to -

(A) all licenses issued after the date of enactment of this paragraph; and

(B) all licenses issued before such date, which -

(i) did not fix a specific charge for the use of the Government dam or structure involved; and

(ii) did not specify that no charge would be fixed for the use of such dam or structure.

(4) Every 5 years, the Commission shall review the appropriateness of the annual charge limitations provided for in this subsection and report to Congress concerning its recommendations thereon.

(f) That whenever any licensee hereunder is directly benefited by the construction work of another licensee, a permittee, or of the United States of a storage reservoir or other headwater improvement, the Commission shall require as a condition of the license that the licensee so benefited shall reimburse the owner of such reservoir or other improvements for such part of the annual charges for interest, maintenance, and depreciation thereon as the Commission may deem equitable. The proportion of such charges to be paid by any licensee shall be determined by the Commission. The licensees or permittees affected shall pay to the United States the cost of making such determination as fixed by the Commission.

Whenever such reservoir or other improvement is constructed by the United States the Commission shall assess similar charges against any licensee directly benefited thereby, and any amount so assessed shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, to be reserved and appropriated as a part of the special fund for headwater improvements as provided in section 17 hereof.

Whenever any power project not under license is benefited by the construction work of a licensee or permittee, the United States or any agency thereof, the Commission, after notice to the owner or owners of such unlicensed project, shall determine and fix a reasonable and equitable annual charge to be paid to the licensee or permittee on account of such benefits, or to the United States if it be the owner of such headwater improvement.

(g) Such other conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as the commission may require.

(h) (1) Combinations, agreements, arrangements, or understandings, express or implied, to limit the output of electrical energy, to restrain trade, or to fix, maintain, or increase prices for electrical energy or service are hereby prohibited. (2) That conduct under the license that: (A) results in the contravention of the policies expressed in the antitrust laws; and (B) is not otherwise justified by the public interest considering regulatory policies expressed in other applicable law (including but not limited to those contained in Part II of this Act) shall be prevented or adequately minimized by means of conditions included in the license prior to its issuance. In the event it is impossible to prevent or adequately minimize the contravention, the Commission shall refuse to issue any license to the applicant for the project and, in the case of an existing project, shall take appropriate action to provide thereafter for the operation and maintenance of the affected project and for the issuing of a new license in accordance with section 15 of this Part.

(i) In issuing licenses for a minor part only of a complete project, or for a complete project of not more than two thousand horsepower installed capacity, the Commission may in its discretion waive such conditions, provisions, and requirements of this Part, except the license period of fifty years, as it may deem to be to the public interest to waive under the circumstances: Provided, That the provisions hereof shall not apply to annual charges for use of lands within Indian reservations.

(j)(1) That in order to adequately and equitably protect, mitigate damages to, and enhance, fish and wildlife (including related spawning grounds and habitat) affected by the development, operation, and management of the project, each license issued under this Part shall include conditions for such protection, mitigation, and enhancement. Subject to paragraph (2), such conditions shall be based on recommendations received pursuant to the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) from the National Marine Fisheries Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and State fish and wildlife agencies.

(2) Whenever the Commission believes that any recommendation referred to in paragraph (1) may be inconsistent with the purposes and requirements of this Part or other applicable law, the Commission and the agencies referred to in paragraph (1) shall attempt to resolve any such inconsistency, giving due weight to the recommendations, expertise, and statutory responsibilities of such agencies. If, after such attempt, the Commission does not adopt in whole or in part a recommendation of any such agency, the Commission shall publish each of the following findings (together with a statement of the basis for each of the findings):

(A) A finding that adoption of such recommendation is inconsistent with the purposes and requirements of this Part or with other applicable provisions of law.

(B) A finding that the conditions selected by the Commission comply with the requirements of paragraph (1). Subsection (i) of this section shall not apply to the conditions required under this subsection.

Section 14. (a) Upon not less than two years' notice in writing from the commission the United States shall have the right upon or after the expiration of any license to take over and thereafter to maintain and operate any project or projects as defined in section 3 hereof, and covered in whole or in part by the license, or the right to take over upon mutual agreement with the licensee all property owned and held by the licensee then valuable and serviceable in the development, transmission, or distribution of power and which is then dependent for its usefulness upon the continuance of the license, together with any lock or locks or other aids to navigation constructed at the expense of the licensee, upon the condition that before taking possession it shall pay the net investment of the licensee in the project or projects taken, not to exceed the fair value of the property taken, plus such reasonable damages, if any, to property of the licensee valuable, serviceable, and dependent as above set forth but not taken, as may be caused by the severance therefrom of property taken, and shall assume all contracts entered into by the licensee with the approval of the Commission. The net investment of the licensee in the project or projects so taken and the amount of such severance damages, if any, shall be determined by the Commission after notice and opportunity for hearing. Such net investment shall not include or be affected by the value of any lands, rights-of-way, or other property of the United States licensed by the Commission under this Act, by the license or by good will, going value, or prospective revenues; nor shall the values allowed for water rights, rights-of-way, lands, or interest in lands be in excess of the actual reasonable cost thereof at the time of acquisition by the licensee: Provided, That the right of the United States or any State or municipality to take over, maintain, and operate any project licensed under this Act at any time by condemnation proceedings upon payment of just compensation is expressly reserved.

(b) In any relicensing proceeding before the Commission any Federal department or agency may timely recommend, pursuant to such rules as the Commission shall prescribe, that the United States exercise its right to take over any project or projects. Thereafter, the Commission, if its does not itself recommend such action pursuant to the provisions of section 7(c) of this part, shall upon motion of such department or agency stay the effective date of any order issuing a license, except an order issuing an annual license in accordance with the proviso of section 15(a), for two years after the date of issuance of such order, after which period the stay shall terminate, unless terminated earlier upon motion of the department or agency requesting the stay or by action of Congress. The Commission shall notify the Congress of any stay granted pursuant to this subsection.

Section 15. (a) (1) If the United States does not, at the expiration of the existing license, exercise its right to take over, maintain, and operate any project or projects of the licensee, as provided in section 14 hereof, the commission is authorized to issue a new license to the existing licensee upon such terms and conditions as may be authorized or required under the then existing laws and regulations, or to issue a new license under said terms and conditions to a new licensee, which license may cover any project or projects covered by the existing license, and shall be issued on the condition that the new licensee shall, before taking possession of such project or projects, pay such amount, and assume such contracts as the United States is required to do in the manner specified in section 14 hereof: Provided, That in the event the United States does not exercise the right to take over or does not issue a license to a new licensee, or issue a new license to the existing licensee, upon reasonable terms, then the commission shall issue from year to year an annual license to the then licensee under the terms and conditions of the existing license until the property is taken over or a new license is issued as aforesaid.

(2) Any new license issued under this section shall be issued to the applicant having the final proposal which the Commission determines is best adapted to serve the public interest, except that in making this determination the Commission shall ensure that insignificant differences with regard to subparagraphs (A) through (G) of this paragraph between competing applications are not determinative and shall not result in the transfer of a project.

In making a determination under this section (whether or not more than one application is submitted for the project), the Commission shall, in addition to the requirements of section 10 of this Part, consider (and explain such consideration in writing) each of the following:

(A) The plans and abilities of the applicant to comply with (i) the articles, terms, and conditions of any license issued to it and (ii) other applicable provisions of this Part.

(B) The plans of the applicant to manage, operate, and maintain the project safely.

(C) The plans and abilities of the applicant to operate and maintain the project in a manner most likely to provide efficient and reliable electric service.

(D) The need of the applicant over the short and long term for the electricity generated by the project or projects to serve its customers, including, among other relevant considerations, the reasonable costs and reasonable availability of alternative sources of power, taking into consideration conservation and other relevant factors and taking into consideration the effect on the provider (including its customers) of the alternative source of power, the effect on the applicant's operating and load characteristics, the effect on communities served or to be served by the project, and in the case of an applicant using power for the applicant's own industrial facility and related operations, the effect on the operation and efficiency of such facility or related operations, its workers, and the related community. In the case of an applicant that is an Indian tribe applying for a license for a project located on the tribal reservation, a statement of the need of such tribe for electricity generated by the project to foster the purposes of the reservation may be included.

(E) The existing and planned transmission services of the applicant, taking into consideration system reliability, costs, and other applicable economic and technical factors.

(F) Whether the plans of the applicant will be achieved, to the greatest extent possible, in a cost effective manner.

(G) Such other factors as the Commission may deem relevant, except that the terms and conditions in the license for the protection, mitigation, or enhancement of fish and wildlife resources affected by the development, operation, and management of the project shall be determined in accordance with section 10, and the plans of an applicant concerning fish and wildlife shall not be subject to a comparative evaluation under this subsection.

(3) In the case of an application by the existing licensee, the Commission shall also take into consideration each of the following:

(A) The existing licensee's record of compliance with the terms and conditions of the existing license.

(B) The actions taken by the existing licensee related to the project which affect the public.

(b) (1) Each existing licensee shall notify the Commission whether the licensee intends to file an application for a new license or not. Such notice shall be submitted at least 5 years before the expiration of the existing license.

(2) At the time notice is provided under paragraph (1), the existing licensee shall make each of the following reasonably available to the public for inspection at the offices of such licensee: current maps, drawings, data, and such other information as the Commission shall, by rule, require regarding the construction and operation of the licensed project. Such information shall include, to the greatest extent practicable pertinent energy conservation, recreation, fish and wildlife, and other environmental information. Copies of the information shall be made available at reasonable costs of reproduction. Within 180 days after the enactment of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986, the Commission shall promulgate regulations regarding the information to be provided under this paragraph.

(3) Promptly following receipt of notice under paragraph (1), the Commission shall provide public notice of whether an existing licensee intends to file or not to file an application for a new license. The Commission shall also promptly notify the National Marine Fisheries Service and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the appropriate State fish and wildlife agencies.

(4) The Commission shall require the applicant to identify any Federal or Indian lands included in the project boundary, together with a statement of the annual fees paid as required by this Part for such lands, and to provide such additional information as the Commission deems appropriate to carry out the Commission's responsibilities under this section.

(c) (1) Each application for a new license pursuant to this section shall be filed with the Commission at least 24 months before the expiration of the term of the existing license. Each applicant shall consult with the fish and wildlife agencies referred to in subsection (b) of this section and, as appropriate, conduct studies with such agencies. Within 60 days after the statutory deadline for the submission of applications, the Commission shall issue a notice establishing expeditious procedures for relicensing and a deadline for submission of final amendments, if any, to the application.

(2) The time periods specified in this subsection and in subsection (b) of this section shall be adjusted, in a manner that achieves the objectives of this section, by the Commission by rule or order with respect to existing licensees who, by reason of the expiration dates of their licenses, are unable to comply with a specified time period.

(d) (1) In evaluating applications for new licenses pursuant to this section, the Commission shall not consider whether an applicant has adequate transmission facilities with regard to the project.

(2) When the Commission issues a new license (pursuant to this section) to an applicant which is not the existing licensee of the project and finds that it is not feasible for the new licensee to utilize the energy from such project without provision by the existing licensee of reasonable services, including transmission services, the Commission shall give notice to the existing licensee and the new licensee to immediately enter into negotiations for such services and the costs demonstrated by the existing licensee as being related to the provision of such services. It is the intent of the Congress that such negotiations be carried out in good faith and that a timely agreement be reached between the parties in order to facilitate the transfer of the license by the date established when the Commission issued the new license. If such parties do not notify the Commission that within the time established by the Commission in such notice (and if appropriate, in the judgment of the Commission, one 45-day extension thereof), a mutually satisfactory arrangement for such services that is consistent with the provisions of this Act has been executed, the Commission shall order the existing licensee to file (pursuant to section 205 of this Act) with the Commission a tariff, subject to refund, ensuring such services beginning on the date of transfer of the project and including just and reasonable rates and reasonable terms and conditions. After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Commission shall issue a final order adopting or modifying such tariff for such services at just and reasonable rates in accordance with section 205 of this Act and in accordance with reasonable terms and conditions. The Commission, in issuing such order, shall ensure the services necessary for the full and efficient utilization and benefits for the license term of the electric energy from the project by the new licensee in accordance with the license and this Part, except that in issuing such order the Commission -

(A) shall not compel the existing licensee to enlarge generating facilities, transmit electric energy other than to the distribution system (providing service to customers) of the new licensee identified as of the date one day preceding the date of license award, or require the acquisition of new facilities, including the upgrading of existing facilities other than any reasonable enhancement or improvement of existing facilities controlled by the existing licensee (including any acquisition related to such enhancement or improvement) necessary to carry out the purposes of this paragraph;

(B) shall not adversely affect the continuity and reliability of service to the customers of the existing licensee;

(C) shall not adversely affect the operational integrity of the transmission and electric systems of the existing licensee;

(D) shall not cause any reasonably quantifiable increase in the jurisdictional rates of the existing licensee; and

(E) shall not order any entity other than the existing licensee to provide transmission or other services.

Such order shall be for such period as the Commission deems appropriate, not to exceed the term of the license. At any time,the Commission, upon its own motion or upon a petition by the existing or new licensee and after notice and opportunity for a hearing, may modify, extend, or terminate such order.

(e) Except for an annual license, any license issued by the Commission under this section shall be for a term which the Commission determines to be in the public interest but not less than 30 years, nor more than 50 years, from the date on which the license is issued.

(f) In issuing any licenses under this section except an annual license, the Commission, on its own motion or upon application of any licensee, person, State, municipality, or State commission, after notice to each State commission and licensee affected, and after opportunity for hearing, whenever it finds that in conformity with a comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway or waterways for beneficial public uses all or part of any licensed project should no longer be used or adapted for use for power purposes, may license all or part of the project works for nonpower use. A license for nonpower use shall be issued to a new licensee only on the condition that the new licensee shall, before taking possession of the facilities encompassed thereunder, pay such amount and assume such contracts as the United States is required to do, in the manner specified in section 14 hereof. Any license for nonpower use shall be a temporary license. Whenever, in the judgment of the Commission, a State, municipality, interstate agency, or another Federal agency is authorized and willing to assume regulatory supervision of the lands and facilities included under the nonpower license and does so, the Commission shall thereupon terminate the license. Consistent with the provisions of the Act of August 15, 1953 (67 Stat; 16 U.S.C. 828-828c), every licensee for nonpower use shall keep such accounts and file such annual and other periodic or special reports concerning the removal, alteration, nonpower use, or other disposition of any project works or parts thereof covered by the nonpower use license as the Commission may by rules and regulations or order prescribe as necessary or appropriate.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleFederal Power Act
AuthorSheila Lampitoc
Last Modified ByEllen Brown
File Modified2009-08-24
File Created2009-08-24

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